lclasses = [self.getucesfrometoile(etoile) for etoile in etoiles]
stats = self.get_stat_by_cluster(None, lclasses)
stats = [[etoiles[i]] + val for i, val in enumerate(stats)]
+ first = [_('variable'), _('occurences'), _('formes'), _('hapax'), _('segments'), _('hapax/formes')]
+ if outf is not None :
+ toprint = '\t'.join(first) + "\n"
+ toprint += '\n'.join(['\t'.join(line) for line in stats])
+ with open(outf, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f :
+ f.write(toprint)
+ else :
+ return stats
def gethapaxbyet(self, etoiles) :
hapaxuces = [self.getlemuces(forme)[0] for forme in self.lems if self.lems[forme].freq == 1]
content =
content = [line.replace('\n', '').replace('\r','').replace('\"', '').replace(',', '.').split(sep) for line in content.splitlines()]
first = content.pop(0)
- dict = {}
+ dico = {}
i = 0
for line in content:
nline = [line[0]]
don = float('%.5f' % float(val))
- dict[i] = nline
+ dico[i] = nline
i += 1
- return dict, first
+ return dico, first
+def readliststat(filein, sep='\t') :
+ with open(filein, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f :
+ content =
+ content = [line.replace('\n', '').replace('\r','').replace('\"', '').replace(',', '.').split(sep) for line in content.splitlines()]
+ dico = {}
+ content = list(map(list, zip(*content)))
+ first = content.pop(0)
+ i=0
+ for line in content:
+ nline = [line[0]]
+ for val in line[1:]:
+ if val == 'NA' :
+ don = ''
+ else:
+ try:
+ don = int(val)
+ except:
+ don = float('%.5f' % float(val))
+ nline.append(don)
+ dico[i] = nline
+ i += 1
+ return dico, first
def read_dist_list(filein, sep=';') :
ldict = {}
from chemins import ConstructPathOut, ChdTxtPathOut, FFF, ffr, PathOut, StatTxtPathOut, simipath
from configparser import ConfigParser
from functions import ReadProfileAsDico, GetTxtProfile, read_list_file, ReadList, exec_rcode, print_liste, BugReport, DoConf,\
- indices_simi, check_Rresult, progressbar, normpath_win32, TGen, ReadList, launchcommand, read_dist_list
+ indices_simi, check_Rresult, progressbar, normpath_win32, TGen, ReadList, launchcommand, read_dist_list, readliststat
from ProfList import ProfListctrlPanel
from guiparam3d import param3d, simi3d
from PrintRScript import write_afc_graph, print_simi3d, PrintSimiScript
self.DictSpec, first = ReadList(self.dictpathout['tablespecf'], self.corpus.parametres['syscoding'])
if os.path.exists(self.pathout['banalites.csv']) :
self.dictban, firstban = ReadList(self.pathout['banalites.csv'], self.corpus.parametres['syscoding'])
+ if os.path.exists(self.pathout['statbyet.csv']) :
+ self.dictstat, first = readliststat(self.pathout['statbyet.csv'])
self.DictType, firstt = ReadList(self.dictpathout['tablespect'], self.corpus.parametres['syscoding'])
self.DictEff, firsteff = ReadList(self.dictpathout['tableafcm'], self.corpus.parametres['syscoding'])
self.DictEffType, firstefft = ReadList(self.dictpathout['tabletypem'], self.corpus.parametres['syscoding'])
self.ListPan.pathout = self.pathout
if os.path.exists(self.pathout['banalites.csv']) :
self.listban = ListForSpec(ira, self, self.dictban, ['eff'] + self.etoiles, usefirst = True)
+ if os.path.exists(self.pathout['statbyet.csv']) :
+ self.liststat = ListForSpec(ira, self,self.dictstat, self.etoiles)
+ self.liststat.pathout = self.pathout
#self.ListPan2 = ListForSpec(sash.rightwin1, self, self.DictSpec, first)
self.ListPant = ListForSpec(ira, self, self.DictType, self.etoiles)
self.ListPant.pathout = self.pathout
self.ListPanEffRelForme.pathout = self.pathout
self.ListPanEffRelType = ListForSpec(ira, self, self.DictEffRelType, self.etoiles)
self.ListPanEffRelType.pathout = self.pathout
+ if os.path.exists(self.pathout['statbyet.csv']) :
+ self.TabStat.AddPage(self.liststat, _('Statistics'))
self.TabStat.AddPage(self.ListPan, _('Forms'))
if os.path.exists(self.pathout['banalites.csv']) :
self.TabStat.AddPage(self.listban, _('Banal forms'))