def CopyUce(uce) :
return Uce(uce.ident, uce.para, uce.uci)
def CopyUci(uci):
nuci = Uci(uci.ident, '')
nuci.uces = [CopyUce(uce) for uce in uci.uces]
nuci.paras = copy(uci.paras)
return nuci
class Corpus :
uces = [[val[0], '\n'.join([row[1] for row in self.getconcorde(val[1])])] for val in uces]
return uces
+ def getuciconcorde_uces(self, uciid, uceid) :
+ uces = [uce.ident for uce in self.ucis[uciid].uces]
+ uces = [row for row in self.getconcorde(uces)]
+ return uces
def getwordconcorde(self, word) :
return self.getconcorde(self.getworduces(word))
def getallucis(self):
uces = [row[1] for row in self.getalluces()]
return [[uci.ident, '\n'.join([uces[uce.ident] for uce in uci.uces])] for uci in self.ucis]
def getucesfrometoile(self, etoile) :
return [uce.ident for uci in self.ucis for uce in uci.uces if etoile in uci.etoiles]
else :
idpara += 1
return etoileuces
def getetoileucis(self):
etoileuces = {}
for uci in self.ucis :
self.lems[self.formes[forme].lem] = Lem(self, self.formes[forme])
else :
self.lems = dict([[forme, Lem(self, self.formes[forme])] for forme in self.formes])
def make_lems_from_dict(self, dictionnaire, dolem = True) :'make lems from dict')
self.lems = {}
self.lems[self.formes[forme].lem] = Lem(self, self.formes[forme])
else :
self.lems[forme] = Lem(self, self.formes[forme])
def make_idformes(self) :
self.idformes = dict([[self.formes[forme].ident, self.formes[forme]] for forme in self.formes])
self.iduces = dict([[uce.ident, uce] for uci in self.ucis for uce in uci.uces])
def make_lexitable(self, mineff, etoiles, gram = 0) :
+'making lexical table...')
if gram == 0 :
grams = {1:'', 2:''}
else :
tab.insert(0, [''] + etoiles)
return tab
def make_tgen_table(self, tgen, etoiles, tot = None):
lclasses = [self.getucesfrometoile(etoile) for etoile in etoiles]
sets = [set(cl) for cl in lclasses]
f.write(guce.encode(self.parametres['syscoding']) + '\n\n')
def export_classe(self, outf, classe, lem = False, uci = False) :
- sts =[classe - 1]
+ sts =[classe - 1]
if not uci :
res = self.getconcorde(sts)
nbl += 1
f.write(''.join([' '.join([`uce+1`, `i+1`,`1`]),'\n']))
- with open(outfile, 'w') as ffin :
+ with open(outfile, 'w') as ffin :
ffin.write("%%%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate integer general\n%i %i %i\n" % (self.getucenb(), len(actives), nbl))
for line in f :
nbl += 1
f.write(''.join([' '.join([`uci+1`, `i+1`,`1`]),'\n']))
- with open(outfile, 'w') as ffin :
+ with open(outfile, 'w') as ffin :
ffin.write("%%%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate integer general\n%i %i %i\n" % (self.getucinb(), len(actives), nbl))
for line in f :
for uce in uces_ok :
f.write(''.join([' '.join([`duces[uce]+1`,`i+1`,`1`]),'\n']))
- with open(outfile, 'w') as ffin :
+ with open(outfile, 'w') as ffin :
ffin.write("%%%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate integer general\n%i %i %i\n" % (len(uces), len(actives), nbl))
for line in f :
os.remove(outfile + '~')
def make_table_with_classe(self, uces, list_act, uci = False) :
table_uce = [[0 for val in list_act] for line in range(0,len(uces))]
uces = dict([[uce, i] for i, uce in enumerate(uces)])
for uce in lemuces :
table_uce[uces[uce]][i] = 1
table_uce.insert(0, list_act)
- return table_uce
+ return table_uce
def make_pondtable_with_classe(self, uces, list_act) :
table_uce = [[0 for val in list_act] for line in range(0,len(uces))]
uces = dict([[uce, i] for i, uce in enumerate(uces)])
for uce in lemuces :
table_uce[uces[uce]][i] = uceseff[uce]
table_uce.insert(0, list_act)
- return table_uce
+ return table_uce
def parse_active(self, gramact, gramsup = None) :'parse actives')
tab = [[line[0]] + [`val` for val in line[1:]] for line in tab if sum(line[1:]) >= 3]
with open(fileout, 'w') as f :
f.write('\n'.join([';'.join(line) for line in tab]).encode(self.parametres['syscoding']))
+ f.write('\n')
def make_etoiles(self) :
etoiles = set([])
etoileuces = self.getetoileuces()
else :
etoileuces = self.getetoileucis()
- etoileuces = dict([[et, etoileuces[et]] for et in etoileuces if len(etoileuces[et]) > 1])
+ print 'etoilesuces ok'
+ etoileuces = dict([[et, etoileuces[et]] for et in etoileuces if
+ len(etoileuces[et]) > 1 ]) #and not et.startswith(u'*reference_')
+ print len(etoileuces)
+ print 'etoilesuces ok2'
with open(fileout, 'w') as f :
+ print 'write...'
f.write('\n'.join([';'.join([et] + [`len(set(etoileuces[et]).intersection(classe))` for classe in ucecl]) for et in etoileuces]).encode(self.parametres['syscoding']))
#etoiles = self.make_etoiles()
#with open(fileout, 'w') as f :
txt += '<font color="%s">' % (color[ucecl[uce[0]]]) + uce[1] + '</font><br><br>'
return txt + '\n</body></html>'
+ def make_cut_corpus(self, uci = False) :
+ txt = u''
+ if not uci :
+ res = self.getalluces()
+ self.make_iduces()
+ actuci = ''
+ actpara = False
+ for uce in res :
+ if self.iduces[uce[0]].uci != actuci :
+ actuci = self.iduces[uce[0]].uci
+ txt += u'\n' + ' '.join(self.ucis[self.iduces[uce[0]].uci].etoiles) + u'\n'
+ txt += ''.join([u'\n',uce[1],u'\n'])
+ else :
+ txt += ''.join([u'\n',uce[1],u'\n'])
+ else :
+ res = self.getallucis()
+ actuci = ''
+ for uce in res :
+ if self.ucis[uce[0]].ident != actuci :
+ actuci = self.ucis[uce[0]].ident
+ txt += u'\n' + ' '.join(self.ucis[self.ucis[uce[0]].ident].etoiles) + u'\n'
+ txt += ''.join([u'\n',uce[1],u'\n'])
+ else :
+ txt += ''.join([u'\n',uce[1],u'\n'])
+ return txt
def count_from_list(self, l, d) :
for val in l :
if val in d :
newuces = []
newpara = []
for et in uci.paras :
- keepuces = [CopyUce(uce) for uce in uci.uces if uce.ident in dictucekeep]
+ keepuces = [CopyUce(uce) for uce in uci.uces if uce.ident in dictucekeep and uce.para == idpara]
idpara += 1
if keepuces != [] :
newuces += keepuces