\name{specificites} \alias{specificites} \title{ Compute specificites association score } \description{ Compute specifities association score, i.e. an indicator of the association between tokens and sub-corpus, given a lexical table } \usage{ specificites(lexicaltable, types=NULL, parts=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{lexicaltable}{ a complete lexical table, i.e. a numeric matrix where each line is a token and each column a part of a corpus. Each cell give the frequency of the given token in the corresponding part of the corpus. } \item{types}{ Indicate for which rows the specificity index must be computed. If \code{NULL}, the specificity index is computed for every form. If \code{types} is a character vector, it indicates the name of the row of \code{lexicaltable} to be used (an error is thrown if \code{clt} has no row names). If it is an integer vector, it indicates the index of the row to be used.} \item{parts}{ Indicate for which columns the specificity index must be computed. If \code{NULL}, the specificity index is computed for every part. If \code{parts} is a character vector, it indicates the name of the columns of \code{lexicaltable} to be used (an error is thrown if \code{clt} has no column names). If it is an integer vector, it indicates the index of the column to be used.} } \value{ The fonction return a matrix of \code{nrow(clt) * ncol(clt)} (the number of rows and columns may be reduced using \code{types} or \code{parts}), each cell giving the frequency index. } \references{ Lafon P. (1980) Sur la variabilit \' e de la fr \' e quence des formes dans un corpus, Mots, 1, pp. 127--165. } \author{Sylvain Loiseau} \seealso{ \code{\link{specificites.probabilities}}, \code{\link{specificites.lexicon}} } \examples{ data(robespierre); specificites(robespierre); specificites(robespierre, types="peuple", parts=c("D9", "D10")); }