#Author: Pierre Ratinaud #Copyright (c) 20010 Pierre Ratinaud #Lisense: GNU/GPL #fichier genere par IRaMuTeq source('%s') typegraph <- %i what <- %i x <- %i y <- %i z <- %i qui <- %i over <- %s do.select.nb <- %s select.nb <- %i do.select.chi <- %s select.chi <- %i do.select.chi.classe <- %s ptbycluster <- %i cex.txt <- %s txt.min <- %i txt.max <- %i fileout <- '%s' width <- %i height <- %i taillecar <- %i alpha <- %i/100 dofilm <- %s tchi <- %s tchi.min <- %i tchi.max <- %i dirout <- '%s' xlab <- paste('facteur ', x, ' -') ylab <- paste('facteur ', y, ' -') if (!typegraph == 0) {zlab <- paste('facteur ', z, ' -')} xlab <- paste(xlab,round(afc_table$facteur[x,2],2),sep = ' ') xlab <- paste(xlab,' %%',sep = '') ylab <- paste(ylab,round(afc_table$facteur[y,2],2),sep = ' ') ylab <- paste(ylab,' %%',sep = '') if (!typegraph == 0) { zlab <- paste(zlab,round(afc_table$facteur[z,2],2),sep = ' ') zlab <- paste(zlab,' %%',sep = '') } if ( qui == 3 ) { if ( what == 0 ) table.in <- afc$colcoord if ( what == 1 ) table.in <- afc$colcrl rownames(table.in) <- afc$colnames if (typegraph == 0) { table.in<-table.in[,c(x,y)] } else { table.in<-table.in[,c(x,y,z)] rx <- range(table.in[,1], na.rm = TRUE) ry <- range(table.in[,2], na.rm = TRUE) rz <- range(table.in[,3], na.rm = TRUE) } classes <- c(1:clnb) maxchi <- 1 cex.par <- NULL } else { if ( what == 0 ) table.in <- afc$rowcoord if ( what == 1 ) table.in <- afc$rowcrl*2 rownames(table.in) <- afc$rownames tablechi <- chistabletot rn.keep <- c() if (typegraph == 0) { table.in<-table.in[,c(x,y)] } else { table.in<-table.in[,c(x,y,z)] rx <- range(table.in[,1], na.rm = TRUE) ry <- range(table.in[,2], na.rm = TRUE) rz <- range(table.in[,3], na.rm = TRUE) } if (!is.null(debsup)) { if ( qui == 0 ) { table.in <- table.in[1:(debsup-1),] tablechi <- tablechi[1:(debsup-1),] cex.par <- afc$rowmass[1:(debsup-1)] } if ( qui == 1 ) { table.in <- table.in[debsup:(debet-1),] tablechi <- tablechi[debsup:(debet-1),] #cex.par <- afc$rowmass[debsup:(debet-1)] } if ( qui == 2 ) { table.in <- table.in[debet:nrow(table.in),] tablechi <- tablechi[debet:nrow(tablechi),] #cex.par <- afc$rowmass[debet:nrow(tablechi)] } } if (is.null(debsup)) { if (qui == 0) { if (!is.null(debet)) { table.in <- table.in[1:(debet-1),] tablechi <- tablechi[1:(debet-1),] cex.par <- afc$rowmass[1:(debet-1)] } else { cex.par <- afc$rowmass } } else { table.in <- table.in[debet:nrow(table.in),] tablechi <- tablechi[debet:nrow(tablechi),] #cex.par <- afc$rowmass[debet:nrow(tablechi)] } } # if (over) { # rn <- rownames(table.in) # rownames(table.in) <- 1:nrow(table.in) # table.in <- unique(table.in) # rn.keep <- as.numeric(rownames(table.in)) # rownames(table.in) <- rn[rn.keep] # tablechi <- tablechi[rn.keep,] # if (qui==0) { # cex.par <- cex.par[rn.keep] # } else { # cex.par <- NULL # } # } if (do.select.nb) { if (select.nb > nrow(table.in)) select.nb <- nrow(table.in) row.keep <- select_point_nb(tablechi, select.nb) table.in <- table.in[row.keep,] tablechi <- tablechi[row.keep,] } else if (do.select.chi) { if (select.chi > max(tablechi)) select.chi <- max(tablechi) row.keep <- select_point_chi(tablechi, select.chi) table.in <- table.in[row.keep,] tablechi <- tablechi[row.keep,] } else if (do.select.chi.classe) { row.keep <- select.chi.classe(tablechi, ptbycluster) table.in <- table.in[row.keep,] tablechi <- tablechi[row.keep,] } else { row.keep <- 1:nrow(table.in) } classes <- apply(tablechi, 1, which.max) maxchi <- apply(tablechi, 1, max) if (cex.txt) { #row.keep <- append(row.keep, rn.keep) #row.keep <- unique(row.keep) cex.par <- cex.par[row.keep] cex.par <- norm.vec(cex.par, txt.min/10, txt.max/10) } else if (tchi) { cex.par <- maxchi cex.par <- norm.vec(cex.par, tchi.min/10, tchi.max/10) } else { cex.par <- NULL } } #################################################@@ #from wordcloud overlap <- function(x1, y1, sw1, sh1, boxes) { use.r.layout <- FALSE if(!use.r.layout) return(.overlap(x1,y1,sw1,sh1,boxes)) s <- 0 if (length(boxes) == 0) return(FALSE) for (i in c(last,1:length(boxes))) { bnds <- boxes[[i]] x2 <- bnds[1] y2 <- bnds[2] sw2 <- bnds[3] sh2 <- bnds[4] if (x1 < x2) overlap <- x1 + sw1 > x2-s else overlap <- x2 + sw2 > x1-s if (y1 < y2) overlap <- overlap && (y1 + sh1 > y2-s) else overlap <- overlap && (y2 + sh2 > y1-s) if(overlap){ last <<- i return(TRUE) } } FALSE } .overlap <- function(x11,y11,sw11,sh11,boxes1){ .Call("is_overlap",x11,y11,sw11,sh11,boxes1) } stopoverlap <- function(x, cex.par = NULL) { #from wordcloud library(wordcloud) tails <- "g|j|p|q|y" rot.per <- 0 last <- 1 thetaStep <- .1 rStep <- .5 toplot <- NULL # plot.new() plot(x[,1],x[,2], pch='') words <- rownames(x) if (is.null(cex.par)) { size <- rep(0.9, nrow(x)) } else { size <- cex.par } #cols <- rainbow(clnb) boxes <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(x)) { rotWord <- runif(1)sqrt(.5)){ print(paste(words[i], "could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.")) isOverlaped <- FALSE } theta <- theta+thetaStep r <- r + rStep*thetaStep/(2*pi) x1 <- x[i,1]+r*cos(theta) y1 <- x[i,2]+r*sin(theta) } } } row.names(toplot) <- words[toplot[,4]] return(toplot) } ############################################################################### if (typegraph == 0) { open_file_graph(fileout, width = width, height = height) parcex <- taillecar/10 par(cex = parcex) if (over) { table.in <- stopoverlap(table.in, cex.par=cex.par) classes <- classes[table.in[,4]] cex.par <- cex.par[table.in[,4]] } make_afc_graph(table.in, classes, clnb, xlab, ylab, cex.txt = cex.par) } else { vire.nonascii <- function(rnames) { print('vire non ascii') couple <- list(c('é','e'), c('è','e'), c('ê','e'), c('ë','e'), c('î','i'), c('ï','i'), c('ì','i'), c('à','a'), c('â','a'), c('ä','a'), c('á','a'), c('ù','u'), c('û','u'), c('ü','u'), c('ç','c'), c('ò','o'), c('ô','o'), c('ö','o'), c('ñ','n') ) for (c in couple) { rnames<-gsub(c[1],c[2], rnames) } rnames } library(rgl) #rn <- vire.nonascii(rownames(table.in)) rn <- rownames(table.in) rgl.open() par3d(cex=0.7) #par3d(windowRect = c(100,100,600,600)) rgl.bg(col = c('white', "#99bb99"), front = "lines", box=FALSE, sphere = TRUE) rgl.lines(c(rx), c(0, 0), c(0, 0), col = "#000000") rgl.lines(c(0,0),c(ry),c(0,0),col = "#000000") rgl.lines(c(0,0),c(0,0),c(rz),col = "#000000") text3d(rx[2]+1,0,0, xlab) text3d(0,ry[2]+1,0, ylab) text3d(0,0,rz[2]+1, zlab) rain = rainbow(clnb) if (tchi) { maxchi <- norm.vec(maxchi, tchi.min/100, tchi.max/100) } else if (!is.null(cex.par)) { maxchi <- norm.vec(cex.par, txt.min/100, txt.max/100) } else { maxchi <- 0.1 } colors = rain[classes] text3d(table.in[,1], table.in[,2], table.in[,3], rn, col= colors , cex = cex.par) for (i in 1:clnb) { text3d(rx[2],(ry[2]+(0.2*i)),0,paste('classe',i),col=rain[i]) } #if (tchi) { # rgl.spheres(table.in, col = colors, radius = maxchi, alpha = alpha) #} if (dofilm) { require(tcltk) ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title="RGL 3 D",message="Cliquez pour commencer le film",icon="info",type="ok") movie3d(spin3d(axis=c(0,1,0),rpm=6), movie = 'film', frames = "tmpfilm", duration=10, clean=TRUE, top = TRUE, dir = dirout) ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title="RGL 3 D",message="Fini !",icon="info",type="ok") } require(tcltk) ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title="RGL 3 D",message="Cliquez pour fermer",icon="info",type="ok") rgl.close() }