# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # Pierre Ratinaud , 2014. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: iramuteq 0.6 alpha 1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 22:38+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-18 00:27+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Pierre Ratinaud \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: fr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" #: layout.py:510 msgid "3D graph" msgstr "Graphe 3D" #: iramuteq.py:402 iramuteq.py:476 msgid "About..." msgstr "A propos..." #: dialog.py:1692 dialog.py:1693 msgid "Absent form" msgstr "Formes absentes" #: layout.py:772 textstat.py:50 msgid "Abstract" msgstr "Résumé" #: layout.py:775 msgid "Actives forms" msgstr "Formes actives" #: dialog.py:1336 msgid "Actives variables (almost 3)" msgstr "Variables actives (au moins 3)" #: dialog.py:1901 msgid "Add cluster size" msgstr "Ajouter la taille des classes" #: ProfList.py:689 msgid "All segments" msgstr "Tous les segments" #: layout.py:339 tree.py:417 tree.py:632 msgid "Antiprofiles" msgstr "Antiprofils" #: ProfList.py:327 msgid "Antonym" msgstr "Antonyme" #: layout.py:133 msgid "Are you sure ?" msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr ?" #: Liste.py:163 Liste.py:180 listlex.py:197 listlex.py:232 ProfList.py:308 #: ProfList.py:743 msgid "Associated forms" msgstr "Formes associées" #: dialog.py:952 dialog.py:1029 msgid "Attention" msgstr "Attention" #: dialog.py:574 msgid "Avoid overlay" msgstr "Empêcher les recouvrements" #: dialog.py:2112 msgid "Background color" msgstr "Couleur du fond" #: layout.py:728 msgid "Banal forms" msgstr "Formes banales" #: dialog.py:1247 msgid "Be carefull : computation of repeated segments profiles can be very long on large corpus" msgstr "Attention : le calcul des profils de segments répétés peut être très long sur de gros corpus" #: dialog.py:2644 msgid "Build sub corpus" msgstr "Construire un sous-corpus" #: layout.py:490 layout.py:517 layout.py:742 msgid "CA" msgstr "AFC" #: layout.py:741 msgid "CA POS" msgstr "AFC Types" #: layout.py:738 msgid "CA forms" msgstr "AFC sur les formes" #: iramuteq.py:687 msgid "Can't find R executable" msgstr "Impossible de trouver l’exécutable de R." #: dialog.py:2381 msgid "Change ..." msgstr "Changer ..." #: dialog.py:1215 msgid "Characteristic text segments" msgstr "Segments de texte caractéristiques" #: dialog.py:82 dialog.py:2318 dialog.py:2712 layout.py:1030 msgid "Characters set" msgstr "Encodage" #: dialog.py:393 msgid "Check" msgstr "Vérifier" #: dialog.py:354 msgid "" "Check for new \n" "releases at startup" msgstr "" "Vérifier l'existence d'une\n" "nouvelle version au démarrage" #: dialog.py:383 msgid "" "Check installation \n" "of R packages" msgstr "" "Vérifier l'installation\n" "des libraires de R" #: dialog.py:1481 iramuteq.py:317 msgid "Chi2" msgstr "Chi2" #: ProfList.py:309 ProfList.py:354 msgid "Chi2 by cluster" msgstr "Chi2 par classe" #: ProfList.py:310 msgid "Chi2 by cluster on dendrogram" msgstr "Chi2 par classe et dendrogramme" #: ProfList.py:311 ProfList.py:355 msgid "Chi2 modalities of variable" msgstr "Chi2 modalités de la variable" #: dialog.py:1728 msgid "Choice" msgstr "Choix" #: guifunct.py:28 msgid "Choose a file" msgstr "Choisissez un fichier" #: dialog.py:2528 msgid "Choose a folder" msgstr "Choisissez un répertoire" #: dialog.py:2499 msgid "Cleaning" msgstr "Nettoyage" #: ProfList.py:756 msgid "Close" msgstr "Fermer" #: layout.py:385 layout.py:482 msgid "Cluster" msgstr "Classe" #: dialog.py:1308 iramuteq.py:318 iramuteq.py:366 layout.py:526 #: OptionAlceste.py:29 msgid "Clustering" msgstr "Classification" #: tree.py:427 tree.py:614 tree.py:623 msgid "Clusters statistics" msgstr "Statistiques des classes" #: dialog.py:1884 msgid "Color or black and white" msgstr "Couleur ou noir et blanc" #: tree.py:425 tree.py:587 msgid "Colored corpus" msgstr "Corpus en couleur" #: dialog.py:63 dialog.py:64 dialog.py:68 msgid "Column separator" msgstr "Séparateur de colonnes" #: guifunct.py:362 msgid "Communities" msgstr "Communautés" #: guifunct.py:1144 msgid "Compute" msgstr "Calculer" #: tree.py:423 tree.py:452 msgid "Compute Tgen" msgstr "Calculer les TGen" #: Liste.py:164 Liste.py:191 listlex.py:198 listlex.py:293 ProfList.py:321 #: ProfList.py:677 ProfList.py:683 ProfList.py:689 msgid "Concordance" msgstr "Concordancier" #: guifunct.py:1109 msgid "Content" msgstr "Contenu" #: parse_factiva_xml.py:187 msgid "Corpus created :" msgstr "Corpus construit :" #: dialog.py:2311 msgid "Corpus' name" msgstr "Nom du corpus" #: dialog.py:2346 msgid "Default" msgstr "Défaut" #: dialog.py:440 msgid "Default R mirror" msgstr "Miroir par défaut de R" #: OptionAlceste.py:52 msgid "Default values" msgstr "Valeurs par défaut" #: ProfList.py:324 msgid "Definition" msgstr "Définition" #: guifunct.py:1132 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Supprimer" #: dialog.py:2445 msgid "Delete characters not in this list" msgstr "Éliminer les caractères en dehors de cette liste" #: tree.py:464 msgid "Delete from history" msgstr "Supprimer de l'historique" #: dialog.py:1810 msgid "Dendrogram" msgstr "Dendrogramme" #: dialog.py:1854 msgid "Dendrogram type" msgstr "Type de dendrogramme" #: layout.py:1012 msgid "Description of corpus" msgstr "Description du corpus" #: dialog.py:1068 dialog.py:2336 msgid "Dictionary" msgstr "Dictionnaire" #: parse_factiva_xml.py:187 msgid "Do you want to open it in IRaMuTeQ ?" msgstr "Voulez-vous l'ouvrir dans IRaMuTeQ ?" #: tree.py:601 msgid "Done" msgstr "Fait" #: guifunct.py:1251 msgid "Done !" msgstr "Fait !" #: guifunct.py:334 msgid "Edge curved" msgstr "Arêtes courbées" #: guifunct.py:635 msgid "Edges color" msgstr "Couleur des arêtes" #: guifunct.py:287 msgid "Edges threshold" msgstr "Seuil pour les arêtes" #: guifunct.py:535 msgid "Edges width proportional to score" msgstr "Largeur des arêtes proportionnelle à l'indice" #: guifunct.py:1141 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editer" #: iramuteq.py:412 msgid "Edition" msgstr "Edition" #: ProfList.py:325 msgid "Etymology" msgstr "Etymologie" #: iramuteq.py:296 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Quitter" #: tree.py:429 msgid "Export clusters" msgstr "Exporter les classes" #: tree.py:424 msgid "Export corpus" msgstr "Exporter le corpus" #: tree.py:445 msgid "Export dictionary" msgstr "Exporter le dictionnaire" #: dialog.py:3020 msgid "Export finished. Open in a web browser :" msgstr "Export terminé. Ouvrez ce lien dans un navigateur :" #: dialog.py:924 msgid "Export for ..." msgstr "Exporter pour ..." #: ProfList.py:337 msgid "Export for Tropes" msgstr "Exporter pour Tropes" #: tree.py:446 msgid "Export lemma dictionary" msgstr "Exporter le dictionnaire des lemmes" #: guifunct.py:1251 msgid "Export metadata" msgstr "Exporter les méta-données" #: iramuteq.py:373 msgid "Export metadata table" msgstr "Exporter la table des méta-données" #: ProfList.py:336 msgid "Export..." msgstr "Exporter..." #: ProfList.py:338 msgid "Exporter for Owledge" msgstr "Exporter pour Owledge" #: iramuteq.py:281 msgid "Extract mods" msgstr "Extraire à partir des modalités" #: iramuteq.py:282 msgid "Extract thematics" msgstr "Extraire à partir des thématiques" #: dialog.py:2743 msgid "Extraction type" msgstr "Type d'extraction" #: iramuteq.py:446 msgid "Factiva from copy/paste" msgstr "Factiva depuis copier/coller" #: iramuteq.py:445 msgid "Factiva from mail" msgstr "Factiva depuis des mails" #: iramuteq.py:444 msgid "Factiva from xml" msgstr "Factiva depuis xml" #: layout.py:499 msgid "Factor" msgstr "Facteur" #: dialog.py:590 msgid "Factor x : " msgstr "Facteur x:" #: dialog.py:592 msgid "Factor y : " msgstr "Facteur y:" #: dialog.py:594 msgid "Factor z : " msgstr "Facteur z:" #: iramuteq.py:411 msgid "File" msgstr "Fichier" #: layout.py:1218 layout.py:1461 msgid "File exported" msgstr "Fichier exporté" #: guifunct.py:52 guifunct.py:64 guifunct.py:75 msgid "File format" msgstr "Format du fichier" #: dialog.py:53 dialog.py:54 dialog.py:58 msgid "First column is an id" msgstr "La première colonne est un identifiant" #: dialog.py:43 dialog.py:44 dialog.py:48 msgid "First line is header" msgstr "La première ligne contient les noms des colonnes" #: Liste.py:56 msgid "Form" msgstr "Forme" #: guifunct.py:1019 layout.py:726 msgid "Forms" msgstr "Formes" #: layout.py:730 msgid "Forms frequencies" msgstr "Fréquences des formes" #: layout.py:732 msgid "Forms relative frequencies" msgstr "Fréquences relatives des formes" #: Liste.py:57 msgid "Freq." msgstr "Freq." #: iramuteq.py:315 msgid "Frequencies" msgstr "Fréquences" #: layout.py:1245 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Fréquences" #: dialog.py:2431 msgid "General" msgstr "Général" #: layout.py:1126 layout.py:1295 msgid "Graph analysis" msgstr "Analyse de graphe" #: ProfList.py:332 ProfList.py:357 msgid "Graph of cluster" msgstr "Graphe de la classe" #: guifunct.py:400 msgid "Graph settings" msgstr "Paramètres du graphe" #: dialog.py:3297 listlex.py:199 listlex.py:344 msgid "Graphic" msgstr "Graphique" #: dialog.py:544 guifunct.py:251 msgid "Graphic type" msgstr "Type de graphique" #: guifunct.py:708 msgid "Graphical settings" msgstr "Paramètres graphiques" #: guifunct.py:574 msgid "Gray scale on text proportional to frequency (0=black, 1=white)" msgstr "Nuance de gris des textes proportionnelle à la fréquence (0 = noir, 1 = blanc)" #: layout.py:777 msgid "Hapax" msgstr "Hapax" #: iramuteq.py:416 msgid "Help" msgstr "Aide" #: iramuteq.py:496 msgid "Historic" msgstr "Historique" #: iramuteq.py:305 iramuteq.py:450 msgid "Home page" msgstr "Page d'accueil" #: iramuteq.py:689 msgid "IRaMuTeQ does not work without R." msgstr "IRaMuTeQ ne peut pas fonctionner sans R." #: iramuteq.py:688 msgid "If R is installed, report its path in Preferences." msgstr "Si R est installé, signalez son chemin dans les préférences." #: iramuteq.py:687 msgid "If R is not installed, get it from http://www.r-project.org." msgstr "Si n'est pas installé, vous pouvez l'obtenir à partir du site http://www.r-project.org." #: dialog.py:1869 dialog.py:3159 msgid "Image format" msgstr "Format de l'image" #: iramuteq.py:263 iramuteq.py:442 msgid "Import from Europress" msgstr "Importer depuis Europress" #: iramuteq.py:259 iramuteq.py:440 msgid "Import from TXM" msgstr "Importer de TXM" #: iramuteq.py:277 msgid "Import from factiva" msgstr "Importer de factiva" #: ProfList.py:320 msgid "In all segments" msgstr "Dans tous les segments" #: ProfList.py:318 msgid "In segments of this cluster" msgstr "Dans les segments de cette classe" #: ProfList.py:319 msgid "In segments of this clustering" msgstr "Dans les segments de cette classification" #: dialog.py:2837 msgid "Include empty cells (NA)" msgstr "Inclure les cellules vides (NA)" #: parse_factiva_xml.py:188 msgid "Information" msgstr "Information" #: tree.py:395 msgid "Informations" msgstr "Informations" #: iramuteq.py:707 msgid "Installation" msgstr "Installation" #: iramuteq.py:707 msgid "Installation OK" msgstr "Installation OK" #: dialog.py:369 msgid "Interface language" msgstr "Langue de l'interface" #: dialog.py:2481 msgid "Keep punctuation" msgstr "Conserver la ponctuation" #: dialog.py:1061 msgid "Keys properties" msgstr "Paramètres des clés" #: dialog.py:2327 layout.py:1029 msgid "Language" msgstr "Langue" #: guifunct.py:236 msgid "Layout" msgstr "Présentation" #: dialog.py:919 dialog.py:1255 msgid "Lemmatised corpus" msgstr "Corpus lemmatisé" #: dialog.py:1052 msgid "Lemmatization" msgstr "Lemmatisation" #: iramuteq.py:1277 msgid "License GNU GPL" msgstr "Licence GNU GPL" #: dialog.py:972 msgid "Like ALCESTE" msgstr "Comme ALCESTE" #: dialog.py:972 msgid "Like Lexico" msgstr "Comme Lexico" #: dialog.py:2913 msgid "Limit frequency" msgstr "Fréquence limite" #: dialog.py:570 msgid "Limit points by cluster chi2" msgstr "Limiter les points par le chi2 de liaison aux classes" #: dialog.py:2933 msgid "Limit rank" msgstr "Rang limite" #: layout.py:72 msgid "List of not plotted points : " msgstr "Liste des points non-représentés" #: listlex.py:209 ProfList.py:322 msgid "Make Tgen" msgstr "Faire un TGen" #: dialog.py:599 guifunct.py:685 msgid "Make a movie" msgstr "Faire un film" #: dialog.py:2403 msgid "Make text segments" msgstr "Faire des segments de texte" #: iramuteq.py:434 tree.py:175 msgid "Matrix" msgstr "Matrice" #: iramuteq.py:414 msgid "Matrix analysis" msgstr "Analyses de matrice" #: dialog.py:400 msgid "" "Maximum \n" "memory for R" msgstr "" "Mémoire\n" "maximum de R" #: OptionAlceste.py:43 msgid "Maximum number of analyzed forms" msgstr "Nombres maximum de formes analysées" #: dialog.py:2032 msgid "Maximum number of forms" msgstr "Nombre maximum de formes" #: dialog.py:1224 msgid "Maximum number of text segments" msgstr "Nombre maximum de segments de texte" #: guifunct.py:274 msgid "Maximum tree" msgstr "Arbre maximum" #: dialog.py:1273 msgid "Maxmum size of segments" msgstr "Taille maximum des segments" #: layout.py:581 msgid "Mean of forms by segment" msgstr "Moyenne de formes par segment" #: textstat.py:56 msgid "Mean of occurrences by text" msgstr "Moyenne d'occurrences par texte" #: dialog.py:1739 dialog.py:2953 msgid "Minimum frequency" msgstr "Fréquence minimale" #: OptionAlceste.py:40 msgid "Minimum frequency of an analyzed form (2=automatic)" msgstr "Fréquence minimum d'une forme analysée (2 = automatique)" #: dialog.py:1281 msgid "Minimum frequency of segments" msgstr "Fréquence minimum d'un segment" #: OptionAlceste.py:37 msgid "Minimum frequency of text segments by clusters (0=automatic)" msgstr "Nombre minimum de segments de texte par classe (0 = automatique)" #: dialog.py:1265 msgid "Minimum size of segments" msgstr "Taille minimum des segments" #: dialog.py:1371 msgid "Minimum text segments frenquency in clusters (2= automatic)" msgstr "Nombre minimum de segments de texte par classe (2 = automatique)" #: dialog.py:2734 msgid "Modalities (one by line, with the *)" msgstr "Modalités (une par ligne, avec l'étoile (*))" #: ProfList.py:328 msgid "Morphology" msgstr "Morphologie" #: iramuteq.py:316 msgid "Multiple Frequencies" msgstr "Fréquences multiples" #: dialog.py:3064 guifunct.py:1006 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nom" #: tree.py:426 msgid "Navigator" msgstr "Navigateur" #: tree.py:735 msgid "New Name" msgstr "Nouveau nom" #: guifunct.py:1129 msgid "New..." msgstr "Nouveau..." #: dialog.py:1354 dialog.py:1582 msgid "Next" msgstr "Suivant" #: tree.py:695 msgid "No TGen yet !" msgstr "Pas encore de TGen !" #: corpus.py:1532 msgid "No Text in corpus. Are you sure of the formatting ?" msgstr "Pas de textes dans le corpus. Êtes-vous sûr du formatage ?" #: dialog.py:2488 msgid "No space between two forms" msgstr "Pas d'espace entre deux formes" #: layout.py:578 msgid "Number of active forms" msgstr "Nombre de formes actives" #: layout.py:580 msgid "Number of active forms with a frequency" msgstr "Nombre de formes actives avec une fréquence" #: layout.py:588 layout.py:590 msgid "Number of clusters" msgstr "Nombre de classes" #: layout.py:574 layout.py:1033 textstat.py:53 msgid "Number of forms" msgstr "Nombre de formes" #: layout.py:1034 textstat.py:54 msgid "Number of hapax" msgstr "Nombre d'hapax" #: layout.py:577 msgid "Number of lemmas" msgstr "Nombre de lemmes" #: layout.py:587 msgid "Number of lines" msgstr "Nombre de lignes" #: layout.py:575 textstat.py:52 msgid "Number of occurrences" msgstr "Nombre d'occurrences" #: layout.py:579 msgid "Number of supplementary forms" msgstr "Nombre de formes supplémentaires" #: dialog.py:1361 OptionAlceste.py:35 msgid "Number of terminal clusters on phase 1" msgstr "Nombre de classes terminales de la phase 1" #: layout.py:573 layout.py:1032 msgid "Number of text segments" msgstr "Nombre de segments de texte" #: layout.py:572 layout.py:1031 textstat.py:51 msgid "Number of texts" msgstr "Nombre de textes" #: dialog.py:2747 msgid "One file by modality" msgstr "Un fichier par modalité" #: iramuteq.py:406 iramuteq.py:477 msgid "Online help..." msgstr "Aide en ligne ..." #: dialog.py:2747 msgid "Only one file" msgstr "Seulement un fichier" #: tree.py:418 tree.py:460 msgid "Open ..." msgstr "Ouvrir ..." #: iramuteq.py:246 iramuteq.py:434 msgid "Open a matrix" msgstr "Ouvrir une matrice" #: iramuteq.py:251 iramuteq.py:436 msgid "Open a text corpus" msgstr "Ouvrir un corpus texte" #: iramuteq.py:255 iramuteq.py:438 msgid "Open an analysis" msgstr "Ouvrir une Analyse" #: tree.py:403 msgid "Open directory" msgstr "Ouvrir le dossier" #: tree.py:601 msgid "Open in a web browser ?" msgstr "Ouvrir dans un navigateur ?" #: dialog.py:2354 msgid "Other" msgstr "Autre" #: dialog.py:930 dialog.py:976 dialog.py:1007 parse_factiva_xml.py:97 msgid "Output file" msgstr "Fichier en sortie" #: dialog.py:2368 msgid "Output folder" msgstr "Répertoire en sortie" #: layout.py:729 Liste.py:58 vitemspicker.py:202 msgid "POS" msgstr "Types" #: layout.py:731 msgid "POS frequencies" msgstr "Fréquences des types" #: tree.py:421 msgid "POS profiles" msgstr "Profil des types grammaticaux" #: layout.py:733 msgid "POS relative frequencies" msgstr "Fréquences relatives des types" #: dialog.py:1080 dialog.py:2307 msgid "Path" msgstr "Chemin" #: dialog.py:428 dialog.py:437 msgid "Path : " msgstr "Chemin :" #: dialog.py:550 dialog.py:2007 guifunct.py:259 msgid "Picture format" msgstr "Format de l'image" #: dialog.py:1818 guifunct.py:410 msgid "Picture size" msgstr "Taille de l'image" #: dialog.py:341 msgid "Play a sound at the end of analysis" msgstr "Jouer un son à la fin des analyses" #: corpus.py:1632 iramuteq.py:752 iramuteq.py:785 layout.py:946 #: parse_factiva_xml.py:167 tree.py:714 tree.py:1044 msgid "Please wait..." msgstr "Patientez ..." #: tree.py:489 msgid "Please wait...Reading corpus" msgstr "Patientez... Lecture du corpus" #: OptionAlceste.py:47 msgid "Potato mode (less precise, faster)" msgstr "Mode patate (moins précis, plus rapide)" #: dialog.py:3116 iramuteq.py:299 iramuteq.py:448 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Préférences" #: dialog.py:1357 dialog.py:1581 msgid "Previous" msgstr "Précédent" #: iramuteq.py:690 ProfList.py:417 ProfList.py:451 msgid "Problem" msgstr "Problème" #: layout.py:513 msgid "Profiles" msgstr "Profils" #: iramuteq.py:321 msgid "Prototypical Analysis" msgstr "Analyses Prototypiques" #: layout.py:1263 layout.py:1273 msgid "Prototypical analysis" msgstr "Analyses Prototypiques" #: ProfList.py:329 msgid "Proxemy" msgstr "Proxémie" #: dialog.py:2437 msgid "Put text in lowercase" msgstr "Mettre le texte en minuscule" #: dialog.py:432 msgid "R path" msgstr "Chemin de R" #: dialog.py:1220 msgid "Ranking score" msgstr "Indice de rang" #: dialog.py:2890 msgid "Ranks" msgstr "Rangs" #: layout.py:378 msgid "Reading profiles" msgstr "Lecture des profils" #: iramuteq.py:422 msgid "Ready" msgstr "Prêt" #: iramuteq.py:319 iramuteq.py:367 msgid "Reinert's Method" msgstr "Méthode Reinert" #: tree.py:399 tree.py:735 msgid "Rename" msgstr "Renommer" #: ProfList.py:333 ProfList.py:579 msgid "Repeated segments" msgstr "Segments répétés" #: dialog.py:1243 layout.py:519 tree.py:420 msgid "Repeated segments profiles" msgstr "Profils des segments répétés" #: dialog.py:2465 msgid "Replace apostrophe by space" msgstr "Remplacer les apostrophes par des espaces" #: dialog.py:2473 msgid "Replace dash by space" msgstr "Remplacer les tirets par des espaces" #: tree.py:428 tree.py:459 tree.py:641 tree.py:651 msgid "Report" msgstr "Rapport" #: dialog.py:556 msgid "Representation" msgstr "Représentation" #: dialog.py:1521 msgid "Results" msgstr "Résultats" #: dialog.py:2668 msgid "Save as ..." msgstr "Enregistrer sous ..." #: dialog.py:3253 msgid "Save as..." msgstr "Enregistrer sous ..." #: dialog.py:1736 guifunct.py:221 msgid "Score" msgstr "Indice" #: guifunct.py:321 msgid "Score on edges" msgstr "Indices sur les arêtes" #: tree.py:610 msgid "Search ..." msgstr "Rechercher ..." #: ProfList.py:244 msgid "Search..." msgstr "Rechercher ..." #: ProfList.py:683 msgid "Segments of this clustering" msgstr "Segments de cette classe" #: parse_factiva_xml.py:90 msgid "Select a directory of html files" msgstr "Sélectionnez un répertoire contenant les fichiers html" #: parse_factiva_xml.py:92 msgid "Select a directory of txt files" msgstr "Sélectionnez un répertoire contenant les fichiers txt" #: parse_factiva_xml.py:88 msgid "Select a directory of xml files" msgstr "Sélectionnez un répertoire contenant les fichiers xml" #: dialog.py:2357 dialog.py:2707 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Sélectionnez un fichier" #: guifunct.py:381 msgid "Select a variable" msgstr "Sélectionnez une variable" #: dialog.py:1726 msgid "Select by" msgstr "Sélection par" #: tabsimi.py:78 msgid "Select columns" msgstr "Sélectionnez les colonnes" #: dialog.py:3071 msgid "Select one or more metadata" msgstr "Sélectionnez une ou plusieurs méta-données" #: guifunct.py:1019 msgid "Selection" msgstr "Sélection" #: dialog.py:330 dialog.py:469 dialog.py:970 dialog.py:1041 dialog.py:2149 #: dialog.py:2284 dialog.py:2876 guifunct.py:163 OptionAlceste.py:63 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Paramètres" #: iramuteq.py:309 iramuteq.py:451 msgid "Show results" msgstr "Voir les résultats" #: iramuteq.py:320 iramuteq.py:368 msgid "Similarities Analysis" msgstr "Analyses de similitudes" #: dialog.py:3124 msgid "Size" msgstr "Taille" #: OptionAlceste.py:31 msgid "Size of rst1" msgstr "Taille de rst1" #: layout.py:584 msgid "Size of rst1 / rst2" msgstr "Taille de rst1 / rst2" #: OptionAlceste.py:33 msgid "Size of rst2" msgstr "Taille de rst2" #: layout.py:744 msgid "Specificities" msgstr "Spécificités" #: iramuteq.py:365 msgid "Specificities and CA" msgstr "Spécificités et AFC" #: dialog.py:596 guifunct.py:672 msgid "Spheres transparency" msgstr "Transparence des sphéres" #: iramuteq.py:280 iramuteq.py:322 msgid "Split from variable" msgstr "Sous corpus par variable" #: layout.py:551 msgid "Stat by cluster" msgstr "Stat par classe" #: iramuteq.py:364 msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Statistiques" #: iramuteq.py:370 msgid "Sub corpus" msgstr "Sous-corpus" #: tree.py:430 msgid "Sub corpus from clusters" msgstr "Sous-corpus par classe" #: iramuteq.py:371 msgid "Sub corpus from metadata" msgstr "Sous-corpus par méta-données" #: iramuteq.py:372 msgid "Sub corpus from thematic" msgstr "Sous-corpus par thématique" #: dialog.py:3054 msgid "Subcorpus" msgstr "Sous-corpus" #: dialog.py:1340 msgid "Supplementaries variables (almost 1)" msgstr "Variables supplémentaires (au moins 1)" #: layout.py:776 msgid "Supplementary forms" msgstr "Formes supplémentaires" #: dialog.py:1327 msgid "Supplementary variables are marked with a *" msgstr "Les variables supplémentaires sont marquées par une *" #: ProfList.py:326 msgid "Synonymous" msgstr "Synonymes" #: dialog.py:562 msgid "Take the x first points" msgstr "Prendre les x premiers points" #: dialog.py:566 msgid "Take the x first points by cluster" msgstr "Prendre les x premiers par classe" #: iramuteq.py:436 msgid "Text" msgstr "Texte" #: iramuteq.py:415 msgid "Text analysis" msgstr "Analyse de texte" #: dialog.py:2101 msgid "Text color" msgstr "Couleur du texte" #: dialog.py:2386 msgid "Text mark" msgstr "Marqueur de texte" #: guifunct.py:308 msgid "Text on vertex" msgstr "Texte sur les sommets" #: dialog.py:2411 msgid "Text segments build process" msgstr "Méthode de construction des segments" #: dialog.py:2420 msgid "Text segments size" msgstr "Taille des segments de texte" #: dialog.py:73 dialog.py:74 dialog.py:78 msgid "Text separator" msgstr "Séparateur de texte" #: dialog.py:560 dialog.py:2061 guifunct.py:347 msgid "Text size" msgstr "Taille du texte" #: dialog.py:583 msgid "Text size proportional to chi2" msgstr "Taille du texte proportionnelle au chi2" #: dialog.py:576 msgid "Text size proportional to frequency" msgstr "Taille du texte proportionnelle à la fréquence" #: tree.py:153 msgid "Textual corpus" msgstr "Corpus textuel" #: guifunct.py:991 msgid "Tgen Creator" msgstr "Éditeur de TGen" #: tree.py:422 tree.py:451 msgid "Tgen Editor" msgstr "Editeur de TGen" #: layout.py:689 msgid "Tgens Specificities" msgstr "Spécificités des TGens" #: dialog.py:952 dialog.py:1029 msgid "This file already exists. Continue anyway ?" msgstr "Ce fichier existe déjà. Continuer quand même ?" #: tree.py:1055 #, python-format msgid "This file does not exist : %s" msgstr "Ce fichier n'existe pas : %s" #: layout.py:133 msgid "This file will be delete : " msgstr "Ce fichier sera supprimer : " #: ProfList.py:451 msgid "This is not a meta-data" msgstr "Ce n'est pas une méta-donnée" #: ProfList.py:417 msgid "This is not a variable_modality form" msgstr "Ce n'est pas une forme du type variable_modalité" #: iramuteq.py:289 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Outils" #: ProfList.py:330 msgid "Tools from CNRTL (french only)" msgstr "Outils du CNTRL (français uniquement)" #: layout.py:774 msgid "Total" msgstr "Total" #: listlex.py:208 listlex.py:273 ProfList.py:334 ProfList.py:611 msgid "Typical text segments" msgstr "Segments de texte caractéristiques" #: guifunct.py:208 msgid "Use previous coordinates" msgstr "Utiliser les coordonnées précédentes" #: dialog.py:420 msgid "Use svdlibc" msgstr "Utiliser svdlibc" #: dialog.py:2395 msgid "Use the expression dictionary" msgstr "Utiliser le dictionnaire des expressions" #: dialog.py:1721 dialog.py:2046 msgid "Used forms" msgstr "Formes utilisées" #: dialog.py:2886 msgid "Variables" msgstr "Variables" #: dialog.py:2724 msgid "Variables (with the * but without the _)" msgstr "Variables (avec le * mais sans le _ )" #: dialog.py:1749 msgid "Variables choice" msgstr "Choix des variables" #: dialog.py:2248 msgid "Variables selection" msgstr "Sélection des variables" #: guifunct.py:623 msgid "Vertex color" msgstr "Couleur des sommets" #: guifunct.py:651 msgid "Vertex size" msgstr "Taille des sommets" #: guifunct.py:441 msgid "Vertex size proportional to frequency" msgstr "Taille des sommets proportionnelle à la fréquence" #: guifunct.py:488 msgid "Vertex text size proportional to frequency" msgstr "Taille du texte des sommets proportionnelle à la fréquence" #: iramuteq.py:413 msgid "View" msgstr "Vue" #: iramuteq.py:423 msgid "Welcome" msgstr "Bienvenue" #: ProfList.py:335 msgid "Word cloud of cluster" msgstr "Nuage de mots de la classe" #: ProfList.py:312 msgid "Word graph" msgstr "Graphe du mot" #: dialog.py:2017 msgid "Word size proportional to ..." msgstr "Taille des mots proportionnelles à ..." #: iramuteq.py:369 msgid "WordCloud" msgstr "Nuage de mots" #: dialog.py:1956 msgid "Wordcloud settings" msgstr "Préférences de wordcloud" #: dialog.py:1222 msgid "absolute (sum of chi2 of marked forms in segment)" msgstr "absolue (somme des chi2 des formes marquées du segment)" #: dialog.py:559 dialog.py:1722 dialog.py:2050 msgid "actives" msgstr "actives" #: dialog.py:1722 dialog.py:2050 msgid "actives and supplementaries" msgstr "actives et supplémentaires" #: OptionAlceste.py:32 msgid "actives forms" msgstr "formes actives" #: tree.py:458 msgid "antiprofiles" msgstr "antiprofils" #: dialog.py:3128 msgid "automatic" msgstr "automatique" #: dialog.py:2919 dialog.py:2939 msgid "automatic (mean)" msgstr "automatique (moyenne)" #: dialog.py:1911 msgid "bar" msgstr "barre" #: dialog.py:1888 msgid "black and white" msgstr "noir et blanc" #: dialog.py:2183 msgid "black and white graphical" msgstr "graphique en noir et blanc" #: dialog.py:2291 msgid "characters" msgstr "caractères" #: dialog.py:1733 dialog.py:1735 dialog.py:2021 msgid "chi2" msgstr "chi2" #: dialog.py:1911 msgid "circular diagram" msgstr "camembert" #: dialog.py:1481 msgid "cluster" msgstr "classe" #: dialog.py:559 dialog.py:873 msgid "clusters" msgstr "classes" #: dialog.py:1888 msgid "color" msgstr "couleur" #: dialog.py:2177 msgid "column percentage" msgstr "pourcentage en colonne" #: dialog.py:557 msgid "coordinates" msgstr "coordonnées" #: dialog.py:2303 dialog.py:2703 msgid "corpus" msgstr "corpus" #: dialog.py:557 msgid "correlations" msgstr "corrélations" #: guifunct.py:177 msgid "count" msgstr "compter" #: OptionAlceste.py:30 msgid "double on RST" msgstr "double sur RST" #: dialog.py:2161 msgid "expected values" msgstr "valeurs attendues" #: dialog.py:1481 msgid "form" msgstr "forme" #: dialog.py:2021 msgid "frequency" msgstr "fréquences" #: iramuteq.py:272 msgid "from copy/paste" msgstr "à partir de copier/coller" #: iramuteq.py:270 msgid "from mail" msgstr "à partir de mails" #: iramuteq.py:268 msgid "from xml" msgstr "à partir de fichiers xml" #: dialog.py:2180 msgid "graphical" msgstr "Graphique" #: dialog.py:554 dialog.py:1826 dialog.py:1979 dialog.py:3144 guifunct.py:418 msgid "height" msgstr "hauteur" #: dialog.py:1733 msgid "hypergeometrical law" msgstr "loi hypergéométrique" #: dialog.py:1072 msgid "indexation" msgstr "indexation" #: layout.py:596 msgid "line classified on" msgstr "lignes classées sur" #: dialog.py:2919 dialog.py:2939 dialog.py:3128 msgid "manual" msgstr "manuelle" #: guifunct.py:1243 msgid "metadata table" msgstr "Table des méta-données" #: dialog.py:1727 msgid "modalities" msgstr "modalités" #: dialog.py:46 dialog.py:56 dialog.py:349 dialog.py:364 dialog.py:921 #: dialog.py:1056 dialog.py:1259 dialog.py:1331 msgid "no" msgstr "non" #: dialog.py:2158 msgid "observed values" msgstr "valeurs observées" #: dialog.py:2291 msgid "occurrences" msgstr "occurrences" #: textstat.py:54 msgid "of forms" msgstr "des formes" #: textstat.py:54 msgid "of occurrences" msgstr "des occurrences" #: dialog.py:1072 msgid "other" msgstr "Autre" #: dialog.py:2291 msgid "paragraphs" msgstr "paragraphes" #: dialog.py:1065 msgid "properties" msgstr "propriétés" #: dialog.py:1222 msgid "relative (mean of chi2 of marked forms in segment)" msgstr "relative (moyenne des chi2 des formes marquées par segment)" #: dialog.py:2164 msgid "residuals" msgstr "résidus" #: dialog.py:2174 msgid "row percentage" msgstr "pourcentages en ligne" #: dialog.py:1481 msgid "see" msgstr "voir" #: layout.py:592 msgid "segments classified on" msgstr "segments classés sur" #: OptionAlceste.py:30 msgid "simple on text segments" msgstr "simple sur segments de texte" #: OptionAlceste.py:30 msgid "simple on texts" msgstr "simple sur texte" #: dialog.py:2167 msgid "standardized residuals" msgstr "résidus standardisés" #: dialog.py:559 msgid "stars" msgstr "étoiles" #: dialog.py:559 dialog.py:1722 dialog.py:2050 msgid "supplementaries" msgstr "supplémentaires" #: OptionAlceste.py:45 msgid "svd method" msgstr "méthode pour svd" #: layout.py:594 msgid "texts classified on" msgstr "textes classés sur" #: dialog.py:2753 msgid "thematics (one by line, with the -*)" msgstr "thématiques (une par ligne, avec l'étoile (*))" #: layout.py:598 msgid "time" msgstr "temps" #: dialog.py:2171 msgid "total percentage" msgstr "pourcentage total" #: dialog.py:1727 msgid "variables" msgstr "variables" #: dialog.py:552 dialog.py:1837 dialog.py:1991 dialog.py:3137 guifunct.py:425 msgid "width" msgstr "largeur" #: dialog.py:46 dialog.py:56 dialog.py:349 dialog.py:364 dialog.py:921 #: dialog.py:1056 dialog.py:1259 dialog.py:1331 msgid "yes" msgstr "oui" #~ msgid "&Open a questionnaire\tCtrl+O" #~ msgstr "Ouvrir un questionnaire" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Associated Forms" #~ msgstr "Formes utilisées" #~ msgid "Graphical type" #~ msgstr "Type de graphique" #~ msgid "Open a questionnaire" #~ msgstr "Ouvrir un questionnaire" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Reinert method" #~ msgstr "Méthode Reinert" #~ msgid "Show data" #~ msgstr "Voir les données" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Similarities analysis" #~ msgstr "Analyses de similitudes" #~ msgid "Split matrix" #~ msgstr "Extraire de la matrice..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Wordcloud" #~ msgstr "Nuage de mots"