descriptionIRaMuTeQ :
last changeMon, 20 Jun 2022 16:29:29 +0000 (18:29 +0200)
2022-06-20 pierrecorrection labbé master
2022-04-20 pierresegment size
2022-03-28 pierresegment size graphic
2022-03-28 pierregraphic in spec
2022-03-28 pierrecorrection segment sizes
2021-06-03 pierreload rgl before graph 3d
2021-01-29 pierreMacOS Big Sur and R > 4 under windows
2020-11-04 pierreremove history.json hack
2020-10-01 pierre...
2020-10-01 pierreMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2020-10-01 pierre...
2020-09-29 pierreerror on decode utf8
2020-06-05 pierrecorrection for graphicis on specificities
2020-05-04 pierretest
2020-05-04 pierrecompatibility R 4.0
2020-05-04 pierrecorrection for subcorpus and more
2 weeks ago 3.0
2 years ago master