Merge branch 'master' of
[iramuteq] / Rscripts / chdfunct.R
1 #datadm<-read.table('/home/pierre/.hippasos/corpus_agir_CHDS_16/fileACTtemp.csv', header=TRUE,sep=';', quote='\"',row.names = 1, na.strings = 'NA')
2 library(cluster)
3 #dissmat<-daisy(dataact, metric = 'gower', stand = FALSE)
4 #chd<-diana(dissmat,diss=TRUE,)
5 #height<-chd$height
6 #sortheight<-sort(height,decreasing=TRUE)
7 FindBestCluster<-function (x,Max=15) {
8     i<-1
9     j<-1
10     ListClasseOk<-list()
11     while (i < Max) {
12         if (x[i]==1){
13             while (x[i]==1) {
14             i<-i+1
15             }
16             ListClasseOk[[j]]<-i
17             j<-j+1
18         }
19         if (x[i]==x[i+1]) {
20             i<-i+1
21         }
22         else {
23             ListClasseOk[[j]]<-i+1
24             i<-i+1
25             j<-j+1
26         }
27     }
28         unlist(ListClasseOk)
29 }
30 #BestCLusterNb<-FindBestCluster(sortheight)
31 #classes<, k=6))[,1]
32 #datadm<-cbind(datadm,classes)
33 #clusplot(datadm,classes,shade=TRUE,color=TRUE,labels=4)
35 BuildContTable<- function (x) {
36         afctable<-NULL
37         for (i in 1:(ncol(x)-1)) {
38             coltable<-table(x[,i],x$classes)
39             afctable<-rbind(afctable,coltable)
40         }
41         afctable
42 }
44 PrintProfile<- function(dataclasse,profileactlist,profileetlist,antiproact,antiproet,clusternb,profileout,antiproout,profilesuplist=NULL,antiprosup=NULL) {
45     prolist<-list()
46     profile<-matrix(,0,6)
47     antipro<-matrix(,0,6)
48         cltot<[dataclasse[,ncol(dataclasse)]!=0,])
49         cltot<[,ncol(cltot)]))
50         tot<-nrow(cltot)
51     classes<[,ncol(dataclasse)]))
52     classes.s<[,1],maxsum=500))
53     profile<-rbind(profile,c('***','nb classes',clusternb,'***','',''))
54     antipro<-rbind(antipro,c('***','nb classes',clusternb,'***','',''))
55     for(i in 1:clusternb) {
56         profile<-rbind(profile,c('**','classe',i,'**','',''))
57         nbind<-classes.s[which(rownames(classes.s)==i),1]
58         pr<-round((nbind/tot)*100,digits=2)
59         profile<-rbind(profile,c('****',nbind,tot,pr,'****',''))
60                 if (length(profileactlist[[1]][[i]])!=0){
61                 profile<-rbind(profile,as.matrix(profileactlist[[1]][[i]]))
62                 }
63                 if (!is.null(profilesuplist)) {
64                         profile<-rbind(profile,c('*****','*','*','*','*','*'))
65                         if (length(profilesuplist[[1]][[i]])!=0) {
66                                 profile<-rbind(profile,as.matrix(profilesuplist[[1]][[i]]))
67                         }               
68                 }
69         if (!is.null(profileetlist)) {
70             profile<-rbind(profile,c('*','*','*','*','*','*'))
71                     if (length(profileetlist[[1]][[i]])!=0) {
72                     profile<-rbind(profile,as.matrix(profileetlist[[1]][[i]]))
73                     }
74         }
75         antipro<-rbind(antipro,c('**','classe',i,'**','',''))
76         antipro<-rbind(antipro,c('****',nbind,tot,pr,'****',''))
77                 if (length(antiproact[[1]][[i]])!=0) {
78                 antipro<-rbind(antipro,as.matrix(antiproact[[1]][[i]]))
79                 }
80                 if (!is.null(profilesuplist)) {
81                         antipro<-rbind(antipro,c('*****','*','*','*','*','*'))
82                         if (length(antiprosup[[1]][[i]])!=0) {
83                                 antipro<-rbind(antipro,as.matrix(antiprosup[[1]][[i]]))
84                         }
85                 }
86         if (!is.null(profileetlist)) {
87             antipro<-rbind(antipro,c('*','*','*','*','*','*'))
88             if (length(antiproet[[1]][[i]])!=0) {
89                             antipro<-rbind(antipro,as.matrix(antiproet[[1]][[i]]))
90                     }
91         }
92         }
93     write.csv2(profile,file=profileout,row.names=FALSE)
94     write.csv2(antipro,file=antiproout,row.names=FALSE)
95 }
97 AddCorrelationOk<-function(afc) {
98         rowcoord<-afc$rowcoord
99         colcoord<-afc$colcoord
100         factor <- ncol(rowcoord)
101         hypo<-function(rowcoord,ligne) {
102                 somme<-0
103                 for (i in 1:factor) {
104                         somme<-somme+(rowcoord[ligne,i])^2
105                 }
106         sqrt(somme)
107         }
108         cor<-function(d,hypo) {
109                 d/hypo
110         }
111         CompCrl<-function(rowcol) {
112                 out<-rowcol
113                 for (i in 1:factor) {
114                         for(ligne in 1:nrow(rowcol)) {      
115                                 out[ligne,i]<-cor(rowcol[ligne,i],hypo(rowcol,ligne))
116                         }
117                 }
118         out
119         }
120         afc$rowcrl<-CompCrl(rowcoord)
121         afc$colcrl<-CompCrl(colcoord)
122         afc
123 }
125 AsLexico<- function(x) {
126         x<-as.matrix(x)
127         sumcol<-colSums(x)
128     sumrow<-rowSums(x)
129         tot<-sum(sumrow)
130         tablesqr<-x
131         tablep<-x
132         mod.names<-rownames(x)
133         #problem exemple aurelia
134         for (classe in 1:ncol(x)) {
135                 print(classe)
136                 for (ligne in 1:nrow(x)) {
137                         conttable<-matrix(0,2,2)
138                         conttable[1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
139                         conttable[1,2]<-sumrow[ligne]-conttable[1,1]
140                         conttable[2,1]<-sumcol[classe]-conttable[1,1]
141                         conttable[2,2]<-tot-sumrow[ligne]-conttable[2,1]
142                         chiresult<-chisq.test(conttable,correct=TRUE)
143                         if ($p.value)) {
144                                 chiresult$p.value<-1
145                                 chiresult$statistic<-0
146                         }
147                         obsv<-chiresult$expected
148                         pval<-as.character(format(chiresult$p.value,scientific=TRUE))
149                         spval<-strsplit(pval,'e')
150                         if ( {
151                                 print(spval)
152                         }
153                         if (conttable[1,1]>obsv[1,1]) {
154                                 tablep[ligne,classe]<-as.numeric(spval[[1]][2])*(-1)
155                                 tablesqr[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
156                         }
157                         else if (conttable[1,1]<obsv[1,1]){
158                                 tablep[ligne,classe]<-as.numeric(spval[[1]][2])
159                                 tablesqr[ligne,classe]<--round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
160                         }
161                 }
162         }
163         output<-list()
164         eff_relatif<-(x/sumcol)*1000
165         output[[1]]<-tablep
166         output[[2]]<-tablesqr
167         output[[3]]<-eff_relatif
168         output
169 }               
171 MyChiSq<-function(x){
172         sr<-rowSums(x)
173     sc<-colSums(x)
174     n <- sum(x)
175         E <- outer(sr, sc, "*")/n
176         STAT<-sum((abs(x - E))^2/E)
177     PVAL <- pchisq(STAT, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
178         chi<-list(statistic = STAT, expected = E, p.value = PVAL)
179     chi
180 }
182 AsLexico2<- function(mat, chip = FALSE) {
183         mat<-as.matrix(mat)
184         sumcol<-colSums(mat)
185         sumrow<-rowSums(mat)
186         tot<-sum(sumrow)
187         tablesqr<-mat
188         tablep<-mat
189     contcs <- mat
190     for (i in 1:nrow(contcs)) {
191         contcs[i,] <- sumcol
192     }
193     contrs <- mat
194     contrs[,1:ncol(contrs)] <- sumrow
195     conttot <- matrix(tot, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))
196     cont12 <- contrs - mat
197     cont21 <- contcs - mat
198     cont22 <- conttot - contrs - cont21
199         mod.names<-rownames(mat)
200     make_chi_lex <- function(x) {
201         tb<-matrix(0,2,2)
202         tb[1,1] <- mat[x]
203         tb[1,2] <- cont12[x]
204         tb[2,1] <- cont21[x]
205         tb[2,2] <- cont22[x]
206         chiresult<-MyChiSq(tb)
207         #chiresult$statistic
208         if ($p.value)) {
209                         chiresult$p.value<-1
210                         chiresult$statistic<-0
211                 }
212                 obsv<-chiresult$expected
213                 pval<-as.character(format(chiresult$p.value,scientific=TRUE))
214                 spval<-strsplit(pval,'e')
215                 if ( {
216                         print(spval)
217                 }
218                 if (tb[1,1]>obsv[1,1]) {
219                         as.numeric(spval[[1]][2])*(-1)
220                 }
221                 else if (tb[1,1]<obsv[1,1]){
222                         as.numeric(spval[[1]][2])
223                 } else {
224             0
225         }
226     }
227     make_chi_p <- function(x) {
228         tb<-matrix(0,2,2)
229         tb[1,1] <- mat[x]
230         tb[1,2] <- cont12[x]
231         tb[2,1] <- cont21[x]
232         tb[2,2] <- cont22[x]
233         chiresult<-MyChiSq(tb)
234         #chiresult$statistic
235         if ($p.value)) {
236                         chiresult$p.value<-1
237                         chiresult$statistic<-0
238                 }
239                 obsv<-chiresult$expected
240                 if (tb[1,1]>obsv[1,1]) {
241                         chiresult$p.value
242                 }
243                 else if (tb[1,1]<obsv[1,1]){
244                         1
245                 } else {
246             1
247         }
248     }
249     make_chi <- function(x) {
250         tb<-matrix(0,2,2)
251         tb[1,1] <- mat[x]
252         tb[1,2] <- cont12[x]
253         tb[2,1] <- cont21[x]
254         tb[2,2] <- cont22[x]
255         chiresult<-MyChiSq(tb)
256         #chiresult$statistic
257         if ($p.value)) {
258                         chiresult$p.value<-1
259                         chiresult$statistic<-0
260                 }
261                 obsv<-chiresult$expected
262                 if (tb[1,1]>obsv[1,1]) {
263                         chiresult$statistic
264                 }
265                 else if (tb[1,1]<obsv[1,1]){
266                         0
267                 } else {
268             0
269         }
270     }
272     res <- matrix(sapply(1:length(mat), make_chi_lex), ncol = ncol(mat))
273     rownames(res)<-mod.names
274     colnames(res) <- colnames(mat)
275     eff_relatif<-round(t(apply(mat,1,function(x) {(x/t(as.matrix(sumcol))*1000)})),2)
276     rownames(eff_relatif)<-mod.names
277     colnames(eff_relatif) <- colnames(mat)
278     if (chip) {
279         reschip <- matrix(sapply(1:length(mat), make_chi_p), ncol = ncol(mat))
280         rownames(reschip)<- mod.names
281         colnames(reschip) <- colnames(mat)
282         reschi <- matrix(sapply(1:length(mat), make_chi), ncol = ncol(mat))
283         rownames(reschip)<- mod.names
284         colnames(reschip) <- colnames(mat)
285     }
286     out <-list()
287     out[[1]]<-res
288     out[[3]]<-eff_relatif
289     if (chip) {
290         out[[2]] <- reschip
291         out[[4]] <- reschi
292     }
293     out
294 }
297 ##from textometrieR
298 ##
299 ##Sylvain Loiseau
300 #specificites.probabilities <- function (lexicaltable, types = NULL, parts = NULL) 
301 #{
302 #    rowMargin <- rowSums(lexicaltable)
303 #    colMargin <- colSums(lexicaltable)
304 #    F <- sum(lexicaltable)
305 #    if (!is.null(types)) {
306 #        if (is.character(types)) {
307 #            if (is.null(rownames(lexicaltable))) 
308 #                stop("The lexical table has no row names and the \"types\" argument is a character vector.")
309 #            if (!all(types %in% rownames(lexicaltable))) 
310 #                stop(paste("Some requested types are not known in the lexical table: ", 
311 #                  paste(types[!(types %in% rownames(lexicaltable))], 
312 #                    collapse = " ")))
313 #        }
314 #        else {
315 #            if (any(types < 1)) 
316 #                stop("The row index must be greater than 0.")
317 #            if (max(types) > nrow(lexicaltable)) 
318 #                stop("Row index must be smaller than the number of rows.")
319 #        }
320 #        lexicaltable <- lexicaltable[types, , drop = FALSE]
321 #        rowMargin <- rowMargin[types]
322 #    }
323 #    if (!is.null(parts)) {
324 #        if (is.character(parts)) {
325 #            if (is.null(colnames(lexicaltable))) 
326 #                stop("The lexical table has no col names and the \"parts\" argument is a character vector.")
327 #            if (!all(parts %in% colnames(lexicaltable))) 
328 #                stop(paste("Some requested parts are not known in the lexical table: ", 
329 #                  paste(parts[!(parts %in% colnames(lexicaltable))], 
330 #                    collapse = " ")))
331 #        }
332 #        else {
333 #            if (max(parts) > ncol(lexicaltable)) 
334 #                stop("Column index must be smaller than the number of cols.")
335 #            if (any(parts < 1)) 
336 #                stop("The col index must be greater than 0.")
337 #        }
338 #        lexicaltable <- lexicaltable[, parts, drop = FALSE]
339 #        colMargin <- colMargin[parts]
340 #    }
341 #    if (nrow(lexicaltable) == 0 | ncol(lexicaltable) == 0) {
342 #        stop("The lexical table must contains at least one row and one column.")
343 #    }
344 #    specif <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(lexicaltable), ncol = ncol(lexicaltable))
345 #    for (i in 1:ncol(lexicaltable)) {
346 #        whiteDrawn <- lexicaltable[, i]
347 #        white <- rowMargin
348 #        black <- F - white
349 #        drawn <- colMargin[i]
350 #        independance <- (white * drawn)/F
351 #        specif_negative <- whiteDrawn < independance
352 #        specif_positive <- whiteDrawn >= independance
353 #        specif[specif_negative, i] <- phyper(whiteDrawn[specif_negative], 
354 #            white[specif_negative], black[specif_negative], drawn)
355 #        specif[specif_positive, i] <- phyper(whiteDrawn[specif_positive] - 
356 #            1, white[specif_positive], black[specif_positive], 
357 #            drawn)
358 #    }
359 #    dimnames(specif) <- dimnames(lexicaltable)
360 #    return(specif)
361 #}
362 #
363 ##from textometrieR
364 ##
365 ##Sylvain Loiseau
366 #specificites <- function (lexicaltable, types = NULL, parts = NULL) 
367 #{
368 #    spe <- specificites.probabilities(lexicaltable, types, parts)
369 #    spelog <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(spe), ncol = ncol(spe))
370 #    spelog[spe < 0.5] <- log10(spe[spe < 0.5])
371 #    spelog[spe > 0.5] <- abs(log10(1 - spe[spe > 0.5]))
372 #    spelog[spe == 0.5] <- 0
373 #    spelog[is.infinite(spe)] <- 0
374 #    spelog <- round(spelog, digits = 4)
375 #    rownames(spelog) <- rownames(spe)
376 #    colnames(spelog) <- colnames(spe)
377 #    return(spelog)
378 #}
380 make.spec.hypergeo <- function(mat) {
381     library(textometrieR)
382     spec <- specificites(mat)
383         sumcol<-colSums(mat)
384     eff_relatif<-round(t(apply(mat,1,function(x) {(x/t(as.matrix(sumcol))*1000)})),2)
385     out <-list()
386     out[[1]]<-spec
387     out[[3]]<-eff_relatif
388     out
389 }
391 BuildProf01<-function(x,classes) {
392         #x : donnees en 0/1
393         #classes : classes de chaque lignes de x
394         dm<-cbind(x,cl=classes)
395         clnb=length(summary(,max=100))
396         mat<-matrix(0,ncol(x),clnb)
397         rownames(mat)<-colnames(x)
398         for (i in 1:clnb) {
399                 dtmp<-dm[which(dm$cl==i),]
400                 for (j in 1:(ncol(dtmp)-1)) {
401                         mat[j,i]<-sum(dtmp[,j])
402                 }
403         }
404         mat
405 }
407 BuildProf<- function(x,dataclasse,clusternb,lim=2) {
408         ####
409         #r.names<-rownames(x)
410         #x<-as.matrix(x)
411         #rownames(x)<-r.names
412         ####
413         #nuce<-nrow(dataclasse)
414     sumcol<-paste(NULL,1:nrow(x))
415         colclasse<-dataclasse[,ncol(dataclasse)]
416         nuce <- length(which(colclasse != 0))
417 #       for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
418 #               sumcol[i]<-sum(x[i,])
419 #       }
420 #       afctablesum<-cbind(x,sumcol)
421     afctablesum <- cbind(x, rowSums(x))
422     #dataclasse<[dataclasse[,ncol(dataclasse)]!=0,])
423         dataclasse<-as.matrix(dataclasse[dataclasse[,ncol(dataclasse)]!=0,])
424         tablesqr<-x
425         tablep<-x
426         x<-afctablesum
427         listprofile<-list()
428         listantipro<-list()
429         mod.names<-rownames(x)
430         prof<-list()
431         aprof<-list()
432         lnbligne<-matrix()
433         for (classe in 1:clusternb) {
434                 lnbligne[classe]<-length(colclasse[colclasse==classe])
435                 prof[[classe]]<-data.frame()
436                 aprof[[classe]]<-data.frame()
437         }
439         for (ligne in 1:nrow(x)) {
440                 for (classe in 1:clusternb) {
441                         nbligneclasse<-lnbligne[classe]
442                         conttable<-data.frame()
443                         conttable[1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
444                         conttable[1,2]<-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
445                         conttable[2,1]<-nbligneclasse-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
446                         conttable[2,2]<-nrow(dataclasse)-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))-conttable[2,1]
447                         chiresult<-chisq.test(conttable,correct=FALSE)
448                         if ($p.value)) {
449                                 chiresult$p.value<-1
450                                 chiresult$statistic<-0
451                                 china=TRUE
452                         }
453                         obsv<-chiresult$expected
454                         tablep[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$p.value,digits=3)
455                         #tablep[ligne,classe]<-format(chiresult$p.value, scientific=TRUE)
456             if (chiresult$statistic>=lim) {
457                                 if (conttable[1,1]>obsv[1,1]) {
458                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
459                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]])+1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
460                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),2]<-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))
461                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),3]<-round((as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,classe]))/as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)])))*100,digits=2)
462                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),4]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=2)
463                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),5]<-mod.names[ligne]
464                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),6]<-chiresult$p.value
465                                 }
466                                 else if (conttable[1,1]<obsv[1,1]){
467                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<--round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
468                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]])+1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
469                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),2]<-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))
470                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),3]<-round((as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])/as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)])))*100,digits=2)
471                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),4]<--round(chiresult$statistic,digits=2)
472                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),5]<-mod.names[ligne]
473                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),6]<-chiresult$p.value
474                                 }
475                                 #pour gerer le cas avec une seule v et par exemple
476                                 else if (conttable[1,1]==obsv[1,1]) {
477                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
478                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]])+1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
479                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),2]<-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))
480                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),3]<-round((as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,classe]))/as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)])))*100,digits=2)
481                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),4]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=2)
482                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),5]<-mod.names[ligne]
483                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),6]<-chiresult$p.value
484                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]])+1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
485                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),2]<-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))
486                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),3]<-round((as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])/as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)])))*100,digits=2)
487                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),4]<--round(chiresult$statistic,digits=2)
488                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),5]<-mod.names[ligne]
489                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),6]<-chiresult$p.value
490                                 }
491                         }else {
492                                 if (conttable[1,1]>obsv[1,1]) {
493                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
494                                 } else if (conttable[1,1]<obsv[1,1]){
495                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<--round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
496                                 }
497                                 #pour gerer le cas avec une seule v et par exemple
498                                 else if (conttable[1,1]==obsv[1,1]) {
499                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
500                                 }
501                         }
502                         #                               }
503                 }
504         }
505         for (classe in 1:clusternb) {
506                 if (length(prof[[classe]])!=0) {
507                         prof[[classe]]<-prof[[classe]][order(prof[[classe]][,4],decreasing=TRUE),]
508                 }
509                 if (length(aprof[[classe]])!=0) {
510                         aprof[[classe]]<-aprof[[classe]][order(aprof[[classe]][,4]),]   
511                 }
512         }
513         output<-list()
514         output[[1]]<-tablep
515         output[[2]]<-tablesqr
516         output[[3]]<-afctablesum
517         output[[4]]<-prof
518         output[[5]]<-aprof
519         output
520 }
523 <- function(mat, lim = 2) {
524         mat<-as.matrix(mat)
525         mod.names<-rownames(mat)
526         scol<-colSums(mat)
527         srow<-rowSums(mat)
528         tot<-sum(srow)
529         tablesqr<-mat
530         tablep<-mat
531         prof<-list()
532         aprof<-list()
533     clusternb <- ncol(mat)
534     x <- cbind(mat, rowSums(mat))
535         for (classe in 1:clusternb) {
536                 prof[[classe]]<-data.frame()
537                 aprof[[classe]]<-data.frame()
538         }
540     for (ligne in 1:nrow(mat)) {
541         for(classe in 1:ncol(mat)) {
542             tb <- matrix(0,2,2)
543             tb[1,1] <- mat[ligne,classe]
544             tb[1,2] <- srow[ligne] - tb[1,1]
545             tb[2,1] <- scol[classe] - tb[1,1]
546             tb[2,2] <- tot - srow[ligne] - tb[2,1]
547             chiresult <- MyChiSq(tb)
548             if ($p.value)) {
549                                 chiresult$p.value<-1
550                                 chiresult$statistic<-0
551                         }
552             tablep[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$p.value,digits=3)
553             conttable<-tb
554             obsv <- chiresult$expected
555             if (chiresult$statistic>=lim) {
556                                 if (conttable[1,1]>obsv[1,1]) {
557                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
558                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]])+1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
559                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),2]<-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))
560                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),3]<-round((as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,classe]))/as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)])))*100,digits=2)
561                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),4]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=2)
562                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),5]<-mod.names[ligne]
563                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),6]<-chiresult$p.value
564                                 }
565                                 else if (conttable[1,1]<obsv[1,1]){
566                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<--round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
567                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]])+1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
568                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),2]<-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))
569                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),3]<-round((as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])/as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)])))*100,digits=2)
570                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),4]<--round(chiresult$statistic,digits=2)
571                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),5]<-mod.names[ligne]
572                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),6]<-chiresult$p.value
573                                 }
574                                 #pour gerer le cas avec une seule v et par exemple
575                                 else if (conttable[1,1]==obsv[1,1]) {
576                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
577                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]])+1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
578                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),2]<-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))
579                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),3]<-round((as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,classe]))/as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)])))*100,digits=2)
580                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),4]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=2)
581                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),5]<-mod.names[ligne]
582                                         prof[[classe]][nrow(prof[[classe]]),6]<-chiresult$p.value
583                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]])+1,1]<-as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])
584                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),2]<-as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)]))
585                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),3]<-round((as.numeric(x[ligne,classe])/as.numeric(as.vector(x[ligne,ncol(x)])))*100,digits=2)
586                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),4]<--round(chiresult$statistic,digits=2)
587                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),5]<-mod.names[ligne]
588                                         aprof[[classe]][nrow(aprof[[classe]]),6]<-chiresult$p.value
589                                 }
590                         }else {
591                                 if (conttable[1,1]>obsv[1,1]) {
592                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
593                                 } else if (conttable[1,1]<obsv[1,1]){
594                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<--round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
595                                 }
596                                 #pour gerer le cas avec une seule v et par exemple
597                                 else if (conttable[1,1]==obsv[1,1]) {
598                                         tablesqr[ligne,classe]<-round(chiresult$statistic,digits=3)
599                                 }
600                         }
602         }
603     }
604         for (classe in 1:clusternb) {
605                 if (length(prof[[classe]])!=0) {
606                         prof[[classe]]<-prof[[classe]][order(prof[[classe]][,4],decreasing=TRUE),]
607                 }
608                 if (length(aprof[[classe]])!=0) {
609                         aprof[[classe]]<-aprof[[classe]][order(aprof[[classe]][,4]),]   
610                 }
611         }
612         output<-list()
613         output[[1]]<-tablep
614         output[[2]]<-tablesqr
615         output[[3]]<-x
616         output[[4]]<-prof
617         output[[5]]<-aprof
618         output
619 }