open_file_graph(filename, width = width, height = height)
- <- rowcoord[order(cex.par, decreasing = TRUE),]
classes <- classes[order(cex.par, decreasing = TRUE)]
cex.par <- cex.par[order(cex.par, decreasing = TRUE)]
- <- stopoverlap(, cex.par=cex.par)
+ <- stopoverlap(, cex.par=cex.par, xlim = c(xmin,xmax), ylim = c(ymin,ymax))
classes <- classes[[,4]]
cex.par <- cex.par[[,4]]
make_afc_graph(, classes, clnb, xlab, ylab, cex.txt = cex.par, xminmax=c(xmin,xmax), yminmax=c(ymin,ymax))
-stopoverlap <- function(x, cex.par = NULL) {
+stopoverlap <- function(x, cex.par = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {
#from wordcloud
tails <- "g|j|p|q|y"
toplot <- NULL
- plot(x[,1],x[,2], pch='')
+ plot(x[,1],x[,2], pch='', xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
words <- rownames(x)
if (is.null(cex.par)) {
y1<- x[i,2]
wid <- strwidth(words[i],cex=size[i])
ht <- strheight(words[i],cex=size[i])
- ht <- (ht + ht*.08)
- wid <- (wid + wid*.15)
isOverlaped <- TRUE
if(!overlap(x1-.5*wid,y1-.5*ht,wid,ht, boxes)) { #&&
boxes[[length(boxes)+1]] <- c(x1-.5*wid,y1-.5*ht,wid,ht)
isOverlaped <- FALSE
} else {
- if(r>sqrt(.1)){
+ if(r>sqrt(.5)){
print(paste(words[i], "could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted."))
isOverlaped <- FALSE
make_afc_graph <- function(toplot, classes, clnb, xlab, ylab, cex.txt = NULL, leg = FALSE, cmd = FALSE, black = FALSE, xminmax=NULL, yminmax=NULL) {
- if (is.null(xminmax)) {
- xminmax <- c(min(toplot[,1], na.rm = TRUE) + ((max(cex.txt)/10) * min(toplot[,1], na.rm = TRUE)), max(toplot[,1], na.rm = TRUE) + ((max(cex.txt)/10) * max(toplot[,1], na.rm = TRUE)))
- }
- if (is.null(yminmax)) {
- yminmax <- c(min(toplot[,2], na.rm = TRUE) + ((max(cex.txt)/10) * min(toplot[,2], na.rm = TRUE)), max(toplot[,2], na.rm = TRUE) + ((max(cex.txt)/10) * max(toplot[,2], na.rm = TRUE)))
- }
- rain <- rainbow(clnb)
+ rain <- rainbow(clnb)
compt <- 1
tochange <- NULL
for (my.color in rain) {
tchi.min <- %i
tchi.max <- %i
dirout <- '%s'
-#xmin <- xmin
-#xmax <- xmax
-#ymin <- ymin
-#ymax <- ymax
+xminmax <- NULL
+yminmax <- NULL
xlab <- paste('facteur ', x, ' -')
ylab <- paste('facteur ', y, ' -')
+if (is.null(xminmax)) {
+ xminmax <- c(min([,1], na.rm = TRUE) + ((max(cex.par)/10) * min([,1], na.rm = TRUE)), max([,1], na.rm = TRUE) + ((max(cex.par)/10) * max([,1], na.rm = TRUE)))
+ }
+ if (is.null(yminmax)) {
+ yminmax <- c(min([,2], na.rm = TRUE) + ((max(cex.par)/10) * min([,2], na.rm = TRUE)), max([,2], na.rm = TRUE) + ((max(cex.par)/10) * max([,2], na.rm = TRUE)))
+ }
if (typegraph == 0) { <-[order(cex.par, decreasing = TRUE),]
classes <- classes[order(cex.par, decreasing = TRUE)]
cex.par <- cex.par[order(cex.par, decreasing = TRUE)]
- <- stopoverlap(, cex.par=cex.par)
+ <- stopoverlap(, cex.par=cex.par, xlim = xminmax, ylim = yminmax)
classes <- classes[[,4]]
cex.par <- cex.par[[,4]]
- make_afc_graph(, classes, clnb, xlab, ylab, cex.txt = cex.par)
+ make_afc_graph(, classes, clnb, xlab, ylab, cex.txt = cex.par, xminmax = xminmax, yminmax = yminmax)
} else {