from chemins import ConstructPathOut, construct_simipath
from corpus import Corpus
import os
+from analysetxt import AnalyseText
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from guifunct import getPage, getCorpus
from dialog import StatDialog
from functions import indices_simi, progressbar, treat_var_mod
from tableau import Tableau
from tabsimi import DoSimi
+from PrintRScript import PrintRScript
import wx
from copy import copy
-class SimiTxt :
- def __init__(self, parent, cmd = False, param = None):
- self.parent = parent
- self.cmd = cmd
- self.ConfigPath = parent.ConfigPath
- self.DictPath = parent.DictPath
- self.KeyConf = RawConfigParser()
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('iramuteq.textsimi')
+class SimiTxt(AnalyseText):
+ def doanalyse(self) :
self.indices = indices_simi
+ self.makesimiparam()
+ self.makefiles()
+ prep = PrepSimi(self.ira, self.parametres, indices_simi)
+ self.parametres = prep.parametres
+ script = PrintSimScript(self)
+ def preferences(self) :
+ dial = StatDialog(self, self.parent)
+ dial.CenterOnParent()
+ val = dial.ShowModal()
+ if val == 5100 :
+ if dial.radio_lem.GetSelection() == 0 :
+ lem = 1
+ else :
+ lem = 0
+ self.parametres['lem'] = lem
+ dial.Destroy()
+ return self.parametres
+ else :
+ dial.Destroy()
+ return None
+ def makesimiparam(self) :
self.paramsimi = {'coeff' : 0,
'layout' : 2,
'type' : 1,
'keep_coord' : True,
'alpha' : 20,
'film': False,
+ #'ira' : self.pathout['Analyse.ira']
- page = getPage(self.parent)
- if page is not None :
- self.corpus = getCorpus(page)
- if self.corpus is not None :
- self.pathout = ConstructPathOut(self.corpus.parametre['openpath'], 'simitxt')
- self.dictpathout = construct_simipath(self.pathout)
- self.val = wx.ID_OK
- self.make_table()
- self.make_simi()
+ self.parametres.update(self.paramsimi)
+ def makefiles(self) :
+ self.actives, lim = self.corpus.make_actives_nb(self.parametres.get('max_actives',1500), 1)
+ self.parametres['eff_min_forme'] = lim
+ self.parametres['nbactives'] = len(self.actives)
+ self.parametres['fromprof'] = True
+ self.corpus.make_and_write_sparse_matrix_from_uces(self.actives, self.pathout['mat01.csv'], self.pathout['listeuce1.csv'])
+ with open(self.pathout['actives.csv'], 'w') as f :
+ f.write('\n'.join(self.actives).encode(self.ira.syscoding))
+ self.listet = self.corpus.make_etoiles()
+ self.listet.sort()
+ self.parametres['stars'] = copy(self.listet)
+ self.parametres['sfromchi'] = False
+class PrepSimi :
+ def _init_(self, parent, parametres, indices_simi) :
+ self.parametres = parametres
+ self.dial = PrefSimi(parent, -1, self.parametres, indices_simi)
+ self.dial.CenterOnParent()
+ self.val = self.dial.ShowModal()
+ if self.val == wx.ID_OK :
+ self.make_param()
+ def make_param(self) :
+ = self.dial.check_colch.GetValue()
+ param = {'coeff' : self.dial.choice1.GetSelection(),
+ 'layout' : self.dial.choice2.GetSelection(),
+ 'type' : self.dial.choice3.GetSelection(),
+ 'arbremax' : self.dial.check1.GetValue(),
+ 'coeff_tv' : self.dial.check_s_size.GetValue(),
+ 'coeff_tv_nb' : self.dial.spin_tv.GetValue(),
+ 'tvprop' : self.dial.check2.GetValue(),
+ 'tvmin' : self.dial.spin_tvmin.GetValue(),
+ 'tvmax' : self.dial.spin_tvmax.GetValue(),
+ 'coeff_te' : self.dial.check3.GetValue(),
+ 'coeff_temin' : self.dial.spin_temin.GetValue(),
+ 'coeff_temax' : self.dial.spin_temax.GetValue(),
+ 'label_e' : self.dial.check_elab.GetValue(),
+ 'label_v' : self.dial.check_vlab.GetValue(),
+ 'vcex' : self.dial.check_vcex.GetValue(),
+ 'vcexmin' : self.dial.spin_vcexmin.GetValue(),
+ 'vcexmax' : self.dial.spin_vcexmax.GetValue(),
+ 'cex' : self.dial.spin_cex.GetValue(),
+ 'seuil_ok' : self.dial.check_seuil.GetValue(),
+ 'seuil' : self.dial.spin_seuil.GetValue(),
+ 'cols' : self.dial.cols.GetColour(),
+ 'cola' : self.dial.cola.GetColour(),
+ 'width' : self.dial.spin_width.GetValue(),
+ 'height' : self.dial.spin_height.GetValue(),
+ 'first' : False,
+ 'keep_coord' : keep_coord,
+ 'alpha' : self.dial.slider_sphere.GetValue(),
+ 'film' :
+ }
+ if 'cexfromchi' in self.parametres :
+ param['cexfromchi'] = self.dial.checkit.GetValue()
+ if 'sfromchi' in self.parametres :
+ param['sfromchi'] = self.dial.checki.GetValue()
+ if 'vlabcolor' in self.parametres :
+ param['vlabcolor'] = self.parametres['vlabcolor']
+ if 'check_bystar' in dir(self.dial) :
+ param['bystar'] = self.dial.check_bystar.GetValue()
+ param['stars'] = self.parametres['stars']
+ self.parametres.update(param)
+class PrintSimiScript(PrintRScript) :
+ def make_script(self) :
+ self.load(['igraph', 'proxy', 'Matrix'])
+ self.source([self.analyse.parent.RscriptsPath['simi'], self.analyse.parent.RscriptsPath['Rgraph']])
+ txt = """
+ dm.path <- "%s"
+ cn.path <- "%s"
+ selected.col <- "%s"
+ """ % (self.pathout['mat01.csv'], self.pathout['actives.csv'], self.pathout['selected.csv'])
+ txt += """
+ dm <- dm[, selected.col+1]
+ """
+ if self.parametres['coeff'] == 0 :
+ method = 'cooc'
+ txt += """
+ method <- 'cooc'
+ mat <- make.a(dm)
+ """
else :
- self.corpus = Corpus(parent)
- self.corpus.content = self.parent.content
- self.corpus.parametre['encodage'] = parent.corpus_encodage
- self.corpus.parametre['lang'] = parent.corpus_lang
- self.corpus.parametre['filename'] = parent.filename
- self.corpus.parametre['eff_min_uce'] = None
- self.pathout = ConstructPathOut(self.corpus.parametre['filename'], 'simitxt')
- self.dictpathout = construct_simipath(self.pathout)
- dial = StatDialog(self, self.parent)
- dial.check_uce.SetValue(True)
- dial.check_uce.Enable(False)
- dial.OnCheckUce(wx.EVT_MENU)
- self.val = dial.ShowModal()
- if self.val == wx.ID_OK :
- with open(self.parent.ConfigPath['key'], 'w') as f:
- self.KeyConf.write(f)
- if dial.radio_lem.GetSelection() == 0 : lem = True
- else : lem = False
- if dial.exp.GetSelection() == 0 : exp = True
- else : exp = False
- dial.Destroy()
- self.corpus.parametre['lem'] = lem
- self.corpus.parametre['expressions'] = exp
- self.corpus.parametre['nbforme_uce'] = dial.spin_ctrl_4.GetValue()
- self.corpus.parametre['eff_min_forme'] = dial.spin_ctrl_5.GetValue()
- self.corpus.parametre['max_actives'] = dial.spin_max_actives.GetValue()
- self.make_corpus()
- self.make_table()
- self.make_simi()
- else :
- dial.Destroy()
- def make_corpus(self) :
- print 'make corpus'
- if not self.cmd :
- dlg = progressbar(self, maxi = 6)
- self.corpus.supplementaires = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "2"]
- self.corpus.typeactive = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "1"]
- ucis_txt, ucis_paras_txt = self.corpus.start_analyse(self.parent, dlg = dlg, cmd = self.cmd)
- del ucis_txt
- if not self.cmd :
- dlg.Update(5, '%i ucis - Construction des uces' % len(ucis_paras_txt))
- self.corpus.make_ucis_paras_uces(ucis_paras_txt, make_uce = True)
- del ucis_paras_txt
- if self.corpus.para_coords != [[] for val in self.corpus.para_coords] :
- self.corpus.parametre['para'] = True
+ txt += """
+ dm <- as.matrix(dm)
+ """
+ if self.parametres['coeff'] == 1 :
+ method = 'prcooc'
+ txt += """
+ method <- 'Russel'
+ mat <- simil(dm, method = 'Russel', diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, by_rows = FALSE)
+ """
+ elif self.analyses.indices[self.parametres['coeff']] == 'binomial' :
+ method = 'binomial'
+ txt += """
+ method <- 'binomial'
+ mat <- binom.sim(dm)
+ """
else :
- self.corpus.parametre['para'] = False
- self.corpus.make_etoiles(self.corpus.para_coords)
- print 'len(ucis_paras_uces)', len(self.corpus.ucis_paras_uces)
- if not self.cmd :
- dlg.Update(6, u'Dictionnaires')
- uces, self.orderuces = self.corpus.make_forms_and_uces()
- self.corpus.ucenb = len(uces)
- self.corpus.make_lems(self.parent.lexique)
- self.corpus.make_var_actives()
- self.corpus.make_var_supp()
- self.corpus.lems_eff = self.corpus.make_lem_eff()
- #variables = treat_var_mod(listet)
- #print(variables)
- #self.corpus.write_etoiles(self.dictpathout['etoiles'])
- if not self.cmd :
- dlg.Destroy()
- def make_table(self) :
- if 'orderuces' not in dir(self) :
- self.orderuces = [(i,j,k) for i, uci in enumerate(self.corpus.ucis_paras_uces) for j, para in enumerate(uci) for k, uce in enumerate(para)]
- self.orderuces = dict([[val, i] for i, val in enumerate(self.orderuces)])
- self.corpus.ucenb = len(self.orderuces)
- #tabuc1 = self.corpus.make_table_with_uce(self.orderuces)
- #tabuc1.insert(0,self.corpus.actives)
- #tabuc1 = self.corpus.make_sparse_matrix_with_uce(self.orderuces)
- #self.corpus.write_sparse_matrix(self.dictpathout['mat01'], tabuc1, self.corpus.ucenb, len(self.corpus.actives))
- if self.corpus.actives is None :
- self.corpus.typeactive = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "1"]
- self.corpus.min_eff_formes()
- self.corpus.make_var_actives()
- self.corpus.make_and_write_sparse_matrix_from_uce(self.orderuces, self.dictpathout['mat01'])
- #self.corpus.write_tab(tabuc1,self.dictpathout['mat01'])
- def make_simi(self) :
+ method = self.types[self.paramsimi['coeff']]
+ txt += """
+ method <-"%s"
+ mat <- simil(dm, method = method, diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, by_rows = FALSE)
+ """ % self.analyse.indices[self.parametres['coeff']]
+ txt += """
+ mat <- as.matrix(stats::as.dist(mat,diag=TRUE,upper=TRUE))
+ mat[] <- 0
+ mat[is.infinite(mat)] <- 0
+ """
+ if self.parametres['layout'] == 0 : layout = 'random'
+ if self.parametres['layout'] == 1 : layout = 'circle'
+ if self.parametres['layout'] == 2 : layout = 'frutch'
+ if self.parametres['layout'] == 3 : layout = 'kawa'
+ if self.parametres['layout'] == 4 : layout = 'graphopt'
+ txt += """
+ eff <- colSums(dm)
+ g.ori <- graph.adjacency(mat, mode='lower', weighted = TRUE)
+ w.ori <- E(g.ori)$weight
+ if (max.tree) {
+ if (method == 'cooc') {
+ E(g.ori)$weight <- 1 / w.ori
+ } else {
+ E(g.ori)$weigth <- 1 - w.ori
+ }
+ g.max <- minimum.spanning.tree(g.ori)
+ if (method == 'cooc') {
+ E(g.max)$weight <- 1 / E(g.max)$weight
+ } else {
+ E(g.max)$weight <- 1 - E(g.max)$weight
+ }
+ g.toplot <- g.max
+ } else {
+ g.toplot <- g.ori
+ }
+ """
self.tableau = Tableau(self.parent, '')
- self.tableau.listactives = self.corpus.actives
+ self.tableau.listactives = self.actives
self.tableau.parametre['fromtxt'] = True
- if 'lems_eff' not in dir(self.corpus) :
- self.corpus.lems_eff = self.corpus.make_lem_eff()
+ self.corpus.lems_eff = dict([[lem,[self.corpus.lems[lem].freq]] for lem in self.actives])
#self.paramsimi['bystar'] = True
- self.listet = self.corpus.get_unique_etoiles()
- self.listet.sort()
self.tableau.listet = copy(self.listet)
- self.paramsimi['stars'] = copy(self.listet)
#self.paramsimi['cexfromchi'] = True
- self.paramsimi['sfromchi'] = False
#self.paramsimi['vlabcolor'] = True
- self.tableau.actives = dict([[lem, self.corpus.lems_eff[lem]] for lem in self.corpus.actives])
- self.corpus.save_corpus(self.dictpathout['corpus'])
- DoSimi(self, fromprof = self.dictpathout['mat01'], param = self.paramsimi, pathout = self.pathout)
+ self.tableau.actives = copy(self.corpus.lems_eff)
+ DoSimi(self, fromprof = self.pathout['mat01.csv'], param = self.paramsimi, pathout = self.pathout.dirout)
+#class SimiTxt :
+# def __init__(self, parent, cmd = False, param = None):
+# self.parent = parent
+# self.cmd = cmd
+# self.ConfigPath = parent.ConfigPath
+# self.DictPath = parent.DictPath
+# self.KeyConf = RawConfigParser()
+# self.indices = indices_simi
+# self.paramsimi = {'coeff' : 0,
+# 'layout' : 2,
+# 'type' : 1,
+# 'arbremax' : 1,
+# 'coeff_tv' : 1,
+# 'coeff_tv_nb' : 0,
+# 'tvprop' : 0,
+# 'tvmin' : 5,
+# 'tvmax' : 30,
+# 'coeff_te' : 1,
+# 'coeff_temin' : 1,
+# 'coeff_temax' : 10,
+# 'label_v': 1,
+# 'label_e': 0,
+# 'vcex' : 1,
+# 'cexfromchi' : False,
+# 'vcexmin' : 10,
+# 'vcexmax' : 25,
+# 'cex' : 10,
+# 'seuil_ok' : 0,
+# 'seuil' : 1,
+# 'cols' : (255,0,0),
+# 'cola' : (200,200,200),
+# 'width' : 1000,
+# 'height' : 1000,
+# 'bystar' : False,
+# 'first' : True,
+# 'keep_coord' : True,
+# 'alpha' : 20,
+# 'film': False,
+# }
+# page = getPage(self.parent)
+# if page is not None :
+# self.corpus = getCorpus(page)
+# if self.corpus is not None :
+# self.pathout = ConstructPathOut(self.corpus.parametre['openpath'], 'simitxt')
+# self.dictpathout = construct_simipath(self.pathout)
+# self.val = wx.ID_OK
+# self.make_table()
+# self.make_simi()
+# else :
+# self.corpus = Corpus(parent)
+# self.corpus.content = self.parent.content
+# self.corpus.parametre['encodage'] = parent.corpus_encodage
+# self.corpus.parametre['lang'] = parent.corpus_lang
+# self.corpus.parametre['filename'] = parent.filename
+# self.corpus.parametre['eff_min_uce'] = None
+# self.pathout = ConstructPathOut(self.corpus.parametre['filename'], 'simitxt')
+# self.dictpathout = construct_simipath(self.pathout)
+# dial = StatDialog(self, self.parent)
+# dial.check_uce.SetValue(True)
+# dial.check_uce.Enable(False)
+# dial.OnCheckUce(wx.EVT_MENU)
+# self.val = dial.ShowModal()
+# if self.val == wx.ID_OK :
+# with open(self.parent.ConfigPath['key'], 'w') as f:
+# self.KeyConf.write(f)
+# if dial.radio_lem.GetSelection() == 0 : lem = True
+# else : lem = False
+# if dial.exp.GetSelection() == 0 : exp = True
+# else : exp = False
+# dial.Destroy()
+# self.corpus.parametre['lem'] = lem
+# self.corpus.parametre['expressions'] = exp
+# self.corpus.parametre['nbforme_uce'] = dial.spin_ctrl_4.GetValue()
+# self.corpus.parametre['eff_min_forme'] = dial.spin_ctrl_5.GetValue()
+# self.corpus.parametre['max_actives'] = dial.spin_max_actives.GetValue()
+# self.make_corpus()
+# self.make_table()
+# self.make_simi()
+# else :
+# dial.Destroy()
+# def make_corpus(self) :
+# print 'make corpus'
+# if not self.cmd :
+# dlg = progressbar(self, maxi = 6)
+# self.corpus.supplementaires = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "2"]
+# self.corpus.typeactive = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "1"]
+# ucis_txt, ucis_paras_txt = self.corpus.start_analyse(self.parent, dlg = dlg, cmd = self.cmd)
+# del ucis_txt
+# if not self.cmd :
+# dlg.Update(5, '%i ucis - Construction des uces' % len(ucis_paras_txt))
+# self.corpus.make_ucis_paras_uces(ucis_paras_txt, make_uce = True)
+# del ucis_paras_txt
+# if self.corpus.para_coords != [[] for val in self.corpus.para_coords] :
+# self.corpus.parametre['para'] = True
+# else :
+# self.corpus.parametre['para'] = False
+# self.corpus.make_etoiles(self.corpus.para_coords)
+# print 'len(ucis_paras_uces)', len(self.corpus.ucis_paras_uces)
+# if not self.cmd :
+# dlg.Update(6, u'Dictionnaires')
+# uces, self.orderuces = self.corpus.make_forms_and_uces()
+# self.corpus.ucenb = len(uces)
+# self.corpus.make_lems(self.parent.lexique)
+# self.corpus.make_var_actives()
+# self.corpus.make_var_supp()
+# self.corpus.lems_eff = self.corpus.make_lem_eff()
+# #variables = treat_var_mod(listet)
+# #print(variables)
+# #self.corpus.write_etoiles(self.dictpathout['etoiles'])
+# if not self.cmd :
+# dlg.Destroy()
+# def make_table(self) :
+# if 'orderuces' not in dir(self) :
+# self.orderuces = [(i,j,k) for i, uci in enumerate(self.corpus.ucis_paras_uces) for j, para in enumerate(uci) for k, uce in enumerate(para)]
+# self.orderuces = dict([[val, i] for i, val in enumerate(self.orderuces)])
+# self.corpus.ucenb = len(self.orderuces)
+# #tabuc1 = self.corpus.make_table_with_uce(self.orderuces)
+# #tabuc1.insert(0,self.corpus.actives)
+# #tabuc1 = self.corpus.make_sparse_matrix_with_uce(self.orderuces)
+# #self.corpus.write_sparse_matrix(self.dictpathout['mat01'], tabuc1, self.corpus.ucenb, len(self.corpus.actives))
+# if self.corpus.actives is None :
+# self.corpus.typeactive = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "1"]
+# self.corpus.min_eff_formes()
+# self.corpus.make_var_actives()
+# self.corpus.make_and_write_sparse_matrix_from_uce(self.orderuces, self.dictpathout['mat01'])
+# #self.corpus.write_tab(tabuc1,self.dictpathout['mat01'])
+# def make_simi(self) :
+# self.tableau = Tableau(self.parent, '')
+# self.tableau.listactives = self.corpus.actives
+# self.tableau.parametre['fromtxt'] = True
+# if 'lems_eff' not in dir(self.corpus) :
+# self.corpus.lems_eff = self.corpus.make_lem_eff()
+# #self.paramsimi['bystar'] = True
+# self.listet = self.corpus.get_unique_etoiles()
+# self.listet.sort()
+# self.tableau.listet = copy(self.listet)
+# self.paramsimi['stars'] = copy(self.listet)
+# #self.paramsimi['cexfromchi'] = True
+# self.paramsimi['sfromchi'] = False
+# #self.paramsimi['vlabcolor'] = True
+# self.tableau.actives = dict([[lem, self.corpus.lems_eff[lem]] for lem in self.corpus.actives])
+# self.corpus.save_corpus(self.dictpathout['corpus'])
+# DoSimi(self, fromprof = self.dictpathout['mat01'], param = self.paramsimi, pathout = self.pathout)
self.count = 0
self.log = log
- # NOTE: For some reason tree items have to have a data object in
- # order to be sorted. Since our compare just uses the labels
- # we don't need any real data, so we'll just use None below for
- # the item data.
self.history = parent.history
self.h = self.history.history
self.root = self.AddRoot("Iramuteq")
alceste = classification.Append(wx.ID_ANY, u"Méthode ALCESTE")
pam = classification.Append(wx.ID_ANY, u"Par matrice des distances")
menu.AppendMenu(-1, u"Classification", classification)
+ simi = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, u"Analyse de similitude")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAlceste, alceste)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPam, pam)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnStat, stat)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSpec, spec)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSimiTxt, simi)
- item10 = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, "Supprimer de l'historique")
+ itemdelete = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, "Supprimer de l'historique")
if item == self.GetRootItem():
- item10.Enable(False)
+ itemdelete.Enable(False)
#item11 = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, "Prepend An Item")
#item12 = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, "Append An Item")
#self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnDisableItem, item7)
#self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnItemIcons, item8)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnItemInfo, info)
- #self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnItemDelete, item10)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnItemDelete, itemdelete)
#self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnItemPrepend, item11)
#self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnItemAppend, item12)
def OnPam(self, evt) :
print 'rien'
+ def OnSimiTxt(self, evt) :
+ self.parent.OnSimiTxt(evt, self.getcorpus(self.itemdict))
def OnItemBackground(self, event):
colourdata = wx.ColourData()
+ pydata = self.itemdict['pydata']
+ if 'corpus_name' in pydata :
+ self.history.delete(pydata['uuid'], True)
+ else :
+ self.history.delete(pydata['uuid'])
self.current = None
def OnSelChanged(self, event):
item = event.GetItem()
pydata = self.GetPyData(item)
- if pydata['uuid'] in self.parent.history.opened :
- for i in range(self.parent.nb.GetPageCount()) :
- page = self.parent.nb.GetPage(i)
- if 'parametres' in dir(page) :
- if page.parametres['uuid'] == pydata['uuid'] :
- self.parent.nb.SetSelection(i)
- break
+ if pydata is not None :
+ if pydata['uuid'] in self.parent.history.opened :
+ for i in range(self.parent.nb.GetPageCount()) :
+ page = self.parent.nb.GetPage(i)
+ if 'parametres' in dir(page) :
+ if page.parametres['uuid'] == pydata['uuid'] :
+ self.parent.nb.SetSelection(i)
+ break
#self.item = event.GetItem()
#if self.item: