remove agw
authorPierre <>
Fri, 11 Jan 2013 09:21:58 +0000 (10:21 +0100)
committerPierre <>
Fri, 11 Jan 2013 09:21:58 +0000 (10:21 +0100)
14 files changed:
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diff --git a/agw/ b/agw/
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index a2dcee6..0000000
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-This is the Advanced Generic Widgets package (AGW). It provides many 
-custom-drawn wxPython controls: some of them can be used as a replacement 
-of the platform native controls, others are simply an addition to the 
-already rich wxPython widgets set.
-AGW contains many different modules, listed below. Items labelled with 
-an asterisk were already present in `wx.lib` before:
-- AdvancedSplash: reproduces the behaviour of `wx.SplashScreen`, with more
-  advanced features like custom shapes and text animations;
-- AquaButton: this is another custom-drawn button class which
-  *approximatively* mimics the behaviour of Aqua buttons on the Mac;
-- AUI: a pure-Python implementation of `wx.aui`, with many bug fixes and
-  new features like HUD docking and L{AuiNotebook} tab arts;
-- BalloonTip: allows you to display tooltips in a balloon style window
-  (actually a frame), similarly to the Windows XP balloon help;
-- ButtonPanel (*): a panel with gradient background shading with the
-  possibility to add buttons and controls still respecting the gradient
-  background;
-- CubeColourDialog: an alternative implementation of `wx.ColourDialog`, it
-  offers different functionalities like colour wheel and RGB cube;
-- CustomTreeCtrl (*): mimics the behaviour of `wx.TreeCtrl`, with almost the
-  same base functionalities plus a bunch of enhancements and goodies;
-- FlatMenu: as the name implies, it is a generic menu implementation,
-  offering the same `wx.MenuBar`/`wx.Menu`/`wx.ToolBar` capabilities and much more;
-- FlatNotebook (*): a full implementation of the `wx.Notebook`, and designed
-  to be a drop-in replacement for `wx.Notebook` with enhanced capabilities;
-- FloatSpin: this class implements a floating point spinctrl, cabable (in
-  theory) of handling infinite-precision floating point numbers;
-- FoldPanelBar (*): a control that contains multiple panels that can be
-  expanded or collapsed a la Windows Explorer/Outlook command bars;
-- FourWaySplitter: this is a layout manager which manages four children like
-  four panes in a window, similar to many CAD software interfaces;
-- GenericMessageDialog: it is a possible replacement for the standard
-  `wx.MessageDialog`, with a fancier look and extended functionalities;
-- GradientButton: another custom-drawn button class which mimics Windows CE
-  mobile gradient buttons, using a tri-vertex blended gradient background;
-- HyperLinkCtrl (*): this widget acts line an hyper link in a typical browser;
-- HyperTreeList: a class that mimics the behaviour of `wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl`,
-  with almost the same base functionalities plus some more enhancements;
-- KnobCtrl: a widget which lets the user select a numerical value by
-  rotating it, like a slider with a wheel shape;
-- LabelBook and FlatImageBook: these are a quasi-full implementations of
-  `wx.ListBook`, with additional features;
-- MultiDirDialog: it represents a possible replacement for `wx.DirDialog`,
-  with the additional ability of selecting multiple folders at once and a
-  fancier look;
-- PeakMeter: this widget mimics the behaviour of LED equalizers that are
-  usually found in stereos and MP3 players;
-- PersistentControls: widgets which automatically save their state
-  when they are destroyed and restore it when they are recreated, even during
-  another program invocation;
-- PieCtrl and ProgressPie: these are simple classes that reproduce the
-  behavior of a pie chart, in a static or progress-gauge-like way;
-- PyBusyInfo: constructs a busy info window and displays a message in it:
-  it is similar to `wx.BusyInfo`;
-- PyCollapsiblePane: a pure Python implementation of the original wxWidgets
-  C++ code of `wx.CollapsiblePane`, with customizable buttons;
-- PyGauge: a generic `wx.Gauge` implementation, it supports the determinate
-  mode functions as `wx.Gauge`;
-- PyProgress: it is similar to `wx.ProgressDialog` in indeterminated mode, but
-  with a different gauge appearance and a different spinning behavior;
-- RibbonBar: the RibbonBar library is a set of classes for writing a ribbon
-  user interface, similar to the user interface present in recent versions
-  of Microsoft Office;
-- RulerCtrl: it implements a ruler window that can be placed on top, bottom,
-  left or right to any wxPython widget. It is somewhat similar to the rulers
-  you can find in text editors software;
-- ShapedButton: this class tries to fill the lack of "custom shaped" controls
-  in wxPython. It can be used to build round buttons or elliptic buttons;
-- SpeedMeter: this widget tries to reproduce the behavior of some car
-  controls (but not only), by creating an "angular" control;
-- SuperToolTip: a class that mimics the behaviour of `wx.TipWindow` and
-  generic tooltips, with many features and highly customizable;
-- ThumbnailCtrl: a widget that can be used to display a series of images
-  in a "thumbnail" format; it mimics, for example, the Windows Explorer
-  behavior when you select the "view thumbnails" option;
-- ToasterBox: a cross-platform widget to make the creation of MSN-style
-  "toaster" popups easier;
-- UltimateListCtrl: mimics the behaviour of `wx.ListCtrl`, with almost the same
-  base functionalities plus some more enhancements;
-- ZoomBar: a class that *appoximatively* mimics the behaviour of the Mac Dock,
-  inside a `wx.Panel`.
-Bugs and Limitations: many, patches and fixes welcome :-D
-See the demos for an example of what AGW can do, and on how to use it.
-Copyright: Andrea Gavana
-License: Same as the version of wxPython you are using it with.
-SVN for latest code:
-Mailing List:
-My personal web page:
-Please let me know if you are using AGW!
-You can contact me at:
-AGW version: 0.9.1
-Last updated: 10 Mar 2011, 15.00 GMT
-__version__ = "0.9.1"
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
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-AUI is an Advanced User Interface library that aims to implement "cutting-edge"
-interface usability and design features so developers can quickly and easily create
-beautiful and usable application interfaces.
-Vision and Design Principles
-AUI attempts to encapsulate the following aspects of the user interface:
-* **Frame Management**: Frame management provides the means to open, move and hide common
-  controls that are needed to interact with the document, and allow these configurations
-  to be saved into different perspectives and loaded at a later time. 
-* **Toolbars**: Toolbars are a specialized subset of the frame management system and should
-  behave similarly to other docked components. However, they also require additional
-  functionality, such as "spring-loaded" rebar support, "chevron" buttons and end-user
-  customizability. 
-* **Modeless Controls**: Modeless controls expose a tool palette or set of options that
-  float above the application content while allowing it to be accessed. Usually accessed
-  by the toolbar, these controls disappear when an option is selected, but may also be
-  "torn off" the toolbar into a floating frame of their own. 
-* **Look and Feel**: Look and feel encompasses the way controls are drawn, both when shown
-  statically as well as when they are being moved. This aspect of user interface design
-  incorporates "special effects" such as transparent window dragging as well as frame animation. 
-AUI adheres to the following principles:
-- Use native floating frames to obtain a native look and feel for all platforms;
-- Use existing wxPython code where possible, such as sizer implementation for frame management; 
-- Use standard wxPython coding conventions.
-The following example shows a simple implementation that uses L{AuiManager} to manage
-three text controls in a frame window::
-    class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
-        def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, title="AUI Test", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
-                     size=(800, 600), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
-            wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
-            self._mgr = aui.AuiManager()
-            # notify AUI which frame to use
-            self._mgr.SetManagedWindow(self)
-            # create several text controls
-            text1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Pane 1 - sample text",
-                                wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200,150),
-                                wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TE_MULTILINE)
-            text2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Pane 2 - sample text",
-                                wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200,150),
-                                wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TE_MULTILINE)
-            text3 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Main content window",
-                                wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200,150),
-                                wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TE_MULTILINE)
-            # add the panes to the manager
-            self._mgr.AddPane(text1, AuiPaneInfo().Left().Caption("Pane Number One"))
-            self._mgr.AddPane(text2, AuiPaneInfo().Bottom().Caption("Pane Number Two"))
-            self._mgr.AddPane(text3, AuiPaneInfo().CenterPane())
-            # tell the manager to "commit" all the changes just made
-            self._mgr.Update()
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
-        def OnClose(self, event):
-            # deinitialize the frame manager
-            self._mgr.UnInit()
-            self.Destroy()        
-            event.Skip()        
-    # our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual
-    app = wx.PySimpleApp()
-    frame = MyFrame(None)
-    app.SetTopWindow(frame)
-    frame.Show()
-    app.MainLoop()
-What's New
-Current wxAUI Version Tracked: wxWidgets 2.9.0 (SVN HEAD)
-The wxPython AUI version fixes the following bugs or implement the following
-missing features (the list is not exhaustive):
-- Visual Studio 2005 style docking:
-- Dock and Pane Resizing: 
-- Patch concerning dock resizing: 
-- Patch to effect wxAuiToolBar orientation switch: 
-- AUI: Core dump when loading a perspective in wxGTK (MSW OK): 
-- wxAuiNotebook reordered AdvanceSelection(): 
-- Vertical Toolbar Docking Issue: 
-- Patch to show the resize hint on mouse-down in aui: 
-- The Left/Right and Top/Bottom Docks over draw each other: 
-- MinSize() not honoured: 
-- Layout problem with wxAUI: 
-- Resizing children ignores current window size: 
-- Resizing panes under Vista does not repaint background: 
-- Resize sash resizes in response to click: 
-- "Illegal" resizing of the AuiPane? (wxPython): 
-- Floating wxAUIPane Resize Event doesn't update its position:
-- Don't hide floating panels when we maximize some other panel: 
-- wxAUINotebook incorrect ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE handling: 
-- Page changing veto doesn't work, (patch supplied): 
-- Show and DoShow are mixed around in wxAuiMDIChildFrame: 
-- wxAuiManager & wxToolBar - ToolBar Of Size Zero: 
-- wxAuiNotebook doesn't behave properly like a container as far as...:
-- Serious layout bugs in wxAUI:
-- wAuiDefaultTabArt::Clone() should just use copy contructor:
-- Drop down button for check tool on wxAuiToolbar:
-Plus the following features:
-- AuiManager:
-  (a) Implementation of a simple minimize pane system: Clicking on this minimize button causes a new
-      AuiToolBar to be created and added to the frame manager, (currently the implementation is such
-      that panes at West will have a toolbar at the right, panes at South will have toolbars at the
-      bottom etc...) and the pane is hidden in the manager.
-      Clicking on the restore button on the newly created toolbar will result in the toolbar being
-      removed and the original pane being restored;
-  (b) Panes can be docked on top of each other to form `AuiNotebooks`; `AuiNotebooks` tabs can be torn
-      off to create floating panes;
-  (c) On Windows XP, use the nice sash drawing provided by XP while dragging the sash;
-  (d) Possibility to set an icon on docked panes;
-  (e) Possibility to draw a sash visual grip, for enhanced visualization of sashes;
-  (f) Implementation of a native docking art (`ModernDockArt`). Windows XP only, **requires** Mark Hammond's
-      pywin32 package (winxptheme);
-  (g) Possibility to set a transparency for floating panes (a la Paint .NET);
-  (h) Snapping the main frame to the screen in any positin specified by horizontal and vertical
-      alignments;
-  (i) Snapping floating panes on left/right/top/bottom or any combination of directions, a la Winamp;
-  (j) "Fly-out" floating panes, i.e. panes which show themselves only when the mouse hover them;
-  (k) Ability to set custom bitmaps for pane buttons (close, maximize, etc...);
-  (l) Implementation of the style ``AUI_MGR_ANIMATE_FRAMES``, which fade-out floating panes when
-      they are closed (all platforms which support frames transparency) and show a moving rectangle
-      when they are docked and minimized (Windows < Vista and GTK only);
-  (m) A pane switcher dialog is available to cycle through existing AUI panes;
-  (n) Some flags which allow to choose the orientation and the position of the minimized panes;
-  (o) The functions [Get]MinimizeMode() in `AuiPaneInfo` which allow to set/get the flags described above;
-      available for all panes *except* toolbar panes;
-  (q) Implementation of the RequestUserAttention method for panes;
-  (r) Ability to show the caption bar of docked panes on the left instead of on the top (with caption
-      text rotated by 90 degrees then). This is similar to what `wxDockIt` did. To enable this feature on any
-      given pane, simply call `CaptionVisible(True, left=True)`;
-  (s) New Aero-style docking guides: you can enable them by using the `AuiManager` style ``AUI_MGR_AERO_DOCKING_GUIDES``;
-  (t) A slide-in/slide-out preview of minimized panes can be seen by enabling the `AuiManager` style
-      ``AUI_MGR_PREVIEW_MINIMIZED_PANES`` and by hovering with the mouse on the minimized pane toolbar tool;
-  (u) New Whidbey-style docking guides: you can enable them by using the `AuiManager` style ``AUI_MGR_WHIDBEY_DOCKING_GUIDES``;
-  (v) Native of custom-drawn mini frames can be used as floating panes, depending on the ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES`` style;
-  (w) A "smooth docking effect" can be obtained by using the ``AUI_MGR_SMOOTH_DOCKING`` style (similar to PyQT docking style).
-- AuiNotebook:
-  (a) Implementation of the style ``AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB``, a la `wx.lib.agw.flatnotebook`;
-  (b) Implementation of the style ``AUI_NB_SMART_TABS``, a la `wx.lib.agw.flatnotebook`;
-  (c) Implementation of the style ``AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN``, which allows to show tab images
-      on the tab dropdown menu instead of bare check menu items (a la `wx.lib.agw.flatnotebook`);
-  (d) 6 different tab arts are available, namely:
-      (1) Default "glossy" theme (as in `wx.aui.AuiNotebook`)
-      (2) Simple theme (as in `wx.aui.AuiNotebook`)
-      (3) Firefox 2 theme
-      (4) Visual Studio 2003 theme (VC71)
-      (5) Visual Studio 2005 theme (VC81)
-      (6) Google Chrome theme
-  (e) Enabling/disabling tabs;
-  (f) Setting the colour of the tab's text;
-  (g) Implementation of the style ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT``, which draws the tab close button on
-      the left instead of on the right (a la Camino browser);
-  (h) Ability to save and load perspectives in `AuiNotebook` (experimental);
-  (i) Possibility to add custom buttons in the `AuiNotebook` tab area;
-  (j) Implementation of the style ``AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT``, which allows the floating of single tabs.
-      Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far
-      enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages;
-  (k) Implementation of the style ``AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB`` (on by default), which draws an image
-      representation of a tab while dragging;
-  (l) Implementation of the `AuiNotebook` unsplit functionality, which unsplit a splitted AuiNotebook
-      when double-clicking on a sash;
-  (m) Possibility to hide all the tabs by calling `HideAllTAbs`;
-  (n) wxPython controls can now be added inside page tabs by calling `AddControlToPage`, and they can be
-      removed by calling `RemoveControlFromPage`;
-  (o) Possibility to preview all the pages in a `AuiNotebook` (as thumbnails) by using the `NotebookPreview`
-      method of `AuiNotebook`;
-  (p) Tab labels can be edited by calling the `SetRenamable` method on a `AuiNotebook` page;
-  (q) Support for multi-lines tab labels in `AuiNotebook`;
-  (r) Support for setting minimum and maximum tab widths for fixed width tabs;
-  (s) Implementation of the style ``AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS``, which orders the tabs by last access time
-      inside the Tab Navigator dialog;
-  (t) Implementation of the style ``AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS``, allowing the developer not to draw the tab
-      focus rectangle on tne `AuiNotebook` tabs.
-- AuiToolBar:
-  (a) ``AUI_TB_PLAIN_BACKGROUND`` style that allows to easy setup a plain background to the AUI toolbar,
-      without the need to override drawing methods. This style contrasts with the default behaviour
-      of the `wx.aui.AuiToolBar` that draws a background gradient and this break the window design when
-      putting it within a control that has margin between the borders and the toolbar (example: put
-      `wx.aui.AuiToolBar` within a `wx.StaticBoxSizer` that has a plain background);
-  (b) `AuiToolBar` allow item alignment:;
-  (c) `AUIToolBar` `DrawButton()` improvement:;
-  (d) `AuiToolBar` automatically assign new id for tools:;
-  (e) `AuiToolBar` Allow right-click on any kind of button:;
-  (f) `AuiToolBar` idle update only when visible:;
-  (g) Ability of creating `AuiToolBar` tools with [counter]clockwise rotation. This allows to propose a
-      variant of the minimizing functionality with a rotated button which keeps the caption of the pane
-      as label;
-  (h) Allow setting the alignment of all tools in a toolbar that is expanded.
-- Documentation, documentation and documentation;
-- Fix `tabmdi.AuiMDIParentFrame` and friends, they do not work correctly at present;
-- Allow specification of `CaptionLeft()` to `AuiPaneInfo` to show the caption bar of docked panes
-  on the left instead of on the top (with caption text rotated by 90 degrees then). This is
-  similar to what `wxDockIt` did - DONE;
-- Make developer-created `AuiNotebooks` and automatic (framemanager-created) `AuiNotebooks` behave
-  the same way (undocking of tabs) - DONE, to some extent;
-- Find a way to dock panes in already floating panes (`AuiFloatingFrames`), as they already have
-  their own `AuiManager`;
-- Add more gripper styles (see, i.e., PlusDock 4.0);
-- Add an "AutoHide" feature to docked panes, similar to fly-out floating panes (see, i.e., PlusDock 4.0);
-- Add events for panes when they are about to float or to be docked (something like
-  ``EVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATING/ED`` and ``EVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKING/ED``) - DONE, to some extent;
-- Implement the 4-ways splitter behaviour for horizontal and vertical sashes if they intersect;
-- Extend `` with more aui tab arts;
-- Implement ``AUI_NB_LEFT`` and ``AUI_NB_RIGHT`` tab locations in `AuiNotebook`;
-- Move `AuiDefaultToolBarArt` into a separate module (as with `` and ``) and
-  provide more arts for toolbars (maybe from `wx.lib.agw.flatmenu`?)
-- Support multiple-rows/multiple columns toolbars;
-- Integrate as much as possible with `wx.lib.agw.flatmenu`, from dropdown menus in `AuiNotebook` to
-  toolbars and menu positioning;
-- Possibly handle minimization of panes in a different way (or provide an option to switch to
-  another way of minimizing panes);
-- Clean up/speed up the code, especially time-consuming for-loops;
-- Possibly integrate `wxPyRibbon` (still on development), at least on Windows.
-License And Version
-AUI library is distributed under the wxPython license. 
-Latest revision: Andrea Gavana @ 10 Mar 2011, 15.00 GMT
-Version 1.3. 
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
-__date__ = "31 March 2009"
-from aui_constants import *
-from aui_utilities import *
-from auibar import *
-from auibook import *
-from tabart import *
-from dockart import *
-from framemanager import *
-from tabmdi import *
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 38f183d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2588 +0,0 @@
-This module contains all the constants used by wxPython-AUI.
-Especially important and meaningful are constants for AuiManager, AuiDockArt and
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
-__date__ = "31 March 2009"
-import wx
-from wx.lib.embeddedimage import PyEmbeddedImage
-# ------------------------- #
-# - AuiNotebook Constants - #
-# ------------------------- #
-# For tabart
-# --------------
-vertical_border_padding = 4
-""" Border padding used in drawing tabs. """
-if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-    nb_close_bits = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x0F\xFE\x03\xF8\x01\xF0\x19\xF3" \
-                    "\xB8\xE3\xF0\xE1\xE0\xE0\xF0\xE1\xB8\xE3\x19\xF3" \
-                    "\x01\xF0\x03\xF8\x0F\xFE\xFF\xFF"
-    """ AuiNotebook close button image on wxMAC. """
-elif wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-    nb_close_bits = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\x07\xf0\xfb\xef\xdb\xed\x8b\xe8" \
-                    "\x1b\xec\x3b\xee\x1b\xec\x8b\xe8\xdb\xed\xfb\xef" \
-                    "\x07\xf0\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
-    """ AuiNotebook close button image on wxGTK. """
-    nb_close_bits = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xe7\xf3\xcf\xf9" \
-                    "\x9f\xfc\x3f\xfe\x3f\xfe\x9f\xfc\xcf\xf9\xe7\xf3" \
-                    "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
-    """ AuiNotebook close button image on wxMSW. """
-nb_left_bits = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfe\x7f\xfe\x3f\xfe\x1f" \
-               "\xfe\x0f\xfe\x1f\xfe\x3f\xfe\x7f\xfe\xff\xfe\xff\xff" \
-               "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
-""" AuiNotebook left button image. """
-nb_right_bits = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xdf\xff\x9f\xff\x1f\xff\x1f" \
-                "\xfe\x1f\xfc\x1f\xfe\x1f\xff\x9f\xff\xdf\xff\xff\xff" \
-                "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
-""" AuiNotebook right button image. """
-nb_list_bits = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x0f" \
-               "\xf8\xff\xff\x0f\xf8\x1f\xfc\x3f\xfe\x7f\xff\xff\xff" \
-               "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
-""" AuiNotebook windows list button image. """
-tab_active_center = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "REFUCJltzMEJwDAUw9DHX6OLdP/Bop4KDc3F2EIYrsFtrZow8GnH6OD1zvRTajvY2QMHIhNx"
-    "jUhuAgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==")
-""" Center active tab image for the Chrome tab art. """
-tab_active_left = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "REFUOI2Nkk9rE0EYh5/J7mpW06xE2iSmeFHxEoqIAc/FQ5CKgn4DP4KlIQG/QVsQbBEKgop+"
-    "Anvy4rV4bLT2JCGJPVXqwaZJd+f1kN26WTfJDrzszDLPPL/5o0jeFGAC54A0YKmEYAo4DzjA"
-    "LHAZmElqtIGrhmEsvtzcfPNtb6/V6524SWALKBiGsfhxe/uzFhGth5XEmgVubWxsvA1Az68k"
-    "1nngYbPZ7ASg69c06wxwe3V9/b3reVqHwGmwCZRs2370fX//wIuA0+CLwEKj0XilZTSu602G"
-    "FcP7vLe7+7XlRaCgPw62gGv5fP6p63raiwFdLWKOgdNArl6vV1UqpQgcYdcYbwooAPfb7c7h"
-    "mTWmUjGwCWTL5fL1K6VSLiqQyMTYyLVa/UEwe9IC0chFYKnb/XnkeiIDV+Q0UsG/qNkCnEql"
-    "crNQLDpaxpskJnYayD1bXl4S/xrDoPLHKjQOmsHwlCuHv44+ZJ2sLTrGGqzg7zEc+VK1Wl1w"
-    "HMcG0DFxw6sFsRVwAZhdWak9FoRJ+w2HCKzzwN3jXv+daVmGDkdWoMKb9fumHz0DFFfX1p5Y"
-    "lmXo6N0G48jzVEDOt97pdA9ezOXzGU+PzBmN6VuDqyoDN3Z2vjyfKxQynhYkJuJ/L02Ara3X"
-    "n3602r8HrpaTUy3HAy1/+hNq8O+r+q4WETirmFMNBwm3v+gdmytKNIUpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC")
-""" Left active tab image for the Chrome tab art. """
-tab_active_right = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "b7dCQUUpiFt1XbB2q7Uf1iTvunjzkpe0afNgmLnDnHvOPe/OWCALtAFC+Cktfha4CRwBDnhg"
-    "BQhaSrK19bf89dv35WfPX7y01haBbiAFmH3BlUA1Gm8WFt75BFkg0TK4VAl0Y3NL5+efvgIK"
-    "wOH92EVjxRljGBi4VgTOeLDbk7kcqEZju1TWX7/Xgtm5J6+BS8ChvdilLhAhkUya4eFbxVQq"
-    "1e3ZbUtgg8GKJd/Tk70/NjYCHCPsgX1kV8K5VA70z8amfvy0tAwMAcebSRfijikY8ez5/OlM"
-    "JrOncbIjp4K1lmRb0sw8eDgCpAm7rwlz46YIzjpGb48WveyDNPhDfCOuHmNwzpHL5dK9fX3n"
-    "mkmvaxJiayOCWMvM1PSdZtJrhiloLJMYIeESDFwf7Acyu0mXGLYmX0PpYi3ZbFdnoVDoBTpp"
-    "uCxCjFob1tYKzlnGJyZHd5Mu6uVGkqvMCmCwzjE4eOMqcALoINauUic37hjhLXPWcTSdThWL"
-    "QxcJX5yqdGk4H/cP9a4755iYnLpL+M/b8e0qjafrekb9TUskuNx/5TzQ5Y1zO9yOZEd1R7OI"
-    "JdXebh/Pzt3zCToAMZv/AjU1orDWWKAGVJVSqcTqysp6X+/ZaeAL8KNac9wsVQ8yNeOsdZw8"
-    "let4/2HpEdAPXDAb20HLj7xqeHT158ra4uLbz2bdg03krmetxrH9KDAmHP8Bn0j1t/01UV0A"
-""" Right active tab image for the Chrome tab art. """
-tab_close = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "REFUKJG90MEKAWEUxfEfM4rxAFIommzZzNb7v4BsLJTsiGQlYjHfME3flrO75/xvnXv5p/qY"
-    "R/wcWTUktWCKFbrYB6/AAhecmwunAI/RwQAjbLGpoFakwjLATxzqMLQjC68A3/FohkljLkKN"
-    "Ha4YKg8+VkBag3Pll9a1GikmuPk+4qMMs0jFMXoR/0d6A9JRFV/jxY+iAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC")
-""" Normal close button image for the Chrome tab art. """
-tab_close_h = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "REFUKJGVkiFuw0AQRd849hUS7iPUwGEllhyjYJ+gaK9Q4CsY9QTFIY4shQQucI8Q7l6h3Z0S"
-    "r7UgjdrPZvVm52k0wpJLWe4y51qgVpECQFQnYPzabN4ra2cAAbgWxZMmyavAkTtROIn33fM0"
-    "fcilLHep92+/wXHTd5K8JJlzbYD3w8C2aVZo2zTsh4FF5Zg516ZAHYBb35MbszbkxnDr+3hQ"
-    "napIIUv1eT6vYPggvAGoSJE88r6XVFQnRA7BOdYIk8IUUZ1SYAQOsXOskRsT1+P/11pZO4v3"
-    "ncLpESzed5W1c1jQn0/jBzPfck1qdmfjAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC")
-""" Hover close button image for the Chrome tab art. """
-tab_close_p = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "REFUKJF9kbFLQlEYxX/nvbs55OAkiJAE7k7Nibo9xf+hrTlyr3Boipb+BCGq0bApJEQcG0Ms"
-    "aQ0Lmq5+Dc+nDtbZ7uHce37fd8VSlWwh50PfRKqClWJXI8y6bu5uHj5e3wEEcJDP75txLBSx"
-    "RYbdS7QfJ5PnsJIt5BbB4hQjkrQtjxlFILOXyvQDH/qmUCSJznDAYetkFTxsndAZDggkhCIf"
-    "+qaLmWP1bu8oN+qrC+VGnd7t3bpKqrp4wBjl+ux8FUweSLwlXCnYCv2PHGgE1BLmTYykad2i"
-    "kcOsi1TbZN7EKDfq67NZV5VsIeedvzQjCv5YK8R/4bw7Cl+/P7920+kJkBEq/hWWaPem45cQ"
-    "YDybTfdSmf5CizckwHaAH9ATZldu7i560/ELwC+6RXdU6KzezAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==")
-""" Pressed close button image for the Chrome tab art. """
-tab_inactive_center = PyEmbeddedImage(
-""" Center inactive tab image for the Chrome tab art. """
-tab_inactive_left = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "REFUOI2llE1rE1EUhp8bZwyhaZomk5DaD40hSWPQVkTd6KIIEUWlLqTEhTaLulBQ6sfKjeBC"
-    "ECULXQku/Alx7d6/U1EQae45LjJpJ5NOnOKBgYG5z33Px3sG/iPMIc87QAmYBZKHgdOu69a2"
-    "3/W2yrVGK5vPLTlxFV3Xrb3+8v1Ntd5oiSpWBmnEidKT972tar3R6ovSt4qoxoIdoFipNlpW"
-    "B6AVRYFEHNWn3a8dz/PK1rIHEgN2UpnMseVTK7fUGBME48CFe88+3sh5+SXr1xmMSbABvJXz"
-    "l9siYAVGWJ0Mu/OVZr5Q8CpWfFWzD2Imj2qu/fhtG4wRVUIZg0bDBsgtn15dt6qIKKBDQZ81"
-    "kWmnzly6OZ+ZzhSt7jfK6CBjFMwEk5TWOy82AVQGhzVUb5RJEkC2fLK6JgIiPhioeZJJUhev"
-    "3j2RTqdzooqge2ojCxwxqrnrG4/uq4Ida3HgAjMOJ4CZSq1+RVBUzCgQinDDstfa282jyeTU"
-    "rhUGF4CJgMPKhbXbmw9VFfG7fBA4LCao7AAzi8cXz1kF0dENMqH38KgWnnd7nSMJxxE5wI4+"
-    "MHyCaeeAYvPshQ0RJby3wVSDHxxgAVh99elb9/evndmfP3boW2FsqGNhMMCdBy8/fJ5KZ6at"
-    "qL+3Q1dEzFkNGMX82ZWh18e0/vVT/wuFmdYVv/ruKgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==")
-""" Left inactive tab image for the Chrome tab art. """
-tab_inactive_right = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "REFUOI2llM9rE1EQxz8zb1dSTKNuYtW01kQDRoKFWi9FEEq1IooUUWoPokWCtVqkR69KsSBU"
-    "ftfoJys/Kw9ef/1y8/6rh67rHgKS3WLl6cqqtcCGD58+vn+zdPXorUql8g5Y7wTWdd+y4Vus"
-    "teQK+yfKi8/KwM5umBXAAgioCIP54gTQBzgdwTbsQZR0JpOfXXw+0w27hn9EBGMcyRcPnulJ"
-    "pbKd2JvACKgKnpcePH99+TSwvT3YEphusKsqB4ZHp4FMNWUn5loSEVSFbZ63b8eeUhpwu5Md"
-    "JBFRjHHk7LXb08CuNuAaZTgEEaFQHJoEvDjpakOYmnURUFWSvam+0ujJfqAnmlnABhG2jlTZ"
-    "j19YuEzMm7dUu34hihrDQG7vGLCViPq0VruuvdquyWSvN3xsKhclvbXaoUQiihFlfLJ8iYiq"
-    "O/EtUC2xGGF3vjAObAnI6stCsZbYCLwnEonNY+dulALvHWSH2YN2PXLq4hz/9HpjnmOs18DZ"
-    "bP9IIL0+afV5juqzRgLFcV1n9u6LGWAgWnaMBFHBOIbi0MgU1S3jAcjyyw9xqpvzWou1Pj++"
-    "f/t8b/7EAvBW5u48agU37abWs99rv1YfL81fkT8V34YxbZ696d4CfwEszZSZx6Z26wAAAABJ"
-    "RU5ErkJggg==")
-""" Right inactive tab image for the Chrome tab art. """
-# For auibook
-# -----------
-AuiBaseTabCtrlId = 5380
-""" Base window identifier for AuiTabCtrl. """
-AUI_NB_TOP                 = 1 << 0
-""" With this style, tabs are drawn along the top of the notebook. """
-AUI_NB_LEFT                = 1 << 1  # not implemented yet
-""" With this style, tabs are drawn along the left of the notebook.
-Not implemented yet. """
-AUI_NB_RIGHT               = 1 << 2  # not implemented yet
-""" With this style, tabs are drawn along the right of the notebook.
-Not implemented yet. """
-AUI_NB_BOTTOM              = 1 << 3
-""" With this style, tabs are drawn along the bottom of the notebook. """
-AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT           = 1 << 4
-""" Allows the tab control to be split by dragging a tab. """
-AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE            = 1 << 5
-""" Allows a tab to be moved horizontally by dragging. """
-""" Allows a tab to be moved to another tab control. """
-AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH     = 1 << 7
-""" With this style, all tabs have the same width. """
-AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS      = 1 << 8
-""" With this style, left and right scroll buttons are displayed. """
-""" With this style, a drop-down list of windows is available. """
-AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON        = 1 << 10
-""" With this style, a close button is available on the tab bar. """
-""" With this style, a close button is available on the active tab. """
-""" With this style, a close button is available on all tabs. """
-""" Allows to close `AuiNotebook` tabs by mouse middle button click. """
-AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK        = 1 << 14
-""" This style is used by `AuiManager` to create automatic `AuiNotebooks`. """
-""" Hides the tab window if only one tab is present. """
-AUI_NB_SMART_TABS          = 1 << 16
-""" Use `Smart Tabbing`, like ``Alt`` + ``Tab`` on Windows. """
-""" Uses images on dropdown window list menu instead of check items. """
-""" Draws the tab close button on the left instead of on the right
-(a la Camino browser). """
-AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT           = 1 << 19
-""" Allows the floating of single tabs.
-Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs 
-cannot be dragged far enough outside of the notebook to become 
-floating pages. """
-AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB        = 1 << 20
-""" Draws an image representation of a tab while dragging. """
-AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS     = 1 << 21
-""" Tab navigation order by last access time. """
-AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS        = 1 << 22
-""" Don't draw tab focus rectangle. """
-                       AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS | AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB | \
-""" Default `AuiNotebook` style. """
-Mondrian = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "REFUWIXt1jsKgDAQRdF7xY25cpcWC60kioI6Fm/ahHBCMh+BRmGMnAgEWnvPpzK8dvrFCCCA"
-    "coD8og4c5Lr6WB3Q3l1TBwLYPuF3YS1gn1HphgEEEABcKERrGy0E3B0HFJg7C1N/f/kTBBBA"
-    "+Vi+AMkgFEvBPD17AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC")
-""" Default icon for the Smart Tabbing dialog. """
-# -------------------------- #
-# - FrameManager Constants - #
-# -------------------------- #
-# Docking Styles
-""" No docking direction. """
-""" Top docking direction. """
-""" Right docking direction. """
-""" Bottom docking direction. """
-""" Left docking direction. """
-""" Center docking direction. """
-""" Centre docking direction. """
-""" Automatic AuiNotebooks docking style. """
-# Floating/Dragging Styles
-AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING           = 1 << 0
-""" Allow floating of panes. """
-AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE        = 1 << 1
-""" If a pane becomes active, "highlight" it in the interface. """
-AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG         = 1 << 2
-""" If the platform supports it, set transparency on a floating pane
-while it is dragged by the user. """
-AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT         = 1 << 3
-""" If the platform supports it, show a transparent hint window when
-the user is about to dock a floating pane. """
-""" Show a "venetian blind" effect when the user is about to dock a
-floating pane. """
-AUI_MGR_RECTANGLE_HINT           = 1 << 5
-""" Show a rectangle hint effect when the user is about to dock a
-floating pane. """
-AUI_MGR_HINT_FADE                = 1 << 6
-""" If the platform supports it, the hint window will fade in and out. """
-""" Disables the "venetian blind" fade in and out. """
-AUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE              = 1 << 8
-""" Live resize when the user drag a sash. """
-AUI_MGR_ANIMATE_FRAMES           = 1 << 9
-""" Fade-out floating panes when they are closed (all platforms which support
-frames transparency) and show a moving rectangle when they are docked
-(Windows < Vista and GTK only). """
-""" Use the new Aero-style bitmaps as docking guides. """
-""" Slide in and out minimized panes to preview them. """
-""" Use the new Whidbey-style bitmaps as docking guides. """
-AUI_MGR_SMOOTH_DOCKING           = 1 << 13
-""" Performs a "smooth" docking of panes (a la PyQT). """
-""" Use miniframes with native caption bar as floating panes instead or custom
-drawn caption bars (forced on wxMac). """
-AUI_MGR_AUTONB_NO_CAPTION        = 1 << 15
-""" Panes that merge into an automatic notebook will not have the pane
-caption visible. """
-""" Default `AuiManager` style. """
-# Panes Customization
-""" Customizes the sash size. """
-""" Customizes the caption size. """
-""" Customizes the gripper size. """
-""" Customizes the pane border size. """
-""" Customizes the pane button size. """
-""" Customizes the background colour. """
-""" Customizes the background gradient colour. """
-""" Customizes the sash colour. """
-""" Customizes the active caption colour. """
-""" Customizes the active caption gradient colour. """
-""" Customizes the inactive caption colour. """
-""" Customizes the inactive gradient caption colour. """
-""" Customizes the active caption text colour. """
-""" Customizes the inactive caption text colour. """
-""" Customizes the border colour. """
-""" Customizes the gripper colour. """
-""" Customizes the caption font. """
-""" Customizes the gradient type (no gradient, vertical or horizontal). """
-""" Draw a sash grip on the sash. """
-# Caption Gradient Type
-""" No gradient on the captions. """
-""" Vertical gradient on the captions. """
-""" Horizontal gradient on the captions. """
-# Pane Button State
-""" Normal button state. """
-""" Hovered button state. """
-""" Pressed button state. """
-""" Disabled button state. """
-""" Hidden button state. """
-""" Checked button state. """
-# Pane minimize mode
-""" Minimizes the pane on the closest tool bar. """
-""" Minimizes the pane on the top tool bar. """
-""" Minimizes the pane on its left tool bar. """
-""" Minimizes the pane on its right tool bar. """
-""" Minimizes the pane on its bottom tool bar. """
-""" Mask to filter the position flags. """
-""" Hides the caption of the minimized pane. """
-""" Displays the caption in the best rotation (horz or clockwise). """
-""" Displays the caption horizontally. """
-""" Mask to filter the caption flags. """
-# Button kind
-""" Shows a close button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a maximize/restore button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a minimize button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a pin button on the pane. """
-""" Shows an option button on the pane (not implemented). """
-""" Shows a window list button on the pane (for AuiNotebook). """
-""" Shows a left button on the pane (for AuiNotebook). """
-""" Shows a right button on the pane (for AuiNotebook). """
-""" Shows an up button on the pane (not implemented). """
-""" Shows a down button on the pane (not implemented). """
-""" Shows a custom button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a custom button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a custom button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a custom button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a custom button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a custom button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a custom button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a custom button on the pane. """
-""" Shows a custom button on the pane. """
-# Pane Insert Level
-""" Level for inserting a pane. """
-""" Level for inserting a row. """
-""" Level for inserting a dock. """
-# Action constants
-actionNone = 0
-""" No current action. """
-actionResize = 1
-""" Resize action. """
-actionClickButton = 2
-""" Click on a pane button action. """
-actionClickCaption = 3
-""" Click on a pane caption action. """
-actionDragToolbarPane = 4
-""" Drag a floating toolbar action. """
-actionDragFloatingPane = 5
-""" Drag a floating pane action. """
-# Drop/Float constants
-auiInsertRowPixels = 10
-""" Number of pixels between rows. """
-auiNewRowPixels = 40
-""" Number of pixels for a new inserted row. """
-auiLayerInsertPixels = 40
-""" Number of pixels between layers. """
-auiLayerInsertOffset = 5
-""" Number of offset pixels between layers. """
-auiToolBarLayer = 10
-""" AUI layer for a toolbar. """
-# some built in bitmaps
-if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-    close_bits = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x0F\xFE\x03\xF8\x01\xF0\x19\xF3\xB8\xE3\xF0" \
-                 "\xE1\xE0\xE0\xF0\xE1\xB8\xE3\x19\xF3\x01\xF0\x03\xF8\x0F\xFE\xFF\xFF"
-    """ Close button bitmap for a pane on wxMAC. """
-elif wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-    close_bits = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\x07\xf0\xfb\xef\xdb\xed\x8b\xe8\x1b\xec\x3b\xee" \
-                 "\x1b\xec\x8b\xe8\xdb\xed\xfb\xef\x07\xf0\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
-    """ Close button bitmap for a pane on wxGTK. """
-    close_bits = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xcf\xf3\x9f\xf9\x3f\xfc\x7f\xfe" \
-                 "\x3f\xfc\x9f\xf9\xcf\xf3\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
-    """ Close button bitmap for a pane on wxMSW. """
-pin_bits     = '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x1f\xfc\xdf\xfc\xdf\xfc\xdf\xfc\xdf\xfc' \
-               '\xdf\xfc\x0f\xf8\x7f\xff\x7f\xff\x7f\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
-""" Pin button bitmap for a pane. """
-max_bits     = '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x07\xf0\xf7\xf7\x07\xf0\xf7\xf7\xf7\xf7' \
-               '\xf7\xf7\xf7\xf7\xf7\xf7\x07\xf0\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
-""" Maximize button bitmap for a pane. """
-restore_bits = '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x1f\xf0\x1f\xf0\xdf\xf7\x07\xf4\x07\xf4' \
-               '\xf7\xf5\xf7\xf1\xf7\xfd\xf7\xfd\x07\xfc\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
-""" Restore/maximize button bitmap for a pane. """
-minimize_bits = '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x07\xf0\xf7\xf7\x07\xf0\xff\xff\xff\xff' \
-                '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
-""" Minimize button bitmap for a pane. """
-restore_xpm = ["16 15 3 1",
-               "       c None",
-               ".      c #000000",
-               "+      c #FFFFFF",
-               "                ",
-               "     .......... ",
-               "     .++++++++. ",
-               "     .......... ",
-               "     .++++++++. ",
-               " ..........+++. ",
-               " .++++++++.+++. ",
-               " ..........+++. ",
-               " .++++++++..... ",
-               " .++++++++.     ",
-               " .++++++++.     ",
-               " .++++++++.     ",
-               " .++++++++.     ",
-               " ..........     ",
-               "                "]
-""" Restore/minimize button bitmap for a pane. """
-down_focus_single = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "QVRIib2WvWsUQRjGn5mdnWxyTaqz9q+QlLnGToSgWAYDNjbpNCAGDGIvaRPbNJGQyiAEbK+w"
-    "sAo2qexyEhbxsvt+jMXc3u3liPfhmWeXnWVm9vc+vO/M7prVzTb+gxyA7Ye/nXPWWmvtXKBb"
-    "B9YBcM5lWZam6by4QNcBsNamaeq9d87NmWutdc59+NgGoKIizCwsxMTMFI8oZmZilzomZiFm"
-    "FWERaXbv7eyueO+TJEHM79LSkvfeWnv2qftgex2ASGDmkrUkKUspiIuCy5IL4qKQgnghdQVx"
-    "nqdpuri42OMys6rGOG/X78yW0bXWNyLqcyyAEEIIYcYK3aB5Lazb4o5fsPc3ToFaloxBwMle"
-    "6+9Pjfd7stda6HR85+dCPC86Y6ETcQEcHz32eZ7meZrnx0ePJnlk0vwenm70r/PkTgWdjjuV"
-    "rnPPfvxaa+3NcL3GMaub7XdPtNFoZFn24tmX1/trAOLuM6aaFQwQYExAMPWNaUw1FW+eHj5/"
-    "dbfZbDYajY33F7e1L4gUA5uo3fd8AWbQH70bjGqEyxLq3LoMYhKCgakCIWZoLLdkMRE43Iy0"
-    "tWi9QOP8xoIFAyBUjF7dgOizb9iMhLmByxIAHbAGKYigUPX3hqog47hSvfCHfYRaDcNg3IzO"
-    "7GmydRaGi37zMujrut/9l58nijROQ9yd3ZXLy8urq6vZWFmW9f+Yhrje++XlZR2keDpZa4f+"
-    "H/pKkiR+/f9dDsDWgQW6QHcuxKg/ZbVtCjjzINkAAAAASUVORK5CYII=")
-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window down bitmap. """
-down_single = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "QVRIib2WwWrUUBSG/3tzc5s2m0JhXPsU0u1s3Lkpui4W3PgAuhAFi2/QbesTVEphwCIU3Hbh"
-    "wk2LG1fujJQgtMk55x4Xd2aS6VAzM479JyQhufnOz3/uzcQMBgP8BzkAeZ4756y11tqlQIui"
-    "cACcc1mWpWm6ZK61Nk1T771zbilcxBxiAs659x/OAAQJIswsLMTEzBR/UczMxC51TMxCzEGE"
-    "RaR39WB3b9N7nyTJkLu2tua9t9ZefLx69GYbgIgyc82hJqlrqYiriuuaK+Kqkop4JXUVcU3C"
-    "abq6ujrkMnMIIdZ5t31vsUC3+l+JaMyxAFRVVRds0C1azsS6O273hH24cwq0UjIGipP9/t+f"
-    "6vZ7st9fKQpf/FqJ28+iEzoTF8Dx0RNflmlZpmV5fPR4lkdmzffwdGe8XyZ3Luh83Ll0k3vx"
-    "4/dWf3+B/Q2OGQwGGxsbeZ5nWfbi2efXB1sA4uozZjRKDaAwRqGmvTCNGQ3F26eHz1/d7/V6"
-    "eZ6fn5/f1bogCmhsonU+9AWY5nr0bjCtKS6LtrltGcQQ1MCMCiEm1MmtWUwETh6mjq1qw0Jd"
-    "fmPD1ADQEWPYNyD6HBs2U2Vu4bIoEBpWE0EE6ej68NaoSBdXRi/8SR/a6qE29830yKFmm2c6"
-    "2fTbp8FYN/0evPw0U6UuTXB39zYvLy+vr68XY2VZNv5imuB679fX10MT8Xyy1k58P4yVJEn8"
-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window down bitmap. """
-left_focus_single = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "QVRIibWWvW8TQRDF3+7Ors8ShSsaSpo0dEgoFcINVChSBFRUkajpIKKgiPgP0pqGJiAhITqE"
-    "FIk2BQUVHT2VK+y7ndmhWN/5Ixcbh8tYWvtO8vvdm5mdPXPv+RmuMgjA670/RGSttdZ2q354"
-    "YgkAERVF4b3vHABMCIC11nsfQiCiqwJYa4noxbNvOw/6AJIk62ySJMLMwhI5MnPMnxzMzJHJ"
-    "E0dmicxJhEXk+uTO0fFuCME5h1yDxbh5+zEz93q+LGOv50WUmStOVZSqkjJyWXJVcRm5LKWM"
-    "3PNURq6iMKfIIpJw9n08Hg8Gg36/3wL4+eu3iHpykcWTS5pElCWJpMiJWaIk4RQ5RRERda4S"
-    "UWbhpCmllDQA0+k0pZQFVwF3bzEAZ5N3jgje+0COnPVknbUAdm5cW5/1/eGPxcuL2saoAczC"
-    "DQWAV0/fr1c/HxcBFNC8QGEMMu3NuyddAfIjG9QLjKJTB3NIHV050EZuoQI6+93q4P7B6TYA"
-    "A2gW1xlC61K0OXi492HZ6EbAnGFqEmBmhlYc7A9HutRq/wgA5plSwDT9tORgfzgCNsmv2QfQ"
-    "OvEwps7BooOPpwebxFsB83wazdWdl321BjOGWWejrciZ0+wBMwef76LPnx6trXFrivIfVOsl"
-    "P2V7FwH4MhpuCTBLX7mjckU628naTImlrdDdLDJ59OT+XDDU8SwyTX+Y2bC7hIPVA+fty6/b"
-    "SmwBODreHY/H0+n0P0WLomjegJYAIYTBYNAcp5cOa20IoQXgnMuvAh0GATg8scAEmHQrneMv"
-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window left bitmap. """
-left_single = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "rOzshYHt3Jl7PizuzsduJhs3Ts7C3Z2BfZ95zzn33DGnp6e4zvAAdnZ2vPfWWmvtsOpFUXgA"
-    "3vvxeBxCuC6AtTaEEGP03g8LQE5RTo73/sXzr7sPJwCExTorLMxExMSJEhGl/MlBRJTIB0+J"
-    "iBORMBMz3/xz7+h4L8bonFsCunH77lMiGo1CWabRKDArEVUkVeKq4jJRWVJVUZmoLLlMNAq+"
-    "TFQlJpJEzCz49n0+n0+n08lk0gP4+es3swbvEnHwTlSYlViYJZEQcWJhkkSSmJnVuYpZiZhE"
-    "RUREI7BYLESkTVE37t8hAM5KcM57hBCid97Z4K2zFsDurRubk74/+9G9vKhtjBrAdG4oALw6"
-    "eLdZ/XxcBFBA8wKFMci012+fDQXIj2xQLzCKQR20kDqGcqCNXKcCuvzd6+DB4dk2AANoFtcl"
-    "QutS9Dl49Pj9qtFLAS3D1CTALA2tOdifnehKq/0jAGgzpYBp+mnFwf7sBLhMfsM+gNaJhzF1"
-    "DroOPpwdXibeC2jzaTRXty37eg2WDLPJRl+RM6fZA6YFn++iTx+fbKxxb4ryH1TrJT9lfxcB"
-    "+Hwy2xJgVr5yR+WKDLaTtZkSK1thuFlk8ujJ/dkxNPAsMk1/mOWwu4KD9QPnzcsv20psATg6"
-    "3pvP54vF4j9Fx+Nx8wa0AogxTqfT5ji9clhrY4w9AOdcfhUYMDyAoiiKohhWt4m/9Qss43IB"
-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window left bitmap. """
-right_focus_single = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "tQMSWzcmFqaqQqT2+8VwtuMkbiBp+mzF0pPz/dzX7z373IMXp7jJCABebf8JIXjvvffrVd8/"
-    "9gFACGE4HMYY1w4AxgGA9z7GmFIKIdwUwHsfQth7/vXuoxEAFfWFV1ERZhYWYmJmykcOZmbi"
-    "mIXVVFXVEnB5eamqWXAW8Gb39uKHevbzNwARZVFirUSIlFkqEVUD8Pb71P1Lt83LZ+8BAA7O"
-    "AYABMAPcFfcvDXj97ikA5wxmHVVrf64LyA7Mau1so770uVjRQa1lzaKtSc2ZWAR4uHsyn2xq"
-    "YBnjbFp4zsRCBw6Ptz/M5GoHgLla15AfUV8F/gEwA/Bk66jPgXNwMNhkyf199F816DIaB5bx"
-    "yB2aO2qFLsp/+Xiy22YmczA1Cq4hLQlwsK56xwHgumLWln0pgPv8aWcmNdVF7TKujkWAL0db"
-    "88nagXWb0xYgVn4XWf0CymdzWQNgapJzWC7HCnPQF5M5aBhXzthqgMkcoF57Zxx6YvaDMzO3"
-    "148pwMHhJhFdXFwQ0XVEh8NhuwOaAqSUUkoxxvaLulp471NKPYC80ci7gXVFALB/7IExMF6j"
-    "bht/AXIQRaTUgkiHAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC")
-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window right bitmap. """
-right_single = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "QVRIibWWv2sUQRTHvzM7M3dHmlQWtjb+AYKkTaOVCEKsrAL+CxaWwcY6bWysRAQRUtgEbC0E"
-    "u3RWNsJCCILZfb8sZvdu925zej/yveMWHnvvM9837+2OOz09xU0qANjZ2QkheO+999vNXpZl"
-    "E7MQs4qwiNz6c//oeC+lVBRFA+jqzr0DZh6NYlXRaBRFjJlr1pqkrqUiriqua66Iq0oq4lEM"
-    "FXFNwqzEIqL4+u3i4mJ3d3cymQwAzn/8ErEYCmKJoVBTEWNRESVWZiFRYSVWEhGxoqhFjFlY"
-    "TVVVLQFXV1eqOitRV68Pby+v6fnP3wBElEWJtRYhUmapRVQNwJvvvftXbpuXz94BABycAwAD"
-    "YAa4a+5fGfDq7VMAzhnMOllt+rMpIDswa3JnG81lyMWaDppc1i7a2tCCiWWAB4dni8F2Dyxj"
-    "nPUTL5hY6sDh0eP3c7HGAWCuyWvIJRragX8AzAA82T8ZcuAcHAw2W/JwH/3XHnQZrQPLeOQO"
-    "zR21Rhflv3w4O5xGZnPQGwXXklYEOFg3e8cB4LrJbLrtKwHcp48Hc6FeF02Xcb2WAT6f7C8G"
-    "GwfWbU5bglj7WWTNAyh/28sWAL1JzrK8HWvMwZBmc9Ayrp2x9QCzOUCz9s44DGj+hTM3t5ur"
-    "Bzg63iOiy8tLItok6Xg8np6AeoCUUkopxjh9o64n731KaQCQDxr5NLAtBQBlWZZlucWkXf0F"
-    "imtJnvbT2psAAAAASUVORK5CYII=")
-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window right bitmap. """
-tab_focus_single = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "QVRIidWWT0gUcRTH387+ZveXZgzsbmvSsmqEfzBJSYz+gUsHCYJgISPytCQKFhJdpIN0qIUO"
-    "ezIUaU/roQ5eEzp46ZT/DhG4haCXdSUPK+Wuzvze+02HgdFmFqMtD76Bx8yb3/v8vr/3Zn4z"
-    "np6ReTgCYwAwdqfEGFMURVGU/wIdfaswAGCMcc5VVf1fXIBdBgCKoqiq+nxkobn3BABIkgBA"
-    "hIiEJFAgorAOyxARBTKVoUAkgSiJkIhO73a/nLjGOd/nWkrPXbqLiH6/CgBEJiIaKA1BhkG6"
-    "QF1Hw0BdoK6TLtCvMl2gIQhRCiQiCfPLm5ubtbW1YNXXtuzadyJTZV4AkKYkMpEkkRQoEUmQ"
-    "JJQCpSAiMr1eg8hEJJSmlFJK0wdQLBYR0cl9laj7l6LGY5/tc2ejsrmdgeGJbG5nYHgym9uJ"
-    "x9KHeGuMNd7B8fSMzCfvyerq6rHHn2bmEgPDE09G+/9WaSqZmRofisfSiadnotHoozclp94K"
-    "oGWznNxn/e8q4LqznNwXmb4KuO6s4643lZyugOvOcj8PDyrgurOOe30r05tKZv7ALavXmszt"
-    "rXZZL7EjhTmuU8lpRxNSyemZuUEAmJlLOPzU+CAAuKFluO7OWpF4LO1OPsTcejOOTcRepqXR"
-    "tngs7Y6U4bbcqNrIF6bGh6yt0prAgm7kC6E2fSNfWF9b2d7e1jStvqGlbMSmeRsuP7zZZvp8"
-    "PvCoW1s/a2qq7vddD57y3b7VZfmNfGFxadUQBgqztbWps7Pdy04uLq0WSyVJnoMRgUY45NM0"
-    "bXZZ7OvtaA8vLOdeT85mP+4eXN35K/6W5nBjxFz5tv7+w8LWF3+oTW+IBpsavStf1+xIfTTY"
-    "cNbknDPGfqsD5/xCa6AuDFe791xtEJyHIhHedTGw17tnj49EeFdH8GAkEAhwzgF+7HMZY5qm"
-    "cc6tD6rDGGOMMUS075aN2Ho9R/R/9gsXZ7dKHM+ODQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==")
-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window center bitmap. """
-tab_single = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "hUohp/Tiocdce/Gk/TiIpTm0JCnmA+OaFJs2u/PerIcp27IbKsZ66Ft47P5n3m/evLc768lm"
-    "s+Q/GCWEBINBSqmiKIqinApU13VKCKGUMsZUVT1lrqIoqqq+frYyeP8cIUSgIIQgAgACcuAA"
-    "g4NhoMHBr1KDg8kRQHBAREE+r1er1Z6enkOubbn8d0RLpV5CiLAEogUoEAUHAYAcBYLgIDgi"
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-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window center bitmap. """
-up_focus_single = PyEmbeddedImage(
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-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window up bitmap. """
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-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window up bitmap. """
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-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window down bitmap. """
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-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window down bitmap. """
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-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window left bitmap. """
-left_focus = PyEmbeddedImage(
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-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window left bitmap. """
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-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window right bitmap. """
-right_focus = PyEmbeddedImage(
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-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window right bitmap. """
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-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window center bitmap. """
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-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window center bitmap. """
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-""" VS2005 unfocused docking guide window up bitmap. """
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-""" VS2005 focused docking guide window up bitmap. """
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-aero_down_focus_single = aero_down_focus
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-    "4iUAAAGXSURBVDhPdZTZVoNADEDpaC2CFSqC1hVaxWoVqdv0/39szDIraF7gcHuTTCankbJx"
-    "6V7tW2TfTprVmDvcNKsxt7ismnbzOPQ1npaMh5zxNMdo4Afr0CfMNK8Bv4UcMdBzwshDHzBS"
-    "wlWN6QM/UmKecu68hBj40ed8nmrOuN28u/qR+op9XNfANw+mf8asow31ge8Mh9au4zhlRIF+"
-    "1z2zjwcTiKWL/f6p2zFHHMdJWkpty77/lpCffcQ3IwzHY5+GitkDG8fTddv/MB2v+9n6dlVJ"
-    "aBxq9/Dk/l+95IDgu8b3eD0GJ1ibTmYwzqFt12wTLn07xKc51XW16XqaF20D1jPVtRHf3XHn"
-    "Sxyqm1ovC5r+MZ97OcJEj/TULuA+B3ZRFIdm5njd/o1JaSgmvzK7Bh8LXAt8kku1/8KaAr61"
-    "u+ZsQ1X0Aauks1tsKdhCzGb4gzMKr66uTTzLFwuNnctjmUycb3t2m6om7JPtu3qZyE+yBURI"
-    "+UogvwAM5QfUYOw/ybIhtVghPuBUXrg/LiHG1NmwcSNXqV+4tHLqnJPo+QAAAABJRU5ErkJg"
-    "gg==")
-whidbey_right_focus_single = whidbey_right_focus
-whidbey_up = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "AwBQTFRFAAAAaHWVcHilcYCncYa0dpC4ZobHcYXGcpDBc5fWcZjgd6Dld6Pwi5OzgJbUkJjA"
-    "kJjQgKDXk6TWhafggqfwh7Dwl7fwp7fXoLfnoLjwsLjjpMLwscHntdD0wMHg4Of35/D49/f3"
-    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWZqHkAAAAQB0Uk5T////////////////////////////////"
-    "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
-    "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
-    "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
-    "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
-    "////////////////////AFP3ByUAAAAYdEVYdFNvZnR3YXJlAFBhaW50Lk5FVCB2My4zNqnn"
-    "4iUAAAFmSURBVDhPhdTtdoMgDAZgW3GKWjsL2i/X2vu/SJaEBBXcWf6Jz3l5i9bMpdNXR3Xa"
-    "Wc/StXNfKXXawaktm1rrUuWHJCWxX01TA1bqkODYlm3bNjCAVYwji9TbneStJcoWcNR5Yz0V"
-    "mySvLVJrvW/buq7g7NadVxbpvJ3taSyWUuef9cx6kxwsdU3sprPY0tJEucboqginwZapjfqC"
-    "1UUhT9BboXb28Twfa42pQjLZQMUCwiHbdZKMdqFsPx+PeZee3w2w3WpXugvUY7GAsXPmLvdx"
-    "HITzXe4QbK8Klbvsckcr+C/bF0WeZ+52ez6Bw+D2AwxdwAxwhRsaPDp9hA4OLWGpSn1pVlZh"
-    "X8Cg2dpNLlxwrgFKFpP/sRqZf26Ph3T2Te8w3AyijSlJ8fuA1v/Acfy+0Dxp8DyZig2dr9fw"
-    "WXj5ExoGnxpy5TSi78c0gRUacvE0XjvfsGnqwuryH3q/d6hz07L6CxOEXf5LAPv7AAAAAElF"
-    "TkSuQmCC")
-whidbey_up_single = whidbey_up
-whidbey_up_focus = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "YIfTcYXGcIjVc5fWZpHxcJj3d6PwgJbUkJjAkJjQkqHChafggqfwh7Dgh7Dwl7fwoKjAqLDI"
-    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQS37pgAAAQB0Uk5T////////////////////////////////"
-    "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
-    "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
-    "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
-    "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
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-    "4iUAAAGTSURBVDhPfdQNV4IwFAZgpEyCVBRZaR8OUcI0yrLw//8xuvfuy22e7jkKZz68uxtg"
-    "0Pm135fl24XxwB/bNU1VFS/+D77d/TY12lsPe3aLqTkUu3Gxa7cHSC3IsmsHOxZS64pzYTMH"
-    "23Z7qKFXvpTWwZZd0w5wJivLbHxu14fmtSqUzRhYC5/ZEuY/tVbZ2NjyA1o9/UB9qmrtZG0x"
-    "teKtdnjSplCmDWXLd7xZF63G0opUzux2Ra5eoLCYShvQqv2io7IymewGUsV9lVYdcG1TqAnd"
-    "QbSbDbR6bqETkastYbCruob5xTNAhpp27PgK7WqFG8DZvz2kY8DBQwGF68XKW/HUtPCBE1rb"
-    "dJKCjOMwDLq7gjHbkscvZUEOBiGtLc+NtTdYjCcJyFDsQ2cshOnr1PlYUmH7aTqbqYyEajRS"
-    "12Bqr6f2V2CaLInjCCqGShJ5NTRAVOQSRokulDWfozap2gLGmaMwetIv7/yeulGpxnb94TCK"
-    "Hp23fLHAedSgeS/C4fHo/y89R5qqfhF9+xJGvszoH5Xccuo6pVT3AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC")
-whidbey_up_focus_single = whidbey_up_focus
-whidbey_denied = aero_denied
-# ------------------------ #
-# - AuiToolBar Constants - #
-# ------------------------ #
-""" The item in the AuiToolBar is a control. """
-""" The item in the AuiToolBar is a text label. """
-""" The item in the AuiToolBar is a spacer. """
-""" The item in the AuiToolBar is a separator. """
-""" The item in the AuiToolBar is a toolbar check item. """
-""" The item in the AuiToolBar is a standard toolbar item. """
-""" The item in the AuiToolBar is a toolbar radio item. """
-""" Identifier for restoring a minimized pane. """
-""" Width of the drop-down button in AuiToolBar. """
-""" Hue text colour for the disabled text in AuiToolBar. """
-                                 DISABLED_TEXT_GREY_HUE,
-                                 DISABLED_TEXT_GREY_HUE)
-""" Text colour for the disabled text in AuiToolBar. """
-AUI_TB_TEXT             = 1 << 0
-""" Shows the text in the toolbar buttons; by default only icons are shown. """
-AUI_TB_NO_TOOLTIPS      = 1 << 1
-""" Don't show tooltips on `AuiToolBar` items. """
-""" Do not auto-resize the `AuiToolBar`. """
-AUI_TB_GRIPPER          = 1 << 3
-""" Shows a gripper on the `AuiToolBar`. """
-AUI_TB_OVERFLOW         = 1 << 4
-""" The `AuiToolBar` can contain overflow items. """
-AUI_TB_VERTICAL         = 1 << 5
-""" The `AuiToolBar` is vertical. """
-AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT      = 1 << 6
-""" Shows the text and the icons alongside, not vertically stacked.
-This style must be used with ``AUI_TB_TEXT``. """
-""" Don't draw a gradient background on the toolbar. """
-AUI_TB_CLOCKWISE        = 1 << 8
-""" Combination of ``AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT`` and ``AUI_TB_TEXT``. """
-""" `AuiToolBar` default style. """
-# AuiToolBar settings
-""" Separator size in AuiToolBar. """
-""" Gripper size in AuiToolBar. """
-""" Overflow button size in AuiToolBar. """
-# AuiToolBar text orientation
-AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_LEFT = 0     # unused/unimplemented
-""" Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned left. """
-""" Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned right. """
-AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_TOP = 2      # unused/unimplemented
-""" Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned top. """
-""" Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned bottom. """
-# AuiToolBar tool orientation
-AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL = 0             # standard
-AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_CLOCKWISE = 1         # rotation of 90 on the right
-AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_COUNTERCLOCKWISE = 2  # rotation of 90 on the left
-# --------------------- #
-# - AuiMDI* Constants - #
-# --------------------- #
-""" Identifier for the AuiMDI "close window" menu. """
-""" Identifier for the AuiMDI "close all windows" menu. """
-wxWINDOWNEXT = 4003
-""" Identifier for the AuiMDI "next window" menu. """
-wxWINDOWPREV = 4004
-""" Identifier for the AuiMDI "previous window" menu. """
-# ----------------------------- #
-# - AuiDockingGuide Constants - #
-# ----------------------------- #
-colourTargetBorder = wx.Colour(180, 180, 180)
-colourTargetShade = wx.Colour(206, 206, 206)
-colourTargetBackground = wx.Colour(224, 224, 224)
-colourIconBorder = wx.Colour(82, 65, 156)
-colourIconBackground = wx.Colour(255, 255, 255)
-colourIconDockingPart1 = wx.Colour(215, 228, 243)
-colourIconDockingPart2 = wx.Colour(180, 201, 225)
-colourIconShadow = wx.Colour(198, 198, 198)
-colourIconArrow = wx.Colour(77, 79, 170)
-colourHintBackground = wx.Colour(0, 64, 255)
-guideSizeX, guideSizeY = 29, 32
-aeroguideSizeX, aeroguideSizeY = 31, 32
-whidbeySizeX, whidbeySizeY = 43, 30
-# ------------------------------- #
-# - AuiSwitcherDialog Constants - #
-# ------------------------------- #
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 552cb84..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1216 +0,0 @@
-The idea of `SwitcherDialog` is to make it easier to implement keyboard
-navigation in AUI and other applications that have multiple panes and
-A key combination with a modifier (such as ``Ctrl`` + ``Tab``) shows the
-dialog, and the user holds down the modifier whilst navigating with
-``Tab`` and arrow keys before releasing the modifier to dismiss the dialog
-and activate the selected pane.
-The switcher dialog is a multi-column menu with no scrolling, implemented
-by the `MultiColumnListCtrl` class. You can have headings for your items
-for logical grouping, and you can force a column break if you need to.
-The modifier used for invoking and dismissing the dialog can be customised,
-as can the colours, number of rows, and the key used for cycling through
-the items. So you can use different keys on different platforms if
-required (especially since ``Ctrl`` + ``Tab`` is reserved on some platforms).
-Items are shown as names and optional 16x16 images.
-Base Functionalities
-To use the dialog, you set up the items in a `SwitcherItems` object,
-before passing this to the `SwitcherDialog` instance.
-Call L{SwitcherItems.AddItem} and optionally L{SwitcherItems.AddGroup} to add items and headings. These
-functions take a label (to be displayed to the user), an identifying name,
-an integer id, and a bitmap. The name and id are purely for application-defined
-identification. You may also set a description to be displayed when each
-item is selected; and you can set a window pointer for convenience when
-activating the desired window after the dialog returns.
-Have created the dialog, you call `ShowModal()`, and if the return value is
-``wx.ID_OK``, retrieve the selection from the dialog and activate the pane.
-The sample code below shows a generic method of finding panes and notebook
-tabs within the current L{AuiManager}, and using the pane name or notebook
-tab position to display the pane.
-The only other code to add is a menu item with the desired accelerator,
-whose modifier matches the one you pass to L{SwitcherDialog.SetModifierKey} 
-(the default being ``wx.WXK_CONTROL``).
-Menu item::
-    if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-        switcherAccel = "Alt+Tab"
-    elif wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-        switcherAccel = "Ctrl+/"
-    else:
-        switcherAccel = "Ctrl+Tab"
-    view_menu.Append(ID_SwitchPane, _("S&witch Window...") + "\t" + switcherAccel)
-Event handler::
-    def OnSwitchPane(self, event):
-        items = SwitcherItems()
-        items.SetRowCount(12)
-        # Add the main windows and toolbars, in two separate columns
-        # We'll use the item 'id' to store the notebook selection, or -1 if not a page
-        for k in xrange(2):
-            if k == 0:
-                items.AddGroup(_("Main Windows"), "mainwindows")
-            else:
-                items.AddGroup(_("Toolbars"), "toolbars").BreakColumn()
-            for pane in self._mgr.GetAllPanes():
-                name =
-                caption = pane.caption
-                toolbar = isinstance(info.window, wx.ToolBar) or isinstance(info.window, aui.AuiToolBar)
-                if caption and (toolBar  and k == 1) or (not toolBar and k == 0):
-                    items.AddItem(caption, name, -1).SetWindow(pane.window)
-        # Now add the wxAuiNotebook pages
-        items.AddGroup(_("Notebook Pages"), "pages").BreakColumn()
-        for pane in self._mgr.GetAllPanes():
-            nb = pane.window
-            if isinstance(nb, aui.AuiNotebook):
-                for j in xrange(nb.GetPageCount()):
-                    name = nb.GetPageText(j)
-                    win = nb.GetPage(j)
-                    items.AddItem(name, name, j, nb.GetPageBitmap(j)).SetWindow(win)
-        # Select the focused window
-        idx = items.GetIndexForFocus()
-        if idx != wx.NOT_FOUND:
-            items.SetSelection(idx)
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            items.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE)
-        # Show the switcher dialog
-        dlg = SwitcherDialog(items, wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow())
-        # In GTK+ we can't use Ctrl+Tab; we use Ctrl+/ instead and tell the switcher
-        # to treat / in the same was as tab (i.e. cycle through the names)
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-            dlg.SetExtraNavigationKey(wxT('/'))
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            dlg.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE)
-            dlg.SetModifierKey(wx.WXK_ALT)
-        ans = dlg.ShowModal()
-        if ans == wx.ID_OK and dlg.GetSelection() != -1:
-            item = items.GetItem(dlg.GetSelection())
-            if item.GetId() == -1:
-                info = self._mgr.GetPane(item.GetName())
-                info.Show()
-                self._mgr.Update()
-                info.window.SetFocus()
-            else:
-                nb = item.GetWindow().GetParent()
-                win = item.GetWindow();
-                if isinstance(nb, aui.AuiNotebook):
-                    nb.SetSelection(item.GetId())
-                    win.SetFocus()
-import wx
-import auibook
-from aui_utilities import FindFocusDescendant
-# Define a translation function
-_ = wx.GetTranslation
-class SwitcherItem(object):
-    """ An object containing information about one item. """
-    def __init__(self, item=None):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        self._id = 0
-        self._isGroup = False
-        self._breakColumn = False
-        self._rowPos = 0
-        self._colPos = 0
-        self._window = None
-        self._description = ""
-        self._textColour = wx.NullColour
-        self._bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        self._font = wx.NullFont
-        if item:
-            self.Copy(item)
-    def Copy(self, item):
-        """
-        Copy operator between 2 L{SwitcherItem} instances.
-        :param `item`: another instance of L{SwitcherItem}.
-        """
-        self._id = item._id
-        self._name = item._name
-        self._title = item._title
-        self._isGroup = item._isGroup
-        self._breakColumn = item._breakColumn
-        self._rect = item._rect
-        self._font = item._font
-        self._textColour = item._textColour
-        self._bitmap = item._bitmap
-        self._description = item._description
-        self._rowPos = item._rowPos
-        self._colPos = item._colPos
-        self._window = item._window
-    def SetTitle(self, title):
-        self._title = title
-        return self
-    def GetTitle(self):
-        return self._title
-    def SetName(self, name):
-        self._name = name
-        return self
-    def GetName(self):
-        return self._name
-    def SetDescription(self, descr):
-        self._description = descr
-        return self
-    def GetDescription(self):
-        return self._description
-    def SetId(self, id):
-        self._id = id
-        return self
-    def GetId(self):
-        return self._id
-    def SetIsGroup(self, isGroup):
-        self._isGroup = isGroup
-        return self
-    def GetIsGroup(self):
-        return self._isGroup
-    def BreakColumn(self, breakCol=True):
-        self._breakColumn = breakCol
-        return self
-    def GetBreakColumn(self):
-        return self._breakColumn
-    def SetRect(self, rect):
-        self._rect = rect
-        return self
-    def GetRect(self):
-        return self._rect
-    def SetTextColour(self, colour):
-        self._textColour = colour
-        return self
-    def GetTextColour(self):
-        return self._textColour
-    def SetFont(self, font):
-        self._font = font
-        return self
-    def GetFont(self):
-        return self._font
-    def SetBitmap(self, bitmap):
-        self._bitmap = bitmap
-        return self
-    def GetBitmap(self):
-        return self._bitmap
-    def SetRowPos(self, pos):
-        self._rowPos = pos
-        return self
-    def GetRowPos(self):
-        return self._rowPos
-    def SetColPos(self, pos):
-        self._colPos = pos
-        return self
-    def GetColPos(self):
-        return self._colPos
-    def SetWindow(self, win):
-        self._window = win
-        return self
-    def GetWindow(self):
-        return self._window
-class SwitcherItems(object):
-    """ An object containing switcher items. """
-    def __init__(self, items=None):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        self._selection = -1
-        self._rowCount = 10
-        self._columnCount = 0
-        self._backgroundColour = wx.NullColour
-        self._textColour = wx.NullColour
-        self._selectionColour = wx.NullColour
-        self._selectionOutlineColour = wx.NullColour
-        self._itemFont = wx.NullFont
-        self._items = []        
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
-            # If on Windows XP/Vista, use more appropriate colours
-            self.SetSelectionOutlineColour(wx.Colour(49, 106, 197))
-            self.SetSelectionColour(wx.Colour(193, 210, 238))
-        if items:
-            self.Copy(items)
-    def Copy(self, items):
-        """
-        Copy operator between 2 L{SwitcherItems}.
-        :param `items`: another instance of L{SwitcherItems}.
-        """
-        self.Clear()
-        for item in items._items:
-            self._items.append(item)
-        self._selection = items._selection
-        self._rowCount = items._rowCount
-        self._columnCount = items._columnCount
-        self._backgroundColour = items._backgroundColour
-        self._textColour = items._textColour
-        self._selectionColour = items._selectionColour
-        self._selectionOutlineColour = items._selectionOutlineColour
-        self._itemFont = items._itemFont
-    def AddItem(self, titleOrItem, name=None, id=0, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap):
-        if isinstance(titleOrItem, SwitcherItem):
-            self._items.append(titleOrItem)
-            return self._items[-1]
-        item = SwitcherItem()
-        item.SetTitle(titleOrItem)
-        item.SetName(name)
-        item.SetId(id)
-        item.SetBitmap(bitmap)
-        self._items.append(item)
-        return self._items[-1]
-    def AddGroup(self, title, name, id=0, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap):
-        item = self.AddItem(title, name, id, bitmap)
-        item.SetIsGroup(True)
-        return item
-    def Clear(self):
-        self._items = []
-    def FindItemByName(self, name):
-        for i in xrange(len(self._items)):
-            if self._items[i].GetName() == name:
-                return i
-        return wx.NOT_FOUND
-    def FindItemById(self, id):
-        for i in xrange(len(self._items)):
-            if self._items[i].GetId() == id:
-                return i
-        return wx.NOT_FOUND
-    def SetSelection(self, sel):
-        self._selection = sel
-    def SetSelectionByName(self, name):
-        idx = self.FindItemByName(name)
-        if idx != wx.NOT_FOUND:
-            self.SetSelection(idx)
-    def GetSelection(self):
-        return self._selection
-    def GetItem(self, i):
-        return self._items[i]
-    def GetItemCount(self):
-        return len(self._items)
-    def SetRowCount(self, rows):
-        self._rowCount = rows
-    def GetRowCount(self):
-        return self._rowCount
-    def SetColumnCount(self, cols):
-        self._columnCount = cols
-    def GetColumnCount(self):
-        return self._columnCount
-    def SetBackgroundColour(self, colour):
-        self._backgroundColour = colour
-    def GetBackgroundColour(self):
-        return self._backgroundColour
-    def SetTextColour(self, colour):
-        self._textColour = colour
-    def GetTextColour(self):
-        return self._textColour
-    def SetSelectionColour(self, colour):
-        self._selectionColour = colour
-    def GetSelectionColour(self):
-        return self._selectionColour
-    def SetSelectionOutlineColour(self, colour):
-        self._selectionOutlineColour = colour
-    def GetSelectionOutlineColour(self):
-        return self._selectionOutlineColour
-    def SetItemFont(self, font):
-        self._itemFont = font
-    def GetItemFont(self):
-        return self._itemFont 
-    def PaintItems(self, dc, win):
-        backgroundColour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)
-        standardTextColour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT)
-        selectionColour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)
-        selectionOutlineColour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT)
-        standardFont = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        groupFont = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        groupFont.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
-        if self.GetBackgroundColour().IsOk():
-            backgroundColour = self.GetBackgroundColour()
-        if self.GetTextColour().IsOk():
-            standardTextColour = self.GetTextColour()
-        if self.GetSelectionColour().IsOk():
-            selectionColour = self.GetSelectionColour()
-        if self.GetSelectionOutlineColour().IsOk():
-            selectionOutlineColour = self.GetSelectionOutlineColour()
-        if self.GetItemFont().IsOk():
-            standardFont = self.GetItemFont()   
-            groupFont = wx.Font(standardFont.GetPointSize(), standardFont.GetFamily(), standardFont.GetStyle(),
-                                wx.BOLD, standardFont.GetUnderlined(), standardFont.GetFaceName())
-        textMarginX = SWITCHER_TEXT_MARGIN_X
-        dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.COPY)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(backgroundColour))
-        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        dc.DrawRectangleRect(win.GetClientRect())
-        dc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.TRANSPARENT)
-        for i in xrange(len(self._items)):
-            item = self._items[i]
-            if i == self._selection:
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(selectionOutlineColour))
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(selectionColour))
-                dc.DrawRectangleRect(item.GetRect())
-            clippingRect = wx.Rect(*item.GetRect())
-            clippingRect.Deflate(1, 1)
-            dc.SetClippingRect(clippingRect)
-            if item.GetTextColour().IsOk():
-                dc.SetTextForeground(item.GetTextColour())
-            else:
-                dc.SetTextForeground(standardTextColour)
-            if item.GetFont().IsOk():
-                dc.SetFont(item.GetFont())
-            else:
-                if item.GetIsGroup():
-                    dc.SetFont(groupFont)
-                else:
-                    dc.SetFont(standardFont)
-            w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(item.GetTitle())
-            x = item.GetRect().x
-            x += textMarginX
-            if not item.GetIsGroup():
-                if item.GetBitmap().IsOk() and item.GetBitmap().GetWidth() <= 16 \
-                   and item.GetBitmap().GetHeight() <= 16:
-                    x -= textMarginX
-                    dc.DrawBitmap(item.GetBitmap(), x, item.GetRect().y + \
-                                  (item.GetRect().height - item.GetBitmap().GetHeight())/2,
-                                  True)
-                    x += 16 + textMarginX
-                #x += textMarginX
-            y = item.GetRect().y + (item.GetRect().height - h)/2
-            dc.DrawText(item.GetTitle(), x, y)
-            dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
-    def CalculateItemSize(self, dc):
-        # Start off allowing for an icon
-        sz = wx.Size(150, 16)
-        standardFont = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        groupFont = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        groupFont.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
-        textMarginX = SWITCHER_TEXT_MARGIN_X
-        textMarginY = SWITCHER_TEXT_MARGIN_Y
-        maxWidth = 300
-        maxHeight = 40
-        if self.GetItemFont().IsOk():
-            standardFont = self.GetItemFont()   
-        for item in self._items:
-            if item.GetFont().IsOk():
-                dc.SetFont(item.GetFont())
-            else:
-                if item.GetIsGroup():
-                    dc.SetFont(groupFont)
-                else:
-                    dc.SetFont(standardFont)
-            w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(item.GetTitle())
-            w += 16 + 2*textMarginX
-            if w > sz.x:
-                sz.x = min(w, maxWidth)
-            if h > sz.y:
-                sz.y = min(h, maxHeight)
-        if sz == wx.Size(16, 16):
-            sz = wx.Size(100, 25)
-        else:
-            sz.x += textMarginX*2
-            sz.y += textMarginY*2
-        return sz
-    def GetIndexForFocus(self):
-        for i, item in enumerate(self._items):        
-            if item.GetWindow():
-                if FindFocusDescendant(item.GetWindow()):
-                    return i
-        return wx.NOT_FOUND
-class MultiColumnListCtrl(wx.PyControl):
-    """ A control for displaying several columns (not scrollable). """
-    def __init__(self, parent, aui_manager, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
-                 style=0, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name="MultiColumnListCtrl"):
-        wx.PyControl.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name)
-        self._overallSize = wx.Size(200, 100)
-        self._modifierKey = wx.WXK_CONTROL
-        self._extraNavigationKey = 0
-        self._aui_manager = aui_manager
-        self.SetInitialSize(size)
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.OnMouseEvent)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKey)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKey)
-    def __del__(self):
-        self._aui_manager.HideHint()
-    def DoGetBestSize(self):
-        return self._overallSize
-    def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
-        pass
-    def OnPaint(self, event):
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        rect = self.GetClientRect()
-        if self._items.GetColumnCount() == 0:
-            self.CalculateLayout(dc)
-        if self._items.GetColumnCount() == 0:
-            return
-        self._items.PaintItems(dc, self)
-    def OnMouseEvent(self, event):
-        if event.LeftDown():
-            self.SetFocus()
-    def OnChar(self, event):
-        event.Skip()        
-    def OnKey(self, event):
-        if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_KEY_UP:
-            if event.GetKeyCode() == self.GetModifierKey():
-                topLevel = wx.GetTopLevelParent(self)
-                closeEvent = wx.CloseEvent(wx.wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, topLevel.GetId())
-                closeEvent.SetEventObject(topLevel)
-                closeEvent.SetCanVeto(False)
-                topLevel.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(closeEvent)
-                return
-            event.Skip()
-            return
-        keyCode = event.GetKeyCode()
-        if keyCode in [wx.WXK_ESCAPE, wx.WXK_RETURN]:
-            if keyCode == wx.WXK_ESCAPE:
-                self._items.SetSelection(-1)
-            topLevel = wx.GetTopLevelParent(self)
-            closeEvent = wx.CloseEvent(wx.wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, topLevel.GetId())
-            closeEvent.SetEventObject(topLevel)
-            closeEvent.SetCanVeto(False)
-            topLevel.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(closeEvent)
-            return
-        elif keyCode in [wx.WXK_TAB, self.GetExtraNavigationKey()]:
-            if event.ShiftDown():
-                self._items.SetSelection(self._items.GetSelection() - 1)
-                if self._items.GetSelection() < 0:
-                    self._items.SetSelection(self._items.GetItemCount() - 1)
-                self.AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(-1)
-            else:
-                self._items.SetSelection(self._items.GetSelection() + 1)
-                if self._items.GetSelection() >= self._items.GetItemCount():
-                    self._items.SetSelection(0)
-                self.AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(1)
-            self.GenerateSelectionEvent()
-            self.Refresh()
-        elif keyCode in [wx.WXK_DOWN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN]:
-            self._items.SetSelection(self._items.GetSelection() + 1)
-            if self._items.GetSelection() >= self._items.GetItemCount():
-                self._items.SetSelection(0)
-            self.AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(1)
-            self.GenerateSelectionEvent()
-            self.Refresh()
-        elif keyCode in [wx.WXK_UP, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_UP]:
-            self._items.SetSelection(self._items.GetSelection() - 1)
-            if self._items.GetSelection() < 0:
-                self._items.SetSelection(self._items.GetItemCount() - 1)
-            self.AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(-1)
-            self.GenerateSelectionEvent()
-            self.Refresh()
-        elif keyCode in [wx.WXK_HOME, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_HOME]:
-            self._items.SetSelection(0)
-            self.AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(1)
-            self.GenerateSelectionEvent()
-            self.Refresh()
-        elif keyCode in [wx.WXK_END, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_END]:
-            self._items.SetSelection(self._items.GetItemCount() - 1)
-            self.AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(-1)
-            self.GenerateSelectionEvent()
-            self.Refresh()
-        elif keyCode in [wx.WXK_LEFT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_LEFT]:
-            item = self._items.GetItem(self._items.GetSelection())
-            row = item.GetRowPos()
-            newCol = item.GetColPos() - 1
-            if newCol < 0:
-                newCol = self._items.GetColumnCount() - 1
-            # Find the first item from the end whose row matches and whose column is equal or lower
-            for i in xrange(self._items.GetItemCount()-1, -1, -1):
-                item2 = self._items.GetItem(i)
-                if item2.GetColPos() == newCol and item2.GetRowPos() <= row:
-                    self._items.SetSelection(i)
-                    break
-            self.AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(-1)
-            self.GenerateSelectionEvent()
-            self.Refresh()
-        elif keyCode in [wx.WXK_RIGHT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_RIGHT]:
-            item = self._items.GetItem(self._items.GetSelection())
-            row = item.GetRowPos()
-            newCol = item.GetColPos() + 1
-            if newCol >= self._items.GetColumnCount():
-                newCol = 0
-            # Find the first item from the end whose row matches and whose column is equal or lower
-            for i in xrange(self._items.GetItemCount()-1, -1, -1):
-                item2 = self._items.GetItem(i)
-                if item2.GetColPos() == newCol and item2.GetRowPos() <= row:
-                    self._items.SetSelection(i)
-                    break
-            self.AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(1)
-            self.GenerateSelectionEvent()
-            self.Refresh()
-        else:
-            event.Skip()
-    def AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(self, direction):
-        if self._items.GetItemCount() < 2:
-            return
-        if self._items.GetSelection() == -1:
-            self._items.SetSelection(0)
-        oldSel = self._items.GetSelection()
-        while 1:
-            if self._items.GetItem(self._items.GetSelection()).GetIsGroup():
-                self._items.SetSelection(self._items.GetSelection() + direction)
-                if self._items.GetSelection() == -1:
-                    self._items.SetSelection(self._items.GetItemCount()-1)
-                elif self._items.GetSelection() == self._items.GetItemCount():
-                    self._items.SetSelection(0)
-                if self._items.GetSelection() == oldSel:
-                    break
-            else:
-                break
-        self.SetTransparency()
-        selection = self._items.GetItem(self._items.GetSelection()).GetWindow()
-        pane = self._aui_manager.GetPane(selection)
-        if not pane.IsOk():
-            if isinstance(selection.GetParent(), auibook.AuiNotebook):
-                self.SetTransparency(selection)
-                self._aui_manager.ShowHint(selection.GetScreenRect())
-                wx.CallAfter(self.SetFocus)
-                self.SetFocus()
-                return
-            else:
-                self._aui_manager.HideHint()
-                return
-        if not pane.IsShown():
-            self._aui_manager.HideHint()
-            return
-        self.SetTransparency(selection)
-        self._aui_manager.ShowHint(selection.GetScreenRect())
-        # NOTE: this is odd but it is the only way for the focus to
-        #       work correctly on wxMac...
-        wx.CallAfter(self.SetFocus)
-        self.SetFocus()        
-    def SetTransparency(self, selection=None):
-        if not self.GetParent().CanSetTransparent():
-            return
-        if selection is not None:
-            intersects = False
-            if selection.GetScreenRect().Intersects(self.GetParent().GetScreenRect()):
-                intersects = True
-                self.GetParent().SetTransparent(200)
-                return
-        self.GetParent().SetTransparent(255)
-    def GenerateSelectionEvent(self):
-        event = wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED, self.GetId())
-        event.SetEventObject(self)
-        event.SetInt(self._items.GetSelection())
-        self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-    def CalculateLayout(self, dc=None):
-        if dc is None:
-            dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
-        if self._items.GetSelection() == -1:
-            self._items.SetSelection(0)
-        columnCount = 1
-        # Spacing between edge of window or between columns
-        xMargin = 4
-        yMargin = 4
-        # Inter-row spacing
-        rowSpacing = 2
-        itemSize = self._items.CalculateItemSize(dc)
-        self._overallSize = wx.Size(350, 200)
-        currentRow = 0
-        x = xMargin
-        y = yMargin
-        breaking = False
-        i = 0
-        while 1:
-            oldOverallSize = self._overallSize
-            item = self._items.GetItem(i)
-            item.SetRect(wx.Rect(x, y, itemSize.x, itemSize.y))
-            item.SetColPos(columnCount-1)
-            item.SetRowPos(currentRow)
-            if item.GetRect().GetBottom() > self._overallSize.y:
-                self._overallSize.y = item.GetRect().GetBottom() + yMargin
-            if item.GetRect().GetRight() > self._overallSize.x:
-                self._overallSize.x = item.GetRect().GetRight() + xMargin
-            currentRow += 1
-            y += rowSpacing + itemSize.y
-            stopBreaking = breaking
-            if currentRow > self._items.GetRowCount() or (item.GetBreakColumn() and not breaking and currentRow != 1):
-                currentRow = 0
-                columnCount += 1
-                x += xMargin + itemSize.x
-                y = yMargin
-                # Make sure we don't orphan a group
-                if item.GetIsGroup() or (item.GetBreakColumn() and not breaking):
-                    self._overallSize = oldOverallSize
-                    if item.GetBreakColumn():
-                        breaking = True
-                    # Repeat the last item, in the next column
-                    i -= 1
-            if stopBreaking:
-                breaking = False
-            i += 1
-            if i >= self._items.GetItemCount():
-                break
-        self._items.SetColumnCount(columnCount)
-        self.InvalidateBestSize()
-    def SetItems(self, items):
-        self._items = items
-    def GetItems(self):
-        return self._items
-    def SetExtraNavigationKey(self, keyCode):
-        """
-        Set an extra key that can be used to cycle through items,
-        in case not using the ``Ctrl`` + ``Tab`` combination.
-        """
-        self._extraNavigationKey = keyCode
-    def GetExtraNavigationKey(self):
-        return self._extraNavigationKey
-    def SetModifierKey(self, modifierKey):
-        """
-        Set the modifier used to invoke the dialog, and therefore to test for
-        release.
-        """
-        self._modifierKey = modifierKey
-    def GetModifierKey(self):
-        return self._modifierKey
-class SwitcherDialog(wx.Dialog):
-    """
-    SwitcherDialog shows a L{MultiColumnListCtrl} with a list of panes
-    and tabs for the user to choose. ``Ctrl`` + ``Tab`` cycles through them.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, items, parent, aui_manager, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=_("Pane Switcher"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
-                 size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.STAY_ON_TOP|wx.DIALOG_NO_PARENT|wx.BORDER_SIMPLE):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        self._switcherBorderStyle = (style & wx.BORDER_MASK)
-        if self._switcherBorderStyle == wx.BORDER_NONE:
-            self._switcherBorderStyle = wx.BORDER_SIMPLE
-        style &= wx.BORDER_MASK
-        style |= wx.BORDER_NONE
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
-        self._listCtrl = MultiColumnListCtrl(self, aui_manager,
-                                             style=wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.NO_BORDER)
-        self._listCtrl.SetItems(items)
-        self._listCtrl.CalculateLayout()
-        self._descriptionCtrl = wx.html.HtmlWindow(self, size=(-1, 100), style=wx.BORDER_NONE)
-        self._descriptionCtrl.SetBackgroundColour(self.GetBackgroundColour())
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-            fontSize = 11
-            self._descriptionCtrl.SetStandardFonts(fontSize)
-        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.SetSizer(sizer)
-        sizer.Add(self._listCtrl, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 10)
-        sizer.Add(self._descriptionCtrl, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 10)
-        sizer.SetSizeHints(self)
-        self._listCtrl.SetFocus()
-        self.Centre(wx.BOTH)
-        if self._listCtrl.GetItems().GetSelection() == -1:
-            self._listCtrl.GetItems().SetSelection(0)
-        self._listCtrl.AdvanceToNextSelectableItem(1)
-        self.ShowDescription(self._listCtrl.GetItems().GetSelection())
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.OnActivate)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnSelectItem)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        # Attributes
-        self._closing = False
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
-            self._borderColour = wx.Colour(49, 106, 197)
-        else:
-            self._borderColour = wx.BLACK
-        self._aui_manager = aui_manager
-    def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
-        if self._closing:
-            return
-        if self.IsModal():
-            self._closing = True
-            if self.GetSelection() == -1:
-                self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
-            else:
-                self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
-        self._aui_manager.HideHint()
-    def GetSelection(self):
-        return self._listCtrl.GetItems().GetSelection()
-    def OnActivate(self, event):
-        if not event.GetActive():
-            if not self._closing:
-                self._closing = True
-                self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
-    def OnPaint(self, event):
-        dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
-        if self._switcherBorderStyle == wx.BORDER_SIMPLE:
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._borderColour))
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-            rect = self.GetClientRect()
-            dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
-            # Draw border around the HTML control
-            rect = wx.Rect(*self._descriptionCtrl.GetRect())
-            rect.Inflate(1, 1)
-            dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
-    def OnSelectItem(self, event):
-        self.ShowDescription(event.GetSelection())
-# Convert a colour to a 6-digit hex string
-    def ColourToHexString(self, col):
-        hx = '%02x%02x%02x' % tuple([int(c) for c in col])
-        return hx
-    def ShowDescription(self, i):
-        item = self._listCtrl.GetItems().GetItem(i)
-        colour = self._listCtrl.GetItems().GetBackgroundColour()
-        if not colour.IsOk():
-            colour = self.GetBackgroundColour()
-        backgroundColourHex = self.ColourToHexString(colour)
-        html = _("<body bgcolor=\"#") + backgroundColourHex + _("\"><b>") + item.GetTitle() + _("</b>")
-        if item.GetDescription():
-            html += _("<p>")
-            html += item.GetDescription()
-        html += _("</body>")
-        self._descriptionCtrl.SetPage(html)
-    def SetExtraNavigationKey(self, keyCode):
-        self._extraNavigationKey = keyCode
-        if self._listCtrl:
-            self._listCtrl.SetExtraNavigationKey(keyCode)
-    def GetExtraNavigationKey(self):
-        return self._extraNavigationKey
-    def SetModifierKey(self, modifierKey):
-        self._modifierKey = modifierKey
-        if self._listCtrl:
-            self._listCtrl.SetModifierKey(modifierKey)
-    def GetModifierKey(self):
-        return self._modifierKey        
-    def SetBorderColour(self, colour):
-        self._borderColour = colour
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d6c701a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,678 +0,0 @@
-This module contains some common functions used by wxPython-AUI to
-manipulate colours, bitmaps, text, gradient shadings and custom
-dragging images for AuiNotebook tabs.
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
-__date__ = "31 March 2009"
-import wx
-from aui_constants import *
-if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-    import Carbon.Appearance
-def BlendColour(fg, bg, alpha):
-    """
-    Blends the two colour component `fg` and `bg` into one colour component, adding
-    an optional alpha channel.
-    :param `fg`: the first colour component;
-    :param `bg`: the second colour component;
-    :param `alpha`: an optional transparency value.
-    """
-    result = bg + (alpha*(fg - bg))
-    if result < 0.0:
-        result = 0.0
-    if result > 255:
-        result = 255
-    return result
-def StepColour(c, ialpha):
-    """
-    Darken/lighten the input colour `c`.
-    :param `c`: a colour to darken/lighten;
-    :param `ialpha`: a transparency value.
-    """
-    if ialpha == 100:
-        return c
-    r, g, b = c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue()
-    # ialpha is 0..200 where 0 is completely black
-    # and 200 is completely white and 100 is the same
-    # convert that to normal alpha 0.0 - 1.0
-    ialpha = min(ialpha, 200)
-    ialpha = max(ialpha, 0)
-    alpha = (ialpha - 100.0)/100.0
-    if ialpha > 100:
-        # blend with white
-        bg = 255
-        alpha = 1.0 - alpha  # 0 = transparent fg 1 = opaque fg
-    else:
-        # blend with black
-        bg = 0
-        alpha = 1.0 + alpha  # 0 = transparent fg 1 = opaque fg
-    r = BlendColour(r, bg, alpha)
-    g = BlendColour(g, bg, alpha)
-    b = BlendColour(b, bg, alpha)
-    return wx.Colour(r, g, b)
-def LightContrastColour(c):
-    """
-    Creates a new, lighter colour based on the input colour `c`.
-    :param `c`: the input colour to analyze.
-    """
-    amount = 120
-    # if the colour is especially dark, then
-    # make the contrast even lighter
-    if c.Red() < 128 and c.Green() < 128 and c.Blue() < 128:
-        amount = 160
-    return StepColour(c, amount)
-def ChopText(dc, text, max_size):
-    """
-    Chops the input `text` if its size does not fit in `max_size`, by cutting the
-    text and adding ellipsis at the end.
-    :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-    :param `text`: the text to chop;
-    :param `max_size`: the maximum size in which the text should fit.
-    """
-    # first check if the text fits with no problems
-    x, y, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(text)
-    if x <= max_size:
-        return text
-    textLen = len(text)
-    last_good_length = 0
-    for i in xrange(textLen, -1, -1):
-        s = text[0:i]
-        s += "..."
-        x, y = dc.GetTextExtent(s)
-        last_good_length = i
-        if x < max_size:
-            break
-    ret = text[0:last_good_length] + "..."    
-    return ret
-def BitmapFromBits(bits, w, h, colour):
-    """
-    BitmapFromBits() is a utility function that creates a
-    masked bitmap from raw bits (XBM format).
-    :param `bits`: a string containing the raw bits of the bitmap;
-    :param `w`: the bitmap width;
-    :param `h`: the bitmap height;
-    :param `colour`: the colour which will replace all white pixels in the
-     raw bitmap.
-    """
-    img = wx.BitmapFromBits(bits, w, h).ConvertToImage()
-    img.Replace(0, 0, 0, 123, 123, 123)
-    img.Replace(255, 255, 255, colour.Red(), colour.Green(), colour.Blue())
-    img.SetMaskColour(123, 123, 123)
-    return wx.BitmapFromImage(img)
-def IndentPressedBitmap(rect, button_state):
-    """
-    Indents the input rectangle `rect` based on the value of `button_state`.
-    :param `rect`: an instance of wx.Rect;
-    :param `button_state`: an L{AuiNotebook} button state.
-    """
-    if button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-        rect.x += 1
-        rect.y += 1
-    return rect
-def GetBaseColour():
-    """
-    Returns the face shading colour on push buttons/backgrounds, mimicking as closely
-    as possible the platform UI colours.
-    """
-    if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-        if hasattr(wx, 'MacThemeColour'):
-            base_colour = wx.MacThemeColour(Carbon.Appearance.kThemeBrushToolbarBackground)
-        else:
-            brush = wx.Brush(wx.BLACK)
-            brush.MacSetTheme(Carbon.Appearance.kThemeBrushToolbarBackground)
-            base_colour = brush.GetColour()
-    else:
-        base_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)
-    # the base_colour is too pale to use as our base colour,
-    # so darken it a bit
-    if ((255-base_colour.Red()) +
-        (255-base_colour.Green()) +
-        (255-base_colour.Blue()) < 60):
-        base_colour = StepColour(base_colour, 92)
-    return base_colour
-def MakeDisabledBitmap(bitmap):
-    """
-    Convert the given image (in place) to a grayed-out version,
-    appropriate for a 'disabled' appearance.
-    :param `bitmap`: the bitmap to gray-out.
-    """
-    anImage = bitmap.ConvertToImage()    
-    factor = 0.7        # 0 < f < 1.  Higher Is Grayer
-    if anImage.HasMask():
-        maskColour = (anImage.GetMaskRed(), anImage.GetMaskGreen(), anImage.GetMaskBlue())
-    else:
-        maskColour = None
-    data = map(ord, list(anImage.GetData()))
-    for i in range(0, len(data), 3):
-        pixel = (data[i], data[i+1], data[i+2])
-        pixel = MakeGray(pixel, factor, maskColour)
-        for x in range(3):
-            data[i+x] = pixel[x]
-    anImage.SetData(''.join(map(chr, data)))
-    return anImage.ConvertToBitmap()
-def MakeGray(rgbTuple, factor, maskColour):
-    """
-    Make a pixel grayed-out. If the pixel matches the `maskColour`, it won't be
-    changed.
-    :param `rgbTuple`: a tuple representing a pixel colour;
-    :param `factor`: a graying-out factor;
-    :param `maskColour`: a colour mask.
-    """
-    if rgbTuple != maskColour:
-        r, g, b = rgbTuple
-        return map(lambda x: int((230 - x) * factor) + x, (r, g, b))
-    else:
-        return rgbTuple
-def Clip(a, b, c):
-    """
-    Clips the value in `a` based on the extremes `b` and `c`.
-    :param `a`: the value to analyze;
-    :param `b`: a minimum value;
-    :param `c`: a maximum value.
-    """
-    return ((a < b and [b]) or [(a > c and [c] or [a])[0]])[0]
-def LightColour(colour, percent):
-    """
-    Brighten input `colour` by `percent`.
-    :param `colour`: the colour to be brightened;
-    :param `percent`: brightening percentage.
-    """
-    end_colour = wx.WHITE
-    rd = end_colour.Red() - colour.Red()
-    gd = end_colour.Green() - colour.Green()
-    bd = end_colour.Blue() - colour.Blue()
-    high = 100
-    # We take the percent way of the colour from colour -. white
-    i = percent
-    r = colour.Red() + ((i*rd*100)/high)/100
-    g = colour.Green() + ((i*gd*100)/high)/100
-    b = colour.Blue() + ((i*bd*100)/high)/100
-    return wx.Colour(r, g, b)
-def PaneCreateStippleBitmap():
-    """
-    Creates a stipple bitmap to be used in a `wx.Brush`.
-    This is used to draw sash resize hints.
-    """
-    data = [0, 0, 0, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 0, 0, 0]
-    img = wx.EmptyImage(2, 2)
-    counter = 0
-    for ii in xrange(2):
-        for jj in xrange(2):
-            img.SetRGB(ii, jj, data[counter], data[counter+1], data[counter+2])
-            counter = counter + 3
-    return img.ConvertToBitmap()
-def DrawMACCloseButton(colour, backColour=None):
-    """
-    Draws the wxMAC tab close button using `wx.GraphicsContext`.
-    :param `colour`: the colour to use to draw the circle;
-    :param `backColour`: the optional background colour for the circle.
-    """
-    bmp = wx.EmptyBitmapRGBA(16, 16)
-    dc = wx.MemoryDC()
-    dc.SelectObject(bmp)
-    gc = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(dc)    
-    gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(colour))
-    path = gc.CreatePath()
-    path.AddCircle(6.5, 7, 6.5)
-    path.CloseSubpath()
-    gc.FillPath(path)
-    path = gc.CreatePath()
-    if backColour is not None:
-        pen = wx.Pen(backColour, 2)
-    else:
-        pen = wx.Pen("white", 2)
-    pen.SetCap(wx.CAP_BUTT)
-    pen.SetJoin(wx.JOIN_BEVEL)
-    gc.SetPen(pen)
-    path.MoveToPoint(3.5, 4)
-    path.AddLineToPoint(9.5, 10)
-    path.MoveToPoint(3.5, 10)
-    path.AddLineToPoint(9.5, 4)
-    path.CloseSubpath()
-    gc.DrawPath(path)
-    dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
-    return bmp
-def DarkenBitmap(bmp, caption_colour, new_colour):
-    """
-    Darkens the input bitmap on wxMAC using the input colour.
-    :param `bmp`: the bitmap to be manipulated;
-    :param `caption_colour`: the colour of the pane caption;
-    :param `new_colour`: the colour used to darken the bitmap.
-    """
-    image = bmp.ConvertToImage()
-    red = caption_colour.Red()/float(new_colour.Red())
-    green = caption_colour.Green()/float(new_colour.Green())
-    blue = caption_colour.Blue()/float(new_colour.Blue())
-    image = image.AdjustChannels(red, green, blue)
-    return image.ConvertToBitmap()
-def DrawGradientRectangle(dc, rect, start_colour, end_colour, direction, offset=0, length=0):
-    """
-    Draws a gradient-shaded rectangle.
-    :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-    :param `rect`: the rectangle in which to draw the gradient;
-    :param `start_colour`: the first colour of the gradient;
-    :param `end_colour`: the second colour of the gradient;
-    :param `direction`: the gradient direction (horizontal or vertical).
-    """
-    if direction == AUI_GRADIENT_VERTICAL:
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, start_colour, end_colour, wx.SOUTH)
-    else:
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, start_colour, end_colour, wx.EAST)
-def FindFocusDescendant(ancestor):
-    """
-    Find a window with the focus, that is also a descendant of the given window.
-    This is used to determine the window to initially send commands to.
-    :param `ancestor`: the window to check for ancestry.    
-    """
-    # Process events starting with the window with the focus, if any.
-    focusWin = wx.Window.FindFocus()
-    win = focusWin
-    # Check if this is a descendant of this frame.
-    # If not, win will be set to NULL.
-    while win:
-        if win == ancestor:
-            break
-        else:
-            win = win.GetParent()
-    if win is None:
-        focusWin = None
-    return focusWin
-def GetLabelSize(dc, label, vertical):
-    """
-    Returns the L{AuiToolBar} item label size.
-    :param `label`: the toolbar tool label;
-    :param `vertical`: whether the toolbar tool orientation is vertical or not.
-    """
-    text_width = text_height = 0
-    # get the text height
-    dummy, text_height = dc.GetTextExtent("ABCDHgj")
-    # get the text width
-    if label.strip():
-        text_width, dummy = dc.GetTextExtent(label)
-    if vertical:
-        tmp = text_height
-        text_height = text_width
-        text_width = tmp
-    return wx.Size(text_width, text_height)
-# TabDragImage implementation
-# This class handles the creation of a custom image when dragging
-# AuiNotebook tabs
-class TabDragImage(wx.DragImage):
-    """
-    This class handles the creation of a custom image in case of drag and
-    drop of a notebook tab.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, notebook, page, button_state, tabArt):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        For internal use: do not call it in your code!
-        :param `notebook`: an instance of L{AuiNotebook};
-        :param `page`: the dragged L{AuiNotebook} page;
-        :param `button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `tabArt`: an instance of L{AuiDefaultTabArt} or one of its derivations.
-        """
-        self._backgroundColour = wx.NamedColour("pink")        
-        self._bitmap = self.CreateBitmap(notebook, page, button_state, tabArt)
-        wx.DragImage.__init__(self, self._bitmap)
-    def CreateBitmap(self, notebook, page, button_state, tabArt):
-        """
-        Actually creates the drag and drop bitmap.
-        :param `notebook`: an instance of L{AuiNotebook};
-        :param `page`: the dragged L{AuiNotebook} page;
-        :param `button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `tabArt`: an instance of L{AuiDefaultTabArt} or one of its derivations.
-        """
-        control = page.control
-        memory = wx.MemoryDC(wx.EmptyBitmap(1, 1))
-        tab_size, x_extent = tabArt.GetTabSize(memory, notebook, page.caption, page.bitmap,,
-                                               button_state, control)
-        tab_width, tab_height = tab_size
-        rect = wx.Rect(0, 0, tab_width, tab_height)
-        bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(tab_width+1, tab_height+1)
-        memory.SelectObject(bitmap)
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            memory.SetBackground(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-        else:
-            memory.SetBackground(wx.Brush(self._backgroundColour))
-        memory.SetBackgroundMode(wx.TRANSPARENT)
-        memory.Clear()
-        paint_control = wx.Platform != "__WXMAC__"
-        tabArt.DrawTab(memory, notebook, page, rect, button_state, paint_control=paint_control)
-        memory.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-        memory.SetPen(wx.BLACK_PEN)
-        memory.DrawRoundedRectangle(0, 0, tab_width+1, tab_height+1, 2)
-        memory.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
-        # Gtk and Windows unfortunatly don't do so well with transparent
-        # drawing so this hack corrects the image to have a transparent
-        # background.
-        if wx.Platform != '__WXMAC__':
-            timg = bitmap.ConvertToImage()
-            if not timg.HasAlpha():
-                timg.InitAlpha()
-            for y in xrange(timg.GetHeight()):
-                for x in xrange(timg.GetWidth()):
-                    pix = wx.Colour(timg.GetRed(x, y),
-                                    timg.GetGreen(x, y),
-                                    timg.GetBlue(x, y))
-                    if pix == self._backgroundColour:
-                        timg.SetAlpha(x, y, 0)
-            bitmap = timg.ConvertToBitmap()
-        return bitmap        
-def GetDockingImage(direction, useAero, center):
-    """
-    Returns the correct name of the docking bitmap depending on the input parameters.
-    :param `useAero`: whether L{AuiManager} is using Aero-style or Whidbey-style docking
-     images or not;
-    :param `center`: whether we are looking for the center diamond-shaped bitmap or not. 
-    """
-    suffix = (center and [""] or ["_single"])[0]
-    prefix = ""
-    if useAero == 2:
-        # Whidbey docking guides
-        prefix = "whidbey_"
-    elif useAero == 1:
-        # Aero docking style
-        prefix = "aero_"
-    if direction == wx.TOP:
-        bmp_unfocus = eval("%sup%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-        bmp_focus = eval("%sup_focus%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-    elif direction == wx.BOTTOM:
-        bmp_unfocus = eval("%sdown%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-        bmp_focus = eval("%sdown_focus%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-    elif direction == wx.LEFT:
-        bmp_unfocus = eval("%sleft%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-        bmp_focus = eval("%sleft_focus%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-    elif direction == wx.RIGHT:
-        bmp_unfocus = eval("%sright%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-        bmp_focus = eval("%sright_focus%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-    else:
-        bmp_unfocus = eval("%stab%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-        bmp_focus = eval("%stab_focus%s"%(prefix, suffix)).GetBitmap()
-    return bmp_unfocus, bmp_focus
-def TakeScreenShot(rect):
-    """
-    Takes a screenshot of the screen at given position and size (rect).
-    :param `rect`: the screen rectangle for which we want to take a screenshot.
-    """
-    # Create a DC for the whole screen area
-    dcScreen = wx.ScreenDC()
-    # Create a Bitmap that will later on hold the screenshot image
-    # Note that the Bitmap must have a size big enough to hold the screenshot
-    # -1 means using the current default colour depth
-    bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(rect.width, rect.height)
-    # Create a memory DC that will be used for actually taking the screenshot
-    memDC = wx.MemoryDC()
-    # Tell the memory DC to use our Bitmap
-    # all drawing action on the memory DC will go to the Bitmap now
-    memDC.SelectObject(bmp)
-    # Blit (in this case copy) the actual screen on the memory DC
-    # and thus the Bitmap
-    memDC.Blit( 0,            # Copy to this X coordinate
-                0,            # Copy to this Y coordinate
-                rect.width,   # Copy this width
-                rect.height,  # Copy this height
-                dcScreen,     # From where do we copy?
-                rect.x,       # What's the X offset in the original DC?
-                rect.y        # What's the Y offset in the original DC?
-                )
-    # Select the Bitmap out of the memory DC by selecting a new
-    # uninitialized Bitmap
-    memDC.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
-    return bmp
-def RescaleScreenShot(bmp, thumbnail_size=200):
-    """
-    Rescales a bitmap to be 300 pixels wide (or tall) at maximum.
-    :param `bmp`: the bitmap to rescale;
-    :param `thumbnail_size`: the maximum size of every page thumbnail.
-    """
-    bmpW, bmpH = bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()
-    img = bmp.ConvertToImage()
-    newW, newH = bmpW, bmpH
-    if bmpW > bmpH:
-        if bmpW > thumbnail_size:
-            ratio = bmpW/float(thumbnail_size)
-            newW, newH = int(bmpW/ratio), int(bmpH/ratio)
-            img.Rescale(newW, newH, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH)
-    else:
-        if bmpH > thumbnail_size:
-            ratio = bmpH/float(thumbnail_size)
-            newW, newH = int(bmpW/ratio), int(bmpH/ratio)
-            img.Rescale(newW, newH, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH)
-    newBmp = img.ConvertToBitmap()
-    otherBmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(newW+5, newH+5)    
-    memDC = wx.MemoryDC()
-    memDC.SelectObject(otherBmp)
-    memDC.SetBackground(wx.WHITE_BRUSH)
-    memDC.Clear()
-    memDC.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-    pos = 0
-    for i in xrange(5, 0, -1):
-        brush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(50*i, 50*i, 50*i))
-        memDC.SetBrush(brush)
-        memDC.DrawRoundedRectangle(0, 0, newW+5-pos, newH+5-pos, 2)
-        pos += 1
-    memDC.DrawBitmap(newBmp, 0, 0, True)
-    # Select the Bitmap out of the memory DC by selecting a new
-    # uninitialized Bitmap
-    memDC.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
-    return otherBmp
-def GetSlidingPoints(rect, size, direction):
-    """
-    Returns the point at which the sliding in and out of a minimized pane begins.
-    :param `rect`: the L{AuiToolBar} tool screen rectangle;
-    :param `size`: the pane window size;
-    :param `direction`: the pane docking direction.
-    """
-    if direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-        startX, startY = rect.x + rect.width + 2, rect.y
-    elif direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-        startX, startY = rect.x, rect.y + rect.height + 2
-    elif direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-        startX, startY = rect.x - size.x - 2, rect.y
-    elif direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-        startX, startY = rect.x, rect.y - size.y - 2
-    else:
-        raise Exception("How did we get here?")
-    caption_height = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_CAPTION_Y)
-    frame_border_x = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_FRAMESIZE_X)
-    frame_border_y = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_FRAMESIZE_Y)
-    stopX = size.x + caption_height + frame_border_x
-    stopY = size.x + frame_border_y
-    return startX, startY, stopX, stopY
-def CopyAttributes(newArt, oldArt):
-    """
-    Copies pens, brushes, colours and fonts from the old tab art to the new one.
-    :param `newArt`: the new instance of L{AuiDefaultTabArt};
-    :param `oldArt`: the old instance of L{AuiDefaultTabArt}.
-    """    
-    attrs = dir(oldArt)
-    for attr in attrs:
-        if attr.startswith("_") and (attr.endswith("_colour") or attr.endswith("_font") or \
-                                     attr.endswith("_font") or attr.endswith("_brush") or \
-                                     attr.endswith("Pen") or attr.endswith("_pen")):
-            setattr(newArt, attr, getattr(oldArt, attr))
-    return newArt            
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4d348b7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3926 +0,0 @@
-auibar contains an implementation of L{AuiToolBar}, which is a completely owner-drawn
-toolbar perfectly integrated with the AUI layout system. This allows drag and drop of
-toolbars, docking/floating behaviour and the possibility to define "overflow" items
-in the toolbar itself.
-The default theme that is used is L{AuiDefaultToolBarArt}, which provides a modern,
-glossy look and feel. The theme can be changed by calling L{AuiToolBar.SetArtProvider}.
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
-__date__ = "31 March 2009"
-import wx
-import types
-from aui_utilities import BitmapFromBits, StepColour, GetLabelSize
-from aui_utilities import GetBaseColour, MakeDisabledBitmap
-import framemanager
-from aui_constants import *
-# wxPython version string
-# AuiToolBar events
-""" A dropdown `AuiToolBarItem` is being shown. """
-""" The user left-clicked on the overflow button in `AuiToolBar`. """
-""" Fires an event when the user right-clicks on a `AuiToolBarItem`. """
-""" Fires an event when the user middle-clicks on a `AuiToolBarItem`. """
-""" A drag operation involving a toolbar item has started. """
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class CommandToolBarEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
-    """ A specialized command event class for events sent by L{AuiToolBar}. """
-    def __init__(self, command_type, win_id):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        :param `command_type`: the event kind or an instance of `wx.PyCommandEvent`.
-        :param `win_id`: the window identification number.
-        """
-        if type(command_type) == types.IntType:    
-            wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, command_type, win_id)
-        else:
-            wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, command_type.GetEventType(), command_type.GetId())
-        self.is_dropdown_clicked = False
-        self.click_pt = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-        self.rect = wx.Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0)
-        self.tool_id = -1
-    def IsDropDownClicked(self):
-        """ Returns whether the drop down menu has been clicked. """
-        return self.is_dropdown_clicked
-    def SetDropDownClicked(self, c):
-        """
-        Sets whether the drop down menu has been clicked.
-        :param `c`: ``True`` to set the drop down as clicked, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        self.is_dropdown_clicked = c    
-    def GetClickPoint(self):
-        """ Returns the point where the user clicked with the mouse. """
-        return self.click_pt
-    def SetClickPoint(self, p):
-        """
-        Sets the clicking point.
-        :param `p`: a `wx.Point` object.
-        """
-        self.click_pt = p    
-    def GetItemRect(self):
-        """ Returns the L{AuiToolBarItem} rectangle. """
-        return self.rect
-    def SetItemRect(self, r):
-        """
-        Sets the L{AuiToolBarItem} rectangle.
-        :param `r`: an instance of `wx.Rect`.
-        """
-        self.rect = r    
-    def GetToolId(self):
-        """ Returns the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier. """
-        return self.tool_id
-    def SetToolId(self, id):
-        """
-        Sets the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier.
-        :param `id`: the toolbar item identifier.
-        """
-        self.tool_id = id   
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiToolBarEvent(CommandToolBarEvent):
-    """ A specialized command event class for events sent by L{AuiToolBar}. """
-    def __init__(self, command_type=None, win_id=0):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        :param `command_type`: the event kind or an instance of `wx.PyCommandEvent`.
-        :param `win_id`: the window identification number.
-        """
-        CommandToolBarEvent.__init__(self, command_type, win_id)
-        if type(command_type) == types.IntType:
-            self.notify = wx.NotifyEvent(command_type, win_id)
-        else:
-            self.notify = wx.NotifyEvent(command_type.GetEventType(), command_type.GetId())
-    def GetNotifyEvent(self):
-        """ Returns the actual `wx.NotifyEvent`. """
-        return self.notify
-    def IsAllowed(self):
-        """ Returns whether the event is allowed or not. """
-        return self.notify.IsAllowed()
-    def Veto(self):
-        """
-        Prevents the change announced by this event from happening.
-        It is in general a good idea to notify the user about the reasons for
-        vetoing the change because otherwise the applications behaviour (which
-        just refuses to do what the user wants) might be quite surprising.
-        """
-        self.notify.Veto()
-    def Allow(self):
-        """
-        This is the opposite of L{Veto}: it explicitly allows the event to be
-        processed. For most events it is not necessary to call this method as the
-        events are allowed anyhow but some are forbidden by default (this will
-        be mentioned in the corresponding event description).
-        """
-        self.notify.Allow()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class ToolbarCommandCapture(wx.PyEvtHandler):
-    """ A class to handle the dropdown window menu. """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        wx.PyEvtHandler.__init__(self)
-        self._last_id = 0
-    def GetCommandId(self):
-        """ Returns the event command identifier. """
-        return self._last_id 
-    def ProcessEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Processes an event, searching event tables and calling zero or more suitable
-        event handler function(s).
-        :param `event`: the event to process.
-        :note: Normally, your application would not call this function: it is called
-         in the wxPython implementation to dispatch incoming user interface events
-         to the framework (and application).
-         However, you might need to call it if implementing new functionality (such as
-         a new control) where you define new event types, as opposed to allowing the
-         user to override functions.
-         An instance where you might actually override the L{ProcessEvent} function is where
-         you want to direct event processing to event handlers not normally noticed by
-         wxPython. For example, in the document/view architecture, documents and views
-         are potential event handlers. When an event reaches a frame, L{ProcessEvent} will
-         need to be called on the associated document and view in case event handler
-         functions are associated with these objects. 
-         The normal order of event table searching is as follows:
-         1. If the object is disabled (via a call to `SetEvtHandlerEnabled`) the function
-            skips to step (6).
-         2. If the object is a `wx.Window`, L{ProcessEvent} is recursively called on the window's 
-            `wx.Validator`. If this returns ``True``, the function exits.
-         3. wxWidgets `SearchEventTable` is called for this event handler. If this fails, the
-            base class table is tried, and so on until no more tables exist or an appropriate
-            function was found, in which case the function exits.
-         4. The search is applied down the entire chain of event handlers (usually the chain
-            has a length of one). If this succeeds, the function exits.
-         5. If the object is a `wx.Window` and the event is a `wx.CommandEvent`, L{ProcessEvent} is
-            recursively applied to the parent window's event handler. If this returns ``True``,
-            the function exits.
-         6. Finally, L{ProcessEvent} is called on the `wx.App` object.
-        """
-        if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED:
-            self._last_id = event.GetId()
-            return True
-        if self.GetNextHandler():
-            return self.GetNextHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-        return False
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiToolBarItem(object):
-    """
-    AuiToolBarItem is a toolbar element.
-    It has a unique id (except for the separators which always have id = -1), the
-    style (telling whether it is a normal button, separator or a control), the
-    state (toggled or not, enabled or not) and short and long help strings. The
-    default implementations use the short help string for the tooltip text which
-    is popped up when the mouse pointer enters the tool and the long help string
-    for the applications status bar.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, item=None):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        :param `item`: another instance of L{AuiToolBarItem}.
-        """
-        if item:
-            self.Assign(item)
-            return
-        self.window = None
-        self.clockwisebmp = wx.NullBitmap
-        self.counterclockwisebmp = wx.NullBitmap
-        self.clockwisedisbmp = wx.NullBitmap
-        self.counterclockwisedisbmp = wx.NullBitmap
-        self.sizer_item = None
-        self.spacer_pixels = 0
- = 0
-        self.kind = ITEM_NORMAL
-        self.state = 0   # normal, enabled
-        self.proportion = 0
- = True
-        self.dropdown = True
-        self.sticky = True
-        self.user_data = 0
-        self.label = ""
-        self.bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        self.disabled_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        self.hover_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        self.short_help = ""
-        self.long_help = ""
-        self.min_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        self.alignment = wx.ALIGN_CENTER
-        self.orientation = AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL
-    def Assign(self, c):
-        """
-        Assigns the properties of the L{AuiToolBarItem} `c` to `self`.
-        :param `c`: another instance of L{AuiToolBarItem}.
-        """
-        self.window = c.window
-        self.label = c.label
-        self.bitmap = c.bitmap
-        self.disabled_bitmap = c.disabled_bitmap
-        self.hover_bitmap = c.hover_bitmap
-        self.short_help = c.short_help
-        self.long_help = c.long_help
-        self.sizer_item = c.sizer_item
-        self.min_size = c.min_size
-        self.spacer_pixels = c.spacer_pixels
- =
-        self.kind = c.kind
-        self.state = c.state
-        self.proportion = c.proportion
- =
-        self.dropdown = c.dropdown
-        self.sticky = c.sticky
-        self.user_data = c.user_data
-        self.alignment = c.alignment
-        self.orientation = c.orientation
-    def SetWindow(self, w):
-        """
-        Assigns a window to the toolbar item.
-        :param `w`: an instance of `wx.Window`.
-        """
-        self.window = w
-    def GetWindow(self):
-        """ Returns window associated to the toolbar item. """
-        return self.window        
-    def SetId(self, new_id):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar item identifier.
-        :param `new_id`: the new tool id.
-        """
- = new_id
-    def GetId(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar item identifier. """
-        return 
-    def SetKind(self, new_kind):
-        """
-        Sets the L{AuiToolBarItem} kind.
-        :param `new_kind`: can be one of the following items:
-         ========================  =============================
-         Item Kind                 Description
-         ========================  =============================
-         ``ITEM_CONTROL``          The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a control
-         ``ITEM_LABEL``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a text label
-         ``ITEM_SPACER``           The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a spacer
-         ``ITEM_SEPARATOR``        The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a separator
-         ``ITEM_CHECK``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a toolbar check item
-         ``ITEM_NORMAL``           The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a standard toolbar item
-         ``ITEM_RADIO``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a toolbar radio item
-         ========================  =============================
-        """
-        self.kind = new_kind
-    def GetKind(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar item kind. See L{SetKind} for more details. """
-        return self.kind
-    def SetState(self, new_state):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar item state.
-        :param `new_state`: can be one of the following states:
-         ============================================  ======================================
-         Button State Constant                         Description     
-         ============================================  ======================================
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL``                   Normal button state
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER``                    Hovered button state
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED``                  Pressed button state
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED``                 Disabled button state
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN``                   Hidden button state
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED``                  Checked button state
-         ============================================  ======================================
-        """
-        self.state = new_state
-    def GetState(self):
-        """
-        Returns the toolbar item state. See L{SetState} for more details.
-        :see: L{SetState}
-        """
-        return self.state 
-    def SetSizerItem(self, s):
-        """
-        Associates a sizer item to this toolbar item.
-        :param `s`: an instance of `wx.SizerItem`.
-        """
-        self.sizer_item = s
-    def GetSizerItem(self):
-        """ Returns the associated sizer item. """
-        return self.sizer_item 
-    def SetLabel(self, s):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar item label.
-        :param `s`: a string specifying the toolbar item label.
-        """
-        self.label = s
-    def GetLabel(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar item label. """
-        return self.label 
-    def SetBitmap(self, bmp):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar item bitmap.
-        :param `bmp`: an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.
-        """
-        self.bitmap = bmp
-    def GetBitmap(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar item bitmap. """
-        return self.GetRotatedBitmap(False)
-    def SetDisabledBitmap(self, bmp):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar item disabled bitmap.
-        :param `bmp`: an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.
-        """
-        self.disabled_bitmap = bmp
-    def GetDisabledBitmap(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar item disabled bitmap. """
-        return self.GetRotatedBitmap(True)
-    def SetHoverBitmap(self, bmp):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar item hover bitmap.
-        :param `bmp`: an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.
-        """
-        self.hover_bitmap = bmp
-    def SetOrientation(self, a):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar tool orientation.
-        :param `a`: one of ``AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL``, ``AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_CLOCKWISE`` or
-        """
-        self.orientation = a
-    def GetOrientation(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar tool orientation. """
-        return self.orientation
-    def GetHoverBitmap(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar item hover bitmap. """
-        return self.hover_bitmap 
-    def GetRotatedBitmap(self, disabled):
-        """
-        Returns the correct bitmap depending on the tool orientation.
-        :param `disabled`: whether to return the disabled bitmap or not.
-        """
-        bitmap_to_rotate = (disabled and [self.disabled_bitmap] or [self.bitmap])[0]
-        if not bitmap_to_rotate.IsOk() or self.orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL:
-            return bitmap_to_rotate
-        rotated_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        clockwise = True
-        if self.orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_CLOCKWISE:
-            rotated_bitmap = (disabled and [self.clockwisedisbmp] or [self.clockwisebmp])[0]
-        elif self.orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_COUNTERCLOCKWISE:
-            rotated_bitmap = (disabled and [self.counterclockwisedisbmp] or [self.counterclockwisebmp])[0]
-            clockwise = False
-        if not rotated_bitmap.IsOk():
-            rotated_bitmap = wx.BitmapFromImage(bitmap_to_rotate.ConvertToImage().Rotate90(clockwise))
-        return rotated_bitmap
-    def SetShortHelp(self, s):
-        """
-        Sets the short help string for the L{AuiToolBarItem}, to be displayed in a
-        `wx.ToolTip` when the mouse hover over the toolbar item.
-        :param `s`: the tool short help string.
-        """
-        self.short_help = s
-    def GetShortHelp(self):
-        """ Returns the short help string for the L{AuiToolBarItem}. """
-        return self.short_help 
-    def SetLongHelp(self, s):
-        """
-        Sets the long help string for the toolbar item. This string is shown in the
-        statusbar (if any) of the parent frame when the mouse pointer is inside the
-        tool.
-        :param `s`: the tool long help string.
-        """
-        self.long_help = s
-    def GetLongHelp(self):
-        """ Returns the long help string for the L{AuiToolBarItem}. """
-        return self.long_help 
-    def SetMinSize(self, s):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar item minimum size.
-        :param `s`: an instance of `wx.Size`.
-        """
-        self.min_size = wx.Size(*s)
-    def GetMinSize(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar item minimum size. """
-        return self.min_size 
-    def SetSpacerPixels(self, s):
-        """
-        Sets the number of pixels for a toolbar item with kind = ``ITEM_SEPARATOR``.
-        :param `s`: number of pixels.
-        """
-        self.spacer_pixels = s
-    def GetSpacerPixels(self):
-        """ Returns the number of pixels for a toolbar item with kind = ``ITEM_SEPARATOR``. """
-        return self.spacer_pixels 
-    def SetProportion(self, p):
-        """
-        Sets the L{AuiToolBarItem} proportion in the toolbar.
-        :param `p`: the item proportion.
-        """
-        self.proportion = p
-    def GetProportion(self):
-        """ Returns the L{AuiToolBarItem} proportion in the toolbar. """
-        return self.proportion 
-    def SetActive(self, b):
-        """
-        Activates/deactivates the toolbar item.
-        :param `b`: ``True`` to activate the item, ``False`` to deactivate it.
-        """
- = b
-    def IsActive(self):
-        """ Returns whether the toolbar item is active or not. """
-        return
-    def SetHasDropDown(self, b):
-        """
-        Sets whether the toolbar item has an associated dropdown menu.
-        :param `b`: ``True`` to set a dropdown menu, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        self.dropdown = b
-    def HasDropDown(self):
-        """ Returns whether the toolbar item has an associated dropdown menu or not. """
-        return self.dropdown 
-    def SetSticky(self, b):
-        """
-        Sets whether the toolbar item is sticky (permanent highlight after mouse enter)
-        or not.
-        :param `b`: ``True`` to set the item as sticky, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        self.sticky = b
-    def IsSticky(self):
-        """ Returns whether the toolbar item has a sticky behaviour or not. """
-        return self.sticky 
-    def SetUserData(self, l):
-        """
-        Associates some kind of user data to the toolbar item.
-        :param `l`: a Python object.
-        :note: The user data can be any Python object.
-        """
-        self.user_data = l
-    def GetUserData(self):
-        """ Returns the associated user data. """
-        return self.user_data
-    def SetAlignment(self, l):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar item alignment.
-        :param `l`: the item alignment, which can be one of the available `wx.Sizer`
-         alignments.
-        """
-        self.alignment = l
-    def GetAlignment(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar item alignment. """
-        return self.alignment        
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiDefaultToolBarArt(object):
-    """
-    Toolbar art provider code - a tab provider provides all drawing functionality to
-    the L{AuiToolBar}. This allows the L{AuiToolBar} to have a plugable look-and-feel.
-    By default, a L{AuiToolBar} uses an instance of this class called L{AuiDefaultToolBarArt}
-    which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms'
-    look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a
-    completely new tab art class. Call L{AuiToolBar.SetArtProvider} to make use this
-    new tab art.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        self._base_colour = GetBaseColour()
-        self._agwFlags = 0
-        self._text_orientation = AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM
-        self._highlight_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)
-        self._separator_size = 7
-        self._orientation = AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL
-        self._gripper_size = 7
-        self._overflow_size = 16
-        darker1_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 85)
-        darker2_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 75)
-        darker3_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 60)
-        darker4_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 50)
-        darker5_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 40)
-        self._gripper_pen1 = wx.Pen(darker5_colour)
-        self._gripper_pen2 = wx.Pen(darker3_colour)
-        self._gripper_pen3 = wx.WHITE_PEN
-        button_dropdown_bits = "\xe0\xf1\xfb"
-        overflow_bits = "\x80\xff\x80\xc1\xe3\xf7"
-        self._button_dropdown_bmp = BitmapFromBits(button_dropdown_bits, 5, 3, wx.BLACK)
-        self._disabled_button_dropdown_bmp = BitmapFromBits(button_dropdown_bits, 5, 3,
-                                                            wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        self._overflow_bmp = BitmapFromBits(overflow_bits, 7, 6, wx.BLACK)
-        self._disabled_overflow_bmp = BitmapFromBits(overflow_bits, 7, 6, wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        self._font = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-    def Clone(self):
-        """ Clones the L{AuiToolBar} art. """
-        return AuiDefaultToolBarArt()
-    def SetAGWFlags(self, agwFlags):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar art flags.
-        :param `agwFlags`: a combination of the following values:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_TB_TEXT``                      Shows the text in the toolbar buttons; by default only icons are shown
-         ``AUI_TB_NO_TOOLTIPS``               Don't show tooltips on `AuiToolBar` items
-         ``AUI_TB_NO_AUTORESIZE``             Do not auto-resize the `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TB_GRIPPER``                   Shows a gripper on the `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TB_OVERFLOW``                  The `AuiToolBar` can contain overflow items
-         ``AUI_TB_VERTICAL``                  The `AuiToolBar` is vertical
-         ``AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT``               Shows the text and the icons alongside, not vertically stacked. This style must be used with ``AUI_TB_TEXT``
-         ``AUI_TB_PLAIN_BACKGROUND``          Don't draw a gradient background on the toolbar
-         ``AUI_TB_HORZ_TEXT``                 Combination of ``AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT`` and ``AUI_TB_TEXT``
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        """
-        self._agwFlags = agwFlags
-    def GetAGWFlags(self):
-        """
-        Returns the L{AuiDefaultToolBarArt} flags. See L{SetAGWFlags} for more
-        details.
-        :see: L{SetAGWFlags}
-        """
-        return self._agwFlags
-    def SetFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the L{AuiDefaultToolBarArt} font.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._font = font
-    def SetTextOrientation(self, orientation):
-        """
-        Sets the text orientation.
-        :param `orientation`: can be one of the following constants:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Orientation Switches                 Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_LEFT``             Text in `AuiToolBar` items is aligned left
-         ``AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_RIGHT``            Text in `AuiToolBar` items is aligned right
-         ``AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_TOP``              Text in `AuiToolBar` items is aligned top
-         ``AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM``           Text in `AuiToolBar` items is aligned bottom
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        """
-        self._text_orientation = orientation
-    def GetFont(self):
-        """ Returns the L{AuiDefaultToolBarArt} font. """
-        return self._font
-    def GetTextOrientation(self):
-        """
-        Returns the L{AuiDefaultToolBarArt} text orientation. See
-        L{SetTextOrientation} for more details.
-        :see: L{SetTextOrientation}
-        """
-        return self._text_orientation
-    def SetOrientation(self, orientation):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar tool orientation.
-        :param `orientation`: one of ``AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL``, ``AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_CLOCKWISE`` or
-        """
-        self._orientation = orientation
-    def GetOrientation(self):
-        """ Returns the toolbar orientation. """
-        return self._orientation        
-    def DrawBackground(self, dc, wnd, _rect, horizontal=True):
-        """
-        Draws a toolbar background with a gradient shading.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `_rect`: the L{AuiToolBar} rectangle;
-        :param `horizontal`: ``True`` if the toolbar is horizontal, ``False`` if it is vertical.
-        """
-        rect = wx.Rect(*_rect)
-        start_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 180)
-        end_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 85)
-        reflex_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 95)
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, start_colour, end_colour,
-                              (horizontal and [wx.SOUTH] or [wx.EAST])[0])
-        left = rect.GetLeft()
-        right = rect.GetRight()
-        top = rect.GetTop()
-        bottom = rect.GetBottom()
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(reflex_colour))
-        if horizontal:
-            dc.DrawLine(left, bottom, right+1, bottom)
-        else:
-            dc.DrawLine(right, top, right, bottom+1)
-    def DrawPlainBackground(self, dc, wnd, _rect):
-        """
-        Draws a toolbar background with a plain colour.
-        This method contrasts with the default behaviour of the L{AuiToolBar} that
-        draws a background gradient and this break the window design when putting
-        it within a control that has margin between the borders and the toolbar
-        (example: put L{AuiToolBar} within a `wx.StaticBoxSizer` that has a plain background).
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `_rect`: the L{AuiToolBar} rectangle.
-        """
-        rect = wx.Rect(*_rect)
-        rect.height += 1
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)))
-        dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x - 1, rect.y - 1, rect.width + 2, rect.height + 1)
-    def DrawLabel(self, dc, wnd, item, rect):
-        """
-        Draws a toolbar item label.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `item`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem};
-        :param `rect`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} rectangle.
-        """
-        dc.SetFont(self._font)
-        dc.SetTextForeground(wx.BLACK)
-        orient = item.GetOrientation()
-        horizontal = orient == AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL
-        # we only care about the text height here since the text
-        # will get cropped based on the width of the item
-        label_size = GetLabelSize(dc, item.GetLabel(), not horizontal)
-        text_width = label_size.GetWidth()
-        text_height = label_size.GetHeight()
-        if orient == AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL:
-            text_x = rect.x
-            text_y = rect.y + (rect.height-text_height)/2
-            dc.DrawText(item.GetLabel(), text_x, text_y)
-        elif orient == AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_CLOCKWISE:
-            text_x = rect.x + (rect.width+text_width)/2
-            text_y = rect.y
-            dc.DrawRotatedText(item.GetLabel(), text_x, text_y, 270)
-            text_x = rect.x + (rect.width-text_width)/2
-            text_y = rect.y + text_height
-            dc.DrawRotatedText(item.GetLabel(), text_x, text_y, 90)
-    def DrawButton(self, dc, wnd, item, rect):
-        """
-        Draws a toolbar item button.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `item`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem};
-        :param `rect`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} rectangle.
-        """
-        bmp_rect, text_rect = self.GetToolsPosition(dc, item, rect)
-        if not item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-            if item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._highlight_colour))
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._highlight_colour, 150)))
-                dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
-            elif item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER or item.IsSticky():
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._highlight_colour))
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._highlight_colour, 170)))
-                # draw an even lighter background for checked item hovers (since
-                # the hover background is the same colour as the check background)
-                if item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED:
-                    dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._highlight_colour, 180)))
-                dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
-            elif item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED:
-                # it's important to put this code in an else statment after the
-                # hover, otherwise hovers won't draw properly for checked items
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._highlight_colour))
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._highlight_colour, 170)))
-                dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
-        if item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-            bmp = item.GetDisabledBitmap()
-        else:
-            bmp = item.GetBitmap()
-        if bmp.IsOk():
-            dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, bmp_rect.x, bmp_rect.y, True)
-        # set the item's text colour based on if it is disabled
-        dc.SetTextForeground(wx.BLACK)
-        if item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(DISABLED_TEXT_COLOUR)
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_TEXT and item.GetLabel() != "":
-            self.DrawLabel(dc, wnd, item, text_rect)
-    def DrawDropDownButton(self, dc, wnd, item, rect):
-        """
-        Draws a toolbar dropdown button.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `item`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem};
-        :param `rect`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} rectangle.
-        """
-        dropbmp_x = dropbmp_y = 0
-        button_rect = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width-BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH, rect.height)
-        dropdown_rect = wx.Rect(rect.x+rect.width-BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH-1, rect.y, BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH+1, rect.height)
-        horizontal = item.GetOrientation() == AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL
-        if horizontal:
-            button_rect = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width-BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH, rect.height)
-            dropdown_rect = wx.Rect(rect.x+rect.width-BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH-1, rect.y, BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH+1, rect.height)
-        else:
-            button_rect = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height-BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH)
-            dropdown_rect = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y+rect.height-BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH-1, rect.width, BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH+1)
-        dropbmp_width = self._button_dropdown_bmp.GetWidth()
-        dropbmp_height = self._button_dropdown_bmp.GetHeight()
-        if not horizontal:
-            tmp = dropbmp_width
-            dropbmp_width = dropbmp_height
-            dropbmp_height = tmp
-        dropbmp_x = dropdown_rect.x + (dropdown_rect.width/2) - dropbmp_width/2
-        dropbmp_y = dropdown_rect.y + (dropdown_rect.height/2) - dropbmp_height/2
-        bmp_rect, text_rect = self.GetToolsPosition(dc, item, button_rect)
-        if item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._highlight_colour))
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._highlight_colour, 140)))
-            dc.DrawRectangleRect(button_rect)
-            dc.DrawRectangleRect(dropdown_rect)
-        elif item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER or item.IsSticky():
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._highlight_colour))
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._highlight_colour, 170)))
-            dc.DrawRectangleRect(button_rect)
-            dc.DrawRectangleRect(dropdown_rect)
-        elif item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED:
-            # it's important to put this code in an else statment after the 
-            # hover, otherwise hovers won't draw properly for checked items 
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._highlight_colour))
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._highlight_colour, 170)))
-            dc.DrawRectangle(button_rect)
-            dc.DrawRectangle(dropdown_rect)
-        if item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-            bmp = item.GetDisabledBitmap()
-            dropbmp = self._disabled_button_dropdown_bmp
-        else:
-            bmp = item.GetBitmap()
-            dropbmp = self._button_dropdown_bmp
-        if not bmp.IsOk():
-            return
-        dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, bmp_rect.x, bmp_rect.y, True)
-        if horizontal:
-            dc.DrawBitmap(dropbmp, dropbmp_x, dropbmp_y, True)
-        else:
-            dc.DrawBitmap(wx.BitmapFromImage(dropbmp.ConvertToImage().Rotate90(item.GetOrientation() == AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_CLOCKWISE)),
-                          dropbmp_x, dropbmp_y, True)
-        # set the item's text colour based on if it is disabled
-        dc.SetTextForeground(wx.BLACK)
-        if item.GetState() & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(DISABLED_TEXT_COLOUR)
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_TEXT and item.GetLabel() != "":  
-            self.DrawLabel(dc, wnd, item, text_rect)
-    def DrawControlLabel(self, dc, wnd, item, rect):
-        """
-        Draws a label for a toolbar control.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `item`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem};
-        :param `rect`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} rectangle.
-        """
-        label_size = GetLabelSize(dc, item.GetLabel(), item.GetOrientation() != AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL)
-        text_height = label_size.GetHeight()
-        text_width = label_size.GetWidth()
-        dc.SetFont(self._font)
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_TEXT:
-            tx, text_height = dc.GetTextExtent("ABCDHgj")        
-        text_width, ty = dc.GetTextExtent(item.GetLabel())
-        # don't draw the label if it is wider than the item width
-        if text_width > rect.width:
-            return
-        # set the label's text colour
-        dc.SetTextForeground(wx.BLACK)
-        text_x = rect.x + (rect.width/2) - (text_width/2) + 1
-        text_y = rect.y + rect.height - text_height - 1
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_TEXT and item.GetLabel() != "": 
-            dc.DrawText(item.GetLabel(), text_x, text_y)
-    def GetLabelSize(self, dc, wnd, item):
-        """
-        Returns the label size for a toolbar item.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `item`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem}.
-        """
-        dc.SetFont(self._font)
-        label_size = GetLabelSize(dc, item.GetLabel(), self._orientation != AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL)
-        return wx.Size(item.GetMinSize().GetWidth(), label_size.GetHeight())
-    def GetToolSize(self, dc, wnd, item):
-        """
-        Returns the toolbar item size.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `item`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem}.
-        """
-        if not item.GetBitmap().IsOk() and not self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_TEXT:
-            return wx.Size(16, 16)
-        width = item.GetBitmap().GetWidth()
-        height = item.GetBitmap().GetHeight()
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_TEXT:
-            dc.SetFont(self._font)
-            label_size = GetLabelSize(dc, item.GetLabel(), self.GetOrientation() != AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL)
-            padding = 6
-            if self._text_orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM:
-                if self.GetOrientation() != AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL:
-                    height += 3   # space between top border and bitmap
-                    height += 3   # space between bitmap and text
-                    padding = 0
-                height += label_size.GetHeight()
-                if item.GetLabel() != "":
-                    width = max(width, label_size.GetWidth()+padding)
-            elif self._text_orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_RIGHT and item.GetLabel() != "":
-                if self.GetOrientation() == AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL:
-                    width += 3  # space between left border and bitmap
-                    width += 3  # space between bitmap and text
-                    padding = 0
-                width += label_size.GetWidth()
-                height = max(height, label_size.GetHeight()+padding)
-        # if the tool has a dropdown button, add it to the width
-        if item.HasDropDown():
-            if item.GetOrientation() == AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL:
-                width += BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH+4
-            else:
-                height += BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH+4
-        return wx.Size(width, height)
-    def DrawSeparator(self, dc, wnd, _rect):
-        """
-        Draws a toolbar separator.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `_rect`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} rectangle.
-        """
-        horizontal = True
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_VERTICAL:
-            horizontal = False
-        rect = wx.Rect(*_rect)
-        if horizontal:
-            rect.x += (rect.width/2)
-            rect.width = 1
-            new_height = (rect.height*3)/4
-            rect.y += (rect.height/2) - (new_height/2)
-            rect.height = new_height
-        else:
-            rect.y += (rect.height/2)
-            rect.height = 1
-            new_width = (rect.width*3)/4
-            rect.x += (rect.width/2) - (new_width/2)
-            rect.width = new_width
-        start_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 80)
-        end_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 80)
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, start_colour, end_colour, (horizontal and [wx.SOUTH] or [wx.EAST])[0])
-    def DrawGripper(self, dc, wnd, rect):
-        """
-        Draws the toolbar gripper.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `rect`: the L{AuiToolBar} rectangle.
-        """
-        i = 0
-        while 1:
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_VERTICAL:
-                x = rect.x + (i*4) + 4
-                y = rect.y + 3
-                if x > rect.GetWidth() - 4:
-                    break
-            else:
-                x = rect.x + 3
-                y = rect.y + (i*4) + 4
-                if y > rect.GetHeight() - 4:
-                    break
-            dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen1)
-            dc.DrawPoint(x, y)
-            dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen2)
-            dc.DrawPoint(x, y+1)
-            dc.DrawPoint(x+1, y)
-            dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen3)
-            dc.DrawPoint(x+2, y+1)
-            dc.DrawPoint(x+2, y+2)
-            dc.DrawPoint(x+1, y+2)
-            i += 1
-    def DrawOverflowButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, state):
-        """
-        Draws the overflow button for the L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `rect`: the L{AuiToolBar} rectangle;
-        :param `state`: the overflow button state.
-        """
-        if state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER or  state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-            cli_rect = wnd.GetClientRect()
-            light_gray_bg = StepColour(self._highlight_colour, 170)
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_VERTICAL:
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._highlight_colour))
-                dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y, rect.x+rect.width, rect.y)
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(light_gray_bg))
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(light_gray_bg))
-                dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y+1, rect.width, rect.height)
-            else:
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._highlight_colour))
-                dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y, rect.x, rect.y+rect.height)
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(light_gray_bg))
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(light_gray_bg))
-                dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x+1, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
-        x = rect.x + 1 + (rect.width-self._overflow_bmp.GetWidth())/2
-        y = rect.y + 1 + (rect.height-self._overflow_bmp.GetHeight())/2
-        dc.DrawBitmap(self._overflow_bmp, x, y, True)
-    def GetElementSize(self, element_id):
-        """
-        Returns the size of a UI element in the L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `element_id`: can be one of the following:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Element Identifier                   Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE``         Separator size in `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE``           Gripper size in `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE``          Overflow button size in `AuiToolBar`
-         ==================================== ==================================        
-        """
-        if element_id == AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE:
-            return self._separator_size
-        elif element_id == AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE:
-            return self._gripper_size
-        elif element_id == AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE:
-            return self._overflow_size
-        return 0
-    def SetElementSize(self, element_id, size):
-        """
-        Sets the size of a UI element in the L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `element_id`: can be one of the following:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Element Identifier                   Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE``         Separator size in `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE``           Gripper size in `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE``          Overflow button size in `AuiToolBar`
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        :param `size`: the new size of the UI element.        
-        """
-        if element_id == AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE:
-            self._separator_size = size
-        elif element_id == AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE:
-            self._gripper_size = size
-        elif element_id == AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE:
-            self._overflow_size = size
-    def ShowDropDown(self, wnd, items):
-        """
-        Shows the drop down window menu for overflow items.
-        :param `wnd`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `items`: the overflow toolbar items (a Python list).
-        """
-        menuPopup = wx.Menu()
-        items_added = 0
-        for item in items:
-            if item.GetKind() not in [ITEM_SEPARATOR, ITEM_SPACER, ITEM_CONTROL]:
-                text = item.GetShortHelp()
-                if text == "":
-                    text = item.GetLabel()
-                if text == "":
-                    text = " "
-                kind = item.GetKind()
-                m = wx.MenuItem(menuPopup, item.GetId(), text, item.GetShortHelp(), kind)
-                orientation = item.GetOrientation()
-                item.SetOrientation(AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL)
-                if kind not in [ITEM_CHECK, ITEM_RADIO]:
-                    m.SetBitmap(item.GetBitmap())
-                item.SetOrientation(orientation)                    
-                menuPopup.AppendItem(m)
-                if kind in [ITEM_CHECK, ITEM_RADIO]:            
-                    state = (item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED and [True] or [False])[0]
-                    m.Check(state)
-                items_added += 1
-            else:
-                if items_added > 0 and item.GetKind() == ITEM_SEPARATOR:
-                    menuPopup.AppendSeparator()
-        # find out where to put the popup menu of window items
-        pt = wx.GetMousePosition()
-        pt = wnd.ScreenToClient(pt)
-        # find out the screen coordinate at the bottom of the tab ctrl
-        cli_rect = wnd.GetClientRect()
-        pt.y = cli_rect.y + cli_rect.height
-        cc = ToolbarCommandCapture()
-        wnd.PushEventHandler(cc)
-        # Adjustments to get slightly better menu placement
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            pt.y += 5
-            pt.x -= 5
-        wnd.PopupMenu(menuPopup, pt)
-        command = cc.GetCommandId()
-        wnd.PopEventHandler(True)
-        return command
-    def GetToolsPosition(self, dc, item, rect):
-        """
-        Returns the bitmap and text rectangles for a toolbar item.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `item`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem};
-        :param `rect`: the tool rect.
-        """
-        text_width = text_height = 0
-        horizontal = self._orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL
-        text_bottom = self._text_orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM
-        text_right = self._text_orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_RIGHT
-        bmp_width = item.GetBitmap().GetWidth()
-        bmp_height = item.GetBitmap().GetHeight()
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_TB_TEXT:        
-            dc.SetFont(self._font)
-            label_size = GetLabelSize(dc, item.GetLabel(), not horizontal)
-            text_height = label_size.GetHeight()
-            text_width = label_size.GetWidth()
-        bmp_x = bmp_y = text_x = text_y = 0
-        if horizontal and text_bottom:
-            bmp_x = rect.x + (rect.width/2) - (bmp_width/2)
-            bmp_y = rect.y + 3
-            text_x = rect.x + (rect.width/2) - (text_width/2)
-            text_y = rect.y + ((bmp_y - rect.y) * 2) + bmp_height
-        elif horizontal and text_right:
-            bmp_x = rect.x + 3
-            bmp_y = rect.y + (rect.height/2) - (bmp_height / 2)
-            text_x = rect.x + ((bmp_x - rect.x) * 2) + bmp_width
-            text_y = rect.y + (rect.height/2) - (text_height/2)
-        elif not horizontal and text_bottom:
-            bmp_x = rect.x + (rect.width / 2) - (bmp_width / 2)
-            bmp_y = rect.y + 3
-            text_x = rect.x + (rect.width / 2) - (text_width / 2)
-            text_y = rect.y + ((bmp_y - rect.y) * 2) + bmp_height
-        bmp_rect = wx.Rect(bmp_x, bmp_y, bmp_width, bmp_height)
-        text_rect = wx.Rect(text_x, text_y, text_width, text_height)
-        return bmp_rect, text_rect
-class AuiToolBar(wx.PyControl):
-    """
-    AuiToolBar is a completely owner-drawn toolbar perfectly integrated with the
-    AUI layout system. This allows drag and drop of toolbars, docking/floating
-    behaviour and the possibility to define "overflow" items in the toolbar itself.
-    The default theme that is used is L{AuiDefaultToolBarArt}, which provides a modern,
-    glossy look and feel. The theme can be changed by calling L{AuiToolBar.SetArtProvider}.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
-                 size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, agwStyle=AUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        :param `parent`: the L{AuiToolBar} parent;
-        :param `id`: an identifier for the control: a value of -1 is taken to mean a default;
-        :param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
-         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
-        :param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
-         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
-        :param `style`: the control window style;
-        :param `agwStyle`: the AGW-specific window style. This can be a combination of the
-         following bits:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_TB_TEXT``                      Shows the text in the toolbar buttons; by default only icons are shown
-         ``AUI_TB_NO_TOOLTIPS``               Don't show tooltips on `AuiToolBar` items
-         ``AUI_TB_NO_AUTORESIZE``             Do not auto-resize the `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TB_GRIPPER``                   Shows a gripper on the `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TB_OVERFLOW``                  The `AuiToolBar` can contain overflow items
-         ``AUI_TB_VERTICAL``                  The `AuiToolBar` is vertical
-         ``AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT``               Shows the text and the icons alongside, not vertically stacked. This style must be used with ``AUI_TB_TEXT``
-         ``AUI_TB_PLAIN_BACKGROUND``          Don't draw a gradient background on the toolbar
-         ``AUI_TB_HORZ_TEXT``                 Combination of ``AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT`` and ``AUI_TB_TEXT``
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         The default value for `agwStyle` is: ``AUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE`` = 0
-        """
-        wx.PyControl.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style|wx.BORDER_NONE)
-        self._sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        self.SetSizer(self._sizer)
-        self._button_width = -1
-        self._button_height = -1
-        self._sizer_element_count = 0
-        self._action_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-        self._action_item = None
-        self._tip_item = None
-        self._art = AuiDefaultToolBarArt()
-        self._tool_packing = 2
-        self._tool_border_padding = 3
-        self._tool_text_orientation = AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM
-        self._tool_orientation = AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL
-        self._tool_alignment = wx.EXPAND
-        self._gripper_sizer_item = None
-        self._overflow_sizer_item = None
-        self._dragging = False
-        self._agwStyle = self._originalStyle = agwStyle
-        self._gripper_visible = (self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_GRIPPER and [True] or [False])[0]
-        self._overflow_visible = (self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_OVERFLOW and [True] or [False])[0]
-        self._overflow_state = 0
-        self._custom_overflow_prepend = []
-        self._custom_overflow_append = []
-        self._items = []
-        self.SetMargins(5, 5, 2, 2)
-        self.SetFont(wx.NORMAL_FONT)
-        self._art.SetAGWFlags(self._agwStyle)
-        self.SetExtraStyle(wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE)
-        if agwStyle & AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT:
-            self.SetToolTextOrientation(AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_RIGHT)
-        elif agwStyle & AUI_TB_VERTICAL:
-            if agwStyle & AUI_TB_CLOCKWISE:
-                self.SetToolOrientation(AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_CLOCKWISE)
-            elif agwStyle & AUI_TB_COUNTERCLOCKWISE:
-                self.SetToolOrientation(AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK, self.OnRightDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.OnMiddleDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK, self.OnMiddleDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_UP, self.OnMiddleUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeaveWindow)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_CURSOR, self.OnSetCursor)
-    def SetWindowStyleFlag(self, style):
-        """
-        Sets the style of the window.
-        :param `style`: the new window style. 
-        :note: Please note that some styles cannot be changed after the window
-         creation and that `Refresh` might need to be be called after changing the
-         others for the change to take place immediately.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
-        """
-        wx.PyControl.SetWindowStyleFlag(self, style|wx.BORDER_NONE)
-    def SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self, agwStyle):
-        """
-        Sets the AGW-specific style of the window.
-        :param `agwStyle`: the new window style. This can be a combination of the
-         following bits:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_TB_TEXT``                      Shows the text in the toolbar buttons; by default only icons are shown
-         ``AUI_TB_NO_TOOLTIPS``               Don't show tooltips on `AuiToolBar` items
-         ``AUI_TB_NO_AUTORESIZE``             Do not auto-resize the `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TB_GRIPPER``                   Shows a gripper on the `AuiToolBar`
-         ``AUI_TB_OVERFLOW``                  The `AuiToolBar` can contain overflow items
-         ``AUI_TB_VERTICAL``                  The `AuiToolBar` is vertical
-         ``AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT``               Shows the text and the icons alongside, not vertically stacked. This style must be used with ``AUI_TB_TEXT``
-         ``AUI_TB_PLAIN_BACKGROUND``          Don't draw a gradient background on the toolbar
-         ``AUI_TB_HORZ_TEXT``                 Combination of ``AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT`` and ``AUI_TB_TEXT``
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        :note: Please note that some styles cannot be changed after the window
-         creation and that `Refresh` might need to be be called after changing the
-         others for the change to take place immediately.
-        """
-        self._agwStyle = self._originalStyle = agwStyle
-        if self._art:
-            self._art.SetAGWFlags(self._agwStyle)
-        if agwStyle & AUI_TB_GRIPPER:
-            self._gripper_visible = True
-        else:
-            self._gripper_visible = False
-        if agwStyle & AUI_TB_OVERFLOW:
-            self._overflow_visible = True
-        else:
-            self._overflow_visible = False
-        if agwStyle & AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT:
-            self.SetToolTextOrientation(AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_RIGHT)
-        else:
-            self.SetToolTextOrientation(AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM)
-        if agwStyle & AUI_TB_VERTICAL:
-            if agwStyle & AUI_TB_CLOCKWISE:
-                self.SetToolOrientation(AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_CLOCKWISE)
-            elif agwStyle & AUI_TB_COUNTERCLOCKWISE:
-                self.SetToolOrientation(AUI_TBTOOL_VERT_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
-    def GetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self):
-        """
-        Returns the AGW-specific window style flag.
-        :see: L{SetAGWWindowStyleFlag} for an explanation of various AGW-specific style.
-        """
-        return self._agwStyle
-    def SetArtProvider(self, art):
-        """
-        Instructs L{AuiToolBar} to use art provider specified by parameter `art`
-        for all drawing calls. This allows plugable look-and-feel features. 
-        :param `art`: an art provider.
-        :note: The previous art provider object, if any, will be deleted by L{AuiToolBar}.
-        """
-        del self._art
-        self._art = art
-        if self._art:
-            self._art.SetAGWFlags(self._agwStyle)
-            self._art.SetTextOrientation(self._tool_text_orientation)
-            self._art.SetOrientation(self._tool_orientation)
-    def GetArtProvider(self):
-        """ Returns the current art provider being used. """
-        return self._art
-    def AddSimpleTool(self, tool_id, label, bitmap, short_help_string="", kind=ITEM_NORMAL):
-        """
-        Adds a tool to the toolbar. This is the simplest method you can use to
-        ass an item to the L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `tool_id`: an integer by which the tool may be identified in subsequent operations;
-        :param `label`: the toolbar tool label;
-        :param `bitmap`: the primary tool bitmap;
-        :param `short_help_string`: this string is used for the tools tooltip;
-        :param `kind`: the item kind. Can be one of the following:
-         ========================  =============================
-         Item Kind                 Description
-         ========================  =============================
-         ``ITEM_CONTROL``          The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a control
-         ``ITEM_LABEL``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a text label
-         ``ITEM_SPACER``           The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a spacer
-         ``ITEM_SEPARATOR``        The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a separator
-         ``ITEM_CHECK``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a toolbar check item
-         ``ITEM_NORMAL``           The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a standard toolbar item
-         ``ITEM_RADIO``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a toolbar radio item
-         ========================  =============================
-        """
-        return self.AddTool(tool_id, label, bitmap, wx.NullBitmap, kind, short_help_string, "", None)
-    def AddToggleTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, toggle=False, client_data=None, short_help_string="", long_help_string=""):
-        """
-        Adds a toggle tool to the toolbar. 
-        :param `tool_id`: an integer by which the tool may be identified in subsequent operations;
-        :param `bitmap`: the primary tool bitmap;
-        :param `disabled_bitmap`: the bitmap to use when the tool is disabled. If it is equal to
-         `wx.NullBitmap`, the disabled bitmap is automatically generated by greing the normal one;
-        :param `client_data`: whatever Python object to associate with the toolbar item;
-        :param `short_help_string`: this string is used for the tools tooltip;
-        :param `long_help_string`: this string is shown in the statusbar (if any) of the parent
-         frame when the mouse pointer is inside the tool.
-        """
-        kind = (toggle and [ITEM_CHECK] or [ITEM_NORMAL])[0]
-        return self.AddTool(tool_id, "", bitmap, disabled_bitmap, kind, short_help_string, long_help_string, client_data)
-    def AddTool(self, tool_id, label, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, kind, short_help_string, long_help_string, client_data):
-        """
-        Adds a tool to the toolbar. This is the full feature version of L{AddTool}.
-        :param `tool_id`: an integer by which the tool may be identified in subsequent operations;
-        :param `label`: the toolbar tool label;
-        :param `bitmap`: the primary tool bitmap;
-        :param `disabled_bitmap`: the bitmap to use when the tool is disabled. If it is equal to
-         `wx.NullBitmap`, the disabled bitmap is automatically generated by greing the normal one;
-        :param `kind`: the item kind. Can be one of the following:
-         ========================  =============================
-         Item Kind                 Description
-         ========================  =============================
-         ``ITEM_CONTROL``          The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a control
-         ``ITEM_LABEL``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a text label
-         ``ITEM_SPACER``           The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a spacer
-         ``ITEM_SEPARATOR``        The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a separator
-         ``ITEM_CHECK``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a toolbar check item
-         ``ITEM_NORMAL``           The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a standard toolbar item
-         ``ITEM_RADIO``            The item in the `AuiToolBar` is a toolbar radio item
-         ========================  =============================
-        :param `short_help_string`: this string is used for the tools tooltip;
-        :param `long_help_string`: this string is shown in the statusbar (if any) of the parent
-         frame when the mouse pointer is inside the tool.
-        :param `client_data`: whatever Python object to associate with the toolbar item.
-        """
-        item = AuiToolBarItem()
-        item.window = None
-        item.label = label
-        item.bitmap = bitmap
-        item.disabled_bitmap = disabled_bitmap
-        item.short_help = short_help_string
-        item.long_help = long_help_string
- = True
-        item.dropdown = False
-        item.spacer_pixels = 0
-        if tool_id == wx.ID_ANY:
-            tool_id = wx.NewId()
- = tool_id
-        item.state = 0
-        item.proportion = 0
-        item.kind = kind
-        item.sizer_item = None
-        item.min_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        item.user_data = 0
-        item.sticky = False
-        item.orientation = self._tool_orientation
-        if not item.disabled_bitmap.IsOk():
-            # no disabled bitmap specified, we need to make one
-            if item.bitmap.IsOk():
-                item.disabled_bitmap = MakeDisabledBitmap(item.bitmap)
-        self._items.append(item)
-        return self._items[-1]
-    def AddCheckTool(self, tool_id, label, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, short_help_string="", long_help_string="", client_data=None):
-        """
-        Adds a new check (or toggle) tool to the L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :see: L{AddTool}.
-        """
-        return self.AddTool(tool_id, label, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, ITEM_CHECK, short_help_string, long_help_string, client_data) 
-    def AddRadioTool(self, tool_id, label, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, short_help_string="", long_help_string="", client_data=None):
-        """
-        Adds a new radio tool to the toolbar.
-        Consecutive radio tools form a radio group such that exactly one button
-        in the group is pressed at any moment, in other words whenever a button
-        in the group is pressed the previously pressed button is automatically
-        released. You should avoid having the radio groups of only one element
-        as it would be impossible for the user to use such button.
-        :note: By default, the first button in the radio group is initially pressed,
-         the others are not.
-        :see: L{AddTool}.
-        """
-        return self.AddTool(tool_id, label, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, ITEM_RADIO, short_help_string, long_help_string, client_data)
-    def AddControl(self, control, label=""):
-        """
-        Adds any control to the toolbar, typically e.g. a combobox.
-        :param `control`: the control to be added;
-        :param `label`: the label which appears if the control goes into the
-         overflow items in the toolbar.
-        """
-        item = AuiToolBarItem()
-        item.window = control
-        item.label = label
-        item.bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        item.disabled_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
- = True
-        item.dropdown = False
-        item.spacer_pixels = 0
- = control.GetId()
-        item.state = 0
-        item.proportion = 0
-        item.kind = ITEM_CONTROL
-        item.sizer_item = None
-        item.min_size = control.GetEffectiveMinSize()
-        item.user_data = 0
-        item.sticky = False
-        item.orientation = self._tool_orientation
-        self._items.append(item)
-        return self._items[-1]
-    def AddLabel(self, tool_id, label="", width=0):
-        """
-        Adds a label tool to the L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `tool_id`: an integer by which the tool may be identified in subsequent operations;
-        :param `label`: the toolbar tool label;
-        :param `width`: the tool width.
-        """
-        min_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        if width != -1:
-            min_size.x = width
-        item = AuiToolBarItem()
-        item.window = None
-        item.label = label
-        item.bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        item.disabled_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
- = True
-        item.dropdown = False
-        item.spacer_pixels = 0
-        if tool_id == wx.ID_ANY:
-            tool_id = wx.NewId()
- = tool_id
-        item.state = 0
-        item.proportion = 0
-        item.kind = ITEM_LABEL
-        item.sizer_item = None
-        item.min_size = min_size
-        item.user_data = 0
-        item.sticky = False
-        item.orientation = self._tool_orientation
-        self._items.append(item)
-        return self._items[-1]
-    def AddSeparator(self):
-        """ Adds a separator for spacing groups of tools. """
-        item = AuiToolBarItem()
-        item.window = None
-        item.label = ""
-        item.bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        item.disabled_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
- = True
-        item.dropdown = False
- = -1
-        item.state = 0
-        item.proportion = 0
-        item.kind = ITEM_SEPARATOR
-        item.sizer_item = None
-        item.min_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        item.user_data = 0
-        item.sticky = False
-        item.orientation = self._tool_orientation
-        self._items.append(item)
-        return self._items[-1]
-    def AddSpacer(self, pixels):
-        """
-        Adds a spacer for spacing groups of tools.
-        :param `pixels`: the width of the spacer.
-        """
-        item = AuiToolBarItem()
-        item.window = None
-        item.label = ""
-        item.bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        item.disabled_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
- = True
-        item.dropdown = False
-        item.spacer_pixels = pixels
- = -1
-        item.state = 0
-        item.proportion = 0
-        item.kind = ITEM_SPACER
-        item.sizer_item = None
-        item.min_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        item.user_data = 0
-        item.sticky = False
-        item.orientation = self._tool_orientation
-        self._items.append(item)
-        return self._items[-1]
-    def AddStretchSpacer(self, proportion=1):
-        """
-        Adds a stretchable spacer for spacing groups of tools.
-        :param `proportion`: the stretchable spacer proportion.
-        """
-        item = AuiToolBarItem()
-        item.window = None
-        item.label = ""
-        item.bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
-        item.disabled_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap
- = True
-        item.dropdown = False
-        item.spacer_pixels = 0
- = -1
-        item.state = 0
-        item.proportion = proportion
-        item.kind = ITEM_SPACER
-        item.sizer_item = None
-        item.min_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        item.user_data = 0
-        item.sticky = False
-        item.orientation = self._tool_orientation
-        self._items.append(item)
-        return self._items[-1]
-    def Clear(self):
-        """ Deletes all the tools in the L{AuiToolBar}. """
-        self._items = []
-        self._sizer_element_count = 0
-    def ClearTools(self):
-        """ Deletes all the tools in the L{AuiToolBar}. """
-        self.Clear()
-    def DeleteTool(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Removes the specified tool from the toolbar and deletes it.
-        :param `tool_id`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier.
-        :returns: ``True`` if the tool was deleted, ``False`` otherwise.
-        :note: Note that it is unnecessary to call L{Realize} for the change to
-         take place, it will happen immediately.
-        """
-        idx = self.GetToolIndex(tool_id)
-        if idx >= 0 and idx < len(self._items):
-            self._items.pop(idx)
-            self.Realize()
-            return True
-        return False
-    def DeleteToolByPos(self, pos):
-        """
-        This function behaves like L{DeleteTool} but it deletes the tool at the
-        specified position and not the one with the given id.
-        :param `pos`: the tool position.
-        :see: L{DeleteTool}        
-        """
-        if pos >= 0 and pos < len(self._items):
-            self._items.pop(pos)
-            self.Realize()
-            return True
-        return False
-    def FindControl(self, id):
-        """
-        Returns a pointer to the control identified by `id` or ``None`` if no corresponding
-        control is found.
-        :param `id`: the control identifier.        
-        """
-        wnd = self.FindWindow(id)
-        return wnd
-    def FindTool(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Finds a tool for the given tool id.
-        :param `tool_id`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier.
-        """
-        for item in self._items:
-            if == tool_id:
-                return item
-        return None
-    def FindToolForPosition(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Finds a tool for the given mouse position.
-        :param `x`: mouse `x` position;
-        :param `y`: mouse `y` position.
-        :returns: a pointer to a L{AuiToolBarItem} if a tool is found, or ``None`` otherwise.
-        """
-        for i, item in enumerate(self._items):
-            if not item.sizer_item:
-                continue
-            rect = item.sizer_item.GetRect()
-            if rect.Contains((x,y)):
-                # if the item doesn't fit on the toolbar, return None
-                if not self.GetToolFitsByIndex(i):
-                    return None
-                return item
-        return None
-    def FindToolForPositionWithPacking(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Finds a tool for the given mouse position, taking into account also the
-        tool packing.
-        :param `x`: mouse `x` position;
-        :param `y`: mouse `y` position.
-        :returns: a pointer to a L{AuiToolBarItem} if a tool is found, or ``None`` otherwise.
-        """
-        count = len(self._items)
-        for i, item in enumerate(self._items):
-            if not item.sizer_item:
-                continue
-            rect = item.sizer_item.GetRect()
-            # apply tool packing
-            if i+1 < count:
-                rect.width += self._tool_packing
-            if rect.Contains((x,y)):
-                # if the item doesn't fit on the toolbar, return None
-                if not self.GetToolFitsByIndex(i):
-                    return None
-                return item
-        return None
-    def FindToolByIndex(self, pos):
-        """
-        Finds a tool for the given tool position in the L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `pos`: the tool position in the toolbar.
-        :returns: a pointer to a L{AuiToolBarItem} if a tool is found, or ``None`` otherwise.        
-        """
-        if pos < 0 or pos >= len(self._items):
-            return None
-        return self._items[pos]
-    def SetToolBitmapSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Sets the default size of each tool bitmap. The default bitmap size is
-        16 by 15 pixels.
-        :param `size`: the size of the bitmaps in the toolbar.
-        :note: This should be called to tell the toolbar what the tool bitmap
-         size is. Call it before you add tools.
-        :note: Note that this is the size of the bitmap you pass to L{AddTool},
-         and not the eventual size of the tool button.
-        :todo: Add `wx.ToolBar` compatibility, actually implementing this method.
-        """
-        # TODO: wx.ToolBar compatibility
-        pass
-    def GetToolBitmapSize(self):
-        """
-        Returns the size of bitmap that the toolbar expects to have. The default
-        bitmap size is 16 by 15 pixels.
-        :note: Note that this is the size of the bitmap you pass to L{AddTool},
-         and not the eventual size of the tool button.
-        :todo: Add `wx.ToolBar` compatibility, actually implementing this method.
-        """
-        # TODO: wx.ToolBar compatibility
-        return wx.Size(16, 15)
-    def SetToolProportion(self, tool_id, proportion):
-        """
-        Sets the tool proportion in the toolbar.
-        :param `tool_id`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier;
-        :param `proportion`: the tool proportion in the toolbar.
-        """
-        item = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not item:
-            return
-        item.proportion = proportion
-    def GetToolProportion(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns the tool proportion in the toolbar.
-        :param `tool_id`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier.
-        """
-        item = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not item:
-            return
-        return item.proportion
-    def SetToolSeparation(self, separation):
-        """
-        Sets the separator size for the toolbar.
-        :param `separation`: the separator size in pixels.
-        """
-        if self._art:
-            self._art.SetElementSize(AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE, separation)
-    def GetToolSeparation(self):
-        """ Returns the separator size for the toolbar, in pixels. """
-        if self._art:
-            return self._art.GetElementSize(AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE)
-        return 5
-    def SetToolDropDown(self, tool_id, dropdown):
-        """
-        Assigns a drop down window menu to the toolbar item.
-        :param `tool_id`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier;
-        :param `dropdown`: whether to assign a drop down menu or not.
-        """
-        item = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not item:
-            return
-        item.dropdown = dropdown
-    def GetToolDropDown(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns whether the toolbar item identified by `tool_id` has an associated
-        drop down window menu or not.
-        :param `tool_id`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier.
-        """
-        item = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not item:
-            return
-        return item.dropdown
-    def SetToolSticky(self, tool_id, sticky):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar item as sticky or non-sticky.
-        :param `tool_id`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier;
-        :param `sticky`: whether the tool should be sticky or not.
-        """
-        # ignore separators
-        if tool_id == -1:
-            return
-        item = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not item:
-            return
-        if item.sticky == sticky:
-            return
-        item.sticky = sticky
-        self.Refresh(False)
-        self.Update()
-    def GetToolSticky(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns whether the toolbar item identified by `tool_id` has a sticky
-        behaviour or not.
-        :param `tool_id`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} identifier.
-        """
-        item = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not item:
-            return
-        return item.sticky
-    def SetToolBorderPadding(self, padding):
-        """
-        Sets the padding between the tool border and the label.
-        :param `padding`: the padding in pixels.
-        """
-        self._tool_border_padding = padding
-    def GetToolBorderPadding(self):
-        """ Returns the padding between the tool border and the label, in pixels. """
-        return self._tool_border_padding
-    def SetToolTextOrientation(self, orientation):
-        """
-        Sets the label orientation for the toolbar items.
-        :param `orientation`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} label orientation.
-        """
-        self._tool_text_orientation = orientation
-        if self._art:
-            self._art.SetTextOrientation(orientation)
-    def GetToolTextOrientation(self):
-        """ Returns the label orientation for the toolbar items. """
-        return self._tool_text_orientation
-    def SetToolOrientation(self, orientation):
-        """
-        Sets the tool orientation for the toolbar items.
-        :param `orientation`: the L{AuiToolBarItem} orientation.
-        """
-        self._tool_orientation = orientation
-        if self._art:
-            self._art.SetOrientation(orientation)
-    def GetToolOrientation(self):
-        """ Returns the orientation for the toolbar items. """
-        return self._tool_orientation        
-    def SetToolPacking(self, packing):
-        """
-        Sets the value used for spacing tools. The default value is 1 pixel.
-        :param `packing`: the value for packing.
-        """
-        self._tool_packing = packing
-    def GetToolPacking(self):
-        """ Returns the value used for spacing tools. The default value is 1 pixel. """
-        return self._tool_packing
-    def SetOrientation(self, orientation):
-        """
-        Sets the toolbar orientation.
-        :param `orientation`: either ``wx.VERTICAL`` or ``wx.HORIZONTAL``.
-        :note: This can be temporarily overridden by L{AuiManager} when floating and
-         docking a L{AuiToolBar}.
-        """
-        pass
-    def SetMargins(self, left=-1, right=-1, top=-1, bottom=-1):
-        """
-        Set the values to be used as margins for the toolbar.
-        :param `left`: the left toolbar margin;
-        :param `right`: the right toolbar margin;
-        :param `top`: the top toolbar margin;
-        :param `bottom`: the bottom toolbar margin.
-        """
-        if left != -1:
-            self._left_padding = left
-        if right != -1:
-            self._right_padding = right
-        if top != -1:
-            self._top_padding = top
-        if bottom != -1:
-            self._bottom_padding = bottom
-    def SetMarginsSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Set the values to be used as margins for the toolbar.
-        :param `size`: the margin size (an instance of `wx.Size`).
-        """
-        self.SetMargins(size.x, size.x, size.y, size.y)
-    def SetMarginsXY(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Set the values to be used as margins for the toolbar.
-        :param `x`: left margin, right margin and inter-tool separation value;
-        :param `y`: top margin, bottom margin and inter-tool separation value.
-        """
-        self.SetMargins(x, x, y, y)        
-    def GetGripperVisible(self):
-        """ Returns whether the toolbar gripper is visible or not. """
-        return self._gripper_visible
-    def SetGripperVisible(self, visible):
-        """
-        Sets whether the toolbar gripper is visible or not.
-        :param `visible`: ``True`` for a visible gripper, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        self._gripper_visible = visible
-        if visible:
-            self._agwStyle |= AUI_TB_GRIPPER
-        else:
-            self._agwStyle &= ~AUI_TB_GRIPPER
-        self.Realize()
-        self.Refresh(False)
-    def GetOverflowVisible(self):
-        """ Returns whether the overflow button is visible or not. """
-        return self._overflow_visible
-    def SetOverflowVisible(self, visible):
-        """
-        Sets whether the overflow button is visible or not.
-        :param `visible`: ``True`` for a visible overflow button, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        self._overflow_visible = visible
-        if visible:
-            self._agwStyle |= AUI_TB_OVERFLOW
-        else:
-            self._agwStyle &= ~AUI_TB_OVERFLOW
-        self.Refresh(False)
-    def SetFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the L{AuiToolBar} font.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
-        """        
-        res = wx.PyControl.SetFont(self, font)
-        if self._art:
-            self._art.SetFont(font)
-        return res
-    def SetHoverItem(self, pitem):
-        """
-        Sets a toolbar item to be currently hovered by the mouse.
-        :param `pitem`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem}.
-        """
-        former_hover = None
-        for item in self._items:
-            if item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                former_hover = item
-            item.state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
-        if pitem:
-            pitem.state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
-        if former_hover != pitem:
-            self.Refresh(False)
-            self.Update()
-    def SetPressedItem(self, pitem):
-        """
-        Sets a toolbar item to be currently in a "pressed" state.
-        :param `pitem`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem}.
-        """
-        former_item = None
-        for item in self._items:
-            if item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                former_item = item
-            item.state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED
-        if pitem:
-            pitem.state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
-            pitem.state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED
-        if former_item != pitem:
-            self.Refresh(False)
-            self.Update()
-    def RefreshOverflowState(self):
-        """ Refreshes the overflow button. """
-        if not self._overflow_sizer_item:
-            self._overflow_state = 0
-            return
-        overflow_state = 0
-        overflow_rect = self.GetOverflowRect()
-        # find out the mouse's current position
-        pt = wx.GetMousePosition()
-        pt = self.ScreenToClient(pt)
-        # find out if the mouse cursor is inside the dropdown rectangle
-        if overflow_rect.Contains((pt.x, pt.y)):
-            if _VERSION_STRING < "2.9":
-                leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftDown()
-            else:
-                leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftIsDown()
-            if leftDown:
-                overflow_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED
-            else:
-                overflow_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
-        if overflow_state != self._overflow_state:
-            self._overflow_state = overflow_state
-            self.Refresh(False)
-            self.Update()
-        self._overflow_state = overflow_state
-    def ToggleTool(self, tool_id, state):
-        """
-        Toggles a tool on or off. This does not cause any event to get emitted.
-        :param `tool_id`: tool in question.
-        :param `state`: if ``True``, toggles the tool on, otherwise toggles it off.
-        :note: This only applies to a tool that has been specified as a toggle tool.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool:
-            if tool.kind not in [ITEM_CHECK, ITEM_RADIO]:
-                return
-            if tool.kind == ITEM_RADIO:
-                idx = self.GetToolIndex(tool_id)
-                if idx >= 0 and idx < len(self._items):
-                    for i in xrange(idx, len(self._items)):
-                        tool = self.FindToolByIndex(i)
-                        if tool.kind != ITEM_RADIO:
-                            break
-                        tool.state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED
-                    for i in xrange(idx, -1, -1):
-                        tool = self.FindToolByIndex(i)
-                        if tool.kind != ITEM_RADIO:
-                            break
-                        tool.state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED 
-                    tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-                    tool.state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED
-            else:
-                if state == True:
-                    tool.state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED
-                else:
-                    tool.state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED 
-    def GetToolToggled(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns whether a tool is toggled or not.
-        :param `tool_id`: the toolbar item identifier.
-        :note: This only applies to a tool that has been specified as a toggle tool.
-        """        
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool:
-            if tool.kind not in [ITEM_CHECK, ITEM_RADIO]:
-                return False
-            return (tool.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED and [True] or [False])[0]
-        return False
-    def EnableTool(self, tool_id, state):
-        """
-        Enables or disables the tool.
-        :param `tool_id`: identifier for the tool to enable or disable.
-        :param `state`: if ``True``, enables the tool, otherwise disables it.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool:
-            if state == True:
-                tool.state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED
-            else:
-                tool.state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED
-    def GetToolEnabled(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns whether the tool identified by `tool_id` is enabled or not.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool:
-            return (tool.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED and [False] or [True])[0]
-        return False
-    def GetToolLabel(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns the tool label for the tool identified by `tool_id`.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not tool:
-            return ""
-        return tool.label
-    def SetToolLabel(self, tool_id, label):
-        """
-        Sets the tool label for the tool identified by `tool_id`.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier;
-        :param `label`: the new toolbar item label.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool:    
-            tool.label = label
-    def GetToolBitmap(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns the tool bitmap for the tool identified by `tool_id`.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not tool:
-            return wx.NullBitmap
-        return tool.bitmap
-    def SetToolBitmap(self, tool_id, bitmap):
-        """
-        Sets the tool bitmap for the tool identified by `tool_id`.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier;
-        :param `bitmap`: the new bitmap for the toolbar item (an instance of `wx.Bitmap`).
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool:
-            tool.bitmap = bitmap
-    def SetToolNormalBitmap(self, tool_id, bitmap):
-        """
-        Sets the tool bitmap for the tool identified by `tool_id`.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier;
-        :param `bitmap`: the new bitmap for the toolbar item (an instance of `wx.Bitmap`).
-        """
-        self.SetToolBitmap(tool_id, bitmap)
-    def SetToolDisabledBitmap(self, tool_id, bitmap):
-        """
-        Sets the tool disabled bitmap for the tool identified by `tool_id`.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier;
-        :param `bitmap`: the new disabled bitmap for the toolbar item (an instance of `wx.Bitmap`).
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool:
-            tool.disabled_bitmap = bitmap
-    def GetToolShortHelp(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns the short help for the given tool.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not tool:
-            return ""
-        return tool.short_help
-    def SetToolShortHelp(self, tool_id, help_string):
-        """
-        Sets the short help for the given tool.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier;
-        :param `help_string`: the string for the short help.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool:
-            tool.short_help = help_string
-    def GetToolLongHelp(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns the long help for the given tool.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if not tool:
-            return ""
-        return tool.long_help
-    def SetToolAlignment(self, alignment=wx.EXPAND):
-        """
-        This sets the alignment for all of the tools within the
-        toolbar (only has an effect when the toolbar is expanded).
-        :param `alignment`: `wx.Sizer` alignment value
-        """
-        self._tool_alignment = alignment
-    def SetToolLongHelp(self, tool_id, help_string):
-        """
-        Sets the long help for the given tool.
-        :param `tool_id`: the tool identifier;
-        :param `help_string`: the string for the long help.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool:
-            tool.long_help = help_string
-    def SetCustomOverflowItems(self, prepend, append):
-        """
-        Sets the two lists `prepend` and `append` as custom overflow items.
-        :param `prepend`: a list of L{AuiToolBarItem} to be prepended;
-        :param `append`: a list of L{AuiToolBarItem} to be appended.
-        """
-        self._custom_overflow_prepend = prepend
-        self._custom_overflow_append = append
-    def GetToolCount(self):
-        """ Returns the number of tools in the L{AuiToolBar}. """
-        return len(self._items)
-    def GetToolIndex(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns the position of the tool in the toolbar given its identifier.
-        :param `tool_id`: the toolbar item identifier.
-        """
-        # this will prevent us from returning the index of the
-        # first separator in the toolbar since its id is equal to -1
-        if tool_id == -1:
-            return wx.NOT_FOUND
-        for i, item in enumerate(self._items):
-            if == tool_id:
-                return i
-        return wx.NOT_FOUND
-    def GetToolPos(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns the position of the tool in the toolbar given its identifier.
-        :param `tool_id`: the toolbar item identifier.
-        """
-        return self.GetToolIndex(tool_id)
-    def GetToolFitsByIndex(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns whether the tool identified by `tool_id` fits into the toolbar or not.
-        :param `tool_id`: the toolbar item identifier.
-        """
-        if tool_id < 0 or tool_id >= len(self._items):
-            return False
-        if not self._items[tool_id].sizer_item:
-            return False
-        cli_w, cli_h = self.GetClientSize()
-        rect = self._items[tool_id].sizer_item.GetRect()
-        if self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_VERTICAL:
-            # take the dropdown size into account
-            if self._overflow_visible:
-                cli_h -= self._overflow_sizer_item.GetSize().y
-            if rect.y+rect.height < cli_h:
-                return True
-        else:
-            # take the dropdown size into account
-            if self._overflow_visible:
-                cli_w -= self._overflow_sizer_item.GetSize().x
-            if rect.x+rect.width < cli_w:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def GetToolFits(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns whether the tool identified by `tool_id` fits into the toolbar or not.
-        :param `tool_id`: the toolbar item identifier.
-        """
-        return self.GetToolFitsByIndex(self.GetToolIndex(tool_id))
-    def GetToolRect(self, tool_id):
-        """
-        Returns the toolbar item rectangle
-        :param `tool_id`: the toolbar item identifier.
-        """
-        tool = self.FindTool(tool_id)
-        if tool and tool.sizer_item:
-            return tool.sizer_item.GetRect()
-        return wx.Rect()
-    def GetToolBarFits(self):
-        """ Returns whether the L{AuiToolBar} size fits in a specified size. """
-        if len(self._items) == 0:
-            # empty toolbar always 'fits'
-            return True
-        # entire toolbar content fits if the last tool fits
-        return self.GetToolFitsByIndex(len(self._items) - 1)
-    def Realize(self):
-        """ Realizes the toolbar. This function should be called after you have added tools. """
-        dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
-        if not dc.IsOk():
-            return False
-        horizontal = True
-        if self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_VERTICAL:
-            horizontal = False
-        # create the new sizer to add toolbar elements to
-        sizer = wx.BoxSizer((horizontal and [wx.HORIZONTAL] or [wx.VERTICAL])[0])
-        # add gripper area
-        separator_size = self._art.GetElementSize(AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE)
-        gripper_size = self._art.GetElementSize(AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
-        if gripper_size > 0 and self._gripper_visible:        
-            if horizontal:
-                self._gripper_sizer_item = sizer.Add((gripper_size, 1), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-            else:
-                self._gripper_sizer_item = sizer.Add((1, gripper_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-        else:
-            self._gripper_sizer_item = None
-        # add "left" padding
-        if self._left_padding > 0:
-            if horizontal:
-                sizer.Add((self._left_padding, 1))
-            else:
-                sizer.Add((1, self._left_padding))
-        count = len(self._items)
-        for i, item in enumerate(self._items):
-            sizer_item = None
-            kind = item.kind
-            if kind == ITEM_LABEL:
-                size = self._art.GetLabelSize(dc, self, item)
-                sizer_item = sizer.Add((size.x + (self._tool_border_padding*2),
-                                        size.y + (self._tool_border_padding*2)),
-                                       item.proportion,
-                                       item.alignment)
-                if i+1 < count:
-                    sizer.AddSpacer(self._tool_packing)
-            elif kind in [ITEM_CHECK, ITEM_NORMAL, ITEM_RADIO]:
-                size = self._art.GetToolSize(dc, self, item)
-                sizer_item = sizer.Add((size.x + (self._tool_border_padding*2),
-                                        size.y + (self._tool_border_padding*2)),
-                                       0,
-                                       item.alignment)
-                # add tool packing
-                if i+1 < count:
-                    sizer.AddSpacer(self._tool_packing)
-            elif kind == ITEM_SEPARATOR:
-                if horizontal:
-                    sizer_item = sizer.Add((separator_size, 1), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-                else:
-                    sizer_item = sizer.Add((1, separator_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-                # add tool packing
-                if i+1 < count:
-                    sizer.AddSpacer(self._tool_packing)
-            elif kind == ITEM_SPACER:
-                if item.proportion > 0:
-                    sizer_item = sizer.AddStretchSpacer(item.proportion)
-                else:
-                    sizer_item = sizer.Add((item.spacer_pixels, 1))
-            elif kind == ITEM_CONTROL:
-                vert_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-                vert_sizer.AddStretchSpacer(1)
-                ctrl_sizer_item = vert_sizer.Add(item.window, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-                vert_sizer.AddStretchSpacer(1)
-                if self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_TEXT and \
-                    self._tool_text_orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM and \
-                    item.GetLabel() != "":
-                    s = self.GetLabelSize(item.GetLabel())
-                    vert_sizer.Add((1, s.y))
-                sizer_item = sizer.Add(vert_sizer, item.proportion, wx.EXPAND)
-                min_size = item.min_size
-                # proportional items will disappear from the toolbar if
-                # their min width is not set to something really small
-                if item.proportion != 0:
-                    min_size.x = 1
-                if min_size.IsFullySpecified():
-                    sizer.SetItemMinSize(vert_sizer, min_size)
-                    vert_sizer.SetItemMinSize(item.window, min_size)
-                # add tool packing
-                if i+1 < count:
-                    sizer.AddSpacer(self._tool_packing)
-            item.sizer_item = sizer_item
-        # add "right" padding
-        if self._right_padding > 0:
-            if horizontal:
-                sizer.Add((self._right_padding, 1))
-            else:
-                sizer.Add((1, self._right_padding))
-        # add drop down area
-        self._overflow_sizer_item = None
-        if self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_OVERFLOW:
-            overflow_size = self._art.GetElementSize(AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE)
-            if overflow_size > 0 and self._overflow_visible:
-                if horizontal:
-                    self._overflow_sizer_item = sizer.Add((overflow_size, 1), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-                else:
-                    self._overflow_sizer_item = sizer.Add((1, overflow_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-            else:
-                self._overflow_sizer_item = None
-        # the outside sizer helps us apply the "top" and "bottom" padding
-        outside_sizer = wx.BoxSizer((horizontal and [wx.VERTICAL] or [wx.HORIZONTAL])[0])
-        # add "top" padding
-        if self._top_padding > 0:
-            if horizontal:
-                outside_sizer.Add((1, self._top_padding))
-            else:
-                outside_sizer.Add((self._top_padding, 1))
-        # add the sizer that contains all of the toolbar elements
-        outside_sizer.Add(sizer, 1, self._tool_alignment)
-        # add "bottom" padding
-        if self._bottom_padding > 0:
-            if horizontal:
-                outside_sizer.Add((1, self._bottom_padding))
-            else:
-                outside_sizer.Add((self._bottom_padding, 1))
-        del self._sizer # remove old sizer
-        self._sizer = outside_sizer
-        self.SetSizer(outside_sizer)
-        # calculate the rock-bottom minimum size
-        for item in self._items:
-            if item.sizer_item and item.proportion > 0 and item.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
-                item.sizer_item.SetMinSize((0, 0))
-        self._absolute_min_size = self._sizer.GetMinSize()
-        # reset the min sizes to what they were
-        for item in self._items:
-            if item.sizer_item and item.proportion > 0 and item.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
-                item.sizer_item.SetMinSize(item.min_size)
-        # set control size
-        size = self._sizer.GetMinSize()
-        self.SetMinSize(size)
-        self._minWidth = size.x
-        self._minHeight = size.y
-        if self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_NO_AUTORESIZE == 0:
-            cur_size = self.GetClientSize()
-            new_size = self.GetMinSize()
-            if new_size != cur_size:
-                self.SetClientSize(new_size)
-            else:
-                self._sizer.SetDimension(0, 0, cur_size.x, cur_size.y)
-        else:
-            cur_size = self.GetClientSize()
-            self._sizer.SetDimension(0, 0, cur_size.x, cur_size.y)
-        self.Refresh(False)
-        return True
-    def GetOverflowState(self):
-        """ Returns the state of the overflow button. """
-        return self._overflow_state
-    def GetOverflowRect(self):
-        """ Returns the rectangle of the overflow button. """
-        cli_rect = wx.RectPS(wx.Point(0, 0), self.GetClientSize())
-        overflow_rect = wx.Rect(*self._overflow_sizer_item.GetRect())
-        overflow_size = self._art.GetElementSize(AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE)
-        if self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_VERTICAL:
-            overflow_rect.y = cli_rect.height - overflow_size
-            overflow_rect.x = 0
-            overflow_rect.width = cli_rect.width
-            overflow_rect.height = overflow_size
-        else:
-            overflow_rect.x = cli_rect.width - overflow_size
-            overflow_rect.y = 0
-            overflow_rect.width = overflow_size
-            overflow_rect.height = cli_rect.height
-        return overflow_rect
-    def GetLabelSize(self, label):
-        """
-        Returns the standard size of a toolbar item.
-        :param `label`: a test label.
-        """
-        dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
-        dc.SetFont(self._font)
-        return GetLabelSize(dc, label, self._tool_orientation != AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL)
-    def GetAuiManager(self):
-        """ Returns the L{AuiManager} which manages the toolbar. """
-        try:
-            return self._auiManager
-        except AttributeError:
-            return False
-    def SetAuiManager(self, auiManager):
-        """ Sets the L{AuiManager} which manages the toolbar. """
-        self._auiManager = auiManager        
-    def DoIdleUpdate(self):
-        """ Updates the toolbar during idle times. """
-        handler = self.GetEventHandler()
-        if not handler:
-            return
-        need_refresh = False
-        for item in self._items:
-            if == -1:
-                continue
-            evt = wx.UpdateUIEvent(
-            evt.SetEventObject(self)
-            if handler.ProcessEvent(evt):
-                if evt.GetSetEnabled():
-                    if item.window:
-                        is_enabled = item.window.IsEnabled()
-                    else:
-                        is_enabled = (item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED and [False] or [True])[0]
-                    new_enabled = evt.GetEnabled()
-                    if new_enabled != is_enabled:
-                        if item.window:
-                            item.window.Enable(new_enabled)
-                        else:
-                            if new_enabled:
-                                item.state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED
-                            else:
-                                item.state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED
-                        need_refresh = True
-                if evt.GetSetChecked():
-                    # make sure we aren't checking an item that can't be
-                    if item.kind != ITEM_CHECK and item.kind != ITEM_RADIO:
-                        continue
-                    is_checked = (item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED and [True] or [False])[0]
-                    new_checked = evt.GetChecked()
-                    if new_checked != is_checked:
-                        if new_checked:
-                            item.state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED
-                        else:
-                            item.state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED
-                        need_refresh = True
-        if need_refresh:
-            self.Refresh(False)
-    def OnSize(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.SizeEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        x, y = self.GetClientSize()
-        realize = False
-        if x > y:
-            self.SetOrientation(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        else:
-            self.SetOrientation(wx.VERTICAL)
-        if (x >= y and self._absolute_min_size.x > x) or (y > x and self._absolute_min_size.y > y):
-            # hide all flexible items
-            for item in self._items:
-                if item.sizer_item and item.proportion > 0 and item.sizer_item.IsShown():
-                    item.sizer_item.Show(False)
-                    item.sizer_item.SetProportion(0)
-            if self._originalStyle & AUI_TB_OVERFLOW:
-                if not self.GetOverflowVisible():
-                    self.SetOverflowVisible(True)
-                    realize = True
-        else:
-            if self._originalStyle & AUI_TB_OVERFLOW and not self._custom_overflow_append and \
-               not self._custom_overflow_prepend:
-                if self.GetOverflowVisible():
-                    self.SetOverflowVisible(False)
-                    realize = True
-            # show all flexible items
-            for item in self._items:
-                if item.sizer_item and item.proportion > 0 and not item.sizer_item.IsShown():
-                    item.sizer_item.Show(True)
-                    item.sizer_item.SetProportion(item.proportion)
-        self._sizer.SetDimension(0, 0, x, y)
-        if realize:
-            self.Realize()
-        else:
-            self.Refresh(False)
-        self.Update()
-    def DoSetSize(self, x, y, width, height, sizeFlags=wx.SIZE_AUTO):
-        """        
-        Sets the position and size of the window in pixels. The `sizeFlags`
-        parameter indicates the interpretation of the other params if they are
-        equal to -1.
-        :param `x`: the window `x` position;
-        :param `y`: the window `y` position;
-        :param `width`: the window width;
-        :param `height`: the window height;
-        :param `sizeFlags`: may have one of this bit set:
-         ===================================  ======================================
-         Size Flags                           Description
-         ===================================  ======================================
-         ``wx.SIZE_AUTO``                     A -1 indicates that a class-specific default should be used.
-         ``wx.SIZE_AUTO_WIDTH``               A -1 indicates that a class-specific default should be used for the width.
-         ``wx.SIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT``              A -1 indicates that a class-specific default should be used for the height.
-         ``wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING``             Existing dimensions should be used if -1 values are supplied.
-         ``wx.SIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE``          Allow dimensions of -1 and less to be interpreted as real dimensions, not default values.
-         ``wx.SIZE_FORCE``                    Normally, if the position and the size of the window are already the same as the parameters of this function, nothing is done. but with this flag a window resize may be forced even in this case (supported in wx 2.6.2 and later and only implemented for MSW and ignored elsewhere currently) 
-         ===================================  ======================================
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
-        """
-        parent_size = self.GetParent().GetClientSize()
-        if x + width > parent_size.x:
-            width = max(0, parent_size.x - x)
-        if y + height > parent_size.y:
-            height = max(0, parent_size.y - y)
-        wx.PyControl.DoSetSize(self, x, y, width, height, sizeFlags)
-    def OnIdle(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_IDLE`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.IdleEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        self.DoIdleUpdate()
-        event.Skip()
-    def DoGetBestSize(self):
-        """
-        Gets the size which best suits the window: for a control, it would be the
-        minimal size which doesn't truncate the control, for a panel - the same
-        size as it would have after a call to `Fit()`.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
-        """
-        return self._absolute_min_size
-    def OnPaint(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.PaintEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        cli_rect = wx.RectPS(wx.Point(0, 0), self.GetClientSize())
-        horizontal = True
-        if self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_VERTICAL:
-            horizontal = False
-        if self._agwStyle & AUI_TB_PLAIN_BACKGROUND:
-            self._art.DrawPlainBackground(dc, self, cli_rect)
-        else:
-            self._art.DrawBackground(dc, self, cli_rect, horizontal)
-        gripper_size = self._art.GetElementSize(AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
-        dropdown_size = self._art.GetElementSize(AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE)
-        # paint the gripper
-        if gripper_size > 0 and self._gripper_sizer_item:
-            gripper_rect = wx.Rect(*self._gripper_sizer_item.GetRect())
-            if horizontal:
-                gripper_rect.width = gripper_size
-            else:
-                gripper_rect.height = gripper_size
-            self._art.DrawGripper(dc, self, gripper_rect)
-        # calculated how far we can draw items
-        if horizontal:
-            last_extent = cli_rect.width
-        else:
-            last_extent = cli_rect.height
-        if self._overflow_visible:
-            last_extent -= dropdown_size
-        # paint each individual tool
-        for item in self._items:
-            if not item.sizer_item:
-                continue
-            item_rect = wx.Rect(*item.sizer_item.GetRect())
-            if (horizontal and item_rect.x + item_rect.width >= last_extent) or \
-               (not horizontal and item_rect.y + item_rect.height >= last_extent):
-                break
-            if item.kind == ITEM_SEPARATOR:
-                # draw a separator
-                self._art.DrawSeparator(dc, self, item_rect)
-            elif item.kind == ITEM_LABEL:
-                # draw a text label only
-                self._art.DrawLabel(dc, self, item, item_rect)
-            elif item.kind == ITEM_NORMAL:
-                # draw a regular button or dropdown button
-                if not item.dropdown:
-                    self._art.DrawButton(dc, self, item, item_rect)
-                else:
-                    self._art.DrawDropDownButton(dc, self, item, item_rect)
-            elif item.kind == ITEM_CHECK:
-                # draw a regular toggle button or a dropdown one
-                if not item.dropdown:
-                    self._art.DrawButton(dc, self, item, item_rect)
-                else:
-                    self._art.DrawDropDownButton(dc, self, item, item_rect)
-            elif item.kind == ITEM_RADIO:
-                # draw a toggle button
-                self._art.DrawButton(dc, self, item, item_rect)
-            elif item.kind == ITEM_CONTROL:
-                # draw the control's label
-                self._art.DrawControlLabel(dc, self, item, item_rect)
-            # fire a signal to see if the item wants to be custom-rendered
-            self.OnCustomRender(dc, item, item_rect)
-        # paint the overflow button
-        if dropdown_size > 0 and self._overflow_sizer_item:
-            dropdown_rect = self.GetOverflowRect()
-            self._art.DrawOverflowButton(dc, self, dropdown_rect, self._overflow_state)
-    def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.EraseEvent` event to be processed.
-        :note: This is intentionally empty, to reduce flicker.
-        """
-        pass
-    def OnLeftDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        cli_rect = wx.RectPS(wx.Point(0, 0), self.GetClientSize())
-        self.StopPreviewTimer()
-        if self._gripper_sizer_item:
-            gripper_rect = wx.Rect(*self._gripper_sizer_item.GetRect())
-            if gripper_rect.Contains(event.GetPosition()):
-                # find aui manager
-                manager = self.GetAuiManager()
-                if not manager:
-                    return
-                x_drag_offset = event.GetX() - gripper_rect.GetX()
-                y_drag_offset = event.GetY() - gripper_rect.GetY()
-                clientPt = wx.Point(*event.GetPosition())
-                screenPt = self.ClientToScreen(clientPt)
-                managedWindow = manager.GetManagedWindow()
-                managerClientPt = managedWindow.ScreenToClient(screenPt)
-                # gripper was clicked
-                manager.OnGripperClicked(self, managerClientPt, wx.Point(x_drag_offset, y_drag_offset))            
-                return
-        if self._overflow_sizer_item:
-            overflow_rect = self.GetOverflowRect()
-            if self._art and self._overflow_visible and overflow_rect.Contains(event.GetPosition()):
-                e = AuiToolBarEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUITOOLBAR_OVERFLOW_CLICK, -1)
-                e.SetEventObject(self)
-                e.SetToolId(-1)
-                e.SetClickPoint(event.GetPosition())
-                processed = self.ProcessEvent(e)
-                if processed:
-                    self.DoIdleUpdate()
-                else:                
-                    overflow_items = []
-                    # add custom overflow prepend items, if any
-                    count = len(self._custom_overflow_prepend)
-                    for i in xrange(count):
-                        overflow_items.append(self._custom_overflow_prepend[i])
-                    # only show items that don't fit in the dropdown
-                    count = len(self._items)
-                    for i in xrange(count):
-                        if not self.GetToolFitsByIndex(i):
-                            overflow_items.append(self._items[i])
-                    # add custom overflow append items, if any
-                    count = len(self._custom_overflow_append)
-                    for i in xrange(count):
-                        overflow_items.append(self._custom_overflow_append[i])
-                    res = self._art.ShowDropDown(self, overflow_items)
-                    self._overflow_state = 0
-                    self.Refresh(False)
-                    if res != -1:
-                        e = wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, res)
-                        e.SetEventObject(self)
-                        if not self.GetParent().ProcessEvent(e):
-                            tool = self.FindTool(res)
-                            if tool:
-                                state = (tool.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED and [True] or [False])[0]
-                                self.ToggleTool(res, not state)
-                return
-        self._dragging = False
-        self._action_pos = wx.Point(*event.GetPosition())
-        self._action_item = self.FindToolForPosition(*event.GetPosition())
-        if self._action_item:
-            if self._action_item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self._action_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-                self._action_item = None
-                return
-            self.SetPressedItem(self._action_item)
-            # fire the tool dropdown event
-            e = AuiToolBarEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUITOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN,
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            e.SetToolId(
-            e.SetDropDownClicked(False)
-            mouse_x, mouse_y = event.GetX(), event.GetY()
-            rect = wx.Rect(*self._action_item.sizer_item.GetRect())
-            if self._action_item.dropdown:
-                if (self._action_item.orientation == AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL and \
-                    mouse_x >= (rect.x+rect.width-BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH-1) and \
-                    mouse_x < (rect.x+rect.width)) or \
-                    (self._action_item.orientation != AUI_TBTOOL_HORIZONTAL and \
-                     mouse_y >= (rect.y+rect.height-BUTTON_DROPDOWN_WIDTH-1) and \
-                     mouse_y < (rect.y+rect.height)):
-                    e.SetDropDownClicked(True)            
-            e.SetClickPoint(event.GetPosition())
-            e.SetItemRect(rect)
-            self.ProcessEvent(e)
-            self.DoIdleUpdate()
-    def OnLeftUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_UP`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        self.SetPressedItem(None)
-        hit_item = self.FindToolForPosition(*event.GetPosition())
-        if hit_item and not hit_item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-            self.SetHoverItem(hit_item)
-        if self._dragging:
-            # reset drag and drop member variables
-            self._dragging = False
-            self._action_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-            self._action_item = None
-        else:
-            if self._action_item and hit_item == self._action_item:
-                self.SetToolTipString("")
-                if hit_item.kind in [ITEM_CHECK, ITEM_RADIO]:
-                    toggle = not (self._action_item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED)
-                    self.ToggleTool(, toggle)
-                    # repaint immediately
-                    self.Refresh(False)
-                    self.Update()
-                    e = wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
-                    e.SetEventObject(self)
-                    e.SetInt(toggle)
-                    self._action_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-                    self._action_item = None
-                    self.ProcessEvent(e)
-                    self.DoIdleUpdate()
-                else:
-                    if == ID_RESTORE_FRAME:
-                        # find aui manager
-                        manager = self.GetAuiManager()
-                        if not manager:
-                            return
-                        pane = manager.GetPane(self)
-                        e = framemanager.AuiManagerEvent(framemanager.wxEVT_AUI_PANE_MIN_RESTORE)
-                        e.SetManager(manager)
-                        e.SetPane(pane)
-                        manager.ProcessEvent(e)
-                        self.DoIdleUpdate()
-                    else:
-                        e = wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
-                        e.SetEventObject(self)
-                        self.ProcessEvent(e)
-                        self.DoIdleUpdate()
-        # reset drag and drop member variables
-        self._dragging = False
-        self._action_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-        self._action_item = None
-    def OnRightDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        cli_rect = wx.RectPS(wx.Point(0, 0), self.GetClientSize())
-        if self._gripper_sizer_item:
-            gripper_rect = self._gripper_sizer_item.GetRect()
-            if gripper_rect.Contains(event.GetPosition()):
-                return
-        if self._overflow_sizer_item:
-            dropdown_size = self._art.GetElementSize(AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE)
-            if dropdown_size > 0 and event.m_x > cli_rect.width - dropdown_size and \
-               event.m_y >= 0 and event.m_y < cli_rect.height and self._art:
-                return
-        self._action_pos = wx.Point(*event.GetPosition())
-        self._action_item = self.FindToolForPosition(*event.GetPosition())
-        if self._action_item:
-            if self._action_item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self._action_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-                self._action_item = None
-                return
-    def OnRightUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        hit_item = self.FindToolForPosition(*event.GetPosition())
-        if self._action_item and hit_item == self._action_item:
-            e = AuiToolBarEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUITOOLBAR_RIGHT_CLICK,
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            e.SetToolId(
-            e.SetClickPoint(self._action_pos)
-            self.ProcessEvent(e)
-            self.DoIdleUpdate()
-        else:
-            # right-clicked on the invalid area of the toolbar
-            e = AuiToolBarEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUITOOLBAR_RIGHT_CLICK, -1)
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            e.SetToolId(-1)
-            e.SetClickPoint(self._action_pos)
-            self.ProcessEvent(e)
-            self.DoIdleUpdate()
-        # reset member variables
-        self._action_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-        self._action_item = None
-    def OnMiddleDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        cli_rect = wx.RectPS(wx.Point(0, 0), self.GetClientSize())
-        if self._gripper_sizer_item:
-            gripper_rect = self._gripper_sizer_item.GetRect()
-            if gripper_rect.Contains(event.GetPosition()):
-                return
-        if self._overflow_sizer_item:
-            dropdown_size = self._art.GetElementSize(AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE)
-            if dropdown_size > 0 and event.m_x > cli_rect.width - dropdown_size and \
-               event.m_y >= 0 and event.m_y < cli_rect.height and self._art:            
-                return
-        self._action_pos = wx.Point(*event.GetPosition())
-        self._action_item = self.FindToolForPosition(*event.GetPosition())
-        if self._action_item:
-            if self._action_item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self._action_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-                self._action_item = None
-                return
-    def OnMiddleUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MIDDLE_UP`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        hit_item = self.FindToolForPosition(*event.GetPosition())
-        if self._action_item and hit_item == self._action_item:        
-            if hit_item.kind == ITEM_NORMAL:
-                e = AuiToolBarEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUITOOLBAR_MIDDLE_CLICK,
-                e.SetEventObject(self)
-                e.SetToolId(
-                e.SetClickPoint(self._action_pos)
-                self.ProcessEvent(e)
-                self.DoIdleUpdate()
-        # reset member variables
-        self._action_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-        self._action_item = None
-    def OnMotion(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOTION`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        # start a drag event
-        if not self._dragging and self._action_item != None and self._action_pos != wx.Point(-1, -1) and \
-           abs(event.m_x - self._action_pos.x) + abs(event.m_y - self._action_pos.y) > 5:
-            self.SetToolTipString("")
-            self._dragging = True
-            e = AuiToolBarEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUITOOLBAR_BEGIN_DRAG, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            e.SetToolId(
-            self.ProcessEvent(e)
-            self.DoIdleUpdate()
-            return
-        hit_item = self.FindToolForPosition(*event.GetPosition())
-        if hit_item:        
-            if not hit_item.state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self.SetHoverItem(hit_item)
-            else:
-                self.SetHoverItem(None)
-        else:        
-            # no hit item, remove any hit item
-            self.SetHoverItem(hit_item)
-        # figure out tooltips
-        packing_hit_item = self.FindToolForPositionWithPacking(*event.GetPosition())
-        if packing_hit_item:
-            if packing_hit_item != self._tip_item:
-                self._tip_item = packing_hit_item
-                if packing_hit_item.short_help != "":
-                    self.StartPreviewTimer()
-                    self.SetToolTipString(packing_hit_item.short_help)
-                else:
-                    self.SetToolTipString("")
-                    self.StopPreviewTimer()
-        else:
-            self.SetToolTipString("")
-            self._tip_item = None
-            self.StopPreviewTimer()
-        # if we've pressed down an item and we're hovering
-        # over it, make sure it's state is set to pressed
-        if self._action_item:
-            if self._action_item == hit_item:
-                self.SetPressedItem(self._action_item)
-            else:
-                self.SetPressedItem(None)
-        # figure out the dropdown button state (are we hovering or pressing it?)
-        self.RefreshOverflowState()
-    def OnLeaveWindow(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        self.RefreshOverflowState()
-        self.SetHoverItem(None)
-        self.SetPressedItem(None)
-        self._tip_item = None
-        self.StopPreviewTimer()
-    def OnSetCursor(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_CURSOR`` event for L{AuiToolBar}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.SetCursorEvent` event to be processed.        
-        """
-        cursor = wx.NullCursor
-        if self._gripper_sizer_item:
-            gripper_rect = self._gripper_sizer_item.GetRect()
-            if gripper_rect.Contains((event.GetX(), event.GetY())):
-                cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZING)
-        event.SetCursor(cursor)
-    def OnCustomRender(self, dc, item, rect):
-        """
-        Handles custom render for single L{AuiToolBar} items.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `item`: an instance of L{AuiToolBarItem};
-        :param `rect`: the toolbar item rect.
-        :note: This method must be overridden to provide custom rendering of items.
-        """
-        pass
-    def IsPaneMinimized(self):
-        """ Returns whether this L{AuiToolBar} contains a minimized pane tool. """
-        manager = self.GetAuiManager()
-        if not manager:
-            return False
-        if manager.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_PREVIEW_MINIMIZED_PANES == 0:
-            # No previews here
-            return False
-        self_name = manager.GetPane(self).name
-        if not self_name.endswith("_min"):
-            # Wrong tool name
-            return False
-        return self_name[0:-4]
-    def StartPreviewTimer(self):
-        """ Starts a timer in L{AuiManager} to slide-in/slide-out the minimized pane. """
-        self_name = self.IsPaneMinimized()
-        if not self_name:
-            return
-        manager = self.GetAuiManager()        
-        manager.StartPreviewTimer(self)
-    def StopPreviewTimer(self):
-        """ Stops a timer in L{AuiManager} to slide-in/slide-out the minimized pane. """
-        self_name = self.IsPaneMinimized()
-        if not self_name:
-            return
-        manager = self.GetAuiManager()        
-        manager.StopPreviewTimer()
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index abae4a3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5736 +0,0 @@
-auibook contains a notebook control which implements many features common in
-applications with dockable panes. Specifically, L{AuiNotebook} implements functionality
-which allows the user to rearrange tab order via drag-and-drop, split the tab window
-into many different splitter configurations, and toggle through different themes to
-customize the control's look and feel.
-An effort has been made to try to maintain an API as similar to that of `wx.Notebook`.
-The default theme that is used is L{AuiDefaultTabArt}, which provides a modern, glossy
-look and feel. The theme can be changed by calling L{AuiNotebook.SetArtProvider}.
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
-__date__ = "31 March 2009"
-import wx
-import types
-import datetime
-from wx.lib.expando import ExpandoTextCtrl
-import framemanager
-import tabart as TA
-from aui_utilities import LightColour, MakeDisabledBitmap, TabDragImage
-from aui_utilities import TakeScreenShot, RescaleScreenShot
-from aui_constants import *
-# AuiNotebook events
-# Define a new event for a drag cancelled
-# Define events for editing a tab label
-# Create event binders
-""" A tab in `AuiNotebook` is being closed. Can be vetoed by calling `Veto()`. """
-""" A tab in `AuiNotebook` has been closed. """
-""" The page selection was changed. """
-""" The page selection is being changed. """
-""" The user clicked on a button in the `AuiNotebook` tab area. """
-""" A drag-and-drop operation on a notebook tab has started. """
-""" A drag-and-drop operation on a notebook tab has finished. """
-""" A drag-and-drop operation on a notebook tab is ongoing. """
-""" Fires an event asking if it is OK to drag and drop a tab. """
-""" A drag-and-drop operation on a notebook tab has finished. """
-""" The user clicked with the middle mouse button on a tab. """
-""" The user clicked with the middle mouse button on a tab. """
-""" The user clicked with the right mouse button on a tab. """
-""" The user clicked with the right mouse button on a tab. """
-""" The user middle-clicked in the tab area but not over a tab or a button. """
-""" The user middle-clicked in the tab area but not over a tab or a button. """
-""" The user right-clicked in the tab area but not over a tab or a button. """
-""" The user right-clicked in the tab area but not over a tab or a button. """
-""" The user left-clicked on the tab area not occupied by `AuiNotebook` tabs. """
-""" A drag and drop operation has been cancelled. """
-""" The user double-clicked with the left mouse button on a tab. """
-""" The user double-clicked with the left mouse button on a tab which text is editable. """
-""" The user finished editing a tab label. """
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Auxiliary class: TabTextCtrl
-# This is the temporary ExpandoTextCtrl created when you edit the text of a tab
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class TabTextCtrl(ExpandoTextCtrl):
-    """ Control used for in-place edit. """
-    def __init__(self, owner, tab, page_index):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        For internal use: do not call it in your code!
-        :param `owner`: the L{AuiTabCtrl} owning the tab;
-        :param `tab`: the actual L{AuiNotebookPage} tab;
-        :param `page_index`: the L{AuiNotebook} page index for the tab.
-        """
-        self._owner = owner
-        self._tabEdited = tab
-        self._pageIndex = page_index
-        self._startValue = tab.caption
-        self._finished = False
-        self._aboutToFinish = False
-        self._currentValue = self._startValue
-        x, y, w, h = self._tabEdited.rect
-        wnd = self._tabEdited.control
-        if wnd:
-            x += wnd.GetSize()[0] + 2
-            h = 0
-        image_h = 0
-        image_w = 0
-        image = tab.bitmap
-        if image.IsOk():
-            image_w, image_h = image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight()
-            image_w += 6
-        dc = wx.ClientDC(self._owner)
-        h = max(image_h, dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(tab.caption)[1])
-        h = h + 2
-        # FIXME: what are all these hardcoded 4, 8 and 11s really?
-        x += image_w
-        w -= image_w + 4
-        y = (self._tabEdited.rect.height - h)/2 + 1
-        expandoStyle = wx.WANTS_CHARS
-        if wx.Platform in ["__WXGTK__", "__WXMAC__"]:
-            expandoStyle |= wx.SIMPLE_BORDER
-            xSize, ySize = w + 2, h
-        else:
-            expandoStyle |= wx.SUNKEN_BORDER
-            xSize, ySize = w + 2, h+2
-        ExpandoTextCtrl.__init__(self, self._owner, wx.ID_ANY, self._startValue,
-                                 wx.Point(x, y), wx.Size(xSize, ySize),
-                                 expandoStyle)
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            self.SetFont(owner.GetFont())
-            bs = self.GetBestSize()
-            self.SetSize((-1, bs.height))
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKeyUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus)
-    def AcceptChanges(self):
-        """ Accepts/refuses the changes made by the user. """
-        value = self.GetValue()
-        notebook = self._owner.GetParent()
-        if value == self._startValue:
-            # nothing changed, always accept
-            # when an item remains unchanged, the owner
-            # needs to be notified that the user decided
-            # not to change the tree item label, and that
-            # the edit has been cancelled
-            notebook.OnRenameCancelled(self._pageIndex)
-            return True
-        if not notebook.OnRenameAccept(self._pageIndex, value):
-            # vetoed by the user
-            return False
-        # accepted, do rename the item
-        notebook.SetPageText(self._pageIndex, value)
-        return True
-    def Finish(self):
-        """ Finish editing. """
-        if not self._finished:
-            notebook = self._owner.GetParent()
-            self._finished = True
-            self._owner.SetFocus()
-            notebook.ResetTextControl()
-    def OnChar(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_CHAR`` event for L{TabTextCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        keycode = event.GetKeyCode()
-        shiftDown = event.ShiftDown()
-        if keycode == wx.WXK_RETURN:
-            if shiftDown and self._tabEdited.IsMultiline():
-                event.Skip()
-            else:
-                self._aboutToFinish = True
-                self.SetValue(self._currentValue)
-                # Notify the owner about the changes
-                self.AcceptChanges()
-                # Even if vetoed, close the control (consistent with MSW)
-                wx.CallAfter(self.Finish)
-        elif keycode == wx.WXK_ESCAPE:
-            self.StopEditing()
-        else:
-            event.Skip()
-    def OnKeyUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_UP`` event for L{TabTextCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        if not self._finished:
-            # auto-grow the textctrl:
-            mySize = self.GetSize()
-            dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
-            sx, sy, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(self.GetValue() + "M")
-            self.SetSize((sx, -1))
-            self._currentValue = self.GetValue()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnKillFocus(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS`` event for L{TabTextCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        if not self._finished and not self._aboutToFinish:
-            # We must finish regardless of success, otherwise we'll get
-            # focus problems:
-            if not self.AcceptChanges():
-                self._owner.GetParent().OnRenameCancelled(self._pageIndex)
-        # We must let the native text control handle focus, too, otherwise
-        # it could have problems with the cursor (e.g., in wxGTK).
-        event.Skip()
-        wx.CallAfter(self._owner.GetParent().ResetTextControl)
-    def StopEditing(self):
-        """ Suddenly stops the editing. """
-        self._owner.GetParent().OnRenameCancelled(self._pageIndex)
-        self.Finish()
-    def item(self):
-        """ Returns the item currently edited. """
-        return self._tabEdited
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiNotebookPage(object):
-    """
-    A simple class which holds information about tab captions, bitmaps and
-    colours.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        """
-        self.window = None              # page's associated window
-        self.caption = ""               # caption displayed on the tab
-        self.bitmap = wx.NullBitmap     # tab's bitmap
-        self.dis_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap # tab's disabled bitmap
-        self.rect = wx.Rect()           # tab's hit rectangle
- = False             # True if the page is currently active
-        self.enabled = True             # True if the page is currently enabled
-        self.hasCloseButton = True      # True if the page has a close button using the style
-                                        # AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS
-        self.control = None             # A control can now be inside a tab
-        self.renamable = False          # If True, a tab can be renamed by a left double-click
-        self.text_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT)
-        self.access_time = # Last time this page was selected
-    def IsMultiline(self):
-        """ Returns whether the tab contains multiline text. """
-        return "\n" in self.caption
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiTabContainerButton(object):
-    """
-    A simple class which holds information about tab buttons and their state.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        """
- = -1                                      # button's id
-        self.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL          # current state (normal, hover, pressed, etc.)
-        self.location = wx.LEFT                           # buttons location (wxLEFT, wxRIGHT, or wxCENTER)
-        self.bitmap = wx.NullBitmap                       # button's hover bitmap
-        self.dis_bitmap = wx.NullBitmap                   # button's disabled bitmap
-        self.rect = wx.Rect()                             # button's hit rectangle
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class CommandNotebookEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
-    """ A specialized command event class for events sent by L{AuiNotebook} . """
-    def __init__(self, command_type=None, win_id=0):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        :param `command_type`: the event kind or an instance of `wx.PyCommandEvent`.
-        :param `win_id`: the window identification number.
-        """
-        if type(command_type) == types.IntType:
-            wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, command_type, win_id)
-        else:
-            wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, command_type.GetEventType(), command_type.GetId())
-        self.old_selection = -1
-        self.selection = -1
-        self.drag_source = None
-        self.dispatched = 0
-        self.label = ""
-        self.editCancelled = False
-    def SetSelection(self, s):
-        """
-        Sets the selection member variable.
-        :param `s`: the new selection.
-        """
-        self.selection = s
-        self._commandInt = s
-    def GetSelection(self):
-        """ Returns the currently selected page, or -1 if none was selected. """
-        return self.selection
-    def SetOldSelection(self, s):
-        """
-        Sets the id of the page selected before the change.
-        :param `s`: the old selection.
-        """
-        self.old_selection = s
-    def GetOldSelection(self):
-        """
-        Returns the page that was selected before the change, or -1 if none was
-        selected.
-        """
-        return self.old_selection
-    def SetDragSource(self, s):
-        """
-        Sets the drag and drop source.
-        :param `s`: the drag source.
-        """
-        self.drag_source = s
-    def GetDragSource(self):
-        """ Returns the drag and drop source. """
-        return self.drag_source
-    def SetDispatched(self, b):
-        """
-        Sets the event as dispatched (used for automatic L{AuiNotebook} ).
-        :param `b`: whether the event was dispatched or not.
-        """
-        self.dispatched = b
-    def GetDispatched(self):
-        """ Returns whether the event was dispatched (used for automatic L{AuiNotebook} ). """
-        return self.dispatched
-    def IsEditCancelled(self):
-        """ Returns the edit cancel flag (for ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN`` | ``END_LABEL_EDIT`` only)."""
-        return self.editCancelled
-    def SetEditCanceled(self, editCancelled):
-        """
-        Sets the edit cancel flag (for ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN`` | ``END_LABEL_EDIT`` only).
-        :param `editCancelled`: whether the editing action has been cancelled or not.
-        """
-        self.editCancelled = editCancelled
-    def GetLabel(self):
-        """Returns the label-itemtext (for ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN`` | ``END_LABEL_EDIT`` only)."""
-        return self.label
-    def SetLabel(self, label):
-        """
-        Sets the label. Useful only for ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_END_LABEL_EDIT``.
-        :param `label`: the new label.
-        """
-        self.label = label
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiNotebookEvent(CommandNotebookEvent):
-    """ A specialized command event class for events sent by L{AuiNotebook}. """
-    def __init__(self, command_type=None, win_id=0):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        :param `command_type`: the event kind or an instance of `wx.PyCommandEvent`.
-        :param `win_id`: the window identification number.
-        """
-        CommandNotebookEvent.__init__(self, command_type, win_id)
-        if type(command_type) == types.IntType:
-            self.notify = wx.NotifyEvent(command_type, win_id)
-        else:
-            self.notify = wx.NotifyEvent(command_type.GetEventType(), command_type.GetId())
-    def GetNotifyEvent(self):
-        """ Returns the actual `wx.NotifyEvent`. """
-        return self.notify
-    def IsAllowed(self):
-        """ Returns whether the event is allowed or not. """
-        return self.notify.IsAllowed()
-    def Veto(self):
-        """
-        Prevents the change announced by this event from happening.
-        It is in general a good idea to notify the user about the reasons for
-        vetoing the change because otherwise the applications behaviour (which
-        just refuses to do what the user wants) might be quite surprising.
-        """
-        self.notify.Veto()
-    def Allow(self):
-        """
-        This is the opposite of L{Veto}: it explicitly allows the event to be
-        processed. For most events it is not necessary to call this method as the
-        events are allowed anyhow but some are forbidden by default (this will
-        be mentioned in the corresponding event description).
-        """
-        self.notify.Allow()
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class TabNavigatorWindow
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class TabNavigatorWindow(wx.Dialog):
-    """
-    This class is used to create a modal dialog that enables "Smart Tabbing",
-    similar to what you would get by hitting ``Alt`` + ``Tab`` on Windows.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, icon=None):
-        """
-        Default class constructor. Used internally.
-        :param `parent`: the L{TabNavigatorWindow} parent;
-        :param `icon`: the L{TabNavigatorWindow} icon.
-        """
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, "", style=0)
-        self._selectedItem = -1
-        self._indexMap = []
-        if icon is None:
-            self._bmp = Mondrian.GetBitmap()
-        else:
-            self._bmp = icon
-        if self._bmp.GetSize() != (16, 16):
-            img = self._bmp.ConvertToImage()
-            img.Rescale(16, 16, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH)
-            self._bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(img)
-        sz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self._listBox = wx.ListBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200, 150), [], wx.LB_SINGLE | wx.NO_BORDER)
-        mem_dc = wx.MemoryDC()
-        mem_dc.SelectObject(wx.EmptyBitmap(1,1))
-        font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        font.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
-        mem_dc.SetFont(font)
-        panelHeight = mem_dc.GetCharHeight()
-        panelHeight += 4 # Place a spacer of 2 pixels
-        # Out signpost bitmap is 24 pixels
-        if panelHeight < 24:
-            panelHeight = 24
-        self._panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200, panelHeight))
-        sz.Add(self._panel)
-        sz.Add(self._listBox, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-        self.SetSizer(sz)
-        # Connect events to the list box
-        self._listBox.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKeyUp)
-        self._listBox.Bind(wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY, self.OnNavigationKey)
-        self._listBox.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK, self.OnItemSelected)
-        # Connect paint event to the panel
-        self._panel.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPanelPaint)
-        self._panel.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnPanelEraseBg)
-        self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE))
-        self._listBox.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE))
-        self.PopulateListControl(parent)
-        self.GetSizer().Fit(self)
-        self.GetSizer().SetSizeHints(self)
-        self.GetSizer().Layout()
-        self.Centre()
-        # Set focus on the list box to avoid having to click on it to change
-        # the tab selection under GTK.
-        self._listBox.SetFocus()
-    def OnKeyUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_UP`` for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        if event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_CONTROL:
-            self.CloseDialog()
-    def OnNavigationKey(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY`` for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.NavigationKeyEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        selected = self._listBox.GetSelection()
-        bk = self.GetParent()
-        maxItems = bk.GetPageCount()
-        if event.GetDirection():
-            # Select next page
-            if selected == maxItems - 1:
-                itemToSelect = 0
-            else:
-                itemToSelect = selected + 1
-        else:
-            # Previous page
-            if selected == 0:
-                itemToSelect = maxItems - 1
-            else:
-                itemToSelect = selected - 1
-        self._listBox.SetSelection(itemToSelect)
-    def PopulateListControl(self, book):
-        """
-        Populates the L{TabNavigatorWindow} listbox with a list of tabs.
-        :param `book`: the actual L{AuiNotebook}.
-        """
-        # Index of currently selected page
-        selection = book.GetSelection()
-        # Total number of pages
-        count = book.GetPageCount()
-        # List of (index, AuiNotebookPage)
-        pages = list(enumerate(book.GetTabContainer().GetPages()))
-        if book.GetAGWWindowStyleFlag() & AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS:
-            # Sort pages using last access time. Most recently used is the
-            # first in line
-            pages.sort(
-                key = lambda element: element[1].access_time,
-                reverse = True
-            )
-        else:
-            # Manually add the current selection as first item
-            # Remaining ones are added in the next loop
-            del pages[selection]
-            self._listBox.Append(book.GetPageText(selection))
-            self._indexMap.append(selection)
-        for (index, page) in pages:
-            self._listBox.Append(book.GetPageText(index))
-            self._indexMap.append(index)
-        # Select the next entry after the current selection
-        self._listBox.SetSelection(0)
-        dummy = wx.NavigationKeyEvent()
-        dummy.SetDirection(True)
-        self.OnNavigationKey(dummy)
-    def OnItemSelected(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK`` event for the wx.ListBox inside L{TabNavigatorWindow}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.ListEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        self.CloseDialog()
-    def CloseDialog(self):
-        """ Closes the L{TabNavigatorWindow} dialog, setting selection in L{AuiNotebook}. """
-        bk = self.GetParent()
-        self._selectedItem = self._listBox.GetSelection()
-        self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
-    def GetSelectedPage(self):
-        """ Gets the page index that was selected when the dialog was closed. """
-        return self._indexMap[self._selectedItem]
-    def OnPanelPaint(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{TabNavigatorWindow} top panel.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.PaintEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        dc = wx.PaintDC(self._panel)
-        rect = self._panel.GetClientRect()
-        bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(rect.width, rect.height)
-        mem_dc = wx.MemoryDC()
-        mem_dc.SelectObject(bmp)
-        endColour = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)
-        startColour = LightColour(endColour, 50)
-        mem_dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, startColour, endColour, wx.SOUTH)
-        # Draw the caption title and place the bitmap
-        # get the bitmap optimal position, and draw it
-        bmpPt, txtPt = wx.Point(), wx.Point()
-        bmpPt.y = (rect.height - self._bmp.GetHeight())/2
-        bmpPt.x = 3
-        mem_dc.DrawBitmap(self._bmp, bmpPt.x, bmpPt.y, True)
-        # get the text position, and draw it
-        font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        font.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
-        mem_dc.SetFont(font)
-        fontHeight = mem_dc.GetCharHeight()
-        txtPt.x = bmpPt.x + self._bmp.GetWidth() + 4
-        txtPt.y = (rect.height - fontHeight)/2
-        mem_dc.SetTextForeground(wx.WHITE)
-        mem_dc.DrawText("Opened tabs:", txtPt.x, txtPt.y)
-        mem_dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
-        dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0)
-    def OnPanelEraseBg(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for L{TabNavigatorWindow} top panel.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.EraseEvent` event to be processed.
-        :note: This is intentionally empty, to reduce flicker.
-        """
-        pass
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -- AuiTabContainer class implementation --
-class AuiTabContainer(object):
-    """
-    AuiTabContainer is a class which contains information about each
-    tab. It also can render an entire tab control to a specified DC.
-    It's not a window class itself, because this code will be used by
-    the L{AuiManager}, where it is disadvantageous to have separate
-    windows for each tab control in the case of "docked tabs".
-    A derived class, L{AuiTabCtrl}, is an actual `wx.Window`-derived window
-    which can be used as a tab control in the normal sense.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, auiNotebook):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `auiNotebook`: the parent L{AuiNotebook} window.        
-        """
-        self._tab_offset = 0
-        self._agwFlags = 0
-        self._art = TA.AuiDefaultTabArt()
-        self._buttons = []
-        self._pages = []
-        self._tab_close_buttons = []
-        self._rect = wx.Rect()
-        self._auiNotebook = auiNotebook
-        self.AddButton(AUI_BUTTON_LEFT, wx.LEFT)
-        self.AddButton(AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT, wx.RIGHT)
-        self.AddButton(AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST, wx.RIGHT)
-        self.AddButton(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE, wx.RIGHT)
-    def SetArtProvider(self, art):
-        """
-        Instructs L{AuiTabContainer} to use art provider specified by parameter `art`
-        for all drawing calls. This allows plugable look-and-feel features.
-        :param `art`: an art provider.
-        :note: The previous art provider object, if any, will be deleted by L{AuiTabContainer}.
-        """
-        del self._art
-        self._art = art
-        if self._art:
-            self._art.SetAGWFlags(self._agwFlags)
-    def GetArtProvider(self):
-        """ Returns the current art provider being used. """
-        return self._art
-    def SetAGWFlags(self, agwFlags):
-        """
-        Sets the tab art flags.
-        :param `agwFlags`: a combination of the following values:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_NB_TOP``                       With this style, tabs are drawn along the top of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_LEFT``                      With this style, tabs are drawn along the left of the notebook. Not implemented yet
-         ``AUI_NB_RIGHT``                     With this style, tabs are drawn along the right of the notebook. Not implemented yet
-         ``AUI_NB_BOTTOM``                    With this style, tabs are drawn along the bottom of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT``                 Allows the tab control to be split by dragging a tab
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE``                  Allows a tab to be moved horizontally by dragging
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE``         Allows a tab to be moved to another tab control
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH``           With this style, all tabs have the same width
-         ``AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS``            With this style, left and right scroll buttons are displayed
-         ``AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON``         With this style, a drop-down list of windows is available
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON``              With this style, a close button is available on the tab bar
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB``       With this style, a close button is available on the active tab
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS``         With this style, a close button is available on all tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE``        Allows to close L{AuiNotebook} tabs by mouse middle button click
-         ``AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK``              This style is used by L{AuiManager} to create automatic AuiNotebooks
-         ``AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB``        Hides the tab window if only one tab is present
-         ``AUI_NB_SMART_TABS``                Use Smart Tabbing, like ``Alt`` + ``Tab`` on Windows
-         ``AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN``       Uses images on dropdown window list menu instead of check items
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT``         Draws the tab close button on the left instead of on the right (a la Camino browser)
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT``                 Allows the floating of single tabs. Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages
-         ``AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB``              Draws an image representation of a tab while dragging (on by default)
-         ``AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS``           Tab navigation order by last access time for the tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS``              Don't draw tab focus rectangle
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        :todo: Implementation of flags ``AUI_NB_RIGHT`` and ``AUI_NB_LEFT``.
-        """
-        self._agwFlags = agwFlags
-        # check for new close button settings
-        self.RemoveButton(AUI_BUTTON_LEFT)
-        self.RemoveButton(AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT)
-        self.RemoveButton(AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST)
-        self.RemoveButton(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE)
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS:
-            self.AddButton(AUI_BUTTON_LEFT, wx.LEFT)
-            self.AddButton(AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT, wx.RIGHT)
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON:
-            self.AddButton(AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST, wx.RIGHT)
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON:
-            self.AddButton(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE, wx.RIGHT)
-        if self._art:
-            self._art.SetAGWFlags(self._agwFlags)
-    def GetAGWFlags(self):
-        """
-        Returns the tab art flags.
-        See L{SetAGWFlags} for a list of possible return values.
-        :see: L{SetAGWFlags}
-        """
-        return self._agwFlags
-    def SetNormalFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the normal font for drawing tab labels.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._art.SetNormalFont(font)
-    def SetSelectedFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the selected tab font for drawing tab labels.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._art.SetSelectedFont(font)
-    def SetMeasuringFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the font for calculating text measurements.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._art.SetMeasuringFont(font)
-    def SetTabRect(self, rect):
-        """
-        Sets the tab area rectangle.
-        :param `rect`: an instance of `wx.Rect`, specifying the available area for L{AuiTabContainer}.
-        """
-        self._rect = rect
-        if self._art:
-            minMaxTabWidth = self._auiNotebook.GetMinMaxTabWidth()
-            self._art.SetSizingInfo(rect.GetSize(), len(self._pages), minMaxTabWidth)
-    def AddPage(self, page, info):
-        """
-        Adds a page to the tab control.
-        :param `page`: the window associated with this tab;
-        :param `info`: an instance of L{AuiNotebookPage}.
-        """
-        page_info = info
-        page_info.window = page
-        self._pages.append(page_info)
-        # let the art provider know how many pages we have
-        if self._art:
-            minMaxTabWidth = self._auiNotebook.GetMinMaxTabWidth()
-            self._art.SetSizingInfo(self._rect.GetSize(), len(self._pages), minMaxTabWidth)
-        return True
-    def InsertPage(self, page, info, idx):
-        """
-        Inserts a page in the tab control in the position specified by `idx`.
-        :param `page`: the window associated with this tab;
-        :param `info`: an instance of L{AuiNotebookPage};
-        :param `idx`: the page insertion index.
-        """
-        page_info = info
-        page_info.window = page
-        if idx >= len(self._pages):
-            self._pages.append(page_info)
-        else:
-            self._pages.insert(idx, page_info)
-        # let the art provider know how many pages we have
-        if self._art:
-            minMaxTabWidth = self._auiNotebook.GetMinMaxTabWidth()
-            self._art.SetSizingInfo(self._rect.GetSize(), len(self._pages), minMaxTabWidth)
-        return True
-    def MovePage(self, page, new_idx):
-        """
-        Moves a page in a new position specified by `new_idx`.
-        :param `page`: the window associated with this tab;
-        :param `new_idx`: the new page position.
-        """
-        idx = self.GetIdxFromWindow(page)
-        if idx == -1:
-            return False
-        # get page entry, make a copy of it
-        p = self.GetPage(idx)
-        # remove old page entry
-        self.RemovePage(page)
-        # insert page where it should be
-        self.InsertPage(page, p, new_idx)
-        return True
-    def RemovePage(self, wnd):
-        """
-        Removes a page from the tab control.
-        :param `wnd`: an instance of `wx.Window`, a window associated with this tab.
-        """
-        minMaxTabWidth = self._auiNotebook.GetMinMaxTabWidth()
-        for page in self._pages:
-            if page.window == wnd:
-                self._pages.remove(page)
-                self._tab_offset = min(self._tab_offset, len(self._pages) - 1)
-                # let the art provider know how many pages we have
-                if self._art:
-                    self._art.SetSizingInfo(self._rect.GetSize(), len(self._pages), minMaxTabWidth)
-                return True
-        return False
-    def SetActivePage(self, wndOrInt):
-        """
-        Sets the L{AuiTabContainer} active page.
-        :param `wndOrInt`: an instance of `wx.Window` or an integer specifying a tab index.
-        """
-        if type(wndOrInt) == types.IntType:
-            if wndOrInt >= len(self._pages):
-                return False
-            wnd = self._pages[wndOrInt].window
-        else:
-            wnd = wndOrInt
-        found = False
-        for indx, page in enumerate(self._pages):
-            if page.window == wnd:
-       = True
-                found = True
-            else:
-       = False
-        return found
-    def SetNoneActive(self):
-        """ Sets all the tabs as inactive (non-selected). """
-        for page in self._pages:
-   = False
-    def GetActivePage(self):
-        """ Returns the current selected tab or ``wx.NOT_FOUND`` if none is selected. """
-        for indx, page in enumerate(self._pages):
-            if
-                return indx
-        return wx.NOT_FOUND
-    def GetWindowFromIdx(self, idx):
-        """
-        Returns the window associated with the tab with index `idx`.
-        :param `idx`: the tab index.
-        """
-        if idx >= len(self._pages):
-            return None
-        return self._pages[idx].window
-    def GetIdxFromWindow(self, wnd):
-        """
-        Returns the tab index based on the window `wnd` associated with it.
-        :param `wnd`: an instance of `wx.Window`.
-        """
-        for indx, page in enumerate(self._pages):
-            if page.window == wnd:
-                return indx
-        return wx.NOT_FOUND
-    def GetPage(self, idx):
-        """
-        Returns the page specified by the given index.
-        :param `idx`: the tab index.
-        """
-        if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self._pages):
-            raise Exception("Invalid Page index")
-        return self._pages[idx]
-    def GetPages(self):
-        """ Returns a list of all the pages in this L{AuiTabContainer}. """
-        return self._pages
-    def GetPageCount(self):
-        """ Returns the number of pages in the L{AuiTabContainer}. """
-        return len(self._pages)
-    def GetEnabled(self, idx):
-        """
-        Returns whether a tab is enabled or not.
-        :param `idx`: the tab index.
-        """
-        if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self._pages):
-            return False
-        return self._pages[idx].enabled
-    def EnableTab(self, idx, enable=True):
-        """
-        Enables/disables a tab in the L{AuiTabContainer}.
-        :param `idx`: the tab index;
-        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable a tab, ``False`` to disable it.
-        """
-        if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self._pages):
-            raise Exception("Invalid Page index")
-        self._pages[idx].enabled = enable
-        wnd = self.GetWindowFromIdx(idx)
-        wnd.Enable(enable)
-    def AddButton(self, id, location, normal_bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, disabled_bitmap=wx.NullBitmap):
-        """
-        Adds a button in the tab area.
-        :param `id`: the button identifier. This can be one of the following:
-         ==============================  =================================
-         Button Identifier               Description
-         ==============================  =================================
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE``            Shows a close button on the tab area
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST``       Shows a window list button on the tab area
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_LEFT``             Shows a left button on the tab area
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT``            Shows a right button on the tab area
-         ==============================  =================================
-        :param `location`: the button location. Can be ``wx.LEFT`` or ``wx.RIGHT``;
-        :param `normal_bitmap`: the bitmap for an enabled tab;
-        :param `disabled_bitmap`: the bitmap for a disabled tab.
-        """
-        button = AuiTabContainerButton()
- = id
-        button.bitmap = normal_bitmap
-        button.dis_bitmap = disabled_bitmap
-        button.location = location
-        button.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL
-        self._buttons.append(button)
-    def RemoveButton(self, id):
-        """
-        Removes a button from the tab area.
-        :param `id`: the button identifier. See L{AddButton} for a list of button identifiers.
-        :see: L{AddButton}
-        """
-        for button in self._buttons:
-            if == id:
-                self._buttons.remove(button)
-                return
-    def GetTabOffset(self):
-        """ Returns the tab offset. """
-        return self._tab_offset
-    def SetTabOffset(self, offset):
-        """
-        Sets the tab offset.
-        :param `offset`: the tab offset.
-        """
-        self._tab_offset = offset
-    def MinimizeTabOffset(self, dc, wnd, max_width):
-        """
-        Minimize `self._tab_offset` to fit as many tabs as possible in the available space.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `max_width`: the maximum available width for the tabs.
-        """
-        total_width = 0
-        for i, page in reversed(list(enumerate(self._pages))):
-            tab_button = self._tab_close_buttons[i]
-            (tab_width, tab_height), x_extent = self._art.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, page.bitmap,, tab_button.cur_state, page.control)
-            total_width += tab_width
-            if total_width > max_width:
-                tab_offset = i + 1
-                if tab_offset < self._tab_offset and tab_offset < len(self._pages):
-                    self._tab_offset = tab_offset
-                break
-        if i == 0:
-            self._tab_offset = 0
-    def Render(self, raw_dc, wnd):
-        """
-        Renders the tab catalog to the specified `wx.DC`.
-        It is a virtual function and can be overridden to provide custom drawing
-        capabilities.
-        :param `raw_dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: an instance of `wx.Window`.
-        """
-        if not raw_dc or not raw_dc.IsOk():
-            return
-        dc = wx.MemoryDC()
-        # use the same layout direction as the window DC uses to ensure that the
-        # text is rendered correctly
-        dc.SetLayoutDirection(raw_dc.GetLayoutDirection())
-        page_count = len(self._pages)
-        button_count = len(self._buttons)
-        # create off-screen bitmap
-        bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(self._rect.GetWidth(), self._rect.GetHeight())
-        dc.SelectObject(bmp)
-        if not dc.IsOk():
-            return
-        # find out if size of tabs is larger than can be
-        # afforded on screen
-        total_width = visible_width = 0
-        for i in xrange(page_count):
-            page = self._pages[i]
-            # determine if a close button is on this tab
-            close_button = False
-            if (self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS and page.hasCloseButton) or \
-               (self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB and and page.hasCloseButton):
-                close_button = True
-            control = page.control
-            if control:
-                try:
-                    control.GetSize()
-                except wx.PyDeadObjectError:
-                    page.control = None
-            size, x_extent = self._art.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, page.bitmap,,
-                                                  (close_button and [AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL] or \
-                                                   [AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN])[0], page.control)
-            if i+1 < page_count:
-                total_width += x_extent
-            else:
-                total_width += size[0]
-            if i >= self._tab_offset:
-                if i+1 < page_count:
-                    visible_width += x_extent
-                else:
-                    visible_width += size[0]
-        if total_width > self._rect.GetWidth() or self._tab_offset != 0:
-            # show left/right buttons
-            for button in self._buttons:
-                if == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT or \
-          == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-                    button.cur_state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN
-        else:
-            # hide left/right buttons
-            for button in self._buttons:
-                if == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT or \
-          == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-                    button.cur_state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN
-        # determine whether left button should be enabled
-        for button in self._buttons:
-            if == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT:
-                if self._tab_offset == 0:
-                    button.cur_state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED
-                else:
-                    button.cur_state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED
-            if == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-                if visible_width < self._rect.GetWidth() - 16*button_count:
-                    button.cur_state |= AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED
-                else:
-                    button.cur_state &= ~AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED
-        # draw background
-        self._art.DrawBackground(dc, wnd, self._rect)
-        # draw buttons
-        left_buttons_width = 0
-        right_buttons_width = 0
-        # draw the buttons on the right side
-        offset = self._rect.x + self._rect.width
-        for i in xrange(button_count):
-            button = self._buttons[button_count - i - 1]
-            if button.location != wx.RIGHT:
-                continue
-            if button.cur_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-                continue
-            button_rect = wx.Rect(*self._rect)
-            button_rect.SetY(1)
-            button_rect.SetWidth(offset)
-            button.rect = self._art.DrawButton(dc, wnd, button_rect, button, wx.RIGHT)
-            offset -= button.rect.GetWidth()
-            right_buttons_width += button.rect.GetWidth()
-        offset = 0
-        # draw the buttons on the left side
-        for i in xrange(button_count):
-            button = self._buttons[button_count - i - 1]
-            if button.location != wx.LEFT:
-                continue
-            if button.cur_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-                continue
-            button_rect = wx.Rect(offset, 1, 1000, self._rect.height)
-            button.rect = self._art.DrawButton(dc, wnd, button_rect, button, wx.LEFT)
-            offset += button.rect.GetWidth()
-            left_buttons_width += button.rect.GetWidth()
-        offset = left_buttons_width
-        if offset == 0:
-            offset += self._art.GetIndentSize()
-        # prepare the tab-close-button array
-        # make sure tab button entries which aren't used are marked as hidden
-        for i in xrange(page_count, len(self._tab_close_buttons)):
-            self._tab_close_buttons[i].cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN
-        # make sure there are enough tab button entries to accommodate all tabs
-        while len(self._tab_close_buttons) < page_count:
-            tempbtn = AuiTabContainerButton()
-            tempbtn.location = wx.CENTER
-            tempbtn.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN
-            self._tab_close_buttons.append(tempbtn)
-        # buttons before the tab offset must be set to hidden
-        for i in xrange(self._tab_offset):
-            self._tab_close_buttons[i].cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN
-            if self._pages[i].control:
-                if self._pages[i].control.IsShown():
-                    self._pages[i].control.Hide()
-        self.MinimizeTabOffset(dc, wnd, self._rect.GetWidth() - right_buttons_width - offset - 2)
-        # draw the tabs
-        active = 999
-        active_offset = 0
-        rect = wx.Rect(*self._rect)
-        rect.y = 0
-        rect.height = self._rect.height
-        for i in xrange(self._tab_offset, page_count):
-            page = self._pages[i]
-            tab_button = self._tab_close_buttons[i]
-            # determine if a close button is on this tab
-            if (self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS and page.hasCloseButton) or \
-               (self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB and and page.hasCloseButton):
-                if tab_button.cur_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-           = AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE
-                    tab_button.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL
-                    tab_button.location = wx.CENTER
-            else:
-                tab_button.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN
-            rect.x = offset
-            rect.width = self._rect.width - right_buttons_width - offset - 2
-            if rect.width <= 0:
-                break
-            page.rect, tab_button.rect, x_extent = self._art.DrawTab(dc, wnd, page, rect, tab_button.cur_state)
-            if
-                active = i
-                active_offset = offset
-                active_rect = wx.Rect(*rect)
-            offset += x_extent
-        lenPages = len(self._pages)
-        # make sure to deactivate buttons which are off the screen to the right
-        for j in xrange(i+1, len(self._tab_close_buttons)):
-            self._tab_close_buttons[j].cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN
-            if j > 0 and j <= lenPages:
-                if self._pages[j-1].control:
-                    if self._pages[j-1].control.IsShown():
-                        self._pages[j-1].control.Hide()
-        # draw the active tab again so it stands in the foreground
-        if active >= self._tab_offset and active < len(self._pages):
-            page = self._pages[active]
-            tab_button = self._tab_close_buttons[active]
-            rect.x = active_offset
-            dummy = self._art.DrawTab(dc, wnd, page, active_rect, tab_button.cur_state)
-        raw_dc.Blit(self._rect.x, self._rect.y, self._rect.GetWidth(), self._rect.GetHeight(), dc, 0, 0)
-    def IsTabVisible(self, tabPage, tabOffset, dc, wnd):
-        """
-        Returns whether a tab is visible or not.
-        :param `tabPage`: the tab index;
-        :param `tabOffset`: the tab offset;
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: an instance of `wx.Window` derived window.
-        """
-        if not dc or not dc.IsOk():
-            return False
-        page_count = len(self._pages)
-        button_count = len(self._buttons)
-        self.Render(dc, wnd)
-        # Hasn't been rendered yet assume it's visible
-        if len(self._tab_close_buttons) < page_count:
-            return True
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS:
-            # First check if both buttons are disabled - if so, there's no need to
-            # check further for visibility.
-            arrowButtonVisibleCount = 0
-            for i in xrange(button_count):
-                button = self._buttons[i]
-                if == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT or \
-          == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-                    if button.cur_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN == 0:
-                        arrowButtonVisibleCount += 1
-            # Tab must be visible
-            if arrowButtonVisibleCount == 0:
-                return True
-        # If tab is less than the given offset, it must be invisible by definition
-        if tabPage < tabOffset:
-            return False
-        # draw buttons
-        left_buttons_width = 0
-        right_buttons_width = 0
-        offset = 0
-        # calculate size of the buttons on the right side
-        offset = self._rect.x + self._rect.width
-        for i in xrange(button_count):
-            button = self._buttons[button_count - i - 1]
-            if button.location != wx.RIGHT:
-                continue
-            if button.cur_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-                continue
-            offset -= button.rect.GetWidth()
-            right_buttons_width += button.rect.GetWidth()
-        offset = 0
-        # calculate size of the buttons on the left side
-        for i in xrange(button_count):
-            button = self._buttons[button_count - i - 1]
-            if button.location != wx.LEFT:
-                continue
-            if button.cur_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-                continue
-            offset += button.rect.GetWidth()
-            left_buttons_width += button.rect.GetWidth()
-        offset = left_buttons_width
-        if offset == 0:
-            offset += self._art.GetIndentSize()
-        rect = wx.Rect(*self._rect)
-        rect.y = 0
-        rect.height = self._rect.height
-        # See if the given page is visible at the given tab offset (effectively scroll position)
-        for i in xrange(tabOffset, page_count):
-            page = self._pages[i]
-            tab_button = self._tab_close_buttons[i]
-            rect.x = offset
-            rect.width = self._rect.width - right_buttons_width - offset - 2
-            if rect.width <= 0:
-                return False # haven't found the tab, and we've run out of space, so return False
-            size, x_extent = self._art.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, page.bitmap,, tab_button.cur_state, page.control)
-            offset += x_extent
-            if i == tabPage:
-                # If not all of the tab is visible, and supposing there's space to display it all,
-                # we could do better so we return False.
-                if (self._rect.width - right_buttons_width - offset - 2) <= 0 and (self._rect.width - right_buttons_width - left_buttons_width) > x_extent:
-                    return False
-                else:
-                    return True
-        # Shouldn't really get here, but if it does, assume the tab is visible to prevent
-        # further looping in calling code.
-        return True
-    def MakeTabVisible(self, tabPage, win):
-        """
-        Make the tab visible if it wasn't already.
-        :param `tabPage`: the tab index;
-        :param `win`: an instance of `wx.Window` derived window.
-        """
-        dc = wx.ClientDC(win)
-        if not self.IsTabVisible(tabPage, self.GetTabOffset(), dc, win):
-            for i in xrange(len(self._pages)):
-                if self.IsTabVisible(tabPage, i, dc, win):
-                    self.SetTabOffset(i)
-                    win.Refresh()
-                    return
-    def TabHitTest(self, x, y):
-        """
-        TabHitTest() tests if a tab was hit, passing the window pointer
-        back if that condition was fulfilled.
-        :param `x`: the mouse `x` position;
-        :param `y`: the mouse `y` position.
-        """
-        if not self._rect.Contains((x,y)):
-            return None
-        btn = self.ButtonHitTest(x, y)
-        if btn:
-            if btn in self._buttons:
-                return None
-        for i in xrange(self._tab_offset, len(self._pages)):
-            page = self._pages[i]
-            if page.rect.Contains((x,y)):
-                return page.window
-        return None
-    def ButtonHitTest(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Tests if a button was hit.
-        :param `x`: the mouse `x` position;
-        :param `y`: the mouse `y` position.
-        :returns: and instance of L{AuiTabContainerButton} if a button was hit, ``None`` otherwise.
-        """
-        if not self._rect.Contains((x,y)):
-            return None
-        for button in self._buttons:
-            if button.rect.Contains((x,y)) and \
-               (button.cur_state & (AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN|AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED)) == 0:
-                return button
-        for button in self._tab_close_buttons:
-            if button.rect.Contains((x,y)) and \
-               (button.cur_state & (AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN|AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED)) == 0:
-                return button
-        return None
-    def DoShowHide(self):
-        """
-        This function shows the active window, then hides all of the other windows
-        (in that order).
-        """
-        pages = self.GetPages()
-        # show new active page first
-        for page in pages:
-            if
-                page.window.Show(True)
-                break
-        # hide all other pages
-        for page in pages:
-            if not
-                page.window.Show(False)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -- AuiTabCtrl class implementation --
-class AuiTabCtrl(wx.PyControl, AuiTabContainer):
-    """
-    This is an actual `wx.Window`-derived window which can be used as a tab
-    control in the normal sense.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
-                 style=wx.NO_BORDER|wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `parent`: the L{AuiTabCtrl} parent;
-        :param `id`: an identifier for the control: a value of -1 is taken to mean a default;
-        :param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
-         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
-        :param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
-         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
-        :param `style`: the window style.
-        """
-        wx.PyControl.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name="AuiTabCtrl")
-        AuiTabContainer.__init__(self, parent)
-        self._click_pt = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-        self._is_dragging = False
-        self._hover_button = None
-        self._pressed_button = None
-        self._drag_image = None
-        self._drag_img_offset = (0, 0)
-        self._on_button = False
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDClick)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.OnMiddleDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_UP, self.OnMiddleUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST, self.OnCaptureLost)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeaveWindow)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON, self.OnButton)
-    def IsDragging(self):
-        """ Returns whether the user is dragging a tab with the mouse or not. """
-        return self._is_dragging
-    def GetDefaultBorder(self):
-        """ Returns the default border style for L{AuiTabCtrl}. """
-        return wx.BORDER_NONE
-    def OnPaint(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.PaintEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
-        dc.SetFont(self.GetFont())
-        if self.GetPageCount() > 0:
-            self.Render(dc, self)
-    def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.EraseEvent` event to be processed.
-        :note: This is intentionally empty, to reduce flicker.
-        """
-        pass
-    def DoGetBestSize(self):
-        """
-        Gets the size which best suits the window: for a control, it would be the
-        minimal size which doesn't truncate the control, for a panel - the same
-        size as it would have after a call to `Fit()`.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
-        """
-        return wx.Size(self._rect.width, self._rect.height)
-    def OnSize(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.SizeEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        s = event.GetSize()
-        self.SetTabRect(wx.Rect(0, 0, s.GetWidth(), s.GetHeight()))
-    def OnLeftDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        self.CaptureMouse()
-        self._click_pt = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-        self._is_dragging = False
-        self._click_tab = None
-        self._pressed_button = None
-        wnd = self.TabHitTest(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
-        if wnd is not None:
-            new_selection = self.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd)
-            # AuiNotebooks always want to receive this event
-            # even if the tab is already active, because they may
-            # have multiple tab controls
-            if new_selection != self.GetActivePage() or isinstance(self.GetParent(), AuiNotebook):
-                e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.GetId())
-                e.SetSelection(new_selection)
-                e.SetOldSelection(self.GetActivePage())
-                e.SetEventObject(self)
-                self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-            self._click_pt.x = event.GetX()
-            self._click_pt.y = event.GetY()
-            self._click_tab = wnd
-        else:
-            page_index = self.GetActivePage()
-            if page_index != wx.NOT_FOUND:
-                self.GetWindowFromIdx(page_index).SetFocus()
-        if self._hover_button:
-            self._pressed_button = self._hover_button
-            self._pressed_button.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED
-            self._on_button = True
-            self.Refresh()
-            self.Update()
-    def OnCaptureLost(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseCaptureLostEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._is_dragging:
-            self._is_dragging = False
-            self._on_button = False
-            if self._drag_image:
-                self._drag_image.EndDrag()
-                del self._drag_image
-                self._drag_image = None
-            event = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_CANCEL_DRAG, self.GetId())
-            event.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(self._click_tab))
-            event.SetOldSelection(event.GetSelection())
-            event.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-    def OnLeftUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_UP`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        self._on_button = False
-        if self._is_dragging:
-            if self.HasCapture():
-                self.ReleaseMouse()
-            self._is_dragging = False
-            if self._drag_image:
-                self._drag_image.EndDrag()
-                del self._drag_image
-                self._drag_image = None
-                self.GetParent().Refresh()
-            evt = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG, self.GetId())
-            evt.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(self._click_tab))
-            evt.SetOldSelection(evt.GetSelection())
-            evt.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt)
-            return
-        self.GetParent()._mgr.HideHint()
-        if self.HasCapture():
-            self.ReleaseMouse()
-        if self._hover_button:
-            self._pressed_button = self._hover_button
-        if self._pressed_button:
-            # make sure we're still clicking the button
-            button = self.ButtonHitTest(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
-            if button is None:
-                return
-            if button != self._pressed_button:
-                self._pressed_button = None
-                return
-            self.Refresh()
-            self.Update()
-            if self._pressed_button.cur_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED == 0:
-                evt = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON, self.GetId())
-                evt.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(self._click_tab))
-                evt.SetInt(
-                evt.SetEventObject(self)
-                eventHandler = self.GetEventHandler()
-                if eventHandler is not None:
-                    eventHandler.ProcessEvent(evt)
-            self._pressed_button = None
-        self._click_pt = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-        self._is_dragging = False
-        self._click_tab = None
-    def OnMiddleUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MIDDLE_UP`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        eventHandler = self.GetEventHandler()
-        if not isinstance(eventHandler, AuiTabCtrl):
-            event.Skip()
-            return
-        x, y = event.GetX(), event.GetY()
-        wnd = self.TabHitTest(x, y)
-        if wnd:
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            e.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd))
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-        elif not self.ButtonHitTest(x, y):
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_MIDDLE_UP, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def OnMiddleDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        eventHandler = self.GetEventHandler()
-        if not isinstance(eventHandler, AuiTabCtrl):
-            event.Skip()
-            return
-        x, y = event.GetX(), event.GetY()
-        wnd = self.TabHitTest(x, y)
-        if wnd:
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            e.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd))
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-        elif not self.ButtonHitTest(x, y):
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def OnRightUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        x, y = event.GetX(), event.GetY()
-        wnd = self.TabHitTest(x, y)
-        if wnd:
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            e.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd))
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-        elif not self.ButtonHitTest(x, y):
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_RIGHT_UP, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def OnRightDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        x, y = event.GetX(), event.GetY()
-        wnd = self.TabHitTest(x, y)
-        if wnd:
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            e.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd))
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-        elif not self.ButtonHitTest(x, y):
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_RIGHT_DOWN, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def OnLeftDClick(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        x, y = event.GetX(), event.GetY()
-        wnd = self.TabHitTest(x, y)
-        if wnd:
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_DCLICK, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            e.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd))
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-        elif not self.ButtonHitTest(x, y):
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK, self.GetId())
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def OnMotion(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOTION`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        pos = event.GetPosition()
-        # check if the mouse is hovering above a button
-        button = self.ButtonHitTest(pos.x, pos.y)
-        wnd = self.TabHitTest(pos.x, pos.y)
-        if wnd is not None:
-            mouse_tab = self.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd)
-            if not self._pages[mouse_tab].enabled:
-                self._hover_button = None
-                return
-        if self._on_button:
-            return
-        if button:
-            if self._hover_button and button != self._hover_button:
-                self._hover_button.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL
-                self._hover_button = None
-                self.Refresh()
-                self.Update()
-            if button.cur_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                button.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
-                self.Refresh()
-                self.Update()
-                self._hover_button = button
-                return
-        else:
-            if self._hover_button:
-                self._hover_button.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL
-                self._hover_button = None
-                self.Refresh()
-                self.Update()
-        if not event.LeftIsDown() or self._click_pt == wx.Point(-1, -1):
-            return
-        if not self.HasCapture():
-            return
-        wnd = self.TabHitTest(pos.x, pos.y)
-        if not self._is_dragging:
-            drag_x_threshold = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_DRAG_X)
-            drag_y_threshold = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_DRAG_Y)
-            if abs(pos.x - self._click_pt.x) > drag_x_threshold or \
-               abs(pos.y - self._click_pt.y) > drag_y_threshold:
-                self._is_dragging = True
-                if self._drag_image:
-                    self._drag_image.EndDrag()
-                    del self._drag_image
-                    self._drag_image = None
-                if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB:
-                    # Create the custom draw image from the icons and the text of the item
-                    mouse_tab = self.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd)
-                    page = self._pages[mouse_tab]
-                    tab_button = self._tab_close_buttons[mouse_tab]
-                    self._drag_image = TabDragImage(self, page, tab_button.cur_state, self._art)
-                    if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT:
-                        self._drag_image.BeginDrag(wx.Point(0,0), self, fullScreen=True)
-                    else:
-                        self._drag_image.BeginDragBounded(wx.Point(0,0), self, self.GetParent())
-                    # Capture the mouse cursor position offset relative to
-                    # The tab image location
-                    self._drag_img_offset = (pos[0] - page.rect.x,
-                                             pos[1] - page.rect.y)
-                    self._drag_image.Show()
-        if not wnd:
-            evt2 = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG, self.GetId())
-            evt2.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(self._click_tab))
-            evt2.SetOldSelection(evt2.GetSelection())
-            evt2.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt2)
-            if evt2.GetDispatched():
-                return
-        evt3 = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION, self.GetId())
-        evt3.SetSelection(self.GetIdxFromWindow(self._click_tab))
-        evt3.SetOldSelection(evt3.GetSelection())
-        evt3.SetEventObject(self)
-        self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt3)
-        if self._drag_image:
-            # Apply the drag images offset
-            pos -= self._drag_img_offset
-            self._drag_image.Move(pos)
-    def OnLeaveWindow(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._hover_button:
-            self._hover_button.cur_state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL
-            self._hover_button = None
-            self.Refresh()
-            self.Update()
-    def OnButton(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        button = event.GetInt()
-        if button == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT or button == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-            if button == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT:
-                if self.GetTabOffset() > 0:
-                    self.SetTabOffset(self.GetTabOffset()-1)
-                    self.Refresh()
-                    self.Update()
-            else:
-                self.SetTabOffset(self.GetTabOffset()+1)
-                self.Refresh()
-                self.Update()
-        elif button == AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST:
-            idx = self.GetArtProvider().ShowDropDown(self, self._pages, self.GetActivePage())
-            if idx != -1:
-                e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.GetId())
-                e.SetSelection(idx)
-                e.SetOldSelection(self.GetActivePage())
-                e.SetEventObject(self)
-                self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-        else:
-            event.Skip()
-    def OnSetFocus(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        self.Refresh()
-    def OnKillFocus(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        self.Refresh()
-    def OnKeyDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        key = event.GetKeyCode()
-        nb = self.GetParent()
-        if key == wx.WXK_LEFT:
-            nb.AdvanceSelection(False)
-            self.SetFocus()
-        elif key == wx.WXK_RIGHT:
-            nb.AdvanceSelection(True)
-            self.SetFocus()
-        elif key == wx.WXK_HOME:
-            newPage = 0
-            nb.SetSelection(newPage)
-            self.SetFocus()
-        elif key == wx.WXK_END:
-            newPage = nb.GetPageCount() - 1
-            nb.SetSelection(newPage)
-            self.SetFocus()
-        elif key == wx.WXK_TAB:
-            if not event.ControlDown():
-                flags = 0
-                if not event.ShiftDown(): flags |= wx.NavigationKeyEvent.IsForward
-                if event.CmdDown():       flags |= wx.NavigationKeyEvent.WinChange
-                self.Navigate(flags)
-            else:
-                if not nb or not isinstance(nb, AuiNotebook):
-                    event.Skip()
-                    return
-                bForward = bWindowChange = 0
-                if not event.ShiftDown(): bForward |= wx.NavigationKeyEvent.IsForward
-                if event.CmdDown():       bWindowChange |= wx.NavigationKeyEvent.WinChange
-                keyEvent = wx.NavigationKeyEvent()
-                keyEvent.SetDirection(bForward)
-                keyEvent.SetWindowChange(bWindowChange)
-                keyEvent.SetFromTab(True)
-                keyEvent.SetEventObject(nb)
-                if not nb.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(keyEvent):
-                    # Not processed? Do an explicit tab into the page.
-                    win = self.GetWindowFromIdx(self.GetActivePage())
-                    if win:
-                        win.SetFocus()
-                self.SetFocus()
-                return
-        else:
-            event.Skip()
-    def OnKeyDown2(self, event):
-        """
-        Deprecated.
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN`` event for L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.
-        :warning: This method implementation is now deprecated. Refer to L{OnKeyDown}
-         for the correct one.
-        """
-        if self.GetActivePage() == -1:
-            event.Skip()
-            return
-        # We can't leave tab processing to the system on Windows, tabs and keys
-        # get eaten by the system and not processed properly if we specify both
-        # wxTAB_TRAVERSAL and wxWANTS_CHARS. And if we specify just wxTAB_TRAVERSAL,
-        # we don't key arrow key events.
-        key = event.GetKeyCode()
-        if key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEUP:
-            key = wx.WXK_PAGEUP
-        if key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN:
-            key = wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN
-        if key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_HOME:
-            key = wx.WXK_HOME
-        if key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_END:
-            key = wx.WXK_END
-        if key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_LEFT:
-            key = wx.WXK_LEFT
-        if key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_RIGHT:
-            key = wx.WXK_RIGHT
-        if key == wx.WXK_TAB or key == wx.WXK_PAGEUP or key == wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN:
-            bCtrlDown = event.ControlDown()
-            bShiftDown = event.ShiftDown()
-            bForward = (key == wx.WXK_TAB and not bShiftDown) or (key == wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN)
-            bWindowChange = (key == wx.WXK_PAGEUP) or (key == wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN) or bCtrlDown
-            bFromTab = (key == wx.WXK_TAB)
-            nb = self.GetParent()
-            if not nb or not isinstance(nb, AuiNotebook):
-                event.Skip()
-                return
-            keyEvent = wx.NavigationKeyEvent()
-            keyEvent.SetDirection(bForward)
-            keyEvent.SetWindowChange(bWindowChange)
-            keyEvent.SetFromTab(bFromTab)
-            keyEvent.SetEventObject(nb)
-            if not nb.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(keyEvent):
-                # Not processed? Do an explicit tab into the page.
-                win = self.GetWindowFromIdx(self.GetActivePage())
-                if win:
-                    win.SetFocus()
-            return
-        if len(self._pages) < 2:
-            event.Skip()
-            return
-        newPage = -1
-        if self.GetLayoutDirection() == wx.Layout_RightToLeft:
-            forwardKey = wx.WXK_LEFT
-            backwardKey = wx.WXK_RIGHT
-        else:
-            forwardKey = wx.WXK_RIGHT
-            backwardKey = wx.WXK_LEFT
-        if key == forwardKey:
-            if self.GetActivePage() == -1:
-                newPage = 0
-            elif self.GetActivePage() < len(self._pages) - 1:
-                newPage = self.GetActivePage() + 1
-        elif key == backwardKey:
-            if self.GetActivePage() == -1:
-                newPage = len(self._pages) - 1
-            elif self.GetActivePage() > 0:
-                newPage = self.GetActivePage() - 1
-        elif key == wx.WXK_HOME:
-            newPage = 0
-        elif key == wx.WXK_END:
-            newPage = len(self._pages) - 1
-        else:
-            event.Skip()
-        if newPage != -1:
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.GetId())
-            e.SetSelection(newPage)
-            e.SetOldSelection(newPage)
-            e.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-        else:
-            event.Skip()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class TabFrame(wx.PyWindow):
-    """
-    TabFrame is an interesting case. It's important that all child pages
-    of the multi-notebook control are all actually children of that control
-    (and not grandchildren). TabFrame facilitates this. There is one
-    instance of TabFrame for each tab control inside the multi-notebook.
-    It's important to know that TabFrame is not a real window, but it merely
-    used to capture the dimensions/positioning of the internal tab control and
-    it's managed page windows.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        """
-        pre = wx.PrePyWindow()
-        self._tabs = None
-        self._rect = wx.Rect(0, 0, 200, 200)
-        self._tab_ctrl_height = 20
-        self._tab_rect = wx.Rect()
-        self._parent = parent
-        self.PostCreate(pre)
-    def SetTabCtrlHeight(self, h):
-        """
-        Sets the tab control height.
-        :param `h`: the tab area height.
-        """
-        self._tab_ctrl_height = h
-    def DoSetSize(self, x, y, width, height, flags=wx.SIZE_AUTO):
-        """
-        Sets the position and size of the window in pixels. The `flags`
-        parameter indicates the interpretation of the other params if they are
-        equal to -1.
-        :param `x`: the window `x` position;
-        :param `y`: the window `y` position;
-        :param `width`: the window width;
-        :param `height`: the window height;
-        :param `flags`: may have one of this bit set:
-         ===================================  ======================================
-         Size Flags                           Description
-         ===================================  ======================================
-         ``wx.SIZE_AUTO``                     A -1 indicates that a class-specific default should be used.
-         ``wx.SIZE_AUTO_WIDTH``               A -1 indicates that a class-specific default should be used for the width.
-         ``wx.SIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT``              A -1 indicates that a class-specific default should be used for the height.
-         ``wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING``             Existing dimensions should be used if -1 values are supplied.
-         ``wx.SIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE``          Allow dimensions of -1 and less to be interpreted as real dimensions, not default values.
-         ``wx.SIZE_FORCE``                    Normally, if the position and the size of the window are already the same as the parameters of this function, nothing is done. but with this flag a window resize may be forced even in this case (supported in wx 2.6.2 and later and only implemented for MSW and ignored elsewhere currently)
-         ===================================  ======================================
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
-        """
-        self._rect = wx.Rect(x, y, max(1, width), max(1, height))
-        self.DoSizing()
-    def DoGetSize(self):
-        """
-        Returns the window size.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
-        """
-        return self._rect.width, self._rect.height
-    def DoGetClientSize(self):
-        """
-        Returns the window client size.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
-        """
-        return self._rect.width, self._rect.height
-    def Show(self, show=True):
-        """
-        Shows/hides the window.
-        :param `show`: ``True`` to show the window, ``False`` otherwise.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`, this method always returns ``False`` as
-         L{TabFrame} should never be phisically shown on screen.
-        """
-        return False
-    def DoSizing(self):
-        """ Does the actual sizing of the tab control. """
-        if not self._tabs:
-            return
-        hideOnSingle = ((self._tabs.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB) and \
-                        self._tabs.GetPageCount() <= 1)
-        if not hideOnSingle and not self._parent._hide_tabs:
-            tab_height = self._tab_ctrl_height
-            self._tab_rect = wx.Rect(self._rect.x, self._rect.y, self._rect.width, self._tab_ctrl_height)
-            if self._tabs.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-                self._tab_rect = wx.Rect(self._rect.x, self._rect.y + self._rect.height - tab_height,
-                                         self._rect.width, tab_height)
-                self._tabs.SetDimensions(self._rect.x, self._rect.y + self._rect.height - tab_height,
-                                         self._rect.width, tab_height)
-                self._tabs.SetTabRect(wx.Rect(0, 0, self._rect.width, tab_height))
-            else:
-                self._tab_rect = wx.Rect(self._rect.x, self._rect.y, self._rect.width, tab_height)
-                self._tabs.SetDimensions(self._rect.x, self._rect.y, self._rect.width, tab_height)
-                self._tabs.SetTabRect(wx.Rect(0, 0, self._rect.width, tab_height))
-            # TODO: elif (GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_LEFT)
-            # TODO: elif (GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_RIGHT)
-            self._tabs.Refresh()
-            self._tabs.Update()
-        else:
-            tab_height = 0
-            self._tabs.SetDimensions(self._rect.x, self._rect.y, self._rect.width, tab_height)
-            self._tabs.SetTabRect(wx.Rect(0, 0, self._rect.width, tab_height))
-        pages = self._tabs.GetPages()
-        for page in pages:
-            height = self._rect.height - tab_height
-            if height < 0:
-                # avoid passing negative height to wx.Window.SetSize(), this
-                # results in assert failures/GTK+ warnings
-                height = 0
-            if self._tabs.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-                page.window.SetDimensions(self._rect.x, self._rect.y, self._rect.width, height)
-            else:
-                page.window.SetDimensions(self._rect.x, self._rect.y + tab_height,
-                                          self._rect.width, height)
-            # TODO: elif (GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_LEFT)
-            # TODO: elif (GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_RIGHT)
-            if repr(page.window.__class__).find("AuiMDIChildFrame") >= 0:
-                page.window.ApplyMDIChildFrameRect()
-    def Update(self):
-        """
-        Calling this method immediately repaints the invalidated area of the window
-        and all of its children recursively while this would usually only happen when
-        the flow of control returns to the event loop.
-        :note: Notice that this function doesn't invalidate any area of the window so
-         nothing happens if nothing has been invalidated (i.e. marked as requiring a redraw).
-         Use `Refresh` first if you want to immediately redraw the window unconditionally.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
-        """
-        # does nothing
-        pass
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -- AuiNotebook class implementation --
-class AuiNotebook(wx.PyPanel):
-    """
-    AuiNotebook is a notebook control which implements many features common in
-    applications with dockable panes. Specifically, AuiNotebook implements functionality
-    which allows the user to rearrange tab order via drag-and-drop, split the tab window
-    into many different splitter configurations, and toggle through different themes to
-    customize the control's look and feel.
-    An effort has been made to try to maintain an API as similar to that of `wx.Notebook`.
-    The default theme that is used is L{AuiDefaultTabArt}, which provides a modern, glossy
-    look and feel. The theme can be changed by calling L{AuiNotebook.SetArtProvider}.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
-                 style=0, agwStyle=AUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        :param `parent`: the L{AuiNotebook} parent;
-        :param `id`: an identifier for the control: a value of -1 is taken to mean a default;
-        :param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
-         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
-        :param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
-         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
-        :param `style`: the underlying `wx.PyPanel` window style;
-        :param `agwStyle`: the AGW-specific window style. This can be a combination of the following bits:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_NB_TOP``                       With this style, tabs are drawn along the top of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_LEFT``                      With this style, tabs are drawn along the left of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_RIGHT``                     With this style, tabs are drawn along the right of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_BOTTOM``                    With this style, tabs are drawn along the bottom of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT``                 Allows the tab control to be split by dragging a tab
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE``                  Allows a tab to be moved horizontally by dragging
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE``         Allows a tab to be moved to another tab control
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH``           With this style, all tabs have the same width
-         ``AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS``            With this style, left and right scroll buttons are displayed
-         ``AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON``         With this style, a drop-down list of windows is available
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON``              With this style, a close button is available on the tab bar
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB``       With this style, a close button is available on the active tab
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS``         With this style, a close button is available on all tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE``        Allows to close L{AuiNotebook} tabs by mouse middle button click
-         ``AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK``              This style is used by L{AuiManager} to create automatic AuiNotebooks
-         ``AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB``        Hides the tab window if only one tab is present
-         ``AUI_NB_SMART_TABS``                Use Smart Tabbing, like ``Alt`` + ``Tab`` on Windows
-         ``AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN``       Uses images on dropdown window list menu instead of check items
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT``         Draws the tab close button on the left instead of on the right (a la Camino browser)
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT``                 Allows the floating of single tabs. Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages
-         ``AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB``              Draws an image representation of a tab while dragging (on by default)
-         ``AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS``           Tab navigation order by last access time for the tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS``              Don't draw tab focus rectangle
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Default value for `agwStyle` is:
-        """
-        self._curpage = -1
-        self._tab_id_counter = AuiBaseTabCtrlId
-        self._dummy_wnd = None
-        self._hide_tabs = False
-        self._sash_dclick_unsplit = False
-        self._tab_ctrl_height = 20
-        self._requested_bmp_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        self._requested_tabctrl_height = -1
-        self._textCtrl = None
-        self._tabBounds = (-1, -1)
-        wx.PyPanel.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style|wx.BORDER_NONE|wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
-        self._mgr = framemanager.AuiManager()
-        self._tabs = AuiTabContainer(self)
-        self.InitNotebook(agwStyle)
-    def GetTabContainer(self):
-        """ Returns the instance of L{AuiTabContainer}. """
-        return self._tabs
-    def InitNotebook(self, agwStyle):
-        """
-        Contains common initialization code called by all constructors.
-        :param `agwStyle`: the notebook style.
-        :see: L{__init__}
-        """
-        self.SetName("AuiNotebook")
-        self._agwFlags = agwStyle
-        self._popupWin = None
-        self._naviIcon = None
-        self._imageList = None
-        self._last_drag_x = 0
-        self._normal_font = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        self._selected_font = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        self._selected_font.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
-        self.SetArtProvider(TA.AuiDefaultTabArt())
-        self._dummy_wnd = wx.Window(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.Point(0, 0), wx.Size(0, 0))
-        self._dummy_wnd.SetSize((200, 200))
-        self._dummy_wnd.Show(False)
-        self._mgr.SetManagedWindow(self)
-        self._mgr.SetAGWFlags(AUI_MGR_DEFAULT)
-        self._mgr.SetDockSizeConstraint(1.0, 1.0) # no dock size constraint
-        self._mgr.AddPane(self._dummy_wnd, framemanager.AuiPaneInfo().Name("dummy").Bottom().CaptionVisible(False).Show(False))
-        self._mgr.Update()
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHILD_FOCUS, self.OnChildFocusNotebook)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnTabClicked,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG, self.OnTabBeginDrag,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG, self.OnTabEndDrag,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION, self.OnTabDragMotion,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_CANCEL_DRAG, self.OnTabCancelDrag,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON, self.OnTabButton,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.OnTabMiddleDown,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP, self.OnTabMiddleUp,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnTabRightDown,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP, self.OnTabRightUp,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK, self.OnTabBgDClick,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_DCLICK, self.OnTabDClick,
-                  id=AuiBaseTabCtrlId, id2=AuiBaseTabCtrlId+500)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY, self.OnNavigationKeyNotebook)
-    def SetArtProvider(self, art):
-        """
-        Sets the art provider to be used by the notebook.
-        :param `art`: an art provider.
-        """
-        self._tabs.SetArtProvider(art)
-        self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight(force=True)
-    def SavePerspective(self):
-        """
-        Saves the entire user interface layout into an encoded string, which can then
-        be stored by the application (probably using `wx.Config`). When a perspective
-        is restored using L{LoadPerspective}, the entire user interface will return
-        to the state it was when the perspective was saved.
-        """
-        # Build list of panes/tabs
-        tabs = ""
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tabframe = pane.window
-            if tabs:
-                tabs += "|"
-            tabs += + "="
-            # add tab id's
-            page_count = tabframe._tabs.GetPageCount()
-            for p in xrange(page_count):
-                page = tabframe._tabs.GetPage(p)
-                page_idx = self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(page.window)
-                if p:
-                    tabs += ","
-                if p == tabframe._tabs.GetActivePage():
-                    tabs += "+"
-                elif page_idx == self._curpage:
-                    tabs += "*"
-                tabs += "%u"%page_idx
-        tabs += "@"
-        # Add frame perspective
-        tabs += self._mgr.SavePerspective()
-        return tabs
-    def LoadPerspective(self, layout):
-        """
-        Loads a layout which was saved with L{SavePerspective}.
-        :param `layout`: a string which contains a saved L{AuiNotebook} layout.
-        """
-        # Remove all tab ctrls (but still keep them in main index)
-        tab_count = self._tabs.GetPageCount()
-        for i in xrange(tab_count):
-            wnd = self._tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(i)
-            # find out which onscreen tab ctrl owns this tab
-            ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(wnd)
-            if not ctrl:
-                return False
-            # remove the tab from ctrl
-            if not ctrl.RemovePage(wnd):
-                return False
-        self.RemoveEmptyTabFrames()
-        sel_page = 0
-        tabs = layout[0:layout.index("@")]
-        to_break1 = False
-        while 1:
-            if "|" not in tabs:
-                to_break1 = True
-                tab_part = tabs
-            else:
-                tab_part = tabs[0:tabs.index('|')]
-            if "=" not in tab_part:
-                # No pages in this perspective...
-                return False
-            # Get pane name
-            pane_name = tab_part[0:tab_part.index("=")]
-            # create a new tab frame
-            new_tabs = TabFrame(self)
-            self._tab_id_counter += 1
-            new_tabs._tabs = AuiTabCtrl(self, self._tab_id_counter)
-            new_tabs._tabs.SetArtProvider(self._tabs.GetArtProvider().Clone())
-            new_tabs.SetTabCtrlHeight(self._tab_ctrl_height)
-            new_tabs._tabs.SetAGWFlags(self._agwFlags)
-            dest_tabs = new_tabs._tabs
-            # create a pane info structure with the information
-            # about where the pane should be added
-            pane_info = framemanager.AuiPaneInfo().Name(pane_name).Bottom().CaptionVisible(False)
-            self._mgr.AddPane(new_tabs, pane_info)
-            # Get list of tab id's and move them to pane
-            tab_list = tab_part[tab_part.index("=")+1:]
-            to_break2, active_found = False, False
-            while 1:
-                if "," not in tab_list:
-                    to_break2 = True
-                    tab = tab_list
-                else:
-                    tab = tab_list[0:tab_list.index(",")]
-                    tab_list = tab_list[tab_list.index(",")+1:]
-                # Check if this page has an 'active' marker
-                c = tab[0]
-                if c in ['+', '*']:
-                    tab = tab[1:]
-                tab_idx = int(tab)
-                if tab_idx >= self.GetPageCount():
-                    to_break1 = True
-                    break
-                # Move tab to pane
-                page = self._tabs.GetPage(tab_idx)
-                newpage_idx = dest_tabs.GetPageCount()
-                dest_tabs.InsertPage(page.window, page, newpage_idx)
-                if c == '+':
-                    dest_tabs.SetActivePage(newpage_idx)
-                    active_found = True
-                elif c == '*':
-                    sel_page = tab_idx
-                if to_break2:
-                    break
-            if not active_found:
-                dest_tabs.SetActivePage(0)
-            new_tabs.DoSizing()
-            dest_tabs.DoShowHide()
-            dest_tabs.Refresh()
-            if to_break1:
-                break
-            tabs = tabs[tabs.index('|')+1:]
-        # Load the frame perspective
-        frames = layout[layout.index('@')+1:]
-        self._mgr.LoadPerspective(frames)
-        # Force refresh of selection
-        self._curpage = -1
-        self.SetSelection(sel_page)
-        return True
-    def SetTabCtrlHeight(self, height):
-        """
-        Sets the tab height.
-        By default, the tab control height is calculated by measuring the text
-        height and bitmap sizes on the tab captions.
-        Calling this method will override that calculation and set the tab control
-        to the specified height parameter. A call to this method will override
-        any call to L{SetUniformBitmapSize}. Specifying -1 as the height will
-        return the control to its default auto-sizing behaviour.
-        :param `height`: the tab control area height.
-        """
-        self._requested_tabctrl_height = height
-        # if window is already initialized, recalculate the tab height
-        if self._dummy_wnd:
-            self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight()
-    def SetUniformBitmapSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Ensures that all tabs will have the same height, even if some tabs
-        don't have bitmaps. Passing ``wx.DefaultSize`` to this
-        function will instruct the control to use dynamic tab height, which is
-        the default behaviour. Under the default behaviour, when a tab with a
-        large bitmap is added, the tab control's height will automatically
-        increase to accommodate the larger bitmap.
-        :param `size`: an instance of `wx.Size` specifying the tab bitmap size.
-        """
-        self._requested_bmp_size = wx.Size(*size)
-        # if window is already initialized, recalculate the tab height
-        if self._dummy_wnd:
-            self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight()
-    def UpdateTabCtrlHeight(self, force=False):
-        """
-        UpdateTabCtrlHeight() does the actual tab resizing. It's meant
-        to be used interally.
-        :param `force`: ``True`` to force the tab art to repaint.
-        """
-        # get the tab ctrl height we will use
-        height = self.CalculateTabCtrlHeight()
-        # if the tab control height needs to change, update
-        # all of our tab controls with the new height
-        if self._tab_ctrl_height != height or force:
-            art = self._tabs.GetArtProvider()
-            self._tab_ctrl_height = height
-            all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-            for pane in all_panes:
-                if == "dummy":
-                    continue
-                tab_frame = pane.window
-                tabctrl = tab_frame._tabs
-                tab_frame.SetTabCtrlHeight(self._tab_ctrl_height)
-                tabctrl.SetArtProvider(art.Clone())
-                tab_frame.DoSizing()
-    def UpdateHintWindowSize(self):
-        """ Updates the L{AuiManager} hint window size. """
-        size = self.CalculateNewSplitSize()
-        # the placeholder hint window should be set to this size
-        info = self._mgr.GetPane("dummy")
-        if info.IsOk():
-            info.MinSize(size)
-            info.BestSize(size)
-            self._dummy_wnd.SetSize(size)
-    def CalculateNewSplitSize(self):
-        """ Calculates the size of the new split. """
-        # count number of tab controls
-        tab_ctrl_count = 0
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tab_ctrl_count += 1
-        # if there is only one tab control, the first split
-        # should happen around the middle
-        if tab_ctrl_count < 2:
-            new_split_size = self.GetClientSize()
-            new_split_size.x /= 2
-            new_split_size.y /= 2
-        else:
-            # this is in place of a more complicated calculation
-            # that needs to be implemented
-            new_split_size = wx.Size(180, 180)
-        return new_split_size
-    def CalculateTabCtrlHeight(self):
-        """ Calculates the tab control area height. """
-        # if a fixed tab ctrl height is specified,
-        # just return that instead of calculating a
-        # tab height
-        if self._requested_tabctrl_height != -1:
-            return self._requested_tabctrl_height
-        # find out new best tab height
-        art = self._tabs.GetArtProvider()
-        return art.GetBestTabCtrlSize(self, self._tabs.GetPages(), self._requested_bmp_size)
-    def GetArtProvider(self):
-        """ Returns the associated art provider. """
-        return self._tabs.GetArtProvider()
-    def SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self, agwStyle):
-        """
-        Sets the AGW-specific style of the window.
-        :param `agwStyle`: the new window style. This can be a combination of the following bits:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_NB_TOP``                       With this style, tabs are drawn along the top of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_LEFT``                      With this style, tabs are drawn along the left of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_RIGHT``                     With this style, tabs are drawn along the right of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_BOTTOM``                    With this style, tabs are drawn along the bottom of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT``                 Allows the tab control to be split by dragging a tab
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE``                  Allows a tab to be moved horizontally by dragging
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE``         Allows a tab to be moved to another tab control
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH``           With this style, all tabs have the same width
-         ``AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS``            With this style, left and right scroll buttons are displayed
-         ``AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON``         With this style, a drop-down list of windows is available
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON``              With this style, a close button is available on the tab bar
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB``       With this style, a close button is available on the active tab
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS``         With this style, a close button is available on all tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE``        Allows to close L{AuiNotebook} tabs by mouse middle button click
-         ``AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK``              This style is used by L{AuiManager} to create automatic AuiNotebooks
-         ``AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB``        Hides the tab window if only one tab is present
-         ``AUI_NB_SMART_TABS``                Use Smart Tabbing, like ``Alt`` + ``Tab`` on Windows
-         ``AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN``       Uses images on dropdown window list menu instead of check items
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT``         Draws the tab close button on the left instead of on the right (a la Camino browser)
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT``                 Allows the floating of single tabs. Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages
-         ``AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB``              Draws an image representation of a tab while dragging (on by default)
-         ``AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS``           Tab navigation order by last access time for the tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS``              Don't draw tab focus rectangle
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        :note: Please note that some styles cannot be changed after the window
-         creation and that `Refresh` might need to be be called after changing the
-         others for the change to take place immediately.
-        :todo: Implementation of flags ``AUI_NB_RIGHT`` and ``AUI_NB_LEFT``.
-        """
-        self._agwFlags = agwStyle
-        # if the control is already initialized
-        if self._mgr.GetManagedWindow() == self:
-            # let all of the tab children know about the new style
-            all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-            for pane in all_panes:
-                if == "dummy":
-                    continue
-                tabframe = pane.window
-                tabctrl = tabframe._tabs
-                tabctrl.SetAGWFlags(self._agwFlags)
-                tabframe.DoSizing()
-                tabctrl.Refresh()
-                tabctrl.Update()
-    def GetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self):
-        """
-        Returns the AGW-specific style of the window.
-        :see: L{SetAGWWindowStyleFlag} for a list of possible AGW-specific window styles.
-        """
-        return self._agwFlags
-    def AddPage(self, page, caption, select=False, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, disabled_bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, control=None):
-        """
-        Adds a page. If the `select` parameter is ``True``, calling this will generate a
-        page change event.
-        :param `page`: the page to be added;
-        :param `caption`: specifies the text for the new page;
-        :param `select`: specifies whether the page should be selected;
-        :param `bitmap`: the `wx.Bitmap` to display in the enabled tab;
-        :param `disabled_bitmap`: the `wx.Bitmap` to display in the disabled tab;
-        :param `control`: a `wx.Window` instance inside a tab (or ``None``).
-        """
-        return self.InsertPage(self.GetPageCount(), page, caption, select, bitmap, disabled_bitmap, control)
-    def InsertPage(self, page_idx, page, caption, select=False, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, disabled_bitmap=wx.NullBitmap,
-                   control=None):
-        """
-        This is similar to L{AddPage}, but allows the ability to specify the insert location.
-        :param `page_idx`: specifies the position for the new page;
-        :param `page`: the page to be added;
-        :param `caption`: specifies the text for the new page;
-        :param `select`: specifies whether the page should be selected;
-        :param `bitmap`: the `wx.Bitmap` to display in the enabled tab;
-        :param `disabled_bitmap`: the `wx.Bitmap` to display in the disabled tab;
-        :param `control`: a `wx.Window` instance inside a tab (or ``None``).
-        """
-        if not page:
-            return False
-        page.Reparent(self)
-        info = AuiNotebookPage()
-        info.window = page
-        info.caption = caption
-        info.bitmap = bitmap
- = False
-        info.control = control
-        originalPaneMgr = framemanager.GetManager(page)
-        if originalPaneMgr:
-            originalPane = originalPaneMgr.GetPane(page)
-            if originalPane:
-                info.hasCloseButton = originalPane.HasCloseButton()
-        if bitmap.IsOk() and not disabled_bitmap.IsOk():
-            disabled_bitmap = MakeDisabledBitmap(bitmap)
-            info.dis_bitmap = disabled_bitmap
-        # if there are currently no tabs, the first added
-        # tab must be active
-        if self._tabs.GetPageCount() == 0:
-   = True
-        self._tabs.InsertPage(page, info, page_idx)
-        # if that was the first page added, even if
-        # select is False, it must become the "current page"
-        # (though no select events will be fired)
-        if not select and self._tabs.GetPageCount() == 1:
-            select = True
-        active_tabctrl = self.GetActiveTabCtrl()
-        if page_idx >= active_tabctrl.GetPageCount():
-            active_tabctrl.AddPage(page, info)
-        else:
-            active_tabctrl.InsertPage(page, info, page_idx)
-        force = False
-        if control:
-            force = True
-            control.Reparent(active_tabctrl)
-            control.Show()
-        self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight(force=force)
-        self.DoSizing()
-        active_tabctrl.DoShowHide()
-        # adjust selected index
-        if self._curpage >= page_idx:
-            self._curpage += 1
-        if select:
-            self.SetSelectionToWindow(page)
-        return True
-    def DeletePage(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Deletes a page at the given index. Calling this method will generate a page
-        change event.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index to be deleted.
-        :note: L{DeletePage} removes a tab from the multi-notebook, and destroys the window as well.
-        :see: L{RemovePage}
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        wnd = self._tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(page_idx)
-        # hide the window in advance, as this will
-        # prevent flicker
-        wnd.Show(False)
-        self.RemoveControlFromPage(page_idx)
-        if not self.RemovePage(page_idx):
-            return False
-        wnd.Destroy()
-        return True
-    def RemovePage(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Removes a page, without deleting the window pointer.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index to be removed.
-        :note: L{RemovePage} removes a tab from the multi-notebook, but does not destroy the window.
-        :see: L{DeletePage}
-        """
-        # save active window pointer
-        active_wnd = None
-        if self._curpage >= 0:
-            active_wnd = self._tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(self._curpage)
-        # save pointer of window being deleted
-        wnd = self._tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(page_idx)
-        new_active = None
-        # make sure we found the page
-        if not wnd:
-            return False
-        # find out which onscreen tab ctrl owns this tab
-        ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(wnd)
-        if not ctrl:
-            return False
-        currentPage = ctrl.GetPage(ctrl_idx)
-        is_curpage = (self._curpage == page_idx)
-        is_active_in_split =
-        # remove the tab from main catalog
-        if not self._tabs.RemovePage(wnd):
-            return False
-        # remove the tab from the onscreen tab ctrl
-        ctrl.RemovePage(wnd)
-        if is_active_in_split:
-            ctrl_new_page_count = ctrl.GetPageCount()
-            if ctrl_idx >= ctrl_new_page_count:
-                ctrl_idx = ctrl_new_page_count - 1
-            if ctrl_idx >= 0 and ctrl_idx < ctrl.GetPageCount():
-                ctrl_idx = self.FindNextActiveTab(ctrl_idx, ctrl)
-                # set new page as active in the tab split
-                ctrl.SetActivePage(ctrl_idx)
-                # if the page deleted was the current page for the
-                # entire tab control, then record the window
-                # pointer of the new active page for activation
-                if is_curpage:
-                    new_active = ctrl.GetWindowFromIdx(ctrl_idx)
-        else:
-            # we are not deleting the active page, so keep it the same
-            new_active = active_wnd
-        if not new_active:
-            # we haven't yet found a new page to active,
-            # so select the next page from the main tab
-            # catalogue
-            if 0 <= page_idx < self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-                new_active = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx).window
-            if not new_active and self._tabs.GetPageCount() > 0:
-                new_active = self._tabs.GetPage(0).window
-        self.RemoveEmptyTabFrames()
-        # set new active pane
-        if new_active:
-            if not self.IsBeingDeleted():
-                self._curpage = -1
-                self.SetSelectionToWindow(new_active)
-        else:
-            self._curpage = -1
-            self._tabs.SetNoneActive()
-        return True
-    def FindNextActiveTab(self, ctrl_idx, ctrl):
-        """
-        Finds the next active tab (used mainly when L{AuiNotebook} has inactive/disabled
-        tabs in it).
-        :param `ctrl_idx`: the index of the first (most obvious) tab to check for active status;
-        :param `ctrl`: an instance of L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        """
-        if self.GetEnabled(ctrl_idx):
-            return ctrl_idx
-        for indx in xrange(ctrl_idx, ctrl.GetPageCount()):
-            if self.GetEnabled(indx):
-                return indx
-        for indx in xrange(ctrl_idx, -1, -1):
-            if self.GetEnabled(indx):
-                return indx
-        return 0
-    def HideAllTabs(self, hidden=True):
-        """
-        Hides all tabs on the L{AuiNotebook} control.
-        :param `hidden`: if ``True`` hides all tabs.
-        """
-        self._hide_tabs = hidden
-    def SetSashDClickUnsplit(self, unsplit=True):
-        """
-        Sets whether to unsplit a splitted L{AuiNotebook} when double-clicking on a sash.
-        :param `unsplit`: ``True`` to unsplit on sash double-clicking, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        self._sash_dclick_unsplit = unsplit
-    def GetSashDClickUnsplit(self):
-        """
-        Returns whether a splitted L{AuiNotebook} can be unsplitted by double-clicking
-        on the splitter sash.
-        """
-        return self._sash_dclick_unsplit
-    def SetMinMaxTabWidth(self, minTabWidth, maxTabWidth):
-        """
-        Sets the minimum and/or the maximum tab widths for L{AuiNotebook} when the
-        ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH`` style is defined.
-        Pass -1 to either `minTabWidth` or `maxTabWidth` to reset to the default tab
-        width behaviour for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `minTabWidth`: the minimum allowed tab width, in pixels;
-        :param `maxTabWidth`: the maximum allowed tab width, in pixels.
-        :note: Minimum and maximum tabs widths are used only when the ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH``
-         style is present.
-        """
-        if minTabWidth > maxTabWidth:
-            raise Exception("Minimum tab width must be less or equal than maximum tab width")
-        self._tabBounds = (minTabWidth, maxTabWidth)
-        self.SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self._agwFlags)
-    def GetMinMaxTabWidth(self):
-        """
-        Returns the minimum and the maximum tab widths for L{AuiNotebook} when the
-        ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH`` style is defined.
-        :note: Minimum and maximum tabs widths are used only when the ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH``
-         style is present.
-        :see: L{SetMinMaxTabWidth} for more information.
-        """
-        return self._tabBounds
-    def GetPageIndex(self, page_wnd):
-        """
-        Returns the page index for the specified window. If the window is not
-        found in the notebook, ``wx.NOT_FOUND`` is returned.
-        """
-        return self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(page_wnd)
-    def SetPageText(self, page_idx, text):
-        """
-        Sets the tab label for the page.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index;
-        :param `text`: the new tab label.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        # update our own tab catalog
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        should_refresh = page_info.caption != text
-        page_info.caption = text
-        # update what's on screen
-        ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(page_info.window)
-        if not ctrl:
-            return False
-        info = ctrl.GetPage(ctrl_idx)
-        should_refresh = should_refresh or info.caption != text
-        info.caption = text
-        if should_refresh:
-            ctrl.Refresh()
-            ctrl.Update()
-        self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight(force=True)
-        return True
-    def GetPageText(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Returns the tab label for the page.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return ""
-        # update our own tab catalog
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        return page_info.caption
-    def SetPageBitmap(self, page_idx, bitmap):
-        """
-        Sets the tab bitmap for the page.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index;
-        :param `bitmap`: an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        # update our own tab catalog
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        should_refresh = page_info.bitmap is not bitmap
-        page_info.bitmap = bitmap
-        if bitmap.IsOk() and not page_info.dis_bitmap.IsOk():
-            page_info.dis_bitmap = MakeDisabledBitmap(bitmap)
-        # tab height might have changed
-        self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight()
-        # update what's on screen
-        ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(page_info.window)
-        if not ctrl:
-            return False
-        info = ctrl.GetPage(ctrl_idx)
-        should_refresh = should_refresh or info.bitmap is not bitmap
-        info.bitmap = bitmap
-        info.dis_bitmap = page_info.dis_bitmap
-        if should_refresh:
-            ctrl.Refresh()
-            ctrl.Update()
-        return True
-    def GetPageBitmap(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Returns the tab bitmap for the page.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return wx.NullBitmap
-        # update our own tab catalog
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        return page_info.bitmap
-    def SetImageList(self, imageList):
-        """
-        Sets the image list for the L{AuiNotebook} control.
-        :param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.
-        """
-        self._imageList = imageList
-    def AssignImageList(self, imageList):
-        """
-        Sets the image list for the L{AuiNotebook} control.
-        :param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.
-        """
-        self.SetImageList(imageList)
-    def GetImageList(self):
-        """ Returns the associated image list (if any). """
-        return self._imageList
-    def SetPageImage(self, page, image):
-        """
-        Sets the image index for the given page.
-        :param `page`: the page index;
-        :param `image`: an index into the image list which was set with L{SetImageList}.
-        """
-        if page >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        if not isinstance(image, types.IntType):
-            raise Exception("The image parameter must be an integer, you passed " \
-                            "%s"%repr(image))
-        if not self._imageList:
-            raise Exception("To use SetPageImage you need to associate an image list " \
-                            "Using SetImageList or AssignImageList")
-        if image >= self._imageList.GetImageCount():
-            raise Exception("Invalid image index (%d), the image list contains only" \
-                            " (%d) bitmaps"%(image, self._imageList.GetImageCount()))
-        if image == -1:
-            self.SetPageBitmap(page, wx.NullBitmap)
-            return
-        bitmap = self._imageList.GetBitmap(image)
-        self.SetPageBitmap(page, bitmap)
-    def GetPageImage(self, page):
-        """
-        Returns the image index for the given page.
-        :param `page`: the given page for which to retrieve the image index.
-        """
-        if page >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        bitmap = self.GetPageBitmap(page)
-        for indx in xrange(self._imageList.GetImageCount()):
-            imgListBmp = self._imageList.GetBitmap(indx)
-            if imgListBmp == bitmap:
-                return indx
-        return wx.NOT_FOUND
-    def SetPageTextColour(self, page_idx, colour):
-        """
-        Sets the tab text colour for the page.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index;
-        :param `colour`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        # update our own tab catalog
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        should_refresh = page_info.text_colour != colour
-        page_info.text_colour = colour
-        # update what's on screen
-        ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(page_info.window)
-        if not ctrl:
-            return False
-        info = ctrl.GetPage(ctrl_idx)
-        should_refresh = should_refresh or info.text_colour != colour
-        info.text_colour = page_info.text_colour
-        if should_refresh:
-            ctrl.Refresh()
-            ctrl.Update()
-        return True
-    def GetPageTextColour(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Returns the tab text colour for the page.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return wx.NullColour
-        # update our own tab catalog
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        return page_info.text_colour
-    def AddControlToPage(self, page_idx, control):
-        """
-        Adds a control inside a tab (not in the tab area).
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index;
-        :param `control`: an instance of `wx.Window`.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        # update our own tab catalog
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        page_info.control = control
-        # tab height might have changed
-        self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight(force=True)
-        # update what's on screen
-        ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(page_info.window)
-        if not ctrl:
-            return False
-        control.Reparent(ctrl)
-        info = ctrl.GetPage(ctrl_idx)
-        info.control = control
-        ctrl.Refresh()
-        ctrl.Update()
-        return True
-    def RemoveControlFromPage(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Removes a control from a tab (not from the tab area).
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        if page_info.control is None:
-            return False
-        page_info.control.Destroy()
-        page_info.control = None
-        # tab height might have changed
-        self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight(force=True)
-        # update what's on screen
-        ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(page_info.window)
-        if not ctrl:
-            return False
-        info = ctrl.GetPage(ctrl_idx)
-        info.control = None
-        ctrl.Refresh()
-        ctrl.Update()
-        return True
-    def SetCloseButton(self, page_idx, hasCloseButton):
-        """
-        Sets whether a tab should display a close button or not.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index;
-        :param `hasCloseButton`: ``True`` if the page displays a close button.
-        :note: This can only be called if ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS`` is specified.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS == 0:
-            raise Exception("SetCloseButton can only be used with AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS style.")
-        # update our own tab catalog
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        page_info.hasCloseButton = hasCloseButton
-        # update what's on screen
-        ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(page_info.window)
-        if not ctrl:
-            return False
-        info = ctrl.GetPage(ctrl_idx)
-        info.hasCloseButton = page_info.hasCloseButton
-        ctrl.Refresh()
-        ctrl.Update()
-        return True
-    def HasCloseButton(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Returns whether a tab displays a close button or not.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index.
-        :note: This can only be called if ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS`` is specified.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        return page_info.hasCloseButton
-    def GetSelection(self):
-        """ Returns the index of the currently active page, or -1 if none was selected. """
-        return self._curpage
-    def GetCurrentPage(self):
-        """ Returns the currently active page (not the index), or ``None`` if none was selected. """
-        if self._curpage >= 0 and self._curpage < self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return self.GetPage(self._curpage)
-        return None
-    def EnsureVisible(self, indx):
-        """
-        Ensures the input page index `indx` is visible.
-        :param `indx`: the page index.
-        """
-        self._tabs.MakeTabVisible(indx, self)
-    def SetSelection(self, new_page, force=False):
-        """
-        Sets the page selection. Calling this method will generate a page change event.
-        :param `new_page`: the index of the new selection;
-        :param `force`: whether to force the selection or not.
-        """
-        wnd = self._tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(new_page)
-        #Update page access time
-        self._tabs.GetPages()[new_page].access_time =
-        if not wnd or not self.GetEnabled(new_page):
-            return self._curpage
-        # don't change the page unless necessary
-        # however, clicking again on a tab should give it the focus.
-        if new_page == self._curpage and not force:
-            ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(wnd)
-            if wx.Window.FindFocus() != ctrl:
-                ctrl.SetFocus()
-            return self._curpage
-        evt = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.GetId())
-        evt.SetSelection(new_page)
-        evt.SetOldSelection(self._curpage)
-        evt.SetEventObject(self)
-        if not self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt) or evt.IsAllowed():
-            old_curpage = self._curpage
-            self._curpage = new_page
-            # program allows the page change
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt)
-            if not evt.IsAllowed(): # event is no longer allowed after handler
-                return self._curpage
-            ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(wnd)
-            if ctrl:
-                self._tabs.SetActivePage(wnd)
-                ctrl.SetActivePage(ctrl_idx)
-                self.DoSizing()
-                ctrl.DoShowHide()
-                ctrl.MakeTabVisible(ctrl_idx, ctrl)
-                # set fonts
-                all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-                for pane in all_panes:
-                    if == "dummy":
-                        continue
-                    tabctrl = pane.window._tabs
-                    if tabctrl != ctrl:
-                        tabctrl.SetSelectedFont(self._normal_font)
-                    else:
-                        tabctrl.SetSelectedFont(self._selected_font)
-                    tabctrl.Refresh()
-                    tabctrl.Update()
-                # Set the focus to the page if we're not currently focused on the tab.
-                # This is Firefox-like behaviour.
-                if wnd.IsShownOnScreen() and wx.Window.FindFocus() != ctrl:
-                    wnd.SetFocus()
-                return old_curpage
-        return self._curpage
-    def SetSelectionToWindow(self, win):
-        """
-        Sets the selection based on the input window `win`.
-        :param `win`: a `wx.Window` derived window.
-        """
-        idx = self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(win)
-        if idx == wx.NOT_FOUND:
-            raise Exception("invalid notebook page")
-        if not self.GetEnabled(idx):
-            return
-        # since a tab was clicked, let the parent know that we received
-        # the focus, even if we will assign that focus immediately
-        # to the child tab in the SetSelection call below
-        # (the child focus event will also let AuiManager, if any,
-        # know that the notebook control has been activated)
-        parent = self.GetParent()
-        if parent:
-            eventFocus = wx.ChildFocusEvent(self)
-            parent.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(eventFocus)
-        self.SetSelection(idx)
-    def SetSelectionToPage(self, page):
-        """
-        Sets the selection based on the input page.
-        :param `page`: an instance of L{AuiNotebookPage}.
-        """
-        self.SetSelectionToWindow(page.window)
-    def GetPageCount(self):
-        """ Returns the number of pages in the notebook. """
-        return self._tabs.GetPageCount()
-    def GetPage(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Returns the page specified by the given index.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            raise Exception("invalid notebook page")
-        return self._tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(page_idx)
-    def GetPageInfo(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Returns the L{AuiNotebookPage} info structure specified by the given index.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            raise Exception("invalid notebook page")
-        return self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-    def GetEnabled(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Returns whether the page specified by the index `page_idx` is enabled.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index.
-        """
-        return self._tabs.GetEnabled(page_idx)
-    def EnableTab(self, page_idx, enable=True):
-        """
-        Enables/disables a page in the notebook.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index;
-        :param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the page, ``False`` to disable it.
-        """
-        self._tabs.EnableTab(page_idx, enable)
-        self.Refresh()
-    def DoSizing(self):
-        """ Performs all sizing operations in each tab control. """
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tabframe = pane.window
-            tabframe.DoSizing()
-    def GetAuiManager(self):
-        """ Returns the associated L{AuiManager}. """
-        return self._mgr
-    def GetActiveTabCtrl(self):
-        """
-        Returns the active tab control. It is called to determine which control
-        gets new windows being added.
-        """
-        if self._curpage >= 0 and self._curpage < self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            # find the tab ctrl with the current page
-            ctrl, idx = self.FindTab(self._tabs.GetPage(self._curpage).window)
-            if ctrl:
-                return ctrl
-        # no current page, just find the first tab ctrl
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tabframe = pane.window
-            return tabframe._tabs
-        # If there is no tabframe at all, create one
-        tabframe = TabFrame(self)
-        tabframe.SetTabCtrlHeight(self._tab_ctrl_height)
-        self._tab_id_counter += 1
-        tabframe._tabs = AuiTabCtrl(self, self._tab_id_counter)
-        tabframe._tabs.SetAGWFlags(self._agwFlags)
-        tabframe._tabs.SetArtProvider(self._tabs.GetArtProvider().Clone())
-        self._mgr.AddPane(tabframe, framemanager.AuiPaneInfo().Center().CaptionVisible(False).
-                          PaneBorder((self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK) == 0))
-        self._mgr.Update()
-        return tabframe._tabs
-    def FindTab(self, page):
-        """
-        Finds the tab control that currently contains the window as well
-        as the index of the window in the tab control. It returns ``True`` if the
-        window was found, otherwise ``False``.
-        :param `page`: an instance of L{AuiNotebookPage}.
-        """
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tabframe = pane.window
-            page_idx = tabframe._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(page)
-            if page_idx != -1:
-                ctrl = tabframe._tabs
-                idx = page_idx
-                return ctrl, idx
-        return None, wx.NOT_FOUND
-    def Split(self, page, direction):
-        """
-        Performs a split operation programmatically.
-        :param `page`: indicates the page that will be split off. This page will also become
-         the active page after the split.
-        :param `direction`: specifies where the pane should go, it should be one of the
-         following: ``wx.TOP``, ``wx.BOTTOM``, ``wx.LEFT``, or ``wx.RIGHT``.
-        """
-        cli_size = self.GetClientSize()
-        # get the page's window pointer
-        wnd = self.GetPage(page)
-        if not wnd:
-            return
-        # notebooks with 1 or less pages can't be split
-        if self.GetPageCount() < 2:
-            return
-        # find out which tab control the page currently belongs to
-        src_tabs, src_idx = self.FindTab(wnd)
-        if not src_tabs:
-            return
-        # choose a split size
-        if self.GetPageCount() > 2:
-            split_size = self.CalculateNewSplitSize()
-        else:
-            # because there are two panes, always split them
-            # equally
-            split_size = self.GetClientSize()
-            split_size.x /= 2
-            split_size.y /= 2
-        # create a new tab frame
-        new_tabs = TabFrame(self)
-        new_tabs._rect = wx.RectPS(wx.Point(0, 0), split_size)
-        new_tabs.SetTabCtrlHeight(self._tab_ctrl_height)
-        self._tab_id_counter += 1
-        new_tabs._tabs = AuiTabCtrl(self, self._tab_id_counter)
-        new_tabs._tabs.SetArtProvider(self._tabs.GetArtProvider().Clone())
-        new_tabs._tabs.SetAGWFlags(self._agwFlags)
-        dest_tabs = new_tabs._tabs
-        page_info = src_tabs.GetPage(src_idx)
-        if page_info.control:
-            self.ReparentControl(page_info.control, dest_tabs)
-        # create a pane info structure with the information
-        # about where the pane should be added
-        pane_info = framemanager.AuiPaneInfo().Bottom().CaptionVisible(False)
-        if direction == wx.LEFT:
-            pane_info.Left()
-            mouse_pt = wx.Point(0, cli_size.y/2)
-        elif direction == wx.RIGHT:
-            pane_info.Right()
-            mouse_pt = wx.Point(cli_size.x, cli_size.y/2)
-        elif direction == wx.TOP:
-            pane_info.Top()
-            mouse_pt = wx.Point(cli_size.x/2, 0)
-        elif direction == wx.BOTTOM:
-            pane_info.Bottom()
-            mouse_pt = wx.Point(cli_size.x/2, cli_size.y)
-        self._mgr.AddPane(new_tabs, pane_info, mouse_pt)
-        self._mgr.Update()
-        # remove the page from the source tabs
- = False
-        src_tabs.RemovePage(page_info.window)
-        if src_tabs.GetPageCount() > 0:
-            src_tabs.SetActivePage(0)
-            src_tabs.DoShowHide()
-            src_tabs.Refresh()
-        # add the page to the destination tabs
-        dest_tabs.InsertPage(page_info.window, page_info, 0)
-        if src_tabs.GetPageCount() == 0:
-            self.RemoveEmptyTabFrames()
-        self.DoSizing()
-        dest_tabs.DoShowHide()
-        dest_tabs.Refresh()
-        # force the set selection function reset the selection
-        self._curpage = -1
-        # set the active page to the one we just split off
-        self.SetSelectionToPage(page_info)
-        self.UpdateHintWindowSize()
-    def UnSplit(self):
-        """ Restores original view after a tab split. """
-        self.Freeze()
-        # remember the tab now selected
-        nowSelected = self.GetSelection()
-        # select first tab as destination
-        self.SetSelection(0)
-        # iterate all other tabs
-        for idx in xrange(1, self.GetPageCount()):
-            # get win reference
-            win = self.GetPage(idx)
-            # get tab title
-            title = self.GetPageText(idx)
-            # get page bitmap
-            bmp = self.GetPageBitmap(idx)
-            # remove from notebook
-            self.RemovePage(idx)
-            # re-add in the same position so it will tab
-            self.InsertPage(idx, win, title, False, bmp)
-        # restore orignial selected tab
-        self.SetSelection(nowSelected)
-        self.Thaw()
-    def ReparentControl(self, control, dest_tabs):
-        """
-        Reparents a control added inside a tab.
-        :param `control`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `dest_tabs`: the destination L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        """
-        control.Hide()
-        control.Reparent(dest_tabs)
-    def UnsplitDClick(self, part, sash_size, pos):
-        """
-        Unsplit the L{AuiNotebook} on sash double-click.
-        :param `part`: an UI part representing the sash;
-        :param `sash_size`: the sash size;
-        :param `pos`: the double-click mouse position.
-        :warning: Due to a bug on MSW, for disabled pages `wx.FindWindowAtPoint`
-         returns the wrong window. See
-        """
-        if not self._sash_dclick_unsplit:
-            # Unsplit not allowed
-            return
-        pos1 = wx.Point(*pos)
-        pos2 = wx.Point(*pos)
-        if part.orientation == wx.HORIZONTAL:
-            pos1.y -= 2*sash_size
-            pos2.y += 2*sash_size + self.GetTabCtrlHeight()
-        elif part.orientation == wx.VERTICAL:
-            pos1.x -= 2*sash_size
-            pos2.x += 2*sash_size
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Invalid UI part orientation")
-        pos1, pos2 = self.ClientToScreen(pos1), self.ClientToScreen(pos2)
-        win1, win2 = wx.FindWindowAtPoint(pos1), wx.FindWindowAtPoint(pos2)
-        if isinstance(win1, wx.ScrollBar):
-            # Hopefully it will work
-            pos1 = wx.Point(*pos)
-            shift = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_VSCROLL_X) + 2*(sash_size+1)
-            if part.orientation == wx.HORIZONTAL:
-                pos1.y -= shift
-            else:
-                pos1.x -= shift
-            pos1 = self.ClientToScreen(pos1)
-            win1 = wx.FindWindowAtPoint(pos1)
-        if isinstance(win2, wx.ScrollBar):
-            pos2 = wx.Point(*pos)
-            shift = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_VSCROLL_X) + 2*(sash_size+1)
-            if part.orientation == wx.HORIZONTAL:
-                pos2.y += shift
-            else:
-                pos2.x += shift
-            pos2 = self.ClientToScreen(pos2)
-            win2 = wx.FindWindowAtPoint(pos2)
-        if not win1 or not win2:
-            # How did we get here?
-            return
-        if isinstance(win1, AuiNotebook) or isinstance(win2, AuiNotebook):
-            # This is a bug on MSW, for disabled pages wx.FindWindowAtPoint
-            # returns the wrong window.
-            # See
-            return
-        tab_frame1, tab_frame2 = self.GetTabFrameFromWindow(win1), self.GetTabFrameFromWindow(win2)
-        if not tab_frame1 or not tab_frame2:
-            return
-        tab_ctrl_1, tab_ctrl_2 = tab_frame1._tabs, tab_frame2._tabs
-        if tab_ctrl_1.GetPageCount() > tab_ctrl_2.GetPageCount():
-            src_tabs = tab_ctrl_2
-            dest_tabs = tab_ctrl_1
-        else:
-            src_tabs = tab_ctrl_1
-            dest_tabs = tab_ctrl_2
-        selection = -1
-        page_count = dest_tabs.GetPageCount()
-        for page in xrange(src_tabs.GetPageCount()-1, -1, -1):
-            # remove the page from the source tabs
-            page_info = src_tabs.GetPage(page)
-            if
-                selection = page_count + page
-            src_tabs.RemovePage(page_info.window)
-            # add the page to the destination tabs
-            dest_tabs.AddPage(page_info.window, page_info)
-            if page_info.control:
-                self.ReparentControl(page_info.control, dest_tabs)
-        self.RemoveEmptyTabFrames()
-        dest_tabs.DoShowHide()
-        self.DoSizing()
-        dest_tabs.Refresh()
-        self._mgr.Update()
-        if selection > 0:
-            wx.CallAfter(dest_tabs.MakeTabVisible, selection, self)
-    def OnSize(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.SizeEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        self.UpdateHintWindowSize()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnTabClicked(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._textCtrl is not None:
-            self._textCtrl.StopEditing()
-        ctrl = event.GetEventObject()
-        assert ctrl != None
-        wnd = ctrl.GetWindowFromIdx(event.GetSelection())
-        assert wnd != None
-        self.SetSelectionToWindow(wnd)
-    def OnTabBgDClick(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._textCtrl is not None:
-            self._textCtrl.StopEditing()
-        # notify owner that the tabbar background has been double-clicked
-        e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK, self.GetId())
-        e.SetEventObject(self)
-        self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def OnTabDClick(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_DCLICK`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        # notify owner that the tabbar background has been double-clicked
-        e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_DCLICK, self.GetId())
-        e.SetEventObject(self)
-        self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not tabs.GetEnabled(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        if not self.IsRenamable(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        self.EditTab(event.GetSelection())
-    def OnTabBeginDrag(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not tabs.GetEnabled(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        self._last_drag_x = 0
-    def OnTabDragMotion(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not tabs.GetEnabled(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        if self._textCtrl is not None:
-            self._textCtrl.StopEditing()
-        screen_pt = wx.GetMousePosition()
-        client_pt = self.ScreenToClient(screen_pt)
-        zero = wx.Point(0, 0)
-        src_tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        dest_tabs = self.GetTabCtrlFromPoint(client_pt)
-        if dest_tabs == src_tabs:
-            # always hide the hint for inner-tabctrl drag
-            self._mgr.HideHint()
-            # if tab moving is not allowed, leave
-            if not self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE:
-                return
-            pt = dest_tabs.ScreenToClient(screen_pt)
-            # this is an inner-tab drag/reposition
-            dest_location_tab = dest_tabs.TabHitTest(pt.x, pt.y)
-            if dest_location_tab:
-                src_idx = event.GetSelection()
-                dest_idx = dest_tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(dest_location_tab)
-                # prevent jumpy drag
-                if (src_idx == dest_idx) or dest_idx == -1 or \
-                   (src_idx > dest_idx and self._last_drag_x <= pt.x) or \
-                   (src_idx < dest_idx and self._last_drag_x >= pt.x):
-                    self._last_drag_x = pt.x
-                    return
-                src_tab = dest_tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(src_idx)
-                dest_tabs.MovePage(src_tab, dest_idx)
-                self._tabs.MovePage(self._tabs.GetPage(src_idx).window, dest_idx)
-                dest_tabs.SetActivePage(dest_idx)
-                dest_tabs.DoShowHide()
-                dest_tabs.Refresh()
-                self._last_drag_x = pt.x
-            return
-        # if external drag is allowed, check if the tab is being dragged
-        # over a different AuiNotebook control
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE:
-            tab_ctrl = wx.FindWindowAtPoint(screen_pt)
-            # if we aren't over any window, stop here
-            if not tab_ctrl:
-                if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT:
-                    if self.IsMouseWellOutsideWindow():
-                        hintRect = wx.RectPS(screen_pt, (400, 300))
-                        # Use CallAfter so we overwrite the hint that might be
-                        # shown by our superclass:
-                        wx.CallAfter(self._mgr.ShowHint, hintRect)
-                return
-            # make sure we are not over the hint window
-            if not isinstance(tab_ctrl, wx.Frame):
-                while tab_ctrl:
-                    if isinstance(tab_ctrl, AuiTabCtrl):
-                        break
-                    tab_ctrl = tab_ctrl.GetParent()
-                if tab_ctrl:
-                    nb = tab_ctrl.GetParent()
-                    if nb != self:
-                        hint_rect = tab_ctrl.GetClientRect()
-                        hint_rect.x, hint_rect.y = tab_ctrl.ClientToScreenXY(hint_rect.x, hint_rect.y)
-                        self._mgr.ShowHint(hint_rect)
-                        return
-            else:
-                if not dest_tabs:
-                    # we are either over a hint window, or not over a tab
-                    # window, and there is no where to drag to, so exit
-                    return
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT:
-            if self.IsMouseWellOutsideWindow():
-                hintRect = wx.RectPS(screen_pt, (400, 300))
-                # Use CallAfter so we overwrite the hint that might be
-                # shown by our superclass:
-                wx.CallAfter(self._mgr.ShowHint, hintRect)
-                return
-        # if there are less than two panes, split can't happen, so leave
-        if self._tabs.GetPageCount() < 2:
-            return
-        # if tab moving is not allowed, leave
-        if not self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT:
-            return
-        if dest_tabs:
-            hint_rect = dest_tabs.GetRect()
-            hint_rect.x, hint_rect.y = self.ClientToScreenXY(hint_rect.x, hint_rect.y)
-            self._mgr.ShowHint(hint_rect)
-        else:
-            rect = self._mgr.CalculateHintRect(self._dummy_wnd, client_pt, zero)
-            if rect.IsEmpty():
-                self._mgr.HideHint()
-                return
-            hit_wnd = wx.FindWindowAtPoint(screen_pt)
-            if hit_wnd and not isinstance(hit_wnd, AuiNotebook):
-                tab_frame = self.GetTabFrameFromWindow(hit_wnd)
-                if tab_frame:
-                    hint_rect = wx.Rect(*tab_frame._rect)
-                    hint_rect.x, hint_rect.y = self.ClientToScreenXY(hint_rect.x, hint_rect.y)
-                    rect.Intersect(hint_rect)
-                    self._mgr.ShowHint(rect)
-                else:
-                    self._mgr.DrawHintRect(self._dummy_wnd, client_pt, zero)
-            else:
-                self._mgr.DrawHintRect(self._dummy_wnd, client_pt, zero)
-    def OnTabEndDrag(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not tabs.GetEnabled(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        self._mgr.HideHint()
-        src_tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not src_tabs:
-            raise Exception("no source object?")
-        # get the mouse position, which will be used to determine the drop point
-        mouse_screen_pt = wx.GetMousePosition()
-        mouse_client_pt = self.ScreenToClient(mouse_screen_pt)
-        # check for an external move
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE:
-            tab_ctrl = wx.FindWindowAtPoint(mouse_screen_pt)
-            while tab_ctrl:
-                if isinstance(tab_ctrl, AuiTabCtrl):
-                    break
-                tab_ctrl = tab_ctrl.GetParent()
-            if tab_ctrl:
-                nb = tab_ctrl.GetParent()
-                if nb != self:
-                    # find out from the destination control
-                    # if it's ok to drop this tab here
-                    e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_ALLOW_DND, self.GetId())
-                    e.SetSelection(event.GetSelection())
-                    e.SetOldSelection(event.GetSelection())
-                    e.SetEventObject(self)
-                    e.SetDragSource(self)
-                    e.Veto() # dropping must be explicitly approved by control owner
-                    nb.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-                    if not e.IsAllowed():
-                        # no answer or negative answer
-                        self._mgr.HideHint()
-                        return
-                    # drop was allowed
-                    src_idx = event.GetSelection()
-                    src_page = src_tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(src_idx)
-                    # Check that it's not an impossible parent relationship
-                    p = nb
-                    while p and not p.IsTopLevel():
-                        if p == src_page:
-                            return
-                        p = p.GetParent()
-                    # get main index of the page
-                    main_idx = self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(src_page)
-                    if main_idx == wx.NOT_FOUND:
-                        raise Exception("no source page?")
-                    # make a copy of the page info
-                    page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(main_idx)
-                    # remove the page from the source notebook
-                    self.RemovePage(main_idx)
-                    # reparent the page
-                    src_page.Reparent(nb)
-                    # Reparent the control in a tab (if any)
-                    if page_info.control:
-                        self.ReparentControl(page_info.control, tab_ctrl)
-                    # find out the insert idx
-                    dest_tabs = tab_ctrl
-                    pt = dest_tabs.ScreenToClient(mouse_screen_pt)
-                    target = dest_tabs.TabHitTest(pt.x, pt.y)
-                    insert_idx = -1
-                    if target:
-                        insert_idx = dest_tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(target)
-                    # add the page to the new notebook
-                    if insert_idx == -1:
-                        insert_idx = dest_tabs.GetPageCount()
-                    dest_tabs.InsertPage(page_info.window, page_info, insert_idx)
-                    nb._tabs.AddPage(page_info.window, page_info)
-                    nb.DoSizing()
-                    dest_tabs.DoShowHide()
-                    dest_tabs.Refresh()
-                    # set the selection in the destination tab control
-                    nb.SetSelectionToPage(page_info)
-                    # notify owner that the tab has been dragged
-                    e2 = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE, self.GetId())
-                    e2.SetSelection(event.GetSelection())
-                    e2.SetOldSelection(event.GetSelection())
-                    e2.SetEventObject(self)
-                    self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e2)
-                    # notify the target notebook that the tab has been dragged
-                    e3 = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE, nb.GetId())
-                    e3.SetSelection(insert_idx)
-                    e3.SetOldSelection(insert_idx)
-                    e3.SetEventObject(nb)
-                    nb.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e3)
-                    return
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT:
-            self._mgr.HideHint()
-            if self.IsMouseWellOutsideWindow():
-                # Use CallAfter so we our superclass can deal with the event first
-                wx.CallAfter(self.FloatPage, self.GetSelection())
-                event.Skip()
-                return
-        # only perform a tab split if it's allowed
-        dest_tabs = None
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT and self._tabs.GetPageCount() >= 2:
-            # If the pointer is in an existing tab frame, do a tab insert
-            hit_wnd = wx.FindWindowAtPoint(mouse_screen_pt)
-            tab_frame = self.GetTabFrameFromTabCtrl(hit_wnd)
-            insert_idx = -1
-            if tab_frame:
-                dest_tabs = tab_frame._tabs
-                if dest_tabs == src_tabs:
-                    return
-                pt = dest_tabs.ScreenToClient(mouse_screen_pt)
-                target = dest_tabs.TabHitTest(pt.x, pt.y)
-                if target:
-                    insert_idx = dest_tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(target)
-            else:
-                zero = wx.Point(0, 0)
-                rect = self._mgr.CalculateHintRect(self._dummy_wnd, mouse_client_pt, zero)
-                if rect.IsEmpty():
-                    # there is no suitable drop location here, exit out
-                    return
-                # If there is no tabframe at all, create one
-                new_tabs = TabFrame(self)
-                new_tabs._rect = wx.RectPS(wx.Point(0, 0), self.CalculateNewSplitSize())
-                new_tabs.SetTabCtrlHeight(self._tab_ctrl_height)
-                self._tab_id_counter += 1
-                new_tabs._tabs = AuiTabCtrl(self, self._tab_id_counter)
-                new_tabs._tabs.SetArtProvider(self._tabs.GetArtProvider().Clone())
-                new_tabs._tabs.SetAGWFlags(self._agwFlags)
-                self._mgr.AddPane(new_tabs, framemanager.AuiPaneInfo().Bottom().CaptionVisible(False), mouse_client_pt)
-                self._mgr.Update()
-                dest_tabs = new_tabs._tabs
-            # remove the page from the source tabs
-            page_info = src_tabs.GetPage(event.GetSelection())
-            if page_info.control:
-                self.ReparentControl(page_info.control, dest_tabs)
-   = False
-            src_tabs.RemovePage(page_info.window)
-            if src_tabs.GetPageCount() > 0:
-                src_tabs.SetActivePage(0)
-                src_tabs.DoShowHide()
-                src_tabs.Refresh()
-            # add the page to the destination tabs
-            if insert_idx == -1:
-                insert_idx = dest_tabs.GetPageCount()
-            dest_tabs.InsertPage(page_info.window, page_info, insert_idx)
-            if src_tabs.GetPageCount() == 0:
-                self.RemoveEmptyTabFrames()
-            self.DoSizing()
-            dest_tabs.DoShowHide()
-            dest_tabs.Refresh()
-            # force the set selection function reset the selection
-            self._curpage = -1
-            # set the active page to the one we just split off
-            self.SetSelectionToPage(page_info)
-            self.UpdateHintWindowSize()
-        # notify owner that the tab has been dragged
-        e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE, self.GetId())
-        e.SetSelection(event.GetSelection())
-        e.SetOldSelection(event.GetSelection())
-        e.SetEventObject(self)
-        self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def OnTabCancelDrag(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_CANCEL_DRAG`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not tabs.GetEnabled(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        self._mgr.HideHint()
-        src_tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not src_tabs:
-            raise Exception("no source object?")
-    def IsMouseWellOutsideWindow(self):
-        """ Returns whether the mouse is well outside the L{AuiNotebook} screen rectangle. """
-        screen_rect = self.GetScreenRect()
-        screen_rect.Inflate(50, 50)
-        return not screen_rect.Contains(wx.GetMousePosition())
-    def FloatPage(self, page_index):
-        """
-        Float the page in `page_index` by reparenting it to a floating frame.
-        :param `page_index`: the index of the page to be floated.
-        :warning: When the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far
-         enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages.
-        """
-        root_manager = framemanager.GetManager(self)
-        page_title = self.GetPageText(page_index)
-        page_contents = self.GetPage(page_index)
-        page_bitmap = self.GetPageBitmap(page_index)
-        text_colour = self.GetPageTextColour(page_index)
-        info = self.GetPageInfo(page_index)
-        if root_manager and root_manager != self._mgr:
-            root_manager = framemanager.GetManager(self)
-            if hasattr(page_contents, "__floating_size__"):
-                floating_size = wx.Size(*page_contents.__floating_size__)
-            else:
-                floating_size = page_contents.GetBestSize()
-                if floating_size == wx.DefaultSize:
-                    floating_size = wx.Size(300, 200)
-            page_contents.__page_index__ = page_index
-            page_contents.__aui_notebook__ = self
-            page_contents.__text_colour__ = text_colour
-            page_contents.__control__ = info.control
-            if info.control:
-                info.control.Reparent(page_contents)
-                info.control.Hide()
-                info.control = None
-            self.RemovePage(page_index)
-            self.RemoveEmptyTabFrames()
-            pane_info = framemanager.AuiPaneInfo().Float().FloatingPosition(wx.GetMousePosition()). \
-                        FloatingSize(floating_size).BestSize(floating_size).Name("__floating__%s"%page_title). \
-                        Caption(page_title).Icon(page_bitmap)
-            root_manager.AddPane(page_contents, pane_info)
-            root_manager.Bind(framemanager.EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE, self.OnCloseFloatingPage)
-            self.GetActiveTabCtrl().DoShowHide()
-            self.DoSizing()
-            root_manager.Update()
-        else:
-            frame = wx.Frame(self, title=page_title,
-                             style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW|
-                                   wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT | wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR)
-            if info.control:
-                info.control.Reparent(frame)
-                info.control.Hide()
-            frame.bitmap = page_bitmap
-            frame.page_index = page_index
-            frame.text_colour = text_colour
-            frame.control = info.control
-            page_contents.Reparent(frame)
-            frame.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseFloatingPage)
-            frame.Move(wx.GetMousePosition())
-            frame.Show()
-            self.RemovePage(page_index)
-            self.RemoveEmptyTabFrames()
-        wx.CallAfter(self.RemoveEmptyTabFrames)
-    def OnCloseFloatingPage(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_CLOSE`` event for a floating page in L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.CloseEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        root_manager = framemanager.GetManager(self)
-        if root_manager and root_manager != self._mgr:
-            pane = event.pane
-            if"__floating__"):
-                self.ReDockPage(pane)
-                return
-            event.Skip()
-        else:
-            event.Skip()
-            frame = event.GetEventObject()
-            page_title = frame.GetTitle()
-            page_contents = list(frame.GetChildren())[-1]
-            page_contents.Reparent(self)
-            self.InsertPage(frame.page_index, page_contents, page_title, select=True, bitmap=frame.bitmap, control=frame.control)
-            if frame.control:
-                src_tabs, idx = self.FindTab(page_contents)
-                frame.control.Reparent(src_tabs)
-                frame.control.Hide()
-                frame.control = None
-            self.SetPageTextColour(frame.page_index, frame.text_colour)
-    def ReDockPage(self, pane):
-        """
-        Re-docks a floating L{AuiNotebook} tab in the original position, when possible.
-        :param `pane`: an instance of L{framemanager.AuiPaneInfo}.
-        """
-        root_manager = framemanager.GetManager(self)
-        pane.window.__floating_size__ = wx.Size(*pane.floating_size)
-        page_index = pane.window.__page_index__
-        text_colour = pane.window.__text_colour__
-        control = pane.window.__control__
-        root_manager.DetachPane(pane.window)
-        self.InsertPage(page_index, pane.window, pane.caption, True, pane.icon, control=control)
-        self.SetPageTextColour(page_index, text_colour)
-        self.GetActiveTabCtrl().DoShowHide()
-        self.DoSizing()
-        if control:
-            self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight(force=True)
-        self._mgr.Update()
-        root_manager.Update()
-    def GetTabCtrlFromPoint(self, pt):
-        """
-        Returns the tab control at the specified point.
-        :param `pt`: a `wx.Point` object.
-        """
-        # if we've just removed the last tab from the source
-        # tab set, the remove the tab control completely
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tabframe = pane.window
-            if tabframe._tab_rect.Contains(pt):
-                return tabframe._tabs
-        return None
-    def GetTabFrameFromTabCtrl(self, tab_ctrl):
-        """
-        Returns the tab frame associated with a tab control.
-        :param `tab_ctrl`: an instance of L{AuiTabCtrl}.
-        """
-        # if we've just removed the last tab from the source
-        # tab set, the remove the tab control completely
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tabframe = pane.window
-            if tabframe._tabs == tab_ctrl:
-                return tabframe
-        return None
-    def GetTabFrameFromWindow(self, wnd):
-        """
-        Returns the tab frame associated with a window.
-        :param `wnd`: an instance of `wx.Window`.
-        """
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tabframe = pane.window
-            for page in tabframe._tabs.GetPages():
-                if wnd == page.window:
-                    return tabframe
-        return None
-    def RemoveEmptyTabFrames(self):
-        """ Removes all the empty tab frames. """
-        # if we've just removed the last tab from the source
-        # tab set, the remove the tab control completely
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for indx in xrange(len(all_panes)-1, -1, -1):
-            pane = all_panes[indx]
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tab_frame = pane.window
-            if tab_frame._tabs.GetPageCount() == 0:
-                self._mgr.DetachPane(tab_frame)
-                tab_frame._tabs.Destroy()
-                tab_frame._tabs = None
-                del tab_frame
-        # check to see if there is still a center pane
-        # if there isn't, make a frame the center pane
-        first_good = None
-        center_found = False
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            if pane.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTRE:
-                center_found = True
-            if not first_good:
-                first_good = pane.window
-        if not center_found and first_good:
-            self._mgr.GetPane(first_good).Centre()
-        if not self.IsBeingDeleted():
-            self._mgr.Update()
-    def OnChildFocusNotebook(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_CHILD_FOCUS`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.ChildFocusEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        # if we're dragging a tab, don't change the current selection.
-        # This code prevents a bug that used to happen when the hint window
-        # was hidden.  In the bug, the focus would return to the notebook
-        # child, which would then enter this handler and call
-        # SetSelection, which is not desired turn tab dragging.
-        event.Skip()
-        all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-        for pane in all_panes:
-            if == "dummy":
-                continue
-            tabframe = pane.window
-            if tabframe._tabs.IsDragging():
-                return
-##        # change the tab selection to the child
-##        # which was focused
-##        idx = self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(event.GetWindow())
-##        if idx != -1 and idx != self._curpage:
-##            self.SetSelection(idx)
-    def SetNavigatorIcon(self, bmp):
-        """
-        Sets the icon used by the L{TabNavigatorWindow}.
-        :param `bmp`: an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.
-        """
-        if isinstance(bmp, wx.Bitmap) and bmp.IsOk():
-            # Make sure image is proper size
-            if bmp.GetSize() != (16, 16):
-                img = bmp.ConvertToImage()
-                img.Rescale(16, 16, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH)
-                bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(img)
-            self._naviIcon = bmp
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "SetNavigatorIcon requires a valid bitmap"
-    def OnNavigationKeyNotebook(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.NavigationKeyEvent` event to be processed.
-        """
-        if event.IsWindowChange():
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_SMART_TABS:
-                if not self._popupWin:
-                    self._popupWin = TabNavigatorWindow(self, self._naviIcon)
-                    self._popupWin.SetReturnCode(wx.ID_OK)
-                    self._popupWin.ShowModal()
-                    idx = self._popupWin.GetSelectedPage()
-                    self._popupWin.Destroy()
-                    self._popupWin = None
-                    # Need to do CallAfter so that the selection and its
-                    # associated events get processed outside the context of
-                    # this key event. Not doing so causes odd issues with the
-                    # window focus under certain use cases on Windows.
-                    wx.CallAfter(self.SetSelection, idx, True)
-                else:
-                    # a dialog is already opened
-                    self._popupWin.OnNavigationKey(event)
-                    return
-            else:
-                # change pages
-                # FIXME: the problem with this is that if we have a split notebook,
-                # we selection may go all over the place.
-                self.AdvanceSelection(event.GetDirection())
-        else:
-            # we get this event in 3 cases
-            #
-            # a) one of our pages might have generated it because the user TABbed
-            # out from it in which case we should propagate the event upwards and
-            # our parent will take care of setting the focus to prev/next sibling
-            #
-            # or
-            #
-            # b) the parent panel wants to give the focus to us so that we
-            # forward it to our selected page. We can't deal with this in
-            # OnSetFocus() because we don't know which direction the focus came
-            # from in this case and so can't choose between setting the focus to
-            # first or last panel child
-            #
-            # or
-            #
-            # c) we ourselves (see MSWTranslateMessage) generated the event
-            #
-            parent = self.GetParent()
-            # the wxObject* casts are required to avoid MinGW GCC 2.95.3 ICE
-            isFromParent = event.GetEventObject() == parent
-            isFromSelf = event.GetEventObject() == self
-            if isFromParent or isFromSelf:
-                # no, it doesn't come from child, case (b) or (c): forward to a
-                # page but only if direction is backwards (TAB) or from ourselves,
-                if self.GetSelection() != wx.NOT_FOUND and (not event.GetDirection() or isFromSelf):
-                    # so that the page knows that the event comes from it's parent
-                    # and is being propagated downwards
-                    event.SetEventObject(self)
-                    page = self.GetPage(self.GetSelection())
-                    if not page.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event):
-                        page.SetFocus()
-                    #else: page manages focus inside it itself
-                else: # otherwise set the focus to the notebook itself
-                    self.SetFocus()
-            else:
-                # send this event back for the 'wraparound' focus.
-                winFocus = event.GetCurrentFocus()
-                if winFocus:
-                    event.SetEventObject(self)
-                    winFocus.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-    def OnTabButton(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        button_id = event.GetInt()
-        if button_id == AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE:
-            selection = event.GetSelection()
-            if selection == -1:
-                # if the close button is to the right, use the active
-                # page selection to determine which page to close
-                selection = tabs.GetActivePage()
-            if selection == -1 or not tabs.GetEnabled(selection):
-                return
-            if selection != -1:
-                close_wnd = tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(selection)
-                if close_wnd.GetName() == "__fake__page__":
-                    # This is a notebook preview
-                    previous_active, page_status = close_wnd.__previousStatus
-                    for page, status in zip(tabs.GetPages(), page_status):
-                        page.enabled = status
-                    main_idx = self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(close_wnd)
-                    self.DeletePage(main_idx)
-                    if previous_active >= 0:
-                        tabs.SetActivePage(previous_active)
-                        page_count = tabs.GetPageCount()
-                        selection = -1
-                        for page in xrange(page_count):
-                            # remove the page from the source tabs
-                            page_info = tabs.GetPage(page)
-                            if
-                                selection = page
-                                break
-                        tabs.DoShowHide()
-                        self.DoSizing()
-                        tabs.Refresh()
-                        if selection >= 0:
-                            wx.CallAfter(tabs.MakeTabVisible, selection, self)
-                    # Don't fire the event
-                    return
-                # ask owner if it's ok to close the tab
-                e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE, self.GetId())
-                idx = self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(close_wnd)
-                e.SetSelection(idx)
-                e.SetOldSelection(event.GetSelection())
-                e.SetEventObject(self)
-                self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-                if not e.IsAllowed():
-                    return
-                if repr(close_wnd.__class__).find("AuiMDIChildFrame") >= 0:
-                    close_wnd.Close()
-                else:
-                    main_idx = self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(close_wnd)
-                    self.DeletePage(main_idx)
-                # notify owner that the tab has been closed
-                e2 = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED, self.GetId())
-                e2.SetSelection(idx)
-                e2.SetEventObject(self)
-                self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e2)
-                if self.GetPageCount() == 0:
-                    mgr = self.GetAuiManager()
-                    win = mgr.GetManagedWindow()
-                    win.SendSizeEvent()
-    def OnTabMiddleDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not tabs.GetEnabled(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        # patch event through to owner
-        wnd = tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(event.GetSelection())
-        e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.GetId())
-        e.SetSelection(self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd))
-        e.SetEventObject(self)
-        self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def OnTabMiddleUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not tabs.GetEnabled(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        # if the AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE is specified, middle
-        # click should act like a tab close action.  However, first
-        # give the owner an opportunity to handle the middle up event
-        # for custom action
-        wnd = tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(event.GetSelection())
-        e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP, self.GetId())
-        e.SetSelection(self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd))
-        e.SetEventObject(self)
-        if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e):
-            return
-        if not e.IsAllowed():
-            return
-        # check if we are supposed to close on middle-up
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE == 0:
-            return
-        # simulate the user pressing the close button on the tab
-        event.SetInt(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE)
-        self.OnTabButton(event)
-    def OnTabRightDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not tabs.GetEnabled(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        # patch event through to owner
-        wnd = tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(event.GetSelection())
-        e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN, self.GetId())
-        e.SetSelection(self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd))
-        e.SetEventObject(self)
-        self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def OnTabRightUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP`` event for L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        tabs = event.GetEventObject()
-        if not tabs.GetEnabled(event.GetSelection()):
-            return
-        # patch event through to owner
-        wnd = tabs.GetWindowFromIdx(event.GetSelection())
-        e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP, self.GetId())
-        e.SetSelection(self._tabs.GetIdxFromWindow(wnd))
-        e.SetEventObject(self)
-        self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-    def SetNormalFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the normal font for drawing tab labels.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._normal_font = font
-        self.GetArtProvider().SetNormalFont(font)
-    def SetSelectedFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the selected tab font for drawing tab labels.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._selected_font = font
-        self.GetArtProvider().SetSelectedFont(font)
-    def SetMeasuringFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the font for calculating text measurements.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self.GetArtProvider().SetMeasuringFont(font)
-    def SetFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the tab font.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyPanel`.
-        """
-        wx.PyPanel.SetFont(self, font)
-        selectedFont = wx.Font(font.GetPointSize(), font.GetFamily(),
-                               font.GetStyle(), wx.BOLD, font.GetUnderlined(),
-                               font.GetFaceName(), font.GetEncoding())
-        self.SetNormalFont(font)
-        self.SetSelectedFont(selectedFont)
-        self.SetMeasuringFont(selectedFont)
-        # Recalculate tab container size based on new font
-        self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight(force=False)
-        self.DoSizing()
-        return True
-    def GetTabCtrlHeight(self):
-        """ Returns the tab control height. """
-        return self._tab_ctrl_height
-    def GetHeightForPageHeight(self, pageHeight):
-        """
-        Gets the height of the notebook for a given page height.
-        :param `pageHeight`: the given page height.
-        """
-        self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight()
-        tabCtrlHeight = self.GetTabCtrlHeight()
-        decorHeight = 2
-        return tabCtrlHeight + pageHeight + decorHeight
-    def AdvanceSelection(self, forward=True, wrap=True):
-        """
-        Cycles through the tabs.
-        :param `forward`: whether to advance forward or backward;
-        :param `wrap`: ``True`` to return to the first tab if we reach the last tab.
-        :note: The call to this function generates the page changing events.
-        """
-        tabCtrl = self.GetActiveTabCtrl()
-        newPage = -1
-        focusWin = tabCtrl.FindFocus()
-        activePage = tabCtrl.GetActivePage()
-        lenPages = len(tabCtrl.GetPages())
-        if lenPages == 1:
-            return False
-        if forward:
-            if lenPages > 1:
-                if activePage == -1 or activePage == lenPages - 1:
-                    if not wrap:
-                        return False
-                    newPage = 0
-                elif activePage < lenPages - 1:
-                    newPage = activePage + 1
-        else:
-            if lenPages > 1:
-                if activePage == -1 or activePage == 0:
-                    if not wrap:
-                        return False
-                    newPage = lenPages - 1
-                elif activePage > 0:
-                    newPage = activePage - 1
-        if newPage != -1:
-            if not self.GetEnabled(newPage):
-                return False
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, tabCtrl.GetId())
-            e.SetSelection(newPage)
-            e.SetOldSelection(activePage)
-            e.SetEventObject(tabCtrl)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-##        if focusWin:
-##            focusWin.SetFocus()
-        return True
-    def ShowWindowMenu(self):
-        """
-        Shows the window menu for the active tab control associated with this
-        notebook, and returns ``True`` if a selection was made.
-        """
-        tabCtrl = self.GetActiveTabCtrl()
-        idx = tabCtrl.GetArtProvider().ShowDropDown(tabCtrl, tabCtrl.GetPages(), tabCtrl.GetActivePage())
-        if not self.GetEnabled(idx):
-            return False
-        if idx != -1:
-            e = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, tabCtrl.GetId())
-            e.SetSelection(idx)
-            e.SetOldSelection(tabCtrl.GetActivePage())
-            e.SetEventObject(tabCtrl)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e)
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def AddTabAreaButton(self, id, location, normal_bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, disabled_bitmap=wx.NullBitmap):
-        """
-        Adds a button in the tab area.
-        :param `id`: the button identifier. This can be one of the following:
-         ==============================  =================================
-         Button Identifier               Description
-         ==============================  =================================
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE``            Shows a close button on the tab area
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST``       Shows a window list button on the tab area
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_LEFT``             Shows a left button on the tab area
-         ``AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT``            Shows a right button on the tab area
-         ==============================  =================================
-        :param `location`: the button location. Can be ``wx.LEFT`` or ``wx.RIGHT``;
-        :param `normal_bitmap`: the bitmap for an enabled tab;
-        :param `disabled_bitmap`: the bitmap for a disabled tab.
-        """
-        active_tabctrl = self.GetActiveTabCtrl()
-        active_tabctrl.AddButton(id, location, normal_bitmap, disabled_bitmap)
-    def RemoveTabAreaButton(self, id):
-        """
-        Removes a button from the tab area.
-        :param `id`: the button identifier. See L{AddTabAreaButton} for a list of button identifiers.
-        :see: L{AddTabAreaButton}
-        """
-        active_tabctrl = self.GetActiveTabCtrl()
-        active_tabctrl.RemoveButton(id)
-    def HasMultiplePages(self):
-        """
-        This method should be overridden to return ``True`` if this window has multiple pages. All
-        standard class with multiple pages such as `wx.Notebook`, `wx.Listbook` and `wx.Treebook`
-        already override it to return ``True`` and user-defined classes with similar behaviour
-        should do it as well to allow the library to handle such windows appropriately.
-        :note: Overridden from `wx.PyPanel`.
-        """
-        return True
-    def GetDefaultBorder(self):
-        """ Returns the default border style for L{AuiNotebook}. """
-        return wx.BORDER_NONE
-    def NotebookPreview(self, thumbnail_size=200):
-        """
-        Generates a preview of all the pages in the notebook (MSW and GTK only).
-        :param `thumbnail_size`: the maximum size of every page thumbnail.
-        :note: this functionality is currently unavailable on wxMac.
-        """
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            return False
-        tabCtrl = self.GetActiveTabCtrl()
-        activePage = tabCtrl.GetActivePage()
-        pages = tabCtrl.GetPages()
-        pageStatus, pageText = [], []
-        for indx, page in enumerate(pages):
-            pageStatus.append(page.enabled)
-            if not page.enabled:
-                continue
-            self.SetSelectionToPage(page)
-            pageText.append(page.caption)
-            rect = page.window.GetScreenRect()
-            bmp = RescaleScreenShot(TakeScreenShot(rect), thumbnail_size)
-            page.enabled = False
-            if indx == 0:
-                il = wx.ImageList(bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight(), True)
-            il.Add(bmp)
-        # create the list control
-        listCtrl = wx.ListCtrl(self, style=wx.LC_ICON|wx.LC_AUTOARRANGE|wx.LC_HRULES|wx.LC_VRULES,
-                               name="__fake__page__")
-        # assign the image list to it
-        listCtrl.AssignImageList(il, wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL)
-        listCtrl.__previousStatus = [activePage, pageStatus]
-        # create some items for the list
-        for indx, text in enumerate(pageText):
-            listCtrl.InsertImageStringItem(10000, text, indx)
-        self.AddPage(listCtrl, "AuiNotebook Preview", True, bitmap=auinotebook_preview.GetBitmap(), disabled_bitmap=wx.NullBitmap)
-        return True
-    def SetRenamable(self, page_idx, renamable):
-        """
-        Sets whether a tab can be renamed via a left double-click or not.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index;
-        :param `renamable`: ``True`` if the page can be renamed.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        # update our own tab catalog
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        page_info.renamable = renamable
-        # update what's on screen
-        ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(page_info.window)
-        if not ctrl:
-            return False
-        info = ctrl.GetPage(ctrl_idx)
-        info.renamable = page_info.renamable
-        return True
-    def IsRenamable(self, page_idx):
-        """
-        Returns whether a tab can be renamed or not.
-        :param `page_idx`: the page index.
-        :returns: ``True`` is a page can be renamed, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        if page_idx >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_idx)
-        return page_info.renamable
-    def OnRenameCancelled(self, page_index):
-        """
-        Called by L{TabTextCtrl}, to cancel the changes and to send the
-        :param `page_index`: the page index in the notebook.
-        """
-        # let owner know that the edit was cancelled
-        evt = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_END_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetId())
-        evt.SetSelection(page_index)
-        evt.SetEventObject(self)
-        evt.SetLabel("")
-        evt.SetEditCanceled(True)
-        self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt)
-    def OnRenameAccept(self, page_index, value):
-        """
-        Called by L{TabTextCtrl}, to accept the changes and to send the
-        :param `page_index`: the page index in the notebook;
-        :param `value`: the new label for the tab.
-        """
-        evt = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_END_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetId())
-        evt.SetSelection(page_index)
-        evt.SetEventObject(self)
-        evt.SetLabel(value)
-        evt.SetEditCanceled(False)
-        return not self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt) or evt.IsAllowed()
-    def ResetTextControl(self):
-        """ Called by L{TabTextCtrl} when it marks itself for deletion. """
-        if not self._textCtrl:
-            return
-        self._textCtrl.Destroy()
-        self._textCtrl = None
-        # tab height might have changed
-        self.UpdateTabCtrlHeight(force=True)
-    def EditTab(self, page_index):
-        """
-        Starts the editing of an item label, sending a `EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT` event.
-        :param `page_index`: the page index we want to edit.
-        """
-        if page_index >= self._tabs.GetPageCount():
-            return False
-        if not self.IsRenamable(page_index):
-            return False
-        page_info = self._tabs.GetPage(page_index)
-        ctrl, ctrl_idx = self.FindTab(page_info.window)
-        if not ctrl:
-            return False
-        evt = AuiNotebookEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetId())
-        evt.SetSelection(page_index)
-        evt.SetEventObject(self)
-        if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt) and not evt.IsAllowed():
-            # vetoed by user
-            return False
-        if self._textCtrl is not None and page_info != self._textCtrl.item():
-            self._textCtrl.StopEditing()
-        self._textCtrl = TabTextCtrl(ctrl, page_info, page_index)
-        self._textCtrl.SetFocus()
-        return True
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 17da477..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1162 +0,0 @@
-Dock art provider code - a dock provider provides all drawing functionality to
-the AUI dock manager. This allows the dock manager to have a plugable look-and-feel.
-By default, a L{AuiManager} uses an instance of this class called L{AuiDefaultDockArt}
-which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms'
-look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a
-completely new dock art class. Call L{AuiManager.SetArtProvider} to make use this
-new dock art.
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
-__date__ = "31 March 2009"
-import wx
-import types
-from aui_utilities import BitmapFromBits, StepColour, ChopText, GetBaseColour
-from aui_utilities import DrawGradientRectangle, DrawMACCloseButton
-from aui_utilities import DarkenBitmap, LightContrastColour
-from aui_constants import *
-optionActive = 2**14
-_ctypes = False
-# Try to import winxptheme for ModernDockArt
-if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
-    try:
-        import ctypes
-        import winxptheme
-        _ctypes = True
-    except ImportError:
-        pass
-# -- AuiDefaultDockArt class implementation --
-class AuiDefaultDockArt(object):
-    """
-    Dock art provider code - a dock provider provides all drawing functionality
-    to the AUI dock manager. This allows the dock manager to have a plugable
-    look-and-feel.
-    By default, a L{AuiManager} uses an instance of this class called L{AuiDefaultDockArt}
-    which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major
-    platforms' look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or
-    write a completely new dock art class.
-    Call L{AuiManager.SetArtProvider} to make use this new dock art.
-    **Metric Ordinals**
-    These are the possible pane dock art settings for L{AuiManager}:
-    ================================================  ======================================
-    Metric Ordinal Constant                           Description
-    ================================================  ======================================
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE``                         Customizes the sash size
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE``                      Customizes the caption size
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE``                      Customizes the gripper size
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE``                  Customizes the pane border size
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE``                  Customizes the pane button size
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_BACKGROUND_COLOUR``                 Customizes the background colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOUR``        Customizes the background gradient colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_SASH_COLOUR``                       Customizes the sash colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_ACTIVE_CAPTION_COLOUR``             Customizes the active caption colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_ACTIVE_CAPTION_GRADIENT_COLOUR``    Customizes the active caption gradient colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_INACTIVE_CAPTION_COLOUR``           Customizes the inactive caption colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_INACTIVE_CAPTION_GRADIENT_COLOUR``  Customizes the inactive gradient caption colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT_COLOUR``        Customizes the active caption text colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT_COLOUR``      Customizes the inactive caption text colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_BORDER_COLOUR``                     Customizes the border colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_COLOUR``                    Customizes the gripper colour
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_FONT``                      Customizes the caption font
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_GRADIENT_TYPE``                     Customizes the gradient type (no gradient, vertical or horizontal)
-    ``AUI_DOCKART_DRAW_SASH_GRIP``                    Draw a sash grip on the sash
-    ================================================  ======================================
-    **Gradient Types**
-    These are the possible gradient dock art settings for L{AuiManager}:
-    ============================================  ======================================
-    Gradient Constant                             Description 
-    ============================================  ======================================
-    ``AUI_GRADIENT_NONE``                         No gradient on the captions
-    ``AUI_GRADIENT_VERTICAL``                     Vertical gradient on the captions
-    ``AUI_GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL``                   Horizontal gradient on the captions
-    ============================================  ======================================
-    **Button States**
-    These are the possible pane button / L{AuiNotebook} button / L{AuiToolBar} button states:
-    ============================================  ======================================
-    Button State Constant                         Description     
-    ============================================  ======================================
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL``                   Normal button state
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER``                    Hovered button state
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED``                  Pressed button state
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED``                 Disabled button state
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN``                   Hidden button state
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED``                  Checked button state
-    ============================================  ======================================
-    **Button Identifiers**
-    These are the possible pane button / L{AuiNotebook} button / L{AuiToolBar} button identifiers:
-    ============================================  ======================================
-    Button Identifier                             Description     
-    ============================================  ======================================
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE``                          Shows a close button on the pane
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE``               Shows a maximize/restore button on the pane
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE``                       Shows a minimize button on the pane
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_PIN``                            Shows a pin button on the pane
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_OPTIONS``                        Shows an option button on the pane (not implemented)
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST``                     Shows a window list button on the pane (for L{AuiNotebook})
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_LEFT``                           Shows a left button on the pane (for L{AuiNotebook})
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT``                          Shows a right button on the pane (for L{AuiNotebook})
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_UP``                             Shows an up button on the pane (not implemented)
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_DOWN``                           Shows a down button on the pane (not implemented)
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM1``                        Shows a custom button on the pane (not implemented)
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM2``                        Shows a custom button on the pane (not implemented)
-    ``AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM3``                        Shows a custom button on the pane (not implemented)
-    ============================================  ======================================
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        self.Init()
-        isMac = wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__"
-        if isMac:
-            self._caption_font = wx.SMALL_FONT
-        else:
-            self._caption_font = wx.Font(8, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False)
-        self.SetDefaultPaneBitmaps(isMac)
-        self._restore_bitmap = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(restore_xpm)
-        # default metric values
-        self._sash_size = 4
-        if isMac:
-            # This really should be implemented in wx.SystemSettings
-            # There is no way to do this that I am aware outside of using
-            # the cocoa python bindings. 8 pixels looks correct on my system
-            # so hard coding it for now.
-            # How do I translate this?!? Not sure of the below implementation...
-            # SInt32 height;
-            # GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricSmallPaneSplitterHeight , &height );
-            # self._sash_size = height;
-            self._sash_size = 8 # Carbon.Appearance.kThemeMetricPaneSplitterHeight            
-        elif wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-            self._sash_size = wx.RendererNative.Get().GetSplitterParams(wx.GetTopLevelWindows()[0]).widthSash
-        else:
-            self._sash_size = 4
-        self._caption_size = 19
-        self._border_size = 1
-        self._button_size = 14
-        self._gripper_size = 9
-        self._gradient_type = AUI_GRADIENT_VERTICAL
-        self._draw_sash = False
-    def Init(self):
-        """ Initializes the dock art. """
-        base_colour = GetBaseColour()
-        darker1_colour = StepColour(base_colour, 85)
-        darker2_colour = StepColour(base_colour, 75)
-        darker3_colour = StepColour(base_colour, 60)
-        darker4_colour = StepColour(base_colour, 40)
-        self._background_colour = base_colour
-        self._background_gradient_colour = StepColour(base_colour, 180)
-        isMac = wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__"
-        if isMac:
-            self._active_caption_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)
-        else:
-            self._active_caption_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_ACTIVECAPTION)
-        self._active_caption_gradient_colour = LightContrastColour(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT))
-        self._active_caption_text_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
-        self._inactive_caption_colour = darker1_colour
-        self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour = StepColour(base_colour, 97)
-        self._inactive_caption_text_colour = wx.BLACK
-        self._sash_brush = wx.Brush(base_colour)
-        self._background_brush = wx.Brush(base_colour)
-        self._border_pen = wx.Pen(darker2_colour)
-        self._gripper_brush = wx.Brush(base_colour)
-        self._gripper_pen1 = wx.Pen(darker4_colour)
-        self._gripper_pen2 = wx.Pen(darker3_colour)
-        self._gripper_pen3 = wx.WHITE_PEN
-    def GetMetric(self, id):
-        """
-        Gets the value of a certain setting.
-        :param `id`: can be one of the size values in `Metric Ordinals`.
-        """
-        if id == AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE:
-            return self._sash_size
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE:
-            return self._caption_size
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE:
-            return self._gripper_size
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE:
-            return self._border_size
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE:
-            return self._button_size
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_GRADIENT_TYPE:
-            return self._gradient_type
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_DRAW_SASH_GRIP:
-            return self._draw_sash
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Invalid Metric Ordinal.")
-    def SetMetric(self, id, new_val):
-        """
-        Sets the value of a certain setting using `new_val`
-        :param `id`: can be one of the size values in `Metric Ordinals`;
-        :param `new_val`: the new value of the setting.
-        """
-        if id == AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE:
-            self._sash_size = new_val
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE:
-            self._caption_size = new_val
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE:
-            self._gripper_size = new_val
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE:
-            self._border_size = new_val
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE:
-            self._button_size = new_val
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_GRADIENT_TYPE:
-            self._gradient_type = new_val
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_DRAW_SASH_GRIP:
-            self._draw_sash = new_val
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Invalid Metric Ordinal.")
-    def GetColor(self, id):
-        """
-        Gets the colour of a certain setting.
-        :param `id`: can be one of the colour values in `Metric Ordinals`.
-        """
-            return self._background_brush.GetColour()
-            return self._background_gradient_colour
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_SASH_COLOUR:
-            return self._sash_brush.GetColour()
-            return self._inactive_caption_colour
-            return self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour
-            return self._inactive_caption_text_colour
-            return self._active_caption_colour
-            return self._active_caption_gradient_colour
-            return self._active_caption_text_colour        
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_BORDER_COLOUR:
-            return self._border_pen.GetColour()
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_COLOUR:
-            return self._gripper_brush.GetColour()
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Invalid Colour Ordinal.")
-    def SetColor(self, id, colour):
-        """
-        Sets the colour of a certain setting.
-        :param `id`: can be one of the colour values in `Metric Ordinals`;
-        :param `colour`: the new value of the setting.
-        """
-        if isinstance(colour, basestring):
-            colour = wx.NamedColour(colour)
-        elif isinstance(colour, types.TupleType):
-            colour = wx.Colour(*colour)
-        elif isinstance(colour, types.IntType):
-            colour = wx.ColourRGB(colour)
-            self._background_brush.SetColour(colour)
-            self._background_gradient_colour = colour
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_SASH_COLOUR:
-            self._sash_brush.SetColour(colour)
-            self._inactive_caption_colour = colour
-            if not self._custom_pane_bitmaps and wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-                # No custom bitmaps for the pane close button
-                # Change the MAC close bitmap colour
-                self._inactive_close_bitmap = DrawMACCloseButton(wx.WHITE, colour)
-            self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour = colour
-            self._inactive_caption_text_colour = colour
-            self._active_caption_colour = colour
-            if not self._custom_pane_bitmaps and wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-                # No custom bitmaps for the pane close button
-                # Change the MAC close bitmap colour
-                self._active_close_bitmap = DrawMACCloseButton(wx.WHITE, colour)
-            self._active_caption_gradient_colour = colour
-            self._active_caption_text_colour = colour
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_BORDER_COLOUR:
-            self._border_pen.SetColour(colour)
-        elif id == AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_COLOUR:
-            self._gripper_brush.SetColour(colour)
-            self._gripper_pen1.SetColour(StepColour(colour, 40))
-            self._gripper_pen2.SetColour(StepColour(colour, 60))
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Invalid Colour Ordinal.")
-    GetColour = GetColor
-    SetColour = SetColor
-    def SetFont(self, id, font):
-        """
-        Sets a font setting.
-        :param `id`: must be ``AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_FONT``;
-        :param `font`: an instance of `wx.Font`.
-        """
-        if id == AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_FONT:
-            self._caption_font = font
-    def GetFont(self, id):
-        """
-        Gets a font setting.
-        :param `id`: must be ``AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_FONT``, otherwise `wx.NullFont` is returned.
-        """
-        if id == AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_FONT:
-            return self._caption_font
-        return wx.NullFont
-    def DrawSash(self, dc, window, orient, rect):
-        """
-        Draws a sash between two windows.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `orient`: the sash orientation;
-        :param `rect`: the sash rectangle.
-        """                
-        # AG: How do we make this work?!?
-        # RendererNative does not use the sash_brush chosen by the user
-        # and the rect.GetSize() is ignored as the sash is always drawn
-        # 3 pixel wide
-        # wx.RendererNative.Get().DrawSplitterSash(window, dc, rect.GetSize(), pos, orient)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        dc.SetBrush(self._sash_brush)
-        dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)        
-        draw_sash = self.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_DRAW_SASH_GRIP)
-        if draw_sash:
-            self.DrawSashGripper(dc, orient, rect)
-    def DrawBackground(self, dc, window, orient, rect):
-        """
-        Draws a background.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `orient`: the gradient (if any) orientation;
-        :param `rect`: the background rectangle.
-        """
-        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            # we have to clear first, otherwise we are drawing a light striped pattern
-            # over an already darker striped background
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.WHITE_BRUSH)
-            dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
-        DrawGradientRectangle(dc, rect, self._background_brush.GetColour(),
-                              self._background_gradient_colour,
-                              AUI_GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL, rect.x, 700)
-    def DrawBorder(self, dc, window, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Draws the pane border.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `rect`: the border rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the border is drawn.
-        """        
-        drect = wx.Rect(*rect)
-        dc.SetPen(self._border_pen)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-        border_width = self.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
-        if pane.IsToolbar():
-            for ii in xrange(0, border_width):
-                dc.SetPen(wx.WHITE_PEN)
-                dc.DrawLine(drect.x, drect.y, drect.x+drect.width, drect.y)
-                dc.DrawLine(drect.x, drect.y, drect.x, drect.y+drect.height)
-                dc.SetPen(self._border_pen)       
-                dc.DrawLine(drect.x, drect.y+drect.height-1,
-                            drect.x+drect.width, drect.y+drect.height-1)
-                dc.DrawLine(drect.x+drect.width-1, drect.y,
-                            drect.x+drect.width-1, drect.y+drect.height)
-                drect.Deflate(1, 1)
-        else:
-            for ii in xrange(0, border_width):
-                dc.DrawRectangle(drect.x, drect.y, drect.width, drect.height)
-                drect.Deflate(1, 1)
-    def DrawCaptionBackground(self, dc, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Draws the text caption background in the pane.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `rect`: the text caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the text background is drawn.
-        """        
-        active = pane.state & optionActive
-        if self._gradient_type == AUI_GRADIENT_NONE:
-            if active:
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self._active_caption_colour))
-            else:
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self._inactive_caption_colour))
-            dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)        
-        else:
-            switch_gradient = pane.HasCaptionLeft()
-            gradient_type = self._gradient_type
-            if switch_gradient:
-                gradient_type = (self._gradient_type == AUI_GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL and [AUI_GRADIENT_VERTICAL] or \
-                                 [AUI_GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL])[0]
-            if active:
-                if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-                    DrawGradientRectangle(dc, rect, self._active_caption_colour,
-                                          self._active_caption_gradient_colour,
-                                          gradient_type)                    
-                else:
-                    DrawGradientRectangle(dc, rect, self._active_caption_gradient_colour,
-                                          self._active_caption_colour,
-                                          gradient_type)
-            else:
-                if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-                    DrawGradientRectangle(dc, rect, self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour,
-                                          self._inactive_caption_colour,
-                                          gradient_type)
-                else:
-                    DrawGradientRectangle(dc, rect, self._inactive_caption_colour,
-                                          self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour,
-                                          gradient_type)
-    def DrawIcon(self, dc, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Draws the icon in the pane caption area.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `rect`: the pane caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the icon is drawn.
-        """        
-        # Draw the icon centered vertically 
-        if pane.icon.Ok():
-            if pane.HasCaptionLeft():
-                bmp = wx.ImageFromBitmap(pane.icon).Rotate90(clockwise=False)
-                dc.DrawBitmap(bmp.ConvertToBitmap(), rect.x+(rect.width-pane.icon.GetWidth())/2, rect.y+rect.height-2-pane.icon.GetHeight(), True)
-            else:
-                dc.DrawBitmap(pane.icon, rect.x+2, rect.y+(rect.height-pane.icon.GetHeight())/2, True)
-    def DrawCaption(self, dc, window, text, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Draws the text in the pane caption.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `text`: the text to be displayed;
-        :param `rect`: the pane caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the text is drawn.
-        """        
-        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        dc.SetFont(self._caption_font)
-        self.DrawCaptionBackground(dc, rect, pane)
-        if pane.state & optionActive:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(self._active_caption_text_colour)
-        else:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(self._inactive_caption_text_colour)
-        w, h = dc.GetTextExtent("ABCDEFHXfgkj")
-        clip_rect = wx.Rect(*rect)
-        btns = pane.CountButtons()
-        captionLeft = pane.HasCaptionLeft()
-        variable = (captionLeft and [rect.height] or [rect.width])[0]
-        variable -= 3      # text offset
-        variable -= 2      # button padding
-        caption_offset = 0
-        if pane.icon:
-            if captionLeft:
-                caption_offset += pane.icon.GetHeight() + 3
-            else:
-                caption_offset += pane.icon.GetWidth() + 3
-            self.DrawIcon(dc, rect, pane)
-        variable -= caption_offset
-        variable -= btns*(self._button_size + self._border_size)
-        draw_text = ChopText(dc, text, variable)
-        if captionLeft:
-            dc.DrawRotatedText(draw_text, rect.x+(rect.width/2)-(h/2)-1, rect.y+rect.height-3-caption_offset, 90)
-        else:
-            dc.DrawText(draw_text, rect.x+3+caption_offset, rect.y+(rect.height/2)-(h/2)-1)
-    def RequestUserAttention(self, dc, window, text, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Requests the user attention by intermittently highlighting the pane caption.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `text`: the text to be displayed;
-        :param `rect`: the pane caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the text is drawn.
-        """        
-        state = pane.state
-        pane.state &= ~optionActive
-        for indx in xrange(6):
-            active = (indx%2 == 0 and [True] or [False])[0]
-            if active:
-                pane.state |= optionActive
-            else:
-                pane.state &= ~optionActive
-            self.DrawCaptionBackground(dc, rect, pane)
-            self.DrawCaption(dc, window, text, rect, pane)
-            wx.SafeYield()
-            wx.MilliSleep(350)
-        pane.state = state
-    def DrawGripper(self, dc, window, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Draws a gripper on the pane.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `rect`: the pane caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the gripper is drawn.
-        """        
-        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        dc.SetBrush(self._gripper_brush)
-        dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
-        if not pane.HasGripperTop():
-            y = 4
-            while 1:
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen1)
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+3, rect.y+y) 
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen2) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+3, rect.y+y+1) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+4, rect.y+y) 
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen3) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+5, rect.y+y+1) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+5, rect.y+y+2) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+4, rect.y+y+2) 
-                y = y + 4 
-                if y > rect.GetHeight() - 4:
-                    break
-        else:
-            x = 4
-            while 1:
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen1) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x, rect.y+3) 
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen2) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x+1, rect.y+3) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x, rect.y+4) 
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen3) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x+1, rect.y+5) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x+2, rect.y+5) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x+2, rect.y+4) 
-                x = x + 4 
-                if x > rect.GetWidth() - 4:
-                    break 
-    def DrawPaneButton(self, dc, window, button, button_state, _rect, pane):
-        """
-        Draws a pane button in the pane caption area.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `button`: the button to be drawn;
-        :param `button_state`: the pane button state;
-        :param `_rect`: the pane caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the button is drawn.
-        """        
-        if not pane:
-            return
-        if button == AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE:
-            if pane.state & optionActive:
-                bmp = self._active_close_bitmap
-            else:
-                bmp = self._inactive_close_bitmap
-        elif button == AUI_BUTTON_PIN:
-            if pane.state & optionActive:
-                bmp = self._active_pin_bitmap
-            else:
-                bmp = self._inactive_pin_bitmap
-        elif button == AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE:
-            if pane.IsMaximized():
-                if pane.state & optionActive:
-                    bmp = self._active_restore_bitmap
-                else:
-                    bmp = self._inactive_restore_bitmap
-            else:
-                if pane.state & optionActive:
-                    bmp = self._active_maximize_bitmap
-                else:
-                    bmp = self._inactive_maximize_bitmap
-        elif button == AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE:
-            if pane.state & optionActive:
-                bmp = self._active_minimize_bitmap
-            else:
-                bmp = self._inactive_minimize_bitmap
-        isVertical = pane.HasCaptionLeft()
-        rect = wx.Rect(*_rect)
-        if isVertical:
-            old_x = rect.x
-            rect.x = rect.x + (rect.width/2) - (bmp.GetWidth()/2)
-            rect.width = old_x + rect.width - rect.x - 1
-        else:
-            old_y = rect.y
-            rect.y = rect.y + (rect.height/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2)
-            rect.height = old_y + rect.height - rect.y - 1
-        if button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-            rect.x += 1
-            rect.y += 1
-            if pane.state & optionActive:
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._active_caption_colour, 120)))
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(StepColour(self._active_caption_colour, 70)))
-            else:
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._inactive_caption_colour, 120)))
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(StepColour(self._inactive_caption_colour, 70)))
-            if wx.Platform != "__WXMAC__":
-                # draw the background behind the button
-                dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, 15, 15)
-            else:
-                # Darker the bitmap a bit
-                bmp = DarkenBitmap(bmp, self._active_caption_colour, StepColour(self._active_caption_colour, 110))
-        if isVertical:
-            bmp = wx.ImageFromBitmap(bmp).Rotate90(clockwise=False).ConvertToBitmap()
-        # draw the button itself
-        dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, True)
-    def DrawSashGripper(self, dc, orient, rect):
-        """
-        Draws a sash gripper on a sash between two windows.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `orient`: the sash orientation;
-        :param `rect`: the sash rectangle.
-        """
-        dc.SetBrush(self._gripper_brush)
-        if orient == wx.HORIZONTAL:  # horizontal sash
-            x = rect.x + int((1.0/4.0)*rect.width)
-            xend = rect.x + int((3.0/4.0)*rect.width)
-            y = rect.y + (rect.height/2) - 1
-            while 1:
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen3)
-                dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, 2, 2)
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen2) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(x+1, y+1)
-                x = x + 5
-                if x >= xend:
-                    break
-        else:
-            y = rect.y + int((1.0/4.0)*rect.height)
-            yend = rect.y + int((3.0/4.0)*rect.height)
-            x = rect.x + (rect.width/2) - 1
-            while 1:
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen3)
-                dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, 2, 2)
-                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen2) 
-                dc.DrawPoint(x+1, y+1)
-                y = y + 5
-                if y >= yend:
-                    break
-    def SetDefaultPaneBitmaps(self, isMac):
-        """
-        Assigns the default pane bitmaps.
-        :param `isMac`: whether we are on wxMAC or not.
-        """
-        if isMac:
-            self._inactive_close_bitmap = DrawMACCloseButton(wx.WHITE, self._inactive_caption_colour)
-            self._active_close_bitmap = DrawMACCloseButton(wx.WHITE, self._active_caption_colour)
-        else:
-            self._inactive_close_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(close_bits, 16, 16, self._inactive_caption_text_colour)
-            self._active_close_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(close_bits, 16, 16, self._active_caption_text_colour)
-        if isMac:
-            self._inactive_maximize_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(max_bits, 16, 16, wx.WHITE)
-            self._active_maximize_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(max_bits, 16, 16, wx.WHITE)
-        else:
-            self._inactive_maximize_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(max_bits, 16, 16, self._inactive_caption_text_colour)
-            self._active_maximize_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(max_bits, 16, 16, self._active_caption_text_colour)
-        if isMac:
-            self._inactive_restore_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(restore_bits, 16, 16, wx.WHITE)
-            self._active_restore_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(restore_bits, 16, 16, wx.WHITE)
-        else:
-            self._inactive_restore_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(restore_bits, 16, 16, self._inactive_caption_text_colour)
-            self._active_restore_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(restore_bits, 16, 16, self._active_caption_text_colour)
-        if isMac:
-            self._inactive_minimize_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(minimize_bits, 16, 16, wx.WHITE)
-            self._active_minimize_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(minimize_bits, 16, 16, wx.WHITE)
-        else:
-            self._inactive_minimize_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(minimize_bits, 16, 16, self._inactive_caption_text_colour)
-            self._active_minimize_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(minimize_bits, 16, 16, self._active_caption_text_colour)
-        self._inactive_pin_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(pin_bits, 16, 16, self._inactive_caption_text_colour)
-        self._active_pin_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(pin_bits, 16, 16, self._active_caption_text_colour)
-        self._custom_pane_bitmaps = False
-    def SetCustomPaneBitmap(self, bmp, button, active, maximize=False):
-        """
-        Sets a custom button bitmap for the pane button.
-        :param `bmp`: the actual bitmap to set;
-        :param `button`: the button identifier;
-        :param `active`: whether it is the bitmap for the active button or not;
-        :param `maximize`: used to distinguish between the maximize and restore bitmaps.
-        """
-        if bmp.GetWidth() > 16 or bmp.GetHeight() > 16:
-            raise Exception("The input bitmap is too big")
-        if button == AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE:
-            if active:
-                self._active_close_bitmap = bmp
-            else:
-                self._inactive_close_bitmap = bmp
-            if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-                self._custom_pane_bitmaps = True                
-        elif button == AUI_BUTTON_PIN:
-            if active:
-                self._active_pin_bitmap = bmp
-            else:
-                self._inactive_pin_bitmap = bmp
-        elif button == AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE:
-            if maximize:
-                if active:
-                    self._active_maximize_bitmap = bmp
-                else:
-                    self._inactive_maximize_bitmap = bmp
-            else:
-                if active:
-                    self._active_restore_bitmap = bmp
-                else:
-                    self._inactive_restore_bitmap = bmp
-        elif button == AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE:
-            if active:
-                self._active_minimize_bitmap = bmp
-            else:
-                self._inactive_minimize_bitmap = bmp
-if _ctypes:
-    class RECT(ctypes.Structure):
-        """ Used to handle L{ModernDockArt} on Windows XP/Vista/7. """
-        _fields_ = [('left', ctypes.c_ulong),('top', ctypes.c_ulong),('right', ctypes.c_ulong),('bottom', ctypes.c_ulong)]
-        def dump(self):
-            """ Dumps `self` as a `wx.Rect`. """
-            return map(int, (self.left,, self.right, self.bottom))
-    class SIZE(ctypes.Structure):
-        """ Used to handle L{ModernDockArt} on Windows XP/Vista/7. """
-        _fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_long),('y', ctypes.c_long)]
-class ModernDockArt(AuiDefaultDockArt):
-    """
-    ModernDockArt is a custom `AuiDockArt` class, that implements a look similar to
-    Firefox and other recents applications. 
-    Is uses the `winxptheme` module and XP themes whenever possible, so it should
-    look good even if the user has a custom theme.
-    :note: This dock art is Windows only and will only work if you have installed
-     Mark Hammond's `pywin32` module (
-    """
-    def __init__(self, win):
-        """
-        Default class constructor. 
-        :param `win`: the window managed by L{AuiManager}. 
-        """
-        AuiDefaultDockArt.__init__(self)
- = win
-        # Get the size of a small close button (themed)
-        hwnd =
-        self.hTheme1 = winxptheme.OpenThemeData(hwnd, "Window")
-        self.usingTheme = True
-        if not self.hTheme1:
-            self.usingTheme = False
-        self._button_size = 13
-        self._button_border_size = 3
-        self._caption_text_indent = 6
-        self._caption_size = 22
-        # We only highlight the active pane with the caption text being in bold.
-        # So we do not want a special colour for active elements.        
-        self._active_close_bitmap = self._inactive_close_bitmap
-        self.Init()
-    def Init(self):
-        """ Initializes the dock art. """
-        AuiDefaultDockArt.Init(self)
-        self._active_caption_colour = self._inactive_caption_colour
-        self._active_caption_text_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_CAPTIONTEXT)
-        self._inactive_caption_text_colour = self._active_caption_text_colour
-    def DrawCaption(self, dc, window, text, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Draws the text in the pane caption.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `text`: the text to be displayed;
-        :param `rect`: the pane caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the text is drawn.
-        """        
-        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        self.DrawCaptionBackground(dc, rect, pane)
-        active = ((pane.state & optionActive) and [True] or [False])[0]
-        self._caption_font.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
-        dc.SetFont(self._caption_font)
-        if active:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(self._active_caption_text_colour)
-        else:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(self._inactive_caption_text_colour)
-        w, h = dc.GetTextExtent("ABCDEFHXfgkj")
-        clip_rect = wx.Rect(*rect)
-        btns = pane.CountButtons()
-        captionLeft = pane.HasCaptionLeft()
-        variable = (captionLeft and [rect.height] or [rect.width])[0]
-        variable -= 3      # text offset
-        variable -= 2      # button padding
-        caption_offset = 0
-        if pane.icon:
-            if captionLeft:
-                caption_offset += pane.icon.GetHeight() + 3
-            else:
-                caption_offset += pane.icon.GetWidth() + 3
-            self.DrawIcon(dc, rect, pane)
-        diff = -2
-        if self.usingTheme:
-            diff = -1
-        variable -= caption_offset
-        variable -= btns*(self._button_size + self._button_border_size)
-        draw_text = ChopText(dc, text, variable)
-        if captionLeft:
-            dc.DrawRotatedText(draw_text, rect.x+(rect.width/2)-(h/2)-diff, rect.y+rect.height-3-caption_offset, 90)
-        else:
-            dc.DrawText(draw_text, rect.x+3+caption_offset, rect.y+(rect.height/2)-(h/2)-diff)
-    def DrawCaptionBackground(self, dc, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Draws the text caption background in the pane.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `rect`: the text caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which we are drawing the caption background.
-        """        
-        dc.SetBrush(self._background_brush)
-        dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
-        active = ((pane.state & optionActive) and [True] or [False])[0]
-        if self.usingTheme:
-            rectangle = wx.Rect()
-            rc = RECT(rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height)
-            # If rect x/y values are negative rc.right/bottom values will overflow and winxptheme.DrawThemeBackground
-            # will raise a TypeError. Ensure they are never negative.
-            rect.x = max(0, rect.x)
-            rect.y = max(0, rect.y)
-   = rect.x
-            rc.left = rect.y
-            rc.right = rect.x + rect.width
-            rc.bottom = rect.y + rect.height
-            if active:
-                winxptheme.DrawThemeBackground(self.hTheme1, dc.GetHDC(), 5, 1, (, rc.left, rc.right, rc.bottom), None)
-            else:
-                winxptheme.DrawThemeBackground(self.hTheme1, dc.GetHDC(), 5, 2, (, rc.left, rc.right, rc.bottom), None)
-        else:
-            AuiDefaultDockArt.DrawCaptionBackground(self, dc, rect, pane)
-    def RequestUserAttention(self, dc, window, text, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Requests the user attention by intermittently highlighting the pane caption.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `text`: the text to be displayed;
-        :param `rect`: the pane caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the text is drawn.
-        """        
-        state = pane.state
-        pane.state &= ~optionActive
-        for indx in xrange(6):
-            active = (indx%2 == 0 and [True] or [False])[0]
-            if active:
-                pane.state |= optionActive
-            else:
-                pane.state &= ~optionActive
-            self.DrawCaptionBackground(dc, rect, pane)
-            self.DrawCaption(dc, window, text, rect, pane)
-            wx.SafeYield()
-            wx.MilliSleep(350)
-        pane.state = state
-    def DrawPaneButton(self, dc, window, button, button_state, rect, pane):
-        """
-        Draws a pane button in the pane caption area.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `window`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
-        :param `button`: the button to be drawn;
-        :param `button_state`: the pane button state;
-        :param `rect`: the pane caption rectangle;
-        :param `pane`: the pane for which the button is drawn.
-        """        
-        if self.usingTheme:
-            hTheme = self.hTheme1            
-            # Get the real button position (compensating for borders)
-            drect = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, self._button_size, self._button_size)
-            # Draw the themed close button
-            rc = RECT(0, 0, 0, 0)
-            if pane.HasCaptionLeft():
-       = rect.x + self._button_border_size
-                rc.left = int(rect.y + 1.5*self._button_border_size)
-                rc.right = rect.x + self._button_size + self._button_border_size
-                rc.bottom = int(rect.y + self._button_size + 1.5*self._button_border_size)
-            else:
-       = rect.x - self._button_border_size
-                rc.left = int(rect.y + 1.5*self._button_border_size)
-                rc.right = rect.x + self._button_size- self._button_border_size
-                rc.bottom = int(rect.y + self._button_size + 1.5*self._button_border_size)
-            if button == AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE:
-                btntype = 19
-            elif button == AUI_BUTTON_PIN:
-                btntype = 23
-            elif button == AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE:
-                if not pane.IsMaximized():
-                    btntype = 17
-                else:
-                    btntype = 21
-            else:
-                btntype = 15
-            state = 4 # CBS_DISABLED
-            if pane.state & optionActive:
-                if button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL:
-                    state = 1 # CBS_NORMAL
-                elif button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                    state = 2 # CBS_HOT
-                elif button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                    state = 3 # CBS_PUSHED
-                else:
-                    raise Exception("ERROR: Unknown State.")
-            else: # inactive pane
-                if button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL:
-                    state = 5 # CBS_NORMAL
-                elif button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                    state = 6 # CBS_HOT
-                elif button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                    state = 7 # CBS_PUSHED
-                else:
-                    raise Exception("ERROR: Unknown State.")
-            try:
-                winxptheme.DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, dc.GetHDC(), btntype, state, (, rc.left, rc.right, rc.bottom), None)
-            except TypeError:
-                return
-        else:
-            # Fallback to default closebutton if themes are not enabled
-            rect2 = wx.Rect(rect.x-4, rect.y+2, rect.width, rect.height)
-            AuiDefaultDockArt.DrawPaneButton(self, dc, window, button, button_state, rect2, pane)
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9b277bf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10385 +0,0 @@
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# AUI Library wxPython IMPLEMENTATION
-# Original C++ Code From Kirix (wxAUI). You Can Find It At:
-#    License: wxWidgets license
-# Current wxAUI Version Tracked: wxWidgets 2.9.0 SVN HEAD
-# Python Code By:
-# Andrea Gavana, @ 23 Dec 2005
-# Latest Revision: 10 Mar 2011, 15.00 GMT
-# For All Kind Of Problems, Requests Of Enhancements And Bug Reports, Please
-# Write To Me At:
-# Or, Obviously, To The wxPython Mailing List!!!
-# End Of Comments
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-framemanager is the central module of the AUI class framework.
-L{AuiManager} manages the panes associated with it for a particular `wx.Frame`, using
-a pane's L{AuiPaneInfo} information to determine each pane's docking and floating
-behavior. AuiManager uses wxPython' sizer mechanism to plan the layout of each frame.
-It uses a replaceable dock art class to do all drawing, so all drawing is localized
-in one area, and may be customized depending on an application's specific needs.
-AuiManager works as follows: the programmer adds panes to the class, or makes
-changes to existing pane properties (dock position, floating state, show state, etc...).
-To apply these changes, AuiManager's L{AuiManager.Update} function is called. This batch
-processing can be used to avoid flicker, by modifying more than one pane at a time,
-and then "committing" all of the changes at once by calling `Update()`.
-Panes can be added quite easily::
-    text1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1)
-    text2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1)
-    self._mgr.AddPane(text1, AuiPaneInfo().Left().Caption("Pane Number One"))
-    self._mgr.AddPane(text2, AuiPaneInfo().Bottom().Caption("Pane Number Two"))
-    self._mgr.Update()
-Later on, the positions can be modified easily. The following will float an
-existing pane in a tool window::
-    self._mgr.GetPane(text1).Float()
-Layers, Rows and Directions, Positions
-Inside AUI, the docking layout is figured out by checking several pane parameters.
-Four of these are important for determining where a pane will end up.
-**Direction** - Each docked pane has a direction, `Top`, `Bottom`, `Left`, `Right`, or `Center`.
-This is fairly self-explanatory. The pane will be placed in the location specified
-by this variable.
-**Position** - More than one pane can be placed inside of a "dock". Imagine two panes
-being docked on the left side of a window. One pane can be placed over another.
-In proportionally managed docks, the pane position indicates it's sequential position,
-starting with zero. So, in our scenario with two panes docked on the left side, the
-top pane in the dock would have position 0, and the second one would occupy position 1. 
-**Row** - A row can allow for two docks to be placed next to each other. One of the most
-common places for this to happen is in the toolbar. Multiple toolbar rows are allowed,
-the first row being in row 0, and the second in row 1. Rows can also be used on
-vertically docked panes. 
-**Layer** - A layer is akin to an onion. Layer 0 is the very center of the managed pane.
-Thus, if a pane is in layer 0, it will be closest to the center window (also sometimes
-known as the "content window"). Increasing layers "swallow up" all layers of a lower
-value. This can look very similar to multiple rows, but is different because all panes
-in a lower level yield to panes in higher levels. The best way to understand layers
-is by running the AUI sample (``).
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
-__date__ = "31 March 2009"
-import wx
-import time
-import types
-import warnings
-import auibar
-import auibook
-import tabmdi
-import dockart
-import tabart
-from aui_utilities import Clip, PaneCreateStippleBitmap, GetDockingImage, GetSlidingPoints
-from aui_constants import *
-# Define this as a translation function
-_ = wx.GetTranslation
-_winxptheme = False
-if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
-    try:
-        import winxptheme
-        _winxptheme = True
-    except ImportError:
-        pass
-# wxPython version string
-# AUI Events
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_MAXIMIZE = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_RESTORE = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_RENDER = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_MINIMIZE = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_MIN_RESTORE = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATING = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATED = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKING = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKED = wx.NewEventType()
-wxEVT_AUI_PANE_ACTIVATED = wx.NewEventType()
-""" Fires an event when the user left-clicks on a pane button. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` has been closed. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` has been maximized. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` has been restored from a maximized state. """
-EVT_AUI_RENDER = wx.PyEventBinder(wxEVT_AUI_RENDER, 0)
-""" Fires an event every time the AUI frame is being repainted. """
-""" Used to find which AUI manager is controlling a certain pane. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` has been minimized. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` has been restored from a minimized state. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` is about to be floated. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` has been floated. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` is about to be docked. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` has been docked. """
-""" A pane in `AuiManager` has been activated. """
-""" The layout in `AuiManager` has been changed. """
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class AuiDockInfo(object):
-    """ A class to store all properties of a dock. """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        """
-        object.__init__(self)
-        self.dock_direction = 0
-        self.dock_layer = 0
-        self.dock_row = 0
-        self.size = 0
-        self.min_size = 0
-        self.resizable = True
-        self.fixed = False
-        self.toolbar = False
-        self.rect = wx.Rect()
-        self.panes = []
-    def IsOk(self):
-        """
-        Returns whether a dock is valid or not.
-        In order to be valid, a dock needs to have a non-zero `dock_direction`.
-        """
-        return self.dock_direction != 0
-    def IsHorizontal(self):
-        """ Returns whether the dock is horizontal or not. """
-        return self.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_TOP, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM]
-    def IsVertical(self):
-        """ Returns whether the dock is vertical or not. """
-        return self.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_LEFT, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT, AUI_DOCK_CENTER]
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class AuiDockingGuideInfo(object):
-    """ A class which holds information about VS2005 docking guide windows. """
-    def __init__(self, other=None):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `other`: another instance of L{AuiDockingGuideInfo}.
-        """
-        if other:
-            self.Assign(other)
-        else:
-            # window representing the docking target
-   = None
-            # dock direction (top, bottom, left, right, center)
-            self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_NONE
-    def Assign(self, other):
-        """
-        Assigns the properties of the `other` L{AuiDockingGuideInfo} to `self`.
-        :param `other`: another instance of L{AuiDockingGuideInfo}.
-        """
- =
-        self.dock_direction = other.dock_direction
-    def Host(self, h):
-        """
-        Hosts a docking guide window.
-        :param `h`: an instance of L{AuiSingleDockingGuide} or L{AuiCenterDockingGuide}.
-        """
- = h
-        return self
-    def Left(self):
-        """ Sets the guide window to left docking. """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_LEFT
-        return self
-    def Right(self):
-        """ Sets the guide window to right docking. """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_RIGHT
-        return self 
-    def Top(self):
-        """ Sets the guide window to top docking. """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_TOP
-        return self 
-    def Bottom(self):
-        """ Sets the guide window to bottom docking. """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM
-        return self 
-    def Center(self):
-        """ Sets the guide window to center docking. """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_CENTER
-        return self 
-    def Centre(self):
-        """ Sets the guide window to centre docking. """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_CENTRE
-        return self
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class AuiDockUIPart(object):
-    """ A class which holds attributes for a UI part in the interface. """
-    typeCaption = 0
-    typeGripper = 1
-    typeDock = 2
-    typeDockSizer = 3
-    typePane = 4
-    typePaneSizer = 5
-    typeBackground = 6
-    typePaneBorder = 7
-    typePaneButton = 8
-    def __init__(self):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        """
-        self.orientation = wx.VERTICAL
-        self.type = 0
-        self.rect = wx.Rect()
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class AuiPaneButton(object):
-    """ A simple class which describes the caption pane button attributes. """
-    def __init__(self, button_id):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `button_id`: the pane button identifier.
-        """
-        self.button_id = button_id
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# event declarations/classes
-class AuiManagerEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
-    """ A specialized command event class for events sent by L{AuiManager}. """
-    def __init__(self, eventType, id=1):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        :param `eventType`: the event kind;
-        :param `id`: the event identification number.
-        """
-        wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, eventType, id)
-        self.manager = None
-        self.pane = None
-        self.button = 0
-        self.veto_flag = False
-        self.canveto_flag = True
-        self.dc = None
-    def SetManager(self, mgr):
-        """
-        Associates a L{AuiManager} to the current event.
-        :param `mgr`: an instance of L{AuiManager}.
-        """
-        self.manager = mgr
-    def SetDC(self, pdc):
-        """
-        Associates a `wx.DC` device context to this event.
-        :param `pdc`: a `wx.DC` device context object. 
-        """
-        self.dc = pdc
-    def SetPane(self, p):
-        """
-        Associates a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance to this event.
-        :param `p`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance.
-        """
-        self.pane = p
-    def SetButton(self, b):
-        """
-        Associates a L{AuiPaneButton} instance to this event.
-        :param `b`: a L{AuiPaneButton} instance.
-        """
-        self.button = b
-    def GetManager(self):
-        """ Returns the associated L{AuiManager} (if any). """
-        return self.manager
-    def GetDC(self):
-        """ Returns the associated `wx.DC` device context (if any). """
-        return self.dc
-    def GetPane(self):
-        """ Returns the associated L{AuiPaneInfo} structure (if any). """
-        return self.pane
-    def GetButton(self):
-        """ Returns the associated L{AuiPaneButton} instance (if any). """
-        return self.button
-    def Veto(self, veto=True):
-        """
-        Prevents the change announced by this event from happening.
-        It is in general a good idea to notify the user about the reasons for
-        vetoing the change because otherwise the applications behaviour (which
-        just refuses to do what the user wants) might be quite surprising.
-        :param `veto`: ``True`` to veto the event, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        self.veto_flag = veto
-    def GetVeto(self):
-        """ Returns whether the event has been vetoed or not. """
-        return self.veto_flag
-    def SetCanVeto(self, can_veto):
-        """
-        Sets whether the event can be vetoed or not.
-        :param `can_veto`: a bool flag. ``True`` if the event can be vetoed, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        self.canveto_flag = can_veto
-    def CanVeto(self):
-        """ Returns whether the event can be vetoed and has been vetoed. """
-        return  self.canveto_flag and self.veto_flag
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class AuiPaneInfo(object):
-    """
-    AuiPaneInfo specifies all the parameters for a pane. These parameters specify where
-    the pane is on the screen, whether it is docked or floating, or hidden. In addition,
-    these parameters specify the pane's docked position, floating position, preferred
-    size, minimum size, caption text among many other parameters.
-    """
-    optionFloating         = 2**0
-    optionHidden           = 2**1
-    optionLeftDockable     = 2**2
-    optionRightDockable    = 2**3
-    optionTopDockable      = 2**4
-    optionBottomDockable   = 2**5
-    optionFloatable        = 2**6
-    optionMovable          = 2**7
-    optionResizable        = 2**8
-    optionPaneBorder       = 2**9
-    optionCaption          = 2**10
-    optionGripper          = 2**11
-    optionDestroyOnClose   = 2**12
-    optionToolbar          = 2**13
-    optionActive           = 2**14
-    optionGripperTop       = 2**15
-    optionMaximized        = 2**16
-    optionDockFixed        = 2**17
-    optionNotebookDockable = 2**18
-    optionMinimized        = 2**19
-    optionLeftSnapped      = 2**20
-    optionRightSnapped     = 2**21
-    optionTopSnapped       = 2**22
-    optionBottomSnapped    = 2**23
-    optionFlyOut           = 2**24
-    optionCaptionLeft      = 2**25
-    buttonClose            = 2**26
-    buttonMaximize         = 2**27
-    buttonMinimize         = 2**28
-    buttonPin              = 2**29
-    buttonCustom1          = 2**30
-    buttonCustom2          = 2**31
-    buttonCustom3          = 2**32
-    savedHiddenState       = 2**33    # used internally
-    actionPane             = 2**34    # used internally
-    wasMaximized           = 2**35    # used internally
-    needsRestore           = 2**36    # used internally
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        self.window = None
-        self.frame = None
-        self.state = 0
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_LEFT
-        self.dock_layer = 0
-        self.dock_row = 0
-        self.dock_pos = 0
-        self.minimize_mode = AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_SMART
-        self.floating_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
-        self.floating_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        self.best_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        self.min_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        self.max_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
-        self.dock_proportion = 0
-        self.caption = ""
-        self.buttons = []
- = ""
-        self.icon = wx.NullIcon
-        self.rect = wx.Rect()
-        self.notebook_id = -1
-        self.transparent = 255
-        self.needsTransparency = False
-        self.previousDockPos = None
-        self.previousDockSize = 0
-        self.snapped = 0
-        self.DefaultPane()
-    def dock_direction_get(self):
-        """
-        Getter for the `dock_direction`.
-        :see: L{dock_direction_set} for a set of valid docking directions.
-        """
-        if self.IsMaximized():
-            return AUI_DOCK_CENTER
-        else:
-            return self._dock_direction
-    def dock_direction_set(self, value):
-        """
-        Setter for the `dock_direction`.
-        :param `value`: the docking direction. This cab ne one of the following bits:
-        ============================ ======= =============================================
-        Dock Flag                     Value  Description
-        ============================ ======= =============================================
-        ``AUI_DOCK_NONE``                  0 No docking direction.
-        ``AUI_DOCK_TOP``                   1 Top docking direction.
-        ``AUI_DOCK_RIGHT``                 2 Right docking direction.
-        ``AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM``                3 Bottom docking direction.
-        ``AUI_DOCK_LEFT``                  4 Left docking direction.
-        ``AUI_DOCK_CENTER``                5 Center docking direction.
-        ``AUI_DOCK_CENTRE``                5 Centre docking direction.
-        ``AUI_DOCK_NOTEBOOK_PAGE``         6 Automatic AuiNotebooks docking style.
-        ============================ ======= =============================================
-        """
-        self._dock_direction = value
-    dock_direction = property(dock_direction_get, dock_direction_set)
-    def IsOk(self):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if the L{AuiPaneInfo} structure is valid.
-        :note: A pane structure is valid if it has an associated window.
-        """
-        return self.window != None
-    def IsMaximized(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane is maximized. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionMaximized)
-    def IsMinimized(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane is minimized. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionMinimized)
-    def IsFixed(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane cannot be resized. """
-        return not self.HasFlag(self.optionResizable)
-    def IsResizeable(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane can be resized. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionResizable)
-    def IsShown(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane is currently shown. """
-        return not self.HasFlag(self.optionHidden)
-    def IsFloating(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane is floating. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionFloating)
-    def IsDocked(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane is docked. """
-        return not self.HasFlag(self.optionFloating)
-    def IsToolbar(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane contains a toolbar. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionToolbar)
-    def IsTopDockable(self):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if the pane can be docked at the top
-        of the managed frame.
-        """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionTopDockable)
-    def IsBottomDockable(self):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if the pane can be docked at the bottom
-        of the managed frame.
-        """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionBottomDockable)
-    def IsLeftDockable(self):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if the pane can be docked at the left
-        of the managed frame.
-        """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionLeftDockable) 
-    def IsRightDockable(self):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if the pane can be docked at the right
-        of the managed frame.
-        """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionRightDockable)
-    def IsDockable(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane can be docked. """
-        return self.IsTopDockable() or self.IsBottomDockable() or self.IsLeftDockable() or \
-               self.IsRightDockable() or self.IsNotebookDockable()
-    def IsFloatable(self):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if the pane can be undocked and displayed as a
-        floating window.
-        """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionFloatable)
-    def IsMovable(self):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if the docked frame can be undocked or moved to
-        another dock position.
-        """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionMovable)
-    def IsDestroyOnClose(self):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if the pane should be destroyed when it is closed.
-        Normally a pane is simply hidden when the close button is clicked. Calling L{DestroyOnClose}
-        with a ``True`` input parameter will cause the window to be destroyed when the user clicks
-        the pane's close button.
-        """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionDestroyOnClose)
-    def IsNotebookDockable(self):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if a pane can be docked on top to another to create a
-        L{AuiNotebook}.
-        """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionNotebookDockable)
-    def IsTopSnappable(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane can be snapped at the top of the managed frame. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionTopSnapped)
-    def IsBottomSnappable(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane can be snapped at the bottom of the managed frame. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionBottomSnapped)
-    def IsLeftSnappable(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane can be snapped on the left of the managed frame. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionLeftSnapped) 
-    def IsRightSnappable(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane can be snapped on the right of the managed frame. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionRightSnapped)
-    def IsSnappable(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane can be snapped. """
-        return self.IsTopSnappable() or self.IsBottomSnappable() or self.IsLeftSnappable() or \
-               self.IsRightSnappable()
-    def IsFlyOut(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the floating pane has a "fly-out" effect. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionFlyOut)        
-    def HasCaption(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane displays a caption. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionCaption)
-    def HasCaptionLeft(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane displays a caption on the left (rotated by 90 degrees). """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionCaptionLeft)
-    def HasGripper(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane displays a gripper. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionGripper) 
-    def HasBorder(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane displays a border. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionPaneBorder)
-    def HasCloseButton(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane displays a button to close the pane. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.buttonClose) 
-    def HasMaximizeButton(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane displays a button to maximize the pane. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.buttonMaximize)
-    def HasMinimizeButton(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane displays a button to minimize the pane. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.buttonMinimize) 
-    def GetMinimizeMode(self):
-        """
-        Returns the minimization style for this pane.
-        Possible return values are:
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        Minimize Mode Flag             Hex Value Description
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_SMART``          0x01 Minimizes the pane on the closest tool bar
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOP``            0x02 Minimizes the pane on the top tool bar
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_LEFT``           0x03 Minimizes the pane on its left tool bar
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT``          0x04 Minimizes the pane on its right tool bar
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_BOTTOM``         0x05 Minimizes the pane on its bottom tool bar
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_MASK``           0x07 Mask to filter the position flags
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_HIDE``           0x0 Hides the caption of the minimized pane
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART``         0x08 Displays the caption in the best rotation (horizontal or clockwise)
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_HORZ``          0x10 Displays the caption horizontally
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_MASK``          0x18 Mask to filter the caption flags
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        The flags can be filtered with the following masks:
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        Minimize Mask Flag             Hex Value Description
-        ============================== ========= ==============================        
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_MASK``           0x07 Filters the position flags
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_MASK``          0x18 Filters the caption flags
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        """
-        return self.minimize_mode
-    def HasPinButton(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane displays a button to float the pane. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.buttonPin) 
-    def HasGripperTop(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane displays a gripper at the top. """
-        return self.HasFlag(self.optionGripperTop)
-    def Window(self, w):
-        """
-        Associate a `wx.Window` derived window to this pane.
-        This normally does not need to be specified, as the window pointer is
-        automatically assigned to the L{AuiPaneInfo} structure as soon as it is
-        added to the manager.
-        :param `w`: a `wx.Window` derived window.
-        """
-        self.window = w
-        return self
-    def Name(self, name):
-        """
-        Sets the name of the pane so it can be referenced in lookup functions.
-        If a name is not specified by the user, a random name is assigned to the pane
-        when it is added to the manager.
-        :param `name`: a string specifying the pane name.
-        :warning: If you are using L{AuiManager.SavePerspective} and L{AuiManager.LoadPerspective}, you will have
-         to specify a name for your pane using L{Name}, as randomly generated names can
-         not be properly restored.
-        """
- = name
-        return self
-    def Caption(self, caption):
-        """
-        Sets the caption of the pane.
-        :param `caption`: a string specifying the pane caption.
-        """
-        self.caption = caption
-        return self
-    def Left(self):
-        """ 
-        Sets the pane dock position to the left side of the frame.
-        :note: This is the same thing as calling L{Direction} with ``AUI_DOCK_LEFT`` as
-         parameter.
-        """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_LEFT
-        return self
-    def Right(self):
-        """
-        Sets the pane dock position to the right side of the frame.
-        :note: This is the same thing as calling L{Direction} with ``AUI_DOCK_RIGHT`` as
-         parameter.
-        """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_RIGHT
-        return self
-    def Top(self):
-        """
-        Sets the pane dock position to the top of the frame.
-        :note: This is the same thing as calling L{Direction} with ``AUI_DOCK_TOP`` as
-         parameter.
-        """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_TOP
-        return self
-    def Bottom(self):
-        """
-        Sets the pane dock position to the bottom of the frame.
-        :note: This is the same thing as calling L{Direction} with ``AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM`` as
-         parameter.
-        """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM
-        return self
-    def Center(self):
-        """
-        Sets the pane to the center position of the frame.
-        The centre pane is the space in the middle after all border panes (left, top,
-        right, bottom) are subtracted from the layout.
-        :note: This is the same thing as calling L{Direction} with ``AUI_DOCK_CENTER`` as
-         parameter.
-        """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_CENTER
-        return self
-    def Centre(self):
-        """
-        Sets the pane to the center position of the frame.
-        The centre pane is the space in the middle after all border panes (left, top,
-        right, bottom) are subtracted from the layout.
-        :note: This is the same thing as calling L{Direction} with ``AUI_DOCK_CENTRE`` as
-         parameter.
-        """
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_CENTRE
-        return self
-    def Direction(self, direction):
-        """
-        Determines the direction of the docked pane. It is functionally the
-        same as calling L{Left}, L{Right}, L{Top} or L{Bottom}, except that docking direction
-        may be specified programmatically via the parameter `direction`.
-        :param `direction`: the direction of the docked pane.
-        :see: L{dock_direction_set} for a list of valid docking directions.        
-        """
-        self.dock_direction = direction
-        return self
-    def Layer(self, layer):
-        """
-        Determines the layer of the docked pane.
-        The dock layer is similar to an onion, the inner-most layer being layer 0. Each
-        shell moving in the outward direction has a higher layer number. This allows for
-        more complex docking layout formation.
-        :param `layer`: the layer of the docked pane.
-        """
-        self.dock_layer = layer
-        return self
-    def Row(self, row):
-        """
-        Determines the row of the docked pane.
-        :param `row`: the row of the docked pane.
-        """
-        self.dock_row = row
-        return self
-    def Position(self, pos):
-        """
-        Determines the position of the docked pane.
-        :param `pos`: the position of the docked pane.
-        """
-        self.dock_pos = pos
-        return self
-    def MinSize(self, arg1=None, arg2=None):
-        """
-        Sets the minimum size of the pane.
-        This method is split in 2 versions depending on the input type. If `arg1` is
-        a `wx.Size` object, then L{MinSize1} is called. Otherwise, L{MinSize2} is called.
-        :param `arg1`: a `wx.Size` object, a (x, y) tuple or or a `x` coordinate.
-        :param `arg2`: a `y` coordinate (only if `arg1` is a `x` coordinate, otherwise unused).
-        """
-        if isinstance(arg1, wx.Size):
-            ret = self.MinSize1(arg1)
-        elif isinstance(arg1, types.TupleType):
-            ret = self.MinSize1(wx.Size(*arg1))
-        else:
-            ret = self.MinSize2(arg1, arg2)
-        return ret
-    def MinSize1(self, size):
-        """
-        Sets the minimum size of the pane.
-        :see: L{MinSize} for an explanation of input parameters.
-        """
-        self.min_size = size
-        return self
-    def MinSize2(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Sets the minimum size of the pane.
-        :see: L{MinSize} for an explanation of input parameters.
-        """
-        self.min_size = wx.Size(x, y)
-        return self
-    def MaxSize(self, arg1=None, arg2=None):
-        """
-        Sets the maximum size of the pane.
-        This method is split in 2 versions depending on the input type. If `arg1` is
-        a `wx.Size` object, then L{MaxSize1} is called. Otherwise, L{MaxSize2} is called.
-        :param `arg1`: a `wx.Size` object, a (x, y) tuple or a `x` coordinate.
-        :param `arg2`: a `y` coordinate (only if `arg1` is a `x` coordinate, otherwise unused).
-        """
-        if isinstance(arg1, wx.Size):
-            ret = self.MaxSize1(arg1)
-        elif isinstance(arg1, types.TupleType):
-            ret = self.MaxSize1(wx.Size(*arg1))
-        else:
-            ret = self.MaxSize2(arg1, arg2)
-        return ret
-    def MaxSize1(self, size):
-        """
-        Sets the maximum size of the pane.
-        :see: L{MaxSize} for an explanation of input parameters.
-        """
-        self.max_size = size
-        return self
-    def MaxSize2(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Sets the maximum size of the pane.
-        :see: L{MaxSize} for an explanation of input parameters.
-        """
-        self.max_size.Set(x,y)
-        return self
-    def BestSize(self, arg1=None, arg2=None):
-        """
-        Sets the ideal size for the pane. The docking manager will attempt to use
-        this size as much as possible when docking or floating the pane.
-        This method is split in 2 versions depending on the input type. If `arg1` is
-        a `wx.Size` object, then L{BestSize1} is called. Otherwise, L{BestSize2} is called.
-        :param `arg1`: a `wx.Size` object, a (x, y) tuple or a `x` coordinate.
-        :param `arg2`: a `y` coordinate (only if `arg1` is a `x` coordinate, otherwise unused).
-        """
-        if isinstance(arg1, wx.Size):
-            ret = self.BestSize1(arg1)
-        elif isinstance(arg1, types.TupleType):
-            ret = self.BestSize1(wx.Size(*arg1))
-        else:
-            ret = self.BestSize2(arg1, arg2)
-        return ret
-    def BestSize1(self, size):
-        """
-        Sets the best size of the pane.
-        :see: L{BestSize} for an explanation of input parameters.
-        """
-        self.best_size = size
-        return self
-    def BestSize2(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Sets the best size of the pane.
-        :see: L{BestSize} for an explanation of input parameters.
-        """
-        self.best_size.Set(x,y)
-        return self
-    def FloatingPosition(self, pos):
-        """
-        Sets the position of the floating pane.
-        :param `pos`: a `wx.Point` or a tuple indicating the pane floating position.
-        """
-        self.floating_pos = wx.Point(*pos)
-        return self
-    def FloatingSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Sets the size of the floating pane.
-        :param `size`: a `wx.Size` or a tuple indicating the pane floating size.
-        """
-        self.floating_size = wx.Size(*size)
-        return self
-    def Maximize(self):
-        """ Makes the pane take up the full area."""
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionMaximized, True)
-    def Minimize(self):
-        """
-        Makes the pane minimized in a L{AuiToolBar}.
-        Clicking on the minimize button causes a new L{AuiToolBar} to be created
-        and added to the frame manager, (currently the implementation is such that
-        panes at West will have a toolbar at the right, panes at South will have
-        toolbars at the bottom etc...) and the pane is hidden in the manager.
-        Clicking on the restore button on the newly created toolbar will result in the
-        toolbar being removed and the original pane being restored.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionMinimized, True)
-    def MinimizeMode(self, mode):
-        """
-        Sets the expected minimized mode if the MinimizeButton() is visible.
-        The minimized pane can have a specific position in the work space:
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        Minimize Mode Flag             Hex Value Description
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_SMART``          0x01 Minimizes the pane on the closest tool bar
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOP``            0x02 Minimizes the pane on the top tool bar
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_LEFT``           0x03 Minimizes the pane on its left tool bar
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT``          0x04 Minimizes the pane on its right tool bar
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_BOTTOM``         0x05 Minimizes the pane on its bottom tool bar
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        The caption of the minimized pane can be displayed in different modes:
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        Caption Mode Flag              Hex Value Description
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_HIDE``           0x0 Hides the caption of the minimized pane
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART``         0x08 Displays the caption in the best rotation (horizontal in the top and in the bottom tool bar or clockwise in the right and in the left tool bar)
-        ``AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_HORZ``          0x10 Displays the caption horizontally
-        ============================== ========= ==============================
-        """
-        self.minimize_mode = mode
-        return self
-    def Restore(self):
-        """ Is the reverse of L{Maximize} and L{Minimize}."""
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionMaximized or self.optionMinimized, False)
-    def Fixed(self):
-        """
-        Forces a pane to be fixed size so that it cannot be resized.
-        After calling L{Fixed}, L{IsFixed} will return ``True``.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionResizable, False)
-    def Resizable(self, resizable=True):
-        """
-        Allows a pane to be resizable if `resizable` is ``True``, and forces
-        it to be a fixed size if `resizeable` is ``False``.
-        If `resizable` is ``False``, this is simply an antonym for L{Fixed}.
-        :param `resizable`: whether the pane will be resizeable or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionResizable, resizable)
-    def Transparent(self, alpha):
-        """
-        Makes the pane transparent when floating.
-        :param `alpha`: an integer value between 0 and 255 for pane transparency.
-        """
-        if alpha < 0 or alpha > 255:
-            raise Exception("Invalid transparency value (%s)"%repr(alpha))
-        self.transparent = alpha
-        self.needsTransparency = True
-    def Dock(self):
-        """
-        Indicates that a pane should be docked. It is the opposite of L{Float}.
-        """
-        if self.IsNotebookPage():
-            self.notebook_id = -1
-            self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_NONE
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionFloating, False)
-    def Float(self):
-        """
-        Indicates that a pane should be floated. It is the opposite of L{Dock}.
-        """
-        if self.IsNotebookPage():
-            self.notebook_id = -1
-            self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_NONE
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionFloating, True)
-    def Hide(self):
-        """
-        Indicates that a pane should be hidden.
-        Calling L{Show} (``False``) achieve the same effect.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionHidden, True)
-    def Show(self, show=True):
-        """
-        Indicates that a pane should be shown.
-        :param `show`: whether the pane should be shown or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionHidden, not show)
-    # By defaulting to 1000, the tab will get placed at the end
-    def NotebookPage(self, id, tab_position=1000):
-        """
-        Forces a pane to be a notebook page, so that the pane can be
-        docked on top to another to create a L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `id`: the notebook id;
-        :param `tab_position`: the tab number of the pane once docked in a notebook.
-        """
-        # Remove any floating frame
-        self.Dock()
-        self.notebook_id = id
-        self.dock_pos = tab_position
-        self.dock_row = 0
-        self.dock_layer = 0
-        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_NOTEBOOK_PAGE
-        return self
-    def NotebookControl(self, id):
-        """
-        Forces a pane to be a notebook control (L{AuiNotebook}).
-        :param `id`: the notebook id.
-        """
-        self.notebook_id = id
-        self.window = None
-        self.buttons = []
-        if self.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_NOTEBOOK_PAGE:
-            self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_NONE
-        return self
-    def HasNotebook(self):
-        """ Returns whether a pane has a L{AuiNotebook} or not. """
-        return self.notebook_id >= 0
-    def IsNotebookPage(self):
-        """ Returns whether the pane is a notebook page in a L{AuiNotebook}. """
-        return self.notebook_id >= 0 and self.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_NOTEBOOK_PAGE
-    def IsNotebookControl(self):
-        """ Returns whether the pane is a notebook control (L{AuiNotebook}). """
-        return not self.IsNotebookPage() and self.HasNotebook()
-    def SetNameFromNotebookId(self):
-        """ Sets the pane name once docked in a L{AuiNotebook} using the notebook id. """
-        if self.notebook_id >= 0:
-   = "__notebook_%d"%self.notebook_id
-        return self
-    def CaptionVisible(self, visible=True, left=False):
-        """
-        Indicates that a pane caption should be visible. If `visible` is ``False``, no pane
-        caption is drawn.
-        :param `visible`: whether the caption should be visible or not;
-        :param `left`: whether the caption should be drawn on the left (rotated by 90 degrees) or not.
-        """
-        if left:
-            self.SetFlag(self.optionCaption, False)
-            return self.SetFlag(self.optionCaptionLeft, visible)
-        self.SetFlag(self.optionCaptionLeft, False)
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionCaption, visible)
-    def PaneBorder(self, visible=True):
-        """
-        Indicates that a border should be drawn for the pane.
-        :param `visible`: whether the pane border should be visible or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionPaneBorder, visible)
-    def Gripper(self, visible=True):
-        """
-        Indicates that a gripper should be drawn for the pane.
-        :param `visible`: whether the gripper should be visible or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionGripper, visible)
-    def GripperTop(self, attop=True):
-        """
-        Indicates that a gripper should be drawn at the top of the pane.
-        :param `attop`: whether the gripper should be drawn at the top or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionGripperTop, attop)
-    def CloseButton(self, visible=True):
-        """
-        Indicates that a close button should be drawn for the pane.
-        :param `visible`: whether the close button should be visible or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.buttonClose, visible)
-    def MaximizeButton(self, visible=True):
-        """
-        Indicates that a maximize button should be drawn for the pane.
-        :param `visible`: whether the maximize button should be visible or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.buttonMaximize, visible)
-    def MinimizeButton(self, visible=True):
-        """
-        Indicates that a minimize button should be drawn for the pane.
-        :param `visible`: whether the minimize button should be visible or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.buttonMinimize, visible)
-    def PinButton(self, visible=True):
-        """
-        Indicates that a pin button should be drawn for the pane.
-        :param `visible`: whether the pin button should be visible or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.buttonPin, visible)
-    def DestroyOnClose(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane should be destroyed when it is closed.
-        Normally a pane is simply hidden when the close button is clicked. Setting
-        `b` to ``True`` will cause the window to be destroyed when the user clicks
-        the pane's close button.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane should be destroyed when it is closed or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionDestroyOnClose, b)
-    def TopDockable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be docked at the top of the frame.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be docked at the top or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionTopDockable, b)
-    def BottomDockable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be docked at the bottom of the frame.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be docked at the bottom or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionBottomDockable, b)
-    def LeftDockable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be docked on the left of the frame.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be docked at the left or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionLeftDockable, b)
-    def RightDockable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be docked on the right of the frame.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be docked at the right or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionRightDockable, b)
-    def Floatable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Sets whether the user will be able to undock a pane and turn it
-        into a floating window.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be floated or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionFloatable, b)
-    def Movable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be moved.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be moved or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionMovable, b)
-    def NotebookDockable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be docked in an automatic L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be docked in a notebook or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionNotebookDockable, b)
-    def DockFixed(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Causes the containing dock to have no resize sash. This is useful
-        for creating panes that span the entire width or height of a dock, but should
-        not be resizable in the other direction.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane will have a resize sash or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionDockFixed, b)
-    def Dockable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Specifies whether a frame can be docked or not. It is the same as specifying
-        L{TopDockable} . L{BottomDockable} . L{LeftDockable} . L{RightDockable} .
-        :param `b`: whether the frame can be docked or not.
-        """
-        return self.TopDockable(b).BottomDockable(b).LeftDockable(b).RightDockable(b)
-    def TopSnappable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be snapped at the top of the main frame.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be snapped at the top of the main frame or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionTopSnapped, b)
-    def BottomSnappable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be snapped at the bottom of the main frame.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be snapped at the bottom of the main frame or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionBottomSnapped, b)
-    def LeftSnappable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be snapped on the left of the main frame.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be snapped at the left of the main frame or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionLeftSnapped, b)
-    def RightSnappable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be snapped on the right of the main frame.
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be snapped at the right of the main frame or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionRightSnapped, b)
-    def Snappable(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane can be snapped on the main frame. This is
-        equivalent as calling L{TopSnappable} . L{BottomSnappable} . L{LeftSnappable} . L{RightSnappable} .
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be snapped on the main frame or not.
-        """
-        return self.TopSnappable(b).BottomSnappable(b).LeftSnappable(b).RightSnappable(b)
-    def FlyOut(self, b=True):
-        """
-        Indicates whether a pane, when floating, has a "fly-out" effect
-        (i.e., floating panes which only show themselves when moused over).
-        :param `b`: whether the pane can be snapped on the main frame or not.
-        """
-        return self.SetFlag(self.optionFlyOut, b)
-    # Copy over the members that pertain to docking position
-    def SetDockPos(self, source):
-        """
-        Copies the `source` pane members that pertain to docking position to `self`.
-        :param `source`: the source pane from where to copy the attributes.
-        """
-        self.dock_direction = source.dock_direction
-        self.dock_layer = source.dock_layer
-        self.dock_row = source.dock_row
-        self.dock_pos = source.dock_pos
-        self.dock_proportion = source.dock_proportion
-        self.floating_pos = wx.Point(*source.floating_pos)
-        self.floating_size = wx.Size(*source.floating_size)
-        self.rect = wx.Rect(*source.rect)
-        return self
-    def DefaultPane(self):
-        """ Specifies that the pane should adopt the default pane settings. """
-        state = self.state    
-        state |= self.optionTopDockable | self.optionBottomDockable | \
-                 self.optionLeftDockable | self.optionRightDockable | \
-                 self.optionNotebookDockable | \
-                 self.optionFloatable | self.optionMovable | self.optionResizable | \
-                 self.optionCaption | self.optionPaneBorder | self.buttonClose
-        self.state = state
-        return self
-    def CentrePane(self):
-        """
-        Specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings.
-        Centre panes usually do not have caption bars. This function provides an easy way of
-        preparing a pane to be displayed in the center dock position.
-        """
-        return self.CenterPane()
-    def CenterPane(self):
-        """
-        Specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings.
-        Centre panes usually do not have caption bars. This function provides an easy way of
-        preparing a pane to be displayed in the center dock position.
-        """
-        self.state = 0
-        return self.Center().PaneBorder().Resizable()
-    def ToolbarPane(self):
-        """ Specifies that the pane should adopt the default toolbar pane settings. """
-        self.DefaultPane()
-        state = self.state
-        state |= (self.optionToolbar | self.optionGripper)
-        state &= ~(self.optionResizable | self.optionCaption | self.optionCaptionLeft)
-        if self.dock_layer == 0:
-            self.dock_layer = 10
-        self.state = state
-        return self
-    def Icon(self, icon):
-        """
-        Specifies whether an icon is drawn on the left of the caption text when
-        the pane is docked. If `icon` is ``None`` or `wx.NullIcon`, no icon is drawn on
-        the caption space.
-        :param icon: an icon to draw on the caption space, or ``None``.
-        """
-        if icon is None:
-            icon = wx.NullIcon
-        self.icon = icon
-        return self        
-    def SetFlag(self, flag, option_state):
-        """
-        Turns the property given by `flag` on or off with the `option_state`
-        parameter.
-        :param `flag`: the property to set;
-        :param `option_state`: either ``True`` or ``False``.
-        """
-        state = self.state
-        if option_state:
-            state |= flag
-        else:
-            state &= ~flag
-        self.state = state
-        if flag in [self.buttonClose, self.buttonMaximize, self.buttonMinimize, self.buttonPin]:
-            self.ResetButtons()
-        return self
-    def HasFlag(self, flag):
-        """
-        Returns ``True`` if the the property specified by flag is active for the pane.
-        :param `flag`: the property to check for activity.
-        """
-        return (self.state & flag and [True] or [False])[0]
-    def ResetButtons(self):
-        """
-        Resets all the buttons and recreates them from scratch depending on the
-        L{AuiPaneInfo} flags.
-        """
-        floating = self.HasFlag(self.optionFloating)
-        self.buttons = []
-        if not floating and self.HasMinimizeButton():
-            button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE)
-            self.buttons.append(button)
-        if not floating and self.HasMaximizeButton():
-            button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE)
-            self.buttons.append(button)
-        if not floating and self.HasPinButton():
-            button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_PIN)
-            self.buttons.append(button)
-        if self.HasCloseButton():
-            button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE)
-            self.buttons.append(button)
-    def CountButtons(self):
-        """ Returns the number of visible buttons in the docked pane. """
-        n = 0
-        if self.HasCaption() or self.HasCaptionLeft():
-            if isinstance(wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.window), AuiFloatingFrame):
-                return 1
-            if self.HasCloseButton():
-                n += 1
-            if self.HasMaximizeButton():
-                n += 1
-            if self.HasMinimizeButton():
-                n += 1
-            if self.HasPinButton():
-                n += 1
-        return n
-    def IsHorizontal(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane `dock_direction` is horizontal. """
-        return self.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_TOP, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM]
-    def IsVertical(self):
-        """ Returns ``True`` if the pane `dock_direction` is vertical. """
-        return self.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_LEFT, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT]
-# Null AuiPaneInfo reference
-NonePaneInfo = AuiPaneInfo()
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class AuiDockingGuide(wx.Frame):
-    """ Base class for L{AuiCenterDockingGuide} and L{AuiSingleDockingGuide}."""
-    def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
-                 size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wx.STAY_ON_TOP |
-                 wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx.NO_BORDER, name="AuiDockingGuide"):
-        """
-        Default class constructor. Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `parent`: the L{AuiDockingGuide} parent;
-        :param `id`: the window identifier. It may take a value of -1 to indicate a default value.
-        :param `title`: the caption to be displayed on the frame's title bar.
-        :param `pos`: the window position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
-         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform.
-        :param `size`: the window size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size, chosen by
-         either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform.
-        :param `style`: the window style. 
-        :param `name`: the name of the window. This parameter is used to associate a name with the
-         item, allowing the application user to set Motif resource values for individual windows.
-        """
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name=name)
-    def HitTest(self, x, y):
-        """
-        To be overridden by parent classes.
-        :param `x`: the `x` mouse position;
-        :param `y`: the `y` mouse position.
-        """
-        return 0
-    def ValidateNotebookDocking(self, valid):
-        """
-        To be overridden by parent classes.
-        :param `valid`: whether a pane can be docked on top to another to form an automatic
-         L{AuiNotebook}.
-        """
-        return 0
-# ============================================================================
-# implementation
-# ============================================================================
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# AuiDockingGuideWindow
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiDockingGuideWindow(wx.Window):
-    """ Target class for L{AuiSingleDockingGuide} and L{AuiCenterDockingGuide}. """
-    def __init__(self, parent, rect, direction=0, center=False, useAero=False):
-        """
-        Default class constructor. Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `parent`: the L{AuiDockingGuideWindow} parent;
-        :param `rect`: the window rect;
-        :param `direction`: one of ``wx.TOP``, ``wx.BOTTOM``, ``wx.LEFT``, ``wx.RIGHT``,
-         ``wx.CENTER``;
-        :param `center`: whether the calling class is a L{AuiCenterDockingGuide};
-        :param `useAero`: whether to use the new Aero-style bitmaps or Whidbey-style bitmaps
-         for the docking guide.
-        """
-        wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, -1, rect.GetPosition(), rect.GetSize(), wx.NO_BORDER)
-        self._direction = direction
-        self._center = center
-        self._valid = True
-        self._useAero = useAero
-        self._bmp_unfocus, self._bmp_focus = GetDockingImage(direction, useAero, center)
-        self._currentImage = self._bmp_unfocus
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-    def SetValid(self, valid):
-        """
-        Sets the docking direction as valid or invalid.
-        :param `valid`: whether the docking direction is allowed or not.
-        """
-        self._valid = valid
-    def IsValid(self):
-        """ Returns whether the docking direction is valid. """
-        return self._valid
-    def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for L{AuiDockingGuideWindow}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.EraseEvent` to be processed.
-        :note: This is intentionally empty to reduce flickering while drawing.
-        """
-        pass
-    def DrawBackground(self, dc):
-        """
-        Draws the docking guide background.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context object.
-        """
-        rect = self.GetClientRect()
-        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(colourTargetBackground))
-        dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colourTargetBorder))
-        left = rect.GetLeft()
-        top = rect.GetTop()
-        right = rect.GetRight()
-        bottom = rect.GetBottom()
-        if self._direction != wx.CENTER:
-            if not self._center or self._direction != wx.BOTTOM:
-                dc.DrawLine(left, top, right+1, top)
-            if not self._center or self._direction != wx.RIGHT:
-                dc.DrawLine(left, top, left, bottom+1)
-            if not self._center or self._direction != wx.LEFT:
-                dc.DrawLine(right, top, right, bottom+1)
-            if not self._center or self._direction != wx.TOP:
-                dc.DrawLine(left, bottom, right+1, bottom)
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colourTargetShade))
-            if self._direction != wx.RIGHT:
-                dc.DrawLine(left + 1, top + 1, left + 1, bottom)
-            if self._direction != wx.BOTTOM:
-                dc.DrawLine(left + 1, top + 1, right, top + 1)
-    def DrawDottedLine(self, dc, point, length, vertical):
-        """
-        Draws a dotted line (not used if the docking guide images are ok).
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context object;
-        :param `point`: a `wx.Point` where to start drawing the dotted line;
-        :param `length`: the length of the dotted line;
-        :param `vertical`: whether it is a vertical docking guide window or not.
-        """
-        for i in xrange(0, length, 2):
-            dc.DrawPoint(point.x, point.y)
-            if vertical:
-                point.y += 2
-            else:
-                point.x += 2
-    def DrawIcon(self, dc):
-        """
-        Draws the docking guide icon (not used if the docking guide images are ok).
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context object.
-        """
-        rect = wx.Rect(*self.GetClientRect())
-        point = wx.Point()
-        length = 0
-        rect.Deflate(4, 4)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colourIconBorder))
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(colourIconBackground))
-        dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
-        right1 = rect.GetRight() + 1
-        bottom1 = rect.GetBottom() + 1
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colourIconShadow))
-        dc.DrawLine(rect.x + 1, bottom1, right1 + 1, bottom1)
-        dc.DrawLine(right1, rect.y + 1, right1, bottom1 + 1)
-        rect.Deflate(1, 1)
-        if self._direction == wx.TOP:
-            rect.height -= rect.height / 2
-            point = rect.GetBottomLeft()
-            length = rect.width
-        elif self._direction == wx.LEFT:
-            rect.width -= rect.width / 2
-            point = rect.GetTopRight()
-            length = rect.height
-        elif self._direction == wx.RIGHT:
-            rect.x += rect.width / 2
-            rect.width -= rect.width / 2
-            point = rect.GetTopLeft()
-            length = rect.height
-        elif self._direction == wx.BOTTOM:
-            rect.y += rect.height / 2
-            rect.height -= rect.height / 2
-            point = rect.GetTopLeft()
-            length = rect.width
-        elif self._direction == wx.CENTER:
-            rect.Deflate(1, 1)
-            point = rect.GetTopLeft()
-            length = rect.width
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, colourIconDockingPart1,
-                              colourIconDockingPart2, self._direction)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colourIconBorder))
-        if self._direction == wx.CENTER:        
-            self.DrawDottedLine(dc, rect.GetTopLeft(), rect.width, False)
-            self.DrawDottedLine(dc, rect.GetTopLeft(), rect.height, True)
-            self.DrawDottedLine(dc, rect.GetBottomLeft(), rect.width, False)
-            self.DrawDottedLine(dc, rect.GetTopRight(), rect.height, True)
-        elif self._direction in [wx.TOP, wx.BOTTOM]:
-            self.DrawDottedLine(dc, point, length, False)
-        else:
-            self.DrawDottedLine(dc, point, length, True)
-    def DrawArrow(self, dc):
-        """
-        Draws the docking guide arrow icon (not used if the docking guide images are ok).
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context object.
-        """
-        rect = self.GetClientRect()
-        point = wx.Point()
-        point.x = (rect.GetLeft() + rect.GetRight()) / 2
-        point.y = (rect.GetTop() + rect.GetBottom()) / 2
-        rx, ry = wx.Size(), wx.Size()
-        if self._direction == wx.TOP:
-            rx = wx.Size(1, 0)
-            ry = wx.Size(0, 1)
-        elif self._direction == wx.LEFT:
-            rx = wx.Size(0, -1)
-            ry = wx.Size(1, 0)
-        elif self._direction == wx.RIGHT:
-            rx = wx.Size(0, 1)
-            ry = wx.Size(-1, 0)
-        elif self._direction == wx.BOTTOM:
-            rx = wx.Size(-1, 0)
-            ry = wx.Size(0, -1)        
-        point.x += ry.x*3
-        point.y += ry.y*3
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colourIconArrow))
-        for i in xrange(4):
-            pt1 = wx.Point(point.x - rx.x*i, point.y - rx.y*i)
-            pt2 = wx.Point(point.x + rx.x*(i+1), point.y + rx.y*(i+1))
-            dc.DrawLinePoint(pt1, pt2)
-            point.x += ry.x
-            point.y += ry.y
-    def OnPaint(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{AuiDockingGuideWindow}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.PaintEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        if self._currentImage.IsOk() and self._valid:
-            dc.DrawBitmap(self._currentImage, 0, 0, True)
-        else:
-            self.Draw(dc)
-    def Draw(self, dc):
-        """
-        Draws the whole docking guide window (not used if the docking guide images are ok).
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context object.
-        """
-        self.DrawBackground(dc)
-        if self._valid:
-            self.DrawIcon(dc)
-            self.DrawArrow(dc)
-    def UpdateDockGuide(self, pos):
-        """
-        Updates the docking guide images depending on the mouse position, using focused
-        images if the mouse is inside the docking guide or unfocused images if it is
-        outside.
-        :param `pos`: a `wx.Point` mouse position.
-        """
-        inside = self.GetScreenRect().Contains(pos)
-        if inside:
-            image = self._bmp_focus
-        else:
-            image = self._bmp_unfocus
-        if image != self._currentImage:
-            self._currentImage = image
-            self.Refresh()
-            self.Update()
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# AuiSingleDockingGuide
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiSingleDockingGuide(AuiDockingGuide):
-    """ A docking guide window for single docking hint (not diamond-shaped HUD). """
-    def __init__(self, parent, direction=0):
-        """
-        Default class constructor. Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `parent`: the L{AuiSingleDockingGuide} parent;
-        :param `direction`: one of ``wx.TOP``, ``wx.BOTTOM``, ``wx.LEFT``, ``wx.RIGHT``.
-        """
-        self._direction = direction
-        style = wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wx.STAY_ON_TOP | \
-                wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx.NO_BORDER
-        # Use of FRAME_SHAPED on wxMac causes the frame to be visible
-        # breaking the docking hints.
-        if wx.Platform != '__WXMAC__':
-            style |= wx.FRAME_SHAPED
-        AuiDockingGuide.__init__(self, parent, style=style, name="auiSingleDockTarget")
-        self.Hide()
-        useAero = GetManager(self.GetParent()).GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_AERO_DOCKING_GUIDES
-        useWhidbey = GetManager(self.GetParent()).GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_WHIDBEY_DOCKING_GUIDES
-        self._useAero = useAero or useWhidbey
-        self._valid = True
-        if useAero:
-            sizeX, sizeY = aeroguideSizeX, aeroguideSizeY
-        elif useWhidbey:
-            sizeX, sizeY = whidbeySizeX, whidbeySizeY
-        else:
-            sizeX, sizeY = guideSizeX, guideSizeY
-        if direction not in [wx.TOP, wx.BOTTOM]:
-            sizeX, sizeY = sizeY, sizeX
-        if self._useAero:
-            self.CreateShapesWithStyle(useWhidbey)
-            if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-                self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_CREATE, self.SetGuideShape)
-            else:
-                self.SetGuideShape()
-            self.SetSize(self.region.GetBox().GetSize())
-        else:
-            self.SetSize((sizeX, sizeY))
-        self.rect = wx.Rect(0, 0, sizeX, sizeY)
-        if self._useAero:
-            useAero = (useWhidbey and [2] or [1])[0]
-        else:
-            useAero = 0
- = AuiDockingGuideWindow(self, self.rect, direction, False, useAero)
-    def CreateShapesWithStyle(self, useWhidbey):
-        """
-        Creates the docking guide window shape based on which docking bitmaps are used.
-        :param `useWhidbey`: if ``True``, use Whidbey-style bitmaps; if ``False``, use the
-         Aero-style bitmaps.
-         """
-        sizeX, sizeY = aeroguideSizeX, aeroguideSizeY
-        if useWhidbey:
-            sizeX, sizeY = whidbeySizeX, whidbeySizeY
-        if self._direction not in [wx.TOP, wx.BOTTOM]:
-            sizeX, sizeY = sizeY, sizeX
-        useAero = (useWhidbey and [2] or [1])[0]      
-        bmp, dummy = GetDockingImage(self._direction, useAero, False)
-        region = wx.RegionFromBitmap(bmp)
-        self.region = region
-    def AeroMove(self, pos):
-        """
-        Moves the docking window to the new position. Overridden in children classes.
-        :param `pos`: the new docking guide position.
-        """
-        pass
-    def SetGuideShape(self, event=None):
-        """
-        Sets the correct shape for the docking guide window.
-        :param `event`: on wxGTK, a `wx.WindowCreateEvent` event to process.
-        """
-        self.SetShape(self.region)        
-        if event is not None:
-            # Skip the event on wxGTK
-            event.Skip()
-            wx.CallAfter(wx.SafeYield, self, True)
-    def SetShape(self, region):
-        """
-        If the platform supports it, sets the shape of the window to that depicted by `region`.
-        The system will not display or respond to any mouse event for the pixels that lie
-        outside of the region. To reset the window to the normal rectangular shape simply call
-        L{SetShape} again with an empty region. 
-        :param `region`: the shape of the frame.
-        :note: Overridden for wxMac.        
-        """
-        if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
-            # HACK so we don't crash when SetShape is called
-            return
-        else:
-            super(AuiSingleDockingGuide, self).SetShape(region)
-    def SetValid(self, valid):
-        """
-        Sets the docking direction as valid or invalid.
-        :param `valid`: whether the docking direction is allowed or not.
-        """
-        self._valid = valid
-    def IsValid(self):
-        """ Returns whether the docking direction is valid. """
-        return self._valid
-    def UpdateDockGuide(self, pos):
-        """
-        Updates the docking guide images depending on the mouse position, using focused
-        images if the mouse is inside the docking guide or unfocused images if it is
-        outside.
-        :param `pos`: a `wx.Point` mouse position.
-        """
-    def HitTest(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Checks if the mouse position is inside the target window rect.
-        :param `x`: the `x` mouse position;
-        :param `y`: the `y` mouse position.
-        """
-        if, y)):
-            return wx.ALL
-        return -1
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# AuiCenterDockingGuide
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiCenterDockingGuide(AuiDockingGuide):
-    """ A docking guide window for multiple docking hint (diamond-shaped HUD). """
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `parent`: the L{AuiCenterDockingGuide} parent.
-        """
-        AuiDockingGuide.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wx.STAY_ON_TOP |
-                                 wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx.NO_BORDER | wx.FRAME_SHAPED,
-                                 name="auiCenterDockTarget")
-        self.Hide()
-        self.CreateShapesWithStyle()
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_CREATE, self.SetGuideShape)
-        else:
-            self.SetGuideShape()
-        self.SetSize(self.region.GetBox().GetSize())
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-    def CreateShapesWithStyle(self):
-        """ Creates the docking guide window shape based on which docking bitmaps are used. """
-        useAero = (GetManager(self.GetParent()).GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_AERO_DOCKING_GUIDES) != 0
-        useWhidbey = (GetManager(self.GetParent()).GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_WHIDBEY_DOCKING_GUIDES) != 0
-        self._useAero = 0
-        if useAero:
-            self._useAero = 1
-        elif useWhidbey:
-            self._useAero = 2
-        if useAero:
-            sizeX, sizeY = aeroguideSizeX, aeroguideSizeY
-        elif useWhidbey:
-            sizeX, sizeY = whidbeySizeX, whidbeySizeY          
-        else:
-            sizeX, sizeY = guideSizeX, guideSizeY
-        rectLeft = wx.Rect(0, sizeY, sizeY, sizeX)
-        rectTop = wx.Rect(sizeY, 0, sizeX, sizeY)
-        rectRight = wx.Rect(sizeY+sizeX, sizeY, sizeY, sizeX)
-        rectBottom = wx.Rect(sizeY, sizeX + sizeY, sizeX, sizeY)
-        rectCenter = wx.Rect(sizeY, sizeY, sizeX, sizeX)
-        if not self._useAero:
-            self.targetLeft = AuiDockingGuideWindow(self, rectLeft, wx.LEFT, True, useAero)
-            self.targetTop = AuiDockingGuideWindow(self, rectTop, wx.TOP, True, useAero)
-            self.targetRight = AuiDockingGuideWindow(self, rectRight, wx.RIGHT, True, useAero)
-            self.targetBottom = AuiDockingGuideWindow(self, rectBottom, wx.BOTTOM, True, useAero)
-            self.targetCenter = AuiDockingGuideWindow(self, rectCenter, wx.CENTER, True, useAero)
-            # top-left diamond
-            tld = [wx.Point(rectTop.x, rectTop.y+rectTop.height-8),
-                   wx.Point(rectLeft.x+rectLeft.width-8, rectLeft.y),
-                   rectTop.GetBottomLeft()]
-            # bottom-left diamond
-            bld = [wx.Point(rectLeft.x+rectLeft.width-8, rectLeft.y+rectLeft.height),
-                   wx.Point(rectBottom.x, rectBottom.y+8),
-                   rectBottom.GetTopLeft()]
-            # top-right diamond
-            trd = [wx.Point(rectTop.x+rectTop.width, rectTop.y+rectTop.height-8),
-                   wx.Point(rectRight.x+8, rectRight.y),
-                   rectRight.GetTopLeft()]        
-            # bottom-right diamond
-            brd = [wx.Point(rectRight.x+8, rectRight.y+rectRight.height),
-                   wx.Point(rectBottom.x+rectBottom.width, rectBottom.y+8),
-                   rectBottom.GetTopRight()]
-            self._triangles = [tld[0:2], bld[0:2],
-                               [wx.Point(rectTop.x+rectTop.width-1, rectTop.y+rectTop.height-8),
-                                wx.Point(rectRight.x+7, rectRight.y)],
-                               [wx.Point(rectRight.x+7, rectRight.y+rectRight.height),
-                                wx.Point(rectBottom.x+rectBottom.width-1, rectBottom.y+8)]]
-            region = wx.Region()
-            region.UnionRect(rectLeft)
-            region.UnionRect(rectTop)
-            region.UnionRect(rectRight)
-            region.UnionRect(rectBottom)
-            region.UnionRect(rectCenter)
-            region.UnionRegion(wx.RegionFromPoints(tld))
-            region.UnionRegion(wx.RegionFromPoints(bld))
-            region.UnionRegion(wx.RegionFromPoints(trd))
-            region.UnionRegion(wx.RegionFromPoints(brd))
-        elif useAero:
-            self._aeroBmp = aero_dock_pane.GetBitmap()
-            region = wx.RegionFromBitmap(self._aeroBmp)
-            self._allAeroBmps = [aero_dock_pane_left.GetBitmap(), aero_dock_pane_top.GetBitmap(),
-                                 aero_dock_pane_right.GetBitmap(), aero_dock_pane_bottom.GetBitmap(),
-                                 aero_dock_pane_center.GetBitmap(), aero_dock_pane.GetBitmap()]
-            self._deniedBitmap = aero_denied.GetBitmap()
-            self._aeroRects = [rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom, rectCenter]
-            self._valid = True
-        elif useWhidbey:
-            self._aeroBmp = whidbey_dock_pane.GetBitmap()
-            region = wx.RegionFromBitmap(self._aeroBmp)
-            self._allAeroBmps = [whidbey_dock_pane_left.GetBitmap(), whidbey_dock_pane_top.GetBitmap(),
-                                 whidbey_dock_pane_right.GetBitmap(), whidbey_dock_pane_bottom.GetBitmap(),
-                                 whidbey_dock_pane_center.GetBitmap(), whidbey_dock_pane.GetBitmap()]
-            self._deniedBitmap = whidbey_denied.GetBitmap()
-            self._aeroRects = [rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom, rectCenter]
-            self._valid = True
-        self.region = region
-    def SetGuideShape(self, event=None):
-        """
-        Sets the correct shape for the docking guide window.
-        :param `event`: on wxGTK, a `wx.WindowCreateEvent` event to process.
-        """
-        self.SetShape(self.region)        
-        if event is not None:
-            # Skip the event on wxGTK
-            event.Skip()
-            wx.CallAfter(wx.SafeYield, self, True)
-    def UpdateDockGuide(self, pos):
-        """
-        Updates the docking guides images depending on the mouse position, using focused
-        images if the mouse is inside the docking guide or unfocused images if it is
-        outside.
-        :param `pos`: a `wx.Point` mouse position.
-        """
-        if not self._useAero:
-            for target in self.GetChildren():
-                target.UpdateDockGuide(pos)
-        else:
-            lenRects = len(self._aeroRects)
-            for indx, rect in enumerate(self._aeroRects):
-                if rect.Contains(pos):
-                    if self._allAeroBmps[indx] != self._aeroBmp:
-                        if indx < lenRects - 1 or (indx == lenRects - 1 and self._valid):
-                            self._aeroBmp = self._allAeroBmps[indx]
-                            self.Refresh()
-                        else:
-                            self._aeroBmp = self._allAeroBmps[-1]
-                            self.Refresh()
-                    return
-            if self._aeroBmp != self._allAeroBmps[-1]:
-                self._aeroBmp = self._allAeroBmps[-1]
-                self.Refresh()
-    def HitTest(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Checks if the mouse position is inside the target windows rect.
-        :param `x`: the `x` mouse position;
-        :param `y`: the `y` mouse position.
-        """
-        if not self._useAero:
-            if self.targetLeft.GetScreenRect().Contains((x, y)):
-                return wx.LEFT
-            if self.targetTop.GetScreenRect().Contains((x, y)):
-                return wx.UP
-            if self.targetRight.GetScreenRect().Contains((x, y)):
-                return wx.RIGHT
-            if self.targetBottom.GetScreenRect().Contains((x, y)):
-                return wx.DOWN
-            if self.targetCenter.IsValid() and self.targetCenter.GetScreenRect().Contains((x, y)):
-                return wx.CENTER
-        else:
-            constants = [wx.LEFT, wx.UP, wx.RIGHT, wx.DOWN, wx.CENTER]
-            lenRects = len(self._aeroRects)
-            for indx, rect in enumerate(self._aeroRects):
-                if rect.Contains((x, y)):
-                    if indx < lenRects or (indx == lenRects-1 and self._valid):
-                        return constants[indx]
-        return -1
-    def ValidateNotebookDocking(self, valid):
-        """
-        Sets whether a pane can be docked on top of another to create an automatic
-        L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `valid`: whether a pane can be docked on top to another to form an automatic
-         L{AuiNotebook}.
-        """
-        if not self._useAero:
-            if self.targetCenter.IsValid() != valid:        
-                self.targetCenter.SetValid(valid)
-                self.targetCenter.Refresh()
-        else:
-            if self._valid != valid:
-                self._valid = valid
-                self.Refresh()
-    def AeroMove(self, pos):
-        """
-        Moves the docking guide window to the new position.
-        :param `pos`: the new docking guide position.
-        """
-        if not self._useAero:
-            return
-        useWhidbey = (GetManager(self.GetParent()).GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_WHIDBEY_DOCKING_GUIDES) != 0
-        if useWhidbey:
-            sizeX, sizeY = whidbeySizeX, whidbeySizeY            
-        else:
-            sizeX, sizeY = aeroguideSizeX, aeroguideSizeY
-        size = self.GetSize()
-        leftRect, topRect, rightRect, bottomRect, centerRect = self._aeroRects
-        thePos = pos + wx.Point((size.x-sizeY)/2, (size.y-sizeX)/2)
-        centerRect.SetPosition(thePos)
-        leftRect.SetPosition(thePos + wx.Point(-sizeY, 0))
-        topRect.SetPosition(thePos + wx.Point(0, -sizeY))
-        rightRect.SetPosition(thePos + wx.Point(sizeX, 0))
-        bottomRect.SetPosition(thePos + wx.Point(0, sizeX))
-    def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for L{AuiCenterDockingGuide}.
-        :param `event`: `wx.EraseEvent` to be processed.
-        :note: This is intentionally empty to reduce flickering while drawing.
-        """
-        pass
-    def OnPaint(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{AuiCenterDockingGuide}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.PaintEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        if self._useAero:
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-            dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        else:
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(colourTargetBackground))
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colourTargetBorder))
-        rect = self.GetClientRect()
-        dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
-        if self._useAero:
-            dc.DrawBitmap(self._aeroBmp, 0, 0, True)
-            if not self._valid:
-                diff = (self._useAero == 2 and [1] or [0])[0]
-                bmpX, bmpY = self._deniedBitmap.GetWidth(), self._deniedBitmap.GetHeight()
-                xPos, yPos = (rect.x + (rect.width)/2 - bmpX/2), (rect.y + (rect.height)/2 - bmpY/2)
-                dc.DrawBitmap(self._deniedBitmap, xPos+1, yPos+diff, True)
-            return
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colourTargetBorder, 2))
-        for pts in self._triangles:
-            dc.DrawLinePoint(pts[0], pts[1])
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# AuiDockingHintWindow
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class AuiDockingHintWindow(wx.Frame):
-    """ The original wxAUI docking window hint. """
-    def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
-                 size=wx.Size(1, 1), style=wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT |
-                 wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx.NO_BORDER | wx.FRAME_SHAPED,
-                 name="auiHintWindow"):
-        """
-        Default class constructor. Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `parent`: the L{AuiDockingGuide} parent;
-        :param `id`: the window identifier. It may take a value of -1 to indicate a default value.
-        :param `title`: the caption to be displayed on the frame's title bar;
-        :param `pos`: the window position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
-         chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
-        :param `size`: the window size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size, chosen by
-         either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
-        :param `style`: the window style;
-        :param `name`: the name of the window. This parameter is used to associate a name with the
-         item, allowing the application user to set Motif resource values for individual windows.
-        """
-        if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__' and style & wx.FRAME_SHAPED:
-            # Having the shaped frame causes the frame to not be visible
-            # with the transparent style hints.
-            style -= wx.FRAME_SHAPED
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name=name)
-        self._blindMode = False
-        self.SetBackgroundColour(colourHintBackground)
-        # Can't set background colour on a frame on wxMac
-        # so add a panel to set the colour on.
-        if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
-            sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-            self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
-            sizer.Add(self.panel, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-            self.SetSizer(sizer)
-            self.panel.SetBackgroundColour(colourHintBackground)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
-    def MakeVenetianBlinds(self):
-        """
-        Creates the "venetian blind" effect if L{AuiManager} has the ``AUI_MGR_VENETIAN_BLINDS_HINT``
-        flag set.
-        """
-        amount = 128
-        size = self.GetClientSize()
-        region = wx.Region(0, 0, size.x, 1)
-        for y in xrange(size.y):
-            # Reverse the order of the bottom 4 bits
-            j = (y & 8 and [1] or [0])[0] | (y & 4 and [2] or [0])[0] | \
-                (y & 2 and [4] or [0])[0] | (y & 1 and [8] or [0])[0]
-            if 16*j+8 < amount:
-                region.Union(0, y, size.x, 1)
-        self.SetShape(region)
-    def SetBlindMode(self, agwFlags):
-        """
-        Sets whether venetian blinds or transparent hints will be shown as docking hint.
-        This depends on the L{AuiManager} flags.
-        :param `agwFlags`: the L{AuiManager} flags.
-        """
-        self._blindMode = (agwFlags & AUI_MGR_VENETIAN_BLINDS_HINT) != 0
-        if self._blindMode or not self.CanSetTransparent():
-            self.MakeVenetianBlinds()
-            self.SetTransparent(255)
-        else:
-            self.SetShape(wx.Region())
-            if agwFlags & AUI_MGR_HINT_FADE == 0:                
-                self.SetTransparent(80)
-            else:
-                self.SetTransparent(0)
-    def SetShape(self, region):
-        """
-        If the platform supports it, sets the shape of the window to that depicted by `region`.
-        The system will not display or respond to any mouse event for the pixels that lie
-        outside of the region. To reset the window to the normal rectangular shape simply call
-        L{SetShape} again with an empty region. 
-        :param `region`: the shape of the frame (an instance of `wx.Region`).
-        :note: Overridden for wxMac.        
-        """
-        if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
-            # HACK so we don't crash when SetShape is called
-            return
-        else:
-            super(AuiDockingHintWindow, self).SetShape(region)
-    def Show(self, show=True):
-        """
-        Show the hint window.
-        :param `show`: whether to show or hide the hint docking window.
-        """
-        super(AuiDockingHintWindow, self).Show(show)
-        if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
-            # Need to manually do layout since its a borderless frame.
-            self.Layout()
-    def OnSize(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for L{AuiDockingHintWindow}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.SizeEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._blindMode or not self.CanSetTransparent():
-            self.MakeVenetianBlinds()
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# -- AuiFloatingFrame class implementation --            
-class AuiFloatingFrame(wx.MiniFrame):
-    """ AuiFloatingFrame is the frame class that holds floating panes. """
-    def __init__(self, parent, owner_mgr, pane=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="",
-                 style=wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT |
-                 wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN):
-        """
-        Default class constructor. Used internally, do not call it in your code!
-        :param `parent`: the L{AuiFloatingFrame} parent;
-        :param `owner_mgr`: the L{AuiManager} that manages the floating pane;
-        :param `pane`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} pane that is about to float;
-        :param `id`: the window identifier. It may take a value of -1 to indicate a default value.
-        :param `title`: the caption to be displayed on the frame's title bar.
-        :param `style`: the window style.
-        """
-        if pane and pane.IsResizeable():
-            style += wx.RESIZE_BORDER
-        if pane:
-            self._is_toolbar = pane.IsToolbar()
-        self._useNativeMiniframes = False
-        if AuiManager_UseNativeMiniframes(owner_mgr):
-            # On wxMac we always use native miniframes
-            self._useNativeMiniframes = True
-            style += wx.CAPTION + wx.SYSTEM_MENU
-            if pane.HasCloseButton():
-                style += wx.CLOSE_BOX
-            if pane.HasMaximizeButton():
-                style += wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX
-            if pane.HasMinimizeButton():
-                style += wx.MINIMIZE_BOX
-        wx.MiniFrame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos=pane.floating_pos,
-                              size=pane.floating_size, style=style, name="auiFloatingFrame")
-        self._fly_timer = wx.Timer(self, wx.ID_ANY)
-        self._check_fly_timer = wx.Timer(self, wx.ID_ANY)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.OnActivate)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnCheckFlyTimer, self._check_fly_timer)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnFlyTimer, self._fly_timer)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER, self.OnFindManager)
-        if self._useNativeMiniframes:
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.OnMoveEvent)
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVING, self.OnMoveEvent)
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle)
-            self._useNativeMiniframes = True
-            self.SetExtraStyle(wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE)
-        else:
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.OnMove)
-        self._fly = False
-        self._send_size = True
-        self._alpha_amount = 255
-        self._owner_mgr = owner_mgr
-        self._moving = False
-        self._lastDirection = None
-        self._transparent = 255
-        self._last_rect = wx.Rect()
-        self._last2_rect = wx.Rect()
-        self._last3_rect = wx.Rect()
-        self._mgr = AuiManager()
-        self._mgr.SetManagedWindow(self)
-        self._mgr.SetArtProvider(owner_mgr.GetArtProvider())
-        self._mgr.SetAGWFlags(owner_mgr.GetAGWFlags())
-    def CopyAttributes(self, pane):
-        """
-        Copies all the attributes of the input `pane` into another L{AuiPaneInfo}.
-        :param `pane`: the source L{AuiPaneInfo} from where to copy attributes.
-        """
-        contained_pane = AuiPaneInfo()
- =
-        contained_pane.caption = pane.caption
-        contained_pane.window = pane.window
-        contained_pane.frame = pane.frame
-        contained_pane.state = pane.state
-        contained_pane.dock_direction = pane.dock_direction
-        contained_pane.dock_layer = pane.dock_layer
-        contained_pane.dock_row = pane.dock_row
-        contained_pane.dock_pos = pane.dock_pos
-        contained_pane.best_size = wx.Size(*pane.best_size)
-        contained_pane.min_size = wx.Size(*pane.min_size)
-        contained_pane.max_size = wx.Size(*pane.max_size)
-        contained_pane.floating_pos = wx.Point(*pane.floating_pos)
-        contained_pane.floating_size = wx.Size(*pane.floating_size)
-        contained_pane.dock_proportion = pane.dock_proportion
-        contained_pane.buttons = pane.buttons
-        contained_pane.rect = wx.Rect(*pane.rect)
-        contained_pane.icon = pane.icon
-        contained_pane.notebook_id = pane.notebook_id
-        contained_pane.transparent = pane.transparent
-        contained_pane.snapped = pane.snapped
-        contained_pane.minimize_mode = pane.minimize_mode
-        return contained_pane
-    def SetPaneWindow(self, pane):
-        """
-        Sets all the properties of a pane.
-        :param `pane`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} to analyze.
-        """
-        self._is_toolbar = pane.IsToolbar()
-        self._pane_window = pane.window
-        if isinstance(pane.window, auibar.AuiToolBar):
-            pane.window.SetAuiManager(self._mgr)
-        self._pane_window.Reparent(self)
-        contained_pane = self.CopyAttributes(pane)
-        contained_pane.Dock().Center().Show(). \
-                       CaptionVisible(False). \
-                       PaneBorder(False). \
-                       Layer(0).Row(0).Position(0)
-        if not contained_pane.HasGripper() and not self._useNativeMiniframes:
-            contained_pane.CaptionVisible(True)
-        indx = self._owner_mgr._panes.index(pane)
-        # Carry over the minimum size
-        pane_min_size = pane.window.GetMinSize()
-        # if the best size is smaller than the min size
-        # then set the min size to the best size as well
-        pane_best_size = contained_pane.best_size
-        if pane_best_size.IsFullySpecified() and (pane_best_size.x < pane_min_size.x or \
-                                                  pane_best_size.y < pane_min_size.y):
-            pane_min_size = pane_best_size
-            self._pane_window.SetMinSize(pane_min_size)
-        # if the frame window's max size is greater than the min size
-        # then set the max size to the min size as well
-        cur_max_size = self.GetMaxSize()
-        if cur_max_size.IsFullySpecified() and  (cur_max_size.x < pane_min_size.x or \
-                                                 cur_max_size.y < pane_min_size.y):
-            self.SetMaxSize(pane_min_size)
-        art_provider = self._mgr.GetArtProvider()
-        caption_size = art_provider.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-        button_size = art_provider.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE) + \
-                      4*art_provider.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
-        min_size = pane.window.GetMinSize()
-        if min_size.y < caption_size or min_size.x < button_size:
-            new_x, new_y = min_size.x, min_size.y
-            if min_size.y < caption_size:
-                new_y = (pane.IsResizeable() and [2*wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_EDGE_Y)+caption_size] or [1])[0]
-            if min_size.x < button_size:
-                new_x = (pane.IsResizeable() and [2*wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_EDGE_X)+button_size] or [1])[0]
-            self.SetMinSize((new_x, new_y))
-        else:
-            self.SetMinSize(min_size)
-        self._mgr.AddPane(self._pane_window, contained_pane)
-        self._mgr.Update()           
-        if pane.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
-            # because SetSizeHints() calls Fit() too (which sets the window
-            # size to its minimum allowed), we keep the size before calling
-            # SetSizeHints() and reset it afterwards...
-            tmp = self.GetSize()
-            self.GetSizer().SetSizeHints(self)
-            self.SetSize(tmp)
-        self.SetTitle(pane.caption)
-        if pane.floating_size != wx.Size(-1, -1):
-            self.SetSize(pane.floating_size)
-        else:
-            size = pane.best_size
-            if size == wx.Size(-1, -1):
-                size = pane.min_size
-            if size == wx.Size(-1, -1):
-                size = self._pane_window.GetSize()
-            if self._owner_mgr and pane.HasGripper():
-                if pane.HasGripperTop():
-                    size.y += self._owner_mgr._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
-                else:
-                    size.x += self._owner_mgr._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
-            if not self._useNativeMiniframes:
-                size.y += self._owner_mgr._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-            pane.floating_size = size
-            self.SetClientSize(size)
-        self._owner_mgr._panes[indx] = pane
-        self._fly_step = abs(pane.floating_size.y - \
-                             (caption_size + 2*wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_EDGE_Y)))/10
-        self._floating_size = wx.Size(*self.GetSize())
-        if pane.IsFlyOut():
-            self._check_fly_timer.Start(50)
-    def GetOwnerManager(self):
-        """ Returns the L{AuiManager} that manages the pane. """
-        return self._owner_mgr
-    def OnSize(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for L{AuiFloatingFrame}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.SizeEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._owner_mgr and self._send_size:
-            self._owner_mgr.OnFloatingPaneResized(self._pane_window, event.GetSize())
-    def OnClose(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_CLOSE`` event for L{AuiFloatingFrame}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.CloseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._owner_mgr:
-            self._owner_mgr.OnFloatingPaneClosed(self._pane_window, event)
-        if not event.GetVeto():
-            self._mgr.DetachPane(self._pane_window)
-            if isinstance(self._pane_window, auibar.AuiToolBar):
-                self._pane_window.SetAuiManager(self._owner_mgr)
-            # if we do not do this, then we can crash...
-            if self._owner_mgr and self._owner_mgr._action_window == self:
-                self._owner_mgr._action_window = None
-            self.Destroy()
-    def OnActivate(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ACTIVATE`` event for L{AuiFloatingFrame}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.ActivateEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._owner_mgr and event.GetActive():
-            self._owner_mgr.OnFloatingPaneActivated(self._pane_window)
-    def OnMove(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOVE`` event for L{AuiFloatingFrame}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MoveEvent` to be processed.
-        :note: This event is not processed on wxMAC or if L{AuiManager} is not using the
-         ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES`` style.
-        """
-        if self._owner_mgr:
-            self._owner_mgr.OnFloatingPaneMoved(self._pane_window, event)
-    def OnMoveEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOVE`` and ``wx.EVT_MOVING`` events for L{AuiFloatingFrame}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MoveEvent` to be processed.
-        :note: This event is only processed on wxMAC or if L{AuiManager} is using the
-         ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES`` style.
-        """
-        win_rect = self.GetRect()
-        if win_rect == self._last_rect:
-            return
-        # skip the first move event
-        if self._last_rect.IsEmpty():        
-            self._last_rect = wx.Rect(*win_rect)
-            return
-        # skip if moving too fast to avoid massive redraws and
-        # jumping hint windows
-        if abs(win_rect.x - self._last_rect.x) > 3 or abs(win_rect.y - self._last_rect.y) > 3:
-            self._last3_rect = wx.Rect(*self._last2_rect)
-            self._last2_rect = wx.Rect(*self._last_rect)
-            self._last_rect = wx.Rect(*win_rect)
-            return
-        # prevent frame redocking during resize
-        if self._last_rect.GetSize() != win_rect.GetSize():
-            self._last3_rect = wx.Rect(*self._last2_rect)
-            self._last2_rect = wx.Rect(*self._last_rect)
-            self._last_rect = wx.Rect(*win_rect)
-            return
-        self._last3_rect = wx.Rect(*self._last2_rect)
-        self._last2_rect = wx.Rect(*self._last_rect)
-        self._last_rect = wx.Rect(*win_rect)
-        if _VERSION_STRING < "2.9":
-            leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftDown()
-        else:
-            leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftIsDown()
-        if not leftDown:
-            return
-        if not self._moving:        
-            self.OnMoveStart(event)
-            self._moving = True
-        if self._last3_rect.IsEmpty():
-            return
-        self.OnMoving(event)
-    def OnIdle(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_IDLE`` event for L{AuiFloatingFrame}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.IdleEvent` event to be processed.
-        :note: This event is only processed on wxMAC or if L{AuiManager} is using the
-         ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES`` style.        
-        """
-        if self._moving:        
-            if _VERSION_STRING < "2.9":
-                leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftDown()
-            else:
-                leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftIsDown()
-            if not leftDown:
-                self._moving = False
-                self.OnMoveFinished()
-            else:            
-                event.RequestMore()
-    def OnMoveStart(self, event):
-        """
-        The user has just started moving the floating pane.
-        :param `event`: an instance of `wx.MouseEvent`.
-        :note: This method is used only on wxMAC or if L{AuiManager} is using the
-         ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES`` style.
-        """
-        # notify the owner manager that the pane has started to move
-        if self._owner_mgr:
-            if self._owner_mgr._from_move:
-                return
-            self._owner_mgr._action_window = self._pane_window
-            point = wx.GetMousePosition()
-            action_offset = point - self.GetPosition()
-            if self._is_toolbar:
-                self._owner_mgr._toolbar_action_offset = action_offset
-                self._owner_mgr.OnMotion_DragToolbarPane(point)
-            else:
-                self._owner_mgr._action_offset = action_offset
-                self._owner_mgr.OnMotion_DragFloatingPane(point)
-    def OnMoving(self, event):
-        """
-        The user is moving the floating pane.
-        :param `event`: an instance of `wx.MouseEvent`.
-        :note: This method is used only on wxMAC or if L{AuiManager} is using the
-         ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES`` style.
-        """
-        # notify the owner manager that the pane is moving
-        self.OnMoveStart(event)
-    def OnMoveFinished(self):
-        """
-        The user has just finished moving the floating pane.
-        :note: This method is used only on wxMAC or if L{AuiManager} is using the
-         ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES`` style.
-        """
-        # notify the owner manager that the pane has finished moving
-        if self._owner_mgr:
-            self._owner_mgr._action_window = self._pane_window
-            point = wx.GetMousePosition()
-            if self._is_toolbar:
-                self._owner_mgr.OnLeftUp_DragToolbarPane(point)
-            else:
-                self._owner_mgr.OnLeftUp_DragFloatingPane(point)
-            self._owner_mgr.OnFloatingPaneMoved(self._pane_window, point)
-    def OnCheckFlyTimer(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_TIMER`` event for L{AuiFloatingFrame}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.TimerEvent` to be processed.
-        :note: This is used solely for "fly-out" panes.        
-        """
-        if self._owner_mgr:
-            pane = self._mgr.GetPane(self._pane_window)
-            if pane.IsFlyOut():
-                if self.IsShownOnScreen():
-                    self.FlyOut()
-    def OnFindManager(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER`` event for L{AuiFloatingFrame}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiManagerEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        event.SetManager(self._owner_mgr)
-    def FlyOut(self):
-        """ Starts the flying in and out of a floating pane. """
-        if self._fly_timer.IsRunning():
-            return
-        if _VERSION_STRING < "2.9":
-            leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftDown()
-        else:
-            leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftIsDown()
-        if leftDown:
-            return
-        rect = wx.Rect(*self.GetScreenRect())
-        rect.Inflate(10, 10)
-        if rect.Contains(wx.GetMousePosition()):
-            if not self._fly:
-                return
-            self._send_size = False
-            self._fly_timer.Start(5)
-        else:
-            if self._fly:
-                return
-            self._send_size = False
-            self._fly_timer.Start(5)
-    def OnFlyTimer(self, event):            
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_TIMER`` event for L{AuiFloatingFrame}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.TimerEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        current_size = self.GetClientSize()
-        floating_size = wx.Size(*self._owner_mgr.GetPane(self._pane_window).floating_size)
-        if floating_size.y == -1:
-            floating_size = self._floating_size
-        if not self._fly:
-            min_size = self._mgr.GetArtProvider().GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-            if wx.Platform != "__WXMSW__":
-                min_size += 2*wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_EDGE_Y)
-            if current_size.y - self._fly_step <= min_size:
-                self.SetClientSize((current_size.x, min_size))
-                self._fly = True
-                self._fly_timer.Stop()
-                self._send_size = True
-            else:
-                self.SetClientSize((current_size.x, current_size.y-self._fly_step))
-        else:
-            if current_size.y + self._fly_step >= floating_size.y:
-                self.SetClientSize((current_size.x, floating_size.y))
-                self._fly = False
-                self._fly_timer.Stop()
-                self._send_size = True
-            else:
-                self.SetClientSize((current_size.x, current_size.y+self._fly_step))
-        self.Update()
-        self.Refresh()
-    def FadeOut(self):
-        """ Actually starts the fading out of the floating pane. """
-        while 1:
-            self._alpha_amount -= 10
-            if self._alpha_amount <= 0:
-                self._alpha_amount = 255
-                return
-            self.SetTransparent(self._alpha_amount)
-            wx.SafeYield()
-            wx.MilliSleep(15)
-# -- static utility functions --
-def DrawResizeHint(dc, rect):
-    """
-    Draws a resize hint while a sash is dragged.
-    :param `rect`: a `wx.Rect` rectangle which specifies the sash dimensions.
-    """
-    if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__" and wx.App.GetComCtl32Version() >= 600:
-        if wx.GetOsVersion()[1] > 5:
-            # Windows Vista
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen("black", 2, wx.SOLID))
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-        else:
-            # Draw the nice XP style splitter
-            dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.BLACK_BRUSH)
-        dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.INVERT)
-        dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
-        dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.COPY)
-    else:
-        stipple = PaneCreateStippleBitmap()
-        brush = wx.BrushFromBitmap(stipple)
-        dc.SetBrush(brush)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.XOR)
-        dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)    
-def CopyDocksAndPanes(src_docks, src_panes):
-    """
-    This utility function creates shallow copies of
-    the dock and pane info. L{AuiDockInfo} usually contain pointers
-    to L{AuiPaneInfo} classes, thus this function is necessary to reliably
-    reconstruct that relationship in the new dock info and pane info arrays.
-    :param `src_docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} classes;
-    :param `src_panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} classes.
-    """
-    dest_docks = src_docks
-    dest_panes = src_panes
-    for ii in xrange(len(dest_docks)):
-        dock = dest_docks[ii]
-        for jj in xrange(len(dock.panes)):
-            for kk in xrange(len(src_panes)):
-                if dock.panes[jj] == src_panes[kk]:
-                    dock.panes[jj] = dest_panes[kk]
-    return dest_docks, dest_panes
-def CopyDocksAndPanes2(src_docks, src_panes):
-    """
-    This utility function creates full copies of
-    the dock and pane info. L{AuiDockInfo} usually contain pointers
-    to L{AuiPaneInfo} classes, thus this function is necessary to reliably
-    reconstruct that relationship in the new dock info and pane info arrays.
-    :param `src_docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} classes;
-    :param `src_panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} classes.
-    """
-    dest_docks = []
-    for ii in xrange(len(src_docks)):
-        dest_docks.append(AuiDockInfo())
-        dest_docks[ii].dock_direction = src_docks[ii].dock_direction
-        dest_docks[ii].dock_layer = src_docks[ii].dock_layer
-        dest_docks[ii].dock_row = src_docks[ii].dock_row
-        dest_docks[ii].size = src_docks[ii].size
-        dest_docks[ii].min_size = src_docks[ii].min_size
-        dest_docks[ii].resizable = src_docks[ii].resizable
-        dest_docks[ii].fixed = src_docks[ii].fixed
-        dest_docks[ii].toolbar = src_docks[ii].toolbar
-        dest_docks[ii].panes = src_docks[ii].panes
-        dest_docks[ii].rect = wx.Rect(*src_docks[ii].rect)
-    dest_panes = []
-    for ii in xrange(len(src_panes)):
-        dest_panes.append(AuiPaneInfo())
-        dest_panes[ii].name = src_panes[ii].name
-        dest_panes[ii].caption = src_panes[ii].caption
-        dest_panes[ii].window = src_panes[ii].window
-        dest_panes[ii].frame = src_panes[ii].frame
-        dest_panes[ii].state = src_panes[ii].state
-        dest_panes[ii].dock_direction = src_panes[ii].dock_direction
-        dest_panes[ii].dock_layer = src_panes[ii].dock_layer
-        dest_panes[ii].dock_row = src_panes[ii].dock_row
-        dest_panes[ii].dock_pos = src_panes[ii].dock_pos
-        dest_panes[ii].best_size = wx.Size(*src_panes[ii].best_size)
-        dest_panes[ii].min_size = wx.Size(*src_panes[ii].min_size)
-        dest_panes[ii].max_size = wx.Size(*src_panes[ii].max_size)
-        dest_panes[ii].floating_pos = wx.Point(*src_panes[ii].floating_pos)
-        dest_panes[ii].floating_size = wx.Size(*src_panes[ii].floating_size)
-        dest_panes[ii].dock_proportion = src_panes[ii].dock_proportion
-        dest_panes[ii].buttons = src_panes[ii].buttons
-        dest_panes[ii].rect = wx.Rect(*src_panes[ii].rect)
-        dest_panes[ii].icon = src_panes[ii].icon
-        dest_panes[ii].notebook_id = src_panes[ii].notebook_id
-        dest_panes[ii].transparent = src_panes[ii].transparent
-        dest_panes[ii].snapped = src_panes[ii].snapped
-        dest_panes[ii].minimize_mode = src_panes[ii].minimize_mode
-    for ii in xrange(len(dest_docks)):
-        dock = dest_docks[ii]
-        for jj in xrange(len(dock.panes)):
-            for kk in xrange(len(src_panes)):
-                if dock.panes[jj] == src_panes[kk]:
-                    dock.panes[jj] = dest_panes[kk]
-        dest_docks[ii] = dock
-    return dest_docks, dest_panes
-def GetMaxLayer(docks, dock_direction):
-    """
-    This is an internal function which returns
-    the highest layer inside the specified dock.
-    :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo};
-    :param `dock_direction`: the L{AuiDockInfo} docking direction to analyze.
-    """
-    max_layer = 0
-    for dock in docks:
-        if dock.dock_direction == dock_direction and dock.dock_layer > max_layer and not dock.fixed:
-            max_layer = dock.dock_layer
-    return max_layer
-def GetMaxRow(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer):
-    """
-    This is an internal function which returns
-    the highest layer inside the specified dock.
-    :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo};
-    :param `dock_direction`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} docking direction to analyze;
-    :param `dock_layer`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} layer to analyze.
-    """
-    max_row = 0
-    for pane in panes:
-        if pane.dock_direction == dock_direction and pane.dock_layer == dock_layer and \
-           pane.dock_row > max_row:
-            max_row = pane.dock_row
-    return max_row
-def DoInsertDockLayer(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer):
-    """
-    This is an internal function that inserts a new dock
-    layer by incrementing all existing dock layer values by one.
-    :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo};
-    :param `dock_direction`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} docking direction to analyze;
-    :param `dock_layer`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} layer to analyze.
-    """
-    for ii in xrange(len(panes)):
-        pane = panes[ii]
-        if not pane.IsFloating() and pane.dock_direction == dock_direction and pane.dock_layer >= dock_layer:
-            pane.dock_layer = pane.dock_layer + 1
-        panes[ii] = pane
-    return panes
-def DoInsertDockRow(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row):
-    """
-    This is an internal function that inserts a new dock
-    row by incrementing all existing dock row values by one.
-    :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo};
-    :param `dock_direction`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} docking direction to analyze;
-    :param `dock_layer`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} layer to analyze;
-    :param `dock_row`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} row to analyze.
-    """
-    for pane in panes:
-        if not pane.IsFloating() and pane.dock_direction == dock_direction and \
-           pane.dock_layer == dock_layer and pane.dock_row >= dock_row:
-            pane.dock_row += 1
-    return panes
-def DoInsertPane(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row, dock_pos):
-    """
-    This is an internal function that inserts a new pane
-    by incrementing all existing dock position values by one.
-    :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo};
-    :param `dock_direction`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} docking direction to analyze;
-    :param `dock_layer`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} layer to analyze;
-    :param `dock_row`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} row to analyze;
-    :param `dock_pos`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} row to analyze.
-    """
-    for ii in xrange(len(panes)):
-        pane = panes[ii]
-        if not pane.IsFloating() and pane.dock_direction == dock_direction and \
-           pane.dock_layer == dock_layer and  pane.dock_row == dock_row and \
-           pane.dock_pos >= dock_pos:
-            pane.dock_pos = pane.dock_pos + 1
-        panes[ii] = pane
-    return panes
-def FindDocks(docks, dock_direction, dock_layer=-1, dock_row=-1, reverse=False):
-    """
-    This is an internal function that returns a list of docks which meet
-    the specified conditions in the parameters and returns a sorted array
-    (sorted by layer and then row).
-    :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo};
-    :param `dock_direction`: the L{AuiDockInfo} docking direction to analyze;
-    :param `dock_layer`: the L{AuiDockInfo} layer to analyze;
-    :param `dock_row`: the L{AuiDockInfo} row to analyze;
-    """
-    matchDocks = [(d.dock_layer, d.dock_row, d.dock_direction, d) for d in docks if \
-                  (dock_direction == -1 or dock_direction == d.dock_direction) and \
-                  ((dock_layer == -1 or dock_layer == d.dock_layer) and \
-                  (dock_row == -1 or dock_row == d.dock_row))]
-    arr = [x[-1] for x in sorted(matchDocks, reverse=reverse)]
-    return arr
-def FindOppositeDocks(docks, dock_direction):
-    """
-    This is an internal function that returns a list of docks
-    which is related to the opposite direction.
-    :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo};
-    :param `dock_direction`: the L{AuiDockInfo} docking direction to analyze;
-    """
-    if dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-        arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT, -1, -1)
-    elif dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-        arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM, -1, -1)
-    elif dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-        arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT, -1, -1)
-    elif dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-        arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP, -1, -1)
-    return arr    
-def FindPaneInDock(dock, window):
-    """
-    This method looks up a specified window pointer inside a dock.
-    If found, the corresponding L{AuiPaneInfo} pointer is returned, otherwise ``None``.
-    :param `dock`: a L{AuiDockInfo} structure;
-    :param `window`: a `wx.Window` derived window (associated to a pane).
-    """
-    for p in dock.panes:
-        if p.window == window:
-            return p
-    return None
-def GetToolBarDockOffsets(docks):
-    """
-    Returns the toolbar dock offsets (top-left and bottom-right).
-    :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} to analyze.
-    """
-    top_left = wx.Size(0, 0)
-    bottom_right = wx.Size(0, 0)
-    for dock in docks:
-        if dock.toolbar:
-            dock_direction = dock.dock_direction
-            if dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-                top_left.x += dock.rect.width
-                bottom_right.x += dock.rect.width
-            elif dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-                top_left.y += dock.rect.height
-                bottom_right.y += dock.rect.height
-            elif dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-                bottom_right.x += dock.rect.width
-            elif dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-                bottom_right.y += dock.rect.height
-    return top_left, bottom_right        
-def GetInternalFrameRect(window, docks):
-    """
-    Returns the window rectangle excluding toolbars.
-    :param `window`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-    :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} structures.
-    """
-    frameRect = wx.Rect()
-    frameRect.SetTopLeft(window.ClientToScreen(window.GetClientAreaOrigin()))
-    frameRect.SetSize(window.GetClientSize())
-    top_left, bottom_right = GetToolBarDockOffsets(docks)
-    # make adjustments for toolbars
-    frameRect.x += top_left.x
-    frameRect.y += top_left.y
-    frameRect.width -= bottom_right.x
-    frameRect.height -= bottom_right.y
-    return frameRect
-def CheckOutOfWindow(window, pt):
-    """
-    Checks if a point is outside the window rectangle.
-    :param `window`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-    :param `pt`: a `wx.Point` object.
-    """
-    auiWindowMargin = 30
-    marginRect = wx.Rect(*window.GetClientRect())
-    marginRect.Inflate(auiWindowMargin, auiWindowMargin)
-    return not marginRect.Contains(pt)
-def CheckEdgeDrop(window, docks, pt):
-    """
-    Checks on which edge of a window the drop action has taken place.
-    :param `window`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-    :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} structures;
-    :param `pt`: a `wx.Point` object.
-    """
-    screenPt = window.ClientToScreen(pt)
-    clientSize = window.GetClientSize()
-    frameRect = GetInternalFrameRect(window, docks)
-    if screenPt.y >= frameRect.GetTop() and screenPt.y < frameRect.GetBottom():
-        if pt.x < auiLayerInsertOffset and pt.x > auiLayerInsertOffset - auiLayerInsertPixels:
-            return wx.LEFT
-        if pt.x >= clientSize.x - auiLayerInsertOffset and \
-           pt.x < clientSize.x - auiLayerInsertOffset + auiLayerInsertPixels:
-            return wx.RIGHT
-    if screenPt.x >= frameRect.GetLeft() and screenPt.x < frameRect.GetRight():
-        if pt.y < auiLayerInsertOffset and pt.y > auiLayerInsertOffset - auiLayerInsertPixels:
-            return wx.TOP
-        if pt.y >= clientSize.y - auiLayerInsertOffset and \
-           pt.y < clientSize.y - auiLayerInsertOffset + auiLayerInsertPixels:
-            return wx.BOTTOM
-    return -1
-def RemovePaneFromDocks(docks, pane, exc=None):
-    """
-    Removes a pane window from all docks
-    with a possible exception specified by parameter `exc`.
-    :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} structures;
-    :param `pane`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} pane to be removed;
-    :param `exc`: the possible pane exception.
-    """
-    for ii in xrange(len(docks)):
-        d = docks[ii]
-        if d == exc:
-            continue
-        pi = FindPaneInDock(d, pane.window)
-        if pi:
-            d.panes.remove(pi)
-        docks[ii] = d            
-    return docks
-def RenumberDockRows(docks):
-    """
-    Takes a dock and assigns sequential numbers
-    to existing rows.  Basically it takes out the gaps so if a
-    dock has rows with numbers 0, 2, 5, they will become 0, 1, 2.
-    :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} structures.    
-    """
-    for ii in xrange(len(docks)):
-        dock = docks[ii]
-        dock.dock_row = ii
-        for jj in xrange(len(dock.panes)):
-            dock.panes[jj].dock_row = ii
-        docks[ii] = dock
-    return docks
-def SetActivePane(panes, active_pane):
-    """
-    Sets the active pane, as well as cycles through
-    every other pane and makes sure that all others' active flags
-    are turned off.
-    :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} structures;
-    :param `active_pane`: the pane to be made active (if found).
-    """
-    for pane in panes:
-        pane.state &= ~AuiPaneInfo.optionActive
-    for pane in panes:
-        if pane.window == active_pane and not pane.IsNotebookPage():
-            pane.state |= AuiPaneInfo.optionActive
-            return True, panes
-    return False, panes
-def ShowDockingGuides(guides, show):
-    """
-    Shows or hide the docking guide windows.
-    :param `guides`: a list of L{AuiDockingGuideInfo} classes;
-    :param `show`: whether to show or hide the docking guide windows.
-    """
-    for target in guides:
-        if show and not
-        elif not show and        
-def RefreshDockingGuides(guides):
-    """
-    Refreshes the docking guide windows.
-    :param `guides`: a list of L{AuiDockingGuideInfo} classes;
-    """
-    for target in guides:
-        if
-def PaneSortFunc(p1, p2):
-    """
-    This function is used to sort panes by dock position.
-    :param `p1`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance;
-    :param `p2`: another L{AuiPaneInfo} instance.    
-    """
-    return (p1.dock_pos < p2.dock_pos and [-1] or [1])[0]
-def GetNotebookRoot(panes, notebook_id):
-    """
-    Returns the L{AuiPaneInfo} which has the specified `notebook_id`.
-    :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} instances;
-    :param `notebook_id`: the target notebook id.
-    """    
-    for paneInfo in panes:
-        if paneInfo.IsNotebookControl() and paneInfo.notebook_id == notebook_id:
-            return paneInfo
-    return None
-def EscapeDelimiters(s):
-    """
-    Changes ``;`` into ``\`` and ``|`` into ``\|`` in the input string.  
-    :param `s`: the string to be analyzed.
-    :note: This is an internal functions which is used for saving perspectives.    
-    """
-    result = s.replace(";", "\\")
-    result = result.replace("|", "|\\")
-    return result
-def IsDifferentDockingPosition(pane1, pane2):
-    """
-    Returns whether `pane1` and `pane2` are in a different docking position
-    based on pane status, docking direction, docking layer and docking row.
-    :param `pane1`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance;
-    :param `pane2`: another L{AuiPaneInfo} instance.
-    """
-    return pane1.IsFloating() != pane2.IsFloating() or \
-           pane1.dock_direction != pane2.dock_direction or \
-           pane1.dock_layer != pane2.dock_layer or \
-           pane1.dock_row != pane2.dock_row
-# Convenience function
-def AuiManager_HasLiveResize(manager):
-    """
-    Static function which returns if the input `manager` should have "live resize"
-    behaviour.
-    :param `manager`: an instance of L{AuiManager}.
-    :note: This method always returns ``True`` on wxMac as this platform doesn't have
-     the ability to use `wx.ScreenDC` to draw sashes.
-    """
-    # With Core Graphics on Mac, it's not possible to show sash feedback,
-    # so we'll always use live update instead.
-    if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-        return True
-    else:
-        return (manager.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE) == AUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE
-# Convenience function
-def AuiManager_UseNativeMiniframes(manager):
-    """
-    Static function which returns if the input `manager` should use native `wx.MiniFrame` as
-    floating panes.
-    :param `manager`: an instance of L{AuiManager}.
-    :note: This method always returns ``True`` on wxMac as this platform doesn't have
-     the ability to use custom drawn miniframes.
-    """
-    # With Core Graphics on Mac, it's not possible to show sash feedback,
-    # so we'll always use live update instead.
-    if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-        return True
-    else:
-def GetManager(window):
-    """
-    This function will return the aui manager for a given window.
-    :param `window`: this parameter should be any child window or grand-child
-     window (and so on) of the frame/window managed by L{AuiManager}. The window
-     does not need to be managed by the manager itself, nor does it even need
-     to be a child or sub-child of a managed window. It must however be inside
-     the window hierarchy underneath the managed window.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(wx.GetTopLevelParent(window), AuiFloatingFrame):
-        if isinstance(window, auibar.AuiToolBar):
-            return window.GetAuiManager()
-    evt = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER)
-    evt.SetManager(None)
-    evt.ResumePropagation(wx.EVENT_PROPAGATE_MAX)
-    if not window.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt):
-        return None
-    return evt.GetManager()
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class AuiManager(wx.EvtHandler):
-    """
-    AuiManager manages the panes associated with it for a particular `wx.Frame`,
-    using a pane's L{AuiPaneInfo} information to determine each pane's docking and
-    floating behavior. L{AuiManager} uses wxPython's sizer mechanism to plan the
-    layout of each frame. It uses a replaceable dock art class to do all drawing,
-    so all drawing is localized in one area, and may be customized depending on an
-    applications' specific needs.
-    L{AuiManager} works as follows: the programmer adds panes to the class, or makes
-    changes to existing pane properties (dock position, floating state, show state, etc...).
-    To apply these changes, the L{AuiManager.Update} function is called. This batch
-    processing can be used to avoid flicker, by modifying more than one pane at a time,
-    and then "committing" all of the changes at once by calling `Update()`.
-    Panes can be added quite easily::
-        text1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1)
-        text2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1)
-        self._mgr.AddPane(text1, AuiPaneInfo().Left().Caption("Pane Number One"))
-        self._mgr.AddPane(text2, AuiPaneInfo().Bottom().Caption("Pane Number Two"))
-        self._mgr.Update()
-    Later on, the positions can be modified easily. The following will float an
-    existing pane in a tool window::
-        self._mgr.GetPane(text1).Float()
-    **Layers, Rows and Directions, Positions:**
-    Inside AUI, the docking layout is figured out by checking several pane parameters.
-    Four of these are important for determining where a pane will end up.
-    **Direction** - Each docked pane has a direction, `Top`, `Bottom`, `Left`, `Right`, or `Center`.
-    This is fairly self-explanatory. The pane will be placed in the location specified
-    by this variable.
-    **Position** - More than one pane can be placed inside of a "dock". Imagine two panes
-    being docked on the left side of a window. One pane can be placed over another.
-    In proportionally managed docks, the pane position indicates it's sequential position,
-    starting with zero. So, in our scenario with two panes docked on the left side, the
-    top pane in the dock would have position 0, and the second one would occupy position 1. 
-    **Row** - A row can allow for two docks to be placed next to each other. One of the most
-    common places for this to happen is in the toolbar. Multiple toolbar rows are allowed,
-    the first row being in row 0, and the second in row 1. Rows can also be used on
-    vertically docked panes. 
-    **Layer** - A layer is akin to an onion. Layer 0 is the very center of the managed pane.
-    Thus, if a pane is in layer 0, it will be closest to the center window (also sometimes
-    known as the "content window"). Increasing layers "swallow up" all layers of a lower
-    value. This can look very similar to multiple rows, but is different because all panes
-    in a lower level yield to panes in higher levels. The best way to understand layers
-    is by running the AUI sample (``).
-    """
-    def __init__(self, managed_window=None, agwFlags=None):
-        """
-        Default class constructor.
-        :param `managed_window`: specifies the window which should be managed;
-        :param `agwFlags`: specifies options which allow the frame management behavior to be
-         modified. `agwFlags` can be a combination of the following style bits:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING``           Allow floating of panes
-         ``AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE``        If a pane becomes active, "highlight" it in the interface
-         ``AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG``         If the platform supports it, set transparency on a floating pane while it is dragged by the user
-         ``AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT``         If the platform supports it, show a transparent hint window when the user is about to dock a floating pane
-         ``AUI_MGR_VENETIAN_BLINDS_HINT``     Show a "venetian blind" effect when the user is about to dock a floating pane
-         ``AUI_MGR_RECTANGLE_HINT``           Show a rectangle hint effect when the user is about to dock a floating pane
-         ``AUI_MGR_HINT_FADE``                If the platform supports it, the hint window will fade in and out
-         ``AUI_MGR_NO_VENETIAN_BLINDS_FADE``  Disables the "venetian blind" fade in and out
-         ``AUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE``              Live resize when the user drag a sash
-         ``AUI_MGR_ANIMATE_FRAMES``           Fade-out floating panes when they are closed (all platforms which support frames transparency) and show a moving rectangle when they are docked (Windows < Vista and GTK only)
-         ``AUI_MGR_AERO_DOCKING_GUIDES``      Use the new Aero-style bitmaps as docking guides
-         ``AUI_MGR_PREVIEW_MINIMIZED_PANES``  Slide in and out minimized panes to preview them
-         ``AUI_MGR_WHIDBEY_DOCKING_GUIDES``   Use the new Whidbey-style bitmaps as docking guides
-         ``AUI_MGR_SMOOTH_DOCKING``           Performs a "smooth" docking of panes (a la PyQT)
-         ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES``    Use miniframes with native caption bar as floating panes instead or custom drawn caption bars (forced on wxMac)
-         ``AUI_MGR_AUTONB_NO_CAPTION``        Panes that merge into an automatic notebook will not have the pane caption visible
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Default value for `agwFlags` is:
-         :note: If using the ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES``, double-clicking on a
-          floating pane caption will not re-dock the pane, but simply maximize it (if
-          L{AuiPaneInfo.MaximizeButton} has been set to ``True``) or do nothing.
-        """
-        wx.EvtHandler.__init__(self)
-        self._action = actionNone
-        self._action_window = None
-        self._hover_button = None
-        self._art = dockart.AuiDefaultDockArt()
-        self._hint_window = None
-        self._active_pane = None
-        self._has_maximized = False
-        self._has_minimized = False
-        self._frame = None
-        self._dock_constraint_x = 0.3
-        self._dock_constraint_y = 0.3
-        self._reserved = None
-        self._panes = []
-        self._docks = []
-        self._uiparts = []
-        self._guides = []
-        self._notebooks = []
-        self._masterManager = None
-        self._currentDragItem = -1
-        self._lastknowndocks = {}
-        self._hint_fadetimer = wx.Timer(self, wx.ID_ANY)
-        self._hint_fademax = 50
-        self._last_hint = wx.Rect()
-        self._from_move = False
-        self._last_rect = wx.Rect()
-        if agwFlags is None:
-            agwFlags = AUI_MGR_DEFAULT
-        self._agwFlags = agwFlags
-        self._is_docked = (False, wx.RIGHT, wx.TOP, 0)
-        self._snap_limits = (15, 15)
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
-            self._animation_step = 30.0
-        else:
-            self._animation_step = 5.0
-        self._hint_rect = wx.Rect()
-        self._preview_timer = wx.Timer(self, wx.ID_ANY)
-        self._sliding_frame = None
-        self._autoNBTabArt = tabart.AuiDefaultTabArt()
-        self._autoNBStyle = AUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE | AUI_NB_BOTTOM | \
-                            AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK | AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE
-        self._autoNBStyle -= AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB
-        if managed_window:
-            self.SetManagedWindow(managed_window)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_CURSOR, self.OnSetCursor)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDClick)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeaveWindow)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHILD_FOCUS, self.OnChildFocus)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST, self.OnCaptureLost)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnHintFadeTimer, self._hint_fadetimer)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.SlideIn, self._preview_timer)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.OnMove)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED, self.OnSysColourChanged)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON, self.OnPaneButton)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUI_RENDER, self.OnRender)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER, self.OnFindManager)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUI_PANE_MIN_RESTORE, self.OnRestoreMinimizedPane)
-        self.Bind(EVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKED, self.OnPaneDocked)
-        self.Bind(auibook.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG, self.OnTabBeginDrag)
-        self.Bind(auibook.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE, self.OnTabPageClose)
-        self.Bind(auibook.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnTabSelected)
-    def CreateFloatingFrame(self, parent, pane_info):
-        """
-        Creates a floating frame for the windows.
-        :param `parent`: the floating frame parent;
-        :param `pane_info`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} class with all the pane's information.
-        """
-        return AuiFloatingFrame(parent, self, pane_info)
-    def CanDockPanel(self, p):
-        """
-        Returns whether a pane can be docked or not.
-        :param `p`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} class with all the pane's information.
-        """        
-        # is the pane dockable?
-        if not p.IsDockable():
-            return False
-        # if a key modifier is pressed while dragging the frame,
-        # don't dock the window
-        return not (wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) or wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_ALT))
-    def GetPaneByWidget(self, window):
-        """
-        This version of L{GetPane} looks up a pane based on a
-        'pane window'.
-        :param `window`: a `wx.Window` derived window.
-        :see: L{GetPane}
-        """
-        for p in self._panes:
-            if p.window == window:
-                return p
-        return NonePaneInfo
-    def GetPaneByName(self, name):
-        """
-        This version of L{GetPane} looks up a pane based on a
-        'pane name'.
-        :param `name`: the pane name.
-        :see: L{GetPane}        
-        """
-        for p in self._panes:
-            if == name:
-                return p
-        return NonePaneInfo
-    def GetPane(self, item):
-        """
-        Looks up a L{AuiPaneInfo} structure based
-        on the supplied window pointer. Upon failure, L{GetPane}
-        returns an empty L{AuiPaneInfo}, a condition which can be checked
-        by calling L{AuiPaneInfo.IsOk}.
-        The pane info's structure may then be modified. Once a pane's
-        info is modified, L{Update} must be called to
-        realize the changes in the UI.
-        :param `item`: either a pane name or a `wx.Window`.        
-        """
-        if isinstance(item, basestring):
-            return self.GetPaneByName(item)
-        else:
-            return self.GetPaneByWidget(item)
-    def GetAllPanes(self):
-        """ Returns a reference to all the pane info structures. """
-        return self._panes
-    def ShowPane(self, window, show):
-        """
-        Shows or hides a pane based on the window passed as input.
-        :param `window`: a `wx.Window` derived window;
-        :param `show`: ``True`` to show the pane, ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        p = self.GetPane(window)
-        if p.IsOk():
-            if p.IsNotebookPage():
-                if show:
-                    notebook = self._notebooks[p.notebook_id]
-                    id = notebook.GetPageIndex(p.window)
-                    if id >= 0:
-                        notebook.SetSelection(id)
-                    self.ShowPane(notebook, True)
-            else:
-                p.Show(show)
-            if p.frame:
-                p.frame.Raise()
-            self.Update()
-    def HitTest(self, x, y):
-        """
-        This is an internal function which determines
-        which UI item the specified coordinates are over.
-        :param `x`: specifies a x position in client coordinates;
-        :param `y`: specifies a y position in client coordinates.
-        """
-        result = None
-        for item in self._uiparts:
-            # we are not interested in typeDock, because this space 
-            # isn't used to draw anything, just for measurements
-            # besides, the entire dock area is covered with other
-            # rectangles, which we are interested in.
-            if item.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeDock:
-                continue
-            # if we already have a hit on a more specific item, we are not
-            # interested in a pane hit.  If, however, we don't already have
-            # a hit, returning a pane hit is necessary for some operations
-            if item.type in [AuiDockUIPart.typePane, AuiDockUIPart.typePaneBorder] and result:
-                continue
-            # if the point is inside the rectangle, we have a hit
-            if item.rect.Contains((x, y)):
-                result = item
-        return result
-    def PaneHitTest(self, panes, pt):
-        """
-        Similar to L{HitTest}, but it checks in which L{AuiPaneInfo} rectangle the
-        input point belongs to.
-        :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} instances;
-        :param `pt`: a `wx.Point` object.
-        """
-        for paneInfo in panes:
-            if paneInfo.IsDocked() and paneInfo.IsShown() and paneInfo.rect.Contains(pt):
-                return paneInfo
-        return NonePaneInfo
-    # SetAGWFlags() and GetAGWFlags() allow the owner to set various
-    # options which are global to AuiManager
-    def SetAGWFlags(self, agwFlags):
-        """
-        This method is used to specify L{AuiManager}'s settings flags.
-        :param `agwFlags`: specifies options which allow the frame management behavior
-         to be modified. `agwFlags` can be one of the following style bits:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING``           Allow floating of panes
-         ``AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE``        If a pane becomes active, "highlight" it in the interface
-         ``AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG``         If the platform supports it, set transparency on a floating pane while it is dragged by the user
-         ``AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT``         If the platform supports it, show a transparent hint window when the user is about to dock a floating pane
-         ``AUI_MGR_VENETIAN_BLINDS_HINT``     Show a "venetian blind" effect when the user is about to dock a floating pane
-         ``AUI_MGR_RECTANGLE_HINT``           Show a rectangle hint effect when the user is about to dock a floating pane
-         ``AUI_MGR_HINT_FADE``                If the platform supports it, the hint window will fade in and out
-         ``AUI_MGR_NO_VENETIAN_BLINDS_FADE``  Disables the "venetian blind" fade in and out
-         ``AUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE``              Live resize when the user drag a sash
-         ``AUI_MGR_ANIMATE_FRAMES``           Fade-out floating panes when they are closed (all platforms which support frames transparency) and show a moving rectangle when they are docked (Windows < Vista and GTK only)
-         ``AUI_MGR_AERO_DOCKING_GUIDES``      Use the new Aero-style bitmaps as docking guides
-         ``AUI_MGR_PREVIEW_MINIMIZED_PANES``  Slide in and out minimized panes to preview them
-         ``AUI_MGR_WHIDBEY_DOCKING_GUIDES``   Use the new Whidbey-style bitmaps as docking guides        
-         ``AUI_MGR_SMOOTH_DOCKING``           Performs a "smooth" docking of panes (a la PyQT)
-         ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES``    Use miniframes with native caption bar as floating panes instead or custom drawn caption bars (forced on wxMac)
-         ``AUI_MGR_AUTONB_NO_CAPTION``        Panes that merge into an automatic notebook will not have the pane caption visible
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         :note: If using the ``AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES``, double-clicking on a
-          floating pane caption will not re-dock the pane, but simply maximize it (if
-          L{AuiPaneInfo.MaximizeButton} has been set to ``True``) or do nothing.
-        """
-        self._agwFlags = agwFlags
-        if len(self._guides) > 0:
-            self.CreateGuideWindows()
-        if self._hint_window and agwFlags & AUI_MGR_RECTANGLE_HINT == 0:
-            self.CreateHintWindow()
-    def GetAGWFlags(self):
-        """
-        Returns the current manager's flags.
-        :see: L{SetAGWFlags} for a list of possible L{AuiManager} flags.
-        """
-        return self._agwFlags
-    def SetManagedWindow(self, managed_window):
-        """
-        Called to specify the frame or window which is to be managed by L{AuiManager}.
-        Frame management is not restricted to just frames. Child windows or custom
-        controls are also allowed.
-        :param `managed_window`: specifies the window which should be managed by
-         the AUI manager.
-        """
-        if not managed_window:
-            raise Exception("Specified managed window must be non-null. ")
-        self._frame = managed_window
-        self._frame.PushEventHandler(self)
-        # if the owner is going to manage an MDI parent frame,
-        # we need to add the MDI client window as the default
-        # center pane
-        if isinstance(self._frame, wx.MDIParentFrame):
-            mdi_frame = self._frame
-            client_window = mdi_frame.GetClientWindow()
-            if not client_window:
-                raise Exception("Client window is None!")
-            self.AddPane(client_window, AuiPaneInfo().Name("mdiclient").
-                         CenterPane().PaneBorder(False))
-        elif isinstance(self._frame, tabmdi.AuiMDIParentFrame):
-            mdi_frame = self._frame
-            client_window = mdi_frame.GetClientWindow()
-            if not client_window:
-                raise Exception("Client window is None!")
-            self.AddPane(client_window, AuiPaneInfo().Name("mdiclient").
-                         CenterPane().PaneBorder(False))
-    def GetManagedWindow(self):
-        """ Returns the window being managed by L{AuiManager}. """
-        return self._frame
-    def SetFrame(self, managed_window):
-        """
-        Called to specify the frame or window which is to be managed by L{AuiManager}.
-        Frame management is not restricted to just frames. Child windows or custom
-        controls are also allowed.
-        :param `managed_window`: specifies the window which should be managed by
-         the AUI manager.
-        :warning: This method is now deprecated, use L{SetManagedWindow} instead.
-        """
-        DeprecationWarning("This method is deprecated, use SetManagedWindow instead.")
-        return self.SetManagedWindow(managed_window)
-    def GetFrame(self):
-        """
-        Returns the window being managed by L{AuiManager}.
-        :warning: This method is now deprecated, use L{GetManagedWindow} instead.
-        """
-        DeprecationWarning("This method is deprecated, use GetManagedWindow instead.")        
-        return self._frame
-    def CreateGuideWindows(self):
-        """ Creates the VS2005 HUD guide windows. """
-        self.DestroyGuideWindows()
-        self._guides.append(AuiDockingGuideInfo().Left().
-                            Host(AuiSingleDockingGuide(self._frame, wx.LEFT)))
-        self._guides.append(AuiDockingGuideInfo().Top().
-                            Host(AuiSingleDockingGuide(self._frame, wx.TOP)))
-        self._guides.append(AuiDockingGuideInfo().Right().
-                            Host(AuiSingleDockingGuide(self._frame, wx.RIGHT)))
-        self._guides.append(AuiDockingGuideInfo().Bottom().
-                            Host(AuiSingleDockingGuide(self._frame, wx.BOTTOM)))
-        self._guides.append(AuiDockingGuideInfo().Centre().
-                            Host(AuiCenterDockingGuide(self._frame)))
-    def DestroyGuideWindows(self):
-        """ Destroys the VS2005 HUD guide windows. """
-        for guide in self._guides:
-            if
-        self._guides = []
-    def CreateHintWindow(self):
-        """ Creates the standard wxAUI hint window. """
-        self.DestroyHintWindow()
-        self._hint_window = AuiDockingHintWindow(self._frame)
-        self._hint_window.SetBlindMode(self._agwFlags)
-    def DestroyHintWindow(self):
-        """ Destroys the standard wxAUI hint window. """
-        if self._hint_window:
-            self._hint_window.Destroy()
-            self._hint_window = None
-    def UnInit(self):
-        """
-        Uninitializes the framework and should be called before a managed frame or
-        window is destroyed. L{UnInit} is usually called in the managed `wx.Frame`/`wx.Window`
-        destructor.
-        It is necessary to call this function before the managed frame or window is
-        destroyed, otherwise the manager cannot remove its custom event handlers
-        from a window.
-        """
-        if self._frame:
-            self._frame.RemoveEventHandler(self)
-    def GetArtProvider(self):
-        """ Returns the current art provider being used. """
-        return self._art
-    def ProcessMgrEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Process the AUI events sent to the manager.
-        :param `event`: the event to process, an instance of L{AuiManagerEvent}.
-        """
-        # first, give the owner frame a chance to override
-        if self._frame:
-            if self._frame.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event):
-                return
-        self.ProcessEvent(event)
-    def FireEvent(self, evtType, pane, canVeto=False):
-        """
-        Fires one of the ``EVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATED``/``FLOATING``/``DOCKING``/``DOCKED``/``ACTIVATED`` event. 
-        :param `evtType`: one of the aforementioned events;
-        :param `pane`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} instance associated to this event;
-        :param `canVeto`: whether the event can be vetoed or not.
-        """        
-        event = AuiManagerEvent(evtType)
-        event.SetPane(pane)
-        event.SetCanVeto(canVeto)
-        self.ProcessMgrEvent(event)
-        return event
-    def CanUseModernDockArt(self):
-        """
-        Returns whether L{ModernDockArt} can be used (Windows XP / Vista / 7 only,
-        requires Mark Hammonds's `pywin32` package).
-        """
-        if not _winxptheme:
-            return False
-        # Get the size of a small close button (themed)
-        hwnd = self._frame.GetHandle()
-        hTheme = winxptheme.OpenThemeData(hwnd, "Window")
-        if not hTheme:
-            return False
-        return True
-    def SetArtProvider(self, art_provider):
-        """
-        Instructs L{AuiManager} to use art provider specified by the parameter
-        `art_provider` for all drawing calls. This allows plugable look-and-feel
-        features.
-        :param `art_provider`: a AUI dock art provider.
-        :note: The previous art provider object, if any, will be deleted by L{AuiManager}.
-        """
-        # delete the last art provider, if any
-        del self._art
-        # assign the new art provider
-        self._art = art_provider
-        for pane in self.GetAllPanes():
-            if pane.IsFloating() and pane.frame:                
-                pane.frame._mgr.SetArtProvider(art_provider)
-                pane.frame._mgr.Update()
-    def AddPane(self, window, arg1=None, arg2=None, target=None):
-        """
-        Tells the frame manager to start managing a child window. There
-        are four versions of this function. The first verison allows the full spectrum
-        of pane parameter possibilities (L{AddPane1}). The second version is used for
-        simpler user interfaces which do not require as much configuration (L{AddPane2}).
-        The L{AddPane3} version allows a drop position to be specified, which will determine
-        where the pane will be added. The L{AddPane4} version allows to turn the target
-        L{AuiPaneInfo} pane into a notebook and the added pane into a page.
-        In wxPython, simply call L{AddPane}.
-        :param `window`: the child window to manage;
-        :param `arg1`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} or an integer value (direction);
-        :param `arg2`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} or a `wx.Point` (drop position);
-        :param `target`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} to be turned into a notebook
-         and new pane added to it as a page. (additionally, target can be any pane in 
-         an existing notebook)
-         """
-        if target in self._panes:
-            return self.AddPane4(window, arg1, target)
-        if type(arg1) == type(1):
-            # This Is Addpane2
-            if arg1 is None:
-                arg1 = wx.LEFT
-            if arg2 is None:
-                arg2 = ""
-            return self.AddPane2(window, arg1, arg2)
-        else:
-            if isinstance(arg2, wx.Point):
-                return self.AddPane3(window, arg1, arg2)
-            else:
-                return self.AddPane1(window, arg1)
-    def AddPane1(self, window, pane_info):
-        """ See comments on L{AddPane}. """
-        # check if the pane has a valid window
-        if not window:
-            return False
-        # check if the pane already exists
-        if self.GetPane(pane_info.window).IsOk():
-            return False
-        # check if the pane name already exists, this could reveal a
-        # bug in the library user's application
-        already_exists = False
-        if != "" and self.GetPane(
-            warnings.warn("A pane with the name '%s' already exists in the manager!"
-            already_exists = True
-        # if the new pane is docked then we should undo maximize
-        if pane_info.IsDocked():
-            self.RestoreMaximizedPane()
-        self._panes.append(pane_info)
-        pinfo = self._panes[-1]
-        # set the pane window
-        pinfo.window = window
-        # if the pane's name identifier is blank, create a random string
-        if == "" or already_exists:
-   = ("%s%08x%08x%08x")%(pinfo.window.GetName(), time.time(),
-                                             time.clock(), len(self._panes))
-        # set initial proportion (if not already set)
-        if pinfo.dock_proportion == 0:
-            pinfo.dock_proportion = 100000
-        floating = isinstance(self._frame, AuiFloatingFrame)
-        pinfo.buttons = []
-        if not floating and pinfo.HasMinimizeButton():
-            button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE)
-            pinfo.buttons.append(button)
-        if not floating and pinfo.HasMaximizeButton():
-            button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE)
-            pinfo.buttons.append(button)
-        if not floating and pinfo.HasPinButton():
-            button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_PIN)
-            pinfo.buttons.append(button)
-        if pinfo.HasCloseButton():
-            button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE)
-            pinfo.buttons.append(button)
-        if pinfo.HasGripper():
-            if isinstance(pinfo.window, auibar.AuiToolBar):
-                # prevent duplicate gripper -- both AuiManager and AuiToolBar
-                # have a gripper control.  The toolbar's built-in gripper
-                # meshes better with the look and feel of the control than ours,
-                # so turn AuiManager's gripper off, and the toolbar's on.
-                tb = pinfo.window
-                pinfo.SetFlag(AuiPaneInfo.optionGripper, False)
-                tb.SetGripperVisible(True)
-        if pinfo.window:
-            if pinfo.best_size == wx.Size(-1, -1):
-                pinfo.best_size = pinfo.window.GetClientSize()
-            if isinstance(pinfo.window, wx.ToolBar):
-                # GetClientSize() doesn't get the best size for
-                # a toolbar under some newer versions of wxWidgets,
-                # so use GetBestSize()
-                pinfo.best_size = pinfo.window.GetBestSize()
-                # this is needed for Win2000 to correctly fill toolbar backround
-                # it should probably be repeated once system colour change happens
-                if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__" and pinfo.window.UseBgCol():
-                    pinfo.window.SetBackgroundColour(self.GetArtProvider().GetColour(AUI_DOCKART_BACKGROUND_COLOUR))
-            if pinfo.min_size != wx.Size(-1, -1):
-                if pinfo.best_size.x < pinfo.min_size.x:
-                    pinfo.best_size.x = pinfo.min_size.x
-                if pinfo.best_size.y < pinfo.min_size.y:
-                    pinfo.best_size.y = pinfo.min_size.y
-        self._panes[-1] = pinfo
-        if isinstance(window, auibar.AuiToolBar):
-            window.SetAuiManager(self)
-        return True
-    def AddPane2(self, window, direction, caption):
-        """ See comments on L{AddPane}. """
-        pinfo = AuiPaneInfo()
-        pinfo.Caption(caption)
-        if direction == wx.TOP:
-            pinfo.Top()
-        elif direction == wx.BOTTOM:
-            pinfo.Bottom()
-        elif direction == wx.LEFT:
-            pinfo.Left()
-        elif direction == wx.RIGHT:
-            pinfo.Right()
-        elif direction == wx.CENTER:
-            pinfo.CenterPane()
-        return self.AddPane(window, pinfo)
-    def AddPane3(self, window, pane_info, drop_pos):
-        """ See comments on L{AddPane}. """
-        if not self.AddPane(window, pane_info):
-            return False
-        pane = self.GetPane(window)
-        indx = self._panes.index(pane)
-        ret, pane = self.DoDrop(self._docks, self._panes, pane, drop_pos, wx.Point(0, 0))
-        self._panes[indx] = pane
-        return True
-    def AddPane4(self, window, pane_info, target):
-        """ See comments on L{AddPane}. """
-        if not self.AddPane(window, pane_info):
-            return False
-        paneInfo = self.GetPane(window)
-        if not paneInfo.IsNotebookDockable():
-            return self.AddPane1(window, pane_info)
-        if not target.IsNotebookDockable() and not target.IsNotebookControl():
-            return self.AddPane1(window, pane_info)
-        if not target.HasNotebook():
-            self.CreateNotebookBase(self._panes, target)
-        # Add new item to notebook
-        paneInfo.NotebookPage(target.notebook_id)
-        # we also want to remove our captions sometimes
-        self.RemoveAutoNBCaption(paneInfo)
-        self.UpdateNotebook()
-        return True
-    def InsertPane(self, window, pane_info, insert_level=AUI_INSERT_PANE):
-        """
-        This method is used to insert either a previously unmanaged pane window
-        into the frame manager, or to insert a currently managed pane somewhere else.
-        L{InsertPane} will push all panes, rows, or docks aside and insert the window
-        into the position specified by `pane_info`.
-        Because `pane_info` can specify either a pane, dock row, or dock layer, the
-        `insert_level` parameter is used to disambiguate this. The parameter `insert_level`
-        can take a value of ``AUI_INSERT_PANE``, ``AUI_INSERT_ROW`` or ``AUI_INSERT_DOCK``.
-        :param `window`: the window to be inserted and managed;
-        :param `pane_info`: the insert location for the new window;
-        :param `insert_level`: the insertion level of the new pane.
-        """
-        if not window:
-            raise Exception("Invalid window passed to InsertPane.")
-        # shift the panes around, depending on the insert level
-        if insert_level == AUI_INSERT_PANE:
-            self._panes = DoInsertPane(self._panes, pane_info.dock_direction,
-                                       pane_info.dock_layer, pane_info.dock_row,
-                                       pane_info.dock_pos)
-        elif insert_level == AUI_INSERT_ROW:
-            self._panes = DoInsertDockRow(self._panes, pane_info.dock_direction,
-                                          pane_info.dock_layer, pane_info.dock_row)
-        elif insert_level == AUI_INSERT_DOCK:
-            self._panes = DoInsertDockLayer(self._panes, pane_info.dock_direction,
-                                            pane_info.dock_layer)
-        # if the window already exists, we are basically just moving/inserting the
-        # existing window.  If it doesn't exist, we need to add it and insert it
-        existing_pane = self.GetPane(window)
-        indx = self._panes.index(existing_pane)
-        if not existing_pane.IsOk():
-            return self.AddPane(window, pane_info)
-        else:
-            if pane_info.IsFloating():
-                existing_pane.Float()
-                if pane_info.floating_pos != wx.Point(-1, -1):
-                    existing_pane.FloatingPosition(pane_info.floating_pos)
-                if pane_info.floating_size != wx.Size(-1, -1):
-                    existing_pane.FloatingSize(pane_info.floating_size)
-            else:
-                # if the new pane is docked then we should undo maximize
-                self.RestoreMaximizedPane()
-                existing_pane.Direction(pane_info.dock_direction)
-                existing_pane.Layer(pane_info.dock_layer)
-                existing_pane.Row(pane_info.dock_row)
-                existing_pane.Position(pane_info.dock_pos)
-            self._panes[indx] = existing_pane                
-        return True
-    def DetachPane(self, window):
-        """
-        Tells the L{AuiManager} to stop managing the pane specified
-        by `window`. The window, if in a floated frame, is reparented to the frame
-        managed by L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `window`: the window to be un-managed.
-        """
-        for p in self._panes:
-            if p.window == window:
-                if p.frame:
-                    # we have a floating frame which is being detached. We need to
-                    # reparent it to self._frame and destroy the floating frame
-                    # reduce flicker
-                    p.window.SetSize((1, 1))
-                    if p.frame.IsShown():
-                        p.frame.Show(False)
-                    if self._action_window == p.frame:
-                        self._action_window = None
-                    # reparent to self._frame and destroy the pane
-                    p.window.Reparent(self._frame)
-                    p.frame.SetSizer(None)
-                    p.frame.Destroy()
-                    p.frame = None
-                elif p.IsNotebookPage():
-                    notebook = self._notebooks[p.notebook_id]
-                    id = notebook.GetPageIndex(p.window)
-                    notebook.RemovePage(id)
-                # make sure there are no references to this pane in our uiparts,
-                # just in case the caller doesn't call Update() immediately after
-                # the DetachPane() call.  This prevets obscure crashes which would
-                # happen at window repaint if the caller forgets to call Update()
-                counter = 0
-                for pi in xrange(len(self._uiparts)):
-                    part = self._uiparts[counter]
-                    if part.pane == p:
-                        self._uiparts.pop(counter)
-                        counter -= 1
-                    counter += 1
-                self._panes.remove(p)
-                return True
-        return False
-    def ClosePane(self, pane_info):
-        """
-        Destroys or hides the pane depending on its flags.
-        :param `pane_info`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance.
-        """
-        # if we were maximized, restore
-        if pane_info.IsMaximized():
-            self.RestorePane(pane_info)
-        if pane_info.frame:
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_ANIMATE_FRAMES:
-                pane_info.frame.FadeOut()
-        # first, hide the window
-        if pane_info.window and pane_info.window.IsShown():
-            pane_info.window.Show(False)
-        # make sure that we are the parent of this window
-        if pane_info.window and pane_info.window.GetParent() != self._frame:
-            pane_info.window.Reparent(self._frame)
-        # if we have a frame, destroy it
-        if pane_info.frame:
-            pane_info.frame.Destroy()
-            pane_info.frame = None
-        elif pane_info.IsNotebookPage():
-            # if we are a notebook page, remove ourselves...
-            # the  code would index out of bounds 
-            # if the last page of a sub-notebook was closed
-            # because the notebook would be deleted, before this
-            # code is executed.
-            # This code just prevents an out-of bounds error.
-            if self._notebooks:
-                nid = pane_info.notebook_id
-                if nid >= 0 and nid < len(self._notebooks):
-                    notebook = self._notebooks[nid]
-                    page_idx = notebook.GetPageIndex(pane_info.window)
-                    if page_idx >= 0:
-                        notebook.RemovePage(page_idx)
-        # now we need to either destroy or hide the pane
-        to_destroy = 0
-        if pane_info.IsDestroyOnClose():
-            to_destroy = pane_info.window
-            self.DetachPane(to_destroy)
-        else:
-            if isinstance(pane_info.window, auibar.AuiToolBar) and pane_info.IsFloating():
-                tb = pane_info.window
-                if pane_info.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_LEFT, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT]:
-                    tb.SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(tb.GetAGWWindowStyleFlag() | AUI_TB_VERTICAL)
-            pane_info.Dock().Hide()
-        if pane_info.IsNotebookControl():
-            notebook = self._notebooks[pane_info.notebook_id]
-            while notebook.GetPageCount():
-                window = notebook.GetPage(0)
-                notebook.RemovePage(0)
-                info = self.GetPane(window)
-                if info.IsOk():
-                    info.notebook_id = -1
-                    info.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_NONE
-                    # Note: this could change our paneInfo reference ...
-                    self.ClosePane(info)
-        if to_destroy:
-            to_destroy.Destroy()
-    def MaximizePane(self, pane_info, savesizes=True):
-        """
-        Maximizes the input pane.
-        :param `pane_info`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance.
-        :param `savesizes`: whether to save previous dock sizes.
-        """
-        if savesizes:
-            self.SavePreviousDockSizes(pane_info)
-        for p in self._panes:
-            # save hidden state
-            p.SetFlag(p.savedHiddenState, p.HasFlag(p.optionHidden))
-            if not p.IsToolbar() and not p.IsFloating():
-                p.Restore()
-                # hide the pane, because only the newly
-                # maximized pane should show
-                p.Hide()
-        pane_info.previousDockPos = pane_info.dock_pos
-        # mark ourselves maximized
-        pane_info.Maximize()
-        pane_info.Show()
-        self._has_maximized = True
-        # last, show the window
-        if pane_info.window and not pane_info.window.IsShown():
-            pane_info.window.Show(True)
-    def SavePreviousDockSizes(self, pane_info):
-        """
-        Stores the previous dock sizes, to be used in a "restore" action later.
-        :param `pane_info`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance.
-        """
-        for d in self._docks:
-            if not d.toolbar:
-                for p in d.panes:
-                    p.previousDockSize = d.size
-                    if pane_info is not p:
-                        p.SetFlag(p.needsRestore, True)
-    def RestorePane(self, pane_info):
-        """
-        Restores the input pane from a previous maximized or minimized state.
-        :param `pane_info`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance.
-        """
-        # restore all the panes
-        for p in self._panes:
-            if not p.IsToolbar():
-                p.SetFlag(p.optionHidden, p.HasFlag(p.savedHiddenState))
-        pane_info.SetFlag(pane_info.needsRestore, True)
-        # mark ourselves non-maximized
-        pane_info.Restore()
-        self._has_maximized = False
-        self._has_minimized = False
-        # last, show the window
-        if pane_info.window and not pane_info.window.IsShown():
-            pane_info.window.Show(True)
-    def RestoreMaximizedPane(self):
-        """ Restores the current maximized pane (if any). """
-        # restore all the panes
-        for p in self._panes:
-            if p.IsMaximized():
-                self.RestorePane(p)
-                break
-    def ActivatePane(self, window):
-        """
-        Activates the pane to which `window` is associated.
-        :param `window`: a `wx.Window` derived window.
-        """
-        if self.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE:
-            while window:
-                ret, self._panes = SetActivePane(self._panes, window)
-                if ret:
-                    break
-                window = window.GetParent()
-            self.RefreshCaptions()
-            self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_ACTIVATED, window, canVeto=False)
-    def CreateNotebook(self):
-        """
-        Creates an automatic L{AuiNotebook} when a pane is docked on
-        top of another pane.
-        """
-        notebook = auibook.AuiNotebook(self._frame, -1, wx.Point(0, 0), wx.Size(0, 0), agwStyle=self._autoNBStyle)
-        # This is so we can get the tab-drag event.
-        notebook.GetAuiManager().SetMasterManager(self)
-        notebook.SetArtProvider(self._autoNBTabArt.Clone())
-        self._notebooks.append(notebook)
-        return notebook
-    def SetAutoNotebookTabArt(self, art):
-        """
-        Sets the default tab art provider for automatic notebooks.
-        :param `art`: a tab art provider.
-        """
-        for nb in self._notebooks:
-            nb.SetArtProvider(art.Clone())
-            nb.Refresh()
-            nb.Update()
-        self._autoNBTabArt = art
-    def GetAutoNotebookTabArt(self):
-        """ Returns the default tab art provider for automatic notebooks. """
-        return self._autoNBTabArt        
-    def SetAutoNotebookStyle(self, agwStyle):
-        """
-        Sets the default AGW-specific window style for automatic notebooks.
-        :param `agwStyle`: the underlying L{AuiNotebook} window style.
-         This can be a combination of the following bits:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_NB_TOP``                       With this style, tabs are drawn along the top of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_LEFT``                      With this style, tabs are drawn along the left of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_RIGHT``                     With this style, tabs are drawn along the right of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_BOTTOM``                    With this style, tabs are drawn along the bottom of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT``                 Allows the tab control to be split by dragging a tab
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE``                  Allows a tab to be moved horizontally by dragging
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE``         Allows a tab to be moved to another tab control
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH``           With this style, all tabs have the same width
-         ``AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS``            With this style, left and right scroll buttons are displayed
-         ``AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON``         With this style, a drop-down list of windows is available
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON``              With this style, a close button is available on the tab bar
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB``       With this style, a close button is available on the active tab
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS``         With this style, a close button is available on all tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE``        Allows to close L{AuiNotebook} tabs by mouse middle button click
-         ``AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK``              This style is used by {AuiManager} to create automatic AuiNotebooks
-         ``AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB``        Hides the tab window if only one tab is present
-         ``AUI_NB_SMART_TABS``                Use Smart Tabbing, like ``Alt`` + ``Tab`` on Windows
-         ``AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN``       Uses images on dropdown window list menu instead of check items
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT``         Draws the tab close button on the left instead of on the right (a la Camino browser)
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT``                 Allows the floating of single tabs. Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages
-         ``AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB``              Draws an image representation of a tab while dragging (on by default)
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        """
-        for nb in self._notebooks:
-            nb.SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(agwStyle)
-            nb.Refresh()
-            nb.Update()
-        self._autoNBStyle = agwStyle
-    def GetAutoNotebookStyle(self):
-        """
-        Returns the default AGW-specific window style for automatic notebooks.
-        :see: L{SetAutoNotebookStyle} method for a list of possible styles.
-        """
-        return self._autoNBStyle
-    def SavePaneInfo(self, pane):
-        """
-        This method is similar to L{SavePerspective}, with the exception
-        that it only saves information about a single pane. It is used in
-        combination with L{LoadPaneInfo}.
-        :param `pane`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance to save.        
-        """
-        result = "name=" + EscapeDelimiters( + ";"
-        result += "caption=" + EscapeDelimiters(pane.caption) + ";"
-        result += "state=%u;"%pane.state
-        result += "dir=%d;"%pane.dock_direction
-        result += "layer=%d;"%pane.dock_layer
-        result += "row=%d;"%pane.dock_row
-        result += "pos=%d;"%pane.dock_pos
-        result += "prop=%d;"%pane.dock_proportion
-        result += "bestw=%d;"%pane.best_size.x
-        result += "besth=%d;"%pane.best_size.y
-        result += "minw=%d;"%pane.min_size.x
-        result += "minh=%d;"%pane.min_size.y
-        result += "maxw=%d;"%pane.max_size.x
-        result += "maxh=%d;"%pane.max_size.y
-        result += "floatx=%d;"%pane.floating_pos.x
-        result += "floaty=%d;"%pane.floating_pos.y
-        result += "floatw=%d;"%pane.floating_size.x
-        result += "floath=%d;"%pane.floating_size.y
-        result += "notebookid=%d;"%pane.notebook_id
-        result += "transparent=%d"%pane.transparent
-        return result
-    def LoadPaneInfo(self, pane_part, pane):
-        """
-        This method is similar to to L{LoadPerspective}, with the exception that
-        it only loads information about a single pane. It is used in combination
-        with L{SavePaneInfo}.
-        :param `pane_part`: the string to analyze;
-        :param `pane`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} structure in which to load `pane_part`.
-        """
-        # replace escaped characters so we can
-        # split up the string easily
-        pane_part = pane_part.replace("\\|", "\a")
-        pane_part = pane_part.replace("\\;", "\b")
-        options = pane_part.split(";")
-        for items in options:
-            val_name, value = items.split("=")
-            val_name = val_name.strip()
-            if val_name == "name":
-       = value
-            elif val_name == "caption":
-                pane.caption = value
-            elif val_name == "state":
-                pane.state = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "dir":
-                pane.dock_direction = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "layer":
-                pane.dock_layer = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "row":
-                pane.dock_row = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "pos":
-                pane.dock_pos = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "prop":
-                pane.dock_proportion = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "bestw":
-                pane.best_size.x = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "besth":
-                pane.best_size.y = int(value)
-                pane.best_size = wx.Size(pane.best_size.x, pane.best_size.y)
-            elif val_name == "minw":
-                pane.min_size.x = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "minh":
-                pane.min_size.y = int(value)
-                pane.min_size = wx.Size(pane.min_size.x, pane.min_size.y)
-            elif val_name == "maxw":
-                pane.max_size.x = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "maxh":
-                pane.max_size.y = int(value)
-                pane.max_size = wx.Size(pane.max_size.x, pane.max_size.y)
-            elif val_name == "floatx":
-                pane.floating_pos.x = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "floaty":
-                pane.floating_pos.y = int(value)
-                pane.floating_pos = wx.Point(pane.floating_pos.x, pane.floating_pos.y)
-            elif val_name == "floatw":
-                pane.floating_size.x = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "floath":
-                pane.floating_size.y = int(value)
-                pane.floating_size = wx.Size(pane.floating_size.x, pane.floating_size.y)
-            elif val_name == "notebookid":
-                pane.notebook_id = int(value)
-            elif val_name == "transparent":
-                pane.transparent = int(value)
-            else:
-                raise Exception("Bad perspective string")
-        # replace escaped characters so we can
-        # split up the string easily
- ="\a", "|")
- ="\b", ";")
-        pane.caption = pane.caption.replace("\a", "|")
-        pane.caption = pane.caption.replace("\b", ";")
-        pane_part = pane_part.replace("\a", "|")
-        pane_part = pane_part.replace("\b", ";")
-        return pane
-    def SavePerspective(self):
-        """
-        Saves the entire user interface layout into an encoded string, which can then
-        be stored by the application (probably using `wx.Config`).
-        When a perspective is restored using L{LoadPerspective}, the entire user
-        interface will return to the state it was when the perspective was saved.
-        """
-        result = "layout2|"
-        for pane in self._panes:
-            result += self.SavePaneInfo(pane) + "|"
-        for dock in self._docks:
-            result = result + ("dock_size(%d,%d,%d)=%d|")%(dock.dock_direction,
-                                                           dock.dock_layer,
-                                                           dock.dock_row,
-                                                           dock.size)
-        return result
-    def LoadPerspective(self, layout, update=True):
-        """
-        Loads a layout which was saved with L{SavePerspective}.
-        If the `update` flag parameter is ``True``, L{Update} will be
-        automatically invoked, thus realizing the saved perspective on screen.
-        :param `layout`: a string which contains a saved AUI layout;
-        :param `update`: whether to update immediately the window or not.
-        """
-        input = layout
-        # check layout string version
-        #    'layout1' = wxAUI 0.9.0 - wxAUI 0.9.2
-        #    'layout2' = wxAUI 0.9.2 (wxWidgets 2.8)
-        index = input.find("|")
-        part = input[0:index].strip()
-        input = input[index+1:]
-        if part != "layout2":
-            return False
-        # mark all panes currently managed as docked and hidden
-        for pane in self._panes:
-            pane.Dock().Hide()
-        # clear out the dock array; this will be reconstructed
-        self._docks = []
-        # replace escaped characters so we can
-        # split up the string easily
-        input = input.replace("\\|", "\a")
-        input = input.replace("\\;", "\b")
-        while 1:
-            pane = AuiPaneInfo()
-            index = input.find("|")
-            pane_part = input[0:index].strip()
-            input = input[index+1:]
-            # if the string is empty, we're done parsing
-            if pane_part == "":
-                break
-            if pane_part[0:9] == "dock_size":
-                index = pane_part.find("=")
-                val_name = pane_part[0:index]
-                value = pane_part[index+1:]
-                index = val_name.find("(")
-                piece = val_name[index+1:]
-                index = piece.find(")")
-                piece = piece[0:index]
-                vals = piece.split(",")
-                dir = int(vals[0])
-                layer = int(vals[1])
-                row = int(vals[2])
-                size = int(value)
-                dock = AuiDockInfo()
-                dock.dock_direction = dir
-                dock.dock_layer = layer
-                dock.dock_row = row
-                dock.size = size
-                self._docks.append(dock)
-                continue
-            # Undo our escaping as LoadPaneInfo needs to take an unescaped
-            # name so it can be called by external callers
-            pane_part = pane_part.replace("\a", "|")
-            pane_part = pane_part.replace("\b", ";")
-            pane = self.LoadPaneInfo(pane_part, pane)
-            p = self.GetPane(
-            if not p.IsOk():
-                if pane.IsNotebookControl():
-                    # notebook controls - auto add...
-                    self._panes.append(pane)
-                    indx = self._panes.index(pane)
-                else:
-                    # the pane window couldn't be found
-                    # in the existing layout -- skip it
-                    continue
-            else:
-                indx = self._panes.index(p)
-            pane.window = p.window
-            pane.frame = p.frame
-            pane.buttons = p.buttons
-            self._panes[indx] = pane
-            if isinstance(pane.window, auibar.AuiToolBar) and (pane.IsFloatable() or pane.IsDockable()):
-                pane.window.SetGripperVisible(True)
-        if update:
-            self.Update()
-        return True
-    def GetPanePositionsAndSizes(self, dock):
-        """
-        Returns all the panes positions and sizes in a dock.
-        :param `dock`: a L{AuiDockInfo} instance.
-        """
-        caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-        pane_border_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
-        gripper_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
-        positions = []
-        sizes = []
-        action_pane = -1
-        pane_count = len(dock.panes)
-        # find the pane marked as our action pane
-        for pane_i in xrange(pane_count):
-            pane = dock.panes[pane_i]
-            if pane.HasFlag(AuiPaneInfo.actionPane):
-                if action_pane != -1:
-                    raise Exception("Too many action panes!")
-                action_pane = pane_i
-        # set up each panes default position, and
-        # determine the size (width or height, depending
-        # on the dock's orientation) of each pane
-        for pane in dock.panes:
-            positions.append(pane.dock_pos)
-            size = 0
-            if pane.HasBorder():
-                size += pane_border_size*2
-            if dock.IsHorizontal():
-                if pane.HasGripper() and not pane.HasGripperTop():
-                    size += gripper_size
-                if pane.HasCaptionLeft():
-                    size += caption_size
-                size += pane.best_size.x
-            else:
-                if pane.HasGripper() and pane.HasGripperTop():
-                    size += gripper_size
-                if pane.HasCaption() and not pane.HasCaptionLeft():
-                    size += caption_size
-                size += pane.best_size.y
-            sizes.append(size)
-        # if there is no action pane, just return the default
-        # positions (as specified in pane.pane_pos)
-        if action_pane == -1:
-            return positions, sizes
-        offset = 0
-        for pane_i in xrange(action_pane-1, -1, -1):
-            amount = positions[pane_i+1] - (positions[pane_i] + sizes[pane_i])
-            if amount >= 0:
-                offset += amount
-            else:
-                positions[pane_i] -= -amount
-            offset += sizes[pane_i]
-        # if the dock mode is fixed, make sure none of the panes
-        # overlap we will bump panes that overlap
-        offset = 0
-        for pane_i in xrange(action_pane, pane_count):
-            amount = positions[pane_i] - offset
-            if amount >= 0:
-                offset += amount
-            else:
-                positions[pane_i] += -amount
-            offset += sizes[pane_i]
-        return positions, sizes
-    def LayoutAddPane(self, cont, dock, pane, uiparts, spacer_only):
-        """
-        Adds a pane into the existing layout (in an existing dock).
-        :param `cont`: a `wx.Sizer` object;
-        :param `dock`: the L{AuiDockInfo} structure in which to add the pane;
-        :param `pane`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} instance to add to the dock;
-        :param `uiparts`: a list of UI parts in the interface;
-        :param `spacer_only`: whether to add a simple spacer or a real window.
-        """
-        sizer_item = wx.SizerItem()
-        caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-        gripper_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
-        pane_border_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
-        pane_button_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE)
-        # find out the orientation of the item (orientation for panes
-        # is the same as the dock's orientation)
-        if dock.IsHorizontal():
-            orientation = wx.HORIZONTAL
-        else:
-            orientation = wx.VERTICAL
-        # this variable will store the proportion
-        # value that the pane will receive
-        pane_proportion = pane.dock_proportion
-        horz_pane_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        vert_pane_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        if pane.HasGripper():
-            part = AuiDockUIPart()
-            if pane.HasGripperTop():
-                sizer_item = vert_pane_sizer.Add((1, gripper_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-            else:
-                sizer_item = horz_pane_sizer.Add((gripper_size, 1), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-            part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeGripper
-            part.dock = dock
-            part.pane = pane
-            part.button = None
-            part.orientation = orientation
-            part.cont_sizer = horz_pane_sizer
-            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-            uiparts.append(part)
-        button_count = len(pane.buttons)
-        button_width_total = button_count*pane_button_size
-        if button_count >= 1:
-            button_width_total += 3
-        caption, captionLeft = pane.HasCaption(), pane.HasCaptionLeft()
-        button_count = len(pane.buttons)
-        if captionLeft:
-            caption_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-            # add pane buttons to the caption
-            dummy_parts = []
-            for btn_id in xrange(len(pane.buttons)-1, -1, -1):
-                sizer_item = caption_sizer.Add((caption_size, pane_button_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-                part = AuiDockUIPart()
-                part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typePaneButton
-                part.dock = dock
-                part.pane = pane
-                part.button = pane.buttons[btn_id]
-                part.orientation = orientation
-                part.cont_sizer = caption_sizer
-                part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-                dummy_parts.append(part)
-            sizer_item = caption_sizer.Add((caption_size, 1), 1, wx.EXPAND)
-            vert_pane_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-            # create the caption sizer
-            part = AuiDockUIPart()
-            part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeCaption
-            part.dock = dock
-            part.pane = pane
-            part.button = None
-            part.orientation = orientation
-            part.cont_sizer = vert_pane_sizer
-            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-            caption_part_idx = len(uiparts)
-            uiparts.append(part)
-            uiparts.extend(dummy_parts)
-        elif caption:
-            caption_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-            sizer_item = caption_sizer.Add((1, caption_size), 1, wx.EXPAND)
-            # create the caption sizer
-            part = AuiDockUIPart()
-            part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeCaption
-            part.dock = dock
-            part.pane = pane
-            part.button = None
-            part.orientation = orientation
-            part.cont_sizer = vert_pane_sizer
-            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-            caption_part_idx = len(uiparts)
-            uiparts.append(part)
-            # add pane buttons to the caption
-            for button in pane.buttons:
-                sizer_item = caption_sizer.Add((pane_button_size, caption_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)                        
-                part = AuiDockUIPart()
-                part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typePaneButton
-                part.dock = dock
-                part.pane = pane
-                part.button = button
-                part.orientation = orientation
-                part.cont_sizer = caption_sizer
-                part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-                uiparts.append(part)
-        if caption or captionLeft:
-            # if we have buttons, add a little space to the right
-            # of them to ease visual crowding
-            if button_count >= 1:
-                if captionLeft:
-                    caption_sizer.Add((caption_size, 3), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-                else:
-                    caption_sizer.Add((3, caption_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-            # add the caption sizer
-            sizer_item = vert_pane_sizer.Add(caption_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-            uiparts[caption_part_idx].sizer_item = sizer_item
-        # add the pane window itself
-        if spacer_only or not pane.window:
-            sizer_item = vert_pane_sizer.Add((1, 1), 1, wx.EXPAND)
-        else:
-            sizer_item = vert_pane_sizer.Add(pane.window, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-            vert_pane_sizer.SetItemMinSize(pane.window, (1, 1))
-        part = AuiDockUIPart()        
-        part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typePane
-        part.dock = dock
-        part.pane = pane
-        part.button = None
-        part.orientation = orientation
-        part.cont_sizer = vert_pane_sizer
-        part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-        uiparts.append(part)
-        # determine if the pane should have a minimum size if the pane is
-        # non-resizable (fixed) then we must set a minimum size. Alternatively,
-        # if the pane.min_size is set, we must use that value as well
-        min_size = pane.min_size
-        if pane.IsFixed():
-            if min_size == wx.Size(-1, -1):
-                min_size = pane.best_size
-                pane_proportion = 0
-        if min_size != wx.Size(-1, -1):
-            vert_pane_sizer.SetItemMinSize(len(vert_pane_sizer.GetChildren())-1, (min_size.x, min_size.y))
-        # add the vertical/horizontal sizer (caption, pane window) to the
-        # horizontal sizer (gripper, vertical sizer)
-        horz_pane_sizer.Add(vert_pane_sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-        # finally, add the pane sizer to the dock sizer
-        if pane.HasBorder():
-            # allowing space for the pane's border
-            sizer_item = cont.Add(horz_pane_sizer, pane_proportion,
-                                  wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, pane_border_size)
-            part = AuiDockUIPart()
-            part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typePaneBorder
-            part.dock = dock
-            part.pane = pane
-            part.button = None
-            part.orientation = orientation
-            part.cont_sizer = cont
-            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-            uiparts.append(part)
-        else:
-            sizer_item = cont.Add(horz_pane_sizer, pane_proportion, wx.EXPAND)
-        return uiparts
-    def LayoutAddDock(self, cont, dock, uiparts, spacer_only):
-        """
-        Adds a dock into the existing layout.
-        :param `cont`: a `wx.Sizer` object;
-        :param `dock`: the L{AuiDockInfo} structure to add to the layout;
-        :param `uiparts`: a list of UI parts in the interface;
-        :param `spacer_only`: whether to add a simple spacer or a real window.
-        """
-        sizer_item = wx.SizerItem()
-        part = AuiDockUIPart()
-        sash_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE)
-        orientation = (dock.IsHorizontal() and [wx.HORIZONTAL] or [wx.VERTICAL])[0]
-        # resizable bottom and right docks have a sash before them
-        if not self._has_maximized and not dock.fixed and \
-           dock.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT]:
-            sizer_item = cont.Add((sash_size, sash_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-            part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer
-            part.orientation = orientation
-            part.dock = dock
-            part.pane = None
-            part.button = None
-            part.cont_sizer = cont
-            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-            uiparts.append(part)
-        # create the sizer for the dock
-        dock_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(orientation)
-        # add each pane to the dock
-        has_maximized_pane = False
-        pane_count = len(dock.panes)
-        if dock.fixed:
-            # figure out the real pane positions we will
-            # use, without modifying the each pane's pane_pos member
-            pane_positions, pane_sizes = self.GetPanePositionsAndSizes(dock)
-            offset = 0
-            for pane_i in xrange(pane_count):
-                pane = dock.panes[pane_i]
-                pane_pos = pane_positions[pane_i]
-                if pane.IsMaximized():
-                    has_maximized_pane = True
-                amount = pane_pos - offset
-                if amount > 0:
-                    if dock.IsVertical():
-                        sizer_item = dock_sizer.Add((1, amount), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-                    else:
-                        sizer_item = dock_sizer.Add((amount, 1), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-                    part = AuiDockUIPart()
-                    part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeBackground
-                    part.dock = dock
-                    part.pane = None
-                    part.button = None
-                    part.orientation = (orientation==wx.HORIZONTAL and \
-                                        [wx.VERTICAL] or [wx.HORIZONTAL])[0]
-                    part.cont_sizer = dock_sizer
-                    part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-                    uiparts.append(part)
-                    offset = offset + amount
-                uiparts = self.LayoutAddPane(dock_sizer, dock, pane, uiparts, spacer_only)
-                offset = offset + pane_sizes[pane_i]
-            # at the end add a very small stretchable background area
-            sizer_item = dock_sizer.Add((0, 0), 1, wx.EXPAND)
-            part = AuiDockUIPart()
-            part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeBackground
-            part.dock = dock
-            part.pane = None
-            part.button = None
-            part.orientation = orientation
-            part.cont_sizer = dock_sizer
-            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-            uiparts.append(part)
-        else:
-            for pane_i in xrange(pane_count):
-                pane = dock.panes[pane_i]
-                if pane.IsMaximized():
-                    has_maximized_pane = True
-                # if this is not the first pane being added,
-                # we need to add a pane sizer
-                if not self._has_maximized and pane_i > 0:
-                    sizer_item = dock_sizer.Add((sash_size, sash_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-                    part = AuiDockUIPart()
-                    part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typePaneSizer
-                    part.dock = dock
-                    part.pane = dock.panes[pane_i-1]
-                    part.button = None
-                    part.orientation = (orientation==wx.HORIZONTAL and \
-                                        [wx.VERTICAL] or [wx.HORIZONTAL])[0]
-                    part.cont_sizer = dock_sizer
-                    part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-                    uiparts.append(part)
-                uiparts = self.LayoutAddPane(dock_sizer, dock, pane, uiparts, spacer_only)
-        if dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER or has_maximized_pane:
-            sizer_item = cont.Add(dock_sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-        else:
-            sizer_item = cont.Add(dock_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-        part = AuiDockUIPart()
-        part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeDock
-        part.dock = dock
-        part.pane = None
-        part.button = None
-        part.orientation = orientation
-        part.cont_sizer = cont
-        part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-        uiparts.append(part)
-        if dock.IsHorizontal():
-            cont.SetItemMinSize(dock_sizer, (0, dock.size))
-        else:
-            cont.SetItemMinSize(dock_sizer, (dock.size, 0))
-        #  top and left docks have a sash after them
-        if not self._has_maximized and not dock.fixed and \
-           dock.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_TOP, AUI_DOCK_LEFT]:
-            sizer_item = cont.Add((sash_size, sash_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
-            part = AuiDockUIPart()
-            part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer
-            part.dock = dock
-            part.pane = None
-            part.button = None
-            part.orientation = orientation
-            part.cont_sizer = cont
-            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-            uiparts.append(part)
-        return uiparts
-    def LayoutAll(self, panes, docks, uiparts, spacer_only=False, oncheck=True):
-        """
-        Layouts all the UI structures in the interface.
-        :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} instances;
-        :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} classes;
-        :param `uiparts`: a list of UI parts in the interface;
-        :param `spacer_only`: whether to add a simple spacer or a real window;
-        :param `oncheck`: whether to store the results in a class member or not.
-        """
-        container = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        pane_border_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
-        caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-        cli_size = self._frame.GetClientSize()
-        # empty all docks out
-        for dock in docks:
-            dock.panes = []
-            if dock.fixed:
-                # always reset fixed docks' sizes, because
-                # the contained windows may have been resized
-                dock.size = 0
-        dock_count = len(docks)
-        # iterate through all known panes, filing each
-        # of them into the appropriate dock. If the
-        # pane does not exist in the dock, add it
-        for p in panes:
-            # don't layout hidden panes.
-            if p.IsShown():
-                # find any docks with the same dock direction, dock layer, and
-                # dock row as the pane we are working on
-                arr = FindDocks(docks, p.dock_direction, p.dock_layer, p.dock_row)
-                if arr:
-                    dock = arr[0]
-                else:
-                    # dock was not found, so we need to create a new one
-                    d = AuiDockInfo()
-                    d.dock_direction = p.dock_direction
-                    d.dock_layer = p.dock_layer
-                    d.dock_row = p.dock_row
-                    docks.append(d)
-                    dock = docks[-1]
-                    if p.HasFlag(p.needsRestore) and not p.HasFlag(p.wasMaximized):
-                        isHor = dock.IsHorizontal()
-                        sashSize = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE)
-                        # get the sizes of any docks that might 
-                        # overlap with our restored dock
-                        # make list of widths or heights from the size in the dock rects
-                        sizes = [d.rect[2:][isHor] for \
-                                 d in docks if d.IsOk() and \
-                                 (d.IsHorizontal() == isHor) and \
-                                 not d.toolbar and \
-                                 d.dock_direction != AUI_DOCK_CENTER]
-                        frameRect = GetInternalFrameRect(self._frame, self._docks)
-                        # set max size allowing for sashes and absolute minimum
-                        maxsize = frameRect[2:][isHor] - sum(sizes) - (len(sizes)*10) - (sashSize*len(sizes))
-                        dock.size = min(p.previousDockSize,maxsize)
-                    else:
-                        dock.size = 0
-                if p.HasFlag(p.wasMaximized):
-                    self.MaximizePane(p, savesizes=False)
-                    p.SetFlag(p.wasMaximized, False)
-                if p.HasFlag(p.needsRestore):
-                    if p.previousDockPos is not None:
-                        DoInsertPane(dock.panes, dock.dock_direction, dock.dock_layer, dock.dock_row, p.previousDockPos)
-                        p.dock_pos = p.previousDockPos
-                        p.previousDockPos = None
-                    p.SetFlag(p.needsRestore, False)
-                if p.IsDocked():
-                    # remove the pane from any existing docks except this one
-                    docks = RemovePaneFromDocks(docks, p, dock)
-                    # pane needs to be added to the dock,
-                    # if it doesn't already exist 
-                    if not FindPaneInDock(dock, p.window):
-                        dock.panes.append(p)
-                else:
-                    # remove the pane from any existing docks
-                    docks = RemovePaneFromDocks(docks, p)
-        # remove any empty docks
-        docks = [dock for dock in docks if dock.panes]
-        dock_count = len(docks)
-        # configure the docks further
-        for ii, dock in enumerate(docks):
-            # sort the dock pane array by the pane's
-            # dock position (dock_pos), in ascending order
-            dock.panes.sort(PaneSortFunc)
-            dock_pane_count = len(dock.panes)
-            # for newly created docks, set up their initial size
-            if dock.size == 0:
-                size = 0
-                for pane in dock.panes:
-                    pane_size = pane.best_size
-                    if pane_size == wx.Size(-1, -1):
-                        pane_size = pane.min_size
-                    if pane_size == wx.Size(-1, -1) and pane.window:
-                        pane_size = pane.window.GetSize()
-                    if dock.IsHorizontal():
-                        size = max(pane_size.y, size)
-                    else:
-                        size = max(pane_size.x, size)
-                # add space for the border (two times), but only
-                # if at least one pane inside the dock has a pane border
-                for pane in dock.panes:
-                    if pane.HasBorder():
-                        size = size + pane_border_size*2
-                        break
-                # if pane is on the top or bottom, add the caption height,
-                # but only if at least one pane inside the dock has a caption
-                if dock.IsHorizontal():
-                    for pane in dock.panes:
-                        if pane.HasCaption() and not pane.HasCaptionLeft():
-                            size = size + caption_size
-                            break
-                else:
-                    for pane in dock.panes:
-                        if pane.HasCaptionLeft() and not pane.HasCaption():
-                            size = size + caption_size
-                            break
-                # new dock's size may not be more than the dock constraint
-                # parameter specifies.  See SetDockSizeConstraint()
-                max_dock_x_size = int(self._dock_constraint_x*float(cli_size.x))
-                max_dock_y_size = int(self._dock_constraint_y*float(cli_size.y))
-                if cli_size <= wx.Size(20, 20):
-                    max_dock_x_size = 10000
-                    max_dock_y_size = 10000
-                if dock.IsHorizontal():
-                    size = min(size, max_dock_y_size)
-                else:
-                    size = min(size, max_dock_x_size)
-                # absolute minimum size for a dock is 10 pixels
-                if size < 10:
-                    size = 10
-                dock.size = size
-            # determine the dock's minimum size
-            plus_border = False
-            plus_caption = False
-            plus_caption_left = False
-            dock_min_size = 0
-            for pane in dock.panes:
-                if pane.min_size != wx.Size(-1, -1):
-                    if pane.HasBorder():
-                        plus_border = True
-                    if pane.HasCaption():
-                        plus_caption = True
-                    if pane.HasCaptionLeft():
-                        plus_caption_left = True
-                    if dock.IsHorizontal():
-                        if pane.min_size.y > dock_min_size:
-                            dock_min_size = pane.min_size.y
-                    else:
-                        if pane.min_size.x > dock_min_size:
-                            dock_min_size = pane.min_size.x
-            if plus_border:
-                dock_min_size += pane_border_size*2
-            if plus_caption and dock.IsHorizontal():
-                dock_min_size += caption_size
-            if plus_caption_left and dock.IsVertical():
-                dock_min_size += caption_size
-            dock.min_size = dock_min_size
-            # if the pane's current size is less than it's
-            # minimum, increase the dock's size to it's minimum
-            if dock.size < dock.min_size:
-                dock.size = dock.min_size
-            # determine the dock's mode (fixed or proportional)
-            # determine whether the dock has only toolbars
-            action_pane_marked = False
-            dock.fixed = True
-            dock.toolbar = True
-            for pane in dock.panes:
-                if not pane.IsFixed():
-                    dock.fixed = False
-                if not pane.IsToolbar():
-                    dock.toolbar = False
-                if pane.HasFlag(AuiPaneInfo.optionDockFixed):
-                    dock.fixed = True
-                if pane.HasFlag(AuiPaneInfo.actionPane):
-                    action_pane_marked = True
-            # if the dock mode is proportional and not fixed-pixel,
-            # reassign the dock_pos to the sequential 0, 1, 2, 3
-            # e.g. remove gaps like 1, 2, 30, 500
-            if not dock.fixed:
-                for jj in xrange(dock_pane_count):
-                    pane = dock.panes[jj]
-                    pane.dock_pos = jj
-            # if the dock mode is fixed, and none of the panes
-            # are being moved right now, make sure the panes
-            # do not overlap each other.  If they do, we will
-            # adjust the panes' positions
-            if dock.fixed and not action_pane_marked:
-                pane_positions, pane_sizes = self.GetPanePositionsAndSizes(dock)
-                offset = 0
-                for jj in xrange(dock_pane_count):
-                    pane = dock.panes[jj]
-                    pane.dock_pos = pane_positions[jj]
-                    amount = pane.dock_pos - offset
-                    if amount >= 0:
-                        offset += amount
-                    else:
-                        pane.dock_pos += -amount
-                    offset += pane_sizes[jj]
-                    dock.panes[jj] = pane
-            if oncheck:
-                self._docks[ii] = dock                    
-        # shrink docks if needed 
-##        docks = self.SmartShrink(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP)
-##        docks = self.SmartShrink(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT)
-        if oncheck:
-            self._docks = docks
-        # discover the maximum dock layer
-        max_layer = 0
-        dock_count = len(docks)
-        for ii in xrange(dock_count):
-            max_layer = max(max_layer, docks[ii].dock_layer)
-        # clear out uiparts
-        uiparts = []
-        # create a bunch of box sizers,
-        # from the innermost level outwards.
-        cont = None
-        middle = None
-        if oncheck:
-            docks = self._docks
-        for layer in xrange(max_layer+1):
-            # find any docks in this layer
-            arr = FindDocks(docks, -1, layer, -1)
-            # if there aren't any, skip to the next layer
-            if not arr:
-                continue
-            old_cont = cont
-            # create a container which will hold this layer's
-            # docks (top, bottom, left, right)
-            cont = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-            # find any top docks in this layer
-            arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP, layer, -1)
-            for row in arr:
-                uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(cont, row, uiparts, spacer_only)
-            # fill out the middle layer (which consists
-            # of left docks, content area and right docks)
-            middle = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-            # find any left docks in this layer
-            arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT, layer, -1)
-            for row in arr:
-                uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(middle, row, uiparts, spacer_only)
-            # add content dock (or previous layer's sizer
-            # to the middle
-            if not old_cont:
-                # find any center docks
-                arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_CENTER, -1, -1)
-                if arr:
-                    for row in arr:
-                       uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(middle, row, uiparts, spacer_only)
-                elif not self._has_maximized:
-                    # there are no center docks, add a background area
-                    sizer_item = middle.Add((1, 1), 1, wx.EXPAND)
-                    part = AuiDockUIPart()
-                    part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeBackground
-                    part.pane = None
-                    part.dock = None
-                    part.button = None
-                    part.cont_sizer = middle
-                    part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-                    uiparts.append(part)
-            else:
-                middle.Add(old_cont, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-            # find any right docks in this layer
-            arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT, layer, -1, reverse=True)
-            for row in arr:
-                uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(middle, row, uiparts, spacer_only)
-            if len(middle.GetChildren()) > 0:
-                cont.Add(middle, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-            # find any bottom docks in this layer
-            arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM, layer, -1, reverse=True)
-            for row in arr:
-                    uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(cont, row, uiparts, spacer_only)
-        if not cont:
-            # no sizer available, because there are no docks,
-            # therefore we will create a simple background area
-            cont = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-            sizer_item = cont.Add((1, 1), 1, wx.EXPAND)
-            part = AuiDockUIPart()
-            part.type = AuiDockUIPart.typeBackground
-            part.pane = None
-            part.dock = None
-            part.button = None
-            part.cont_sizer = middle
-            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
-            uiparts.append(part)
-        if oncheck:
-            self._uiparts = uiparts
-            self._docks = docks
-        container.Add(cont, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-        if oncheck:
-            return container
-        else:
-            return container, panes, docks, uiparts
-    def SetDockSizeConstraint(self, width_pct, height_pct):
-        """
-        When a user creates a new dock by dragging a window into a docked position,
-        often times the large size of the window will create a dock that is unwieldly
-        large.
-        L{AuiManager} by default limits the size of any new dock to 1/3 of the window
-        size. For horizontal docks, this would be 1/3 of the window height. For vertical
-        docks, 1/3 of the width. Calling this function will adjust this constraint value.
-        The numbers must be between 0.0 and 1.0. For instance, calling L{SetDockSizeConstraint}
-        with (0.5, 0.5) will cause new docks to be limited to half of the size of the entire
-        managed window.
-        :param `width_pct`: a float number representing the x dock size constraint;
-        :param `width_pct`: a float number representing the y dock size constraint.
-        """
-        self._dock_constraint_x = max(0.0, min(1.0, width_pct))
-        self._dock_constraint_y = max(0.0, min(1.0, height_pct))
-    def GetDockSizeConstraint(self):
-        """
-        Returns the current dock constraint values.
-        :see: L{SetDockSizeConstraint}
-        """
-        return self._dock_constraint_x, self._dock_constraint_y
-    def Update(self):
-        """
-        This method is called after any number of changes are made to any of the
-        managed panes. L{Update} must be invoked after L{AddPane} or L{InsertPane} are
-        called in order to "realize" or "commit" the changes.
-        In addition, any number of changes may be made to L{AuiPaneInfo} structures
-        (retrieved with L{GetPane}), but to realize the changes, L{Update}
-        must be called. This construction allows pane flicker to be avoided by updating
-        the whole layout at one time.
-        """
-        self._hover_button = None
-        self._action_part = None
-        # destroy floating panes which have been
-        # redocked or are becoming non-floating
-        for p in self._panes:
-            if p.IsFloating() or not p.frame:
-                continue
-            # because the pane is no longer in a floating, we need to
-            # reparent it to self._frame and destroy the floating frame
-            # reduce flicker
-            p.window.SetSize((1, 1))
-            # the following block is a workaround for bug #1531361
-            # (see wxWidgets sourceforge page).  On wxGTK (only), when
-            # a frame is shown/hidden, a move event unfortunately
-            # also gets fired.  Because we may be dragging around
-            # a pane, we need to cancel that action here to prevent
-            # a spurious crash.
-            if self._action_window == p.frame:
-                if self._frame.HasCapture():
-                    self._frame.ReleaseMouse()
-                self._action = actionNone
-                self._action_window = None
-            # hide the frame
-            if p.frame.IsShown():
-                p.frame.Show(False)
-            if self._action_window == p.frame:
-                self._action_window = None
-            # reparent to self._frame and destroy the pane
-            p.window.Reparent(self._frame)
-            if isinstance(p.window, auibar.AuiToolBar):
-                p.window.SetAuiManager(self)
-            if p.frame:
-                p.frame.SetSizer(None)
-                p.frame.Destroy()
-            p.frame = None
-        # Only the master manager should create/destroy notebooks...
-        if not self._masterManager:
-            self.UpdateNotebook()
-        # delete old sizer first
-        self._frame.SetSizer(None)
-        # create a layout for all of the panes
-        sizer = self.LayoutAll(self._panes, self._docks, self._uiparts, False)
-        # hide or show panes as necessary,
-        # and float panes as necessary
-        pane_count = len(self._panes)
-        for ii in xrange(pane_count):
-            p = self._panes[ii]
-            pFrame = p.frame
-            if p.IsFloating():
-                if pFrame is None:
-                    # we need to create a frame for this
-                    # pane, which has recently been floated
-                    frame = self.CreateFloatingFrame(self._frame, p)
-                    # on MSW and Mac, if the owner desires transparent dragging, and
-                    # the dragging is happening right now, then the floating
-                    # window should have this style by default
-                    if self._action in [actionDragFloatingPane, actionDragToolbarPane] and \
-                       self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG:
-                        frame.SetTransparent(150)
-                    if p.IsToolbar():
-                        bar = p.window
-                        if isinstance(bar, auibar.AuiToolBar):
-                            bar.SetGripperVisible(False)
-                            agwStyle = bar.GetAGWWindowStyleFlag()
-                            bar.SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(agwStyle & ~AUI_TB_VERTICAL)
-                            bar.Realize()
-                        s = p.window.GetMinSize()
-                        p.BestSize(s)
-                        p.FloatingSize(wx.DefaultSize)
-                    frame.SetPaneWindow(p)
-                    p.needsTransparency = True
-                    p.frame = pFrame = frame
-                    if p.IsShown() and not frame.IsShown():
-                        frame.Show()
-                        frame.Update()
-                else:
-                    # frame already exists, make sure it's position
-                    # and size reflect the information in AuiPaneInfo
-                    if pFrame.GetPosition() != p.floating_pos or pFrame.GetSize() != p.floating_size:
-                        pFrame.SetDimensions(p.floating_pos.x, p.floating_pos.y,
-                                             p.floating_size.x, p.floating_size.y, wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING)
-                    # update whether the pane is resizable or not
-                    style = p.frame.GetWindowStyleFlag()
-                    if p.IsFixed():
-                        style &= ~wx.RESIZE_BORDER
-                    else:
-                        style |= wx.RESIZE_BORDER
-                    p.frame.SetWindowStyleFlag(style)
-                    if pFrame.IsShown() != p.IsShown():
-                        p.needsTransparency = True
-                        pFrame.Show(p.IsShown())
-                if pFrame.GetTitle() != p.caption:
-                    pFrame.SetTitle(p.caption)
-                if p.icon.IsOk():
-                    pFrame.SetIcon(wx.IconFromBitmap(p.icon))
-            else:
-                if p.IsToolbar():
-#                    self.SwitchToolBarOrientation(p)
-                    p.best_size = p.window.GetBestSize()
-                if p.window and not p.IsNotebookPage() and p.window.IsShown() != p.IsShown():
-                    p.window.Show(p.IsShown())
-            if pFrame and p.needsTransparency:
-                if pFrame.IsShown() and pFrame._transparent != p.transparent:
-                    pFrame.SetTransparent(p.transparent)
-                    pFrame._transparent = p.transparent
-                p.needsTransparency = False
-            # if "active panes" are no longer allowed, clear
-            # any optionActive values from the pane states
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE == 0:
-                p.state &= ~AuiPaneInfo.optionActive
-            self._panes[ii] = p
-        old_pane_rects = []
-        pane_count = len(self._panes)
-        for p in self._panes:
-            r = wx.Rect()
-            if p.window and p.IsShown() and p.IsDocked():
-                r = p.rect
-            old_pane_rects.append(r)    
-        # apply the new sizer
-        self._frame.SetSizer(sizer)
-        self._frame.SetAutoLayout(False)
-        self.DoFrameLayout()
-        # now that the frame layout is done, we need to check
-        # the new pane rectangles against the old rectangles that
-        # we saved a few lines above here.  If the rectangles have
-        # changed, the corresponding panes must also be updated
-        for ii in xrange(pane_count):
-            p = self._panes[ii]
-            if p.window and p.IsShown() and p.IsDocked():
-                if p.rect != old_pane_rects[ii]:
-                    p.window.Refresh()
-                    p.window.Update()
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            self._frame.Refresh()
-        else:
-            self.Repaint()
-        if not self._masterManager:
-            e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PERSPECTIVE_CHANGED, None, canVeto=False)    
-    def UpdateNotebook(self):
-        """ Updates the automatic L{AuiNotebook} in the layout (if any exists). """
-        # Workout how many notebooks we need.
-        max_notebook = -1
-        # destroy floating panes which have been
-        # redocked or are becoming non-floating
-        for paneInfo in self._panes:
-            if max_notebook < paneInfo.notebook_id:
-                max_notebook = paneInfo.notebook_id
-        # We are the master of our domain
-        extra_notebook = len(self._notebooks)
-        max_notebook += 1
-        for i in xrange(extra_notebook, max_notebook):
-            self.CreateNotebook()
-        # Remove pages from notebooks that no-longer belong there ...
-        for nb, notebook in enumerate(self._notebooks):
-            pages = notebook.GetPageCount()
-            pageCounter, allPages = 0, pages
-            # Check each tab ...
-            for page in xrange(pages):
-                if page >= allPages:
-                    break
-                window = notebook.GetPage(pageCounter)
-                paneInfo = self.GetPane(window)
-                if paneInfo.IsOk() and paneInfo.notebook_id != nb:
-                    notebook.RemovePage(pageCounter)
-                    window.Hide()
-                    window.Reparent(self._frame)
-                    pageCounter -= 1
-                    allPages -= 1
-                pageCounter += 1
-            notebook.DoSizing()
-        # Add notebook pages that aren't there already...
-        for paneInfo in self._panes:
-            if paneInfo.IsNotebookPage():
-                title = (paneInfo.caption == "" and [] or [paneInfo.caption])[0]
-                notebook = self._notebooks[paneInfo.notebook_id]
-                page_id = notebook.GetPageIndex(paneInfo.window)
-                if page_id < 0:
-                    paneInfo.window.Reparent(notebook)
-                    notebook.AddPage(paneInfo.window, title, True, paneInfo.icon)
-                # Update title and icon ...
-                else:
-                    notebook.SetPageText(page_id, title)
-                    notebook.SetPageBitmap(page_id, paneInfo.icon)
-                notebook.DoSizing()
-            # Wire-up newly created notebooks
-            elif paneInfo.IsNotebookControl() and not paneInfo.window:
-                paneInfo.window = self._notebooks[paneInfo.notebook_id]
-        # Delete empty notebooks, and convert notebooks with 1 page to
-        # normal panes...
-        remap_ids = [-1]*len(self._notebooks)
-        nb_idx = 0
-        for nb, notebook in enumerate(self._notebooks): 
-            if notebook.GetPageCount() == 1:
-                # Convert notebook page to pane...
-                window = notebook.GetPage(0)
-                child_pane = self.GetPane(window)
-                notebook_pane = self.GetPane(notebook)
-                if child_pane.IsOk() and notebook_pane.IsOk():
-                    child_pane.SetDockPos(notebook_pane)
-                    child_pane.window.Hide()
-                    child_pane.window.Reparent(self._frame)
-                    child_pane.frame = None
-                    child_pane.notebook_id = -1
-                    if notebook_pane.IsFloating():
-                        child_pane.Float()
-                    self.DetachPane(notebook)
-                    notebook.RemovePage(0)
-                    notebook.Destroy()
-                else:
-                    raise Exception("Odd notebook docking")
-            elif notebook.GetPageCount() == 0:
-                self.DetachPane(notebook)
-                notebook.Destroy()
-            else:
-                # Correct page ordering. The original wxPython code
-                # for this did not work properly, and would misplace 
-                # windows causing errors.
-                notebook.Freeze()
-                self._notebooks[nb_idx] = notebook
-                pages = notebook.GetPageCount()
-                selected = notebook.GetPage(notebook.GetSelection())
-                # Take each page out of the notebook, group it with
-                # its current pane, and sort the list by pane.dock_pos
-                # order
-                pages_and_panes = []
-                for idx in reversed(range(pages)):
-                    page = notebook.GetPage(idx)
-                    pane = self.GetPane(page)
-                    pages_and_panes.append((page, pane))
-                    notebook.RemovePage(idx)
-                sorted_pnp = sorted(pages_and_panes, key=lambda tup: tup[1].dock_pos)
-                # Grab the attributes from the panes which are ordered
-                # correctly, and copy those attributes to the original
-                # panes. (This avoids having to change the ordering
-                # of self._panes) Then, add the page back into the notebook
-                sorted_attributes = [self.GetAttributes(tup[1])
-                                     for tup in sorted_pnp]
-                for attrs, tup in zip(sorted_attributes, pages_and_panes):
-                    pane = tup[1]
-                    self.SetAttributes(pane, attrs)
-                    notebook.AddPage(pane.window, pane.caption)
-                notebook.SetSelection(notebook.GetPageIndex(selected), True)
-                notebook.DoSizing()
-                notebook.Thaw()
-                # It's a keeper.
-                remap_ids[nb] = nb_idx
-                nb_idx += 1
-        # Apply remap...
-        nb_count = len(self._notebooks)
-        if nb_count != nb_idx:
-            self._notebooks = self._notebooks[0:nb_idx]
-            for p in self._panes:
-                if p.notebook_id >= 0:                
-                    p.notebook_id = remap_ids[p.notebook_id]
-                    if p.IsNotebookControl():
-                        p.SetNameFromNotebookId()
-        # Make sure buttons are correct ...
-        for notebook in self._notebooks:
-            want_max = True
-            want_min = True
-            want_close = True
-            pages = notebook.GetPageCount()
-            for page in xrange(pages):
-                win = notebook.GetPage(page)
-                pane = self.GetPane(win)
-                if pane.IsOk():
-                    if not pane.HasCloseButton():
-                        want_close = False
-                    if not pane.HasMaximizeButton():
-                        want_max = False
-                    if not pane.HasMinimizeButton():
-                        want_min = False
-            notebook_pane = self.GetPane(notebook)
-            if notebook_pane.IsOk():
-                if notebook_pane.HasMinimizeButton() != want_min:
-                    if want_min:
-                        button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE)
-                        notebook_pane.state |= AuiPaneInfo.buttonMinimize
-                        notebook_pane.buttons.append(button)
-                    # todo: remove min/max
-                if notebook_pane.HasMaximizeButton() != want_max:
-                    if want_max:
-                        button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE)
-                        notebook_pane.state |= AuiPaneInfo.buttonMaximize
-                        notebook_pane.buttons.append(button)
-                    # todo: remove min/max
-                if notebook_pane.HasCloseButton() != want_close:
-                    if want_close:
-                        button = AuiPaneButton(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE)
-                        notebook_pane.state |= AuiPaneInfo.buttonClose
-                        notebook_pane.buttons.append(button)
-                    # todo: remove close
-    def SmartShrink(self, docks, direction):
-        """
-        Used to intelligently shrink the docks' size (if needed).
-        :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} instances;
-        :param `direction`: the direction in which to shrink.
-        """
-        sashSize = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE)
-        caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-        clientSize = self._frame.GetClientSize()
-        ourDocks = FindDocks(docks, direction, -1, -1)
-        oppositeDocks = FindOppositeDocks(docks, direction)
-        oppositeSize = self.GetOppositeDockTotalSize(docks, direction)
-        ourSize = 0
-        for dock in ourDocks:
-            ourSize += dock.size
-            if not dock.toolbar:
-                ourSize += sashSize
-        shrinkSize = ourSize + oppositeSize
-        if direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP or direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-            shrinkSize -= clientSize.y
-        else:
-            shrinkSize -= clientSize.x
-        if shrinkSize <= 0:
-            return docks
-        # Combine arrays
-        for dock in oppositeDocks:
-            ourDocks.append(dock)
-        oppositeDocks = []
-        for dock in ourDocks:
-            if dock.toolbar or not dock.resizable:
-                continue
-            dockRange = dock.size - dock.min_size
-            if dock.min_size == 0:
-                dockRange -= sashSize
-                if direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP or direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-                    dockRange -= caption_size
-            if dockRange >= shrinkSize:
-                dock.size -= shrinkSize
-                return docks
-            else:
-                dock.size -= dockRange
-                shrinkSize -= dockRange
-        return docks
-    def UpdateDockingGuides(self, paneInfo):
-        """
-        Updates the docking guide windows positions and appearance.
-        :param `paneInfo`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance.
-        """
-        if len(self._guides) == 0:
-            self.CreateGuideWindows()
-        captionSize = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-        frameRect = GetInternalFrameRect(self._frame, self._docks)
-        mousePos = wx.GetMousePosition()
-        for indx, guide in enumerate(self._guides):
-            pt = wx.Point()
-            guide_size =
-            if not
-                raise Exception("Invalid docking host")
-            direction = guide.dock_direction
-            if direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-                pt.x = frameRect.x + guide_size.x / 2 + 16
-                pt.y = frameRect.y + frameRect.height / 2
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-                pt.x = frameRect.x + frameRect.width / 2
-                pt.y = frameRect.y + guide_size.y / 2 + 16
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-                pt.x = frameRect.x + frameRect.width - guide_size.x / 2 - 16
-                pt.y = frameRect.y + frameRect.height / 2
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-                pt.x = frameRect.x + frameRect.width / 2
-                pt.y = frameRect.y + frameRect.height - guide_size.y / 2 - 16
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
-                rc = paneInfo.window.GetScreenRect()
-                pt.x = rc.x + rc.width / 2
-                pt.y = rc.y + rc.height / 2
-                if paneInfo.HasCaption():
-                    pt.y -= captionSize / 2
-                elif paneInfo.HasCaptionLeft():
-                    pt.x -= captionSize / 2
-            # guide will be centered around point 'pt'
-            targetPosition = wx.Point(pt.x - guide_size.x / 2, pt.y - guide_size.y / 2)
-            if != targetPosition:
-            if guide.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
-        paneInfo.window.Lower()
-    def DoFrameLayout(self):
-        """
-        This is an internal function which invokes `wx.Sizer.Layout`
-        on the frame's main sizer, then measures all the various UI items
-        and updates their internal rectangles.
-        :note: This should always be called instead of calling
-         `self._managed_window.Layout()` directly.
-        """
-        self._frame.Layout()
-        for part in self._uiparts:            
-            # get the rectangle of the UI part
-            # originally, this code looked like this:
-            #    part.rect = wx.Rect(part.sizer_item.GetPosition(),
-            #                       part.sizer_item.GetSize())
-            # this worked quite well, with one exception: the mdi
-            # client window had a "deferred" size variable 
-            # that returned the wrong size.  It looks like
-            # a bug in wx, because the former size of the window
-            # was being returned.  So, we will retrieve the part's
-            # rectangle via other means
-            part.rect = part.sizer_item.GetRect()
-            flag = part.sizer_item.GetFlag()
-            border = part.sizer_item.GetBorder()
-            if flag & wx.TOP:
-                part.rect.y -= border
-                part.rect.height += border
-            if flag & wx.LEFT:
-                part.rect.x -= border
-                part.rect.width += border
-            if flag & wx.BOTTOM:
-                part.rect.height += border
-            if flag & wx.RIGHT:
-                part.rect.width += border
-            if part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeDock:
-                part.dock.rect = part.rect
-            if part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typePane:
-                part.pane.rect = part.rect
-    def GetPanePart(self, wnd):
-        """
-        Looks up the pane border UI part of the
-        pane specified. This allows the caller to get the exact rectangle
-        of the pane in question, including decorations like caption and border.
-        :param `wnd`: the window to which the pane border belongs to.        
-        """
-        for part in self._uiparts:
-            if part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typePaneBorder and \
-               part.pane and part.pane.window == wnd:
-                return part
-        for part in self._uiparts:
-            if part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typePane and \
-               part.pane and part.pane.window == wnd:
-                return part
-        return None
-    def GetDockPixelOffset(self, test):
-        """
-        This is an internal function which returns
-        a dock's offset in pixels from the left side of the window
-        (for horizontal docks) or from the top of the window (for
-        vertical docks).
-        This value is necessary for calculating fixed-pane/toolbar offsets
-        when they are dragged.
-        :param `test`: a fake L{AuiPaneInfo} for testing purposes.
-        """
-        # the only way to accurately calculate the dock's
-        # offset is to actually run a theoretical layout
-        docks, panes = CopyDocksAndPanes2(self._docks, self._panes)
-        panes.append(test)
-        sizer, panes, docks, uiparts = self.LayoutAll(panes, docks, [], True, False)
-        client_size = self._frame.GetClientSize()
-        sizer.SetDimension(0, 0, client_size.x, client_size.y)
-        sizer.Layout()
-        for part in uiparts:
-            pos = part.sizer_item.GetPosition()
-            size = part.sizer_item.GetSize()
-            part.rect = wx.RectPS(pos, size)
-            if part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeDock:
-                part.dock.rect = part.rect
-        sizer.Destroy()
-        for dock in docks:
-            if test.dock_direction == dock.dock_direction and \
-               test.dock_layer == dock.dock_layer and  \
-               test.dock_row == dock.dock_row:
-                if dock.IsVertical():
-                    return dock.rect.y
-                else:
-                    return dock.rect.x
-        return 0
-    def GetPartnerDock(self, dock):
-        """
-        Returns the partner dock for the input dock.
-        :param `dock`: a L{AuiDockInfo} instance.
-        """
-        for layer in xrange(dock.dock_layer, -1, -1):
-            bestDock = None
-            for tmpDock in self._docks:
-                if tmpDock.dock_layer != layer:
-                    continue
-                if tmpDock.dock_direction != dock.dock_direction:
-                    continue
-                if tmpDock.dock_layer < dock.dock_layer:
-                    if not bestDock or tmpDock.dock_row < bestDock.dock_row:
-                        bestDock = tmpDock
-                elif tmpDock.dock_row > dock.dock_row:
-                    if not bestDock or tmpDock.dock_row > bestDock.dock_row:
-                        bestDock = tmpDock
-            if bestDock:
-                return bestDock
-        return None
-    def GetPartnerPane(self, dock, pane):
-        """
-        Returns the partner pane for the input pane. They both need to live
-        in the same L{AuiDockInfo}.
-        :param `dock`: a L{AuiDockInfo} instance;
-        :param `pane`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} class.
-        """
-        panePosition = -1
-        for i, tmpPane in enumerate(dock.panes):        
-            if tmpPane.window == pane.window:
-                panePosition = i
-            elif not tmpPane.IsFixed() and panePosition != -1:
-                return tmpPane
-        return None
-    def GetTotalPixSizeAndProportion(self, dock):
-        """
-        Returns the dimensions and proportion of the input dock.
-        :param `dock`: the L{AuiDockInfo} structure to analyze.
-        """
-        totalPixsize = 0
-        totalProportion = 0
-        # determine the total proportion of all resizable panes,
-        # and the total size of the dock minus the size of all
-        # the fixed panes
-        for tmpPane in dock.panes:
-            if tmpPane.IsFixed():
-                continue
-            totalProportion += tmpPane.dock_proportion
-            if dock.IsHorizontal():
-                totalPixsize += tmpPane.rect.width
-            else:
-                totalPixsize += tmpPane.rect.height
-##            if tmpPane.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
-##                if dock.IsHorizontal():
-##                    totalPixsize -= tmpPane.min_size.x
-##                else:
-##                    totalPixsize -= tmpPane.min_size.y
-        return totalPixsize, totalProportion
-    def GetOppositeDockTotalSize(self, docks, direction):
-        """
-        Returns the dimensions of the dock which lives opposite of the input dock.
-        :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} structures to analyze;
-        :param `direction`: the direction in which to look for the opposite dock.
-        """
-        sash_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE)
-        caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-        pane_border_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
-        minSizeMax = 0
-        result = sash_size
-        vertical = False
-        if direction in [AUI_DOCK_TOP, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM]:
-            vertical = True
-        # Get minimum size of the most inner area
-        for tmpDock in docks:
-            if tmpDock.dock_layer != 0:
-                continue
-            if tmpDock.dock_direction != AUI_DOCK_CENTER and tmpDock.IsVertical() != vertical:
-                continue
-            for tmpPane in tmpDock.panes:
-                minSize = pane_border_size*2 - sash_size
-                if vertical:
-                    minSize += tmpPane.min_size.y + caption_size
-                else:
-                    minSize += tmpPane.min_size.x
-                if minSize > minSizeMax:
-                    minSizeMax = minSize
-        result += minSizeMax
-        # Get opposite docks
-        oppositeDocks = FindOppositeDocks(docks, direction)
-        # Sum size of the opposite docks and their sashes
-        for dock in oppositeDocks:
-            result += dock.size
-            # if it's not a toolbar add the sash_size too
-            if not dock.toolbar:
-                result += sash_size
-        return result
-    def CalculateDockSizerLimits(self, dock):
-        """
-        Calculates the minimum and maximum sizes allowed for the input dock.
-        :param `dock`: the L{AuiDockInfo} structure to analyze.
-        """
-        docks, panes = CopyDocksAndPanes2(self._docks, self._panes)
-        sash_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE)
-        caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-        opposite_size = self.GetOppositeDockTotalSize(docks, dock.dock_direction)
-        for tmpDock in docks:
-            if tmpDock.dock_direction == dock.dock_direction and \
-               tmpDock.dock_layer == dock.dock_layer and \
-               tmpDock.dock_row == dock.dock_row:
-                tmpDock.size = 1
-                break
-        sizer, panes, docks, uiparts = self.LayoutAll(panes, docks, [], True, False)
-        client_size = self._frame.GetClientSize()
-        sizer.SetDimension(0, 0, client_size.x, client_size.y)
-        sizer.Layout()
-        for part in uiparts:
-            part.rect = wx.RectPS(part.sizer_item.GetPosition(), part.sizer_item.GetSize())
-            if part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeDock:
-                part.dock.rect = part.rect
-        sizer.Destroy()
-        new_dock = None
-        for tmpDock in docks:
-            if tmpDock.dock_direction == dock.dock_direction and \
-               tmpDock.dock_layer == dock.dock_layer and \
-               tmpDock.dock_row == dock.dock_row:
-                new_dock = tmpDock
-                break
-        partnerDock = self.GetPartnerDock(dock)
-        if partnerDock:
-            partnerRange = partnerDock.size - partnerDock.min_size
-            if partnerDock.min_size == 0:
-                partnerRange -= sash_size
-                if dock.IsHorizontal():
-                    partnerRange -= caption_size
-            direction = dock.dock_direction
-            if direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-                minPix = new_dock.rect.x + new_dock.rect.width
-                maxPix = dock.rect.x + dock.rect.width
-                maxPix += partnerRange
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-                minPix = new_dock.rect.y + new_dock.rect.height
-                maxPix = dock.rect.y + dock.rect.height
-                maxPix += partnerRange
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-                minPix = dock.rect.x - partnerRange - sash_size
-                maxPix = new_dock.rect.x - sash_size
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-                minPix = dock.rect.y - partnerRange - sash_size
-                maxPix = new_dock.rect.y - sash_size
-            return minPix, maxPix
-        direction = new_dock.dock_direction
-        if direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-            minPix = new_dock.rect.x + new_dock.rect.width
-            maxPix = client_size.x - opposite_size - sash_size
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-            minPix = new_dock.rect.y + new_dock.rect.height
-            maxPix = client_size.y - opposite_size - sash_size
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-            minPix = opposite_size
-            maxPix = new_dock.rect.x - sash_size
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-            minPix = opposite_size
-            maxPix = new_dock.rect.y - sash_size
-        return minPix, maxPix
-    def CalculatePaneSizerLimits(self, dock, pane):
-        """
-        Calculates the minimum and maximum sizes allowed for the input pane.
-        :param `dock`: the L{AuiDockInfo} structure to which `pane` belongs to;
-        :param `pane`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} class for which calculation are requested.
-        """
-        if pane.IsFixed():
-            if dock.IsHorizontal():
-                minPix = maxPix = pane.rect.x + 1 + pane.rect.width
-            else:
-                minPix = maxPix = pane.rect.y + 1 + pane.rect.height
-            return minPix, maxPix
-        totalPixsize, totalProportion = self.GetTotalPixSizeAndProportion(dock)
-        partnerPane = self.GetPartnerPane(dock, pane)
-        if dock.IsHorizontal():
-            minPix = pane.rect.x + 1
-            maxPix = pane.rect.x + 1 + pane.rect.width
-            if pane.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
-                minPix += pane.min_size.x
-            else:
-                minPix += 1
-            if partnerPane:
-                maxPix += partnerPane.rect.width
-                if partnerPane.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
-                    maxPix -= partnerPane.min_size.x - 1
-            else:
-                minPix = maxPix
-        else:
-            minPix = pane.rect.y + 1
-            maxPix = pane.rect.y + 1 + pane.rect.height
-            if pane.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
-                minPix += pane.min_size.y
-            else:
-                minPix += 1
-            if partnerPane:            
-                maxPix += partnerPane.rect.height
-                if partnerPane.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
-                    maxPix -= partnerPane.min_size.y - 1
-            else:            
-                minPix = maxPix
-        return minPix, maxPix
-    def CheckMovableSizer(self, part):
-        """
-        Checks if a UI part can be actually resized.
-        :param `part`: a UI part.
-        """
-        # a dock may not be resized if it has a single
-        # pane which is not resizable
-        if part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer and part.dock and \
-           len(part.dock.panes) == 1 and part.dock.panes[0].IsFixed():
-            return False
-        if part.pane:
-            # panes that may not be resized should be ignored here
-            minPix, maxPix = self.CalculatePaneSizerLimits(part.dock, part.pane)
-            if minPix == maxPix:
-                return False
-        return True
-    def PaneFromTabEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Returns a L{AuiPaneInfo} from a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event.
-        """
-        obj = event.GetEventObject()
-        if obj and isinstance(obj, auibook.AuiTabCtrl):
-            page_idx = obj.GetActivePage()
-            if page_idx >= 0:
-                page = obj.GetPage(page_idx)
-                window = page.window
-                if window:
-                    return self.GetPane(window)
-        elif obj and isinstance(obj, auibook.AuiNotebook):
-            page_idx = event.GetSelection()
-            if page_idx >= 0:
-                window = obj.GetPage(page_idx)
-                if window:
-                    return self.GetPane(window)
-        return NonePaneInfo
-    def OnTabBeginDrag(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG`` event.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._masterManager:
-            self._masterManager.OnTabBeginDrag(event)
-        else:
-            paneInfo = self.PaneFromTabEvent(event)
-            if paneInfo.IsOk():
-                # It's one of ours!
-                self._action = actionDragFloatingPane
-                mouse = wx.GetMousePosition()
-                # set initial float position - may have to think about this
-                # offset a bit more later ...
-                self._action_offset = wx.Point(20, 10)
-                self._toolbar_action_offset = wx.Point(20, 10)
-                paneInfo.floating_pos = mouse - self._action_offset
-                paneInfo.dock_pos = AUI_DOCK_NONE
-                paneInfo.notebook_id = -1
-                tab = event.GetEventObject()
-                if tab.HasCapture():
-                    tab.ReleaseMouse()
-                # float the window
-                if paneInfo.IsMaximized():
-                    self.RestorePane(paneInfo)
-                paneInfo.Float()
-                self.Update()
-                self._action_window = paneInfo.window
-                self._frame.CaptureMouse()
-                event.SetDispatched(True)
-            else:
-                # not our window
-                event.Skip()
-    def OnTabPageClose(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE`` event.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._masterManager:
-            self._masterManager.OnTabPageClose(event)
-        else:
-            p = self.PaneFromTabEvent(event)
-            if p.IsOk():
-                # veto it because we will call "RemovePage" ourselves
-                event.Veto()
-                # Now ask the app if they really want to close...
-                # fire pane close event
-                e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE)
-                e.SetPane(p)
-                e.SetCanVeto(True)
-                self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
-                if e.GetVeto():
-                    return
-                self.ClosePane(p)
-                self.Update()
-            else:
-                event.Skip()
-    def OnTabSelected(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED`` event.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiNotebookEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._masterManager:
-            self._masterManager.OnTabSelected(event)
-            return
-        obj = event.GetEventObject()
-        if obj and isinstance(obj, auibook.AuiNotebook):
-            notebook = obj
-            page = notebook.GetPage(event.GetSelection())
-            paneInfo = self.GetPane(page)
-            if paneInfo.IsOk():
-                notebookRoot = GetNotebookRoot(self._panes, paneInfo.notebook_id)
-                if notebookRoot:
-                    notebookRoot.Caption(paneInfo.caption)
-                    self.RefreshCaptions()
-        event.Skip()
-    def GetNotebooks(self):
-        """ Returns all the automatic L{AuiNotebook} in the L{AuiManager}. """
-        if self._masterManager:
-            return self._masterManager.GetNotebooks()
-        return self._notebooks
-    def SetMasterManager(self, manager):
-        """
-        Sets the master manager for an automatic L{AuiNotebook}.
-        :param `manager`: an instance of L{AuiManager}.
-        """
-        self._masterManager = manager
-    def ProcessDockResult(self, target, new_pos):
-        """
-        This is a utility function used by L{DoDrop} - it checks
-        if a dock operation is allowed, the new dock position is copied into
-        the target info. If the operation was allowed, the function returns ``True``.
-        :param `target`: the L{AuiPaneInfo} instance to be docked;
-        :param `new_pos`: the new docking position if the docking operation is allowed.
-        """
-        allowed = False
-        direction = new_pos.dock_direction
-        if direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-            allowed = target.IsTopDockable()
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-            allowed = target.IsBottomDockable()
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-            allowed = target.IsLeftDockable()
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-            allowed = target.IsRightDockable()
-        if allowed:
-            target = new_pos
-            if target.IsToolbar():
-                self.SwitchToolBarOrientation(target)
-        return allowed, target
-    def SwitchToolBarOrientation(self, pane):
-        """
-        Switches the toolbar orientation from vertical to horizontal and vice-versa.
-        This is especially useful for vertical docked toolbars once they float.
-        :param `pane`: an instance of L{AuiPaneInfo}, which may have a L{AuiToolBar}
-         window associated with it.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(pane.window, auibar.AuiToolBar):
-            return pane
-        if pane.IsFloating():
-            return pane
-        toolBar = pane.window
-        direction = pane.dock_direction
-        vertical = direction in [AUI_DOCK_LEFT, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT]
-        agwStyle = toolBar.GetAGWWindowStyleFlag()
-        new_agwStyle = agwStyle
-        if vertical:
-            new_agwStyle |= AUI_TB_VERTICAL
-        else:
-            new_agwStyle &= ~(AUI_TB_VERTICAL)
-        if agwStyle != new_agwStyle:
-            toolBar.SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(new_agwStyle)
-        if not toolBar.GetGripperVisible():
-            toolBar.SetGripperVisible(True)
-        s = pane.window.GetMinSize()
-        pane.BestSize(s)
-        if new_agwStyle != agwStyle:
-            toolBar.Realize()
-        return pane
-    def DoDrop(self, docks, panes, target, pt, offset=wx.Point(0, 0)):
-        """
-        This is an important function. It basically takes a mouse position,
-        and determines where the panes new position would be. If the pane is to be
-        dropped, it performs the drop operation using the specified dock and pane
-        arrays. By specifying copy dock and pane arrays when calling, a "what-if"
-        scenario can be performed, giving precise coordinates for drop hints.
-        :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} classes;
-        :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} instances;
-        :param `pt`: a mouse position to check for a drop operation;
-        :param `offset`: a possible offset from the input point `pt`.
-        """
-        if target.IsToolbar():
-            return self.DoDropToolbar(docks, panes, target, pt, offset)
-        elif target.IsFloating():
-            return self.DoDropFloatingPane(docks, panes, target, pt)
-        else:
-            return self.DoDropNonFloatingPane(docks, panes, target, pt)
-    def CopyTarget(self, target):
-        """
-        Copies all the attributes of the input `target` into another L{AuiPaneInfo}.
-        :param `target`: the source L{AuiPaneInfo} from where to copy attributes.
-        """
-        drop = AuiPaneInfo()
- =
-        drop.caption = target.caption
-        drop.window = target.window
-        drop.frame = target.frame
-        drop.state = target.state
-        drop.dock_direction = target.dock_direction
-        drop.dock_layer = target.dock_layer
-        drop.dock_row = target.dock_row
-        drop.dock_pos = target.dock_pos
-        drop.best_size = wx.Size(*target.best_size)
-        drop.min_size = wx.Size(*target.min_size)
-        drop.max_size = wx.Size(*target.max_size)
-        drop.floating_pos = wx.Point(*target.floating_pos)
-        drop.floating_size = wx.Size(*target.floating_size)
-        drop.dock_proportion = target.dock_proportion
-        drop.buttons = target.buttons
-        drop.rect = wx.Rect(*target.rect)
-        drop.icon = target.icon
-        drop.notebook_id = target.notebook_id
-        drop.transparent = target.transparent
-        drop.snapped = target.snapped
-        drop.minimize_mode = target.minimize_mode
-        return drop        
-    def DoDropToolbar(self, docks, panes, target, pt, offset):
-        """
-        Handles the situation in which the dropped pane contains a toolbar.
-        :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} classes;
-        :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} instances;
-        :param `target`: the target pane containing the toolbar;
-        :param `pt`: a mouse position to check for a drop operation;
-        :param `offset`: a possible offset from the input point `pt`.        
-        """
-        drop = self.CopyTarget(target)
-        # The result should always be shown
-        drop.Show()
-        # Check to see if the toolbar has been dragged out of the window
-        if CheckOutOfWindow(self._frame, pt):
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING and drop.IsFloatable():
-                drop.Float()
-            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
-        # Allow directional change when the cursor leaves this rect
-        safeRect = wx.Rect(*target.rect)
-        if target.IsHorizontal():
-            safeRect.Inflate(100, 50)
-        else:
-            safeRect.Inflate(50, 100)
-        # Check to see if the toolbar has been dragged to edge of the frame
-        dropDir = CheckEdgeDrop(self._frame, docks, pt)
-        if dropDir != -1:
-            if dropDir == wx.LEFT:
-                drop.Dock().Left().Layer(auiToolBarLayer).Row(0). \
-                    Position(pt.y - self.GetDockPixelOffset(drop) - offset.y)
-            elif dropDir == wx.RIGHT:
-                drop.Dock().Right().Layer(auiToolBarLayer).Row(0). \
-                    Position(pt.y - self.GetDockPixelOffset(drop) - offset.y)
-            elif dropDir == wx.TOP:
-                drop.Dock().Top().Layer(auiToolBarLayer).Row(0). \
-                    Position(pt.x - self.GetDockPixelOffset(drop) - offset.x)
-            elif dropDir == wx.BOTTOM:
-                drop.Dock().Bottom().Layer(auiToolBarLayer).Row(0). \
-                    Position(pt.x - self.GetDockPixelOffset(drop) - offset.x)
-            if not target.IsFloating() and safeRect.Contains(pt) and \
-               target.dock_direction != drop.dock_direction:
-                return False, target
-            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
-        # If the windows is floating and out of the client area, do nothing
-        if drop.IsFloating() and not self._frame.GetClientRect().Contains(pt):
-            return False, target
-        # Ok, can't drop on edge - check internals ...
-        clientSize = self._frame.GetClientSize()
-        x = Clip(pt.x, 0, clientSize.x - 1)
-        y = Clip(pt.y, 0, clientSize.y - 1)
-        part = self.HitTest(x, y)
-        if not part or not part.dock:
-            return False, target
-        dock = part.dock
-        # toolbars may only be moved in and to fixed-pane docks,
-        # otherwise we will try to float the pane.  Also, the pane
-        # should float if being dragged over center pane windows
-        if not dock.fixed or dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
-            if (self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING and drop.IsFloatable()) or \
-               dock.dock_direction not in [AUI_DOCK_CENTER, AUI_DOCK_NONE]:
-                if drop.IsFloatable():
-                    drop.Float()
-            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
-        # calculate the offset from where the dock begins
-        # to the point where the user dropped the pane
-        dockDropOffset = 0
-        if dock.IsHorizontal():
-            dockDropOffset = pt.x - dock.rect.x - offset.x
-        else:
-            dockDropOffset = pt.y - dock.rect.y - offset.y
-        drop.Dock().Direction(dock.dock_direction).Layer(dock.dock_layer). \
-            Row(dock.dock_row).Position(dockDropOffset)
-        if (pt.y <= dock.rect.GetTop() + 2 and dock.IsHorizontal()) or \
-           (pt.x <= dock.rect.GetLeft() + 2 and dock.IsVertical()):
-            if dock.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_TOP, AUI_DOCK_LEFT]:
-                row = drop.dock_row
-                panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, dock.dock_direction, dock.dock_layer, dock.dock_row)
-                drop.dock_row = row
-            else:
-                panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, dock.dock_direction, dock.dock_layer, dock.dock_row+1)
-                drop.dock_row = dock.dock_row + 1
-        if (pt.y >= dock.rect.GetBottom() - 2 and dock.IsHorizontal()) or \
-           (pt.x >= dock.rect.GetRight() - 2 and dock.IsVertical()):
-            if dock.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_TOP, AUI_DOCK_LEFT]:
-                panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, dock.dock_direction, dock.dock_layer, dock.dock_row+1)
-                drop.dock_row = dock.dock_row+1
-            else:
-                row = drop.dock_row
-                panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, dock.dock_direction, dock.dock_layer, dock.dock_row)
-                drop.dock_row = row
-        if not target.IsFloating() and safeRect.Contains(pt) and \
-           target.dock_direction != drop.dock_direction:
-            return False, target
-        return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
-    def DoDropFloatingPane(self, docks, panes, target, pt):
-        """
-        Handles the situation in which the dropped pane contains a normal window.
-        :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} classes;
-        :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} instances;
-        :param `target`: the target pane containing the window;
-        :param `pt`: a mouse position to check for a drop operation.
-        """
-        screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(pt)
-        paneInfo = self.PaneHitTest(panes, pt)
-        if paneInfo.IsMaximized():
-            return False, target
-        if paneInfo.window is None:
-            return False, target
-        # search the dock guides.
-        # reverse order to handle the center first.
-        for i in xrange(len(self._guides)-1, -1, -1):
-            guide = self._guides[i]
-            # do hit testing on the guide
-            dir =, screenPt.y)
-            if dir == -1:  # point was outside of the dock guide
-                continue
-            if dir == wx.ALL:   # target is a single dock guide
-                return self.DoDropLayer(docks, target, guide.dock_direction)
-            elif dir == wx.CENTER:
-                if not target.IsNotebookDockable():
-                    continue
-                if not paneInfo.IsNotebookDockable() and not paneInfo.IsNotebookControl():
-                    continue
-                if not paneInfo.HasNotebook():
-                    # Add a new notebook pane with the original as a tab...
-                    self.CreateNotebookBase(panes, paneInfo)
-                # Add new item to notebook
-                target.NotebookPage(paneInfo.notebook_id)
-            else:
-                drop_pane = False
-                drop_row = False
-                insert_dir = paneInfo.dock_direction
-                insert_layer = paneInfo.dock_layer
-                insert_row = paneInfo.dock_row
-                insert_pos = paneInfo.dock_pos
-                if insert_dir == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
-                    insert_layer = 0
-                    if dir == wx.LEFT:
-                        insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_LEFT
-                    elif dir == wx.UP:
-                        insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_TOP
-                    elif dir == wx.RIGHT:
-                        insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_RIGHT
-                    elif dir == wx.DOWN:
-                        insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM
-                if insert_dir == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-                    drop_pane = (dir == wx.UP   or dir == wx.DOWN)
-                    drop_row  = (dir == wx.LEFT or dir == wx.RIGHT)
-                    if dir == wx.RIGHT:
-                        insert_row += 1
-                    elif dir == wx.DOWN:
-                        insert_pos += 1
-                elif insert_dir == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-                    drop_pane = (dir == wx.UP   or dir == wx.DOWN)
-                    drop_row  = (dir == wx.LEFT or dir == wx.RIGHT)
-                    if dir == wx.LEFT:
-                        insert_row += 1
-                    elif dir == wx.DOWN:
-                        insert_pos += 1
-                elif insert_dir == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-                    drop_pane = (dir == wx.LEFT or dir == wx.RIGHT)
-                    drop_row  = (dir == wx.UP   or dir == wx.DOWN)
-                    if dir == wx.DOWN:
-                        insert_row += 1
-                    elif dir == wx.RIGHT:
-                        insert_pos += 1
-                elif insert_dir == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-                    drop_pane = (dir == wx.LEFT or dir == wx.RIGHT)
-                    drop_row  = (dir == wx.UP   or dir == wx.DOWN)
-                    if dir == wx.UP:
-                        insert_row += 1
-                    elif dir == wx.RIGHT:
-                        insert_pos += 1
-                if paneInfo.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
-                    insert_row = GetMaxRow(panes, insert_dir, insert_layer) + 1
-                if drop_pane:
-                    return self.DoDropPane(panes, target, insert_dir, insert_layer, insert_row, insert_pos)
-                if drop_row:
-                    return self.DoDropRow(panes, target, insert_dir, insert_layer, insert_row)
-            return True, target
-        return False, target
-    def DoDropNonFloatingPane(self, docks, panes, target, pt):
-        """
-        Handles the situation in which the dropped pane is not floating.
-        :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} classes;
-        :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} instances;
-        :param `target`: the target pane containing the toolbar;
-        :param `pt`: a mouse position to check for a drop operation.
-        """
-        screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(pt)
-        clientSize = self._frame.GetClientSize()
-        frameRect = GetInternalFrameRect(self._frame, self._docks)
-        drop = self.CopyTarget(target)
-        # The result should always be shown
-        drop.Show()
-        part = self.HitTest(pt.x, pt.y)
-        if not part:
-            return False, target
-        if part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer:
-            if len(part.dock.panes) != 1:
-                return False, target
-            part = self.GetPanePart(part.dock.panes[0].window)
-            if not part:
-                return False, target
-        if not part.pane:
-            return False, target
-        part = self.GetPanePart(part.pane.window)
-        if not part:
-            return False, target
-        insert_dock_row = False
-        insert_row = part.pane.dock_row
-        insert_dir = part.pane.dock_direction
-        insert_layer = part.pane.dock_layer
-        direction = part.pane.dock_direction
-        if direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-            if pt.y >= part.rect.y and pt.y < part.rect.y+auiInsertRowPixels:
-                insert_dock_row = True
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-            if pt.y > part.rect.y+part.rect.height-auiInsertRowPixels and \
-               pt.y <= part.rect.y + part.rect.height:
-                insert_dock_row = True
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-            if pt.x >= part.rect.x and pt.x < part.rect.x+auiInsertRowPixels:
-                insert_dock_row = True
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-            if pt.x > part.rect.x+part.rect.width-auiInsertRowPixels and \
-               pt.x <= part.rect.x+part.rect.width:
-                insert_dock_row = True
-        elif direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
-                # "new row pixels" will be set to the default, but
-                # must never exceed 20% of the window size
-                new_row_pixels_x = auiNewRowPixels
-                new_row_pixels_y = auiNewRowPixels
-                if new_row_pixels_x > (part.rect.width*20)/100:
-                    new_row_pixels_x = (part.rect.width*20)/100
-                if new_row_pixels_y > (part.rect.height*20)/100:
-                    new_row_pixels_y = (part.rect.height*20)/100
-                # determine if the mouse pointer is in a location that
-                # will cause a new row to be inserted.  The hot spot positions
-                # are along the borders of the center pane
-                insert_layer = 0
-                insert_dock_row = True
-                pr = part.rect
-                if pt.x >= pr.x and pt.x < pr.x + new_row_pixels_x:
-                    insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_LEFT
-                elif pt.y >= pr.y and pt.y < pr.y + new_row_pixels_y:
-                    insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_TOP
-                elif pt.x >= pr.x + pr.width - new_row_pixels_x and pt.x < pr.x + pr.width:
-                    insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_RIGHT
-                elif pt.y >= pr.y+ pr.height - new_row_pixels_y and pt.y < pr.y + pr.height:
-                    insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM
-                else:
-                    return False, target
-                insert_row = GetMaxRow(panes, insert_dir, insert_layer) + 1
-        if insert_dock_row:
-            panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, insert_dir, insert_layer, insert_row)
-            drop.Dock().Direction(insert_dir).Layer(insert_layer). \
-                Row(insert_row).Position(0)
-            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
-        # determine the mouse offset and the pane size, both in the
-        # direction of the dock itself, and perpendicular to the dock
-        if part.orientation == wx.VERTICAL:
-            offset = pt.y - part.rect.y
-            size = part.rect.GetHeight()
-        else:
-            offset = pt.x - part.rect.x
-            size = part.rect.GetWidth()
-        drop_position = part.pane.dock_pos
-        # if we are in the top/left part of the pane,
-        # insert the pane before the pane being hovered over
-        if offset <= size/2:
-            drop_position = part.pane.dock_pos
-            panes = DoInsertPane(panes,
-                                 part.pane.dock_direction,
-                                 part.pane.dock_layer,
-                                 part.pane.dock_row,
-                                 part.pane.dock_pos)
-        # if we are in the bottom/right part of the pane,
-        # insert the pane before the pane being hovered over
-        if offset > size/2:
-            drop_position = part.pane.dock_pos+1
-            panes = DoInsertPane(panes,
-                                 part.pane.dock_direction,
-                                 part.pane.dock_layer,
-                                 part.pane.dock_row,
-                                 part.pane.dock_pos+1)
-        drop.Dock(). \
-                     Direction(part.dock.dock_direction). \
-                     Layer(part.dock.dock_layer).Row(part.dock.dock_row). \
-                     Position(drop_position)
-        return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
-    def DoDropLayer(self, docks, target, dock_direction):
-        """
-        Handles the situation in which `target` is a single dock guide.
-        :param `docks`: a list of L{AuiDockInfo} classes;
-        :param `target`: the target pane;
-        :param `dock_direction`: the docking direction.
-        """
-        drop = self.CopyTarget(target)
-        if dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-            drop.Dock().Left()
-            drop_new_layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT),
-                                     GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM)),
-                                 GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP)) + 1
-        elif dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-            drop.Dock().Top()
-            drop_new_layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP),
-                                     GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT)),
-                                 GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT)) + 1
-        elif dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-            drop.Dock().Right()
-            drop_new_layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT),
-                                     GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP)),
-                                 GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM)) + 1
-        elif dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-            drop.Dock().Bottom()
-            drop_new_layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM),
-                                     GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT)),
-                                 GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT)) + 1
-        else:
-            return False, target
-        drop.Dock().Layer(drop_new_layer)
-        return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
-    def DoDropPane(self, panes, target, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row, dock_pos):
-        """
-        Drop a pane in the interface.
-        :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} classes;
-        :param `target`: the target pane;
-        :param `dock_direction`: the docking direction;
-        :param `dock_layer`: the docking layer;
-        :param `dock_row`: the docking row;
-        :param `dock_pos`: the docking position.
-        """
-        drop = self.CopyTarget(target)
-        panes = DoInsertPane(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row, dock_pos)
-        drop.Dock().Direction(dock_direction).Layer(dock_layer).Row(dock_row).Position(dock_pos)
-        return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
-    def DoDropRow(self, panes, target, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row):
-        """
-        Insert a row in the interface before dropping.
-        :param `panes`: a list of L{AuiPaneInfo} classes;
-        :param `target`: the target pane;
-        :param `dock_direction`: the docking direction;
-        :param `dock_layer`: the docking layer;
-        :param `dock_row`: the docking row.
-        """
-        drop = self.CopyTarget(target)
-        panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row)
-        drop.Dock().Direction(dock_direction).Layer(dock_layer).Row(dock_row).Position(0)
-        return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
-    def ShowHint(self, rect):
-        """
-        Shows the AUI hint window.
-        :param `rect`: the hint rect calculated in advance.
-        """
-        if rect == self._last_hint:
-            return
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_RECTANGLE_HINT and wx.Platform != "__WXMAC__":
-            if self._last_hint != rect:
-                # remove the last hint rectangle
-                self._last_hint = wx.Rect(*rect)
-                self._frame.Refresh()
-                self._frame.Update()
-            screendc = wx.ScreenDC()
-            clip = wx.Region(1, 1, 10000, 10000)
-            # clip all floating windows, so we don't draw over them
-            for pane in self._panes:            
-                if pane.IsFloating() and pane.frame.IsShown():
-                    rect2 = wx.Rect(*pane.frame.GetRect())
-                    if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-                        # wxGTK returns the client size, not the whole frame size
-                        rect2.width += 15
-                        rect2.height += 35
-                        rect2.Inflate(5, 5)
-                    clip.SubtractRect(rect2)
-            # As we can only hide the hint by redrawing the managed window, we
-            # need to clip the region to the managed window too or we get
-            # nasty redrawn problems.
-            clip.IntersectRect(self._frame.GetRect())
-            screendc.SetClippingRegionAsRegion(clip)
-            stipple = PaneCreateStippleBitmap()
-            brush = wx.BrushFromBitmap(stipple)
-            screendc.SetBrush(brush)
-            screendc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-            screendc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, 5, rect.height)
-            screendc.DrawRectangle(rect.x+5, rect.y, rect.width-10, 5)
-            screendc.DrawRectangle(rect.x+rect.width-5, rect.y, 5, rect.height)
-            screendc.DrawRectangle(rect.x+5, rect.y+rect.height-5, rect.width-10, 5)
-            RefreshDockingGuides(self._guides)
-            return
-        if not self._hint_window:
-            self.CreateHintWindow()
-        if self._hint_window:
-            self._hint_window.SetRect(rect)
-            self._hint_window.Show()
-        self._hint_fadeamt = self._hint_fademax
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_HINT_FADE:
-            self._hint_fadeamt = 0
-            self._hint_window.SetTransparent(self._hint_fadeamt)
-        if self._action == actionDragFloatingPane and self._action_window:
-            self._action_window.SetFocus()
-        if self._hint_fadeamt != self._hint_fademax: #  Only fade if we need to
-            # start fade in timer
-            self._hint_fadetimer.Start(5)
-        self._last_hint = wx.Rect(*rect)
-    def HideHint(self):
-        """ Hides a transparent window hint if there is one. """
-        # hides a transparent window hint if there is one
-        if self._hint_window:
-            self._hint_window.Hide()
-        self._hint_fadetimer.Stop()
-        self._last_hint = wx.Rect()
-    def IsPaneButtonVisible(self, part):
-        """
-        Returns whether a pane button in the pane caption is visible.
-        :param `part`: the UI part to analyze.
-        """
-        captionRect = wx.Rect()
-        for temp_part in self._uiparts:
-            if temp_part.pane == part.pane and \
-               temp_part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeCaption:
-                captionRect = temp_part.rect
-                break
-        return captionRect.ContainsRect(part.rect)
-    def DrawPaneButton(self, dc, part, pt):
-        """
-        Draws a pane button in the caption (convenience function).
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context object;
-        :param `part`: the UI part to analyze;
-        :param `pt`: a `wx.Point` object, specifying the mouse location.
-        """
-        if not self.IsPaneButtonVisible(part):
-            return
-        state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL
-        if part.rect.Contains(pt):
-            if _VERSION_STRING < "2.9":
-                leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftDown()
-            else:
-                leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftIsDown()
-            if leftDown:
-                state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED
-            else:
-                state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
-        self._art.DrawPaneButton(dc, self._frame, part.button.button_id,
-                                 state, part.rect, part.pane)
-    def RefreshButton(self, part):
-        """
-        Refreshes a pane button in the caption.
-        :param `part`: the UI part to analyze.
-        """
-        rect = wx.Rect(*part.rect)
-        rect.Inflate(2, 2)
-        self._frame.Refresh(True, rect)
-        self._frame.Update()
-    def RefreshCaptions(self):
-        """ Refreshes all pane captions. """
-        for part in self._uiparts:
-            if part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeCaption:
-                self._frame.Refresh(True, part.rect)
-                self._frame.Update()
-    def CalculateHintRect(self, pane_window, pt, offset):
-        """
-        Calculates the drop hint rectangle.
-        The method first calls L{DoDrop} to determine the exact position the pane would
-        be at were if dropped. If the pane would indeed become docked at the
-        specified drop point, the the rectangle hint will be returned in
-        screen coordinates. Otherwise, an empty rectangle is returned.
-        :param `pane_window`: it is the window pointer of the pane being dragged;
-        :param `pt`: is the mouse position, in client coordinates;
-        :param `offset`: describes the offset that the mouse is from the upper-left
-         corner of the item being dragged.
-        """
-        # we need to paint a hint rectangle to find out the exact hint rectangle,
-        # we will create a new temporary layout and then measure the resulting
-        # rectangle we will create a copy of the docking structures (self._docks)
-        # so that we don't modify the real thing on screen
-        rect = wx.Rect()
-        pane = self.GetPane(pane_window)
-        attrs = self.GetAttributes(pane)
-        hint = AuiPaneInfo()
-        hint = self.SetAttributes(hint, attrs)
-        if != "__HINT__":
-            self._oldname =
- = "__HINT__"
-        hint.PaneBorder(True)
-        hint.Show()
-        if not hint.IsOk():
-   = self._oldname
-            return rect
-        docks, panes = CopyDocksAndPanes2(self._docks, self._panes)
-        # remove any pane already there which bears the same window
-        # this happens when you are moving a pane around in a dock
-        for ii in xrange(len(panes)):
-            if panes[ii].window == pane_window:
-                docks = RemovePaneFromDocks(docks, panes[ii])
-                panes.pop(ii)
-                break
-        # find out where the new pane would be
-        allow, hint = self.DoDrop(docks, panes, hint, pt, offset)
-        if not allow:
-            return rect
-        panes.append(hint)
-        sizer, panes, docks, uiparts = self.LayoutAll(panes, docks, [], True, False)
-        client_size = self._frame.GetClientSize()
-        sizer.SetDimension(0, 0, client_size.x, client_size.y)
-        sizer.Layout()
-        sought = "__HINT__"
-        # For a notebook page, actually look for the noteboot itself.
-        if hint.IsNotebookPage():
-            id = hint.notebook_id
-            for pane in panes:
-                if pane.IsNotebookControl() and pane.notebook_id==id:
-                    sought =
-                    break
-        for part in uiparts:
-            if part.pane and == sought:    
-                rect.Union(wx.RectPS(part.sizer_item.GetPosition(),
-                                     part.sizer_item.GetSize()))
-        sizer.Destroy()
-        # check for floating frame ...
-        if rect.IsEmpty():
-            for p in panes:
-                if == sought and p.IsFloating():
-                    return wx.RectPS(p.floating_pos, p.floating_size)
-        if rect.IsEmpty():
-            return rect
-        # actually show the hint rectangle on the screen
-        rect.x, rect.y = self._frame.ClientToScreen((rect.x, rect.y))
-        if self._frame.GetLayoutDirection() == wx.Layout_RightToLeft:
-            # Mirror rectangle in RTL mode
-            rect.x -= rect.GetWidth()
-        return rect
-    def DrawHintRect(self, pane_window, pt, offset):
-        """
-        Calculates the hint rectangle by calling
-        L{CalculateHintRect}. If there is a rectangle, it shows it
-        by calling L{ShowHint}, otherwise it hides any hint
-        rectangle currently shown.
-        :param `pane_window`: it is the window pointer of the pane being dragged;
-        :param `pt`: is the mouse position, in client coordinates;
-        :param `offset`: describes the offset that the mouse is from the upper-left
-         corner of the item being dragged.
-        """
-        rect = self.CalculateHintRect(pane_window, pt, offset)
-        if rect.IsEmpty():
-            self.HideHint()
-            self._hint_rect = wx.Rect()
-        else:
-            self.ShowHint(rect)
-            self._hint_rect = wx.Rect(*rect)
-    def GetPartSizerRect(self, uiparts):
-        """
-        Returns the rectangle surrounding the specified UI parts.
-        :param `uiparts`: UI parts.
-        """
-        rect = wx.Rect()
-        for part in self._uiparts:
-            if part.pane and == "__HINT__":
-                rect.Union(wx.RectPS(part.sizer_item.GetPosition(),
-                                     part.sizer_item.GetSize()))
-        return rect
-    def GetAttributes(self, pane):
-        """
-        Returns all the attributes of a L{AuiPaneInfo}.
-        :param `pane`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance.
-        """
-        attrs = []
-        attrs.extend([pane.window, pane.frame, pane.state, pane.dock_direction,
-                      pane.dock_layer, pane.dock_pos, pane.dock_row, pane.dock_proportion,
-                      pane.floating_pos, pane.floating_size, pane.best_size,
-                      pane.min_size, pane.max_size, pane.caption,,
-                      pane.buttons, pane.rect, pane.icon, pane.notebook_id,
-                      pane.transparent, pane.snapped, pane.minimize_mode])
-        return attrs
-    def SetAttributes(self, pane, attrs):
-        """
-        Sets all the attributes contained in `attrs` to a L{AuiPaneInfo}.
-        :param `pane`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance;
-        :param `attrs`: a list of attributes.
-        """
-        pane.window = attrs[0]
-        pane.frame = attrs[1]
-        pane.state = attrs[2]
-        pane.dock_direction = attrs[3]
-        pane.dock_layer = attrs[4]
-        pane.dock_pos = attrs[5]
-        pane.dock_row = attrs[6]
-        pane.dock_proportion = attrs[7]
-        pane.floating_pos = attrs[8]
-        pane.floating_size = attrs[9]
-        pane.best_size = attrs[10]
-        pane.min_size = attrs[11]
-        pane.max_size = attrs[12]
-        pane.caption = attrs[13]
- = attrs[14]
-        pane.buttons = attrs[15]
-        pane.rect = attrs[16]
-        pane.icon = attrs[17]
-        pane.notebook_id = attrs[18]
-        pane.transparent = attrs[19]
-        pane.snapped = attrs[20]
-        pane.minimize_mode = attrs[21]
-        return pane
-    def OnFloatingPaneResized(self, wnd, size):
-        """
-        Handles the resizing of a floating pane.
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window, managed by the pane;
-        :param `size`: a `wx.Size` object, specifying the new pane floating size.
-        """
-        # try to find the pane
-        pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
-        if not pane.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        if pane.frame:
-            indx = self._panes.index(pane)
-            pane.floating_pos = pane.frame.GetPosition()
-            pane.floating_size = size
-            self._panes[indx] = pane
-            if pane.IsSnappable():
-                self.SnapPane(pane, pane.floating_pos, pane.floating_size, True)
-    def OnFloatingPaneClosed(self, wnd, event):
-        """
-        Handles the close event of a floating pane.
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window, managed by the pane;
-        :param `event`: a `wx.CloseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        # try to find the pane
-        pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
-        if not pane.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        # fire pane close event
-        e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE)
-        e.SetPane(pane)
-        e.SetCanVeto(event.CanVeto())
-        self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
-        if e.GetVeto():
-            event.Veto()
-            return
-        else:
-            # close the pane, but check that it
-            # still exists in our pane array first
-            # (the event handler above might have removed it)
-            check = self.GetPane(wnd)
-            if check.IsOk():
-                self.ClosePane(pane)
-    def OnFloatingPaneActivated(self, wnd):
-        """
-        Handles the activation event of a floating pane.
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window, managed by the pane.
-        """
-        pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
-        if not pane.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        if self.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE:
-            ret, self._panes = SetActivePane(self._panes, wnd)
-            self.RefreshCaptions()
-            self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_ACTIVATED, wnd, canVeto=False)
-    def OnFloatingPaneMoved(self, wnd, eventOrPt):
-        """
-        Handles the move event of a floating pane.
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window, managed by the pane;
-        :param `eventOrPt`: a `wx.MoveEvent` to be processed or an instance of `wx.Point`.
-        """
-        pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
-        if not pane.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        if not pane.IsSnappable():
-            return
-        if isinstance(eventOrPt, wx.Point):
-            pane_pos = wx.Point(*eventOrPt)
-        else:
-            pane_pos = eventOrPt.GetPosition()
-        pane_size = pane.floating_size
-        self.SnapPane(pane, pane_pos, pane_size, False)
-    def SnapPane(self, pane, pane_pos, pane_size, toSnap=False):
-        """
-        Snaps a floating pane to one of the main frame sides.
-        :param `pane`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance;
-        :param `pane_pos`: the new pane floating position;
-        :param `pane_size`: the new pane floating size;
-        :param `toSnap`: a bool variable to check if L{SnapPane} was called from
-         a move event.
-        """
-        if self._from_move:
-            return
-        managed_window = self.GetManagedWindow()
-        wnd_pos = managed_window.GetPosition()
-        wnd_size = managed_window.GetSize()
-        snapX, snapY = self._snap_limits
-        if not toSnap:
-            pane.snapped = 0
-            if pane.IsLeftSnappable():
-                # Check if we can snap to the left
-                diff = wnd_pos.x - (pane_pos.x + pane_size.x)
-                if -snapX <= diff <= snapX:
-                    pane.snapped = wx.LEFT
-                    pane.floating_pos = wx.Point(wnd_pos.x-pane_size.x, pane_pos.y)
-            elif pane.IsTopSnappable():
-                # Check if we can snap to the top
-                diff = wnd_pos.y - (pane_pos.y + pane_size.y)
-                if -snapY <= diff <= snapY:
-                    pane.snapped = wx.TOP
-                    pane.floating_pos = wx.Point(pane_pos.x, wnd_pos.y-pane_size.y)
-            elif pane.IsRightSnappable():
-                # Check if we can snap to the right
-                diff = pane_pos.x - (wnd_pos.x + wnd_size.x)
-                if -snapX <= diff <= snapX:
-                    pane.snapped = wx.RIGHT
-                    pane.floating_pos = wx.Point(wnd_pos.x + wnd_size.x, pane_pos.y)
-            elif pane.IsBottomSnappable():
-                # Check if we can snap to the bottom
-                diff = pane_pos.y - (wnd_pos.y + wnd_size.y)
-                if -snapY <= diff <= snapY:
-                    pane.snapped = wx.BOTTOM
-                    pane.floating_pos = wx.Point(pane_pos.x, wnd_pos.y + wnd_size.y)
-        self.RepositionPane(pane, wnd_pos, wnd_size)
-    def RepositionPane(self, pane, wnd_pos, wnd_size):
-        """
-        Repositions a pane after the main frame has been moved/resized.
-        :param `pane`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance;
-        :param `wnd_pos`: the main frame position;
-        :param `wnd_size`: the main frame size.
-        """
-        pane_pos = pane.floating_pos
-        pane_size = pane.floating_size
-        snap = pane.snapped
-        if snap == wx.LEFT:
-            floating_pos = wx.Point(wnd_pos.x - pane_size.x, pane_pos.y)
-        elif snap == wx.TOP:
-            floating_pos = wx.Point(pane_pos.x, wnd_pos.y - pane_size.y)
-        elif snap == wx.RIGHT:
-            floating_pos = wx.Point(wnd_pos.x + wnd_size.x, pane_pos.y)
-        elif snap == wx.BOTTOM:
-            floating_pos = wx.Point(pane_pos.x, wnd_pos.y + wnd_size.y)
-        if snap:
-            if pane_pos != floating_pos:
-                pane.floating_pos = floating_pos
-                self._from_move = True
-                pane.frame.SetPosition(pane.floating_pos)
-                self._from_move = False
-    def OnGripperClicked(self, pane_window, start, offset):
-        """
-        Handles the mouse click on the pane gripper.
-        :param `pane_window`: a `wx.Window` derived window, managed by the pane;
-        :param `start`: a `wx.Point` object, specifying the clicking position;
-        :param `offset`: an offset point from the `start` position.
-        """
-        # try to find the pane
-        paneInfo = self.GetPane(pane_window)
-        if not paneInfo.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        if self.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE:
-            # set the caption as active
-            ret, self._panes = SetActivePane(self._panes, pane_window)
-            self.RefreshCaptions()
-            self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_ACTIVATED, pane_window, canVeto=False)
-        self._action_part = None
-        self._action_pane = paneInfo
-        self._action_window = pane_window
-        self._action_start = start
-        self._action_offset = offset
-        self._toolbar_action_offset = wx.Point(*self._action_offset)
-        self._frame.CaptureMouse()
-        if paneInfo.IsDocked():
-            self._action = actionClickCaption
-        else:
-            if paneInfo.IsToolbar():
-                self._action = actionDragToolbarPane
-            else:
-                self._action = actionDragFloatingPane
-            if paneInfo.frame:
-                windowPt = paneInfo.frame.GetRect().GetTopLeft()
-                originPt = paneInfo.frame.ClientToScreen(wx.Point())
-                self._action_offset += originPt - windowPt
-                self._toolbar_action_offset = wx.Point(*self._action_offset)
-                if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG:
-                    paneInfo.frame.SetTransparent(150)
-            if paneInfo.IsToolbar():
-                self._frame.SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZING))
-    def OnRender(self, event):        
-        """
-        Draws all of the pane captions, sashes,
-        backgrounds, captions, grippers, pane borders and buttons.
-        It renders the entire user interface. It binds the ``EVT_AUI_RENDER`` event.
-        :param `event`: an instance of L{AuiManagerEvent}.
-        """
-        # if the frame is about to be deleted, don't bother
-        if not self._frame or self._frame.IsBeingDeleted():
-            return
-        if not self._frame.GetSizer():
-            return
-        mouse = wx.GetMouseState()
-        mousePos = wx.Point(mouse.GetX(), mouse.GetY())
-        point = self._frame.ScreenToClient(mousePos)
-        art = self._art
-        dc = event.GetDC()
-        for part in self._uiparts:
-            # don't draw hidden pane items or items that aren't windows
-            if part.sizer_item and ((not part.sizer_item.IsWindow() and \
-                                     not part.sizer_item.IsSpacer() and \
-                                     not part.sizer_item.IsSizer()) or \
-                                    not part.sizer_item.IsShown()):
-                continue
-            ptype = part.type
-            if ptype in [AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer, AuiDockUIPart.typePaneSizer]:
-                art.DrawSash(dc, self._frame, part.orientation, part.rect)
-            elif ptype == AuiDockUIPart.typeBackground:
-                art.DrawBackground(dc, self._frame, part.orientation, part.rect)
-            elif ptype == AuiDockUIPart.typeCaption:
-                art.DrawCaption(dc, self._frame, part.pane.caption, part.rect, part.pane)
-            elif ptype == AuiDockUIPart.typeGripper:
-                art.DrawGripper(dc, self._frame, part.rect, part.pane)
-            elif ptype == AuiDockUIPart.typePaneBorder:
-                art.DrawBorder(dc, self._frame, part.rect, part.pane)
-            elif ptype == AuiDockUIPart.typePaneButton:                
-                self.DrawPaneButton(dc, part, point)
-    def Repaint(self, dc=None):
-        """
-        Repaints the entire frame decorations (sashes, borders, buttons and so on).
-        It renders the entire user interface.
-        :param `dc`: if not ``None``, an instance of `wx.PaintDC`.
-        """
-        w, h = self._frame.GetClientSize()
-        # Figure out which dc to use; if one
-        # has been specified, use it, otherwise
-        # make a client dc
-        if dc is None:
-            client_dc = wx.ClientDC(self._frame)
-            dc = client_dc
-        # If the frame has a toolbar, the client area
-        # origin will not be (0, 0).
-        pt = self._frame.GetClientAreaOrigin()
-        if pt.x != 0 or pt.y != 0:
-            dc.SetDeviceOrigin(pt.x, pt.y)
-        # Render all the items
-        self.Render(dc)
-    def Render(self, dc):
-        """
-        Fires a render event, which is normally handled by
-        L{OnRender}. This allows the render function to
-        be overridden via the render event.
-        This can be useful for painting custom graphics in the main window.
-        Default behavior can be invoked in the overridden function by calling
-        L{OnRender}.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context object.        
-        """
-        e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_RENDER)
-        e.SetManager(self)
-        e.SetDC(dc)
-        self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
-    def OnCaptionDoubleClicked(self, pane_window):
-        """
-        Handles the mouse double click on the pane caption.
-        :param `pane_window`: a `wx.Window` derived window, managed by the pane.
-        """
-        # try to find the pane
-        paneInfo = self.GetPane(pane_window)
-        if not paneInfo.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        if not paneInfo.IsFloatable() or not paneInfo.IsDockable() or \
-           self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING == 0:
-            return
-        indx = self._panes.index(paneInfo)
-        win_rect = None
-        if paneInfo.IsFloating():
-            if"__floating__"):
-                # It's a floating tab from a AuiNotebook
-                notebook = paneInfo.window.__aui_notebook__
-                notebook.ReDockPage(paneInfo)
-                self.Update()
-                return
-            else:
-                e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKING, paneInfo, canVeto=True)
-                if e.GetVeto():
-                    self.HideHint()
-                    ShowDockingGuides(self._guides, False)
-                    return
-                win_rect = paneInfo.frame.GetRect()
-                paneInfo.Dock()
-                if paneInfo.IsToolbar():
-                    paneInfo = self.SwitchToolBarOrientation(paneInfo)
-                e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKED, paneInfo, canVeto=False)
-        else:
-            e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATING, paneInfo, canVeto=True)
-            if e.GetVeto():
-                return
-            # float the window
-            if paneInfo.IsMaximized():
-                self.RestorePane(paneInfo)
-            if paneInfo.floating_pos == wx.Point(-1, -1):
-                captionSize = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE)
-                paneInfo.floating_pos = pane_window.GetScreenPosition()
-                paneInfo.floating_pos.y -= captionSize
-            paneInfo.Float()
-            e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATED, paneInfo, canVeto=False)
-        self._panes[indx] = paneInfo
-        self.Update()
-        if win_rect and self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_ANIMATE_FRAMES:
-            paneInfo = self.GetPane(pane_window)
-            pane_rect = paneInfo.window.GetScreenRect()
-            self.AnimateDocking(win_rect, pane_rect)
-    def OnPaint(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: an instance of `wx.PaintEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        dc = wx.PaintDC(self._frame)
-        self.Repaint(dc)
-    def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: `wx.EraseEvent` to be processed.
-        :note: This is intentionally empty (excluding wxMAC) to reduce
-         flickering while drawing.
-        """
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            event.Skip()
-    def OnSize(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.SizeEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        skipped = False
-        if isinstance(self._frame, AuiFloatingFrame) and self._frame.IsShownOnScreen():
-            skipped = True
-            event.Skip()
-        if self._frame:
-            self.DoFrameLayout()
-            if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-                self._frame.Refresh()
-            else:
-                self.Repaint()
-            if isinstance(self._frame, wx.MDIParentFrame) or isinstance(self._frame, tabmdi.AuiMDIClientWindow) \
-               or isinstance(self._frame, tabmdi.AuiMDIParentFrame):
-                # for MDI parent frames, this event must not
-                # be "skipped".  In other words, the parent frame
-                # must not be allowed to resize the client window
-                # after we are finished processing sizing changes
-                return
-        if not skipped:
-            event.Skip()
-        # For the snap to screen...
-        self.OnMove(None)
-    def OnFindManager(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiManagerEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        # Initialize to None
-        event.SetManager(None)
-        if not self._frame:
-            return
-        # See it this window wants to overwrite
-        self._frame.ProcessEvent(event)
-        # if no, it must be us
-        if not event.GetManager():
-           event.SetManager(self)
-    def OnSetCursor(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_CURSOR`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.SetCursorEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        # determine cursor
-        part = self.HitTest(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
-        cursor = wx.NullCursor
-        if part:
-            if part.type in [AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer, AuiDockUIPart.typePaneSizer]:
-                if not self.CheckMovableSizer(part):
-                    return
-                if part.orientation == wx.VERTICAL:
-                    cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZEWE)
-                else:
-                    cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZENS)
-            elif part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeGripper:
-                cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZING)
-        event.SetCursor(cursor)
-    def UpdateButtonOnScreen(self, button_ui_part, event):
-        """
-        Updates/redraws the UI part containing a pane button.
-        :param `button_ui_part`: the UI part the button belongs to;
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        hit_test = self.HitTest(*event.GetPosition())
-        if not hit_test or not button_ui_part:
-            return
-        state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL
-        if hit_test == button_ui_part:
-            if event.LeftDown():
-                state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED
-            else:
-                state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
-        else:
-            if event.LeftDown():
-                state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
-        # now repaint the button with hover state
-        cdc = wx.ClientDC(self._frame)
-        # if the frame has a toolbar, the client area
-        # origin will not be (0,0).
-        pt = self._frame.GetClientAreaOrigin()
-        if pt.x != 0 or pt.y != 0:
-            cdc.SetDeviceOrigin(pt.x, pt.y)
-        if hit_test.pane:        
-            self._art.DrawPaneButton(cdc, self._frame,
-                      button_ui_part.button.button_id,
-                      state,
-                      button_ui_part.rect, hit_test.pane)
-    def OnLeftDown(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        part = self.HitTest(*event.GetPosition())
-        if not part:
-            event.Skip()
-            return
-        self._currentDragItem = -1
-        if part.type in [AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer, AuiDockUIPart.typePaneSizer]:
-            if not self.CheckMovableSizer(part):
-                return
-            self._action = actionResize
-            self._action_part = part
-            self._action_pane = None
-            self._action_rect = wx.Rect()
-            self._action_start = wx.Point(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
-            self._action_offset = wx.Point(event.GetX() - part.rect.x,
-                                           event.GetY() - part.rect.y)
-            # draw the resize hint
-            rect = wx.RectPS(self._frame.ClientToScreen(part.rect.GetPosition()),
-                             part.rect.GetSize())
-            self._action_rect = wx.Rect(*rect)
-            if not AuiManager_HasLiveResize(self):
-                if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-                    dc = wx.ClientDC(self._frame)
-                else:
-                    dc = wx.ScreenDC()
-                DrawResizeHint(dc, rect)
-            self._frame.CaptureMouse()
-        elif part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typePaneButton:
-            if self.IsPaneButtonVisible(part):
-                self._action = actionClickButton
-                self._action_part = part
-                self._action_pane = None
-                self._action_start = wx.Point(*event.GetPosition())
-                self._frame.CaptureMouse()
-                self.RefreshButton(part)
-        elif part.type in [AuiDockUIPart.typeCaption, AuiDockUIPart.typeGripper]:
-            # if we are managing a AuiFloatingFrame window, then
-            # we are an embedded AuiManager inside the AuiFloatingFrame.
-            # We want to initiate a toolbar drag in our owner manager
-            if isinstance(part.pane.window.GetParent(), AuiFloatingFrame):
-                rootManager = GetManager(part.pane.window)
-            else:
-                rootManager = self
-            offset = wx.Point(event.GetX() - part.rect.x, event.GetY() - part.rect.y)
-            rootManager.OnGripperClicked(part.pane.window, event.GetPosition(), offset)
-        if wx.Platform != "__WXMAC__":
-            event.Skip()
-    def OnLeftDClick(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        part = self.HitTest(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
-        if part and part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeCaption:
-            if isinstance(part.pane.window.GetParent(), AuiFloatingFrame):
-                rootManager = GetManager(part.pane.window)
-            else:
-                rootManager = self
-            rootManager.OnCaptionDoubleClicked(part.pane.window)
-        elif part and part.type in [AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer, AuiDockUIPart.typePaneSizer]:
-            # Handles double click on AuiNotebook sashes to unsplit
-            sash_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE)
-            for child in part.cont_sizer.GetChildren():
-                if child.IsSizer():
-                    win = child.GetSizer().GetContainingWindow()
-                    if isinstance(win, auibook.AuiNotebook):
-                        win.UnsplitDClick(part, sash_size, event.GetPosition())
-                        break
-        event.Skip()
-    def DoEndResizeAction(self, event):
-        """
-        Ends a resize action, or for live update, resizes the sash.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        clientPt = event.GetPosition()
-        screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(clientPt)
-        return self.RestrictResize(clientPt, screenPt, createDC=False)
-    def RestrictResize(self, clientPt, screenPt, createDC):
-        """ Common method between L{DoEndResizeAction} and L{OnLeftUp_Resize}. """
-        dock = self._action_part.dock
-        pane = self._action_part.pane
-        if createDC:
-            if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-                dc = wx.ClientDC(self._frame)
-            else:
-                dc = wx.ScreenDC()
-            DrawResizeHint(dc, self._action_rect)
-            self._action_rect = wx.Rect()
-        newPos = clientPt - self._action_offset
-        if self._action_part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer:
-            minPix, maxPix = self.CalculateDockSizerLimits(dock)
-        else:
-            if not self._action_part.pane:
-                return
-            minPix, maxPix = self.CalculatePaneSizerLimits(dock, pane)
-        if self._action_part.orientation == wx.HORIZONTAL:
-            newPos.y = Clip(newPos.y, minPix, maxPix)
-        else:
-            newPos.x = Clip(newPos.x, minPix, maxPix)
-        if self._action_part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer:
-            partnerDock = self.GetPartnerDock(dock)
-            sash_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE)
-            new_dock_size = 0
-            direction = dock.dock_direction
-            if direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-                new_dock_size = newPos.x - dock.rect.x
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-                new_dock_size = newPos.y - dock.rect.y
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
-                new_dock_size = dock.rect.x + dock.rect.width - newPos.x - sash_size
-            elif direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-                new_dock_size = dock.rect.y + dock.rect.height - newPos.y - sash_size
-            deltaDockSize = new_dock_size - dock.size
-            if partnerDock:
-                if deltaDockSize > partnerDock.size - sash_size:
-                    deltaDockSize = partnerDock.size - sash_size
-                partnerDock.size -= deltaDockSize
-            dock.size += deltaDockSize
-            self.Update()
-        else:
-            # determine the new pixel size that the user wants
-            # this will help us recalculate the pane's proportion
-            if dock.IsHorizontal():
-                oldPixsize = pane.rect.width
-                newPixsize = oldPixsize + newPos.x - self._action_part.rect.x
-            else:            
-                oldPixsize = pane.rect.height
-                newPixsize = oldPixsize + newPos.y - self._action_part.rect.y
-            totalPixsize, totalProportion = self.GetTotalPixSizeAndProportion(dock)
-            partnerPane = self.GetPartnerPane(dock, pane)
-            # prevent division by zero
-            if totalPixsize <= 0 or totalProportion <= 0 or not partnerPane:
-                return
-            # adjust for the surplus
-            while (oldPixsize > 0 and totalPixsize > 10 and \
-                  oldPixsize*totalProportion/totalPixsize < pane.dock_proportion):
-                totalPixsize -= 1
-            # calculate the new proportion of the pane
-            newProportion = newPixsize*totalProportion/totalPixsize
-            newProportion = Clip(newProportion, 1, totalProportion)
-            deltaProp = newProportion - pane.dock_proportion
-            if partnerPane.dock_proportion - deltaProp < 1:
-                deltaProp = partnerPane.dock_proportion - 1
-                newProportion = pane.dock_proportion + deltaProp
-            # borrow the space from our neighbor pane to the
-            # right or bottom (depending on orientation)
-            partnerPane.dock_proportion -= deltaProp
-            pane.dock_proportion = newProportion
-            self.Update()
-        return True
-    def OnLeftUp(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_UP`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._action == actionResize:
-##            self._frame.Freeze()
-            self.OnLeftUp_Resize(event)
-##            self._frame.Thaw()
-        elif self._action == actionClickButton:
-            self.OnLeftUp_ClickButton(event)
-        elif self._action == actionDragFloatingPane:
-            self.OnLeftUp_DragFloatingPane(event)
-        elif self._action == actionDragToolbarPane:
-            self.OnLeftUp_DragToolbarPane(event)
-        else:
-            event.Skip()        
-        if self._frame.HasCapture():
-            self._frame.ReleaseMouse()
-        self._action = actionNone
-    def OnMotion(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOTION`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._action == actionResize:
-            self.OnMotion_Resize(event)
-        elif self._action == actionClickCaption:
-            self.OnMotion_ClickCaption(event)
-        elif self._action == actionDragFloatingPane:
-            self.OnMotion_DragFloatingPane(event)
-        elif self._action == actionDragToolbarPane:
-            self.OnMotion_DragToolbarPane(event)
-        else:
-            self.OnMotion_Other(event)
-    def OnLeaveWindow(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._hover_button:
-            self.RefreshButton(self._hover_button)
-            self._hover_button = None
-    def OnCaptureLost(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseCaptureLostEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        # cancel the operation in progress, if any
-        if self._action != actionNone:
-            self._action = actionNone
-            self.HideHint()
-    def OnHintFadeTimer(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_TIMER`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.TimerEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if not self._hint_window or self._hint_fadeamt >= self._hint_fademax:
-            self._hint_fadetimer.Stop()
-            return
-        self._hint_fadeamt += 4
-        self._hint_window.SetTransparent(self._hint_fadeamt)
-    def OnMove(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_MOVE`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MoveEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if event is not None:
-            event.Skip()
-        if isinstance(self._frame, AuiFloatingFrame) and self._frame.IsShownOnScreen():
-            return
-        docked, hAlign, vAlign, monitor = self._is_docked
-        if docked:
-            self.Snap()
-        for pane in self._panes:
-            if pane.IsSnappable():
-                if pane.IsFloating() and pane.IsShown():
-                    self.SnapPane(pane, pane.floating_pos, pane.floating_size, True)
-    def OnSysColourChanged(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.SysColourChangedEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        # This event is probably triggered by a theme change 
-        # so we have to re-init the art provider.
-        if self._art:
-            self._art.Init()
-        if self._frame:
-            self.Update()
-            self._frame.Refresh()
-    def OnChildFocus(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_CHILD_FOCUS`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.ChildFocusEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        # when a child pane has it's focus set, we should change the 
-        # pane's active state to reflect this. (this is only true if 
-        # active panes are allowed by the owner)
-        window = event.GetWindow()
-        if isinstance(window, wx.Dialog):
-            # Ignore EVT_CHILD_FOCUS events originating from dialogs not
-            # managed by AUI
-            rootManager = None
-        elif isinstance(window.GetParent(), AuiFloatingFrame):
-            rootManager = GetManager(window)
-        else:
-            rootManager = self
-        if rootManager:
-            rootManager.ActivatePane(window)
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnMotion_ClickCaption(self, event):
-        """
-        Sub-handler for the L{OnMotion} event.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        clientPt = event.GetPosition()
-        screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(clientPt)
-        drag_x_threshold = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_DRAG_X)
-        drag_y_threshold = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_DRAG_Y)
-        if not self._action_pane:
-            return
-        # we need to check if the mouse is now being dragged
-        if not (abs(clientPt.x - self._action_start.x) > drag_x_threshold or \
-                abs(clientPt.y - self._action_start.y) > drag_y_threshold):
-            return
-        # dragged -- we need to change the mouse action to 'drag'
-        if self._action_pane.IsToolbar():
-            self._action = actionDragToolbarPane
-            self._action_window = self._action_pane.window
-        elif self._action_pane.IsFloatable() and self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING:
-            e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATING, self._action_pane, canVeto=True)
-            if e.GetVeto():
-                return
-            self._action = actionDragFloatingPane
-            # set initial float position
-            self._action_pane.floating_pos = screenPt - self._action_offset
-            # float the window
-            if self._action_pane.IsMaximized():
-                self.RestorePane(self._action_pane)
-            self._action_pane.Hide()
-            self._action_pane.Float()
-            if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
-                self._action_pane.Show()
-            e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATED, self._action_pane, canVeto=False)
-            if not self._action_pane.frame:
-                self.Update()
-            self._action_window = self._action_pane.window
-            # adjust action offset for window frame
-            windowPt = self._action_pane.frame.GetRect().GetTopLeft()
-            originPt = self._action_pane.frame.ClientToScreen(wx.Point())
-            self._toolbar_action_offset = originPt - windowPt
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES:
-                originPt = windowPt + wx.Point(3, 3)
-            self._action_offset += originPt - windowPt
-            # action offset is used here to make it feel "natural" to the user
-            # to drag a docked pane and suddenly have it become a floating frame.
-            # Sometimes, however, the offset where the user clicked on the docked
-            # caption is bigger than the width of the floating frame itself, so
-            # in that case we need to set the action offset to a sensible value
-            frame_size = self._action_pane.frame.GetSize()
-            if self._action_offset.x > frame_size.x * 2 / 3:
-                self._action_offset.x = frame_size.x / 2
-            if self._action_offset.y > frame_size.y * 2 / 3:
-                self._action_offset.y = frame_size.y / 2
-            self.OnMotion_DragFloatingPane(event)
-            if wx.Platform != "__WXGTK__":
-                self._action_pane.Show()
-            self.Update()
-    def OnMotion_Resize(self, event):
-        """
-        Sub-handler for the L{OnMotion} event.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if AuiManager_HasLiveResize(self):
-            if self._currentDragItem != -1:
-                self._action_part = self._uiparts[self._currentDragItem]
-            else:
-                self._currentDragItem = self._uiparts.index(self._action_part)
-            if self._frame.HasCapture():
-                self._frame.ReleaseMouse()
-            self.DoEndResizeAction(event)
-            self._frame.CaptureMouse()
-            return
-        if not self._action_part or not self._action_part.dock or not self._action_part.orientation:
-            return
-        clientPt = event.GetPosition()
-        screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(clientPt)
-        dock = self._action_part.dock
-        pos = self._action_part.rect.GetPosition()
-        if self._action_part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typeDockSizer:
-            minPix, maxPix = self.CalculateDockSizerLimits(dock)
-        else:
-            if not self._action_part.pane:
-                return
-            pane = self._action_part.pane
-            minPix, maxPix = self.CalculatePaneSizerLimits(dock, pane)
-        if self._action_part.orientation == wx.HORIZONTAL:
-            pos.y = Clip(clientPt.y - self._action_offset.y, minPix, maxPix)
-        else:
-            pos.x = Clip(clientPt.x - self._action_offset.x, minPix, maxPix)
-        hintrect = wx.RectPS(self._frame.ClientToScreen(pos), self._action_part.rect.GetSize())
-        if hintrect != self._action_rect:
-            if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-                dc = wx.ClientDC(self._frame)
-            else:
-                dc = wx.ScreenDC()
-            DrawResizeHint(dc, self._action_rect)
-            DrawResizeHint(dc, hintrect)
-            self._action_rect = wx.Rect(*hintrect)
-    def OnLeftUp_Resize(self, event):
-        """
-        Sub-handler for the L{OnLeftUp} event.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if self._currentDragItem != -1 and AuiManager_HasLiveResize(self):
-            self._action_part = self._uiparts[self._currentDragItem]
-            if self._frame.HasCapture():
-                self._frame.ReleaseMouse()
-            self.DoEndResizeAction(event)
-            self._currentDragItem = -1
-            return
-        if not self._action_part or not self._action_part.dock:
-            return
-        clientPt = event.GetPosition()
-        screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(clientPt)
-        return self.RestrictResize(clientPt, screenPt, createDC=True)
-    def OnLeftUp_ClickButton(self, event):
-        """
-        Sub-handler for the L{OnLeftUp} event.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        self._hover_button = None
-        if self._action_part:
-            self.RefreshButton(self._action_part)
-            # make sure we're still over the item that was originally clicked
-            if self._action_part == self.HitTest(*event.GetPosition()):
-                # fire button-click event
-                e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON)
-                e.SetManager(self)
-                e.SetPane(self._action_part.pane)
-                e.SetButton(self._action_part.button.button_id)
-                self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
-    def CheckPaneMove(self, pane):
-        """
-        Checks if a pane has moved by a visible amount.
-        :param `pane`: an instance of L{AuiPaneInfo}.
-        """
-        win_rect = pane.frame.GetRect()
-        win_rect.x, win_rect.y = pane.floating_pos
-        if win_rect == self._last_rect:
-            return False
-        # skip the first move event
-        if self._last_rect.IsEmpty():
-            self._last_rect = wx.Rect(*win_rect)
-            return False
-        # skip if moving too fast to avoid massive redraws and
-        # jumping hint windows
-        if abs(win_rect.x - self._last_rect.x) > 10 or \
-           abs(win_rect.y - self._last_rect.y) > 10:
-            self._last_rect = wx.Rect(*win_rect)
-            return False
-        return True        
-    def OnMotion_DragFloatingPane(self, eventOrPt):
-        """
-        Sub-handler for the L{OnMotion} event.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        isPoint = False
-        if isinstance(eventOrPt, wx.Point):
-            clientPt = self._frame.ScreenToClient(eventOrPt)
-            screenPt = wx.Point(*eventOrPt)
-            isPoint = True
-        else:
-            clientPt = eventOrPt.GetPosition()
-            screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(clientPt)
-        framePos = wx.Point()
-        # try to find the pane
-        pane = self.GetPane(self._action_window)
-        if not pane.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        # update floating position
-        if pane.IsFloating():
-            diff = pane.floating_pos - (screenPt - self._action_offset)
-            pane.floating_pos = screenPt - self._action_offset
-        framePos = pane.floating_pos
-        # Move the pane window
-        if pane.frame:
-            if diff.x != 0 or diff.y != 0:
-                if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__" and (self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG) == 0: # and not self.CheckPaneMove(pane):
-                    # return
-                    # HACK: Terrible hack on wxMSW (!)
-                    pane.frame.SetTransparent(254)
-                self._from_move = True
-                pane.frame.Move(pane.floating_pos)
-                self._from_move = False
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG:
-                pane.frame.SetTransparent(150)
-        # calculate the offset from the upper left-hand corner
-        # of the frame to the mouse pointer
-        action_offset = screenPt - framePos
-        # is the pane dockable?
-        if not self.CanDockPanel(pane):
-            self.HideHint()
-            ShowDockingGuides(self._guides, False)
-            return
-        for paneInfo in self._panes:
-            if not paneInfo.IsDocked() or not paneInfo.IsShown():
-                continue
-            if paneInfo.IsToolbar() or paneInfo.IsNotebookControl():
-                continue
-            if paneInfo.IsMaximized():
-                continue
-            if paneInfo.IsNotebookPage():
-                notebookRoot = GetNotebookRoot(self._panes, paneInfo.notebook_id)
-                if not notebookRoot or not notebookRoot.IsDocked():
-                    continue
-            rc = paneInfo.window.GetScreenRect()
-            if rc.Contains(screenPt):
-                if rc.height < 20 or rc.width < 20:
-                    return
-                self.UpdateDockingGuides(paneInfo)
-                ShowDockingGuides(self._guides, True)
-                break
-        self.DrawHintRect(pane.window, clientPt, action_offset)
-    def OnLeftUp_DragFloatingPane(self, eventOrPt):
-        """
-        Sub-handler for the L{OnLeftUp} event.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        if isinstance(eventOrPt, wx.Point):
-            clientPt = self._frame.ScreenToClient(eventOrPt)
-            screenPt = wx.Point(*eventOrPt)
-        else:
-            clientPt = eventOrPt.GetPosition()
-            screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(clientPt)
-        # try to find the pane
-        paneInfo = self.GetPane(self._action_window)
-        if not paneInfo.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        ret = False
-        if paneInfo.frame:
-            # calculate the offset from the upper left-hand corner
-            # of the frame to the mouse pointer
-            framePos = paneInfo.frame.GetPosition()
-            action_offset = screenPt - framePos
-            # is the pane dockable?
-            if self.CanDockPanel(paneInfo):
-                # do the drop calculation
-                indx = self._panes.index(paneInfo)
-                ret, paneInfo = self.DoDrop(self._docks, self._panes, paneInfo, clientPt, action_offset)
-                if ret:
-                    e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKING, paneInfo, canVeto=True)
-                    if e.GetVeto():
-                        self.HideHint()
-                        ShowDockingGuides(self._guides, False)
-                        return
-                    e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKED, paneInfo, canVeto=False)
-                    if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_SMOOTH_DOCKING:
-                        self.SmoothDock(paneInfo)
-                self._panes[indx] = paneInfo
-        # if the pane is still floating, update it's floating
-        # position (that we store)
-        if paneInfo.IsFloating():
-            paneInfo.floating_pos = paneInfo.frame.GetPosition()
-            if paneInfo.frame._transparent != paneInfo.transparent or self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG:
-                paneInfo.frame.SetTransparent(paneInfo.transparent)
-                paneInfo.frame._transparent = paneInfo.transparent
-        elif self._has_maximized:
-            self.RestoreMaximizedPane()
-        # reorder for dropping to a new notebook
-        # (caution: this code breaks the reference!)
-        tempPaneInfo = self.CopyTarget(paneInfo)
-        self._panes.remove(paneInfo)
-        self._panes.append(tempPaneInfo)
-        if ret:
-            self.Update()
-        self.HideHint()
-        ShowDockingGuides(self._guides, False)
-    def OnMotion_DragToolbarPane(self, eventOrPt):
-        """
-        Sub-handler for the L{OnMotion} event.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        isPoint = False
-        if isinstance(eventOrPt, wx.Point):
-            clientPt = self._frame.ScreenToClient(eventOrPt)
-            screenPt = wx.Point(*eventOrPt)
-            isPoint = True
-        else:
-            clientPt = eventOrPt.GetPosition()
-            screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(clientPt)
-        pane = self.GetPane(self._action_window)
-        if not pane.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        pane.state |= AuiPaneInfo.actionPane
-        indx = self._panes.index(pane)
-        ret = False
-        wasFloating = pane.IsFloating()
-        # is the pane dockable?
-        if self.CanDockPanel(pane):
-            # do the drop calculation
-            ret, pane = self.DoDrop(self._docks, self._panes, pane, clientPt, self._action_offset)
-        # update floating position
-        if pane.IsFloating():
-            pane.floating_pos = screenPt - self._toolbar_action_offset
-        # move the pane window
-        if pane.frame:
-            if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__" and (self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG) == 0: # and not self.CheckPaneMove(pane):
-                # return
-                # HACK: Terrible hack on wxMSW (!)
-                pane.frame.SetTransparent(254)
-            self._from_move = True
-            pane.frame.Move(pane.floating_pos)
-            self._from_move = False
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG:
-                pane.frame.SetTransparent(150)
-        self._panes[indx] = pane
-        if ret and wasFloating != pane.IsFloating() or (ret and not wasFloating):
-            wx.CallAfter(self.Update)
-        # when release the button out of the window.
-        # TODO: a better fix is needed.
-        if _VERSION_STRING < "2.9":
-            leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftDown()
-        else:
-            leftDown = wx.GetMouseState().LeftIsDown()
-        if not leftDown:
-            self._action = actionNone
-            self.OnLeftUp_DragToolbarPane(eventOrPt)
-    def OnMotion_Other(self, event):
-        """
-        Sub-handler for the L{OnMotion} event.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        part = self.HitTest(*event.GetPosition())
-        if part and part.type == AuiDockUIPart.typePaneButton \
-           and self.IsPaneButtonVisible(part):
-            if part != self._hover_button:
-                if self._hover_button:
-                    self.RefreshButton(self._hover_button)
-                self._hover_button = part
-                self.RefreshButton(part)
-        else:
-            if self._hover_button:
-                self.RefreshButton(self._hover_button)
-            else:
-                event.Skip()
-            self._hover_button = None
-    def OnLeftUp_DragToolbarPane(self, eventOrPt):
-        """
-        Sub-handler for the L{OnLeftUp} event.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` to be processed.
-        """
-        isPoint = False
-        if isinstance(eventOrPt, wx.Point):
-            clientPt = self._frame.ScreenToClient(eventOrPt)
-            screenPt = wx.Point(*eventOrPt)
-            isPoint = True
-        else:
-            clientPt = eventOrPt.GetPosition()
-            screenPt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(clientPt)
-        # try to find the pane
-        pane = self.GetPane(self._action_window)
-        if not pane.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        if pane.IsFloating():
-            pane.floating_pos = pane.frame.GetPosition()
-            if pane.frame._transparent != pane.transparent or self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG:
-                pane.frame.SetTransparent(pane.transparent)
-                pane.frame._transparent = pane.transparent
-        # save the new positions
-        docks = FindDocks(self._docks, pane.dock_direction, pane.dock_layer, pane.dock_row)
-        if len(docks) == 1:
-            dock = docks[0]
-            pane_positions, pane_sizes = self.GetPanePositionsAndSizes(dock)
-            for i in xrange(len(dock.panes)):
-                dock.panes[i].dock_pos = pane_positions[i]
-        pane.state &= ~AuiPaneInfo.actionPane
-        self.Update()
-    def OnPaneButton(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a L{AuiManagerEvent} event to be processed.
-        """
-        if not event.pane:
-            raise Exception("Pane Info passed to AuiManager.OnPaneButton must be non-null")
-        pane = event.pane
-        if event.button == AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE:
-            if isinstance(pane.window.GetParent(), AuiFloatingFrame):
-                rootManager = GetManager(pane.window)
-            else:
-                rootManager = self
-            if rootManager != self:
-                self._frame.Close()
-                return
-            # fire pane close event
-            e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE)
-            e.SetManager(self)
-            e.SetPane(event.pane)
-            self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
-            if not e.GetVeto():
-                # close the pane, but check that it
-                # still exists in our pane array first
-                # (the event handler above might have removed it)
-                check = self.GetPane(pane.window)
-                if check.IsOk():                
-                    self.ClosePane(pane)
-                self.Update()
-        # mn this performs the minimizing of a pane
-        elif event.button == AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE:
-            e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_MINIMIZE)
-            e.SetManager(self)
-            e.SetPane(event.pane)
-            self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
-            if not e.GetVeto():
-                self.MinimizePane(pane)
-        elif event.button == AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE and not pane.IsMaximized():
-            # fire pane close event
-            e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_MAXIMIZE)
-            e.SetManager(self)
-            e.SetPane(event.pane)
-            self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
-            if not e.GetVeto():
-                self.MaximizePane(pane)
-                self.Update()
-        elif event.button == AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE and pane.IsMaximized():
-            # fire pane close event
-            e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_RESTORE)
-            e.SetManager(self)
-            e.SetPane(event.pane)
-            self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
-            if not e.GetVeto():
-                self.RestorePane(pane)
-                self.Update()
-        elif event.button == AUI_BUTTON_PIN:
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING and pane.IsFloatable():
-                e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATING, pane, canVeto=True)
-                if e.GetVeto():
-                    return
-                pane.Float()
-                e = self.FireEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATED, pane, canVeto=False)
-            self.Update()
-    def MinimizePane(self, paneInfo):
-        """
-        Minimizes a pane in a newly and automatically created L{AuiToolBar}.
-        Clicking on the minimize button causes a new L{AuiToolBar} to be created
-        and added to the frame manager (currently the implementation is such that
-        panes at West will have a toolbar at the right, panes at South will have
-        toolbars at the bottom etc...) and the pane is hidden in the manager.
-        Clicking on the restore button on the newly created toolbar will result in the
-        toolbar being removed and the original pane being restored.
-        :param `paneInfo`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance for the pane to be minimized.
-        """
-        if not paneInfo.IsToolbar():
-            if paneInfo.IsMinimized():
-                # We are already minimized
-                return
-            # Basically the idea is this.
-            #
-            # 1) create a toolbar, with a restore button 
-            #
-            # 2) place the new toolbar in the toolbar area representative of the location of the pane 
-            #  (NORTH/SOUTH/EAST/WEST, central area always to the right)
-            #
-            # 3) Hide the minimizing pane 
-            # personalize the toolbar style
-            tbStyle = AUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE
-            posMask = paneInfo.minimize_mode & AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_MASK
-            captMask = paneInfo.minimize_mode & AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_MASK
-            dockDirection = paneInfo.dock_direction
-            if captMask != 0:
-                tbStyle |= AUI_TB_TEXT
-            if posMask == AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_SMART:
-                if paneInfo.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_TOP, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM]:
-                    tbStyle |= AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT
-                elif paneInfo.dock_direction in [AUI_DOCK_LEFT, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT, AUI_DOCK_CENTER]:
-                    tbStyle |= AUI_TB_VERTICAL
-                    if captMask == AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART:
-                        tbStyle |= AUI_TB_CLOCKWISE
-            elif posMask in [AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOP, AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_BOTTOM]:
-                tbStyle |= AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT
-                if posMask == AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOP:
-                    dockDirection = AUI_DOCK_TOP
-                else:
-                    dockDirection = AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM
-            else:
-                tbStyle |= AUI_TB_VERTICAL
-                if captMask == AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART:
-                    tbStyle |= AUI_TB_CLOCKWISE
-                if posMask == AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_LEFT:
-                    dockDirection = AUI_DOCK_LEFT
-                elif posMask == AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT:
-                    dockDirection = AUI_DOCK_RIGHT
-                elif posMask == AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_BOTTOM:
-                    dockDirection = AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM
-            # Create a new toolbar
-            # give it the same name as the minimized pane with _min appended
-            win_rect = paneInfo.window.GetScreenRect()
-            minimize_toolbar = auibar.AuiToolBar(self.GetManagedWindow(), agwStyle=tbStyle)
-            minimize_toolbar.Hide()
-            minimize_toolbar.SetToolBitmapSize(wx.Size(16, 16))
-            if paneInfo.icon and paneInfo.icon.IsOk():
-                restore_bitmap = paneInfo.icon
-            else:
-                restore_bitmap = self._art._restore_bitmap
-            minimize_toolbar.AddSimpleTool(ID_RESTORE_FRAME, paneInfo.caption, restore_bitmap, "Restore " + paneInfo.caption)
-            minimize_toolbar.SetAuiManager(self)
-            minimize_toolbar.Realize()
-            toolpanelname = + "_min"
-            if paneInfo.IsMaximized():
-                paneInfo.SetFlag(paneInfo.wasMaximized, True)
-            if dockDirection == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
-                self.AddPane(minimize_toolbar, AuiPaneInfo(). \
-                    Name(toolpanelname).Caption(paneInfo.caption). \
-                    ToolbarPane().Top().BottomDockable(False). \
-                    LeftDockable(False).RightDockable(False).DestroyOnClose())
-            elif dockDirection == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
-                self.AddPane(minimize_toolbar, AuiPaneInfo(). \
-                    Name(toolpanelname).Caption(paneInfo.caption). \
-                    ToolbarPane().Bottom().TopDockable(False). \
-                    LeftDockable(False).RightDockable(False).DestroyOnClose())
-            elif dockDirection == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
-                self.AddPane(minimize_toolbar, AuiPaneInfo(). \
-                    Name(toolpanelname).Caption(paneInfo.caption). \
-                    ToolbarPane().Left().TopDockable(False). \
-                    BottomDockable(False).RightDockable(False).DestroyOnClose())
-            elif dockDirection in [AUI_DOCK_RIGHT, AUI_DOCK_CENTER]:
-                self.AddPane(minimize_toolbar, AuiPaneInfo(). \
-                    Name(toolpanelname).Caption(paneInfo.caption). \
-                    ToolbarPane().Right().TopDockable(False). \
-                    LeftDockable(False).BottomDockable(False).DestroyOnClose())
-            arr = FindDocks(self._docks, paneInfo.dock_direction, paneInfo.dock_layer, paneInfo.dock_row)
-            if arr:
-                dock = arr[0]
-                paneInfo.previousDockSize = dock.size
-            paneInfo.previousDockPos = paneInfo.dock_pos
-            # mark ourselves minimized
-            paneInfo.Minimize()
-            paneInfo.Show(False)
-            self._has_minimized = True
-            # last, hide the window
-            if paneInfo.window and paneInfo.window.IsShown():
-                paneInfo.window.Show(False)
-            minimize_toolbar.Show()
-            self.Update()
-            if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_ANIMATE_FRAMES:
-                self.AnimateDocking(win_rect, minimize_toolbar.GetScreenRect())
-    def OnRestoreMinimizedPane(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUI_PANE_MIN_RESTORE`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: an instance of L{AuiManagerEvent} to be processed.
-        """
-        self.RestoreMinimizedPane(event.pane)
-    def OnPaneDocked(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``EVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKED`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: an instance of L{AuiManagerEvent} to be processed.
-        """
-        event.Skip()
-        self.RemoveAutoNBCaption(event.GetPane())        
-    def CreateNotebookBase(self, panes, paneInfo):
-        """
-        Creates an auto-notebook base from a pane, and then add that pane as a page.
-        :param `panes`: Set of panes to append new notebook base pane to
-        :param `paneInfo`: L{AuiPaneInfo} instance to convert to new notebook.
-        """
-        # Create base notebook pane ...
-        nbid = len(self._notebooks)
-        baseInfo = AuiPaneInfo()
-        baseInfo.SetDockPos(paneInfo).NotebookControl(nbid). \
-            CloseButton(False).SetNameFromNotebookId(). \
-            NotebookDockable(False).Floatable(paneInfo.IsFloatable())
-        baseInfo.best_size = paneInfo.best_size
-        panes.append(baseInfo)
-        # add original pane as tab ...
-        paneInfo.NotebookPage(nbid)
-    def RemoveAutoNBCaption(self, pane):
-        """
-        Removes the caption on newly created automatic notebooks.
-        :param `pane`: an instance of L{AuiPaneInfo} (the target notebook).
-        """
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_MGR_AUTONB_NO_CAPTION == 0:
-            return False
-        def RemoveCaption():
-            """ Sub-function used to remove the pane caption on automatic notebooks. """
-            if pane.HasNotebook(): 
-                notebook = self._notebooks[pane.notebook_id] 
-                self.GetPane(notebook).CaptionVisible(False).PaneBorder(False)                
-                self.Update() 
-        # it seems the notebook isnt created by this stage, so remove 
-        # the caption a moment later 
-        wx.CallAfter(RemoveCaption)
-        return True
-    def RestoreMinimizedPane(self, paneInfo):
-        """
-        Restores a previously minimized pane.
-        :param `paneInfo`: a L{AuiPaneInfo} instance for the pane to be restored.
-        """
-        panename =
-        panename = panename[0:-4]
-        pane = self.GetPane(panename)
-        pane.SetFlag(pane.needsRestore, True)
-        if not pane.IsOk():
-            panename =
-            pane = self.GetPane(panename)
-            paneInfo = self.GetPane(panename + "_min")
-            if not paneInfo.IsOk():
-                # Already minimized
-                return
-        if pane.IsOk():
-            if not pane.IsMinimized():
-                return
-            if pane.HasFlag(pane.wasMaximized):
-                self.SavePreviousDockSizes(pane)
-            self.ShowPane(pane.window, True)
-            pane.Show(True)
-            self._has_minimized = False
-            pane.SetFlag(pane.optionMinimized, False)
-            paneInfo.window.Show(False)
-            self.DetachPane(paneInfo.window)
-            paneInfo.Show(False)
-            paneInfo.Hide()
-            self.Update()
-    def AnimateDocking(self, win_rect, pane_rect):
-        """
-        Animates the minimization/docking of a pane a la Eclipse, using a `wx.ScreenDC`
-        to draw a "moving docking rectangle" on the screen.
-        :param `win_rect`: the original pane screen rectangle;
-        :param `pane_rect`: the newly created toolbar/pane screen rectangle.
-        :note: This functionality is not available on wxMAC as this platform doesn't have
-         the ability to use `wx.ScreenDC` to draw on-screen and on Windows > Vista.
-        """
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            # No wx.ScreenDC on the Mac...
-            return
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__" and wx.GetOsVersion()[1] > 5:
-            # No easy way to handle this on Vista...
-            return
-        xstart, ystart = win_rect.x, win_rect.y
-        xend, yend = pane_rect.x, pane_rect.y
-        step = self.GetAnimationStep()
-        wstep = int(abs(win_rect.width - pane_rect.width)/step)
-        hstep = int(abs(win_rect.height - pane_rect.height)/step)
-        xstep = int(win_rect.x - pane_rect.x)/step
-        ystep = int(win_rect.y - pane_rect.y)/step
-        dc = wx.ScreenDC()
-        dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.INVERT)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.LIGHT_GREY_PEN)
-        for i in xrange(int(step)):
-            width, height = win_rect.width - i*wstep, win_rect.height - i*hstep
-            x, y = xstart - i*xstep, ystart - i*ystep
-            new_rect = wx.Rect(x, y, width, height)
-            dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(new_rect, 3)
-            wx.SafeYield()
-            wx.MilliSleep(10)
-            dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(new_rect, 3)
-    def SmoothDock(self, paneInfo):
-        """
-        This method implements a smooth docking effect for floating panes, similar to
-        what the PyQT library does with its floating windows.
-        :param `paneInfo`: an instance of L{AuiPaneInfo}.
-        :note: The smooth docking effect can only be used if you set the ``AUI_MGR_SMOOTH_DOCKING``
-         style to L{AuiManager}.
-        """
-        if paneInfo.IsToolbar():
-            return
-        if not paneInfo.frame or self._hint_rect.IsEmpty():
-            return
-        hint_rect = self._hint_rect
-        win_rect = paneInfo.frame.GetScreenRect()
-        xstart, ystart = win_rect.x, win_rect.y
-        xend, yend = hint_rect.x, hint_rect.y
-        step = self.GetAnimationStep()/3
-        wstep = int((win_rect.width - hint_rect.width)/step)
-        hstep = int((win_rect.height - hint_rect.height)/step)
-        xstep = int((win_rect.x - hint_rect.x))/step
-        ystep = int((win_rect.y - hint_rect.y))/step
-        for i in xrange(int(step)):
-            width, height = win_rect.width - i*wstep, win_rect.height - i*hstep
-            x, y = xstart - i*xstep, ystart - i*ystep
-            new_rect = wx.Rect(x, y, width, height)
-            paneInfo.frame.SetRect(new_rect)
-            wx.MilliSleep(10)            
-    def SetSnapLimits(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Modifies the snap limits used when snapping the `managed_window` to the screen
-        (using L{SnapToScreen}) or when snapping the floating panes to one side of the
-        `managed_window` (using L{SnapPane}).
-        To change the limit after which the `managed_window` or the floating panes are
-        automatically stickled to the screen border (or to the `managed_window` side),
-        set these two variables. Default values are 15 pixels.
-        :param `x`: the minimum horizontal distance below which the snap occurs;
-        :param `y`: the minimum vertical distance below which the snap occurs.
-        """
-        self._snap_limits = (x, y)
-        self.Snap()
-    def Snap(self):
-        """
-        Snaps the main frame to specified position on the screen.
-        :see: L{SnapToScreen}
-        """
-        snap, hAlign, vAlign, monitor = self._is_docked
-        if not snap:
-            return
-        managed_window = self.GetManagedWindow()
-        snap_pos = self.GetSnapPosition()
-        wnd_pos = managed_window.GetPosition()
-        snapX, snapY = self._snap_limits
-        if abs(snap_pos.x - wnd_pos.x) < snapX and abs(snap_pos.y - wnd_pos.y) < snapY:
-            managed_window.SetPosition(snap_pos)
-    def SnapToScreen(self, snap=True, monitor=0, hAlign=wx.RIGHT, vAlign=wx.TOP):
-        """
-        Snaps the main frame to specified position on the screen.
-        :param `snap`: whether to snap the main frame or not;
-        :param `monitor`: the monitor display in which snapping the window;
-        :param `hAlign`: the horizontal alignment of the snapping position;
-        :param `vAlign`: the vertical alignment of the snapping position.
-        """
-        if not snap:
-            self._is_docked = (False, wx.RIGHT, wx.TOP, 0)
-            return
-        displayCount = wx.Display.GetCount()
-        if monitor > displayCount:
-            raise Exception("Invalid monitor selected: you only have %d monitors"%displayCount)
-        self._is_docked = (True, hAlign, vAlign, monitor)
-        self.GetManagedWindow().SetPosition(self.GetSnapPosition())
-    def GetSnapPosition(self):
-        """ Returns the main frame snapping position. """
-        snap, hAlign, vAlign, monitor = self._is_docked
-        display = wx.Display(monitor)
-        area = display.GetClientArea()
-        size = self.GetManagedWindow().GetSize()
-        pos = wx.Point()
-        if hAlign == wx.LEFT:
-            pos.x = area.x
-        elif hAlign == wx.CENTER:
-            pos.x = area.x + (area.width - size.x)/2
-        else:
-            pos.x = area.x + area.width - size.x
-        if vAlign == wx.TOP:
-            pos.y = area.y
-        elif vAlign == wx.CENTER:
-            pos.y = area.y + (area.height - size.y)/2
-        else:
-            pos.y = area.y + area.height - size.y
-        return pos            
-    def GetAnimationStep(self):
-        """ Returns the animation step speed (a float) to use in L{AnimateDocking}. """
-        return self._animation_step
-    def SetAnimationStep(self, step):
-        """
-        Sets the animation step speed (a float) to use in L{AnimateDocking}.
-        :param `step`: a floating point value for the animation speed.
-        """
-        self._animation_step = float(step)        
-    def RequestUserAttention(self, pane_window):
-        """
-        Requests the user attention by intermittently highlighting the pane caption.
-        :param `pane_window`: a `wx.Window` derived window, managed by the pane.
-        """
-        # try to find the pane
-        paneInfo = self.GetPane(pane_window)
-        if not paneInfo.IsOk():
-            raise Exception("Pane window not found")
-        dc = wx.ClientDC(self._frame)
-        # if the frame is about to be deleted, don't bother
-        if not self._frame or self._frame.IsBeingDeleted():
-            return
-        if not self._frame.GetSizer():
-            return
-        for part in self._uiparts:
-            if part.pane == paneInfo:
-                self._art.RequestUserAttention(dc, self._frame, part.pane.caption, part.rect, part.pane)
-                self._frame.RefreshRect(part.rect, True)
-                break
-    def StartPreviewTimer(self, toolbar):
-        """
-        Starts a timer for sliding in and out a minimized pane.
-        :param `toolbar`: the L{AuiToolBar} containing the minimized pane tool.
-        """
-        toolbar_pane = self.GetPane(toolbar)
-        toolbar_name =
-        pane_name = toolbar_name[0:-4]
-        self._sliding_pane = self.GetPane(pane_name)
-        self._sliding_rect = toolbar.GetScreenRect()
-        self._sliding_direction = toolbar_pane.dock_direction
-        self._sliding_frame = None
-        self._preview_timer.Start(1000, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT)
-    def StopPreviewTimer(self):
-        """ Stops a timer for sliding in and out a minimized pane. """
-        if self._preview_timer.IsRunning():
-            self._preview_timer.Stop()
-        self.SlideOut()
-        self._sliding_pane = None
-    def SlideIn(self, event):
-        """
-        Handles the ``wx.EVT_TIMER`` event for L{AuiManager}.
-        :param `event`: a `wx.TimerEvent` to be processed.
-        :note: This is used solely for sliding in and out minimized panes.
-        """
-        window = self._sliding_pane.window
-        self._sliding_frame = wx.MiniFrame(None, -1, title=_("Pane Preview"),
-                                           style=wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wx.STAY_ON_TOP |
-                                           wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx.CAPTION)
-        window.Reparent(self._sliding_frame)
-        self._sliding_frame.SetSize((0, 0))
-        window.Show()
-        self._sliding_frame.Show()
-        size = window.GetBestSize()
-        startX, startY, stopX, stopY = GetSlidingPoints(self._sliding_rect, size, self._sliding_direction)
-        step = stopX/10
-        window_size = 0
-        for i in xrange(0, stopX, step):
-            window_size = i
-            self._sliding_frame.SetDimensions(startX, startY, window_size, stopY)
-            self._sliding_frame.Refresh()
-            self._sliding_frame.Update()
-            wx.MilliSleep(10)
-        self._sliding_frame.SetDimensions(startX, startY, stopX, stopY)
-        self._sliding_frame.Refresh()
-        self._sliding_frame.Update()
-    def SlideOut(self):
-        """
-        Slides out a preview of a minimized pane.
-        :note: This is used solely for sliding in and out minimized panes.
-        """
-        if not self._sliding_frame:
-            return
-        window = self._sliding_frame.GetChildren()[0]
-        size = window.GetBestSize()
-        startX, startY, stopX, stopY = GetSlidingPoints(self._sliding_rect, size, self._sliding_direction)
-        step = stopX/10
-        window_size = 0
-        for i in xrange(stopX, 0, -step):
-            window_size = i
-            self._sliding_frame.SetDimensions(startX, startY, window_size, stopY)
-            self._sliding_frame.Refresh()
-            self._sliding_frame.Update()
-            self._frame.RefreshRect(wx.Rect(startX+window_size, startY, step, stopY))
-            self._frame.Update()
-            wx.MilliSleep(10)
-        self._sliding_frame.SetDimensions(startX, startY, 0, stopY)
-        window.Hide()
-        window.Reparent(self._frame)
-        self._sliding_frame.Hide()
-        self._sliding_frame.Destroy()
-        self._sliding_frame = None
-        self._sliding_pane = None
-class AuiManager_DCP(AuiManager):
-    """
-    A class similar to L{AuiManager} but with a Dummy Center Pane (**DCP**).
-    The code for this class is still flickery due to the call to `wx.CallAfter`
-    and the double-update call.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *args, **keys):
-        AuiManager.__init__(self, *args, **keys)
-        self.hasDummyPane = False
-    def _createDummyPane(self):
-        """ Creates a Dummy Center Pane (**DCP**). """
-        if self.hasDummyPane:
-            return
-        self.hasDummyPane = True
-        dummy = wx.Panel(self.GetManagedWindow())
-        info = AuiPaneInfo().CenterPane().NotebookDockable(True).Name('dummyCenterPane').DestroyOnClose(True)
-        self.AddPane(dummy, info)
-    def _destroyDummyPane(self):
-        """ Destroys the Dummy Center Pane (**DCP**). """
-        if not self.hasDummyPane:
-            return
-        self.hasDummyPane = False
-        self.ClosePane(self.GetPane('dummyCenterPane'))
-    def Update(self):
-        """
-        This method is called after any number of changes are made to any of the
-        managed panes. L{Update} must be invoked after L{AuiManager.AddPane} or L{AuiManager.InsertPane} are
-        called in order to "realize" or "commit" the changes.
-        In addition, any number of changes may be made to L{AuiPaneInfo} structures
-        (retrieved with L{AuiManager.GetPane}), but to realize the changes, L{Update}
-        must be called. This construction allows pane flicker to be avoided by updating
-        the whole layout at one time.
-        """
-        AuiManager.Update(self)
-        # check if there's already a center pane (except our dummy pane)
-        dummyCenterPane = self.GetPane('dummyCenterPane')
-        haveCenterPane = any((pane != dummyCenterPane) and (pane.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER) and
-                             not pane.IsFloating() and pane.IsShown() for pane in self.GetAllPanes())
-        if haveCenterPane:
-            if self.hasDummyPane:
-                # there's our dummy pane and also another center pane, therefor let's remove our dummy
-                def do():
-                    self._destroyDummyPane()
-                    self.Update()
-                wx.CallAfter(do)
-        else:
-            # if we get here, there's no center pane, create our dummy
-            if not self.hasDummyPane:
-                self._createDummyPane()
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 60b8e01..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2777 +0,0 @@
-Tab art provider code - a tab provider provides all drawing functionality to
-the L{AuiNotebook}. This allows the L{AuiNotebook} to have a plugable look-and-feel.
-By default, a L{AuiNotebook} uses an instance of this class called L{AuiDefaultTabArt}
-which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms'
-look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a
-completely new tab art class. Call L{AuiNotebook.SetArtProvider} to make use this
-new tab art.
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
-__date__ = "31 March 2009"
-import wx
-if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
-    import Carbon.Appearance
-from aui_utilities import BitmapFromBits, StepColour, IndentPressedBitmap, ChopText
-from aui_utilities import GetBaseColour, DrawMACCloseButton, LightColour, TakeScreenShot
-from aui_utilities import CopyAttributes
-from aui_constants import *
-# -- GUI helper classes and functions --
-class AuiCommandCapture(wx.PyEvtHandler):
-    """ A class to handle the dropdown window menu. """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        wx.PyEvtHandler.__init__(self)        
-        self._last_id = 0
-    def GetCommandId(self):
-        """ Returns the event command identifier. """
-        return self._last_id 
-    def ProcessEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Processes an event, searching event tables and calling zero or more suitable
-        event handler function(s).
-        :param `event`: the event to process.
-        :note: Normally, your application would not call this function: it is called
-         in the wxPython implementation to dispatch incoming user interface events
-         to the framework (and application).
-         However, you might need to call it if implementing new functionality (such as
-         a new control) where you define new event types, as opposed to allowing the
-         user to override functions.
-         An instance where you might actually override the L{ProcessEvent} function is where
-         you want to direct event processing to event handlers not normally noticed by
-         wxPython. For example, in the document/view architecture, documents and views
-         are potential event handlers. When an event reaches a frame, L{ProcessEvent} will
-         need to be called on the associated document and view in case event handler
-         functions are associated with these objects. 
-         The normal order of event table searching is as follows:
-         1. If the object is disabled (via a call to `SetEvtHandlerEnabled`) the function
-            skips to step (6).
-         2. If the object is a `wx.Window`, L{ProcessEvent} is recursively called on the window's 
-            `wx.Validator`. If this returns ``True``, the function exits.
-         3. wxWidgets `SearchEventTable` is called for this event handler. If this fails, the
-            base class table is tried, and so on until no more tables exist or an appropriate
-            function was found, in which case the function exits.
-         4. The search is applied down the entire chain of event handlers (usually the chain
-            has a length of one). If this succeeds, the function exits.
-         5. If the object is a `wx.Window` and the event is a `wx.CommandEvent`, L{ProcessEvent} is
-            recursively applied to the parent window's event handler. If this returns ``True``,
-            the function exits.
-         6. Finally, L{ProcessEvent} is called on the `wx.App` object.
-        """
-        if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED:
-            self._last_id = event.GetId()
-            return True
-        if self.GetNextHandler():
-            return self.GetNextHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-        return False
-class AuiDefaultTabArt(object):
-    """
-    Tab art provider code - a tab provider provides all drawing functionality to
-    the L{AuiNotebook}. This allows the L{AuiNotebook} to have a plugable look-and-feel.
-    By default, a L{AuiNotebook} uses an instance of this class called L{AuiDefaultTabArt}
-    which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms'
-    look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a
-    completely new tab art class. Call L{AuiNotebook.SetArtProvider} to make use this
-    new tab art.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        self._normal_font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        self._selected_font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        self._selected_font.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
-        self._measuring_font = self._selected_font
-        self._fixed_tab_width = 100
-        self._tab_ctrl_height = 0
-        self._buttonRect = wx.Rect()
-        self.SetDefaultColours()
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            bmp_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DDKSHADOW)
-            self._active_close_bmp = DrawMACCloseButton(bmp_colour)
-            self._disabled_close_bmp = DrawMACCloseButton(wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        else:
-            self._active_close_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_close_bits, 16, 16, wx.BLACK)
-            self._disabled_close_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_close_bits, 16, 16, wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        self._hover_close_bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-        self._pressed_close_bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-        self._active_left_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_left_bits, 16, 16, wx.BLACK)
-        self._disabled_left_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_left_bits, 16, 16, wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        self._active_right_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_right_bits, 16, 16, wx.BLACK)
-        self._disabled_right_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_right_bits, 16, 16, wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        self._active_windowlist_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_list_bits, 16, 16, wx.BLACK)
-        self._disabled_windowlist_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_list_bits, 16, 16, wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
-            # Get proper highlight colour for focus rectangle from the
-            # current Mac theme.  kThemeBrushFocusHighlight is
-            # available on Mac OS 8.5 and higher
-            if hasattr(wx, 'MacThemeColour'):
-                c = wx.MacThemeColour(Carbon.Appearance.kThemeBrushFocusHighlight)
-            else:
-                brush = wx.Brush(wx.BLACK)
-                brush.MacSetTheme(Carbon.Appearance.kThemeBrushFocusHighlight)
-                c = brush.GetColour()
-            self._focusPen = wx.Pen(c, 2, wx.SOLID)
-        else:
-            self._focusPen = wx.Pen(wx.BLACK, 1, wx.USER_DASH)
-            self._focusPen.SetDashes([1, 1])
-            self._focusPen.SetCap(wx.CAP_BUTT)
-    def SetBaseColour(self, base_colour):
-        """
-        Sets a new base colour.
-        :param `base_colour`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.
-        """
-        self._base_colour = base_colour
-        self._base_colour_pen = wx.Pen(self._base_colour)
-        self._base_colour_brush = wx.Brush(self._base_colour)
-    def SetDefaultColours(self, base_colour=None):
-        """
-        Sets the default colours, which are calculated from the given base colour.
-        :param `base_colour`: an instance of `wx.Colour`. If defaulted to ``None``, a colour
-         is generated accordingly to the platform and theme.
-        """
-        if base_colour is None:
-            base_colour = GetBaseColour()
-        self.SetBaseColour( base_colour )
-        self._border_colour = StepColour(base_colour, 75)
-        self._border_pen = wx.Pen(self._border_colour)
-        self._background_top_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 90)
-        self._background_bottom_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 170)
-        self._tab_top_colour = self._base_colour
-        self._tab_bottom_colour = wx.WHITE
-        self._tab_gradient_highlight_colour = wx.WHITE
-        self._tab_inactive_top_colour = self._base_colour
-        self._tab_inactive_bottom_colour = StepColour(self._tab_inactive_top_colour, 160)
-        self._tab_text_colour = lambda page: page.text_colour
-        self._tab_disabled_text_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT)
-    def Clone(self):
-        """ Clones the art object. """
-        art = type(self)()
-        art.SetNormalFont(self.GetNormalFont())
-        art.SetSelectedFont(self.GetSelectedFont())
-        art.SetMeasuringFont(self.GetMeasuringFont())
-        art = CopyAttributes(art, self)
-        return art
-    def SetAGWFlags(self, agwFlags):
-        """
-        Sets the tab art flags.
-        :param `agwFlags`: a combination of the following values:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_NB_TOP``                       With this style, tabs are drawn along the top of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_LEFT``                      With this style, tabs are drawn along the left of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_RIGHT``                     With this style, tabs are drawn along the right of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_BOTTOM``                    With this style, tabs are drawn along the bottom of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT``                 Allows the tab control to be split by dragging a tab
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE``                  Allows a tab to be moved horizontally by dragging
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE``         Allows a tab to be moved to another tab control
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH``           With this style, all tabs have the same width
-         ``AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS``            With this style, left and right scroll buttons are displayed
-         ``AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON``         With this style, a drop-down list of windows is available
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON``              With this style, a close button is available on the tab bar
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB``       With this style, a close button is available on the active tab
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS``         With this style, a close button is available on all tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE``        Allows to close L{AuiNotebook} tabs by mouse middle button click
-         ``AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK``              This style is used by L{AuiManager} to create automatic AuiNotebooks
-         ``AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB``        Hides the tab window if only one tab is present
-         ``AUI_NB_SMART_TABS``                Use Smart Tabbing, like ``Alt`` + ``Tab`` on Windows
-         ``AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN``       Uses images on dropdown window list menu instead of check items
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT``         Draws the tab close button on the left instead of on the right (a la Camino browser)
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT``                 Allows the floating of single tabs. Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages
-         ``AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB``              Draws an image representation of a tab while dragging (on by default)
-         ``AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS``           Tab navigation order by last access time for the tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS``              Don't draw tab focus rectangle
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        """
-        self._agwFlags = agwFlags
-    def GetAGWFlags(self):
-        """
-        Returns the tab art flags.
-        :see: L{SetAGWFlags} for a list of possible return values.
-        """
-        return self._agwFlags
-    def SetSizingInfo(self, tab_ctrl_size, tab_count, minMaxTabWidth):
-        """
-        Sets the tab sizing information.
-        :param `tab_ctrl_size`: the size of the tab control area;
-        :param `tab_count`: the number of tabs;
-        :param `minMaxTabWidth`: a tuple containing the minimum and maximum tab widths
-         to be used when the ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH`` style is active.
-        """
-        self._fixed_tab_width = 100
-        minTabWidth, maxTabWidth = minMaxTabWidth
-        tot_width = tab_ctrl_size.x - self.GetIndentSize() - 4
-        agwFlags = self.GetAGWFlags()
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON:
-            tot_width -= self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON:
-            tot_width -= self._active_windowlist_bmp.GetWidth()
-        if tab_count > 0:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = tot_width/tab_count
-        if self._fixed_tab_width < 100:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = 100
-        if self._fixed_tab_width > tot_width/2:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = tot_width/2
-        if self._fixed_tab_width > 220:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = 220
-        if minTabWidth > -1:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = max(self._fixed_tab_width, minTabWidth)
-        if maxTabWidth > -1:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = min(self._fixed_tab_width, maxTabWidth)
-        self._tab_ctrl_height = tab_ctrl_size.y
-    def DrawBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect):
-        """
-        Draws the tab area background.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `rect`: the tab control rectangle.
-        """
-        self._buttonRect = wx.Rect()
-        # draw background
-        agwFlags = self.GetAGWFlags()
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-            r = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width+2, rect.height)
-        # TODO: else if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_LEFT) 
-        # TODO: else if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_RIGHT) 
-        else: #for AUI_NB_TOP
-            r = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width+2, rect.height-3)
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(r, self._background_top_colour, self._background_bottom_colour, wx.SOUTH)
-        # draw base lines
-        dc.SetPen(self._border_pen)
-        y = rect.GetHeight()
-        w = rect.GetWidth()
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self._background_bottom_colour))
-            dc.DrawRectangle(-1, 0, w+2, 4)
-        # TODO: else if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_LEFT) 
-        # TODO: else if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_RIGHT)
-        else: # for AUI_NB_TOP
-            dc.SetBrush(self._base_colour_brush)
-            dc.DrawRectangle(-1, y-4, w+2, 4)
-    def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, page, in_rect, close_button_state, paint_control=False):
-        """
-        Draws a single tab.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `page`: the tab control page associated with the tab;
-        :param `in_rect`: rectangle the tab should be confined to;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `paint_control`: whether to draw the control inside a tab (if any) on a `wx.MemoryDC`.
-        """
-        # if the caption is empty, measure some temporary text
-        caption = page.caption
-        if not caption:
-            caption = "Xj"
-        dc.SetFont(self._selected_font)
-        selected_textx, selected_texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        dc.SetFont(self._normal_font)
-        normal_textx, normal_texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        control = page.control
-        # figure out the size of the tab
-        tab_size, x_extent = self.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, page.bitmap,
-                                   , close_button_state, control)
-        tab_height = self._tab_ctrl_height - 3
-        tab_width = tab_size[0]
-        tab_x = in_rect.x
-        tab_y = in_rect.y + in_rect.height - tab_height
-        caption = page.caption
-        # select pen, brush and font for the tab to be drawn
-        if
-            dc.SetFont(self._selected_font)
-            textx, texty = selected_textx, selected_texty
-        else:
-            dc.SetFont(self._normal_font)
-            textx, texty = normal_textx, normal_texty
-        if not page.enabled:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(self._tab_disabled_text_colour)
-            pagebitmap = page.dis_bitmap
-        else:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(self._tab_text_colour(page))
-            pagebitmap = page.bitmap
-        # create points that will make the tab outline
-        clip_width = tab_width
-        if tab_x + clip_width > in_rect.x + in_rect.width:
-            clip_width = in_rect.x + in_rect.width - tab_x
-        # since the above code above doesn't play well with WXDFB or WXCOCOA,
-        # we'll just use a rectangle for the clipping region for now --
-        dc.SetClippingRegion(tab_x, tab_y, clip_width+1, tab_height-3)
-        border_points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(6)]
-        agwFlags = self.GetAGWFlags()
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-            border_points[0] = wx.Point(tab_x,             tab_y)
-            border_points[1] = wx.Point(tab_x,             tab_y+tab_height-6)
-            border_points[2] = wx.Point(tab_x+2,           tab_y+tab_height-4)
-            border_points[3] = wx.Point(tab_x+tab_width-2, tab_y+tab_height-4)
-            border_points[4] = wx.Point(tab_x+tab_width,   tab_y+tab_height-6)
-            border_points[5] = wx.Point(tab_x+tab_width,   tab_y)
-        else: #if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_TOP) 
-            border_points[0] = wx.Point(tab_x,             tab_y+tab_height-4)
-            border_points[1] = wx.Point(tab_x,             tab_y+2)
-            border_points[2] = wx.Point(tab_x+2,           tab_y)
-            border_points[3] = wx.Point(tab_x+tab_width-2, tab_y)
-            border_points[4] = wx.Point(tab_x+tab_width,   tab_y+2)
-            border_points[5] = wx.Point(tab_x+tab_width,   tab_y+tab_height-4)
-        # TODO: else if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_LEFT) 
-        # TODO: else if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_RIGHT) 
-        drawn_tab_yoff = border_points[1].y
-        drawn_tab_height = border_points[0].y - border_points[1].y
-        if
-            # draw active tab
-            # draw base background colour
-            r = wx.Rect(tab_x, tab_y, tab_width, tab_height)
-            dc.SetPen(self._base_colour_pen)
-            dc.SetBrush(self._base_colour_brush)
-            dc.DrawRectangle(r.x+1, r.y+1, r.width-1, r.height-4)
-            # this white helps fill out the gradient at the top of the tab
-            dc.SetPen( wx.Pen(self._tab_gradient_highlight_colour) )
-            dc.SetBrush( wx.Brush(self._tab_gradient_highlight_colour) )
-            dc.DrawRectangle(r.x+2, r.y+1, r.width-3, r.height-4)
-            # these two points help the rounded corners appear more antialiased
-            dc.SetPen(self._base_colour_pen)
-            dc.DrawPoint(r.x+2, r.y+1)
-            dc.DrawPoint(r.x+r.width-2, r.y+1)
-            # set rectangle down a bit for gradient drawing
-            r.SetHeight(r.GetHeight()/2)
-            r.x += 2
-            r.width -= 2
-            r.y += r.height
-            r.y -= 2
-            # draw gradient background
-            top_colour = self._tab_bottom_colour
-            bottom_colour = self._tab_top_colour
-            dc.GradientFillLinear(r, bottom_colour, top_colour, wx.NORTH)
-        else:
-            # draw inactive tab
-            r = wx.Rect(tab_x, tab_y+1, tab_width, tab_height-3)
-            # start the gradent up a bit and leave the inside border inset
-            # by a pixel for a 3D look.  Only the top half of the inactive
-            # tab will have a slight gradient
-            r.x += 3
-            r.y += 1
-            r.width -= 4
-            r.height /= 2
-            r.height -= 1
-            # -- draw top gradient fill for glossy look
-            top_colour = self._tab_inactive_top_colour
-            bottom_colour = self._tab_inactive_bottom_colour
-            dc.GradientFillLinear(r, bottom_colour, top_colour, wx.NORTH)
-            r.y += r.height
-            r.y -= 1
-            # -- draw bottom fill for glossy look
-            top_colour = self._tab_inactive_bottom_colour
-            bottom_colour = self._tab_inactive_bottom_colour
-            dc.GradientFillLinear(r, top_colour, bottom_colour, wx.SOUTH)
-        # draw tab outline
-        dc.SetPen(self._border_pen)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-        dc.DrawPolygon(border_points)
-        # there are two horizontal grey lines at the bottom of the tab control,
-        # this gets rid of the top one of those lines in the tab control
-        if
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._background_bottom_colour))
-            # TODO: else if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_LEFT) 
-            # TODO: else if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_RIGHT) 
-            else: # for AUI_NB_TOP
-                dc.SetPen(self._base_colour_pen)
-            dc.DrawLine(border_points[0].x+1,
-                        border_points[0].y,
-                        border_points[5].x,
-                        border_points[5].y)
-        text_offset = tab_x + 8
-        close_button_width = 0
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                text_offset += close_button_width - 5
-        bitmap_offset = 0
-        if pagebitmap.IsOk():
-            bitmap_offset = tab_x + 8
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT and close_button_width:
-                bitmap_offset += close_button_width - 5
-            # draw bitmap
-            dc.DrawBitmap(pagebitmap,
-                          bitmap_offset,
-                          drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height/2) - (pagebitmap.GetHeight()/2),
-                          True)
-            text_offset = bitmap_offset + pagebitmap.GetWidth()
-            text_offset += 3 # bitmap padding
-        else:
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT == 0 or not close_button_width:
-                text_offset = tab_x + 8
-        draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption, tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x) - close_button_width)
-        ypos = drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height)/2 - (texty/2) - 1
-        offset_focus = text_offset     
-        if control is not None:
-            if control.GetPosition() != wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos):
-                control.SetPosition(wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos))
-            if not control.IsShown():
-                control.Show()
-            if paint_control:
-                bmp = TakeScreenShot(control.GetScreenRect())
-                dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, text_offset+1, ypos, True)
-            controlW, controlH = control.GetSize()
-            text_offset += controlW + 4
-            textx += controlW + 4
-        # draw tab text
-        rectx, recty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(draw_text)
-        dc.DrawLabel(draw_text, wx.Rect(text_offset, ypos, rectx, recty))
-        # draw focus rectangle
-        if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS) == 0:
-            self.DrawFocusRectangle(dc, page, wnd, draw_text, offset_focus, bitmap_offset, drawn_tab_yoff, drawn_tab_height, rectx, recty)
-        out_button_rect = wx.Rect()
-        # draw close button if necessary
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            bmp = self._disabled_close_bmp
-            if close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                bmp = self._hover_close_bmp
-            elif close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                bmp = self._pressed_close_bmp
-            shift = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [1] or [0])[0]
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + 4, tab_y + (tab_height - bmp.GetHeight())/2 - shift,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            else:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + tab_width - close_button_width - 1,
-                               tab_y + (tab_height - bmp.GetHeight())/2 - shift,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            rect = IndentPressedBitmap(rect, close_button_state)
-            dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, True)
-            out_button_rect = rect
-        out_tab_rect = wx.Rect(tab_x, tab_y, tab_width, tab_height)
-        dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
-        return out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent
-    def SetCustomButton(self, bitmap_id, button_state, bmp):
-        """
-        Sets a custom bitmap for the close, left, right and window list
-        buttons.
-        :param `bitmap_id`: the button identifier;
-        :param `button_state`: the button state;
-        :param `bmp`: the custom bitmap to use for the button.
-        """
-        if bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE:
-            if button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL:
-                self._active_close_bmp = bmp
-                self._hover_close_bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-                self._pressed_close_bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-                self._disabled_close_bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-            elif button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                self._hover_close_bmp = bmp
-            elif button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                self._pressed_close_bmp = bmp
-            else:
-                self._disabled_close_bmp = bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self._disabled_left_bmp = bmp
-            else:
-                self._active_left_bmp = bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self._disabled_right_bmp = bmp
-            else:
-                self._active_right_bmp = bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self._disabled_windowlist_bmp = bmp
-            else:
-                self._active_windowlist_bmp = bmp
-    def GetIndentSize(self):
-        """ Returns the tabs indent size. """
-        return 5
-    def GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, control=None):
-        """
-        Returns the tab size for the given caption, bitmap and button state.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `caption`: the tab text caption;
-        :param `bitmap`: the bitmap displayed on the tab;
-        :param `active`: whether the tab is selected or not;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `control`: a `wx.Window` instance inside a tab (or ``None``).
-        """
-        dc.SetFont(self._measuring_font)
-        measured_textx, measured_texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        # add padding around the text
-        tab_width = measured_textx
-        tab_height = measured_texty
-        # if the close button is showing, add space for it
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            tab_width += self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth() + 3
-        # if there's a bitmap, add space for it
-        if bitmap.IsOk():
-            tab_width += bitmap.GetWidth()
-            tab_width += 3 # right side bitmap padding
-            tab_height = max(tab_height, bitmap.GetHeight())
-        # add padding
-        tab_width += 16
-        tab_height += 10
-        agwFlags = self.GetAGWFlags()
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH:
-            tab_width = self._fixed_tab_width
-        if control is not None:
-            tab_width += control.GetSize().GetWidth() + 4
-        x_extent = tab_width
-        return (tab_width, tab_height), x_extent
-    def DrawButton(self, dc, wnd, in_rect, button, orientation):
-        """
-        Draws a button on the tab or on the tab area, depending on the button identifier. 
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `in_rect`: rectangle the tab should be confined to;
-        :param `button`: an instance of the button class;
-        :param `orientation`: the tab orientation.
-        """
-        bitmap_id, button_state =, button.cur_state
-        if bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = self._disabled_close_bmp
-            elif button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                bmp = self._hover_close_bmp
-            elif button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                bmp = self._pressed_close_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = self._disabled_left_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = self._active_left_bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = self._disabled_right_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = self._active_right_bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = self._disabled_windowlist_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = self._active_windowlist_bmp
-        else:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = button.dis_bitmap
-            else:
-                bmp = button.bitmap
-        if not bmp.IsOk():
-            return
-        rect = wx.Rect(*in_rect)
-        if orientation == wx.LEFT:
-            rect.SetX(in_rect.x)
-            rect.SetY(((in_rect.y + in_rect.height)/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2))
-            rect.SetWidth(bmp.GetWidth())
-            rect.SetHeight(bmp.GetHeight())
-        else:
-            rect = wx.Rect(in_rect.x + in_rect.width - bmp.GetWidth(),
-                           ((in_rect.y + in_rect.height)/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2),
-                           bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight())
-        rect = IndentPressedBitmap(rect, button_state)
-        dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, True)
-        out_rect = rect
-        if bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-            self._buttonRect = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 30, rect.height)
-        return out_rect
-    def DrawFocusRectangle(self, dc, page, wnd, draw_text, text_offset, bitmap_offset, drawn_tab_yoff, drawn_tab_height, textx, texty):
-        """
-        Draws the focus rectangle on a tab.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `page`: the page associated with the tab;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `draw_text`: the text that has been drawn on the tab;
-        :param `text_offset`: the text offset on the tab;
-        :param `bitmap_offset`: the bitmap offset on the tab;
-        :param `drawn_tab_yoff`: the y offset of the tab text;
-        :param `drawn_tab_height`: the height of the tab;
-        :param `textx`: the x text extent;
-        :param `texty`: the y text extent.
-        """
-        if self.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS:
-            return
-        if and wx.Window.FindFocus() == wnd:
-            focusRectText = wx.Rect(text_offset, (drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height)/2 - (texty/2)),
-                                    textx, texty)
-            if page.bitmap.IsOk():
-                focusRectBitmap = wx.Rect(bitmap_offset, drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height/2) - (page.bitmap.GetHeight()/2),
-                                          page.bitmap.GetWidth(), page.bitmap.GetHeight())
-            if page.bitmap.IsOk() and draw_text == "":
-                focusRect = wx.Rect(*focusRectBitmap)
-            elif not page.bitmap.IsOk() and draw_text != "":
-                focusRect = wx.Rect(*focusRectText)
-            elif page.bitmap.IsOk() and draw_text != "":
-                focusRect = focusRectText.Union(focusRectBitmap)
-            focusRect.Inflate(2, 2)
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-            dc.SetPen(self._focusPen)
-            dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(focusRect, 2)
-    def GetBestTabCtrlSize(self, wnd, pages, required_bmp_size):
-        """
-        Returns the best tab control size.
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `pages`: the pages associated with the tabs;
-        :param `required_bmp_size`: the size of the bitmap on the tabs.
-        """
-        dc = wx.ClientDC(wnd)
-        dc.SetFont(self._measuring_font)
-        # sometimes a standard bitmap size needs to be enforced, especially
-        # if some tabs have bitmaps and others don't.  This is important because
-        # it prevents the tab control from resizing when tabs are added.
-        measure_bmp = wx.NullBitmap
-        if required_bmp_size.IsFullySpecified():
-            measure_bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(required_bmp_size.x,
-                                         required_bmp_size.y)
-        max_y = 0
-        for page in pages:
-            if measure_bmp.IsOk():
-                bmp = measure_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = page.bitmap
-            # we don't use the caption text because we don't
-            # want tab heights to be different in the case
-            # of a very short piece of text on one tab and a very
-            # tall piece of text on another tab
-            s, x_ext = self.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, bmp, True, AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN, None)
-            max_y = max(max_y, s[1])
-            if page.control:
-                controlW, controlH = page.control.GetSize()
-                max_y = max(max_y, controlH+4)
-        return max_y + 2
-    def SetNormalFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the normal font for drawing tab labels.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._normal_font = font
-    def SetSelectedFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the selected tab font for drawing tab labels.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._selected_font = font
-    def SetMeasuringFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the font for calculating text measurements.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._measuring_font = font
-    def GetNormalFont(self):
-        """ Returns the normal font for drawing tab labels. """
-        return self._normal_font
-    def GetSelectedFont(self):
-        """ Returns the selected tab font for drawing tab labels. """
-        return self._selected_font
-    def GetMeasuringFont(self):
-        """ Returns the font for calculating text measurements. """
-        return self._measuring_font
-    def ShowDropDown(self, wnd, pages, active_idx):
-        """
-        Shows the drop-down window menu on the tab area.
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window instance;
-        :param `pages`: the pages associated with the tabs;
-        :param `active_idx`: the active tab index.
-        """
-        useImages = self.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN
-        menuPopup = wx.Menu()
-        longest = 0
-        for i, page in enumerate(pages):
-            caption = page.caption
-            # if there is no caption, make it a space.  This will prevent
-            # an assert in the menu code.
-            if caption == "":
-                caption = " "
-            # Save longest caption width for calculating menu width with
-            width = wnd.GetTextExtent(caption)[0]
-            if width > longest:
-                longest = width
-            if useImages:
-                menuItem = wx.MenuItem(menuPopup, 1000+i, caption)
-                if page.bitmap:
-                    menuItem.SetBitmap(page.bitmap)
-                menuPopup.AppendItem(menuItem)
-            else:
-                menuPopup.AppendCheckItem(1000+i, caption)
-            menuPopup.Enable(1000+i, page.enabled)
-        if active_idx != -1 and not useImages:
-            menuPopup.Check(1000+active_idx, True)
-        # find out the screen coordinate at the bottom of the tab ctrl
-        cli_rect = wnd.GetClientRect()
-        # Calculate the approximate size of the popupmenu for setting the
-        # position of the menu when its shown.
-        # Account for extra padding on left/right of text on mac menus
-        if wx.Platform in ['__WXMAC__', '__WXMSW__']:
-            longest += 32
-        # Bitmap/Checkmark width + padding
-        longest += 20
-        if self.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON:
-            longest += 16
-        pt = wx.Point(cli_rect.x + cli_rect.GetWidth() - longest,
-                     cli_rect.y + cli_rect.height)
-        cc = AuiCommandCapture()
-        wnd.PushEventHandler(cc)
-        wnd.PopupMenu(menuPopup, pt)
-        command = cc.GetCommandId()
-        wnd.PopEventHandler(True)
-        if command >= 1000:
-            return command - 1000
-        return -1
-class AuiSimpleTabArt(object):
-    """ A simple-looking implementation of a tab art. """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        self._normal_font = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        self._selected_font = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
-        self._selected_font.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
-        self._measuring_font = self._selected_font
-        self._agwFlags = 0
-        self._fixed_tab_width = 100
-        base_colour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)
-        background_colour = base_colour
-        normaltab_colour = base_colour
-        selectedtab_colour = wx.WHITE
-        self._bkbrush = wx.Brush(background_colour)
-        self._normal_bkbrush = wx.Brush(normaltab_colour)
-        self._normal_bkpen = wx.Pen(normaltab_colour)
-        self._selected_bkbrush = wx.Brush(selectedtab_colour)
-        self._selected_bkpen = wx.Pen(selectedtab_colour)
-        self._active_close_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_close_bits, 16, 16, wx.BLACK)
-        self._disabled_close_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_close_bits, 16, 16, wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        self._active_left_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_left_bits, 16, 16, wx.BLACK)
-        self._disabled_left_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_left_bits, 16, 16, wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        self._active_right_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_right_bits, 16, 16, wx.BLACK)
-        self._disabled_right_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_right_bits, 16, 16, wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-        self._active_windowlist_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_list_bits, 16, 16, wx.BLACK)
-        self._disabled_windowlist_bmp = BitmapFromBits(nb_list_bits, 16, 16, wx.Colour(128, 128, 128))
-    def Clone(self):
-        """ Clones the art object. """
-        art = type(self)()
-        art.SetNormalFont(self.GetNormalFont())
-        art.SetSelectedFont(self.GetSelectedFont())
-        art.SetMeasuringFont(self.GetMeasuringFont())
-        art = CopyAttributes(art, self)
-        return art
-    def SetAGWFlags(self, agwFlags):
-        """
-        Sets the tab art flags.
-        :param `agwFlags`: a combination of the following values:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_NB_TOP``                       With this style, tabs are drawn along the top of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_LEFT``                      With this style, tabs are drawn along the left of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_RIGHT``                     With this style, tabs are drawn along the right of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_BOTTOM``                    With this style, tabs are drawn along the bottom of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT``                 Allows the tab control to be split by dragging a tab
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE``                  Allows a tab to be moved horizontally by dragging
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE``         Allows a tab to be moved to another tab control
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH``           With this style, all tabs have the same width
-         ``AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS``            With this style, left and right scroll buttons are displayed
-         ``AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON``         With this style, a drop-down list of windows is available
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON``              With this style, a close button is available on the tab bar
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB``       With this style, a close button is available on the active tab
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS``         With this style, a close button is available on all tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE``        Allows to close L{AuiNotebook} tabs by mouse middle button click
-         ``AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK``              This style is used by L{AuiManager} to create automatic AuiNotebooks
-         ``AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB``        Hides the tab window if only one tab is present
-         ``AUI_NB_SMART_TABS``                Use Smart Tabbing, like ``Alt`` + ``Tab`` on Windows
-         ``AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN``       Uses images on dropdown window list menu instead of check items
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT``         Draws the tab close button on the left instead of on the right (a la Camino browser)
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT``                 Allows the floating of single tabs. Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages
-         ``AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB``              Draws an image representation of a tab while dragging (on by default)
-         ``AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS``           Tab navigation order by last access time for the tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS``              Don't draw tab focus rectangle
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        """
-        self._agwFlags = agwFlags
-    def GetAGWFlags(self):
-        """
-        Returns the tab art flags.
-        :see: L{SetAGWFlags} for a list of possible return values.
-        """
-        return self._agwFlags
-    def SetSizingInfo(self, tab_ctrl_size, tab_count, minMaxTabWidth):
-        """
-        Sets the tab sizing information.
-        :param `tab_ctrl_size`: the size of the tab control area;
-        :param `tab_count`: the number of tabs;
-        :param `minMaxTabWidth`: a tuple containing the minimum and maximum tab widths
-         to be used when the ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH`` style is active.
-        """
-        self._fixed_tab_width = 100
-        minTabWidth, maxTabWidth = minMaxTabWidth
-        tot_width = tab_ctrl_size.x - self.GetIndentSize() - 4
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON:
-            tot_width -= self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON:
-            tot_width -= self._active_windowlist_bmp.GetWidth()
-        if tab_count > 0:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = tot_width/tab_count
-        if self._fixed_tab_width < 100:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = 100
-        if self._fixed_tab_width > tot_width/2:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = tot_width/2
-        if self._fixed_tab_width > 220:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = 220
-        if minTabWidth > -1:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = max(self._fixed_tab_width, minTabWidth)
-        if maxTabWidth > -1:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = min(self._fixed_tab_width, maxTabWidth)
-        self._tab_ctrl_height = tab_ctrl_size.y
-    def DrawBackground(self, dc, wnd, rect):
-        """
-        Draws the tab area background.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `rect`: the tab control rectangle.
-        """
-        # draw background
-        dc.SetBrush(self._bkbrush)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
-        dc.DrawRectangle(-1, -1, rect.GetWidth()+2, rect.GetHeight()+2)
-        # draw base line
-        dc.SetPen(wx.GREY_PEN)
-        dc.DrawLine(0, rect.GetHeight()-1, rect.GetWidth(), rect.GetHeight()-1)
-    def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, page, in_rect, close_button_state, paint_control=False):
-        """
-        Draws a single tab.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `page`: the tab control page associated with the tab;
-        :param `in_rect`: rectangle the tab should be confined to;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `paint_control`: whether to draw the control inside a tab (if any) on a `wx.MemoryDC`.
-        """
-        # if the caption is empty, measure some temporary text
-        caption = page.caption
-        if caption == "":
-            caption = "Xj"
-        agwFlags = self.GetAGWFlags()
-        dc.SetFont(self._selected_font)
-        selected_textx, selected_texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        dc.SetFont(self._normal_font)
-        normal_textx, normal_texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        control = page.control
-        # figure out the size of the tab
-        tab_size, x_extent = self.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, page.bitmap,
-                                   , close_button_state, control)
-        tab_height = tab_size[1]
-        tab_width = tab_size[0]
-        tab_x = in_rect.x
-        tab_y = in_rect.y + in_rect.height - tab_height
-        caption = page.caption
-        # select pen, brush and font for the tab to be drawn
-        if
-            dc.SetPen(self._selected_bkpen)
-            dc.SetBrush(self._selected_bkbrush)
-            dc.SetFont(self._selected_font)
-            textx = selected_textx
-            texty = selected_texty
-        else:
-            dc.SetPen(self._normal_bkpen)
-            dc.SetBrush(self._normal_bkbrush)
-            dc.SetFont(self._normal_font)
-            textx = normal_textx
-            texty = normal_texty
-        if not page.enabled:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT))
-        else:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(page.text_colour)
-        # -- draw line --
-        points = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(7)]
-        points[0].x = tab_x
-        points[0].y = tab_y + tab_height - 1
-        points[1].x = tab_x + tab_height - 3
-        points[1].y = tab_y + 2
-        points[2].x = tab_x + tab_height + 3
-        points[2].y = tab_y
-        points[3].x = tab_x + tab_width - 2
-        points[3].y = tab_y
-        points[4].x = tab_x + tab_width
-        points[4].y = tab_y + 2
-        points[5].x = tab_x + tab_width
-        points[5].y = tab_y + tab_height - 1
-        points[6] = points[0]
-        dc.SetClippingRect(in_rect)
-        dc.DrawPolygon(points)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.GREY_PEN)
-        dc.DrawLines(points)
-        close_button_width = 0
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                if control:
-                    text_offset = tab_x + (tab_height/2) + close_button_width - (textx/2) - 2
-                else:
-                    text_offset = tab_x + (tab_height/2) + ((tab_width+close_button_width)/2) - (textx/2) - 2
-            else:
-                if control:
-                    text_offset = tab_x + (tab_height/2) + close_button_width - (textx/2)
-                else:
-                    text_offset = tab_x + (tab_height/2) + ((tab_width-close_button_width)/2) - (textx/2)
-        else:
-            text_offset = tab_x + (tab_height/3) + (tab_width/2) - (textx/2)
-            if control:
-                if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                    text_offset = tab_x + (tab_height/3) - (textx/2) + close_button_width + 2
-                else:
-                    text_offset = tab_x + (tab_height/3) - (textx/2)
-        # set minimum text offset
-        if text_offset < tab_x + tab_height:
-            text_offset = tab_x + tab_height
-        # chop text if necessary
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-            draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption, tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x))
-        else:
-            draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption,
-                                 tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x) - close_button_width)
-        ypos = (tab_y + tab_height)/2 - (texty/2) + 1
-        if control is not None:
-            if control.GetPosition() != wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos):
-                control.SetPosition(wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos))
-            if not control.IsShown():
-                control.Show()
-            if paint_control:
-                bmp = TakeScreenShot(control.GetScreenRect())
-                dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, text_offset+1, ypos, True)
-            controlW, controlH = control.GetSize()
-            text_offset += controlW + 4
-        # draw tab text
-        rectx, recty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(draw_text)
-        dc.DrawLabel(draw_text, wx.Rect(text_offset, ypos, rectx, recty))
-        # draw focus rectangle
-        if and wx.Window.FindFocus() == wnd and (agwFlags & AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS) == 0:
-            focusRect = wx.Rect(text_offset, ((tab_y + tab_height)/2 - (texty/2) + 1),
-                                selected_textx, selected_texty)
-            focusRect.Inflate(2, 2)
-            # TODO:
-            # This should be uncommented when DrawFocusRect will become
-            # available in wxPython
-            # wx.RendererNative.Get().DrawFocusRect(wnd, dc, focusRect, 0)
-        out_button_rect = wx.Rect()        
-        # draw close button if necessary
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            if
-                bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = self._disabled_close_bmp
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + tab_height - 2,
-                               tab_y + (tab_height/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2) + 1,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height - 1)
-            else:                
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + tab_width - close_button_width - 1,
-                               tab_y + (tab_height/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2) + 1,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height - 1)
-            self.DrawButtons(dc, rect, bmp, wx.WHITE, close_button_state)
-            out_button_rect = wx.Rect(*rect)
-        out_tab_rect = wx.Rect(tab_x, tab_y, tab_width, tab_height)
-        dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
-        return out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent  
-    def DrawButtons(self, dc, _rect, bmp, bkcolour, button_state):
-        """
-        Convenience method to draw tab buttons.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `_rect`: the tab rectangle;
-        :param `bmp`: the tab bitmap;
-        :param `bkcolour`: the tab background colour;
-        :param `button_state`: the state of the tab button.
-        """
-        rect = wx.Rect(*_rect)
-        if button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-            rect.x += 1
-            rect.y += 1
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(bkcolour, 120)))
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(StepColour(bkcolour, 75)))
-            # draw the background behind the button
-            dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, 15, 15)
-        # draw the button itself
-        dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, True)
-    def GetIndentSize(self):
-        """ Returns the tabs indent size. """
-        return 0
-    def GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, control=None):
-        """
-        Returns the tab size for the given caption, bitmap and button state.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `caption`: the tab text caption;
-        :param `bitmap`: the bitmap displayed on the tab;
-        :param `active`: whether the tab is selected or not;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `control`: a `wx.Window` instance inside a tab (or ``None``).
-        """
-        dc.SetFont(self._measuring_font)
-        measured_textx, measured_texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        tab_height = measured_texty + 4
-        tab_width = measured_textx + tab_height + 5
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            tab_width += self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-        if self._agwFlags & AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH:
-            tab_width = self._fixed_tab_width
-        if control is not None:
-            controlW, controlH = control.GetSize()
-            tab_width += controlW + 4
-        x_extent = tab_width - (tab_height/2) - 1
-        return (tab_width, tab_height), x_extent
-    def DrawButton(self, dc, wnd, in_rect, button, orientation):
-        """
-        Draws a button on the tab or on the tab area, depending on the button identifier. 
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `in_rect`: rectangle the tab should be confined to;
-        :param `button`: an instance of the button class;
-        :param `orientation`: the tab orientation.
-        """
-        bitmap_id, button_state =, button.cur_state
-        if bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = self._disabled_close_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = self._disabled_left_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = self._active_left_bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = self._disabled_right_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = self._active_right_bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = self._disabled_windowlist_bmp
-            else:
-                bmp = self._active_windowlist_bmp
-        else:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                bmp = button.dis_bitmap
-            else:
-                bmp = button.bitmap
-        if not bmp.IsOk():
-            return
-        rect = wx.Rect(*in_rect)
-        if orientation == wx.LEFT:
-            rect.SetX(in_rect.x)
-            rect.SetY(((in_rect.y + in_rect.height)/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2))
-            rect.SetWidth(bmp.GetWidth())
-            rect.SetHeight(bmp.GetHeight())
-        else:
-            rect = wx.Rect(in_rect.x + in_rect.width - bmp.GetWidth(),
-                           ((in_rect.y + in_rect.height)/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2),
-                           bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight())
-        self.DrawButtons(dc, rect, bmp, wx.WHITE, button_state)
-        out_rect = wx.Rect(*rect)
-        return out_rect
-    def ShowDropDown(self, wnd, pages, active_idx):
-        """
-        Shows the drop-down window menu on the tab area.
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` derived window instance;
-        :param `pages`: the pages associated with the tabs;
-        :param `active_idx`: the active tab index.
-        """
-        menuPopup = wx.Menu()
-        useImages = self.GetAGWFlags() & AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN
-        for i, page in enumerate(pages):
-            if useImages:
-                menuItem = wx.MenuItem(menuPopup, 1000+i, page.caption)
-                if page.bitmap:
-                    menuItem.SetBitmap(page.bitmap)
-                menuPopup.AppendItem(menuItem)
-            else:
-                menuPopup.AppendCheckItem(1000+i, page.caption)
-            menuPopup.Enable(1000+i, page.enabled)
-        if active_idx != -1 and not useImages:
-            menuPopup.Check(1000+active_idx, True)
-        # find out where to put the popup menu of window
-        # items.  Subtract 100 for now to center the menu
-        # a bit, until a better mechanism can be implemented
-        pt = wx.GetMousePosition()
-        pt = wnd.ScreenToClient(pt)
-        if pt.x < 100:
-            pt.x = 0
-        else:
-            pt.x -= 100
-        # find out the screen coordinate at the bottom of the tab ctrl
-        cli_rect = wnd.GetClientRect()
-        pt.y = cli_rect.y + cli_rect.height
-        cc = AuiCommandCapture()
-        wnd.PushEventHandler(cc)
-        wnd.PopupMenu(menuPopup, pt)
-        command = cc.GetCommandId()
-        wnd.PopEventHandler(True)
-        if command >= 1000:
-            return command-1000
-        return -1
-    def GetBestTabCtrlSize(self, wnd, pages, required_bmp_size):
-        """
-        Returns the best tab control size.
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `pages`: the pages associated with the tabs;
-        :param `required_bmp_size`: the size of the bitmap on the tabs.
-        """
-        dc = wx.ClientDC(wnd)
-        dc.SetFont(self._measuring_font)
-        s, x_extent = self.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, "ABCDEFGHIj", wx.NullBitmap, True,
-                                      AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN, None)
-        max_y = s[1]
-        for page in pages:
-            if page.control:
-                controlW, controlH = page.control.GetSize()
-                max_y = max(max_y, controlH+4)
-            textx, texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(page.caption)
-            max_y = max(max_y, texty)
-        return max_y + 3
-    def SetNormalFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the normal font for drawing tab labels.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._normal_font = font
-    def SetSelectedFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the selected tab font for drawing tab labels.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._selected_font = font
-    def SetMeasuringFont(self, font):
-        """
-        Sets the font for calculating text measurements.
-        :param `font`: a `wx.Font` object.
-        """
-        self._measuring_font = font
-    def GetNormalFont(self):
-        """ Returns the normal font for drawing tab labels. """
-        return self._normal_font
-    def GetSelectedFont(self):
-        """ Returns the selected tab font for drawing tab labels. """
-        return self._selected_font
-    def GetMeasuringFont(self):
-        """ Returns the font for calculating text measurements. """
-        return self._measuring_font
-    def SetCustomButton(self, bitmap_id, button_state, bmp):
-        """
-        Sets a custom bitmap for the close, left, right and window list
-        buttons.
-        :param `bitmap_id`: the button identifier;
-        :param `button_state`: the button state;
-        :param `bmp`: the custom bitmap to use for the button.
-        """
-        if bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE:
-            if button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL:
-                self._active_close_bmp = bmp
-                self._hover_close_bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-                self._pressed_close_bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-                self._disabled_close_bmp = self._active_close_bmp
-            elif button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                self._hover_close_bmp = bmp
-            elif button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                self._pressed_close_bmp = bmp
-            else:
-                self._disabled_close_bmp = bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_LEFT:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self._disabled_left_bmp = bmp
-            else:
-                self._active_left_bmp = bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self._disabled_right_bmp = bmp
-            else:
-                self._active_right_bmp = bmp
-        elif bitmap_id == AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST:
-            if button_state & AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED:
-                self._disabled_windowlist_bmp = bmp
-            else:
-                self._active_windowlist_bmp = bmp
-class VC71TabArt(AuiDefaultTabArt):
-    """ A class to draw tabs using the Visual Studio 2003 (VC71) style. """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        AuiDefaultTabArt.__init__(self)
-    def Clone(self):
-        """ Clones the art object. """
-        art = type(self)()
-        art.SetNormalFont(self.GetNormalFont())
-        art.SetSelectedFont(self.GetSelectedFont())
-        art.SetMeasuringFont(self.GetMeasuringFont())
-        art = CopyAttributes(art, self)
-        return art
-    def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, page, in_rect, close_button_state, paint_control=False):
-        """
-        Draws a single tab.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `page`: the tab control page associated with the tab;
-        :param `in_rect`: rectangle the tab should be confined to;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `paint_control`: whether to draw the control inside a tab (if any) on a `wx.MemoryDC`.
-        """
-        # Visual studio 7.1 style
-        # This code is based on the renderer included in FlatNotebook
-        # figure out the size of the tab
-        control = page.control
-        tab_size, x_extent = self.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, page.bitmap,,
-                                             close_button_state, control)
-        tab_height = self._tab_ctrl_height - 3
-        tab_width = tab_size[0]
-        tab_x = in_rect.x
-        tab_y = in_rect.y + in_rect.height - tab_height
-        clip_width = tab_width
-        if tab_x + clip_width > in_rect.x + in_rect.width - 4:
-            clip_width = (in_rect.x + in_rect.width) - tab_x - 4
-        dc.SetClippingRegion(tab_x, tab_y, clip_width + 1, tab_height - 3)
-        agwFlags = self.GetAGWFlags()
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-            tab_y -= 1
-        dc.SetPen(( and [wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DHIGHLIGHT))] or \
-                   [wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW))])[0])
-        dc.SetBrush(( and [wx.Brush(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE))] or \
-                     [wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH])[0])
-        if
-            tabH = tab_height - 2
-            dc.DrawRectangle(tab_x, tab_y, tab_width, tabH)
-            rightLineY1 = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [vertical_border_padding - 2] or \
-                           [vertical_border_padding - 1])[0]
-            rightLineY2 = tabH + 3
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW)))
-            dc.DrawLine(tab_x + tab_width - 1, rightLineY1 + 1, tab_x + tab_width - 1, rightLineY2)
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-                dc.DrawLine(tab_x + 1, rightLineY2 - 3 , tab_x + tab_width - 1, rightLineY2 - 3)
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DDKSHADOW)))
-            dc.DrawLine(tab_x + tab_width, rightLineY1, tab_x + tab_width, rightLineY2)
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-                dc.DrawLine(tab_x, rightLineY2 - 2, tab_x + tab_width, rightLineY2 - 2)
-        else:
-            # We dont draw a rectangle for non selected tabs, but only
-            # vertical line on the right
-            blackLineY1 = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [vertical_border_padding + 2] or \
-                           [vertical_border_padding + 1])[0]
-            blackLineY2 = tab_height - 5
-            dc.DrawLine(tab_x + tab_width, blackLineY1, tab_x + tab_width, blackLineY2)
-        border_points = [0, 0]
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-            border_points[0] = wx.Point(tab_x, tab_y)
-            border_points[1] = wx.Point(tab_x, tab_y + tab_height - 6)
-        else: # if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_TOP)
-            border_points[0] = wx.Point(tab_x, tab_y + tab_height - 4)
-            border_points[1] = wx.Point(tab_x, tab_y + 2)
-        drawn_tab_yoff = border_points[1].y
-        drawn_tab_height = border_points[0].y - border_points[1].y
-        text_offset = tab_x + 8
-        close_button_width = 0
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                text_offset += close_button_width - 5
-        if not page.enabled:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT))
-            pagebitmap = page.dis_bitmap
-        else:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(page.text_colour)
-            pagebitmap = page.bitmap
-        shift = 0
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-            shift = ( and [1] or [2])[0]
-        bitmap_offset = 0
-        if pagebitmap.IsOk():
-            bitmap_offset = tab_x + 8
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT and close_button_width:
-                bitmap_offset += close_button_width - 5
-            # draw bitmap
-            dc.DrawBitmap(pagebitmap, bitmap_offset,
-                          drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height/2) - (pagebitmap.GetHeight()/2) + shift,
-                          True)
-            text_offset = bitmap_offset + pagebitmap.GetWidth()
-            text_offset += 3 # bitmap padding
-        else:
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT == 0 or not close_button_width:
-                text_offset = tab_x + 8
-        # if the caption is empty, measure some temporary text
-        caption = page.caption
-        if caption == "":
-            caption = "Xj"
-        if
-            dc.SetFont(self._selected_font)
-            textx, texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        else:
-            dc.SetFont(self._normal_font)
-            textx, texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption, tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x) - close_button_width)
-        ypos = drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height)/2 - (texty/2) - 1 + shift
-        offset_focus = text_offset
-        if control is not None:
-            if control.GetPosition() != wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos):
-                control.SetPosition(wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos))
-            if not control.IsShown():
-                control.Show()
-            if paint_control:
-                bmp = TakeScreenShot(control.GetScreenRect())
-                dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, text_offset+1, ypos, True)
-            controlW, controlH = control.GetSize()
-            text_offset += controlW + 4
-            textx += controlW + 4
-        # draw tab text
-        rectx, recty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(draw_text)
-        dc.DrawLabel(draw_text, wx.Rect(text_offset, ypos, rectx, recty))
-        out_button_rect = wx.Rect()
-        # draw focus rectangle
-        if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS) == 0:
-            self.DrawFocusRectangle(dc, page, wnd, draw_text, offset_focus, bitmap_offset, drawn_tab_yoff+shift,
-                                    drawn_tab_height+shift, rectx, recty)
-        # draw 'x' on tab (if enabled)
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            bmp = self._disabled_close_bmp
-            if close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                bmp = self._hover_close_bmp
-            elif close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                bmp = self._pressed_close_bmp
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + 4,
-                               drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height / 2) - (bmp.GetHeight() / 2) + shift,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            else:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + tab_width - close_button_width - 3,
-                               drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height / 2) - (bmp.GetHeight() / 2) + shift,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            # Indent the button if it is pressed down:
-            rect = IndentPressedBitmap(rect, close_button_state)
-            dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, True)
-            out_button_rect = rect        
-        out_tab_rect = wx.Rect(tab_x, tab_y, tab_width, tab_height)
-        dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
-        return out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent
-class FF2TabArt(AuiDefaultTabArt):
-    """ A class to draw tabs using the Firefox 2 (FF2) style. """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        AuiDefaultTabArt.__init__(self)
-    def Clone(self):
-        """ Clones the art object. """
-        art = type(self)()
-        art.SetNormalFont(self.GetNormalFont())
-        art.SetSelectedFont(self.GetSelectedFont())
-        art.SetMeasuringFont(self.GetMeasuringFont())
-        art = CopyAttributes(art, self)
-        return art
-    def GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, control):
-        """
-        Returns the tab size for the given caption, bitmap and button state.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `caption`: the tab text caption;
-        :param `bitmap`: the bitmap displayed on the tab;
-        :param `active`: whether the tab is selected or not;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `control`: a `wx.Window` instance inside a tab (or ``None``).
-        """
-        tab_size, x_extent = AuiDefaultTabArt.GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap,
-                                                         active, close_button_state, control)
-        tab_width, tab_height = tab_size        
-        # add some vertical padding
-        tab_height += 2
-        return (tab_width, tab_height), x_extent
-    def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, page, in_rect, close_button_state, paint_control=False):
-        """
-        Draws a single tab.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `page`: the tab control page associated with the tab;
-        :param `in_rect`: rectangle the tab should be confined to;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `paint_control`: whether to draw the control inside a tab (if any) on a `wx.MemoryDC`.
-        """
-        # Firefox 2 style
-        control = page.control
-        # figure out the size of the tab
-        tab_size, x_extent = self.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, page.bitmap,
-                                   , close_button_state, control)
-        tab_height = self._tab_ctrl_height - 2
-        tab_width = tab_size[0]
-        tab_x = in_rect.x
-        tab_y = in_rect.y + in_rect.height - tab_height
-        clip_width = tab_width
-        if tab_x + clip_width > in_rect.x + in_rect.width - 4:
-            clip_width = (in_rect.x + in_rect.width) - tab_x - 4
-        dc.SetClippingRegion(tab_x, tab_y, clip_width + 1, tab_height - 3)
-        tabPoints = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(7)]
-        adjust = 0
-        if not
-            adjust = 1
-        agwFlags = self.GetAGWFlags()
-        tabPoints[0].x = tab_x + 3
-        tabPoints[0].y = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [3] or [tab_height - 2])[0]
-        tabPoints[1].x = tabPoints[0].x
-        tabPoints[1].y = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [tab_height - (vertical_border_padding + 2) - adjust] or \
-                          [(vertical_border_padding + 2) + adjust])[0]
-        tabPoints[2].x = tabPoints[1].x+2
-        tabPoints[2].y = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [tab_height - vertical_border_padding - adjust] or \
-                          [vertical_border_padding + adjust])[0]
-        tabPoints[3].x = tab_x + tab_width - 2
-        tabPoints[3].y = tabPoints[2].y
-        tabPoints[4].x = tabPoints[3].x + 2
-        tabPoints[4].y = tabPoints[1].y
-        tabPoints[5].x = tabPoints[4].x
-        tabPoints[5].y = tabPoints[0].y
-        tabPoints[6].x = tabPoints[0].x
-        tabPoints[6].y = tabPoints[0].y
-        rr = wx.RectPP(tabPoints[2], tabPoints[5])
-        self.DrawTabBackground(dc, rr,, (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM) == 0)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)))
-        # Draw the tab as rounded rectangle
-        dc.DrawPolygon(tabPoints)
-        if
-            dc.DrawLine(tabPoints[0].x + 1, tabPoints[0].y, tabPoints[5].x , tabPoints[0].y)
-        drawn_tab_yoff = tabPoints[1].y
-        drawn_tab_height = tabPoints[0].y - tabPoints[2].y
-        text_offset = tab_x + 8
-        close_button_width = 0
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                text_offset += close_button_width - 4
-        if not page.enabled:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT))
-            pagebitmap = page.dis_bitmap
-        else:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(page.text_colour)
-            pagebitmap = page.bitmap
-        shift = -1
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-            shift = 2
-        bitmap_offset = 0
-        if pagebitmap.IsOk():
-            bitmap_offset = tab_x + 8
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT and close_button_width:
-                bitmap_offset += close_button_width - 4
-            # draw bitmap
-            dc.DrawBitmap(pagebitmap, bitmap_offset,
-                          drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height/2) - (pagebitmap.GetHeight()/2) + shift,
-                          True)
-            text_offset = bitmap_offset + pagebitmap.GetWidth()
-            text_offset += 3 # bitmap padding
-        else:
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT == 0 or not close_button_width:
-                text_offset = tab_x + 8
-        # if the caption is empty, measure some temporary text
-        caption = page.caption
-        if caption == "":
-            caption = "Xj"
-        if
-            dc.SetFont(self._selected_font)
-            textx, texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        else:
-            dc.SetFont(self._normal_font)
-            textx, texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-            draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption, tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x) - close_button_width + 1)
-        else:
-            draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption, tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x) - close_button_width)
-        ypos = drawn_tab_yoff + drawn_tab_height/2 - texty/2 - 1 + shift
-        offset_focus = text_offset
-        if control is not None:
-            if control.GetPosition() != wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos):
-                control.SetPosition(wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos))
-            if not control.IsShown():
-                control.Show()
-            if paint_control:
-                bmp = TakeScreenShot(control.GetScreenRect())
-                dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, text_offset+1, ypos, True)
-            controlW, controlH = control.GetSize()
-            text_offset += controlW + 4
-            textx += controlW + 4
-        # draw tab text
-        rectx, recty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(draw_text)
-        dc.DrawLabel(draw_text, wx.Rect(text_offset, ypos, rectx, recty))
-        # draw focus rectangle
-        if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS) == 0:
-            self.DrawFocusRectangle(dc, page, wnd, draw_text, offset_focus, bitmap_offset, drawn_tab_yoff+shift,
-                                    drawn_tab_height, rectx, recty)
-        out_button_rect = wx.Rect()
-        # draw 'x' on tab (if enabled)
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            bmp = self._disabled_close_bmp
-            if close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                bmp = self._hover_close_bmp
-            elif close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                bmp = self._pressed_close_bmp
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + 5,
-                               drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height / 2) - (bmp.GetHeight() / 2) + shift,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            else:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + tab_width - close_button_width - 3,
-                               drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height / 2) - (bmp.GetHeight() / 2) + shift,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            # Indent the button if it is pressed down:
-            rect = IndentPressedBitmap(rect, close_button_state)
-            dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, True)
-            out_button_rect = rect
-        out_tab_rect = wx.Rect(tab_x, tab_y, tab_width, tab_height)
-        dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
-        return out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent
-    def DrawTabBackground(self, dc, rect, focus, upperTabs):
-        """
-        Draws the tab background for the Firefox 2 style.
-        This is more consistent with L{FlatNotebook} than before.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `rect`: rectangle the tab should be confined to;
-        :param `focus`: whether the tab has focus or not;
-        :param `upperTabs`: whether the style is ``AUI_NB_TOP`` or ``AUI_NB_BOTTOM``.
-        """
-        # Define the rounded rectangle base on the given rect
-        # we need an array of 9 points for it
-        regPts = [wx.Point() for indx in xrange(9)]
-        if focus:
-            if upperTabs:
-                leftPt = wx.Point(rect.x, rect.y + (rect.height / 10)*8)
-                rightPt = wx.Point(rect.x + rect.width - 2, rect.y + (rect.height / 10)*8)
-            else:
-                leftPt = wx.Point(rect.x, rect.y + (rect.height / 10)*5)
-                rightPt = wx.Point(rect.x + rect.width - 2, rect.y + (rect.height / 10)*5)
-        else:
-            leftPt = wx.Point(rect.x, rect.y + (rect.height / 2))
-            rightPt = wx.Point(rect.x + rect.width - 2, rect.y + (rect.height / 2))
-        # Define the top region
-        top = wx.RectPP(rect.GetTopLeft(), rightPt)
-        bottom = wx.RectPP(leftPt, rect.GetBottomRight())
-        topStartColour = wx.WHITE
-        if not focus:
-            topStartColour = LightColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE), 50)
-        topEndColour = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)
-        bottomStartColour = topEndColour
-        bottomEndColour = topEndColour
-        # Incase we use bottom tabs, switch the colours
-        if upperTabs:
-            if focus:
-                dc.GradientFillLinear(top, topStartColour, topEndColour, wx.SOUTH)
-                dc.GradientFillLinear(bottom, bottomStartColour, bottomEndColour, wx.SOUTH)
-            else:
-                dc.GradientFillLinear(top, topEndColour , topStartColour, wx.SOUTH)
-                dc.GradientFillLinear(bottom, bottomStartColour, bottomEndColour, wx.SOUTH)
-        else:
-            if focus:
-                dc.GradientFillLinear(bottom, topEndColour, bottomEndColour, wx.SOUTH)
-                dc.GradientFillLinear(top, topStartColour, topStartColour, wx.SOUTH)
-            else:
-                dc.GradientFillLinear(bottom, bottomStartColour, bottomEndColour, wx.SOUTH)
-                dc.GradientFillLinear(top, topEndColour, topStartColour, wx.SOUTH)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-class VC8TabArt(AuiDefaultTabArt):
-    """ A class to draw tabs using the Visual Studio 2005 (VC8) style. """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        AuiDefaultTabArt.__init__(self)
-    def Clone(self):
-        """ Clones the art object. """
-        art = type(self)()
-        art.SetNormalFont(self.GetNormalFont())
-        art.SetSelectedFont(self.GetSelectedFont())
-        art.SetMeasuringFont(self.GetMeasuringFont())
-        art = CopyAttributes(art, self)
-        return art
-    def SetSizingInfo(self, tab_ctrl_size, tab_count, minMaxTabWidth):
-        """
-        Sets the tab sizing information.
-        :param `tab_ctrl_size`: the size of the tab control area;
-        :param `tab_count`: the number of tabs;
-        :param `minMaxTabWidth`: a tuple containing the minimum and maximum tab widths
-         to be used when the ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH`` style is active.
-        """
-        AuiDefaultTabArt.SetSizingInfo(self, tab_ctrl_size, tab_count, minMaxTabWidth)
-        minTabWidth, maxTabWidth = minMaxTabWidth
-        if minTabWidth > -1:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = max(self._fixed_tab_width, minTabWidth)
-        if maxTabWidth > -1:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = min(self._fixed_tab_width, maxTabWidth)
-        self._fixed_tab_width -= 5
-    def GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, control=None):
-        """
-        Returns the tab size for the given caption, bitmap and button state.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `caption`: the tab text caption;
-        :param `bitmap`: the bitmap displayed on the tab;
-        :param `active`: whether the tab is selected or not;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `control`: a `wx.Window` instance inside a tab (or ``None``).
-        """
-        tab_size, x_extent = AuiDefaultTabArt.GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap,
-                                                         active, close_button_state, control)
-        tab_width, tab_height = tab_size        
-        # add some padding
-        tab_width += 10
-        tab_height += 2
-        return (tab_width, tab_height), x_extent
-    def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, page, in_rect, close_button_state, paint_control=False):
-        """
-        Draws a single tab.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `page`: the tab control page associated with the tab;
-        :param `in_rect`: rectangle the tab should be confined to;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `paint_control`: whether to draw the control inside a tab (if any) on a `wx.MemoryDC`.
-        """
-        # Visual Studio 8 style
-        control = page.control
-        # figure out the size of the tab
-        tab_size, x_extent = self.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, page.bitmap,
-                                   , close_button_state, control)
-        tab_height = self._tab_ctrl_height - 1
-        tab_width = tab_size[0]
-        tab_x = in_rect.x
-        tab_y = in_rect.y + in_rect.height - tab_height
-        clip_width = tab_width + 3
-        if tab_x + clip_width > in_rect.x + in_rect.width - 4:
-            clip_width = (in_rect.x + in_rect.width) - tab_x - 4
-        tabPoints = [wx.Point() for i in xrange(8)]
-        # If we draw the first tab or the active tab, 
-        # we draw a full tab, else we draw a truncated tab
-        #
-        #             X(2)                  X(3)
-        #        X(1)                            X(4)
-        #                                          
-        #                                           X(5)
-        #                                           
-        # X(0),(7)                                  X(6)
-        #
-        #
-        adjust = 0
-        if not
-            adjust = 1
-        agwFlags = self.GetAGWFlags()
-        tabPoints[0].x = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [tab_x] or [tab_x + adjust])[0]
-        tabPoints[0].y = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [2] or [tab_height - 3])[0]
-        tabPoints[1].x = tabPoints[0].x + tab_height - vertical_border_padding - 3 - adjust
-        tabPoints[1].y = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [tab_height - (vertical_border_padding+2)] or \
-                          [(vertical_border_padding+2)])[0]
-        tabPoints[2].x = tabPoints[1].x + 4
-        tabPoints[2].y = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [tab_height - vertical_border_padding] or \
-                          [vertical_border_padding])[0]
-        tabPoints[3].x = tabPoints[2].x + tab_width - tab_height + vertical_border_padding
-        tabPoints[3].y = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [tab_height - vertical_border_padding] or \
-                          [vertical_border_padding])[0]
-        tabPoints[4].x = tabPoints[3].x + 1
-        tabPoints[4].y = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [tabPoints[3].y - 1] or [tabPoints[3].y + 1])[0]
-        tabPoints[5].x = tabPoints[4].x + 1
-        tabPoints[5].y = (agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM and [(tabPoints[4].y - 1)] or [tabPoints[4].y + 1])[0]
-        tabPoints[6].x = tabPoints[2].x + tab_width - tab_height + 2 + vertical_border_padding
-        tabPoints[6].y = tabPoints[0].y
-        tabPoints[7].x = tabPoints[0].x
-        tabPoints[7].y = tabPoints[0].y
-        self.FillVC8GradientColour(dc, tabPoints,        
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)))
-        dc.DrawPolygon(tabPoints)
-        if
-            # Delete the bottom line (or the upper one, incase we use wxBOTTOM) 
-            dc.SetPen(wx.WHITE_PEN)
-            dc.DrawLine(tabPoints[0].x, tabPoints[0].y, tabPoints[6].x, tabPoints[6].y)
-        dc.SetClippingRegion(tab_x, tab_y, clip_width + 2, tab_height - 3)            
-        drawn_tab_yoff = tabPoints[1].y
-        drawn_tab_height = tabPoints[0].y - tabPoints[2].y
-        text_offset = tab_x + 20
-        close_button_width = 0
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                text_offset += close_button_width
-        if not page.enabled:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT))
-            pagebitmap = page.dis_bitmap
-        else:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(page.text_colour)
-            pagebitmap = page.bitmap
-        shift = 0
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-            shift = ( and [1] or [2])[0]
-        bitmap_offset = 0
-        if pagebitmap.IsOk():
-            bitmap_offset = tab_x + 20
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT and close_button_width:
-                bitmap_offset += close_button_width
-            # draw bitmap
-            dc.DrawBitmap(pagebitmap, bitmap_offset,
-                          drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height/2) - (pagebitmap.GetHeight()/2) + shift,
-                          True)
-            text_offset = bitmap_offset + pagebitmap.GetWidth()
-            text_offset += 3 # bitmap padding
-        else:
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT == 0 or not close_button_width:
-                text_offset = tab_x + tab_height
-        # if the caption is empty, measure some temporary text
-        caption = page.caption
-        if caption == "":
-            caption = "Xj"
-        if
-            dc.SetFont(self._selected_font)
-            textx, texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        else:
-            dc.SetFont(self._normal_font)
-            textx, texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-            draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption, tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x))
-        else:
-            draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption, tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x) - close_button_width)
-        ypos = drawn_tab_yoff + drawn_tab_height/2 - texty/2 - 1 + shift
-        offset_focus = text_offset
-        if control is not None:
-            if control.GetPosition() != wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos):
-                control.SetPosition(wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos))
-            if not control.IsShown():
-                control.Show()
-            if paint_control:
-                bmp = TakeScreenShot(control.GetScreenRect())
-                dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, text_offset+1, ypos, True)
-            controlW, controlH = control.GetSize()
-            text_offset += controlW + 4
-            textx += controlW + 4
-        # draw tab text
-        rectx, recty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(draw_text)
-        dc.DrawLabel(draw_text, wx.Rect(text_offset, ypos, rectx, recty))
-        # draw focus rectangle
-        if (agwFlags & AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS) == 0:
-            self.DrawFocusRectangle(dc, page, wnd, draw_text, offset_focus, bitmap_offset, drawn_tab_yoff+shift,
-                                    drawn_tab_height+shift, rectx, recty)
-        out_button_rect = wx.Rect()
-        # draw 'x' on tab (if enabled)
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            bmp = self._disabled_close_bmp
-            if close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                bmp = self._hover_close_bmp
-            elif close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                bmp = self._pressed_close_bmp
-            if
-                xpos = tab_x + tab_width - close_button_width + 3
-            else:
-                xpos = tab_x + tab_width - close_button_width - 5
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + 20,
-                               drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height / 2) - (bmp.GetHeight() / 2) + shift,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            else:
-                rect = wx.Rect(xpos,
-                               drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height / 2) - (bmp.GetHeight() / 2) + shift,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            # Indent the button if it is pressed down:
-            rect = IndentPressedBitmap(rect, close_button_state)
-            dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, True)
-            out_button_rect = rect
-        out_tab_rect = wx.Rect(tab_x, tab_y, x_extent, tab_height)
-        dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
-        return out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent
-    def FillVC8GradientColour(self, dc, tabPoints, active):
-        """
-        Fills the tab with the Visual Studio 2005 gradient background.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `tabPoints`: a list of `wx.Point` objects describing the tab shape;
-        :param `active`: whether the tab is selected or not.
-        """
-        xList = [pt.x for pt in tabPoints]
-        yList = [pt.y for pt in tabPoints]
-        minx, maxx = min(xList), max(xList)
-        miny, maxy = min(yList), max(yList)
-        rect = wx.Rect(minx, maxy, maxx-minx, miny-maxy+1)        
-        region = wx.RegionFromPoints(tabPoints)
-        if self._buttonRect.width > 0:
-            buttonRegion = wx.Region(*self._buttonRect)
-            region.XorRegion(buttonRegion)
-        dc.SetClippingRegionAsRegion(region)
-        if active:
-            bottom_colour = top_colour = wx.WHITE
-        else:
-            bottom_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 90)
-            top_colour = StepColour(self._base_colour, 170)
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, top_colour, bottom_colour, wx.SOUTH)
-        dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
-class ChromeTabArt(AuiDefaultTabArt):
-    """
-    A class to draw tabs using the Google Chrome browser style.
-    It uses custom bitmap to render the tabs, so that the look and feel is as close
-    as possible to the Chrome style.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Default class constructor. """
-        AuiDefaultTabArt.__init__(self)
-        self.SetBitmaps(mirror=False)
-        closeBmp = tab_close.GetBitmap()
-        closeHBmp = tab_close_h.GetBitmap()
-        closePBmp = tab_close_p.GetBitmap()
-        self.SetCustomButton(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE, AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL, closeBmp)
-        self.SetCustomButton(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE, AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER, closeHBmp)
-        self.SetCustomButton(AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE, AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED, closePBmp)
-    def SetAGWFlags(self, agwFlags):
-        """
-        Sets the tab art flags.
-        :param `agwFlags`: a combination of the following values:
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         Flag name                            Description
-         ==================================== ==================================
-         ``AUI_NB_TOP``                       With this style, tabs are drawn along the top of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_LEFT``                      With this style, tabs are drawn along the left of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_RIGHT``                     With this style, tabs are drawn along the right of the notebook. Not implemented yet.
-         ``AUI_NB_BOTTOM``                    With this style, tabs are drawn along the bottom of the notebook
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT``                 Allows the tab control to be split by dragging a tab
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_MOVE``                  Allows a tab to be moved horizontally by dragging
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE``         Allows a tab to be moved to another tab control
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH``           With this style, all tabs have the same width
-         ``AUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS``            With this style, left and right scroll buttons are displayed
-         ``AUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON``         With this style, a drop-down list of windows is available
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON``              With this style, a close button is available on the tab bar
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB``       With this style, a close button is available on the active tab
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS``         With this style, a close button is available on all tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE``        Allows to close L{AuiNotebook} tabs by mouse middle button click
-         ``AUI_NB_SUB_NOTEBOOK``              This style is used by L{AuiManager} to create automatic AuiNotebooks
-         ``AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB``        Hides the tab window if only one tab is present
-         ``AUI_NB_SMART_TABS``                Use Smart Tabbing, like ``Alt`` + ``Tab`` on Windows
-         ``AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN``       Uses images on dropdown window list menu instead of check items
-         ``AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT``         Draws the tab close button on the left instead of on the right (a la Camino browser)
-         ``AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT``                 Allows the floating of single tabs. Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages
-         ``AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB``              Draws an image representation of a tab while dragging (on by default)
-         ``AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS``           Tab navigation order by last access time for the tabs
-         ``AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS``              Don't draw tab focus rectangle
-         ==================================== ==================================
-        :note: Overridden from L{AuiDefaultTabArt}.
-        """
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_TOP:
-            self.SetBitmaps(mirror=False)
-        elif agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-            self.SetBitmaps(mirror=True)
-        AuiDefaultTabArt.SetAGWFlags(self, agwFlags)            
-    def SetBitmaps(self, mirror):
-        """
-        Assigns the tab custom bitmaps
-        :param `mirror`: whether to vertically mirror the bitmap or not.
-        """
-        bmps = [tab_active_left.GetBitmap(), tab_active_center.GetBitmap(),
-                tab_active_right.GetBitmap(), tab_inactive_left.GetBitmap(),
-                tab_inactive_center.GetBitmap(), tab_inactive_right.GetBitmap()]
-        if mirror:
-            for indx, bmp in enumerate(bmps):
-                img = bmp.ConvertToImage()
-                img = img.Mirror(horizontally=False)
-                bmps[indx] = img.ConvertToBitmap()
-        self._leftActiveBmp = bmps[0]
-        self._centerActiveBmp = bmps[1]
-        self._rightActiveBmp = bmps[2]
-        self._leftInactiveBmp = bmps[3]
-        self._centerInactiveBmp = bmps[4]
-        self._rightInactiveBmp = bmps[5]
-    def Clone(self):
-        """ Clones the art object. """
-        art = type(self)()
-        art.SetNormalFont(self.GetNormalFont())
-        art.SetSelectedFont(self.GetSelectedFont())
-        art.SetMeasuringFont(self.GetMeasuringFont())
-        art = CopyAttributes(art, self)
-        return art
-    def SetSizingInfo(self, tab_ctrl_size, tab_count, minMaxTabWidth):
-        """
-        Sets the tab sizing information.
-        :param `tab_ctrl_size`: the size of the tab control area;
-        :param `tab_count`: the number of tabs;
-        :param `minMaxTabWidth`: a tuple containing the minimum and maximum tab widths
-         to be used when the ``AUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH`` style is active.
-        """
-        AuiDefaultTabArt.SetSizingInfo(self, tab_ctrl_size, tab_count, minMaxTabWidth)
-        minTabWidth, maxTabWidth = minMaxTabWidth
-        if minTabWidth > -1:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = max(self._fixed_tab_width, minTabWidth)
-        if maxTabWidth > -1:
-            self._fixed_tab_width = min(self._fixed_tab_width, maxTabWidth)
-        self._fixed_tab_width -= 5
-    def GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, control=None):
-        """
-        Returns the tab size for the given caption, bitmap and button state.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `caption`: the tab text caption;
-        :param `bitmap`: the bitmap displayed on the tab;
-        :param `active`: whether the tab is selected or not;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `control`: a `wx.Window` instance inside a tab (or ``None``).
-        """
-        tab_size, x_extent = AuiDefaultTabArt.GetTabSize(self, dc, wnd, caption, bitmap,
-                                                         active, close_button_state, control)
-        tab_width, tab_height = tab_size        
-        # add some padding
-        tab_width += self._leftActiveBmp.GetWidth()
-        tab_height += 2
-        tab_height = max(tab_height, self._centerActiveBmp.GetHeight())        
-        return (tab_width, tab_height), x_extent
-    def DrawTab(self, dc, wnd, page, in_rect, close_button_state, paint_control=False):
-        """
-        Draws a single tab.
-        :param `dc`: a `wx.DC` device context;
-        :param `wnd`: a `wx.Window` instance object;
-        :param `page`: the tab control page associated with the tab;
-        :param `in_rect`: rectangle the tab should be confined to;
-        :param `close_button_state`: the state of the close button on the tab;
-        :param `paint_control`: whether to draw the control inside a tab (if any) on a `wx.MemoryDC`.
-        """
-        # Chrome tab style
-        control = page.control
-        # figure out the size of the tab
-        tab_size, x_extent = self.GetTabSize(dc, wnd, page.caption, page.bitmap,,
-                                             close_button_state, control)
-        agwFlags = self.GetAGWFlags()
-        tab_height = self._tab_ctrl_height - 1
-        tab_width = tab_size[0]
-        tab_x = in_rect.x
-        tab_y = in_rect.y + in_rect.height - tab_height
-        clip_width = tab_width
-        if tab_x + clip_width > in_rect.x + in_rect.width - 4:
-            clip_width = (in_rect.x + in_rect.width) - tab_x - 4
-        dc.SetClippingRegion(tab_x, tab_y, clip_width + 1, tab_height - 3)
-        drawn_tab_yoff = 1
-        if
-            left = self._leftActiveBmp
-            center = self._centerActiveBmp
-            right = self._rightActiveBmp
-        else:
-            left = self._leftInactiveBmp
-            center = self._centerInactiveBmp
-            right = self._rightInactiveBmp
-        dc.DrawBitmap(left, tab_x, tab_y)
-        leftw = left.GetWidth()
-        centerw = center.GetWidth()
-        rightw = right.GetWidth()
-        available = tab_x + tab_width - rightw
-        posx = tab_x + leftw
-        while 1:
-            if posx >= available:
-                break
-            dc.DrawBitmap(center, posx, tab_y)
-            posx += centerw
-        dc.DrawBitmap(right, posx, tab_y)
-        drawn_tab_height = center.GetHeight()
-        text_offset = tab_x + leftw
-        close_button_width = 0
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                text_offset += close_button_width
-        if not page.enabled:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT))
-            pagebitmap = page.dis_bitmap
-        else:
-            dc.SetTextForeground(page.text_colour)
-            pagebitmap = page.bitmap
-        bitmap_offset = 0
-        if pagebitmap.IsOk():
-            bitmap_offset = tab_x + leftw
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT and close_button_width:
-                bitmap_offset += close_button_width
-            # draw bitmap
-            dc.DrawBitmap(pagebitmap, bitmap_offset,
-                          drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height/2) - (pagebitmap.GetHeight()/2),
-                          True)
-            text_offset = bitmap_offset + pagebitmap.GetWidth()
-            text_offset += 3 # bitmap padding
-        else:
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT == 0 or not close_button_width:
-                text_offset = tab_x + leftw
-        # if the caption is empty, measure some temporary text
-        caption = page.caption
-        if caption == "":
-            caption = "Xj"
-        if
-            dc.SetFont(self._selected_font)
-            textx, texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        else:
-            dc.SetFont(self._normal_font)
-            textx, texty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(caption)
-        if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-            draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption, tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x) - leftw)
-        else:
-            draw_text = ChopText(dc, caption, tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x) - close_button_width - leftw)
-        ypos = drawn_tab_yoff + drawn_tab_height/2 - texty/2 - 1
-        if control is not None:
-            if control.GetPosition() != wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos):
-                control.SetPosition(wx.Point(text_offset+1, ypos))
-            if not control.IsShown():
-                control.Show()
-            if paint_control:
-                bmp = TakeScreenShot(control.GetScreenRect())
-                dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, text_offset+1, ypos, True)
-            controlW, controlH = control.GetSize()
-            text_offset += controlW + 4
-        # draw tab text
-        rectx, recty, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(draw_text)
-        dc.DrawLabel(draw_text, wx.Rect(text_offset, ypos, rectx, recty))
-        out_button_rect = wx.Rect()
-        # draw 'x' on tab (if enabled)
-        if close_button_state != AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN:
-            close_button_width = self._active_close_bmp.GetWidth()
-            bmp = self._disabled_close_bmp
-            if close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER:
-                bmp = self._hover_close_bmp
-            elif close_button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
-                bmp = self._pressed_close_bmp
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + leftw - 2,
-                               drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height / 2) - (bmp.GetHeight() / 2) + 1,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            else:
-                rect = wx.Rect(tab_x + tab_width - close_button_width - rightw + 2,
-                               drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height / 2) - (bmp.GetHeight() / 2) + 1,
-                               close_button_width, tab_height)
-            if agwFlags & AUI_NB_BOTTOM:
-                rect.y -= 1
-            # Indent the button if it is pressed down:
-            rect = IndentPressedBitmap(rect, close_button_state)
-            dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, True)
-            out_button_rect = rect
-        out_tab_rect = wx.Rect(tab_x, tab_y, tab_width, tab_height)
-        dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
-        return out_tab_rect, out_button_rect, x_extent        
diff --git a/agw/aui/ b/agw/aui/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ef09e9f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
-__author__ = "Andrea Gavana <>"
-__date__ = "31 March 2009"
-import wx
-import auibook
-from aui_constants import *
-_ = wx.GetTranslation
-# AuiMDIParentFrame
-class AuiMDIParentFrame(wx.Frame):
-    def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
-                 size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.VSCROLL|wx.HSCROLL,
-                 name="AuiMDIParentFrame"):
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name=name)
-        self.Init()
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.DoHandleMenu, id=wx.ID_ANY)
-        # this style can be used to prevent a window from having the standard MDI
-        # "Window" menu
-        if not style & wx.FRAME_NO_WINDOW_MENU:
-            self._pWindowMenu = wx.Menu()
-            self._pWindowMenu.Append(wxWINDOWCLOSE,    _("Cl&ose"))
-            self._pWindowMenu.Append(wxWINDOWCLOSEALL, _("Close All"))
-            self._pWindowMenu.AppendSeparator()
-            self._pWindowMenu.Append(wxWINDOWNEXT,     _("&Next"))
-            self._pWindowMenu.Append(wxWINDOWPREV,     _("&Previous"))
-        self._pClientWindow = self.OnCreateClient()
-    def SetArtProvider(self, provider):
-        if self._pClientWindow:
-            self._pClientWindow.SetArtProvider(provider)
-    def GetArtProvider(self):
-        if not self._pClientWindow:
-            return None
-        return self._pClientWindow.GetArtProvider()
-    def GetNotebook(self):
-        return self._pClientWindow
-    def SetWindowMenu(self, pMenu):
-        # Replace the window menu from the currently loaded menu bar.
-        pMenuBar = self.GetMenuBar()
-        if self._pWindowMenu:
-            self.RemoveWindowMenu(pMenuBar)
-            del self._pWindowMenu
-            self._pWindowMenu = None
-        if pMenu:
-            self._pWindowMenu = pMenu
-            self.AddWindowMenu(pMenuBar)
-    def GetWindowMenu(self):
-        return self._pWindowMenu
-    def SetMenuBar(self, pMenuBar):
-        # Remove the Window menu from the old menu bar
-        self.RemoveWindowMenu(self.GetMenuBar())
-        # Add the Window menu to the new menu bar.
-        self.AddWindowMenu(pMenuBar)
-        wx.Frame.SetMenuBar(self, pMenuBar)
-    def SetChildMenuBar(self, pChild):
-        if not pChild:
-            # No Child, set Our menu bar back.
-            if self._pMyMenuBar:
-                self.SetMenuBar(self._pMyMenuBar)
-            else:
-                self.SetMenuBar(self.GetMenuBar())
-            # Make sure we know our menu bar is in use
-            self._pMyMenuBar = None
-        else:
-            if pChild.GetMenuBar() == None:
-                return
-            # Do we need to save the current bar?
-            if self._pMyMenuBar == None:
-                self._pMyMenuBar = self.GetMenuBar()
-            self.SetMenuBar(pChild.GetMenuBar())
-    def ProcessEvent(self, event):
-        # stops the same event being processed repeatedly
-        if self._pLastEvt == event:
-            return False
-        self._pLastEvt = event
-        # let the active child (if any) process the event first.
-        res = False
-        if self._pActiveChild and event.IsCommandEvent() and \
-           event.GetEventObject() != self._pClientWindow and \
-           event.GetEventType() not in [wx.wxEVT_ACTIVATE, wx.wxEVT_SET_FOCUS,
-                                        wx.wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, wx.wxEVT_CHILD_FOCUS,
-                                        wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS]:
-            res = self._pActiveChild.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-        if not res:
-            # if the event was not handled this frame will handle it,
-            # which is why we need the protection code at the beginning
-            # of this method
-            res = self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-        self._pLastEvt = None
-        return res
-    def GetActiveChild(self):
-        return self._pActiveChild
-    def SetActiveChild(self, pChildFrame):
-        self._pActiveChild = pChildFrame
-    def GetClientWindow(self):
-        return self._pClientWindow
-    def OnCreateClient(self):
-        return AuiMDIClientWindow(self)
-    def ActivateNext(self):
-        if self._pClientWindow and self._pClientWindow.GetSelection() != wx.NOT_FOUND:
-            active = self._pClientWindow.GetSelection() + 1
-            if active >= self._pClientWindow.GetPageCount():
-                active = 0
-            self._pClientWindow.SetSelection(active)
-    def ActivatePrevious(self):
-        if self._pClientWindow and self._pClientWindow.GetSelection() != wx.NOT_FOUND:
-            active = self._pClientWindow.GetSelection() - 1
-            if active < 0:
-                active = self._pClientWindow.GetPageCount() - 1
-            self._pClientWindow.SetSelection(active)
-    def Init(self):
-        self._pLastEvt = None
-        self._pClientWindow = None
-        self._pActiveChild = None
-        self._pWindowMenu = None
-        self._pMyMenuBar = None
-    def RemoveWindowMenu(self, pMenuBar):
-        if pMenuBar and self._pWindowMenu:
-            # Remove old window menu
-            pos = pMenuBar.FindMenu(_("&Window"))
-            if pos != wx.NOT_FOUND:            
-                pMenuBar.Remove(pos)
-    def AddWindowMenu(self, pMenuBar):
-        if pMenuBar and self._pWindowMenu:
-            pos = pMenuBar.FindMenu(wx.GetStockLabel(wx.ID_HELP, wx.STOCK_NOFLAGS))
-            if pos == wx.NOT_FOUND:
-                pMenuBar.Append(self._pWindowMenu, _("&Window"))
-            else:
-                pMenuBar.Insert(pos, self._pWindowMenu, _("&Window"))
-    def DoHandleMenu(self, event):
-        evId = event.GetId()
-        if evId == wxWINDOWCLOSE:
-            if self._pActiveChild:
-                self._pActiveChild.Close()
-        elif evId == wxWINDOWCLOSEALL:
-            while self._pActiveChild:            
-                if not self._pActiveChild.Close():
-                    return # failure
-        elif evId == wxWINDOWNEXT:
-            self.ActivateNext()
-        elif evId == wxWINDOWPREV:
-            self.ActivatePrevious()
-        else:
-            event.Skip()
-    def Tile(self, orient=wx.HORIZONTAL):
-        client_window = self.GetClientWindow()
-        if not client_window:
-            raise Exception("Missing MDI Client Window")
-        cur_idx = client_window.GetSelection()
-        if cur_idx == -1:
-            return
-        if orient == wx.VERTICAL:
-            client_window.Split(cur_idx, wx.LEFT)
-        elif orient == wx.HORIZONTAL:
-            client_window.Split(cur_idx, wx.TOP)
-# AuiMDIChildFrame
-class AuiMDIChildFrame(wx.PyPanel):
-    def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
-                 size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name="AuiMDIChildFrame"):
-        pClientWindow = parent.GetClientWindow()
-        if pClientWindow is None:
-            raise Exception("Missing MDI client window.")
-        self.Init()
-        # see comment in constructor
-        if style & wx.MINIMIZE:
-            self._activate_on_create = False
-        cli_size = pClientWindow.GetClientSize()
-        # create the window off-screen to prevent flicker
-        wx.PyPanel.__init__(self, pClientWindow, id, wx.Point(cli_size.x+1, cli_size.y+1),
-                            size, wx.NO_BORDER, name=name)
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
-        self.Show(False)
-        self.SetMDIParentFrame(parent)
-        # this is the currently active child
-        parent.SetActiveChild(self)
-        self._title = title
-        pClientWindow.AddPage(self, title, self._activate_on_create)
-        pClientWindow.Refresh()
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT_ALL, self.OnMenuHighlight)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.OnActivate)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow)
-    def Init(self):
-        # There are two ways to create an tabbed mdi child fram without
-        # making it the active document.  Either Show(False) can be called
-        # before Create() (as is customary on some ports with wxFrame-type
-        # windows), or wx.MINIMIZE can be passed in the style flags.  Note that
-        # AuiMDIChildFrame is not really derived from wxFrame, as MDIChildFrame
-        # is, but those are the expected symantics.  No style flag is passed
-        # onto the panel underneath.
-        self._activate_on_create = True
-        self._pMDIParentFrame = None
-        self._pMenuBar = None
-        self._mdi_currect = None
-        self._mdi_newrect = wx.Rect()
-        self._icon = None
-        self._icon_bundle = None
-    def Destroy(self):
-        pParentFrame = self.GetMDIParentFrame()
-        if not pParentFrame:
-            raise Exception("Missing MDI Parent Frame")
-        pClientWindow = pParentFrame.GetClientWindow()
-        if not pClientWindow:
-            raise Exception("Missing MDI Client Window")
-        if pParentFrame.GetActiveChild() == self:
-            # deactivate ourself
-            event = wx.ActivateEvent(wx.wxEVT_ACTIVATE, False, self.GetId())
-            event.SetEventObject(self)
-            self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-            pParentFrame.SetActiveChild(None)
-            pParentFrame.SetChildMenuBar(None)
-        for pos in xrange(pClientWindow.GetPageCount()):
-            if pClientWindow.GetPage(pos) == self:
-                return pClientWindow.DeletePage(pos)
-        return False
-    def SetMenuBar(self, menu_bar):
-        pOldMenuBar = self._pMenuBar
-        self._pMenuBar = menu_bar
-        if self._pMenuBar:
-            pParentFrame = self.GetMDIParentFrame()
-            if not pParentFrame:
-                raise Exception("Missing MDI Parent Frame")
-            self._pMenuBar.Reparent(pParentFrame)
-            if pParentFrame.GetActiveChild() == self:
-                # replace current menu bars
-                if pOldMenuBar:
-                    pParentFrame.SetChildMenuBar(None)
-                pParentFrame.SetChildMenuBar(self)
-    def GetMenuBar(self):
-        return self._pMenuBar
-    def SetTitle(self, title):
-        self._title = title
-        pParentFrame = self.GetMDIParentFrame()
-        if not pParentFrame:
-            raise Exception("Missing MDI Parent Frame")
-        pClientWindow = pParentFrame.GetClientWindow()
-        if pClientWindow is not None:
-            for pos in xrange(pClientWindow.GetPageCount()):
-                if pClientWindow.GetPage(pos) == self:
-                    pClientWindow.SetPageText(pos, self._title)
-                    break
-    def GetTitle(self):
-        return self._title
-    def SetIcons(self, icons):
-        # get icon with the system icon size
-        self.SetIcon(icons.GetIcon(-1))
-        self._icon_bundle = icons
-    def GetIcons(self):
-        return self._icon_bundle
-    def SetIcon(self, icon):
-        pParentFrame = self.GetMDIParentFrame()
-        if not pParentFrame:
-            raise Exception("Missing MDI Parent Frame")
-        self._icon = icon
-        bmp = wx.BitmapFromIcon(self._icon)
-        pClientWindow = pParentFrame.GetClientWindow()
-        if pClientWindow is not None:
-            idx = pClientWindow.GetPageIndex(self)
-            if idx != -1:
-                pClientWindow.SetPageBitmap(idx, bmp)
-    def GetIcon(self):
-        return self._icon
-    def Activate(self):
-        pParentFrame = self.GetMDIParentFrame()
-        if not pParentFrame:
-            raise Exception("Missing MDI Parent Frame")
-        pClientWindow = pParentFrame.GetClientWindow()
-        if pClientWindow is not None:
-            for pos in xrange(pClientWindow.GetPageCount()):
-                if pClientWindow.GetPage(pos) == self:
-                    pClientWindow.SetSelection(pos)
-                    break
-    def OnMenuHighlight(self, event):
-        if self._pMDIParentFrame:
-            # we don't have any help text for this item,
-            # but may be the MDI frame does?
-            self._pMDIParentFrame.OnMenuHighlight(event)
-    def OnActivate(self, event):
-        # do nothing
-        pass
-    def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
-        pParentFrame = self.GetMDIParentFrame()
-        if pParentFrame:
-            if pParentFrame.GetActiveChild() == self:
-                pParentFrame.SetActiveChild(None)
-                pParentFrame.SetChildMenuBar(None)
-            pClientWindow = pParentFrame.GetClientWindow()
-            idx = pClientWindow.GetPageIndex(self)
-            if idx != wx.NOT_FOUND:
-                pClientWindow.RemovePage(idx)
-        self.Destroy()
-    def SetMDIParentFrame(self, parentFrame):
-        self._pMDIParentFrame = parentFrame
-    def GetMDIParentFrame(self):
-        return self._pMDIParentFrame
-    def CreateStatusBar(self, number=1, style=1, winid=1, name=""):
-        return None
-    def GetStatusBar(self):
-        return None
-    def SetStatusText(self, text, number=0):
-        pass
-    def SetStatusWidths(self, widths_field):
-        pass
-    # no toolbar bars
-    def CreateToolBar(self, style=1, winid=-1, name=""):
-        return None
-    def GetToolBar(self):
-        return None
-    # no maximize etc
-    def Maximize(self, maximize=True):
-        pass
-    def Restore(self):
-        pass
-    def Iconize(self, iconize=True):
-        pass
-    def IsMaximized(self):
-        return True
-    def IsIconized(self):
-        return False
-    def ShowFullScreen(self, show=True, style=0):
-        return False
-    def IsFullScreen(self):
-        return False        
-    def IsTopLevel(self):
-        return False
-    # renamed from Show().
-    def ActivateOnCreate(self, activate_on_create):
-        self._activate_on_create = activate_on_create
-        return True
-    def Show(self, show=True):
-        wx.PyPanel.Show(self, show)
-    def ApplyMDIChildFrameRect(self):
-        if self._mdi_currect != self._mdi_newrect:
-            self.SetDimensions(*self._mdi_newrect)
-            self._mdi_currect = wx.Rect(*self._mdi_newrect)
-# AuiMDIClientWindow
-class AuiMDIClientWindow(auibook.AuiNotebook):
-    def __init__(self, parent, agwStyle=0):
-        auibook.AuiNotebook.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, wx.Point(0, 0), wx.Size(100, 100),
-                                     agwStyle=AUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE|wx.NO_BORDER)
-        caption_icon_size = wx.Size(wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SMALLICON_X),
-                                    wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SMALLICON_Y))
-        self.SetUniformBitmapSize(caption_icon_size)
-        bkcolour = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE)
-        self.SetOwnBackgroundColour(bkcolour)
-        self._mgr.GetArtProvider().SetColour(AUI_DOCKART_BACKGROUND_COLOUR, bkcolour)
-        self.Bind(auibook.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnPageChanged)
-        self.Bind(auibook.EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE, self.OnPageClose)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
-    def SetSelection(self, nPage):
-        return auibook.AuiNotebook.SetSelection(self, nPage)
-    def PageChanged(self, old_selection, new_selection):
-        # don't do anything if the page doesn't actually change
-        if old_selection == new_selection:
-            return
-        # notify old active child that it has been deactivated
-        if old_selection != -1 and old_selection < self.GetPageCount():
-            old_child = self.GetPage(old_selection)
-            if not old_child:
-                raise Exception("AuiMDIClientWindow.PageChanged - null page pointer")
-            event = wx.ActivateEvent(wx.wxEVT_ACTIVATE, False, old_child.GetId())
-            event.SetEventObject(old_child)
-            old_child.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-        # notify new active child that it has been activated
-        if new_selection != -1:
-            active_child = self.GetPage(new_selection)
-            if not active_child:
-                raise Exception("AuiMDIClientWindow.PageChanged - null page pointer")
-            event = wx.ActivateEvent(wx.wxEVT_ACTIVATE, True, active_child.GetId())
-            event.SetEventObject(active_child)
-            active_child.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-            if active_child.GetMDIParentFrame():
-                active_child.GetMDIParentFrame().SetActiveChild(active_child)
-                active_child.GetMDIParentFrame().SetChildMenuBar(active_child)
-    def OnPageClose(self, event):
-        wnd = self.GetPage(event.GetSelection())
-        wnd.Close()
-        # regardless of the result of wnd.Close(), we've
-        # already taken care of the close operations, so
-        # suppress further processing
-        event.Veto()
-    def OnPageChanged(self, event):
-        self.PageChanged(event.GetOldSelection(), event.GetSelection())
-    def OnSize(self, event):
-        auibook.AuiNotebook.OnSize(self, event)
-        for pos in xrange(self.GetPageCount()):
-            self.GetPage(pos).ApplyMDIChildFrameRect()
index 42b8fa8..aad2ebd 100644 (file)
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import logging
 import wx
 #import wx.aui
 import wx
 #import wx.aui
-#import wx.lib.agw.aui as aui
-import agw.aui as aui
+import wx.lib.agw.aui as aui
+#import agw.aui as aui
 import wx.html
 import wx.grid
 import wx.lib.hyperlink as hl
 import wx.html
 import wx.grid
 import wx.lib.hyperlink as hl
index 3e30c62..0e2d5a9 100644 (file)
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 import os
 import wx
 import wx.lib.hyperlink as hl
 import os
 import wx
 import wx.lib.hyperlink as hl
-import agw.aui as aui
+#import agw.aui as aui
+import wx.lib.agw.aui as aui
 from chemins import ConstructPathOut, ChdTxtPathOut, FFF, ffr, PathOut, StatTxtPathOut, simipath
 from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
 from functions import ReadProfileAsDico, GetTxtProfile, read_list_file, ReadList, exec_rcode, print_liste, BugReport, DoConf, indices_simi, check_Rresult, progressbar
 from chemins import ConstructPathOut, ChdTxtPathOut, FFF, ffr, PathOut, StatTxtPathOut, simipath
 from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
 from functions import ReadProfileAsDico, GetTxtProfile, read_list_file, ReadList, exec_rcode, print_liste, BugReport, DoConf, indices_simi, check_Rresult, progressbar
index 3973d84..9a89195 100644 (file)
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
 import tempfile
 from ProfList import *
 import tempfile
 from ProfList import *
-import agw.aui as aui
+#import agw.aui as aui
+import wx.lib.agw.aui as aui
 from functions import exec_rcode, check_Rresult, ReadProfileAsDico, ReadList
 from listlex import *
 from dialog import PrefSegProf, PrefProfTypes
 from functions import exec_rcode, check_Rresult, ReadProfileAsDico, ReadList
 from listlex import *
 from dialog import PrefSegProf, PrefProfTypes